nec3 unit 2a, exam connections audio do testów 2, testy

Test A

Listening Score: ____/5

0x08 graphic
0x01 graphic
1 Wysłuchaj nagrania i podkreśl poprawną odpowiedź.

1 The girls saw the robber when he was running to / away from the shop.

2 He was quite young, about twenty / thirty years old.

3 He had big glasses and a black / brown hat.

4 His trainers were black / blue.

5 The girls saw / didn't see the robber's hair.

Reading Score: ____/5

2 Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Następnie dopasuj nazwy przestępstw (A-F) do opisów sytuacji (1-5). Jedna nazwa przestępstwa została podana dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego opisu.

A robbery

B forgery

C mugging

D kidnapping

E murder

F burglary

1 ____ Some men entered a small bank. One of them said he wanted to put a lot of money into a bank account. The bank manager was pleased. Suddenly, he saw that the men were holding guns. They told him they wanted five thousand pounds very quickly. At that moment they heard a loud noise. Somebody was trying to break into a car in front of the bank.

2 ____ A group of young men stopped Oliver in a busy street and told him to give them his mobile phone and all his money. Oliver gave them his wallet and started running away. Some people shouted and the men jumped on the bus.

3 ____ Some people had an idea how to get a ransom. They waited in front of a millionaire's daughter's school. They saw a rich-looking blonde girl. They said something to her and pulled her into their car. In their house, the criminals saw the girl's library card. She was not the girl they wanted but they knew her father, too. He was a police officer.

4 ____ My parents' friends were going to a concert on that day. An hour after they had left the house two people broke a window and got into the house. They were looking for some money when they heard a car in the street. It was the police called by the neighbours who saw the criminals enter the house through the window.

5 ____ The police were called by the owner of a local shop who was surprised to see a group of boys paying for small things with fifty-pound notes. Thanks to him, the police caught a group of teenagers who were making perfect copies of banknotes.


3 Uzupełnij tabelkę.

Noun (crime)

Noun (criminal)




1 ...


2 ...



3 ...




4 ...

Score: ____/4

4 Uzupełnij zdania brakującymi wyrazami.

1 The burglars left their f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s on the furniture.

2 Sherlock Holmes was a famous d _ _ _ _ _ _ v _ who solved crimes in London.

3 The v _ _ _ i _ of the kidnapping was the minister's little son.

4 The shop owner saw the thief and managed to i _ _ _ _ _ _ y him.

5 The police didn't have enough e _ _ _ _ _ c _ to arrest the criminal.

6 The bank manager noticed that the customer was carrying a g _ _ under his jacket and informed the police.

Score: ____/6


5 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi formami podanych czasowników.

The police 1 _____________ (arrive) just as the thieves 2 _____________ (carry) the bags to their cars.

We 3 ____________ (see) them when we 4 _____________ (drive) along the main road.

It 5 _____________ (rain) so we 6 ______________ (not go) go for a walk.

7 _____________ you _____________ (see) anybody when you 8 _____________ (wait) in the hall?

Score: ____/8

6 Popraw błędy. Napisz poprawne zdania.

1 The man had about fifty-five years old.


2 How did the thief look like?


3 I remember he was wear dark glasses.


4 He was much taller that me.


5 The burglar was looking very smart.


6 I didn't understood what they were saying.


Score: ____/6

7 Wstaw when, while albo during.

1 I found the information __________ I was surfing the internet.

2 We can talk about it __________ the break.

3 The criminal was running home __________ he was arrested.

4 More than 40 people were interviewed __________ the trial.

5 __________ the Browns were watching the soap opera somebody stole their car.

6 I passed the exam __________ my stay in England.

Score: ____/6


Wyobraź sobie, że obrabowano bank znajdujący się w twojej okolicy. W dniu przestępstwa widziałeś tajemniczego mężczyznę w pobliżu banku. W ok. 100 słowach napisz, jak wyglądał.



Total score: ____/50

Unit 2 test




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