activateb1+vocabtest 9

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 9

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



1. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 The criminal was … to prison for fourteen years by the judge.

A jumped

B taken

C sent

D arrested

2 Crimes are solved by hard-working members of the … force.

A spy

B killer

C police

D detective

3 After many months, the … was caught and charged with selling secrets to the enemy.

A killer

B spy

C detective

D thief

4 That man can’t have been … or he would have been sent to prison for the crime.

A hilarious

B innocent

C obvious

D guilty

5 There had to be a(n) … as to how the man had been killed and I was determined to find it.

A evidence

B track

C clue

D suspect

6 It said on the radio that the suspect had been … by police yesterday afternoon.

A suspected

B committed

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 9

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



C sent

D arrested

7 In the comedy, a woman is ...... to court by her five-year-old son because she won’t let him stay up


A sent

B taken

C committed

D arrested

8 The murder was … on the night of Friday the 13


of June.

A done

B arrested

C broken

D committed

9 If you … the law, you will be punished.

A break

B take

C go against

D jump

10 Just because Amy was there doesn’t mean she stole the money; don’t … to conclusions!

A step

B run

C jump

D leap

11 The jury found the man … and he was allowed to go free.

A criminal

B suspect

C guilty

D innocent

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 9

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



12 Two … saw the man leaving the jeweller’s holding a black bag.

A witnesses

B lawyers

C suspects

D martyrs

Marks / 12

2. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in capitals.

1 Somebody must have …………….. your house because your computer and your money are



2 Look! He’s going into that house when there’s no one home! He must be a …………….. .


3 The …………….. was found guilty and will spend the rest of his life behind bars.


4 This machine may be able to …………….. when someone is telling a lie.


5 I have a …………….. that the diamonds were stolen by someone in the family.


6 You’ll need to get a …………….. to defend you in court.


7 Only the most dangerous …………….. are held in this prison.


8 The police don’t have enough …………….. to arrest the man.


Marks / 8

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 9

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence using the word given.

1 Sam is a very careful driver.

Sam ………………………….. . DRIVES

2 The police are definite that they will arrest the suspect tomorrow.

The police will ………………………….. the suspect tomorrow. ARREST

3 It’s not possible for me to give evidence in court.

I can’t ………………………….. evidence in court.


4 The detective gave the suspect a direct look.

The detective ………………………….. into the suspect’s eyes. LOOKED

5 You must wear smart clothes to the dinner.

You ………………………….. for the dinner.


6 He always behaves very politely to his teachers.

He ………………………….. to his teachers.


7 We are certain that you committed this crime.

We are certain that you ………………………….. this crime.


8 Two detectives asked the woman a lot of questions.

The woman ………………………….. two detectives.


Marks / 8

4. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 The police searched


for clues, but the criminal must have been very clever

because they couldn’t find a thing.

background image

Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 9

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



2 The detective is


sure that he knows who the criminal is, but he wants more

evidence to be gathered before he arrests a suspect.

3 The murder must have taken place


because the police found the gun and the body

on the kitchen floor.

4 The film was


daft but the children must have liked it because they laughed a lot.

5 Why are you playing that DVD so


? You must be deaf.

6 I can’t find my bag

in anywhere



; maybe somebody has stolen it.

7 The thief must have walked


into the house, stolen the computer, and then

walked backed out again.

8 Well done, Emily. You said ‘thank you’ very





9 I’m


tired after our walk; I think I’ll go to bed.

10 I’m


sure that Angela took the money.

11 The children walked


home from the police station.

12 That man is


the murderer because when he was caught by police he had blood

on his clothes.

Marks / 12

Total Marks / 40


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