Black Europa XVIII wieku Wybrana bibliografia

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Prace o charakterze ogólnym
P. Ajello i inni, L'Eta Dei Lumi, 1985.
M.S. Andersom Historians and Eighteenth-Century Europe yr5-1789, 1979.
M.S. Andersom Europe in the Eighteenth Century, 3 wyd., 1987.
C.B.A. Behrens, The Ancien Regime, 1967.
A. Cobban (wyd.), The Eighteenth Century, 1969. W.L. Dorn, Competition for Empire r~^o-ys3, i94o~ M. Doyle, The Old European Order, 1660-r8rs, 1978.
L. Gershoy, From Despotism to Revolution, 2763-r78g, i9q4.
O. Hufton, Europe: Privilege and protest, z73o-r~89, i98o. New Cambridge Modern History, t. 6.-8.
P. Roberts, The Quest for Security, r7rs-r7^o, 1947.
G. Rude, Europe ?n the Eighteenth Century: Aristocracy and the Bourgeois Challenge,
i97z. G. Treasure, The Making of Modern Europe r6^8-r7^o, 1985.
I. Woloch, Eighteenth-Century Europe: Tradition and Progress, yrs-r789, t982.
Austria i ziemie Habsburgów
D. Beales,~oseph 11, t. t, In the Shadow of Maria Theresa r7^z-i78o, r987. T.C.W. Blanning, ~oseph 11 and Enlightened Despotism, i97o.
W.W. Davis, ~oseph 11.~ an imperial reformer for the Austrian Netherlands, 1974. P.G.M. Dickson, Finance and Government under Maria Theresa r~^o-r~8o, 1987. C.W. Ingrao, In Quest and Crisis. Emperor~oseph 1 and the Habsburg Monarchy, 1979. RJ. Kerner, Bohemia in the Eighteenth Century, i93z.
B.K. Kiraly, Hungary in the Late Eighteenth Cenzury, 1969.

Wybrane pozycje bibliograficzne $2g
D. McKay, Prince Eugene of Savoy, 1977.
E. Palmenji (wyd.), A History of Hungary, 1975.
H.E. Strakosch, State Absolutism and the Rule of Law, 1967. E. Wangermann, The Austrian Achievement r7oo-1800, 1975.
B. Jelavich, A History of the Balkans, 1983.
W.H. McNeill, Europe's Steppe Frontier, r5oo-1800, 1964.
P.F. Sugar, Southeastern Europe under Ottoman Rule, 135^-180^, 1983.
Wielka Brytania
J.M. Black (wyd.), Britain in the Age of Walpole, 1984. J. Cannon (wyd.), The Whig Ascendancy, I98I.
LR. Christie, Wars and Revolutions: Britain 1760-1815, I98z. J.C.D. Clark, English Society r688-183x, 1985.
R.M. Hatton, George 1, 1978.
G. Holmes, Politics, Religion and Society in England 1679-17^a, 1986. C. Jones (wyd.), Britain in the First Age of Party 168o-I~So, 1987.
B. Lenman, Integration, Enlightenment, and Industrialization: Scotland, 1~^6-l8az, I98z. T.W. Moody, W.E. Vaughan (wyd.), Eighteenth-Century Ireland 1691-1800, 1986.
R. Porter, English Society in the Eighteenth Century, 1982. W.A. Speck, Stabilny and Strife: England 171^-r~6o, 1977
Cesarstwo (Niemcy)
T.C.W. Blanning, Reform and Revolution in Mainz 17^3-ISo3, 1974. W.H. Bruford, Germany in the Eighteenth Century, 1939
J.G. Gagliardo, Reich and Nation: The Holy Roman Empire as Idea and Realny, 1763-1806, I98o.
H. Holborn, A History of Modern Germany: 16^8-18^0, 1982.
C.W. Ingrao, The Hessian Mercenary State. Ideas, Institutions and Reform under Frederick 11 I~óo-185, 1987.
