May Ridge Love on the Menu

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Andrew and Eric were best friends from the moment they met
in kindergarten. Andrew thought they would be friends
forever—until they became more than friends. Until Eric kissed
him goodbye and Andrew never heard from him again. Five
years later, just days before Valentine's Day, the very last
person Andrew expects to see walk into the restaurant where
he works is the man he never forgot—the man he has no
intention of forgiving...

Kiss Me Quick is a collection of short and sweet stories from
authors familiar and new, celebrating the season of love. Come
and enjoy these tales of misunderstandings, lonely singles,
pining lovers, and so much more! Because if there is one thing
that is never in doubt, it's that LT3 knows the way to your heart,
and these stories are a straight shot.

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Love on the Menu
By May Ridge

Published by Less Than Three Press LLC

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced in any manner without written permission of the
publisher, except for the purpose of reviews.

Edited by Samantha M. Derr
Cover designed by Megan Derr

This book is a work of fiction and as such all characters and
situations are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual people,
places, or events is coincidental.

First Edition February 2012
Copyright © 2012 by May Ridge
Printed in the United States of America

ISBN 9781620041369

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To my parents

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Love on the Menu

Kiss Me Quick

May Ridge

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He knew from the first moment he met Eric that their

friendship was either going to be terrific—or devastating.

They were five years old and had just been introduced at

Kindergarten, been sat at a table for four, and were engaged in
a staring contest. The winner of the contest would get to play
with the fire engine toy whilst the loser would get the racecar.
Andrew was determined to win; red was his favourite colour.
Eric cheated though and pulled a face, making Andrew laugh,
which made him forget not to blink.

Eric shared the fire engine in the end, which was a surprise

to Andrew. It was just like him.

Ten years later, they were both fifteen and in the same

math class. Andrew hated math, whereas Eric loved it. He'd
offered to tutor Andrew several times since grade eight, but
Andrew preferred to just get Eric's notes when he was done
with them. Eric didn't necessarily approve of this, but he'd sigh
and smile and shake his head at Andrew when Andrew
continued to do it.

"I could tutor you so easily, you know," Eric told him. He

was twisted around in his chair, his arm resting on Andrew's
desk as Andrew frantically tried to copy Eric's notes over. "Then
we wouldn't be having this issue every class."

"I don't see an issue," Andrew retorted and dropped his pen

with a flourish, looking up to grin broadly at Eric. "See? All done!
And what's more, it's even legible this time."

"Yeah, because you know what you wrote," Eric replied,

squinting his eyes at the notebook on Andrew's desk. "I'm your
best friend and have been reading your chicken scratches for
years, and I can't make out a word of that."

"Because you're reading it upside down, obviously," Andrew

told him, rolling his eyes. Eric made to flip the notebook around,
but Andrew grabbed it up before he could even touch it,

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grinning at him again. "Wouldn't want you to see any of the
answers, would we?"

Eric cast him a scathing glance, but Mr. Layton called their

attention up to the front of the class again, and he turned
around instead. Andrew started amusing himself by dropping
flecks of paper in Eric's wavy blonde hair.

After a minute though, a note dropped onto Eric's desk

instead, asking him for tutoring. That made Eric shoot Andrew a
smile over his shoulder, and Andrew smiled back.

Two years after that, Eric came out to him. It was something

he'd been half expecting since he understood what being gay
meant. It wasn't a big deal. It certainly didn't change anything.
Eric was still a math whiz, and he was going to be taking
engineering or something at college. He had it all planned out,
much to Andrew's affectionate annoyance.

Andrew still had no idea what he wanted.
It seemed slightly anticlimactic to Eric too. They'd been

playing video games, a game that was trying to be like Halo, and
was succeeding pretty decently. Eric had just thrown a grenade
at him, and Andrew was waiting to respawn at the beginning
again, judging the fastest way to the jeep he'd been killed in,
when Eric just said, "I'm gay, you know."

"I know," Andrew replied absently, and missed when he

shot at him.

And that had been that.
When they were nineteen, Eric moved away to a different

state to go to university. He left Andrew with a kiss and a phone
number he never answered and left Andrew devastated.


