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New Exam Connections 4

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Unit 1

Grammar present and
past tenses

1 2 a
3 b
4 c
2 2 am playing
3 played
4 was playing
3 2 goes
3 is playing
4 never watches
5 usually visit
6 doesn’t have
7 Do you think
4 2 was playing
3 liked
4 went
5 were you going
6 didn’t enjoy
7 found
8 was having
9 was getting
10 bought
5 2 is working
3 doesn’t speak
4 are sitting
5 don’t need
6 Are you listening
7 studies
8 do they like
9 is sleeping
10 Does she have
6 2 heard
3 didn’t know
4 was
5 got
6 walked
7 was opening / opened
8 fell
9 broke
10 didn’t shout
11 switched
12 was eating
7 2 did she go
3 does he like
4 are they watching
5 does he use
6 did you buy
8 2 ’m downloading
3 Did you enjoy
4 didn’t go
5 want
6 don’t usually go
7 were you sending
8 saw
9 looked

10 Were you writing
11 wasn’t texting
12 was reading
13 don’t believe
9 2 What are you listening to

on your CD player at the

3 He doesn’t usually like

science programmes.

4 Sally and Jason weren’t

watching TV when I

5 Who did you email last


6 Do you ring your parents

every day?

Vocabulary adjectives
and materials

1 2 e
3 g
4 c
5 d
6 a
7 b
8 h
2 2 G
3 C
4 F
5 H
6 B
7 A
8 D
3 2 tiny black plastic
3 attractive cotton
4 big white
5 unusual little
6 huge unattractive

Grammar used to

4 2 Maria didn’t use to like


3 Did you use to like taking


4 She always used to wear

old blue jeans.

5 What did they use to do

on Saturdays?

6 Computers didn’t use to

be so small.

7 Did he use to live near


8 Which school did you use

to go to?

9 We didn’t use to get up


10 What did you use to


5 2 did
3 use
4 used
5 usually
6 use
7 play
8 use
9 did
10 used
6 2 use
3 didn’t
4 used
5 use
6 did
7 to
8 use
9 did
10 go
7 2 did she use to study
3 did she use to play
4 did she use to have
5 did she use to go
6 did she use to go with
7 did she use to have
8 did she use to live with
8 2 She used to study


3 She used to play tennis.
4 She used to have

cooking lessons.

5 She used to go to the

cinema on Saturday

6 She used to go with her


7 She used to have a dog.
8 She used to live with her


9 2 He used to live in


3 He used to go to

Manchester High School.

4 He didn’t use to play

(the) piano.

5 He used to enjoy art.
6 He didn’t use to like


7 He used to work in a


8 He used to be a student

at university.

Real English making

1 2 a
3 b
4 a
5 a
6 a
7 b
8 b

2 2 I’m sorry to hear that.
3 Absolutely!
4 That’s so cool.
5 I was wondering if
6 I guess
7 by the way
8 I mean
3 2 Hi Sam.
3 I was wondering if you’d

like to go to the cinema.

4 I’m sorry I can’t. I’m not

very well.

5 I’m sorry to hear that.

What’s the matter?

6 Oh, it’s just a cold. By the

way, did you know that
I got a new computer

7 Wow! That’s so cool!
8 Yeah. I guess it is. But I

can’t use it yet.

9 How come? It’s yours,

isn’t it?

10 Yes, it is. But I’m ill. I

mean, I can’t get out of
bed at the moment!

4 Students’ own answers.

Reading and Writing

1 Students’ own answers.
2 1 150 billion
2 1996
3 photos
4 keeps
5 Wayback Machine
6 world’s knowledge /


7 Library of Alexandria
8 1,600,000
3 Students’ own answers.
4 Students’ own answers.

Culture Connection

1 Students’ own answers.
2 1 F
2 G
3 E
4 A
5 D
6 B
7 C
3 1 T
2 F
3 F
4 T
5 F
6 T

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Can you remember it?

1 2 c
3 b
4 a
5 c
6 a
2 2 gadget
3 heavy
4 round
5 wood
6 huge
3 2 so
3 mean
4 How
5 I guess
4 2 Could you please turn off

your mobile phone?

3 Do you like swimming

these days?

4 My brothers are doing

their homework at the

5 Where did he go last


6 Jack was walking home

from school yesterday
when he met Jill.

5 1 My father used to play

the guitar when he was

2 I’m sorry to hear that.
3 I usually have breakfast

at eight.

4 I saw that car when I was

walking to school.

5 Where are you going on


6 How often do you visit

your grandparents?

7 By the way, are you

going to the cinema

8 Did you use to like

Chemistry when you
were at school?

9 I’ve bought some nice

cotton trousers.

10 I found my watch


Unit 2

Vocabulary verb

1 1 send a postcard to your

meet a famous person
play a computer game

2 borrow a book from a

act in a play
ask for an autograph
photograph a famous
film star

2 2 acting in a play
3 borrowing a book from a


4 asking for an autograph
5 photographing a famous

film star

6 playing a computer


7 sending a postcard
8 seeing a film
3 2 see
3 act
4 photograph
5 borrow
6 meet
7 ask
8 play

Grammar present
perfect and past simple






5 2 heard
3 been
4 made
5 met
6 had
7 come
8 bought
9 done
10 sent
6 1 I saw
2 we saw / They played /

I’ve ever seen

3 Did Tina send
4 I’ve never bought /

I bought

7 2 Tom hasn’t phoned

Jenny yet.

3 Tom hasn’t made dinner


4 Tom has already played

his new computer game.

5 Tom has just sent a letter

to his grandma.

6 Tom hasn’t played tennis

with Jack yet.

7 Tom has just bought CDs


8 Tom has already seen the

James Bond film on TV.

Vocabulary celebrity

1 2 fortune
3 autograph
4 interview
5 film

2 2 award
3 autograph
4 interview
5 fortune
3 2 the press
3 fans
4 personality
5 privacy
6 paparazzi
7 gossip magazines
4 2 romantic
3 dangerous
4 energetic
5 dramatic
6 ambitious
7 glamorous

Grammar present
perfect continuous

5 2 They have been working

in an office.

