activateb2grammartest 10

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Activate! B2 Extra Grammar Tests

Test 10

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



1. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 I wish my brother … in prison; I really miss him.

A isn’t

B wasn’t

C won’t be

D wouldn’t be

2 Fran wishes she … go back in time and change what she did when she was a teenager.

A can

B will

C can

D could

3 I wish you … stop misbehaving; you are being very irritating.

A would

B wouldn’t

C won’t

D will

4 If only your father … his company; he wouldn’t be in prison now.

A had never defrauded

B had defrauded never

C has never defrauded

D have never defrauded

5 I wish they … make the prisons better so that criminals could learn from their mistakes.

A will

B would

C shall

D should

6 If only the police … something about the people in the town that paint graffiti.

A will do

B can be doing

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Activate! B2 Extra Grammar Tests

Test 10

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



C would be doing

D would do

7 She regrets … the blouse from the shop.

A to stealing

B to steal

C steal

D stealing

8 Joey knows that he … into the university’s computers and he is very sorry.

A shouldn’t have hack

B shouldn’t had hacked

C shouldn’t have hacked

D shouldn’t has hacked

9 Sally wished she … the gang of young criminals at her school.

A had never joined

B has never join

C has never been joining

D had never join

10 As a grown-up, Kevin … ever painting graffiti on walls when he was young.

A regret

B is regretting

C regretted

D has been regretting

11 If only my mother … me stay in that night; I probably wouldn’t be in trouble now.

A has made

B was made

C is made

D had made

12 I wish I … the ringleader of the gang because they expect me to do bad things first.

A isn’t

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Activate! B2 Extra Grammar Tests

Test 10

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



B wasn’t

C hasn’t been

D not been

Marks / 12

2. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence using the word given.

1 She feels sad her father is in an infamous criminal.

She ………………………….. an infamous criminal.


2 I went to a lawyer so that I could get some advice.

I went to a lawyer ………………………….. get some advice.


3 He’d like to get a job, but he can’t because he has a conviction.

He ………………………….. a job, but he can’t because he has a conviction.


4 Her lack of individuality was why she wasn’t popular.

She ………………………….. her lack of individuality. DUE

5 I wish I hadn’t been in a gang when I was a teenager.

I ………………………….. when I was a teenager.


6 We’d really like to give you a job.

We ………………………….. give you a job.


7 The best thing would have been to tell the police about the crime.

You ………………………….. the police about the crime. SHOULD

8 He did something illegal and, consequently, he was charged.

He did something illegal and, ………………………….. he was charged. RESULT

Marks / 8

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Activate! B2 Extra Grammar Tests

Test 10

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



3. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 He was set free … the fact that there was not enough evidence against him.

A despite

B while

C due to

D as a result

2 … the jury’s decision, the thief went to prison for two years.

A Since

B Because of

C Because

D Consequently

3 The trial was stopped … the judge becoming ill.

A on account of

B while

C nevertheless

D although

4 Evidence was collected by the police … prove the man had committed the crime.

A due to

B despite

C so as to

D while

5 He hid the money … he was caught by the police.

A in case

B while

C since

D so that

6 He has a conviction and …, he will probably never get a good job.

A because

B as

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Activate! B2 Extra Grammar Tests

Test 10

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



C consequently

D due to

7 She didn’t have to go to prison for shoplifting, …, she had to pay a fine.

A as

B because of

C while

D however

8 … admitting he was in the gang, he said he was not the ringleader.

A While

B Consequently

C Nevertheless

D Because

9 His crimes were … terrible that he is considered the worst criminal ever.

A a so

B a such

C such a

D so

10 Everyone thought he was guilty …… the fact there was no evidence to prove it.

A because

B in case

C as a result

D despite

11 Your signature is on the bill … you are responsible for it.

A despite

B because

C such

D so

12 She made her rebellious son stay at home … keep him out of trouble.

A in order to

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Activate! B2 Extra Grammar Tests

Test 10

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



B so

C consequently

D while

Marks / 12

4. In each sentence there is one error of grammar. Circle the error and write the


1 She regrets to paint graffiti on the head teacher’s house.


2 He is worried about being robbed due to the many locks on his doors and windows. …………..

3 My mother wishes he wasn’t keep playing truant from school.


4 She killed three people and, despite, was sent to prison for life.


5 I wish I would do better on my exams at school.


6 If only you wouldn’t be the ringleader of those misbehaving teenagers.


7 Ben wouldn’t have taken his dad’s car without asking first. …………..

8 He didn’t want to be in a gang so he joined one.


Marks / 8

Total Marks / 40


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