"Order up," Andrew called, even as he slid the plate under

the lamp. Alison was there within a second, grabbing the plate
with a quick word of thanks before disappearing into the dining
area. They were on the last stragglers of the night, and Andrew
was counting down minutes until the kitchen was called closed.

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It had been a long day, and there was still the clean-up to

take care of. As careful as he and the other cooks were whilst
making the meals, there was always a mess left on the counters
by the sheer fact that sometimes there was just no time to
clean between.

He was just turning back to start cleaning up his station so

that he could help the others when Alison appeared at the
window again. "Hey Andrew, there's a guy out here asking for
you. Pretty hot too," she added, waggling her eyebrows, and
Andrew rolled his eyes at her.

"I'm not dating a customer," he told her. That had ended

badly the last time and left him without a job when the
customer had turned out to be a food critic.

"Who said anything about dating?" she retorted and

grinned at him as she headed back out.

Andrew rolled his eyes, but he was smiling to himself even

as he pulled off his chef's apron, washing his hands before he
pushed his way through the door. Alison was helping a table by
the counter, but she nodded towards the far corner of the
dining area. It was the most secluded part, and Andrew let
himself grin even as he started to imagine the reasons why that
could be. His musing was cut short, however, when the man at
the table stood up and came towards him, smiling in a friendly
greeting that Andrew suddenly had no desire to reciprocate.

"Andrew … hey. It's been a while," he said, and Andrew

shifted his weight back, folding his arms.

"Hi Eric."
Eric looked mildly confused at his reception, and he glanced

around, his brow furrowing as he looked back at Andrew. "Is
this a bad time? Your mom said you usually got off around this
hour, so …"

Every time was a bad time when it came to Eric. It didn't

really help that Andrew's mother had given him the
information. It was just like her though, Andrew thought, and
sighed inwardly. "What do you want?"

Eric blinked at him. "Well, I'm back in town for a bit, so I

thought I'd just drop in and say hi."

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He thought he'd just drop in and say hi. As if he had no idea

how he'd left Andrew, as if everything that had happened over
the past five years had never happened at all—as if Andrew had
forgiven him for all of it.

Still, never let it be said that he was the immature one.

"That was nice of you."

Eric grinned, the expression uncertain, but growing in

certainty with every minute.

Andrew didn't wait for him to say anything before

continuing, his voice as flat as he could possibly make it. He'd
think about all the other things that he wanted to say when he
was alone, and it wouldn't matter what he said. "But I have to
get back to work now. Have a nice life. You should try some of
the key lime pie, it's delicious. Thanks for stopping by!"

He turned and was walking away before Eric even had a

chance to say anything in response, and as far as he was
concerned, that was the end of it.

Not according to Eric, though. A hand grabbed his arm, and

Andrew spun around, wrenching it away from his ex-best-
friend's grip. "What?"

"What the hell is your problem?" Eric demanded, his green

eyes narrow and flashing anger at him.

"My problem? I'm not the one who comes waltzing into

your workplace 'just to say hi' when—" Andrew stopped. Took a
deep breath. Ran his hands through his hair, and then he
managed to paste a friendly, but blankly polite smile on his face
instead. "Thank you for gracing us with your presence. We are
always pleased to serve. Alison would be happy to get you
anything else you need."

The words were sharp and snarled by the end of the

recitation, and when Andrew turned to stalk back into the
kitchen again, Eric didn't follow him.

Alison barely waited until the door shut behind Eric before

turning up at the window again, her eyes huge behind her
glasses. "What was all that about?"

Andrew winced and carefully continued wiping his station

down with the cloth. He'd gone over it four times already, but it

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was the most calming thing he could think of to do while he was
still stuck at work. "Just an old friend."

Alison arched her eyebrows at him.
Andrew rolled his eyes. "Fine, an old friend and we weren't

parted amiably."

"Clearly," she said dryly, and Andrew scowled at her before

turning his concentration back to the counter. He thought she'd
gone after that, so he jumped when she spoke up again several
minutes later. "Did you want to talk about it?"

Andrew shrugged a shoulder and kept scrubbing for a

moment before he gave it up and straightened again. "Is there
still coffee left in the pot?"

She turned to look over her shoulder, then nodded at him.

"Want me to make you a cup?"

