nec3 cumulative test 5 9 a, exam connections audio do testów 2, testy

Test A

Listening Score: ____/5

0x08 graphic
0x01 graphic
1 Wysłuchaj nagrania. Odpowiedz krótko na pytania.

1 Does Emily have any plans for Saturday? ______________

2 What was Lena going to do on Saturday? ______________

3 When can they all go to the cinema? ______________

4 What kind of music does Jake like? ______________

5 What does Tom suggest they will need during the concert? ______________

Reading Score: ____/5

2 Przeczytaj poniższy list. Następnie zdecyduj, które zdania są zgodne z jego treścią, a które - nie. Wpisz T (true) lub F (false).

1 Adam is planning to see a friend when he's in London. ____

2 Adam would like to travel back home with his parents. ____

3 Adam likes working in the shop. ____

4 Adam likes washing and ironing. ____

5 Adam does the hard jobs in the garden. ____

Hi Tom,

You know I'm coming to London with my parents this summer. I hope to meet you there when I come. My parents want to do a lot of sightseeing: all the museums and galleries, you know, the main things. I'm really happy and I'm looking forward to seeing London and meeting up with you.

In fact, I'd like to stay longer than my parents because I have more free time. Do you think I could find a summer job while I'm there? I'd need some money to be able to stay in London and I think I can do a lot of things.

I've got experience helping dad in the shop. He trusts me with money and other things. I talk to customers and tell them what we recommend and quite enjoy the work.

I'm also good at cleaning. It's not that I love cleaning the house, but I don't mind it. We share jobs at home. I clean the windows and the floors. My sister does the washing-up and ironing.

I can work in the garden, too. My mum can't do the hard work because she's not strong enough. She usually tells me what to do and we work together. Then we both admire the results.

If you could help me find a job for a couple of weeks, I'd be very happy. In September I'm going back to school and it's going to be my final year.

I hope to hear from you soon.

See you,



3 Podkreśl wyraz niepasujący do pozostałych.

1 fall out break up make up split up

2 permanent healthy full-time temporary

3 invent develop discover pollute

4 bed phone call cup of tea washing-up

5 instrument trumpet drums violin

Score: ____/5

4 Uzupełnij wyrazy.

1 I f _ _ _ _ playing football.

2 Are you k _ _ _ on classical music?

3 How a _ _ _ _ going to a concert?

4 Do you m _ _ _ waiting here?

5 I h _ _ _ folk music but my parents like it.

Score: ____/5


5 Połącz pytania z odpowiedziami.

1 May I look at these documents? ____

2 What will you do if it rains? ____

3 What would you do if you were me? ____

4 What is the scanner used for? ____

5 Why don't we go for a trip? ____

6 Why did they separate? ___

A We'll go to the gym.

B Yes, of course.

C Good idea!

D I'd forget about the whole thing.

E They weren't getting on well.

F To transfer information into the computer.

Score: ____/6

6 Wybierz odpowiednią formę.

1 We felt ________ when we heard the strange noise.

A frighten B frightening C frightened

2 I can't stand ________ to loud music.

A listen B to listen C listening

3 You ________ cheat during exams. It's a rule!

A mustn't B don't have to C won't

4 I must look ________ the house when my parents are away.

A at B after C for 5 Many roads are ________ every year.

A build B built C building

6 Would you be happy if you ________ rich?

A are B would be C were

7 They got divorced because their marriage didn't work ________.

A out B down C up

8 When we got in the car, we noticed that we ________ our passports.

A forgot B have forgotten C had forgotten

Score: ____/8

7 Popraw błędy. Napisz poprawne zdania.

1 I'll tell you only if you will promise you won't tell anybody.


2 If I would know how to do it, I would show you.


3 When we pass our exams we had gone out for a meal together.


4 I don't like my new job because it's tired.


5 You'd better to study harder now.


6 Laszlo Biro was invented the ballpoint pen in 1938.


Score: ____/6


Wraz z uczniami z zaprzyjaźnionej szkoły z Walii tworzycie stronę internetową poświęconą waszym szkołom. Napisz krótka notatkę, w której:



Total score: ____/50

Cumulative Test Units 5 - 9




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