activateb1vocabtest 10

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Activate! B1 Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 10

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



1. Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 If any of us had been bitten by the … snakes, we could have died.

A boiling

B deadly

C global

D humid

2 The group wishes they could do more to help the … .

A weather

B environment

C habitat

D frostbite

3 If the explorer had never gone to the Arctic, he might not have got … .

A ice

B habitat

C frostbite

D glacier

4 If the atmosphere in the rainforest hadn’t been so hot and …, we wouldn’t have been so


A deadly

B global

C humid

D endangered

5 The rare monkeys are having a(n) … built for them.

A area

B enclosure

C environment

D accommodation

6 I wish they hadn’t destroyed so much of the rare rhinos’ … .

A climate

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Activate! B1 Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 10

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



B enclosure

C habitat

D hut

7 I wish my parents had decided to live in Spain; the … is nicer there than in the UK.

A weather

B habitat

C environment

D global warming

8 If the earth hadn’t warmed up so much, the … wouldn’t have begun to melt.

A habitats

B weather

C environments

D glaciers

9 If we hadn’t wanted to track … rhinos, we wouldn’t have visited the desert.

A endangered

B humid

C deadly

D poisonous

10 I wish we could do something to ensure the … of the many endangered animals on the planet.

A enclosure

B environment

C luxury

D survival

11 Man’s activities are directly responsible for … warming.

A climate

B humid

C endangered

D global

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Activate! B1 Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 10

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



12 The explorers used … to pull their equipment across the snow and ice.

A sledges

B huts

C cow dung

D cage

Marks / 12

2. Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 They’re having the road cleared of snow after the terrible … .

A mist

B cloud

C drought

D blizzard

2 She wishes she had taken her raincoat because now she’s … wet.

A soaking

B pouring

C boiling

D freezing

3 A lot of trees were knocked down by the … and some houses were damaged, too.

A hurricane

B cloud

C flood

D volcano

4 If it wasn’t so … hot, I might be enjoying myself more.

A boiling

B freezing

C pouring

D soaking

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Activate! B1 Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 10

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



5 I wish there wasn’t so much … across the road; I can’t see a thing.

A cloud

B drought

C mist

D wind

6 It’s … with rain; I wish we hadn’t come on this picnic.

A boiling

B soaking

C freezing

D pouring

7 I wish I’d never come to the … . I’ve never been so cold in my life.

A jungle

B Arctic

C desert

D rainforest

8 Many people died during the … because they had no water.

A flood

B hurricane

C lightening

D drought

9 The Amazon … is home to thousands of plant and animal species.

A rainforest

B desert

C Arctic

D jungle

10 If it hadn’t been so … cold in the Arctic, the explorer might have survived.

A boiling

B freezing

C pouring

D soaking

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Activate! B1 Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 10

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



11 I wish I’d been here for the storm; I love watching the … in the sky.

A heatwave

B lightning

C volcano

D flood

12 I wish I could travel through the … on a camel like Lawrence of Arabia.

A rainforest

B desert

C Arctic

D jungle

Marks / 12

3. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 If you hadn’t been so


with your fire, the forest wouldn’t have been destroyed.

2 I wish you would


those plastic bags; there’s no reason for you to throw them away.

3 I wish I’d bought the


product, because this one is bad for the environment.

4 I’m having all my light bulbs


because the ones I have now use too much energy.

5 I’m having my house painted because I’m


at doing that kind of thing myself.

6 If that kind of tissue hadn’t been made with chlorine, it would be


to the


7 I wish I had


my mobile phone before I left the house because I was just cut off.

8 You have to be


who you go to if you’re going to have your hair done.

Marks / 8

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Activate! B1 Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 10

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



4. Choose the word (A, B or C) that best completes the sentence.

1 If you had been more … about where you were going, you wouldn’t have got lost in the jungle.

A caring

B careful

C careless

2 I wish those snakes over there were … but I’m afraid they’re really poisonous.

A harmless

B harm

C harmful

3 If I’d bought a car that took … petrol, I would feel much better.

A lead-less

B lead-free

C leaded

4 I wish I hadn’t bought this silly gadget because it’s … .

A using

B useful

C useless

5 I’m having all my air conditioners … because they increase global warming.

A moved

B removed

C unmoved

6 I wish my brother wasn’t so … all the time; he should be more serious.

A carefree

B careful

C care

7 If you had … your bottles, they would have given you some money.

A turn

B returned

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Activate! B1 Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 10

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



C turning

8 I wish that everyone in the world showed more interest in … paper.

A cycling

B recycled

C recycling

Marks / 8

Total Marks / 40


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