"Please," Andrew replied somewhat pitifully and dropped

the dirty cloth in the sink before he pushed through the doors
again. Alison waved him over towards one of the empty booths.
The staff were cleaning up, wiping down tables and putting the
chairs up so that they could sweep the floor before leaving. It
was the peaceful moment after a long, hard rush, and Andrew
took the time to enjoy it. The enjoyment was rather spoiled by
the fact that Eric was an asshole, but he refused to linger on the

Or at least, he tried his hardest to distract himself, with little


Alison saved him, though, bringing with her two mugs of

dark coffee. It was only a little hotter than lukewarm, and
Andrew downed half of his in two gulps, heaving a sigh of
satisfaction as the caffeine hit his system.

"Almost ready for the holiday rush on Saturday?" Alison

asked, and Andrew had to give her credit for overriding her
insatiable curiosity with a commonplace topic while he gathered
up his nerve to talk.

Then again, the upcoming Valentine's Day wasn't really an

easy topic either. They'd switched to new management in the
past year, so this was the first time changing everything about
the restaurant for the holiday. Natalie was obsessed over the

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romance of it, so she had created entirely new menu items—
not very hard to make, but still not what they were used to. The
decorations would be going up all night the night before, from
fancy seat coverings with bows on them, to new centre pieces
for the tables, handcrafted by Natalie's sister-in-law.

It had sounded like an interesting change when she'd told

them about it just after New Year's, but now that they were
getting closer and closer to the rush, Andrew couldn't quite see
what the big deal about the holiday was. Especially since the
last Valentine's Day he'd actually enjoyed had been when he
was nineteen—

"I think … I'll be glad when it's over. We'll have to see how

popular it is; see if we do it next year."

"Really?" Alison asked and cocked her head as she took a

delicate sip from her own mug. "I'm kind of looking forward to
it. It'll be terribly romantic, I think. Especially at night. You know
she wants to put white Christmas lights across the ceiling and
the only other lights will be the candles on the tables. I think it'll
look pretty spectacular myself."

Andrew nodded cautiously. Alison wasn't the type to take

her own opinions getting shot down lightly. But she always had
one to offer, and maybe Andrew just needed a fresh
perspective on Eric.

As if she'd recognized a subconscious cue, Alison turned her

head to look at him again, offering him a tiny smile of
encouragement. "So. Wanna talk about it?"

Andrew smiled back. "Well … we met in kindergarten …"


It had been a long day. The 12


of February, and Andrew's

shift had begun at seven and run straight through to 4:30. He
was supposed to have left at two, but he'd been roped into
showing a few of the other kitchen staff members how they
were supposed to be arranging the food differently on the
plates on Saturday. He'd left them fairly pleased with
themselves, and himself exhausted.

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– Love on the Menu

He'd been too tired to cook at home after that; so he'd gone

to a closer house for a quick refill of food that was always
delicious, always prepared, and there was always plenty of it.

"Ma, I'm home," he called even as he bent to pat the fat cat

that had waddled up to him upon walking through the door.
George was the biggest and oldest cat he'd ever known. He was
also convinced that he was at least part dog, a fact that
endlessly amused Andrew and his mother. He'd been around for
most of Andrew's childhood, and even if he was more round
than anything, there was a certain sort of cat dignity behind it.

Dropping down onto his haunches, Andrew started talking

to the cat, scratching under George's chin until George closed
his eyes blissfully and started drooling, rumbling like a motor
engine. Andrew grinned to see it. He was so wrapped up in the
cat, though, that he didn't notice the sneakers just behind
George until Eric spoke again.

"I guess you still have those magic fingers."
Andrew stifled his shock ruthlessly and refused to look up,

directing his words to George even as he meant them for Eric.
"Yes, and what is that nasty man doing over here, who let him
in, I wonder, and how dare he mention anything to do with my
hands after everything—"

Eric sighed. "Andrew."
Andrew shot him a glare, and then dropped his hands to

push himself up onto his feet, refusing to be at such a low
disadvantage. "What do you want, Eric?"

"I just want to talk to you. Is that a crime now?"
Andrew glared at him and pushed past, deliberately

knocking his shoulder against Eric as he made his way through
to the kitchen. His mother was there, and she looked up,
beaming to see him when she came around the counter to give
him a tight hug. "There you are! Eric's come to visit, dear."