J.A. Vann, S.W. Brown (wyd.), The Old Reich: Essays on German Political Institutions, 1495-1806, 1974
J.A. Vann, The Making of a State: Wurttemberg, 1598-r~93, 1984
W. Doyle, The Parlement of Bordeaux and the end of the Ancien Regime 1771-r79o, 1974. P. Goubert, The Ancien Regime, 1973.
J. Lough, An Introduction to Eighteenth Century France, I96o.
l.1 - I:urupu XVIII wieku

53~ Wybrane pozycje bibliograficzne
H. Methivier, Le Siecle de Louis XV, r966.
J.H. Shennan, Philippe, Duke of Orleans: Regent of France, r7r5-r7a3, 1979.
D. Carpanetto, G. Ricuperati, Italy in the Age of Reason r68~-r~89, t987. J. Georgelin, henise au Siecle des Lumieres, 1978.
N. Jonard, Milan au Siecle des Lumieres, 1974.
G. Symcox, ~ctor Amadeus IL Absolutism in the Savoyard State r675-r~~o, i983. F. Venturi, Italy and the Enlightenment, 1972.
S.J. Woolf, A History of Italy, yoo-r86o: The Social Constraints of Political Change, 1979.
N. Davies, Boże igrzysko. Historia Polski, przeł. E. Tabakowska, t. t-2, Kraków i99i. J.F. Fedorowicz (wyd.), A Republic of Nobles, 1982.
T. Lukowski, Liberty's Folly. The Polish-Lituanian Commonwealth in the Eighteenth Century, I99I.
RA. Dorwat, The Prussian Welfare State before r7^o, t97i. L. i M. Frey, Frederick 1, 1984.
W. Hubatsch, Frederick the Great: Absolutism and Administration, 1976. H.C. Johnson, Frederick the Great and his Officials, 1976.
P. Paret (wyd.), Frederick the Great: a Profle, 1972. G. Ritter, Frederick the Great, 1972.
H. Rosenberg, Bureaucracy, Aristocracy and Autocracy: the Prussian Experience, ióóo-r8rs, 1958.
M.S. Andersom Peter the Great, 1978.
P. Avrich, Russian Rebels róoo-z8oo, 1972.
P. Dukes, Catherine the Great and the Russian Nobility, 1967.
P. Dukes, The Making of Russian Absolutism, zór3-z8oi, 1982. J.G. Garrard (wyd.), The Eighteenth Cenzury in Russia, 1973.
R Jones, The Emancipation of the Russian Nobility z7óz-r785, t973~ I. de Madariaga, Russia in the Age of Catherine the Great, i98t.
M. Raeff, The Origins of the Russian Intelligentsia, 1966.
M. Raeff, Plans for Political Reform in Imperial Russia, z~3o-zgos, 1966. H. Rogger, National Consciousness in Eighteenth-Century Russia, i96o.

Wybrane pozycje bibliograficzne $3i
H.A. Bartom Scandinavia in the Revolutionary Era, r7óo-i8r5, 1986. RM. Hatton, Charles X11 of Sweden, 1968.
P. Jeannin, L'Europe du nord ouest et du nord aux XT~IIe et Xl~Ille siocles, r969. A. Kirby, Northern Europe in the Early Modern.
M. Metcalf, Russia, England and Swedish Party Politics, r762-r766, i9~~. C. Nordmann, Grandeur et liberte de la Suede sóóo-r792, t9y.
M. Roberts, The Age of Liberty. Sweden r7r9-r792, 1986.
Hiszpania i Portugalia
W.N. Hargreaves-Mawdsley, Spain, r7oo-r788: A Political, Diplomatic and Institutional History, i9~8.
