activateb1+vocabtest 5

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 5

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



1. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 A … voice whispered her name.

A pale

B ghostly

C deadly

D skeleton

2 In the Disney cartoon, Cinderella’s … stepmother treats her very badly.

A wicked

B odd

C terrified

D ghost

3 After Jake had watched the … film, he was so scared he couldn’t speak!

A wicked

B mysterious

C horrifying

D haunted

4 He had already seen the film about aliens coming to … Earth so he chose a different one.

A planet

B universe

C country

D world

5 He had already … two prizes but he didn’t want to stop playing.

A won

B defeated

C beaten

D attacked

6 He had just watched

Rosemary’s Baby

, a(n) … film, and he was too scared to go to sleep.

A original

B haunting

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 5

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



C nervous

D horror

7 The police had been investigating the girl’s … disappearance for five years.

A wicked

B fascinating

C mysterious

D nervous

8 When my sister was little, she used to think that there was a hairy … hiding under her bed!

A monster

B alien

C enemy

D species

9 The girl had just gone into the … house when she saw a ghost coming towards her.

A haunted

B original

C wicked

D nervous

10 At the start of the film, the … had already come to Earth and had been controlling humans for


A types

B species

C aliens

D enemies

11 After the prince had … the wicked witch, he married the beautiful princess.

A attacked

B refused

C won

D defeated

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 5

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



12 Karen was … by science fiction when she was young, but now she prefers films that are funny.

A horrified

B fascinated

C haunted

D nervous

Marks / 12

2. Complete the sentences with words to do with films. All the letters are given, but

they are mixed up.



The actress’s ……………. was so light that she was cold and had to

put her coat on over the top during a break in the filming.



At first, the movie star was wearing a ……………. so we couldn’t

see his face.



The director asked the ……………. to rewrite some of the most

important scenes in the film.


otrsy oadrb

A film ……………. helps the director to ‘see’ what the scenes will be

like before he starts filming.



The movie was filmed on ……………. in Spain and Greece.



My favourite ……………. is Johnny Depp.



As soon as she read the ……………., Angela knew she wanted to be

in the film.



The camera operator was waiting on the ……………. of the movie

to begin filming.

Marks / 8

3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence

using the word given.

1 Kate was watching TV when suddenly a loud scream came from the garden.

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 5

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



Kate was watching TV when ………………………….. a loud scream came from the garden.


2 My parents and I occasionally go to the cinema.

My parents and I go to the cinema ………………………….. time.


3 People say that his father was a famous Hollywood actor.

………………………….. it that his father was a famous Hollywood actor.


4 She let out her breathe in relief when the children were found safely.

She ………………………….. relief when the children were found safely.


5 Doing the same job every day is so boring.

Doing the same job day .………………………….. is so boring.


6 We waited for ages to buy the tickets but finally we gave up and went home.

We waited for ages to buy the tickets but .………………………….. we gave up and went home. END

7 Things got worse and worse during the filming in Wales.

Things went from .………………………….. during the filming in Wales.


8 You may not believe it but it happened.

It .………………………….. .


Marks / 8

4. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 He had been … pleased with his new job until he realised how hard he had to work.

A absolutely

B rather

C a bit

D very

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 5

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



2 Lynn watches … terrifying horror films; I don’t know how she can sleep at night.

A rather

B absolutely

C very

D a bit

3 Jane had been thinking about being interviewed the next day and was feeling … nervous.

A absolutely

B rather

C completely

D totally

4 She used to cry for hours after seeing a sad film; they made her feel … heartbroken.

A very

B a bit

C rather

D completely

5 I’m feeling … tired; I think I’ll go and have a rest.

A a bit

B totally

C absolutely

D completely

6 She’s a(n) … good actress; I’ve seen all her films.

A a bit

B extremely

C rather

D completely

Marks / 6

5. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 Scary films used to send shivers


my spine.

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 5

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



2 She had been bitten by a dog when she was young and


that day on she was terrified of


3 Stories about weird monsters and aliens used to frighten me



4 He used to frighten me by hiding in my wardrobe; never



5 In the film, aliens take


the minds of children.



that moment a ghost rushed out of the haunted house.

Marks / 6

Total Marks / 40


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