"I noticed," Andrew replied dryly.
Eric coughed awkwardly from the doorway. "As for that,

Mrs. Anderson, I should probably be going—"

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"Nonsense. You're going to stay for dinner," she scolded

and gave Andrew an eagle eyed steely look. "Why don't you set
the table, dear? Dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes."

He'd come home because he knew his mother always

cooked as if people would be turning up for dinner—but he
hadn't expected to have to lay the table, or be prepared to
entertain other guests, especially guests whom he hadn't heard
from in over five years and who had once been more than just a
guest or a friend, or however Eric was calling himself now.

But no one could argue with his mother when she was in

that kind of mood, so Andrew just grabbed up the plates and
the cutlery his mother had already left on the counter for him,
and pushed past Eric on his way to the dining room. Eric
followed him in, and stood nervously in the doorway, watching
while Andrew put the things into place.

"You can sit down, you know," he told Eric roughly after

he'd gotten tired of the whole being watched feeling. "My
mother's already invited you, so you're staying."

"You still don't seem very happy about it," Eric said slowly.
Andrew scoffed and put the last knife down harder than

he'd meant to, making the glass on the table top shudder. "No,
whatever might have given you that impression? I come for a
nice relaxing meal and find—"

"You," Andrew agreed and turned away to the sideboard,

pulling open the cupboard doors to grab out some napkins.
"And I'd appreciate it if you didn't stay any longer than you have

Eric laughed a little, to Andrew's surprise. "You really hate

me now, don't you?"

"Hate's a very strong word …" Andrew replied slowly and

turned as he nudged the door closed with his hip. "And yes, I'd
say it was accurate."

Eric's grin faded. "Look, Andrew …"
Andrew shook his head. "Ma," he called loudly, his eyes

locked on Eric's, a distinct challenge in them. "Table's ready."

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"So is the food," she called back happily, and Andrew shot

Eric a sarcastic smile.

"Guess you'd better sit down as the guest. We'll be out with

the food in a minute."

Eric flushed a little, something Andrew regarded with a

certain sense of triumph. Guests were never allowed to help
with the chores in his house—but family was. Eric had been
helping Andrew with his chores since he was seven years old.
The demotion would surely sting, and that was all Andrew

Yet somehow, the victory didn't feel as good as he'd hoped

when he moved past Eric back into the kitchen, and all Eric did
was sit heavily in the chair.


Dinner wasn't as uncomfortable as he might have thought,

mainly because his mother had known both of them as her son
and adoptive son at one point; and there was also the fact that
she was a rather fabulous hostess. She could—and did—keep
the conversation flowing past the awkward silences, where
Andrew concentrated on his food and tried not to notice the
fact that Eric was staring at him.

They were done with supper sooner than Andrew had

thought, and he was gathering his plate and his mother's to take
to the kitchen when Eric interrupted him. "Andrew? Can I have
a word with you?"

Andrew glanced at Eric and hesitated before opening his

mouth to refuse when his mother answered for him. "Of course,
he'd be happy to talk to you. Go talk, Andy, I'll get the plates,"
she told him, and stood to give him a little push. Andrew
hesitated another minute and then gave her the plates, glancing
at Eric and jerking his head in the direction of his old room. His
mom would give them privacy there, at least—she always had.

Eric followed him in silently, and Andrew took the time to

watch him; paying attention to how Eric noticed everything
about the room, moving from wall to wall and checking out his

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shelves and posters—some of them from when he was a child
and some of them from college, which Eric would never have
had an opportunity to see.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Andrew asked,

getting tired of seeing Eric touch his things. He was currently
looking over one of Andrew's graduation from college gifts, a
tiny bear barely the size of Andrew's hand. He reached over to
take it from Eric and put it firmly back where it belonged.

Eric sighed. "Is it something I specifically did to upset you, or

are you just throwing a typical bitchfest at me?"

Andrew stared at him blankly; a little stunned that Eric

would describe it like that. Eric stared back, then his mouth
curved into a smile, and he stepped closer, lifting his hands to
frame Andrew's face.