3 Jenny has been writing

emails on the computer.

4 Tom Cruise has been

signing autographs.

5 We have been watching


6 Polly hasn’t been

studying this evening.

7 Jack and Joe have been

playing tennis at the
sports centre.

8 Have Brad Pitt and

Angelina Jolie been
doing interviews?

6 2 Paul and Harry have

been playing football.

3 Sally and Wendy have

been shopping.

4 We have been eating


5 Pete’s been telling jokes.
6 Ruth’s been eating


7 Dan’s been painting his


8 Sue and Joe have been

studying French.

7 2 4

3 6

4 5

5 3

6 1

7 8

8 7
8 2 Mick has been reading a

Shakespeare play for two

3 Kiera and Oliver have

been playing football for
an hour.

5 Anna’s mum has been

working in her office for
three hours.

6 Danny and Jen have

been sunbathing in the

garden for an hour.

7 Anna’s dad has been

driving back home for
two hours.

8 Sam has been waiting at

the bus stop for an hour.

Real English praising
and criticising

1 2 suppose
3 angry
4 point
5 thought
6 approve
7 far
8 Good
2 2 6

3 7

4 1

5 3
3 Students’ own answers.

Reading and Writing

1 Students’ own answers.
2 2 F
3 T
4 T
5 F
6 F
7 F
8 T
3 Students’ own answers.

Culture Connection

1 a Tommy Scullion,

Alan Robinson

b Martin Luther King,

Picasso, Pope John Paul II,
Lionel Messi, Michael

2 2 Web pages sell signed

photos of Michael
Jackson for €4,000.

3 Tommy Scullion had

collected 40,000

4 Alan Robinson

completed his collection
of all the autographs of
actors that have won an
Oscar in 2004.

5 Alan Robinson’s

collection of signatures is
now worth more than
€1 million.

6 Tommy Scullion sent out

25 letters asking for
autographs every week.

3 1 T
2 T
3 F
4 F
5 F
6 T

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Can you remember it?

1 2 b
3 a
4 a
5 c
6 b
7 b
2 2 win
3 do
4 act in
5 make
3 2 approve
3 far
4 suppose
5 just
6 do
7 sign
8 hadn’t
4 2 Have you met my

flatmates yet?

3 Have you been to Paris


4 I’ve already bought that

DVD of his new film.

5 Jack has been living in

this area for more than
ten years.

6 ‘Can you leave?’ ‘Mmm. I

suppose so.’

7 I’ve been learning to play

the guitar since I was ten
years old.

8 Have they been watching

TV all morning?

5 1 I have borrowed a book

from a library.

2 Have you sent the

invitations yet?

3 They won a prize last


4 I haven’t been to England


5 I disagree with you.
6 We’ve been waiting for

an hour.

7 Jenny is very ambitious.
8 It’s the best film I have

ever seen.

9 They’ve been sunbathing

since the morning.

10 It was very dangerous.

Unit 3

investigating aliens

1 2 b
3 c
4 a
5 c
6 c
2 2 kidnapped
3 investigated
4 examined
5 erased
6 exists

Grammar the passive

3 2 are being
3 were
4 were being
5 have been
6 will be
7 are going to be
8 may be
4 2 houses will be built on

the moon.

3 UFOs were seen in the


4 space telescopes are

being developed by

5 water might be found on


6 rockets were being

invented by the

7 the moon is made of


8 Jupiter could be visited

by astronauts.

5 2 was examined
3 will be shown
4 have been built
5 could be made
6 were erased
7 is going to be


8 will be sold
6 2 were sent
3 have been seen
4 will be opened
5 is being observed
6 are written
7 was made
8 may be discovered
7 2 was put
3 has been inhabited
4 is made
5 are used
6 was designed
7 are being carried out
8 have been involved
9 will be known
10 will be launched

Vocabulary earth and

1 2 star
3 canyon
4 volcano
5 seaweed
6 moon
7 ocean
8 valley
9 cave
10 planet
2 1 search
2 include
3 cool
4 reach
5 record

3 almost all – most
exactly – precisely
a bit less than – just under
roughly – about
a bit more than – a little


4 Possible answers:
2 More than half of

Americans think the
government is not telling
them the truth about

3 About 40% of people

interviewed believe there
is life on Mars.

4 Exactly 17.6% of women

interviewed said they
had seen a UFO.

5 Just under half of people

interviewed said they
believed that aliens had
visited Earth in the past.

6 Roughly 3% of people

interviewed said they
were an alien!

Grammar have
something done

5 2 Karen had her magazine


3 Harry had his jacket


4 Emma had her laptop


5 Lucy had her test


6 We had our lunch


7 Jerry had his teeth


8 I had my photographs


9 They had their hair cut.
10 I had my room


6 2 What have you had


3 We’re having the science

room repainted on

4 John is having his article


5 They’re having them


6 She’s going to have new

computers installed.

7 We’ve had the car


8 When did you have your

bedroom redecorated?

9 Jack and Anna are having

a new house built.

10 Have you had your work

checked yet?

7 4 have
5 have
6 had

7 painted
8 having
9 fitted
10 have
11 put
12 have
13 repaired
14 had
15 taken
16 have
17 done
18 having
19 cleaned
8 2 She has the fossil

removed from the

3 She has it wrapped in

paper towels.

4 She has it packed in a


5 She has it brought to the


6 She has the fossil cleaned

with a soft brush.

7 She has any fossils from

the sea soaked in water
to remove the salt.

8 She has broken fossils

mended with glue.

9 She has cleaned fossils

stored in a case with
separate compartments.

10 She has the fossil

labelled carefully.

Real English talking
about preferences

1 2 a
3 e
4 c
5 b
6 g
7 j
8 i
9 f
10 h
2 A
2 Do you fancy going to

the cinema with me on
Saturday night?

4 Sure. Sounds like fun.
1 What time shall we


3 Is eight o’clock OK with



3 Would you rather see

a romantic film or a
science fiction film?

2 It depends on who’s in

which film.

1 Well, the film at the

Odeon stars Hugh Grant.

4 Mmm. I’m not too keen

on him.

