nec3 unit 6a, exam connections audio do testów 2, testy

Test A

Listening Score: ____/5

0x08 graphic
0x01 graphic
1 Wysłuchaj nagrania i zdecyduj, które z poniższych zdań są zgodne z jego treścią (True), a które nie (False). Wstaw T lub F w zdaniach 15.

1 Jake is meeting the visitors from Bristol in the hotel. ____

2 On Friday evening they are planning to go for a meal together. ____

3 On Saturday they are going to spend the whole day on the beach. ____

4 On Sunday they are going to visit a ship which is a museum. ____

5 On Sunday evening they are going to go to the theatre. ____

Reading Score: ____/5

2 Przeczytaj tekst obok, z którego usunięto pięć fragmentów zdań. Uzupełnij luki (1-5) fragmentami podanymi poniżej (A-F). Jeden fragment podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje on do żadnej luki.

A talk to our partners

B use them in class

C do homework

D forget to switch it off

E don't look intelligent

F wear a tie every day

There are definitely too many rules in my school. Who can remember them all?

OK, I know I have to wear a uniform. Everybody wears one. We don't have to 1 _________. That's good. We only have to wear it on special days.

We have to 2 _________ and bring it on time. That's fine with me. The teacher has to organise his or her work, too.

We mustn't use mobile phones during classes. I understand, but I sometimes just 3 _________. But when the teacher's mobile goes off, she says `sorry' and it's not a problem.

We mustn't chew gum. Why not? I like it. Teachers say it's rude. My mum says that I
4 _________ when I move my mouth. I don't know. Tom, when he chews gum, looks normal to me.

All in all, it's just too much. No make-up, no jewellery. We mustn't make too much noise. But when we 5 _________, there is noise. I hope when I finish school there will not be so many rules.


3 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi formami czasowników do lub make.

1 I have to ______________ the shopping today.

2 Look what you ______________! You've broken the vase!

3 I often ______________ mistakes when I write in English.

4 I ______________ a phone call yesterday.

5 Don't talk to me now! I ______________ exercises!

Score: ____/5

4 Połącz części zdań.

1 We mustn't go out ____

2 We must wear ____

3 We must be ____

4 We mustn't spend ____

5 We must help ____

A a uniform.

B a long time on the internet.

C to make dinner.

D tolerant.

E without permission.

Score: ____/5


5 Połącz części zdań.

1 If you are late for school, ____

2 Anna will pass the exam ____

3 If Mary takes an aspirin, ____

4 They won't wait for us ____

5 I won't tell you ____

A if we don't call them right now.

B she'll feel much better.

C if she studies harder.

D if you don't promise to keep a secret.

E the teacher will be angry.

Score: ____/5

6 Napisz zdania w pierwszym okresie warunkowym, używając podanych wyrazów.

1 if / the shirt / not clean / I / not wear it


2 if / you / not go to school / miss the test


3 if / Tom / not come / I / be upset


4 if / I / get lost / buy a map


5 they / have a good time / if / go to the party


Score: ____/5

7 Uzupełnij brakujące części zdań.

1 You ______________ shout. (nie wolno)

2 Students ______________ come on time. (muszą)

3 We ______________ do homework every day. (nie musimy)

4 You ______________ enter the room now. (nie możesz)

5 Do we ______________ do it for tomorrow? (musimy)

Score: ____/5

8 Podkreśl właściwy wyraz.

1 Why don't we come / go out for a meal?

2 What about / with going to a café?

3 I'd rather not to have / have meat.

4 I don't think that's a / the good idea.

5 I'd prefer not to / to not do that now.

Score: _____/5


W ok. 100 słowach napisz, jakie są reguły zachowania w twojej szkole.



Total score: ____/50

Unit 6 test




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