R. Herr, The Eighteenth Century Revolution in Spain, i9S8.
H. Kamen, The War of Succession in Spain, 1700-1715, 1969. H. Livermore, A New History of Porcugal, i9~2.
T. Linch, Bourbon Spain s7oo-r8o8, 1989.
Zjednoczone Prowincje
E.H. Kossmann, The Low Countries, z78o-z9^o, 1978. H.H. Rowem The Princes of Orange, 1988.
S. Schama, Patriots and Liberators: Revolution in the Netherlands z78o-i8r3, i97~.
J. Alexander, Bubonic Plague in Early Modern Russia, t98o. L. Bonfield i inni (wyd.), The World We Have Gained, 1986.
L.A. Clarkson, Death, Disease and Famine in Pre-Industrial England, r9~5. M. Drake, Population and Society in Norway, r735-r865, 1969.
M.W. Flinn, The European Demographic System, 100-1820, i98i. D.V. Glass, D.E.C. Eversley (wyd.), Population in History, 1965.
D.V. Glass, Numbering the People: The Eighteenth Century Population Controversy and the Development of Census and Vital Statistics in Britain, i9~3.
T.D. Kendrick, The Lisbon Earthquake, 1956.
F.F. Mendels, Industrialization and Population Pressure in Eighteenth-Century Flanders, i98i. R. Porter, Disease, Medicine and Society in England, rsjo-r86o, 198'7.
J.D. Post, Food Shortage, Climatic l~ariability, and Epidemic Disease in Pre-industrial Europe. The Mortality Peak in the Early r7^os, 1985.
J.C. Riley, The Eighteenth-Century Campaign to Avoid Disease, 1986. G.B. Risse, Hospital L?fe in Enlightenment Scotland, 1986.
R.I. Rotberg, T.K. Rabb (wyd.), Population and Economics, 1986.
G.D. Sussman, Selling Mother's Milk: The Wet-Nursing Business in France z7r5-tgr^, i98z. D. Winch, Malthus, i98~.
E.A. Wrigley, R.S. Schofield, The Population History of England 1S^i-1871, i98i.

532 Wybrane pozycje bibliograficzne
M. Berg, The Age of Manufactures: Industry, Innovation and Work in Britain, r7oo-r8ao, 1985. F. Braudel, E. Labrousse, Histoire economique et sociale de la France róóo-r789, i97o.
W.J. Callahan, Honor, Commerce and Industry in Eighteenth-Century Spain, i97a. Cambridge Economic History of Europe, t. V i VI, 1977, 1966.
C. Cipolla, The Industrial Revolution, 1973.
P. Clendenning, The Economic Awakening of Russia in the Eighteenth Century, "Journal of European Economic History", 1985.
L.M. Cullen, Economic History of Ireland sroce r66o, i97a.
R Floud, D. McCloskey (wyd.), The Economic History of Britain sroce r~oo, i98I. H. Hamilton, An Economic History of Scotland in the Eighteenth Century, 1963. E.F. Hecksher, An Economic History of Sweden, t954~
A. Kahan, The Plow, the Hammer, and the Knout: An Economic History of Eighteenth-Century Russia, 1985.
H. Kisch, Prussian Mercantilism and the Rise of the Prussian Silk Industry, 1968.
P. Kriedte, Demographic and Economic Rhythms: The Rise of the Silk Industry in Krefeld in the Eighteenth Century, "Journal of European Economic History", 1986.
W. Kula, Teoria ekonomicznego ustroju feudalnego. Pro7~a modelu, Warszawa 1962. J.H. Lampe, M.R. Jackson, Balkan Economic History, rsso-rg5o, i98a.
D.S. Landes, The Unbound Prometheus: Technological Change in Europe sroce r75o, 1969. P. Mathias, The First Industrial Revolution, 2 wyd., 1983.
E. Pawson, The Early Industrial Revolution. Britain in the Eighteenth Century, 1979. R Price, An Economic History of Modern France, r73o-r9r^, i98i.
B.H. Slicher van Bath, The Agrarian History of Western Europe AD Soo-r85o, i96a.