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3 Would you prefer to go

out or stay in?

1 To be honest, I’m not

really into going out

2 OK. What shall we watch

on TV?

4 Actually, I’d rather just go

to bed if that’s OK
with you.

3 Possible answers
2 I’d rather have a pizza / a


3 I’m (not) keen on

(watching) golf.

4 Sounds like fun. / Sounds

good / great.

5 I’ll go for (watching) a

DVD / (listening) to some

6 I’m (not) into art / art


7 I’d prefer to go to a

rock concert / classical

Reading and Writing

1 Students’ own answers.

(Spending so much time
travelling in space tests the
limits of the human body,
and spending lengthy
periods of time with the
same crew will test the
patience of each astronaut).

2 1 Travelling in space.
2 Cost, technology and

the limits of the human

3 Their bones and muscles

will have weakened from
the lengthy journey to

4 Polyakov returned home

in good health after a
lengthy stay in space. His
secret: regular exercise.

5 He was able to walk

upon returning to earth.

6 Whether spending too

much time together will
cause the astronauts to
fall out with each other.

3 Students’ own answers.

Culture Connection

1 b
2 1 Stanislaw Lem
2 HG Wells
3 Stephen Hawkins
4 Stanislaw Lem
5 Stephen Hawkins
6 HG Wells
3 1 T
2 T

3 F
4 F
5 T
6 F

Can you remember it?

1 2 b
3 c
4 b
5 b
6 c
2 2 seaweed
3 exactly 10
4 nearly half
5 life
6 a little under
3 2 into
3 prefer
4 exist
5 better
6 explored
7 rather
4 2 Have you ever had your

temperature taken?

3 In some places, people

are kidnapped every day.

4 The space probe hasn’t

been repaired by
engineers yet.

5 The science programme

will be shown on TV

6 Joe is having his bike

repaired at the moment.

7 The children were being

told off when I arrived.

8 Emily is going to be

asked to leave.

5 1 Water hasn’t been found

on Mars yet.

2 When was this station


3 This film will be shown

on TV today.

4 Over a half of the

students in our school
are boys.

5 I’d rather stay at home.
6 We’re having a new

computer installed today.

7 What time shall me


8 Have you had your walls

painted yet?

9 This planet is being

observed now.

10 We know exactly what

time it is.

Unit 4

Vocabulary auditions

1 people: director, actor, extra
places: theatre, studio,


stages: audition, rehearsal

2 2 a studio
3 a director
4 a rehearsal
5 a theatre
6 an audition
3 2 act
3 get
4 give
5 choose
6 play

Grammar will and

going to

4 2 they’ll
3 going
4 will
5 it’ll
6 are going
7 going to
8 will we
5 Predictions based on

opinions or feelings: 4, 6

Predictions based on

evidence: 1, 5

Plans and intentions: 2, 7
Spontaneous decisions: 3, 8
6 2 ’s going to
3 ’ll
4 ’ll
5 ’re going to
6 are you going to
7 ’ll
8 ’ll
9 ’re going to
10 ’ll
7 2 will be
3 am going to study
4 am going to buy
5 ’ll get
6 won’t buy
7 will have
8 isn’t going to be
8 2 I’ll answer it.
3 I don’t know but maybe

I’ll get a part as an extra.

4 John is going to win.
5 When are you going to

get married?

6 I think I’ll stay in and

watch TV.

Vocabulary film types

1 2 animated film
3 horror
4 thriller
5 comedy
6 romance
2 2 animated film
3 science fiction
4 romance
5 thriller
6 comedy

Word building verb

3 2 mis-
3 dis-
4 dis- / un-
4 2 disappears
3 remarries
4 rebuild
5 reappears
6 distrusts
7 uncover
8 disliked
9 misunderstood

Grammar present
simple and continuous:

5 2 Micky is going to the

cinema at seven o’clock
tomorrow night.

3 Are John and Anna going

on holiday next week?

4 When do the school

holidays end?

5 I am flying to Barbados in

three weeks.

6 2 arrives
3 begins
4 is going
5 ’m meeting
6 do you start
7 Are you meeting
8 are going
7 2 Who is Fiona playing

tennis with on Saturday
afternoon? She is playing
tennis with Harry.

3 Where are Fiona and

Kate going on Saturday
evening? They are going
to the cinema.

4 Where are Fiona and

Joanne meeting on
Sunday morning? They
are meeting in the
shopping centre.

5 What time is Fiona going

to the pool on Sunday
afternoon? She is going
to the pool at 2 o’clock.

6 What is Fiona doing on

Sunday evening? She is
having a bath.

8 2 at 7.20 a.m.
3 And when does the

booking office open?

4 opens at 7 a.m.
5 And when does the first

ferry arrive at Pier Head?

6 arrives at 7.30 a.m.
7 And what time does

the last ferry return to

8 returns at 7.40 p.m.

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9 And when does the booking

office at Pier Head close?

10 closes at 7.4 5 p.m.

Real English talking
about a film

1 2 sure
3 so
4 bit
5 amazing
6 set
2 the plot


the special effects 3
a chase scene


the ending


a stunt


3 2 in London in the

nineteenth century.

3 unbelievable at times.
4 when you found out the

main character’s secret.

5 when the magician’s wife

was killed.

6 about the ending.
7 unusual and exciting.
4 Students’ own answers.

Reading and Writing

1 A an actor’s accommodation
B a film poster
D a Star Wars toy
2 1 F

2 T
3 T
4 F
5 T
6 F

3 Students’ own answers.

Culture Connection

1 A West Side Story
B The Lion King

She’s The Man


Romeo and Juliet

E Hamlet
F Twelfth Night
2 1 She’s The Man
2 The Lion King
3 Twelfth Night

West Side Story

5 Hamlet
6 Romeo and Juliet
3 1 Verona, New York
2 Illyria
3 Steven Spielberg
4 Duke Orsino
5 Claudius, Scar
6 Viola
7 Illyria
8 Hamlet, Mufasa, uncle

Claudius, Scar

Can you remember it?

