Easy. Modular. Universal.
Laboratory automation with SIMATIC PCS 7 LAB
Answers for industry.
Greater efficiency in the laboratory
SIMATIC ET 200pro I/O module
Considerably less overhead Compact and rugged
Whether it be in the chemical, pharmaceu- SIMATIC PCS 7 LAB is modularly designed
tical or biotechnology industry, synthetic and based on proven standard compo-
processes play an important role in the nents of the SIMATIC automation system
production of substances and materials. and the SIMATIC PCS 7 universal process
In process engineering laboratories, this control system. Its distributed setup in
necessitates numerous experiments and the sturdy enclosure allows it to be de-
test series to determine the best reaction ployed extremely flexibly in a wide range
conditions, suitable catalysts and the best of different environments.
possible parameters for the reaction.
The system comprises five components 
SIMATIC PCS 7 LAB has been designed spe- the PC module, I/O module, serial mod-
cifically for the requirements of the labor- ule, ET 200pro module, and the power
atory. This laboratory automation system module  and can be installed in any
significantly simplifies the continuous exe- laboratory, taking up very little space
cution of tests. thanks to its compact design.
SIMATIC PCS 7 LAB I/O module SIMATIC PCS 7 LAB PC module SIMATIC PCS 7 serial module
Developing faster and more
The constantly increasing cost pressure atory equipment thanks to its high de- Other advantages arise from the scalabil-
means work processes must be flexible, gree of protection (IP67). Both systems ity of SIMATIC PCS 7. Thanks to its struc-
efficient and reliable. The key to success: offer numerous channels (analog, binary) ture and the wide range of components
short development times for processes, and serial interfaces which you can use available, the process control system is
high quality, and the reproducibility of to easily connect up, for example, scales suitable for automating the most varied
results. and agitators. The individual channels of types and sizes of plant and it opti-
are designed as plug-in connections, a mizes the acquisition of information in
Our innovative laboratory automation feature that greatly simplifies the task automated process engineering laborato-
system operates using the standard sys- of assembling the laboratory setup. ries. In further steps, the applications de-
tem software of SIMATIC PCS 7. This en- veloped can be transferred to the pilot
ables you to expand your system without You can modify or add to the standard plant system and later to the production
any compatibility problems. As a proces- configurations of SIMATIC PCS 7 LAB at systems. Simple scaling-up to full process
sing station and thanks to its use of the any time. This ensures you maximum quantities brings about significant advan-
SIMATIC PCS 7 box module, the PC mod- flexibility for the respective application. tages for users, because every application
ule combines the following functions: Due to the fact the laboratory system can developed can be implemented without
automation, operator control and moni- be operated both as stand-alone unit and system discontinuities.
toring, as well as engineering. The I/O as part of a plant system, laboratories can
stations are based on SIMATIC ET 200M be integrated in the plant network with
and ET 200pro distributed I/O, which can ease  to facilitate a highly effective
also be integrated directly into the labor- exchange of information.
High development quality Safety  viewed from different angles
SIMATIC PCS 7 LAB provides for far great- The whole idea of development work is During the early phase of the develop-
er safety  through reliable monitoring, to compile reliable and consistent  in ment work, there is quite naturally no
alerting, and complete and comprehen- other words, verified  information about complete information available on the
sive logging of the events. As such, the the behavior of processes. The state-of- behavior of the reaction. SIMATIC PCS 7
laboratory system fulfills the require- the-art and open system architecture of LAB reliably measures and monitors safe-
ments for certified test and production SIMATIC PCS 7 LAB allows this informa- ty-relevant parameters. Appropriately
monitoring. A crucial role in this is played tion then to be used for further applica- configured algorithms then ensure that
by end-to-end and comprehensive acqui- tions. the test procedure  for example, when
sition of data as well as its evaluation and temperature or pressure ranges are ex-
archiving. ceeded  is made safe. This protects the
devices and built-on accessories against
Thanks to the significantly improved qual- destruction and, even more important,
ity of the information and simultaneously employees against injury.
optimized process control, SIMATIC PCS 7
LAB permits a clear increase in efficiency.
SIMATIC PCS 7 LAB at a glance
The automation of laboratories poses Simple Optimized
special requirements: Time and cost pres- SIMATIC PCS 7 LAB is simple to use: Ad- SIMATIC PCS 7 LAB uses components
sures demand a flexible system that mon- ding a new measuring point or replacing from the SIMATIC family. The open-loop
itors and controls the testing process an instrument does not require an I&C and closed-loop control solutions can be
reliably. specialist. The system is preconfigured scaled up for application in the technical
and adjustments  setting the parameters center, in pilot systems, and in produc-
Siemens delivers the perfect answer for measuring ranges, for instance  are tion without any problem. Seamless inte-
to these requirements in the form of carried out by the laboratory staff them- gration in the process automation func-
SIMATIC PCS 7 LAB. selves. tions of the plant is ensured. This opens
up new possibilities for optimizing your
Reliable value-added chain, because the automa-
The automated processing of test series tion methods can be transferred without
reduces the risk of faulty parameter set- any problem.
tings. The comprehensive documenting
of the measured values enables econom- Global support
ical evaluation of the results. These re- Siemens offers you 24/7 after-sales sup-
sults in turn result, for example, in opti- port, a hotline manned by experts, and
mized control algorithms or multi-variable flexible training opportunities. Siemens AG
controllers for cost-efficient operation of is at home in more than 190 countries
your plant. around the world, which means we are
always close at hand. All this gives you,
the user, the assurance of having made
the right decision in favor of the automa-
tion system that is optimum in all
Get more information
The information provided in this brochure contains only
general descriptions or characteristics of performance which
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in case of actual use do not always apply as described or
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which may change as a result of further development of the
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products. An obligation to provide the respective charac-
P.O. Box 48 48 2100/11462 MK.AS.PS.XXXX.52.8.12 WS 04083.
teristics shall only exist if expressly agreed in the terms of
the contract.
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GERMANY © Siemens AG 2008
All product designations used in this document may be
trademarks or product names of Siemens AG or other
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