B.H. Slicher van Bath, Eighteenth-Century Agriculture on the Continent of Europe: Evolution or Revolution, "Agricultural History" 1969.
J.K.J. Thomson, Clermont-de-Lodeve r633-r789. Fluctuations in the Prosperity of a Languedocian Cloth-making Town, i98a.
J. Vincens Vives, An Economic History of Spain, 1969.
J. de Vries, The Economy of Europe in an Age of Crisis, róoo-r75o, 1976.
C. Wilson, H. Parker (wyd.), An Introduction to the Sources of European Economic History, rsoo-r8oo, 1979.
A. Attman, Dutch Enterprise in the World Bullion Trade, rsso-r8oo, 1983.
F. Braudel, The Wheels of Commerce, I982 [zob. wyd. pol.: F. Braudel, Kultura materialna, gospodarka i kapitalizm, t. t-3, t. z, Gry wymiany, przel. E.D. Zólkiewska, Warszawa 19921.
P. Chorley, Oil, Silk and Englightenment, 1965.
J. Clark, La Rochelle and the Atlantic Economy during the Eighteenth Century, i98z. P.G.M. Dickson, The Financial Revolution in England, 1967.
E. Fox-Genovese, The Origins of Physiocracy: Economic Revolution and Social Order in Eighteenth-Cenzury France, 1976.
W.O. Henderson, Studies in the Economic Policy of Frederlck the Great, 1963.
O. Hufton, Social Conflict and the Grain Supply in Eighteenth-Century France, "Journal of Interdisciplinary History", 1983.
S. Kaplan, Bread, Politics and Political Economy in the Reign of Louis XV, i976.

Wybrane pozycje bibliograficzne 533
S. Kaplan, Provisioning Paris, 1984. W. Kula, Measures and Men, 1986.
J.T. Lindblad, Sweden's Trade with the Dutch Republic r738-r7~o, 1982.
N. MeKendrick i inni, The Birth of a Consumer Society. The Commercialization of Eighteenth-Century England, 1982.
J.O. MeLachlan, Trade and Peace w?th Old Spain r667-r75o, r94o. R.L. Meek, The Economics of Physiocracy, 1962.
RL. Meek, Precursors of Adam Sm?th r75o-r775, 1973
M. Morineau, Incroyables Gazettes et Fabuleux Metaux, 1985.
A.E. Murphy, Richard Cantillon. Entrepreneur and Economist, 1986. D.D. Raphael, Adam Smith, 1985.
J.C. Riley, International Government Finance and the Amsterdam Capital Market, 174o-r8r5, i 980.
T.J. Schaeper, The French Council of Commerce, r7oo-r7rs, 1983. A.S. Skinner, T. Wilson (wyd.), Essays on Adam Smith, 1975.
A. Smith, Badania nad naturę i przyczynami bogactwa narodów, przeklad zbiorowy, t. t-2, Warszawa I95q.
C. Wilson, Anglo-Dutch Commerce and Finance in the Eighteenth Century, I94I.
(a) pozycje ogólne
R. i E. Forster (wyd.), European Society in the Eighteenth Century, 1969.
R. Herr, Rural Change and Royal Finances in Spain at the End of the Old Regime, 1988. G. Holmes, Augustan England. Professions, State and Society ró8o-r73o, 1982.
T. Le Goff, Pannes and its Region, I98I.
B. MeGowan, Economic Life in the Otzoman Europa. Taxation, Trade and the Struggle far Land, Ib00-1800, I98I.
P.B. l~iunsche, Gentleman and Poachers: the English Game Laws, I98r. J. Nicholas, La Savoie au XVIII Siecle, 1978.
J.A. Sharpe, Early Modern England: A Social History rs~o-r75o, 1987.
W.E. Wright, Serf Seigneur and Sovereign: Agrarian Reform in Eighteeruh-Cenzury Bohemia, 1966.