1 2 b
3 c
4 a
5 b
6 a
2 2 understand
3 terrifying
4 make
5 extra
6 romance
3 2 found
3 thought
4 got
5 plot
6 bit
7 romance
8 set
4 2 is going to have
3 are visiting
4 ’ll stay
5 will put
6 isn’t going to change
7 will be
8 ’re flying
5 1 We’re going to get


2 Do you think they will

give me a part in this

3 I think he will be famous.
4 Would you recommend

the film?

5 Which was the funniest


6 What were you doing

yesterday morning?

7 The holidays finish in


8 The ghost disappeared.
9 Are you meeting with

Mark today?

10 The bus arrives at 3.00.

Unit 5

Vocabulary hypnotism

1 2 hypnotise
3 hypnotism
2 2 weird, strange
3 afraid, scared
4 scary
5 brave
6 embarrassing
3 2 embarrassing
3 scary
4 brave
5 strange/weird
6 afraid/scared

Grammar question

4 2 has she?
3 did she?
4 are they?
5 isn’t it?
6 didn’t she?
7 aren’t they?
8 is it?
9 can she?
10 have they?
5 2 c
3 b
4 b
5 c
6 b
7 c
8 c
6 2 doesn’t
3 do
4 can
5 haven’t
6 will
7 is
8 didn’t
9 does
10 is
7 2 it
3 can
4 are
5 don’t
6 is
7 you
8 have
9 can
10 are
8 2 You’re sixteen, aren’t


3 You worked as a tour

guide last summer, didn’t

4 You’ve been to France

and Italy, haven’t you?

5 You can speak French,

can’t you?

6 You like swimming, don’t


7 You have two brothers

and a sister, don’t you?

8 Your sister lives in France,

doesn’t she?

Vocabulary brain
words and abstract

1 2 affect
3 provide
4 worries
5 imagine
6 achieved
7 demonstrates
8 realise
2 2 concentration
3 fitness
4 expert

5 research
6 revision
3 Adjectives Abstract nouns
stressful stress
friendly friendship
curious curiosity
honest honesty
relaxing relaxation


creative creativity


healthy health
4 2 anger
3 curiosity
4 creativity
5 stress
6 Friendships
7 loneliness
8 health

Grammar the zero

5 2 a
3 a
4 b
5 b
6 b
6 2 -

3 the
4 an
5 The
6 -
7 a
8 the
9 -
10 -
11 -
12 an
13 the
7 3 I think honesty is the

best quality in a person.

4 ✓
5 Science is my favourite

subject at school.

6 I hope you have success

in your new job.

7 Being open with your

partner is an essential
part of a relationship.

8 Generally speaking, I

don’t like reading books.

8 2 -
3 -
4 the
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -
10 -
11 an
12 -
13 a
14 a
15 -

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Real English making

1 2 P
3 C
4 C
5 C
6 P
7 C
8 P
2 2 it must be the one next


3 it can’t be the one next


4 Harry might live in the

house with the red door

5 Harry must live in the

house with the red door

6 you must be Karen and


7 you must be tired
8 we can’t stay long
3 Students’ own answers.

Reading and Writing

1 Teenagers need at least nine

hours sleep a night.

2 1 F
2 F
3 F
4 T
5 F
6 T
7 T
8 F
3 Paragraph A: 4, 5
Paragraph B: 1
Paragraph C: 3
Paragraph D: 3, 6
4 Students’ own answers.

Culture Connection

1 Cold reading is a technique

used to get information
by asking very general

2 1 The messages the

psychic receives from the

2 The son of a woman in

the audience.

3 A good, positive attitude

/ help.

4 A technique psychics

use in order to get
information by asking
very general questions.

5 The woman said ‘I’ve got

a Jack,’ implying that Jack
was her son. She was in
her early thirties so the
psychic assumed Jack
was young.

6 In hospitals.
7 The information that

they’ve received.

8 The audience.

3 1 attitude
2 audience
3 get
4 general
5 expressions
6 body
7 information
8 minds

Can you remember it?

1 2 c
3 a
4 a
5 c
6 b
2 2 realise
3 loneliness
4 hypnotist
5 curiosity
6 worry
3 2 might
3 don’t
4 can’t
5 must
6 won’t
7 doesn’t
4 2 If you want to have good

health, you should eat

3 Jerry can’t swim very

well, can he?

4 I have the new bracelet

that Jack bought for me.

5 The game didn’t start

until 4 o’clock, did it?

6 Paula and Joe are going

to school tomorrow,
aren’t they?

5 1 It’s Tuesday today, isn’t it?
2 I’m not scared of the


3 They haven’t seen this

movie, have they?

4 Generally speaking,

health is more important
than money.

5 It can’t be his house.
6 You must be very tired.
7 They don’t live in Paris,

do they?

8 It might take a lot of


9 Honesty is very

important to me.

10 Your father comes from

Ireland, doesn’t he?

Unit 6

Vocabulary past

1 1 bought
2 been
3 left
4 told
5 gone

6 given
7 sung
8 known
9 done
10 got
2 2 given
3 sung
4 got
5 done
6 gone
7 known
8 been
9 told
10 bought

Grammar past perfect
– active and passive

3 2 he had left school.
3 Caroline had already

gone to the cinema

4 Mrs Johnson had taught

history for many years

5 he had already sold it.
4 2 Jenny couldn’t play

football because she had
broken her leg.

3 James had something

to eat as soon as he had
come home from school.

4 We booked the holiday

after we had looked at
the brochure.

5 Samantha felt tired in the

race because she hadn’t
trained properly.

5 2 had got
3 had
4 had
5 had come
6 went
7 went
8 had read
9 hadn’t got
10 didn’t get
6 2 hadn’t been sent
3 had been given
4 had been published
5 hadn’t been posted
6 had been destroyed
7 1 had grown up in


2 had been a clever and

creative student

3 had always wanted to go

to London

4 had been employed
5 had learnt his trade
6 had played

7 had been performed

8 had been written.
9 had written
10 had lived

Vocabulary the arts

1 2 paintbrush
3 sculpture

4 paint
5 drawing
6 painter
7 painting
8 canvas
2 2 powerful
3 original
4 lifelike
5 simple
6 abstract picture
3 2 an exhibition
3 works
4 displayed
5 background
6 shapes
4 2 up
3 across
4 for
5 up
6 on
7 out
8 down
5 2 Although it’s an abstract

painting you can make
out a house behind some

3 The artist grew up on a

Pacific island.

