activateb1+vocabtest 10

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 10

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



1. Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 We interrupt this programme to bring you a short news … .

A bulletin

B scripting

C footage

D archive

2 Sheila decided to do her … on how a news programme is made.

A incident

B report

C update

D scripting

3 If you need more information, it’s worth taking a look in the …; they date back fifty years or more.

A footage

B bulletins

C archives

D banks

4 Good evening and tonight’s … story gives us the chance to remind you of how important it is to

drive safely.

A lead

B emergency

C camera

D updated

5 One of my … at the station is incredibly good at interviewing people.

A crews

B workers

C colleagues

D correspondents

6 The news … want to avoid getting caught in traffic on the way to get their story.

A crew

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 10

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



B team

C band

D staff

7 The … of the forest fire is ready to be broadcast on this evening’s programme.

A forecast

B service

C crew

D footage

8 Our station has … all over the world who are involved in collecting information.

A employers

B correspondents

C creators

D directors

9 … countries like the US and Japan cause huge amounts of pollution.

A Dramatic

B Dangerous

C Developing

D Developed

10 We’ll be bringing you … on this story as they develop.

A updates

B crews

C scripting

D incidents

11 Kelly’s … warned her not to be late for work again.

A researcher

B presenter

C employer

D commentator

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 10

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



12 J.K. Rowling is a famous … of children’s stories.

A writer

B editor

C lecturer

D inspector

Marks / 12

2. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 I told my mum to listen to the local


to find out what was happening in our area.

2 A


road lead through the woods to the cottage.

3 With the


weather we’ve been having, there’s no point planning a ski trip.

4 It’s easy to find out what the



of Canada is; just look it up on the


5 After touring England, we decided to visit the


country of Scotland.

6 In order to learn a


language, it’s best to listen to people speaking it.

7 I remembered to take my phrase book with me whenever I went to a French-



8 I always try to stay in when we’re having



9 Hassan speaks English and French, but Arabic is his



10 Donald Brice had a


escape when a bus drove through the front of his house;

Donald had gone out to the shops for five minutes!

Marks / 10

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 10

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



3. Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 After giving up modelling, she became a(n) … on a popular music programme.

A commentater

B inspecter

C commentator

D inspector

2 In order to become a university …, you usually have to have a Masters degree.

A presenter

B presentor

C lecturer

D lecturor

3 I hope to be a successful … when I grow up; imagine being paid to sit and read books all day!

A editer

B creater

C creator

D editor

4 You forgot to ask her if she was a news … at the local station.

A researchor

B researcher

C lecturer

D lecturor

5 The bulletin said that … had gone to the restaurant so as to ensure that no health regulations

were being broken.

A employors

B inspecters

C employers

D inspectors

6 I can’t wait to meet Stephen Hillenburg! He’s the … of

SpongeBob SquarePants


A creator

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 10

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



B creater

C researchor

D researcher

7 The Coen Brothers, two very famous …, have just finished making another fantastic film.

A directers

B directors

C inspecters

D inspectors

8 He works as a(n) … on morning television.

A presentor

B employer

C employor

D presenter

Marks / 8

4. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence using the word given.

1 You’ll never guess who I met unexpectedly when I was waiting for the bus.

You’ll never guess who I ………………………….. when I was waiting for the bus.


2 The news editor thinks the story is worth investigating.

The news editor thinks the story is worth ………………………….. .


3 I believe the suspect was hiding information.

I believe the suspect was ………………………….. information. HOLDING

4 So how do you tackle directing a news programme?

So how do you ………………………….. directing a news programme? ABOUT

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 10

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



5 Why don’t you practise your report before broadcasting it?

Why don’t you ………………………….. your report before broadcasting it?


6 Kyle is trying to improve the way he speaks in front of the cameras.

Kyle is ………………………….. the way he speaks in front of the cameras.


7 After they had talked to the correspondent, they continued gathering footage for that night’s lead


After they had talked to the correspondent, they ………………………….. gathering footage for that

night’s lead story. WENT

8 The young director admired Steven Spielberg because he’s one of the best film directors.

The young director ………………………….. Steven Spielberg because he’s one of the best film



9 I didn’t really believe what the reporter told me, but I decided to agree with him.

I didn’t really believe what the reporter told me, but I decided to ………………………….. him.


10 I can’t stand all the noise and shouting in here!

I can’t ………………………….. all the noise and shouting in here!


Marks / 10

Total Marks / 40


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