(b) Kobiety i rodzina
P. Aries, Historia dzieciństwa. Dziecko i rodzina w dawnych czasach, przał. M. Ochab, Gdańsk 1995
C. Fairchilds, Domestic Enemies. Servants and their Masters in Old Regime France, 1984. J.L. Flandrin, Families in Former Times: Kinsh?p, Household and Sexual?ty, 1975.
J. Goody, The Development of the Family and Marriage in Europa, 1983.
G.L. Gullickson, Spinners and Weavers of Auffray: Rural Industry and the Sexual Division of Labour in a French Village, r75o-r85o, 1987.
E. Jacobs (wyd.), Women and Society in Eighteenth-Century France, 1979. P. Laslett, R. Wall (wyd.), Household and Family in Past Time, 1972. S.C. Maza, Seruants and Masters in Eighteenth-Century France, 1983.
L. Pollock, Forgotten Children: Parem-Child Relations Erom rsoo-1900, 1983.
D.W. Sabean, Power in the Blood: Popular Culture and hillage Discourse ?n Early Modern Germany, 1984.

534 Wybrane pozycje bibliograficzne
S.L. Spencer (wyd.), French Women and the Age of Enlightenment, 1984. M.E. Wiesner, Woman and Gender in Early Modern Europe, 1994.
(c) Szlachta i arystokracja
J.V. Beckett, The Aristocracy in England, r66o-191^, 1986.
J. Cannon, Aristocratic Century. The peerage of Eighteenth-Century England, 1984. G. Chaussinanad-Nogaret, The French Nobility in the Eighteenth Century, 1985. J.C. Davis, The Decline of the l~enetian Nobility as a Ruling Class, 1962.
P. Dukes, Catherine the Great and the Russian Nobility, 1967.
H.A. Ellis, Boulainvilliers and the French Monarchy: Aristocratic Politics in Early Eighteenth Century France, 1988.
R Forster, The House of Saulx-Tavanes, hersailles and Burgundy, i97>.
A. Goodwin (wyd.), The European Nobility in the Eighteenth Century, 1953.
O. Hufton, The Seigneur and the Rural Economy in Eighteenth-Century France, "Transactions of the Royal Historical Society", 1979.
G.E. Mingay, English Landed Society in the Eighteenth Century, 1963. G.E. Mingay, The Gentry: The Rise and Fall of a Ruling Class, 1976.
(d) Ch3opi
J. Alexander, Autocratic Politics in a National Crisis: the Imperial Russian Government and Pugachev's Revolt, 1969.
J. Blum, Lord and Peasant in Russia from the Ninth to the Nineteenth Century, t96a;. J. Blum, The End of the Old Order in Rural Europe, ig78.
J.C. Gagliardo, From Pariah to Patriot. The Changing Image of the German Peasant 177o-r8^o, r969.
P. Higonnet, Pont-de-Montvert: Social Structure and Politics in a French Village, 17~-1914, I97I.
P.M. Jones, Politics and Rural Society. The Southern Massif Central c. r~5~r88o, t985.
E. Le Roy Ladurie, The French Peasantry in the Eighteenth Century, "The Consortium on Revolutionary Europe. Proceedings", 1975.
F. McArdle, Altopascio. A Study in Tuscan Rural Society, 1~8~-1~8^, 1978. T. Munck, The Peasantry and the Early Absolute Monarchy in Denmark, 1979.
T.F. Sheppard, Lourmarin in the Eighteenth Century: A Study of a French Village, i97i. K. Verdery, Transylvanian Villagers, 1983.
T. Brennan, Public Drinking and Popular Culture in Eighteenth-Century Paris, 1988. P. Clark (wyd.), Country Towns in Pre-industrial England, ><982.