4 His writing is very clear

and he gets across his
ideas very well.

5 Sam wanted to get fit

and learn self-defence so
he has taken up karate.

6 IMO stands for ‘in my

opinion’ in text messages
or emails.

7 We gave up watching TV

last month and now we
read a lot more.

8 They turned down

his application for the

Grammar reflexive








7 2 Lucy hurt herself while


3 We didn’t enjoy ourselves

at the fair.

4 He’s always looking at

himself in the mirror.

5 Paul painted his

bedroom himself.

6 You’re going to cut

yourself with that knife.

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8 2 himself
3 myself
4 themselves
5 themselves
6 ourselves
7 itself
8 yourself
9 himself
10 myself
9 2 Susie enjoyed herself at

the zoo.

3 In woodwork class,

Robert made a table

4 Pauline taught herself to

speak Spanish.

5 Did you enjoy yourself

on holiday?

6 Dan painted (a portrait

of) himself.

7 Did they draw the

pictures themselves?

8 I taught myself to play


Real English talking
about art

1 colourful / grey and


pointless / meaningful
realistic / abstract
traditional / modern
weird / normal
interesting / boring
2 Students’ own ideas.
3 2 supposed
3 looks
4 bit
5 type
6 similar
7 nothing
8 like
4 Students’ own ideas.

Reading and Writing

1 Students’ own answers.
2 1 C
2 D
3 -
4 A
5 E
6 B
3 1 T
2 T
3 F
4 T
5 F
6 T
7 F
8 T
4 Students’ own ideas.

Culture Connection

1 A: an old master
B: a self-portrait
C: a comic

D: graffiti
2 The self-portrait by Andy


3 1 Steven Spielberg
2 Hergé
3 Hergé
4 himself
5 Kate Moss
6 two professors at New

York University’s Stern
School of Business

4 1 Hergé’s
2 drawings
3 Some people think
4 wall
5 old masters
6 making money

Can you remember it?

1 2 c
3 a
4 a
5 b
6 c
2 2 gallery
3 different from
4 sang
5 bit of
6 critic
3 2 like
3 kind
4 portraits
5 himself
6 of
7 with
4 2 Tom and I really enjoyed

ourselves at the party.

3 Karen turned down

a part in a new play
because she was too

4 I think his paintings are

similar to Monet’s.

5 The book had been

published in nine

6 I’m going to give up

playing the guitar. I’ve
tried really hard but I’m
no good at it.

5 1 When we arrived,

everyone had already
gone home.

2 The teacher asked us

where we had been.

3 You didn’t receive the

letter because it hadn’t
been sent.

4 He always makes up

weird stories.

5 Don’t make fun of them.
6 He hurt himself when he

was playing football.

7 I painted this picture


8 It looks like a big


9 It is a type of sculpture.
10 Before Shakespeare came

back to Stratford, he had
written about forty plays
and poems.

Unit 7

Vocabulary fate

1 2 good luck
3 a superstition
4 a lucky charm
5 bad luck
6 a coincidence

Grammar first and
second conditional

2 2 would
3 did
4 didn’t
5 had
6 have
7 would
8 do
3 2 see, will be / B
3 break, will have / D
4 touch, won’t happen / C
5 will have, put / F
6 hang, won’t enter / A
4 A imaginary


3 would, spend
B imaginary


5 would, do
6 would, try
C possible


8 will be
D possible


10 won’t be
5 2 If I get up late, I won’t

have breakfast.

3 Debbie won’t play golf if

it rains tomorrow.

4 If you were older would

you buy a house?

5 Where will you study

if you don’t go to
Manchester University?

6 Simon won’t go to Katy’s

party if she doesn’t invite

7 If Tim didn’t have big

ears he would be good-

8 If coffee didn’t taste

horrible I’d drink it.

6 Students’ own ideas.

Vocabulary verbs and


1 2 a
3 b
4 e
5 c
6 d
2 2 came across
3 survived
4 received
5 picked up
6 contact
3 2 about
3 on
4 by
5 of
6 b
7 c

Grammar third

4 2 had seen, would have


3 wouldn’t have watched,

had known

4 would have had, hadn’t


5 had been, would have


6 wouldn’t have been, had


5 2 hadn’t broken, would

have been

3 would have been, hadn’t


4 would have enjoyed, had


5 had won, would have


6 had finished, wouldn’t

have felt

7 would have been, hadn’t


6 2 downstairs, he wouldn’t

have fallen over.

3 he hadn’t fallen over, he

wouldn’t have banged
his head.

4 had closed the door,

the cat wouldn’t have

5 hadn’t escaped, it

wouldn’t have run across
the road.

6 it hadn’t run across the

road, it wouldn’t have
caused an accident.

7 hadn’t left work late, she

wouldn’t have forgotten
to go to the supermarket.

8 she hadn’t forgotten to

go to the supermarket,
they would have had
some food to eat.

9 they had had some food

to eat, she wouldn’t have
had to order a pizza.

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7 2 would you have done if

the guests hadn’t arrived
on time?

3 would you have done

if the best man had
forgotten the ring?

4 would you have done

if the photographer
hadn’t taken lovely

5 would you have done if

you hadn’t remembered
what to say in the
wedding ceremony?

6 would you have

done if there hadn’t
been enough food
for everybody at the

7 would you have done

if you hadn’t got to the
airport on time for your

8 2 We would have started

late if the guests hadn’t
arrived on time.

3 If the best man had

forgotten the ring, I
would have been very

4 If the photographer

hadn’t taken lovely
photographs, we
would have been very

5 I would have been

embarrassed if I hadn’t
remembered what to say.
(or It would have been
embarrassing …)

6 If there hadn’t been

enough food, we would
have gone to the local
supermarket to buy

7 If we had missed the

plane, we would have
had to stay at home.

