Installation Guide

Thanks For Purchasing Don s WP PPC!
This guide will help you install and start using my
software in just a few minutes.
If you have any trouble at anytime you can submit a
support ticket at:
Table Of Contents Page 2
Chapter 1 - Quick Install 3
1.1 Uploading Don s WP PPC 3
1.2 Enabling The Plugin 3
1.3 Getting Started 3
1.4 Multiple Blog And Currency Setup 4
Chapter 2 - Starting From Scratch 5
2.1 Web Hosting 5
2.1.2 Setting Up Your Webhost 6
2.2 FTP - Filezilla 8
2.3 Install Wordpress 8
2.3.1 Wordpress Quick Install Via Dreamhost 8
2.3.2 Wordpress Manual Install 9
2.5 Install Don s WP PPC 9
Chapter 3 - Making Some Money 10
3.1 This Is Not A Get Rich Quick System! 10
3.2 Finding Good Money Making Strategies 10
3.3 Implementing Your Strategies 11
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Chapter 1 - Quick Install
Page 3
Chapter 1 - Quick Install
If you already have web hosting, Wordpress, and an FTP client, follow this chap-
ter s instructions to install Don s Wordpress PPC in just a few minutes. If you
don t have all of these things set up, skip to chapter 2.
1.1 Uploading Don s WP PPC
Upload the  wpppc folder from the zip file to the folder  /wp-content/plugins/ in
your Wordpress install on your web server.
To upload the files, you ll need an FTP client or some type of web based FTP service that your host-
ing company may provide. If you don t know how to upload files to your server, that will be covered
in the next chapter. If you don t know how to find where Wordpress is installed on your server, it is
normally in the top level folder for your domain; if you still can t find it, contact your hosting company
and ask where your copy of Wordpress is installed.
1.2 Enabling The Plugin
Go to the Plugins page in your Wordpress admin and click the  Activate link
underneath the Don s Wordpress PPC Title in your plugin list.
The plugins page will be on the left hand side of your Wordpress admin panel. Activate the plugin the
software will begin to start tracking your traffic immediately. If you want to run the plugin on multiple
Wordpress sites, check the last section of this chapter
1.3 Getting Started
After activation, just click on the Don s WP PPC link in the Wordpress menu. The
in-application help will help you get the software completely setup.
The quickstart wizard will open automatically the first time you open Don s WP PPC. You can use the
quickstart wizard, the full quickstart guide or the on-page help for any help you need.
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Chapter 1 - Quick Install
Page 4
1.4 Multiple Blog And Currency Setup
Constants that can be set in wpppc.php
The wpppc.php file is the top level php file in the  /wpppc/ directory. It contains several constants
you can set that modify application wide settings. You should only change these if you have a good
understanding of PHP; if you do anything wrong it will break the whole application!
Using Don s WP PPC on multiple blogs
If you want to run Don s WP PPC on more than 1 Wordpress site, you can do that. However, each
Wordpress installation must be running in the same database. This means that you ll have multiple
full sets of Wordpress tables with different prefixes in one database.
You ll have to change the wpppc.php file before you upload and run the program. You must switch this
particular line of code:
with something like this:
$WPPPC_DATABASE_PREFIX_OVERRIDE =  any_prefix_goes_here_cannot_be_blank ;
The new prefix must be surrounded by quotes and cannot be blank. After you have changed this
variable you must upload the same copy of Don s WP PPC to every Wordpress installation you intend
to run this on.
This installation procedure will take some work, but if you want to run multiple blogs that all point to
the same tracking database, this is the way to do it. If you have trouble setting this up please contact
support with your specific problem; this process does take a little bit of technical knowledge.
Changing the default currency settings
You can set the currency abbreviation and currency symbol in wpppc.php as well. Just change the
second value in these two statements:
define( WPPPC_CURRENCY ,  USD );
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Chapter 2 - Starting From Scratch
Page 5
Chapter 2 - Starting From Scratch
This chapter covers everything you need to setup a web host, FTP, and Word-
press. Skip to the section you need if you already have one of these things.