Then he was kissing him.
The first time they'd kissed, they had been eighteen years

old, and about to leave for prom. Both had 'dates', female
friends who they'd agreed to go in a group in. The girls only
wanted someone to dance with, and Andrew and Eric had only
been interested in the fact that their parents were making them

They hadn't been particularly caring of what they wore until

Eric turned up in Andrew's room wearing a tux, and suddenly
Andrew hadn't been able to take his eyes off of him. Eric hadn't
noticed, or at least, he'd noticed only after he was able to drag
his eyes away from Andrew's outfit, and when he finally lifted
his gaze to meet Andrew's eyes, his cheeks had been slightly
flushed. His wavy blonde hair was in its usual disarray and his
eyes darker than usual, and he'd said something to compliment
Andrew—and Andrew hadn't really heard him over the sudden
pounding of his heart.

And then it was a little hazy, but they'd been kissing, his

hands in Eric's hair, and Eric's hands snatching at his hips, trying
to drag him closer, and it had been nothing but heat and want
and something so right it actually ached in Andrew's chest when
he'd had to pull away.

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It ached when he pulled away this time too, his eyes wide

and horrorstruck as he stared at Eric, who for once didn't look
nearly as composed as he usually did. "What the hell was that?"

Eric hesitated, then licked his lips. "I—I was hoping that—"
"Hoping what?" Andrew retorted cruelly. "That you could

just waltz back into my life and expect everything to be the
same as it was before you left for college and forgot all about

Eric kept staring at him and then paled, looking horrified.

"Wha—that's not what happened—"

"Oh, then you must be remembering a different time. Like

an imagined time when you actually called or wrote even just
once over those four years?"

Eric bit his lip, then opened his mouth again to speak, but

Andrew didn't want to hear any excuses. It was far too late for
that, and he didn't want to know at all anymore. He was passed
that relationship and how it had felt to be completely forgotten.
"Just get out, Eric."

He could still feel Eric's body pressed against his own.
Andrew didn't wait any longer. He turned and left himself.
Eric didn't stop him.


"Order up!"
Alison appeared with her usual promptness before

disappearing back into the crowd with the food without even a
thank you, although she had time to shoot Andrew a harassed

The restaurant was full, every table taken, and the bar was

full of people waiting their forty five minute wait for a spot. The
Valentine's Day theme had gone over really well with everyone
so far. Natalie had done a stellar job with advertising, and all the
food was getting complimented as well. It was right in the
middle of the dinner rush, and the hired musicians that Natalie
had hired for the evening were busy serenading tables with

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their violins, taking requests when given, and playing soft,
sweet melodies when no one had any requests.

That was why he was so surprised when they started

playing Bon Jovi's Livin' on a Prayer. That was not romantic by
any strength of the imagination, but Andrew liked it a hell of a
lot better than the drivel they'd been playing. After the last few
days he had had, romance was as dead as could be for him, and
he had no intention of rekindling sparks, whatever Alison might
have said.

He was humming as he finished dicing the chicken, his knife

flying, lost in the routine of the cooking as well as the song until
someone cleared their throat by the window.

Andrew looked up and fell into green eyes before he yanked

himself out of it. "You again? I thought I made it clear?"

"Come on," Alison said as she came through the door, and

she grabbed Andrew's arm and dragged him through the doors
to leave him face to face with Eric. He was backed by the violin
players, and Andrew gave them all a disbelieving look. "Are you
fucking serious?"

"Deadly," Eric answered. He was pale, but his face was

determined. "I—have a lot of things to apologise for."

"You think this is going to help?" Andrew sneered, but he

couldn't deny the way his heart had started to pound faster.
Not because of the music, or the violins, or anything like that,
but because Eric looked genuinely sorry, and—no.

No he was not going to listen to it.
"I'm taking five," he told Alison shortly and stormed back

into the kitchen, pushing past the other cooks and straight
through the back entrance. It didn't smell pleasant out here; the
dumpster with all the food waste would be waiting to be picked
up sometime in the early morning, but anything was better than
being inside with him.

At least, that was what Andrew thought until the door

opened, and Eric pushed through. Andrew rolled his eyes. "Am I
never going to get rid of you?"

"Would you just hear me out?" Eric snapped, his face

flushed. "It can't possibly hurt you to listen, right?"