Real English
responding to surprises

1 2 Are you serious?
3 You’re kidding!
4 Are you sure?
5 That sounds interesting.
6 You must be joking!
7 What else?
7 I see what you mean.
2 2 Can you? Really? You’re

kidding! Do you believe
in that sort of thing?

3 Are you sure? I mean,

how do you know you
have special powers?

4 Sure. I want to hear all

about it.

5 You must be joking!

What can you see?

6 I don’t believe it! I hope

you don’t tell people
when they’re going to

7 That sounds interesting.

Perhaps I will.

3 Students’ own ideas.

personality adjectives

4 2 practical
3 honest
4 sensitive
5 emotional
5 2 practical
3 sensitive
4 honest
5 creative

Reading and Writing

1 Students’ own ideas.
2 1 Food patches
2 TV contact lenses
3 Free internet
4 Solar windows
5 Robots
6 Intelligent advertising


3 1 T
2 F
3 T
4 F
5 T
6 F
4 Students’ own ideas.

Culture Connection

1 Students’ own ideas.

Answers: breaking a mirror
causes bad luck, touching
wood saves you from bad
luck, the number 13 is a sign
of bad luck.

2 2 B
3 A
4 A
5 B
6 C
3 1 soul
2 origins
3 spirit
4 sacred
5 betray

Can you remember it?

1 2 a
3 b
4 c
5 b
6 a
2 2 That sounds interesting!
3 weird
4 life line
5 come across

6 contact
3 2 don’t
3 by
4 about
5 didn’t
6 would
7 on
8 had
9 in
4 2 If you had seen the play,

you would have really
enjoyed it.

3 Jerry would get better

grades at school if he
paid more attention in

4 If you see Pamela, will

you tell her to call me?

5 If Sue had been lucky,

she would have won.

6 I must insist on paying

for these drinks.

5 1 If I lived alone, I would

have a dog.

2 If you see a black cat, you

will have bad luck.

3 Would you buy this car if

you had money?

4 We won’t go on holidays

if it rains.

5 What are you thinking


6 I would have watched

that movie yesterday if it
hadn’t been so long.

7 What would you have

done if they hadn’t
arrived on time?

8 It sounds interesting.
9 My friend is sensible and


10 If you miss the bus, you’ll

be late for work.

Unit 8

Vocabulary football

1 2 talented
3 match
4 goalkeeper
5 trials
6 referee
7 rugby
8 soccer

Grammar reported

2 2 hadn’t
3 would
4 she
5 was
6 they
7 had
8 their

3 Time expressions

Direct speech Reported speech

later today



that day




next day

this afternoon


that afternoon or



the afternoon

this evening


that evening or



the evening

4 2 … that evening.
3 … later that day.
4 … that afternoon’s


5 … the next day.
5 2 I thought you said he

would get here early.

3 I thought you said he

didn’t like her.

4 I thought you said it was

going to be easy.

5 I thought you said you

had been to Moscow.

6 I thought you said it had

been interesting.

7 I thought you said you

had read it.

8 I thought you said she

had swum very slowly.

9 I thought you said you

wouldn’t get a job.

10 I thought you said it

wasn’t going to be sunny.

6 2 would improve
3 was going down
4 would be built
5 had bought
6 were testing
7 would open
8 had escaped

Vocabulary sports

1 B karate
C rugby
D swimming
E gymnastics
F running
G ice skating
H baseball

2 play
1 rugby
2 basketball
3 baseball
4 karate
5 gymnastics
6 swimming
7 running
8 ice skating
3 boxing / ring

football / pitch

running / track

skating / ice rink

skiing / slope

swimming / pool

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Word building
reporting verbs

4 A 2 John announced

that he was going to

3 Sam ordered us to


B 4 Paul advised them not

to go out.

5 Sally explained why

she had been so rude.

6 John complained

about the noise.

Grammar reported
questions, commands
and requests

5 2 to
3 where
4 if
5 not
6 which
7 me
8 who
6 2 c
3 c
4 a
5 c
6 a
7 b
8 c
9 b
10 c
7 2 … he was born in Murcia

in Spain.

3 … when he had started

racing cars.

4 … he had started when

he was 16.

5 … asked him if he had

always enjoyed racing.

6 … said he had. /… said

he loved it.

7 … asked him how old he

had been when he had
won his first Grand Prix.

8 … said he had been only


9 She asked him if he was

going to continue racing.

10 He said that he would

keep racing for a long

Real English wishes
and regrets

1 2 If only I could swim fast.
2 I wish I hadn’t eaten so

much chocolate at Easter.

3 I wish I had a better bike.
4 If only I had trained


5 I wish I was stronger.

2 2 I wish I had a better bike.
3 I wish I was stronger.
4 I wish I was good at

running fast.

5 If only I had trained


6 I wish I hadn’t eaten so

much chocolate at Easter.

Grammar wishes and

3 Situation 1:
2 If only I hadn’t fallen


3 I wish I hadn’t broken my


Situation 2:
1 I wish I wasn’t working in

a chocolate factory.

2 If only I liked / didn’t hate


3 I wish I wasn’t allergic to


Situation 3:
1 I wish I hadn’t been /

gone to the beach last

2 If only I could swim.
3 I wish I didn’t go red in

the sun.

Reading and Writing

1 They were climbing the

Siula Grande Mountain in
Peru. On the way down, Joe
fell and badly broke his leg.
He later fell over the side of
a mountain, while attached
by a rope to Simon.

2 2 They wanted a big


3 They had finished most

of their food.

4 stormy.
5 Joe had fallen over the

side of a mountain.

6 Whether to cut the rope

attaching him to Joe or

7 He pulled the rope and

looked at the end of
it, realizing that Simon
hadn’t fallen with him.

8 He thinks that Joe

saved him and that he
would have done the
same thing in the same

3 Students’ own answers.

Culture Connection

1 the Marathon
2 1 Joan Benoit
2 Pheidippides
3 Dorando Pietri
4 Joan Benoit

5 Pheidippides
6 Dorando Pietri
3 1 legend
2 most appropriate
3 a messenger
4 umpire
5 victory
6 inspired

Can you remember it?