P. Cornfield, The Impact of English Towns I~o~1800, 1982.
C. Fairchilds, Poverty and Charity in Aix-en-Provence, 16^o-1789, 1976. F.L. Ford, Strasbourg in Transition, 16^8-r789, 1958.
J. Hittle, The Sernice City. Stale and Townsmen in Russia lóoo-r8oo, 1979. P.M. Hohenberg, L.H. Lees, The Making of Urban Europe, 1985.
O.H. Hufton, Bayeux in the lale Eighteenth Century, 1969.
O.H. Hufton, The Poor of Eighteenth-Century France, 1751789, 1974.
C. Jones, Charity and Bienfaisance. The Treatment of the Poor in the Montpellier Region r~^o-l8rs, 1985.

Wybrane pozycje bibliograficzne 535
C. Lis, Social Change and the Labouring Poor: Antwerp, r77o-r8~o, 1986. R. Newton, Eighteenth Century Exeter, 1985.
K. Norberg, Rich and Poor in Grenoble, ióoo-r8r^, 1985. D. Roche, The People of Paris, r98~.
G. Rozman, Urban Networks in Russia, yso-r8oo, i9~6.
M. Sonenscher, The Hatters of Eighteenth-Century France, r987. R.M. Schwartz, Policing the Poor in Eighteenth-Century France, 1988. N. Todorov, The Balkan City r^oo-r9oo, 1982.
J. de Vries, European Urbanization, rsoo-i8oo, 1984.
S. Woolf, The Poor in Western Europe in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, 1986.
F. Baker, John Wesley and the Church of England, i9~o.
D. Beales, G. Best (wyd.), History, Society and the Churches, r98S.
P.P. Bernard,3'esuits and,~`acobins: Enlightenment and Enlightened Despotism, i97t. D.D. Bien, The Calas Affair, i96o.
C. Brown, The Social History of Religion in Modern Scotland, i98~.
W.J. Callahan, D. Higgs (wyd.), Church and Society in Catholic Europe of the Eighteenth Century, r9~9.
W.J. Callahan, Church, Politics and Society in Spain yso-s87^, 1984. J. Cracraft, The Church Reforms of Peter the Great, I9~I.
G.R. Cragg, The Church in the Age of Reason r6^8-r78g, i96o.
G.L. Freeze, The Russian Levites. Parish Clergy in the Eighteenth Century, i9~~. D. Hempton, Methodism and Politics in British Society r75o-r8so, 1984.
P.T. Hoffman, Church and Community in the Diocese of Lyon rsoo-r78g, 1984. J. Israel, European hewry in the Age of Mercantilism, 1985.
D. van Kley, The ~ansenists and the Expulsion of the ~esuits from France, r~5~-r765, i9~5.
B.R Kreiser, Miracleg Convulsions, and Ecclesiastical Politics in Early Eighteenth-Century Paris, i9~8.
J. McManners, French Ecclesiastical Society under the Ancien Regime: A Study of Angers in the Eighteenth Century, 1964.
J. McManners, Death and the Enlightenment, i98i.
R.R. Palmer, Catholics and Unbelievers in Eighteenth Century France, i939~ K.A. Papmehl, Metropolitan Platon of Moscow, 1983.
B.C. Poland, French Protestantism and the French Revolution, i9S7~ G. Rupp, Religion in England, r688-r79i, 1986.
N. Sykes, Church and State in England in the E?ghteenth-Century, 1934. T. Tackett, Priest and Parish in Eighteenth-Century France, i9~~.
J. Whaley, Religious Toleration and Social Change in Hamburg fiszy 8r9, 1985.
A.O. Aldridge (wyd.), The Ibero American Enlightenment, i9y. T. Besterman, holtaire, 1969.
J.L. Black, G.F. Miiller and the Imperial Russian Academy, 1986.
L.W.B. Brockliss, French Higher Education in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, 1986. S.C. Brown (wyd.), Philosophers of the Enlightenment, tg79.
