activateb1+vocabtest 12

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 12

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



1. Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 My uncle, who writes a very popular … on the net, only learnt how to use a computer last year.

A log

B agenda

C blog

D message

2 Open the webpage and click on the … which will take you to the site you want.

A data

B link

C message

D code

3 If only I had signed … for that computer class last year, I would be computer literate by now.

A over

B up

C in

D through

4 A computer programmer is a person who inputs … into a computer system.

A graphics

B emails

C links

D data

5 ITC, which teaches students … computer skills, is part of the curriculum in the UK.

A easy

B essential

C literate

D discouraged

6 If only the internet wasn’t … by adults; there should be sites for children too.

A downloaded

B signed up

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 12

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



C dominated

D embraced

7 The site, which is unique, lets children control where the headings and the colourful … are located

on the page.

A data


C graphics

D links

8 An email, which is a(n) … message, is a very convenient way to contact someone.

A electronic

B easy

C electric

D essential

9 If only he hadn’t … that program, he might not have a problem with his computer now.

A evaluated

B considered

C downloaded

D messaged

10 I wish I hadn’t entered that … because there were some very strange people using it.

A gossip column

B chat room

C note paper

D instant message

11 I … some pictures to send to all my friends by using a program that I got from the net.

A surfed

B signed

C evaluated

D uploaded

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 12

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



12 Alicia, who is … a career in ICT, is from the United States.

A dominating

B considering

C uploading

D signing up

Marks / 12

2. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in capitals.

1 My sister, who was …………….. because she couldn’t use a computer, decided to take some



2 You can’t get any kind of job without being computer …………….. these days.


3 I often use …………….. websites to help me with my school work. EDUCATION

4 We’re working on an …………….. new project in our computer class.


5 Some of the tasks the children had to carry out were extremely …………….. . CHALLENGE

6 This great new site helps kids to deal with …………….. at school. BULLY

7 There are millions of …………….. online all the time.


8 Callum is …………….. working as a programmer with Logica Systems.


Marks / 8

3. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 If only she had


the email that I sent her, she would have realised that I had

invited her to my party.

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 12

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



2 If you can’t


a website you should contact your IT department which is responsible for

taking care of the computers in your company.

3 I wish I had


a search on the internet before I wrote my report, because I would have

had a lot more information.

4 If you want to


a blog, which is like an online newspaper, you have to be fairly good

with computers.

5 I really wish you wouldn’t spend so much time


the net; don’t you have anything

better to do?

6 Her parents, who don’t let her


online when they are not at home, think the internet can be


Marks / 6

4. Complete the sentences with words to describe people. All the letters are given,

but they are mixed up.



Chris is really ……………. at ICT; he’s the best in our class.



My ICT teacher is a very kind and ……………. person.



My dad works long hours at is office; he’s very ……………. .



You need to be ……………. to think of fresh ideas for a website or




We had a ……………. time at the computer exhibition.



Alex is a very ……………. person; he always does what he has

promised and arrives on time.

Marks / 6

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 12

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



5. Choose the phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 I wish you wouldn’t wear that … pullover all the time; it looks awful on you.

A ugly, old, green

B green, old, ugly

C old, ugly, green

D old, green, ugly

2 I wish I hadn’t bought those … boots; they’re terribly uncomfortable.

A leather, cowboy, tall

B tall, leather, cowboy

C leather, tall, cowboy

D tall, cowboy, leather

3 Shirley, who is wearing the … hat, writes a very popular blog for teenagers.

A straw, colourful, wide

B wide, colourful, straw

C colourful, wide, straw

D wide, straw, colourful

4 Chris, whose mother makes … fans, is considering a career in ICT.

A pretty, Chinese, paper

B Chinese, pretty, paper

C Chinese, paper, pretty

D pretty, paper, Chinese

5 My sister wishes she had bought that … DVD yesterday.

A interesting, new, comedy

B new, interesting, comedy

C new, comedy, interesting

D interesting, comedy, new

6 The boy who is standing over there is interested in buying a … MP3 player; can you help him?

A black, small, metal

B small, black, metal

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 12

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



C small, metal, black

D black, metal, small

7 The reason why I bought that … jacket is that I’m going to a party on Saturday night.

A blue, fantastic, cotton

B fantastic, blue, cotton

C fantastic, cotton, blue

D cotton, fantastic, blue

8 The … vase which my sister bought while she was on holiday has a crack in it.

A white, Greek, ceramic

B Greek, white, ceramic

C Greek, ceramic, white

D ceramic, Greek, white

Marks / 8

Total Marks / 40


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