Natal Moon Days

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// MD Days of Moon
// Natal Moon Days
// Adapted by Paul Hysen

[01] First Moon Day
Moon between 0° to 12° from the Sun. Indicates a personality fixed on the
present, taste for immediate experiences, for adventure and the unexpected.
Impatient temperament, talkative but paying little attention to others.

[02] Second Moon Day
Moon between 13° to 25° from the Sun. Indicates a merry, simple, spontaneous and
willing temperament, but also someone who can be naive, impulsive, easily
influenced and discouraged.

[03] Third Moon Day
Moon between 26° to 38° from the Sun. Indicates a opportunistic, enthusiastic
and ambitious temperament. Instinctive by nature but there is a risk of
dissipation, confused ideas, mental blindness or egocentricity.

[04] Fourth Moon Day
Moon between 39° to 50° from the Sun. Indicates a wise and balanced temperament,
early maturity, a gift to understand or see through others; but sometimes also a
suspicious or mistrustful by nature, one who likes to pull the wool over
people's eyes.

[05] Fifth Moon Day
Moon between 51° to 63°from the Sun. Indicates a singular, energetic
personality, and an original, nonconformist and inventive temperament. It points
to individualism but also a tendency towards restlessness; possible
intellectualism to the detriment of sensibility.

[06] Sixth Moon Day
Moon between 64° to 76°from the Sun. Indicates an intelligent, organised,
methodical temperament, with a sense of the community and a taste for the
healthy, peaceful life; but there is also a risk of inertia, fixed ideas and

[07] Seventh Moon Day
Moon between 77° to 89° from the Sun. Indicates a personality that is concerned
with feeling comfortable and secure; but that is independent by nature, has a
taste for the paradoxical; and can be contrary, unstable, secretive and have a
lack of courage.

[08] Eighth Moon Day
Moon between 90° to 102° from the Sun. Indicates an anxious temperament; also
the urge to search for one's identity, and the need to stand out from others.
But there is a risk of instability, of being far too easily influenced by others
and of a dubious morality.

[09] Ninth Moon Day
Moon between 103° to 115° from the Sun. Indicates a emotional, complex,
ambivalent nature, that is both sensitive and understanding, and harsh and self-
controlled; that risks becoming a victim of their own contradictions and

[10] Tenth Moon Day
Moon between 116° to 128° from the Sun. Indicates a strong, ambitious,
authoritarian temperament, that is passionate and willful by nature. It also
points to a quest for the absolute, but conversely a refusal to admit one's
errors or weaknesses. Perhaps a risk of abuse of power and moral disorder.

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[11] Eleventh Moon Day
Moon between 129° to 140° from the Sun. Indicates lucid inspiration and
imagination, sound judgement, clairvoyance and creativity. But there is a risk
of giving up, of a lack of courage.

[12] Twelfth Moon Day
Moon between 141° to 153° from the Sun. Indicates intense aspirations and
motivations; the ability to give a meaning to one's life. But also there is a
need to stand out, pride, touchiness and a tendency to over-dramatise.

[13] Thirteenth Moon Day
Moon between 154° to 166° from the Sun. Indicates a innate sense of the
community, humanism, an out-going and generous temperament, and sensitivity to
the harmony of shapes and colours. But also conservatism and possible self-

[14] Fourteenth Moon Day
Moon between 167° to 179° from the Sun. Indicates a strong personality that is
ambitious, willful and determined, but also accommodating and tolerant. Also a
rather fussy nature that is very much a stickler for principles and details.

[15] Fifteenth Moon Day
Moon between 180° to 191° from the Sun. Indicates a sense of organisation, order
and discipline, and a sociable and supportive temperament that is friendly and
amiable, but can sometimes be indifferent, hypersensitive or too dependent.

[16] Sixteenth Moon Day
Moon between 192° to 204° from the Sun. Idicates an idealistic temperament, that
is devoted, courageous and capable of giving the best of oneself. Can also be
very suggestive, but is sometimes restless, nervous, anxious or depressed.

