activateb1grammartest 11

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Activate! B1 Extra Grammar Tests

Test 11

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



1. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 Jerry said he … go to the club to train last night; his coach told him to go.

A must

B had to

C didn’t have to

D mustn’t

2 ‘Professional cyclists are given free bikes and they … repair them.’

‘That would be great.’

A has to

B don’t have to

C must

D mustn’t

3 Sherry said she … go to bed early every night when she was in the swim club because sleep was

very important.

A mustn’t

B didn’t have to

C must

D had to

4 You … decide to start eating more healthy food if you want to play better.

A has to

B must

C mustn’t

D don’t have to

5 They told us we … buy any special clothes as long as we wore something comfortable.

A mustn’t

B didn’t have to

C had to

D must

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Activate! B1 Extra Grammar Tests

Test 11

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



6 You … eat too much before you do gymnastics because you might get stomachache.

A don’t have to

B must

C have to

D mustn’t

7 ‘After the race you … forget to talk to your coach.’

‘Okay, I’ll remember.’

A don’t have to

B have to

C mustn’t

D must

8 ‘If we want to get fit, we … walk more instead of taking the car.’

‘You’re right.’

A don’t have to

B mustn’t

C must

D has to

9 We … wear goggles when we went skiing. It was a rule.

A had to

B must

C mustn’t

D didn’t have to

10 ‘Hockey players … train hard and go to bed early.’

‘I don’t think I could do that.’

A mustn’t

B don’t have to

C have to

D must to

Marks / 10

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Activate! B1 Extra Grammar Tests

Test 11

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



2. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 ‘I … done better in the match but I hadn’t trained hard enough.’

‘Well, you’ll know better for next time.’

A can have

B will have

C could have

D must have

2 ‘Joseph took part in a triathlon.’

‘Wow. That … have been exhausting.’

A could

B should

C might

D must

3 When I was sixteen, I won a gymnastics championship; I … really up for it!

A must have been

B must be

C must been

D must have being

4 Our hockey team didn’t win the match; we … have trained harder.

A could

B should

C might

D must

5 ‘Look! The team is celebrating.’

‘Oh, they … have won the league.’

A might

B could

C must

D should

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Activate! B1 Extra Grammar Tests

Test 11

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



6 ‘You … the marathon! It was fantastic!’

‘Oh well. I’ll come next year.’

A should have saw

B should have see

C should have seen

D should has seen

7 It’s too bad you didn’t bring your goggles because we … have gone skiing.

A should

B must

C might

D could

8 We had a great time kayaking. You … have come with us.

A must

B might

C should

D could

9 ‘What a pity John wasn’t able to take part in the boxing event.’

‘Yes, I think he … have won.’

A can

B should

C might

D must

10 Somebody … have told me about the game last night; I would have watched it.

A should

B can

C have

D must

11 ‘Look at you in this picture.’

‘I was much heavier then than I am now. I … have been very unfit.’

A must

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Activate! B1 Extra Grammar Tests

Test 11

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



B might

C could

D should

12 ‘I … a great footballer but I was too lazy to train.’

‘Well, look on the bright side, you’re a fairly good tennis player.’

A could have be

B could has been

C could have been

D could have being

Marks / 12

3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence using the word given.

1 It was wrong to go skiing without goggles.

We ………………………….. skiing without goggles.


2 A hockey helmet is necessary these days.

You ………………………….. a hockey helmet these days.


3 Hitting the other players is not permitted.

You ………………………….. the other players. MUST

4 It was impossible for her to jump any higher.

She ………………………….. any higher.


5 It wasn’t a good idea to miss practice without asking the coach.

You ………………………….. the coach if you could miss practice.


6 You mustn’t go on such silly diets.

You ………………………….. on such silly diets. STOP

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Activate! B1 Extra Grammar Tests

Test 11

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



7 It isn’t necessary to train so often.

You ………………………….. train so often.


8 It was possible for me to win the marathon.

I ………………………….. the marathon.


Marks / 8

4. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 I


have been a champion gymnast but I my dad put me off the sport.

2 You

don’t have to/must

swim every day; once or twice a week is enough.

3 All the players

don’t have to/must

understand the rules of the game.

4 You should


started out slower so you wouldn’t have run out of breath in the middle of

the marathon.

5 You

mustn’t/don’t have to

eat before you go into the pool. You could get stomach ache.

6 He

couldn’t have/mustn’t

won the race because he had hurt his leg.

7 Janie has just won the tennis match; you


have seen her!

8 The cyclist knew he


to drink lots of water during the championship race.

9 Cameron

mustn’t/doesn’t have to

run five kilometres every day, but he really likes to keep fit.

10 If you want to be a good runner, you

have to/mustn’t

have good running shoes.

Marks / 10

Total Marks / 40


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