nec3 unit 4b, exam connections audio do testów 2, testy

Test B

Listening Score: ____/5

0x08 graphic
0x01 graphic
1 Wysłuchaj nagrania. Uzupełnij zdania brakującymi wyrazami.

1 Olivia says we have to stop destroying __________________________.

2 Tony asks if we can save __________________________.

3 Olivia says that people ruin the __________________________.

4 Tony asks where we can find __________________________ places.

5 Tony helps recycle our rubbish because he puts it in special ________________________.

Reading Score: ____/5

2 Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Następnie dopasuj nazwy kataklizmów (A-F) do opisów (1-5). Jedną nazwę kataklizmu podano dodatkowo i nie pasuje ona do żadnego opisu.

A flood

B forest fire

C earthquake

D avalanche

E drought

F tsunami

1 In 1983 in Victoria (Australia), seventy-five people were killed in a ______________ which was so strong that people couldn't stop or control it. The tragedy was caused by a very long period without a drop of rain. Victoria is famous for its dry climate and this made the damage even worse. It was the Southern Ocean that stopped the disaster.

2 On December 26th in 2004 a ______________ killed approximately 230,000 people from Indonesia, Thailand and the north-western coast of Malaysia to thousands of kilometres away in Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, and even as far as Somalia, Kenya and Tanzania in eastern Africa. The disaster was caused by powerful movements of water and this is why it affected the places close to seas and oceans.

3 The 1984 - 1985 ______________ in Ethiopia probably killed over one million people. The disaster resulted from a long dry period which affected farming and agriculture. People died because they had no plants to eat and no fresh water to drink.

4 An ______________ is a rapid movement of snow down a mountain which can be caused by human action but can also happen naturally. In Iran, in 1990, snow covered whole villages and took 50,000 lives.

5 The great Mississippi ______________ began with heavy rains in the summer of 1926. The river covered 27,000 square miles of land with water. The disaster caused over $400 million in damage and killed 246 people in seven states.


3 Połącz części zdań.

1 The buildings ____

2 Big waves ____

3 Hot lava ____

4 A strong wind ____

5 The water from the river ____

A blow/s.

B collapse/s damaging everything around.

C flow/s across the city.

D destroy/s the houses near the coast.

E run/s down the mountain slope.

Score: ____/5

4 Podkreśl właściwy wyraz.

1 Let's clean the mess out / up.

2 What on earth / world are you doing?

3 You should throw plastic away / into special bins.

4 What's the / a problem?

5 People camp in a forest and leave their rubbish after / behind.

Score: ____/5


5 Ułóż wyrazy w odpowiedniej kolejności, aby powstały zdania.

1 already / I / joined / group / the / have


2 three / worked / here / we / years / have / for


3 lesson / not / has / yet / finished / the


4 started / ago / five / the / fire / days


5 studied / since / biology / 1998 / has / she


6 environmental / we / year / spent / protection / dollars / million / one / on / last


Score: ____/6

6 Uzupełnij zdania podanymi wyrazami.

yet since for last in ago

1 We haven't seen Mark ______________ a long time.

2 The Browns moved here 10 years ______________.

3 What did you do ______________ night?

4 We haven't finished the project ______________.

5 We've been here ______________ half past nine.

6 My mum met my dad ______________ 1980.

Score: ____/6

7 Wpisz czasowniki podane w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie czasu present perfect lub past simple.

1 How long ______________ you ______________ here? (live)

2 When ______________ you ______________ school? (leave)

3 She ______________ to university in 2009. (go)

4 Since last year we ______________ 10 tonnes of rubbish. (recycle)

5 We ______________ a great time at the party last night. (have)

6 The water ______________ our village yet. (not reach)

7 Tom ______________ for a long time. (wait)

8 I ______________ the paper yesterday. (not read)

Score: ____/8


W ok. 100 słowach napisz, co możemy zrobić, żeby chronić środowisko.



Total score: ____/50

Unit 4 test




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