1 2 b
3 a
4 b
5 b
6 a
2 2 tennis
3 boxing
4 skating
5 running
6 skiing
3 2 what
3 how long
4 told
5 explained
6 whether
7 hadn’t
8 wouldn’t
4 2 Ben told us not to shout.
3 Jenny asked me if /

whether I had met her

4 If only I had lived near

the sea when I was

5 Mark asked where his

book was.

6 Josephine complained

about my untidy room.

7 Sue said that she would

study hard for her exams
but she didn’t.

8 Jenny asked me whether

I knew what time it was.

5 1 I thought you could


2 He said that he hadn’t

read this novel.

3 We wondered whether it

would rain.

4 Harry asked me where

the ice rink was.

5 I asked them what they

were looking for.

6 If only I were older.
7 I wish I hadn’t told them.
8 I wish I had a better


9 She explained why she

was late.

10 She advised me to buy a


Unit 9

alternative therapy

1 B acupuncture 3
C reiki 2
D hypnotherapy 4
2 2 head massage
3 acupuncture
4 hypnotherapy

Grammar defining
relative clauses




Used for giving

about …

1 who or that people

2 which or



3 where


4 when


5 whose


4 2 who
3 that
4 whose
5 which
6 where
7 when
8 whose
9 who
10 that
5 2 where
3 whose
4 which
5 which
6 who
7 who
8 where
9 when
10 which
6 2 whose
3 which
4 which
5 who
6 who
7 who
8 where
9 when
10 which
7 2 The major company

which manufactures
electronic goods has
fired three employees
who were often late for

3 The doctor who operated

on Claire said she should
stay in a comfortable
place where he could
look after her better.

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4 The office where Amy

works is near the
restaurant which serves
Chinese food.

5 The boy whose mother

works in our local shop
is going out with the girl
who lives next door.

6 The bag which you lost

yesterday has been
found near the stadium
where United play

Vocabulary lifestyles

1 2 C
3 F
4 A
5 H
6 E
7 D
8 B
2 2 calories
3 junk food
4 protein
5 fat
6 minerals
7 carbohydrates
8 fibre
3 2 out
3 down
4 off
5 on
6 up
7 up
4 2 cut down
3 set up
4 getting on
5 work out

Grammar non-defining
relative clauses

5 2 c
3 b
4 c
5 a
6 a
7 b
8 b
6 2 where
3 which
4 who
5 which
6 when
7 which
8 when
9 which
10 who
7 2 The Olympic Marathon,

which is 42,195 km long,
is a very popular sporting

3 Stephen Hawkings, who

is a famous scientist,
believes in intelligent

4 HG Wells, who wrote The

War of the Worlds, is a
famous fiction author.

5 The Incredible Hulk, which

was made by Universal
Pictures, cost $100

6 William Shakespeare,

who grew up in Stratford,
started writing plays in
about 1590.

7 West Side Story, which

is based on Romeo and

Juliet, is about teenagers
from rival gangs.

8 The Library of Alexandria,

which is 2,400 years old,
is a collection of the
world’s knowledge.

Real English
speculating about the

1 2 She couldn’t have felt

well before she went out.

3 She can’t have taken any

medicine yet.

4 She might not have

rested enough recently.

5 She may not have eaten

enough yesterday.

6 She might have stayed

out too late last night.

7 She must have caught a


2 1 Use sentences 1, 4, 5 or 6.
2 Use sentence 7.
3 Use sentences 2 or 3.
3 2 Sue might have left.
3 Peter can’t have known

about the party.

4 Jenny must have seen

the film.

5 Joe might have watched

TV last night.

6 Karen might have walked

home along Hope Street.

7 David must have broken

his arm.

8 Sharon might have taken

karate lessons.

9 Louise must have gone

out with Jack last night.

10 David can’t have done


4 2 could
3 can’t
4 might
5 might
6 can’t
7 must

Reading and Writing

1 Students’ own answers.

2 2 colour
3 noise
4 colour
5 noise
6 smell
7 colour
8 electricity
3 Students’ own ideas.

Culture Connection

1 Students’ own ideas.
2 1 T
2 F
3 F
4 T
5 T
6 F
3 1 findings
2 influence
3 cure
4 surgery
5 suffer
6 capabilities

Can you remember it?

1 2 a
3 c
4 c
5 b
6 b
2 2 there
3 calories
4 iron
5 can’t have
6 meditation
3 2 when
3 which
4 can’t
5 might
6 must
4 2 There were three people

who probably knew
about the crime.

3 Cheese, which is my

favourite food, is good
for you.

4 Have you met the girl

whose sister walked to
the North Pole?

5 We arrived in a small

town where there
weren’t many people.

6 She was the best singer;

she must have won.

5 1 Do you know the woman

whose car is parked

2 This is the doctor who

operated on John.

3 I like the book which you

gave me.

4 I’ve run out of petrol.
5 Don’t throw away this


6 The mouse, which was

invented in 1964, was
made of wood.

7 Karen might have written

this letter.

8 They must have

forgotten about the

9 She can’t have left home


10 The boy who lives here is

my friend.

Reading and Writing

Unit 1

1 Students’ own answers. (Star


2 1 a
2 b
3 c
4 c
5 b
3 1 C
2 A
3 B
4 A
5 C
6 B
4 Students’ own answers.

Unit 2

1 Students’ own answers.
2 1 D
2 B
3 -
4 A
5 -
6 C
3 2 Where were you born?
3 Where did you go to


4 Where did you live?
5 What was your first TV


6 What do you like about

being famous?

7 What don’t you like

about being famous?

4 Students’ own answers.

Unit 3

1 Students’ own answers.
2 1 T
2 F
3 T
4 T
5 T
6 T
3 1 publicise
2 obsessed
3 weight
4 surface

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5 explosion
6 shocked
4 Students’ own answers.

Unit 4

1 sports programme /

8.30 p.m.

soap opera / 7 p.m.
quiz show / 7.4 5 p.m.
reality show / 10.30 p.m.
comedy programme /

9.45 p.m.

2 1 T
2 F
3 F
4 T
5 F
6 T
3 1 amusing
2 highlights
3 adaptation
4 clues
5 significance
6 atmosphere
4 Students’ own answers.