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"I don't know. It sure hurt when you weren't listening."
"I had a reason for that!" Eric retorted and bit his lip again,

visibly trying to calm down. "Look, I know it was an asshole
thing to do to you—"

"Glad we got that straight. I'm going to go inside and finish


"Would you let me finish?" Eric yelled, and that stopped

them both short. Andrew hadn't seen Eric yell for years. He'd
always been the calmer one, the one more inclined to share the
fire engine rather than continue to fight over it. He hated

Andrew sighed, then leaned back against the wall of the

building, gesturing at Eric to continue. He would hear him out,
and then maybe Eric would leave him alone again.

Eric drew in a deep breath. "Right, so … My father died a

few months ago."

"My mom told me," Andrew said pointedly, then softened.

"I was sorry to hear it. He was a good dad."

Eric nodded. "Yeah, he was. And—that's where it starts,

really. My dad wanted grandchildren."

Andrew blinked.
Eric folded his lips together, then shoved a hand through his

hair. "He was a good father. But he wanted grandchildren that
were mine, and—and I felt bad that I couldn't give them to him.
So," he went on quickly, before Andrew could protest, "when I
left for college, I took an opportunity."

"All right …"
Eric flushed and looked away, scratching his head

awkwardly. "I—kind of pretended I was straight," he said in a
rush, the last little bit so quiet that Andrew almost missed it
entirely. For a moment he didn't think he had heard it correctly.

But then, when Eric still didn't meet his gaze, Andrew

nodded slowly, struggling to keep control of his temper. Eric
took the lack of response as a go-ahead and continued. "And
you—you were stuck back here. And I couldn't even think about
pretending when I couldn't forget you. So, whenever I got an
email or a letter or a phone call …"

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"You ignored me," Andrew said slowly and arched his

eyebrows. "You ignored me for four—no, five fucking years,
Eric. I thought you'd died, and then your father kept coming
over to share your happy university news, and I felt like an idiot
because you'd never mentioned any of it to me. And then—he
started talking about that girl—"

"She wasn't—she was just a friend. I couldn't even look at

anyone after you. How could I?"

"I don't know, Eric. How could you? I mean, it's not like you

pretended not to know me for five years. Acted as if I didn't

Eric was biting his lip again. "I just—fine. I did an asshole

thing, and I'm sorry, okay? I thought I could forget what we had,
and I couldn't. I wrote you every day for two years. I still have
those letters—"

"Because you never sent them."
"He was my father. I at least owed it to him to try, didn't I?

And then—and then I couldn't imagine starting a conversation
with you. I've been trying to find a way to contact you for years,
Andrew. But now—"

"What's so special about this year then?"
Eric shrugged. "Your mom said you'd found a new job, a

better one. And Valentine's Day always was your favourite."

Andrew frowned at him, then looked away, scowling at the

ground. He hated to admit it to himself, but his anger was
draining away. He tried to hold onto it, but he couldn't quite
manage. Eric had always been able to persuade him to change
his mind.

"Andrew … please. Can you just give me a chance? It's

Valentine's Day. Give me a chance to make it up to you?"

Andrew sighed, then shoved his hands through his hair. "I

suppose I could let you try. You're an idiot, and your father
would have been happy with any child, adopted or not, you

"I was young and stupid," Eric agreed fervently. "And a little

scared of how much I loved you."

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Andrew arched his eyebrows at him, then rolled his eyes.

"Really Eric? We haven't even had our first date yet."

"It is the day of love," Eric reminded him with a cheesy grin

and stepped closer. "Can I kiss you now?"

"I'd have to get back to work in a minute, but yeah … if you


"Oh, I do," Eric murmured, and he hesitated at the last

minute, lips inches from Andrew's. "Andrew … I really am

"Shut up," Andrew told him and angled his head to kiss him,

hands snatching at his waist as his mouth curved into a smile.

Eric smiled back.


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About the Author

When she isn't writing or reading, May Ridge potters around
libraries looking for ideas to spring forth from the shadows
between the stacks. When she has time to break from her
imaginary world to take part in real life, she involves herself in
work surrounded by books. She started writing slash as
fanfiction, and expanded to creating her own characters to
torture with love. Her greatest dream is to have a home library
like the one that was showcased in Disney's Beauty and the


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090219 3404 NUI FR 160 $3 9 million spent on the road to success in?ghanistan
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