2.1 Web Hosting
Dreamhost - Don s Recommended Host For Internet Marketers
Dreamhost is one of the biggest web hosts out there, they have great service and
a lot of unique features. They have created an integrated, easy to use backend
that incorporates any web hosting service you have, plus domain name manage-
ment and full customer support. Not many other hosts do this; you normally have to go to several
separate systems and decline a myriad of upsells to accomplish tasks that should be simple.
This host offers a lot of unique things that make them ideal for internet marketers. They have great
pricing and will register domain names for $9.95 apiece. Most hosts charge $14.95 or more just for
the initial registration and then charge an extra $10 or so for making your whois information private.
This is all included in Dreamhost s one low price!
They also have excellent support and a huge array of one click installers, including Wordpress.
Dreamhost also backs up your database and all your files every hour so that you re completely pro-
tected against anything that can happen to your site. Another great feature is their scalable VPS
program; you can upgrade from shared hosting to a virtual private server and pay for exactly as many
resources you need. ( runs on this service)
A year of hosting on Dreamhost normally costs $120, but their affiliate system allows you to
sacrifice part of your commission for a lower price. I m offering a coupon that will give you
$60 off your first purchase. That means you ll pay $60 for a year of hosting and a free domain!
$60 Off Coupon Code: DonsWPPPC
Click Here To Go To Dreamhost s Website
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Chapter 2 - Starting From Scratch
Page 6
2.1.1 Chosing A Domain Name
Don t waste time racking your brain to come up with a domain name at first. You will be registering
more specific names when you have an idea what to do with your business. For now just stick with a
simple name that you ll be able to use for a variety of things. Use something like your personal name
or the name of your company or the company you intend to create.
2.1.2 Setting Up Your Webhost
Step 1: Click Here To Go To Dreamhost s Website
Step 2: Signup For A Free Trial
Click one of the Sign Up buttons on the home page to
get started. Dreamhost s 2 week free trial is manda-
tory for all new accounts. You do have to provide billing
information up front, but they make cancelling easy and
even send you a reminder email before they bill you.
Step 3: Choose A Domain Name
This domain name is the one you will get for free with
your account. Don t worry too much about what you
choose here, just register either your name or your com-
pany s name to get started. You ll be able to use this
domain to list some information about yourself and set
up centralized tracking for your marketing efforts.
Step 4: Choose The Right Hosting Plan
These are the 3 shared hosting payment options Dream-
host offers. The $60 Off coupon only works on the 1 and
2 year packages, so the best option is to go with 1 year,
which will cost $60 after the discount. That means it s
almost the same as their 1 month setup plan, and you
get another 11 months worth of service.
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Chapter 2 - Starting From Scratch
Page 7
Step 5: Enter The Promo Code
This is the screen where you enter the $60 off promo
code. Simply enter DonsWPPPC in the highlighted text
field and you will get your discount. You will be able to
see the discount applied to your balance once your ac-
count is set up and before your card is charged.
Step 6: Choosing The Right Upsells
These are the upsells that you will be offered in the sign
up process, and the simple truth is that you won t need
any of them at the start. However, Google Apps is highly
recommended even though it is no longer free.
The services listed are useful, but as a beginner you
simply won t need them. They will always be available
to you later, but the key here is to not buy things you
don t need until you need them.
Knowing when you need better services than basic
shared hosting will be pretty obvious to you, and Dream-
host support will be very friendly and supportive in help-
ing you pick the right thing when you need it.
And You re Good To Go
At this point your hosting is ready to go; you will be able
to set up Wordpress following the instructions in one of
the following sections.
Their website admin panel is pretty intuitive to use, but
you can view the Dreamhost wiki by clicking here
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Chapter 2 - Starting From Scratch
Page 8
2.2 FTP - Filezilla
Filezilla is a free FTP client that will allow you to easily upload files to your site.
FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It s the system that you use to put files onto your web server.
You need a program to handle doing this easily, and Filezilla is the leading program that does this well
and completely for free.
Click Here To Download Filezilla
Click Here To Read The Wiki On How To Use Filezilla
2.3 Install Wordpress
Wordpress is free and easy to install. If you have Dreamhost, follow the instruc-
tions below. If you have another host, check with them to see if they offer 1-click
installs before installing Wordpress manually.
2.3.1 Wordpress Quick Install Via Dreamhost
From the Dreamhost Control Panel select  Goodies on the left menu then click
 One Click Installs
Next click on the  Wordpress option on the right and then  Custom Installation
After clicking the installation button, you ll be presented with a choice of which domain, folder, and
database to install Wordpress to. Select the domain you want to install the software to, and specify a
folder if you don t want Wordpress installed to the top level domain.
If you want to run Don s WP PPC on more than one blog with the same click data, choose to install
all of your copies of Wordpress to the same database. This will create multiple copies of the same
tables with different prefixes, which allows you to track all of your blogs via the guide in chapter 1.
The deluxe install will put several useful plugins and themes on your blog automatically. This is rec-
ommended as it will make things easier for you later.
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Chapter 2 - Starting From Scratch
Page 9
2.3.2 Wordpress Manual Install
Installing Wordpress manually is a well documented procedure; it would be redundant to list all the
steps here when they are clearly listed on their own wiki. The links provided below will help you set
up Wordpress on any hosting you have.
Click Here To Download Wordpress
Click Here To Read How To Install Wordpress
2.4 Basic Wordpress Setup
If you re new to Wordpress, there is some reading you re going to need to do. Although Wordpress is
very straightforward and easy to set up, the flexibility of its system allows for much complexity. The
link below will give you a good place to start on the current documentation of the software. There are
some guides that will cover this more in depth from an Internet Marketing perspective, but those are
outside the scope of Don s WP PPC.
Click Here For Wordpress Setup Instructions
2.5 Install Don s WP PPC
Once you have Web Hosting, an FTP Client, and Wordpress installed you can go
back to Chapter 1 and install Don s WP PPC.
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Chapter 3 - Making Some Money
Page 10
Chapter 3 - Making Some Money
3.1 This Is Not A Get Rich Quick System!
Don s WP PPC will not make you rich overnight.
This software was created to help you make more money online by giving you access to every detail
of each click and visitor you have. It will not be a magic push button solution that optimizes all of your
marketing efforts for you. However, with all of this data at your finger tips it will become clear to you
what steps you need to take to maximize your ROI.
3.2 Finding Good Money Making Strategies
There are almost unlimited ways to legitimately make money online!
Don s WP PPC will include free case studies that show exact ways you can make money using it to
its full potential. You will find your best success in studying what others have done and adopting simi-
lar strategies for yourself.
There are a lot of places online to find out interesting ways to make money. One of the best places
to get good strategies is Warrior Forum. Their subforum  Warrior Special Offers is one of the best
places to get good ideas. There are many products there, both free and paid, that will teach you
about making money on the internet.
The posts in this forum are also well regulated since any user can post about it and talk about any
problems they have had. They also actively remove and ban posts that are involved in any sort of
dishonest business or scamming. This is a great place to get started, just check a few of the posts
before you buy anything and don t get caught up in all the hype.
Click Here To Visit The Warrior Special Offers Forum
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Chapter 3 - Making Some Money
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3.3 Implementing Your Strategies
The difference between success and failure is almost always implementation.
Don s WP PPC was created from top to bottom to make implementing your ideas easier, faster, and
more profitablve. This is where you will succeed or fail. Once you have a good idea, you must put it
to the test.
Using Don s WP PPC, you will be able to quickly determine whether your ideas are going to be suc-
cessful. Once you can see clearly how your strategies are working for you with this software, you can
act quickly to grab the most success!
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�2013 Quality Internet Services LLC


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