[17] Seventeenth Moon Day
Moon between 205° to 217° from the Sun. Indicates a frank, direct, opportunistic
temperament, that is capable of reassessing oneself. Also a taste for social
activities, a political life and ideologies; but there is a risk of fanaticism
and dangerous concepts of new world-orders.

[18] Eighteenth Moon Day
Moon between 218° to 230° from the Sun. Indicates a independent, active and
energetic temperament that is sure of oneself and one's prerogatives. But which
also is introspective, anxious, and sometimes uncontrollable, undisciplined and
demanding, and inclined to attempt to divide and rule.

[19] Nineteenth Moon Day
Moon between 231° to 243° from the Sun. Indicates a generosity of spirit, a
superior and profound mind, faith, charisma, attraction and a powerful instinct.
But sometimes also a tendency to be manipulating, very anxious, fatalistic and
inclined to feel guilty for little or no reason.

[20] Twentieth Moon Day
Moon between 244° to 256° from the Sun. Indicates a active and creative
imagination, an intuitive understanding of things, premonitions, foresight and a
passionate temperament. But also a taste for forbidden or dangerous experiences.

[21] Twenty-first Moon Day
Moon between 257° to 269° from the Sun. Indicates a subtle mind that is
stimulated by sharp curiosity, a flexible temperament and a permissive nature
that is perhaps also a little naive. But also at times unconscious or careless
attitudes, excessive originality and lack of coherence.

[22] Twenty-second Moon Day

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Moon between 270° to 282° from the Sun. Indicates an original and bright
temperament, a lover of freedom, an independent person who likes novelty, and an
energetic and outgoing nature. But also shows a tendency for dissipation and
poorly thought through actions.

[23] Twenty-third Moon Day
Moon between 283° to 295° from the Sun. Indicates a sense of responsibility,
organisational ability, a love of a job well-done, sociability, talkativeness,
and an outgoing temperament. But can sometimes also be somewhat sectarian,
moralistic and overpowering.

[24] Twenty-fourth Moon Day
Moon between 296° to 308° from the Sun. Indicates an innate sense of the family,
of traditions, inheritance, culture and the past. Also points to a conservative,
tolerant but demanding temperament; that sometimes can be inflexible, moralistic
or fanatical.

[25] Twenty-fifth Moon Day
Moon between 309° to 321° from the Sun. Indicates strength of spirit,
initiative, solidarity, a taste for the common cause, progressive ideas and all
that is likely to gather and unite; but there is also a risk of dogmatism.

[26] Twenty-sixth Moon Day
Moon between 322° to 334° from the Sun. Indicates a sharp, perceptive mind, that
is able to synthesise ideas; a gift of clairvoyance and premonition, great
awareness of the present and vision of the future. But can also point to
excessive fantasy and libertinage.

[27] Twenty-seventh Moon Day
Moon between 335° to 347° from the Sun. Indicates an innate gift for
understanding, solving, helping, comforting and assisting others. Also a sense
of the universal, a desire to commune, extreme self-sacrifice and mysticism.

[28] Twenty-eighth Moon Day
Moon between 348° to 359° from the Sun. Indicates spiritual, religious or
mystical aspirations, a sixth sense, clairvoyance, healing gifts and strong
psychic intensity; but there is also a risk of apathy.

[29] Twenty-ninth Moon Day
Moon between 348° to 359° from the Sun. Indicates spiritual, religious or
mystical aspirations, a sixth sense, clairvoyance, healing gifts and strong
psychic intensity; but there is also a risk of apathy.

[30] Thirtieth Moon Day
Moon between 348° to 359° from the Sun. Indicates spiritual, religious or
mystical aspirations, a sixth sense, clairvoyance, healing gifts and strong
psychic intensity, but there is also a risk of apathy.


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