Unit 5

1 Students’ own answers.
2 B
3 1 recall (past events)
2 claim
3 society
4 witness
5 evidence
4 Students’ own answers.
5 Students’ own answers.

Unit 6

1 Nighthawks / C

The Scream / A

Luncheon of the Boating

Party / B

2 1 Luncheon of the Boating


2 The Scream
3 Luncheon of the Boating


4 Nighthawks
5 The Scream
6 Nighthawks
3 contrasts
2 fence
3 foreground
4 figure
5 desperate
6 reflected
4 Students’ own answers.

Unit 7

1 c
2 1 the lift at the top of the

Eiffel Tower

2 both the student and the


3 the Eiffel Tower
4 the probability of a


5 different dream periods
6 that something happens

that they dreamt about
the night before

7 someone they dreamt


8 that we dream about lots

of different people

3 2 730
3 between 30,000 and

1.5 million

4 90 minutes
5 one
4 Students’ own answers.

Unit 8

1 Students’ own answers.

(Muhammed Ali)

2 1 Louisville, USA
2 talented
3 he reported his stolen


4 three times
5 Ali wasn’t allowed to

enter a restaurant to
celebrate his victory.

6 public speaking
7 Ali claimed he was more

concerned about the
white racists in America
than the communists in

3 Students’ own answers.
4 Students’ own answers.

Unit 9

1 Students’ own answers.
2 1
3 1 work, shop, socialize,

entertain ourselves, keep

2 electronic
3 five kilometres
4 as alternatives to the car
5 age, physical condition,

fitness target

4 Students’ own answers.



Exam Connection 1

1 I bought a new mobile

yesterday because my
old one broke down. /
I bought a new mobile
because my old one
broke down yesterday.

2 My new mobile phone is

small and/but handy. It’s
got a camera and I can
(also) use the internet.

3 My phone is very stylish

– it’s pink! It’s made of
metal and plastic and
it has some excellent
design features. / My
phone is pink and very
stylish. It’s made of metal
and plastic and it has
some excellent design

4 I’ve got a big problem

with it: I don’t know how
to remove messages
and I can’t use all the

5 What’s your advice?

Could you tell me what
to do in this situation?
/ What would you do if
you had a problem like
this? / Have you ever had
such problems?

1 1 E
2 A
3 B
4 C
2 Students’ own answers.
3 1 C
2 B
3 C

Exam Connection 2

1 have been swimming
2 I’m trying
3 was having
4 Has your brother seen
5 nicer
1 1 D
2 E
3 A
4 C
2 1 C
2 E
3 A
4 B

3 1 I haven’t eaten anything
2 I was sailing
3 he has been cleaning his


4 he is talking
5 it is much brighter /


Exam Connection 3





How about


Why don’t we …

I’d rather …
I’m into …

I don’t think much of …
It makes me angry when …

1 1 C
2 B
3 A
4 B
2 1 complicated
2 met
3 shorter
4 lovely
5 her
3 1 B
2 A
3 C
4 B

Exam Connection 4




be fond of
be keen on

be bored

don’t mind (doing

B 1 D
2 C
3 B
4 E
5 A
1 1 D
2 A
3 B
2 Students’ own answers.
3 1 have my mobile fixed
2 has been trained
3 hasn’t travelled by plane


4 weren’t / wasn’t so shy,

she would make friends

5 let her do

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Exam Connection 5

1 A
2 B
3 A
1 1 D
2 A
3 E
4 C
2 Students’ own answers.
3 1 The children were

playing on the beach
when it started to rain /


2 Monica usually goes out

with (her) friends twice a

week but this week she is
staying at home because
she’s ill.

3 I would buy a new bike if I

had enough money.

4 We set off for a journey

at last but we hadn’t

taken (the / our) map so
we had to buy one.

5 I have known my best

friend for five years. We
met when we were still in
primary school.

Exam Connection 6

1 written
2 disappointed
3 oranges
4 them
5 curlier
1 1 B
2 B
3 A
2 1 B
2 A
3 C
3 1 fascinating
2 have painted
3 more optimistic
4 third
5 balloons

Exam Connection 7

1 A
2 B
3 A
4 B
1 1 D
2 C
3 A
4 B

2 1 E
2 A
3 D
4 C
3 1 I haven’t talked / been

talking to my best
friend since we had an
argument last weekend.

2 If I had listened to my

sister then I wouldn’t have

broken my leg. The slope
was really too difficult for

3 Jenny thought that her

parents had fed the dog
before they left.

4 My friend’s new camera

is much more modern

than mine.

5 What were you doing

when I called you
yesterday at five?

Exam Connection 8

2 I’m going to the


5 Do you think I’ve chosen

an interesting holiday?

6 I hope to learn rock

climbing there.

7 I’ve always wanted to

know how to climb high

9 I’m thinking of a sports

camp in the mountains.

10 Is it a good idea to

go camping in the

1 1 B
2 B
3 A
2 1 had ever taken part
2 had prepared for the


3 wouldn’t have got into


4 his / our / the car serviced

5 I may / might / will

probably meet

3 Students’ own answers.

Exam Connection 9

1 E
2 D
3 B
4 F
5 H
6 C
7 A
8 G

1 1 D
2 C
3 B
2 Students’ own answers.
3 1 If only I had talked about

my problems to my best
friend. Now I regret that I

2 Mike doesn’t fancy

spending his holidays
in the mountains. He
prefers the seaside.

3 Pete is hot because he

has been sunbathing on

the beach.

4 Sue missed the bus so

when she got to school

the lesson had already


5 My mum told me not to

put the wallet into the


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new exam connection 3 unit 9a
EXAM CONNECTIONS 2 ELEM WB NEW OXFORD 9780194020961 Diana Pye David McKeegan
Realizacja uchwał Walnego Zgromadzenia 2013, New Exam Challenges 3, mama, Sprawozdanie z działalnośc
EXAM oos id 166307 Nieznany
nec3 unit 3b, exam connections audio do testów 2, testy
nec3 unit 2a, exam connections audio do testów 2, testy

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