H. Brunschwig, Enlightenment and Romanticism in Prussia, i9~5.

536 Wybrane pozycje bibliograficzne
E. Cassirer, The Philosophy of the Enlightenment, i95i.
H. Chisick, The Limits of Reform in the Enlightenment: Attitudes towards the Education of the Lower Classes in Eighteenth-Century France, I98I.
R. Darnton, Mesmerism and the End of the Enlightenment in France, 1967.
R. Darnton, The Business of Enlightenment: A Publishing History of the Encyclopedie, 1775-1800, i979~
The Enlightenment and the National Revival in Eastern Europe, "Canadian Review of Studies in Nationalism", numer specjalny, 1983.
P. Gay, l~oltaire o Politics, 1969.
P. Gay, The Enlightenment, an Intetpretation, 1967-1969. N. Hampson, The Enlightenment, 1968.
N. Hans, New Trends in Education in the Eighteenth Century, I95I. P. Hazard, The European Mind, ró8o-r7rs, i953~
P. Hazard, European Thought in the Eighteenth Century, 1954.
I. Hont, M. Ignatieff (wyd.), Wealth and Virtue. The Shaping of Political Economy in the Scottish Enlightenment, 1983.
M.C. Jacobs, The Radical Enlightenment, i98t.
T.M. Kavanagh, Enlightenment and the Shadows of Chance, 1993. J.B. Knudsen, ~ustus Móser and the German Enlightenment, 1986. J. Lough, Essays on the Encyclopedie, 1968.
J. Lough, The Encyclapedie, I97I.
A.O. Lovejoy, The Great Chain of Being: A Study of the History of an Idea, 1948.
G. Marker, Publishing, Printing and the Origins of Intellectual Life in Russia, z7oo-z8oo, 1985. H.T. Mason, holtaire, 1975.
H.T. Mason, French Writers and their Society r7r~-r8oo, 1985.
RR. Palmer, The Improvement of Humanity: Education and the French Revolution, 1985. H.C. Payne, The Philosophes and the People, 1976.
R Porter, M. Teich (wyd.), The Enlightenment in National Context, i98i. T.J. Schlereth, The Cosmopolitan Ideal in Enlightenment Thought, 1977. R Scruton, Kant, 1982.
J.O. Urmson, Berkeley, 198x.
F. Venturi, Utopia and Reform in the Enlightenment, i97i.
LO. Wade, The Intellectual Origins of the French Enlightenment, i97i. RJ. White, The Anti-Philosophers, i97o.
A.M. Wilson, Diderot, 1972.
F. Blume, Classic and Romantic Music, 1972.
D. Charlton, New Images of the Natural in France, 1984. P. Conisbee, Painting in Eighteenth-Century France, i98r. P. Conisbee, Chardin, 1985.
T.E. Crow, Painters and Public Life in Eighteenth-Century Paris, 1985.
F. Furet, J. Ozouf, Reading and Writing. Literacy in France Erom Calvin to 3ules Ferry, 1982. J. Grieder, Anglomania in France 17^o-r789, 1985.
R Grimsley, The Age of Enlightenment, 1979.
H. Hatzfeld, The Rococo: Eroticism, Wit and Elegance in European Literature, 1972. G.L. Hersey, Architecture, Poetry and Number in the Royal Palace at Caserta, 1983.

Wybrane pozycje bibliograficzne 537
H. Honour, Neoklasycyzm, przel. W. Juszczak, Warszawa ig72.
R.M. Isherwood, Farce and Fantasy. Popular Entertainment in Eighteenth-Century Paris, z 986.
V. Lange, The Classical Age of German Literature r7^o-r8rs, 1982. J.A. Leith, The Idea of Art as Propaganda in France r~5o-r~g9, 1965. M. Levy, Rococo to Revolution, 1966.
J. Lough, Paris Theatre Audiences in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, 1957. R. Muchembled, Popular Culture and Elite Culture in France r^oo-ryso, 1985.
