activateb2grammartest 11

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Activate! B2 Extra Grammar Tests

Test 11

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



1. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 We … whether Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster is a real beast or not.

A never may know

B may know never

C may never know

D may never known

2 Police … never find out who stole the priceless painting from the museum.

A could

B might

C can

D would

3 ‘That … the shrine where the dead king was buried.’

‘Do you really think so? How exciting.’

A must is

B must was

C must be

D must were

4 Myths about gods and goddesses controlling people’s lives … true.

A can’t be

B can’t is

C can’t was

D can’t

5 Her great grand-father … the last Tsar of Russia.

A might has been

B might had been

C might have been

D might have been being

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Activate! B2 Extra Grammar Tests

Test 11

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



6 ‘They … that the dragon was dangerous because of its threatening behaviour.’

‘You’re right and they should have run away.’

A can’t have known

B might have known

C must have known

D may have known

7 Experts … where the alligators in the New York sewer system had been coming from.

A must have been wondered

B must have been wondering

C must has been wondering

D must have be wondering

8 ‘The thieves … to see a ghost when they disturbed the old man’s burial place.’

‘Yes. They must have been shocked.’

A can’t have be expecting

B can’t have been expected

C can’t have been expecting

D can’t have expecting been

9 Mary Queen of Scots was a proud woman and she … that they would cut off her head.

A may have believed

B might not have believed

C may not believed

D can’t believe

10 The priceless jewellery … from the exhibition by people who worked in the building.

A might have took

B might have be taken

C might have been taken

D might be taken

11 ‘The telephone has been cut off.’

‘You … your bill this month.’

A may not have paid

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Activate! B2 Extra Grammar Tests

Test 11

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



B might have paid

C might not have pay

D might not be paying

12 Nobody really believes that aliens … responsible for the building of the pyramids.

A can have been

B can be

C couldn’t be

D could have been

Marks / 12

2. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence using the word given.

1 People say three people were killed during the filming of

Ben Hur


Three people ………………………….. killed during the filming of

Ben Hur.


2 It’s possible that the Galapagos turtles came from a nearby island many years ago.

Galapagos turtles ………………………….. from a nearby island many years ago.


3 I believe the archaeologists are lying about what they found in the shrine.

The archaeologists ………………………….. lying about what they found in the shrine. MUST

4 They say that cat-like people live in those woods behind the factory.

It ………………………….. cat-like people live in those woods behind the factory.


5 It’s impossible that the explorer knew what he would discover on his journey.

The explorer ………………………….. what he would discover on his journey. COULD

6 They say the house is haunted.

The house ………………………….. haunted.


Marks / 6

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Activate! B2 Extra Grammar Tests

Test 11

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



3. In each sentence there is one error of grammar. Circle the error and write the


1 We can discover more about ghosts as time goes by. …………..

2 There were no fingerprints so the burglar might have been wearing gloves. …………..

3 There is ice everywhere so it can’t have got colder overnight.


4 We couldn’t have started dinner by the time you get here. …………..

5 You mustn’t have seen a monster because there is no such thing.


6 It says in all the history books that J.F.K. died in 1963 so it mustn’t be true.


7 Joey couldn’t be home because all the lights in his house are off.


8 Can’t it have been the cook who killed the doctor?


9 Many of the superheroes are supposing to come from other planets. …………..

10 It can’t has been a Sasquatch you saw because there is no such beast.


Marks / 10

4. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 ‘Myths and legends … to be based on some element of truth.’

‘Yes, but they can’t be totally factual.’

A is thought

B are think

C are thought

D is think

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Activate! B2 Extra Grammar Tests

Test 11

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



2 The newspaper story about the UFO … the most exciting story of the year.

A is believing to be

B is believed to be

C were believed to be

D was believing to be

3 ‘They … to have had the ability to turn themselves into any kind of beast that they wanted.’

‘But it’s only a myth, right?’

A are said

B were saying

C had been said

D is saying

4 … that the man’s dog has slept on his grave every night since he passed away.

A They are claimed

B Them are claimed

C It is claimed

D It had claim

5 In the 1940s it … that the earth was going to go through another ice age.

A is reported

B were reported

C was reported

D were reporting

6 ‘It … that bees have become an endangered species.’

‘I believe it. You never see them anymore.’

A was said

B is said

C was being said

D it was saying

7 The huge hairy beasts are said … down the middle of the road when they were spotted by a

passing driver.

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Activate! B2 Extra Grammar Tests

Test 11

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



A to have been walking

B to be walking

C to been walking

D to have walked

8 It … that the young boy’s father was actually a king who had had his title stolen from him.

A was being allege

B was be alleging

C was alleging

D was alleged

9 Arthur Conan Doyle … to have believed in ‘little people’ or fairies.

A is supposed

B is supposing

C is having supposed

D is suppose

10 The small rat-like dogs are claimed … all over San Francisco.

A to have been seen

B have been seen

C to have been seeing

D has been seeing

11 It … that the news story about the giant insect was a complete work of fiction.

A is claim

B has claim

C is claimed

D had claim

12 ‘Last year, it … on the TV station WDSC that a rocket had landed on Jupiter.’

‘It was a hoax, right?’

A was claimed

B were claimed

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Activate! B2 Extra Grammar Tests

Test 11

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



C is claimed

D are claimed

Marks / 12

Total Marks / 40


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