nec3 cumulative test 1 4 b, exam connections audio do testów 2, testy

Test B

Listening Score: ____/5

0x08 graphic
0x01 graphic
1 Wysłuchaj nagrania i zdecyduj, które z poniższych zdań są zgodne z jego

treścią (True), a które nie (False). Wstaw T lub F w zdaniach 15.

1 PD James was a police officer and wrote poems. ____

2 Both Agatha Christie and PD James had their favourite detectives: a man and a woman. ____

3 Miss Marple appeared in PD James's books. ____

4 Adam Dalgliesh and Cordelia Gray appear in one book together. ____

5 Tom Rider is going to tell the listeners one of PD James's stories. ____

Reading Score: ____/5

2 Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, z którego usunięto pięć zdań. Uzupełnij luki (1-5)

w tekście podanymi niżej zdaniami (A-F). Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo

i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.

A Heavy rain is not nice, either.

B Sometimes I spend just two or three days in the mountains.

C We enjoy moving fast down the mountain.

D Skiing is a popular sport.

E I take my mobile, too, and remember to be back before it's dark.

F I don't mind meeting tourists like me, saying hello and smiling.

My favourite kind of holiday is a climbing holiday. When I have some free time I jump on the train and go climbing. 1 ______ I always return home relaxed and full of energy.

I like climbing in all kinds of weather, especially in spring and in autumn. I know that a lot of snow in the mountains may be dangerous. 2 ______ But, generally, mountains are beautiful all year round. They change colour with the seasons and look completely different.

In winter, I usually go skiing. It's a great sport. My father taught me to ski when I was a girl and he sometimes goes skiing with me. 3 ______ The problem is that my father doesn't have much free time for sport.

I usually go to the mountains with friends, but sometimes I go alone. I have to be more careful when I don't have company. I always tell somebody where I'm going. 4 ______

I think the mountains are best when there aren't too many people. 5 ______ I don't like it when there's a lot of noise, people shouting and leaving rubbish. I'm always upset when this happens. I hope people will understand that if we protect nature, we can enjoy it longer.


3 Podkreśl wyraz niepasujący do pozostałych.

1 inconsiderate unhelpful intelligent disobedient

2 evidence gun knife weapon

3 tent caravan trip hostel

4 blow collapse burn drought

Score: ____/4

4 Uzupełnij brakujące wyrazy w zdaniach.

1 The police examined the scene of the crime for f _ _ g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s.

2 Ellen is very s _ _ . She doesn't like meeting new people.

3 Everybody should try to save the natural e _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ t.

4 Rubbish is collected in big d _ _ _ s outside cities.

5 We always use a p _ _ _ _ e b_ _ k when we want to communicate in foreign countries.

6 Do you drive or do you use p _ _ _ _ c t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t?

Score: ____/6


5 Połącz pytania z odpowiedziami.

1 How long have you studied science? ____

2 What were you doing when you heard the scream? ____

3 When did you start working here? ____

4 How are you going to get there? ____

5 Why are you upset? ____

6 Do you know what time the museum opens? ____

A I'll fly or go by train.

B Since I started the new school.

C I was relaxing in my room.

D Six years ago.

E My girlfriend hasn't phoned me for a long time.

F At ten, I think.

Score: ____/6

6 Wybierz właściwy wyraz. Zakreśl A, B lub C.

1 ________ you want to meet in the café?

A Do B Does C Are

2 ________ anybody see what happened?

A Was B Did C Were

3 I ________ for my exams right now.

A study B studied C am studying

4 I didn't see what they ________ like because it was dark.

A look B looked C have looked

5 Could you tell me if ________ get there by bus?

A I can B can I C do I

6 I haven't watched the news ________ two days.

A since B for C last

7 Did you ________ your classes last week?

A begun B began C begin

8 My dog is very obedient and always ________ what I tell him to do.

A do B is doing C does

Score: ____/8

7 Popraw błędy. Napisz poprawne zdania.

1 I don't enjoy climb mountains.


2 While our visit to England we met many new friends.


3 I've never travelling to school by bus.


4 How long do you study English?


5 Tom has painted the graffiti on Monday.


6 He was wear a blue jacket and black jeans.


Score: ____/6


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Total score: ____/50

Cumulative Test Units 1 - 4




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