N. Pevsner, Academies of Art, i94o.
M.F. Robinson, Opera before Mozart, r968.
C. Rosen, The Classical Style: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, 1976.
R Rosenblum, Transformations in Late Eighteenth-Century Art, 1969.
S. Taylor (wyd.), The Theatre of the French and German Enlightenment, 1979. Twilight of the Medici. Late Baroque Art in FLorence, ró7o-r7^3, i974~
R Wellek, A History of Modern Criticism, I, i955~
G.N. Cantor, Optics after Newton, 1983.
H.B. Carter, Sir,~oseph Banks, r7^3-r8ao, 1988.
L. Daston, Classical Probability in the Enlightenment, 1988.
C.C. Gillispie, Science and Polity in France at the End of the Old Regime, ig8i.
C.S. Gillmor, Coulomb and the Evolution of Physics and Engineereing in Eighteenth-Century France, i97i.
H. Guerlac, Newton an the Continent, ig8i.
R. Hahn, The Anatomy of a Scient~c Institution, the Paris Academy of Sciences r666-r8o3, i97r. A.R. Hall, The Scientif~c Revolution, rsoo-r8oo, I954
T.L. Hankins, 3'ean d'Alembert and Science in the Enlightenment, i97o. T.L. Hankins, Science and the Enlightenment, 1985.
F.L. Holmes, Lavoisier and the Chemistry of Life: An Explanation of Scientifcc Creativity, 1985. K. Haufbauer, The Formation of the German Chemical Community, 1982.
L.J. Jordanova, Lamarck, 1984.
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Europa r7oo-r~2z

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100 200 km LOMBARDIA, - ~ r ~ ~y~Ł Mantu~' ~Illenecja pRNIOLA:::::'`~:.::::SLAWONIA::::;;;;:::::.;:.:: iiii s~:....::.ł:::.:.: :: ~MAt V~
posiadłości Habsburgów 1699 MA I ISTRIĄf ~ :C,HORWACJA~'i~~' ` ``,~',ć:~ : WotOSZC irrr~w (r) zdobycze 1700-1739 1737-1748 ~ W, ~-Bel rad 171 a-i
,__ ~ ~ /Poźarevac, zdobycze 1772-1795 i
- granice Świętego Cesarstwa ~'~ Q~ ~~ BOSNIA Florencja Rrymskiego 1789
Królestwo Sardynii 1714-1720 do Austrii
Królestwo Sycylii 1720-1735 do Austrii ~ SKANIA o '9 ~ ~..~ IMPERIUM D ( 1737-1801 ~ ~~ f
~' //////J ~ r NEAPOL 1714-1735 (r) ~ . ~
Imperium Habsburgów

100 200 km (r) Republika Wemecka (r) Sabaudia - Piemont 1700
ziemie Habsburgów zdobycze 1713 - 1748
ziemie Burbonów ~ granice Swiętego Cesarstwa hiszpańskich Rzymskiego i
I 1 ..n
KF; ~~;:;~-;_.~::,,~ \~ Vicenza ~SARDYNII~, Mediolań~ KS. ~~~Y ISTRIA .......::.,~ . Padwa
iii ~'v:.>~lai:.' MANTUI ,",r- Q\ .,~~//.~~~~~PARM~ KS.`~ EMaIA Y~.A`, PIEMONT~~~. MODA NY Bolonia G
REP: . ::... : 9 . ;lyw \ DALMACJA GENUI _ ~`::l3Florencja ~c
I Livorno ...:Piza.:;v': PAN
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'_ CIEKNĘ Bastia t~ Wite bo , KORSYKA
Rzymo t ,ri?
0::::::::::::'.'.,:;:; Neapol ~ KR. NEAPOLU ..
-----~ KR. SARDYNII Cagliari O
Palermo Mesyna KR. SYCYLII ' .._
Wiochy r7z3--1748


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