activateb1+vocabtest 4

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 4

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



1. Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 By the end of the day we will have reached the … of the mountain.

A fitness

B peak

C jungle

D equipment

2 We are sure that you will find all the … that you would expect from a five-star hotel.

A safety

B equipment

C fitness

D conveniences

3 By this time next week we will have left the concrete … behind and be relaxing on a beach.

A jungle

B comfort

C country

D town

4 You will find that after a few weeks at the gym your level of … will have increased.

A safety

B survival

C equipment

D fitness

5 The class on pool … is at five o’clock every Wednesday.

A survival

B conveniences

C safety

D comforts

6 If you … the cave without a guide, you’ll get lost.

A aim

B explore

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 4

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



C find

D achieve

7 If you can’t manage to move all that … by yourself, I’ll help you.

A comforts

B equipment

C conveniences

D things

8 I promise that you’ll love being in the great …; getting close to nature is wonderful.

A jungle

B countryside

C outdoors

D peak

9 If you set a goal, I’ll help you … it.

A find

B achieve

C explore

D aim

10 The young people will have to use all their … skills to live alone in the jungle for two weeks.

A survival

B man-made

C advice

D advice

11 She didn’t complete the marathon because she couldn’t … the pace.

A take

B stand

C go

D sit

12 Are you sure you’ll be able to … your way home in the dark?

A go

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 4

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



B achieve

C follow

D find

Marks / 12

2. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 Until you


your fears, you will never feel really self-confident.

2 You’ll burn yourself if you


the campfire without being careful.

3 Before you


the team, you’ll have to prove that you are good enough.

4 As soon as you


the task, I’ll give you something else to do.

5 I hope she will


her potential and go on to be a great mountain climber.

6 By this time next month we will have


the funds to set up the programme.

7 I know you


doubts about being able to climb the mountain, but I’m sure you’ll manage


8 He’s going to get lost if he


that route; it’s the hardest way to climb the


9 By this time tomorrow I’ll be beside a beautiful river



10 The champion cyclist, Lance Armstrong, has overcome huge


to reach the

top of his sport.

Marks / 10

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 4

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



3. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in capitals.

1 If you have lots of …………….., you will catch a big fish.


2 The expedition will show what your strengths and …………….. are. WEAK

3 You will see that your …………….. as a fisherman will increase the more you experience you get.


4 I will tell you how …………….. the equipment is when I get back from the ‘Three Peaks



5 We’re going to book rooms somewhere else because there’s a …………….. that this hotel is going to


6 She’s totally …………….. and I know she will put the children before herself.


7 They hope their son will become more …………….. if he goes on the ‘Adventure Day’ programme.


8 Going on the mountain holiday made Jerry much more …………….. .



Marks / 8

4. Read the email and choose the best answer, A, B, C or D.

We’ve just come back from a 1) … holiday in Thailand. I’ve attached some photos for you with this

mail. When we arrived in Chiang Mai after our long journey, we were 2) … so we went to the hotel

restaurant and ate a(n) 3) … meal. Peter wanted to order his food in the local language. We had to

laugh because his efforts were 4) …! The waiters were very sweet though. In fact, we were 5) … by

how polite everybody was. I didn’t know the Thai people were so friendly and nice. After that we

were so 6) … that we fell straight into bed and slept until the next morning! We were 7) … with our

rooms. They were clean, modern and had a 8) … view over the old city. The only disadvantage was

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 4

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



that at some times of day the noise from the busy street below was 9) … . But overall the holiday

was 10) … and I can’t wait to go again next year!

1 A filthy

B deafening

C useful

D wonderful

2 A starving B soaked

C freezing

D astonished

3 A optimistic B starving

C delicious

D beautiful

4 A delighted B hilarious

C laughing

D historical

5 A amused B scared

C astonished D bored

6 A active

B exhausted C tough

D fit

7 A popular

B soaked

C deafened

D delighted

8 A difficult B beautiful

C convenient D popular

9 A deafening B filthy

C hilarious

D silent

10 A difficult B optimistic C fantastic

D convenient

Marks / 10

Total Marks / 40


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