activateb1+vocabtest 3

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 3

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



Matching words to definitions

1. Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 My dad’s … was to be a great gardener and he taught himself all about different kinds of plants

and flowers.

A success

B self-confidence

C luck

D ambition

2 Jane has a very independent type of … and wants to do everything herself.

A term

B success

C luck

D personality

3 Christine’s main … thinks that she has been trying to steal her place.

A tutor

B rival

C singer

D producer

4 Gene Simmons, from the rock band


, is a rock … ; I’d love to meet him.

A luck

B talent

C legend

D challenge

5 The … of the programme have been calling all day because they want to talk to you.

A tutors

B producers

C singers

D rivals

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 3

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



6 Gene Simmons … twelve teenagers to be on the programme

School Rock


A selected

B practised

C coached

D competed

7 We’ve just been offered a really difficult …; but I think we can do it!

A challenge

B ambition

C organization

D talent

8 I’ve booked tickets for the … at the stadium; it’s going to be amazing.

A chance

B gig

C term

D legend

9 It was his job to … the young people in how to sing and to make them into rock stars.

A coach

B choose

C compete

D select

10 Part of Gene’s job was to help the teenagers build their … and help them to believe in


A success

B talent

C luck

D self confidence

11 Harry has a lot of …; he’s been working as a producer for ten years.

A luck

B experience

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 3

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



C success

D practice

12 That man over there set up the … himself and it’s doing really well.

A ambition

B experience

C organisation

D luck

Marks / 12

2. Read the article and choose the best answer, A, B, C or D.

Susan Boyle was an 1) … middle-aged Scottish woman, but the last year has turned into a 2) … ride

for her. Susan had a beautiful voice and she wanted to become a singer. Music journalist Terry

Baker explains what happened, ‘Her mother encouraged her to enter

Britain’s Got

3) …, a TV

competition. She wanted her daughter to 4) … the chance. And of course she was right because it

was Susan’s lucky 5) … .’

When Susan appeared on the show, the judges were surprised by Susan’s appearance. She was

much older than the other contestants and she had strange, wild black hair and wore old-fashioned

clothes. But her voice amazed them. She won second place in the show and went on to become a

huge 6) …!

Britain’s Got Talent

really opened 7) … for her,’ Terry Baker told us. ‘She has made a best-selling

record and even appeared 8) … on

The Oprah Winfrey Show

in America. Her dreams have come 9)

… . A year ago, her only 10) … to fame was singing at her local school. Now the whole world knows


Marks / 10

1 A ordinary B official

C obvious

D extraordinary

2 A funfair

B train

C bumper car D roller coaster

3 A Fame

B Talent

C Factor

D Success

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 3

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



4 A take

B hold

C have

D open

5 A dream

B door

C break

D chance

6 A success

B champion

C fame

D challenge

7 A chances B doors

C ways

D routes

8 A really

B alive

C live

D online

9 A real

B true

C alive

D forward

10 A door

B break

C attraction D claim

3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence using the word given.

1 Jerry really loves Christina Aguilera; he’s got all her CDs.

Jerry ………………………….. Christina Aguilera; he’s got all her CDs. CRAZY

2 I’ve been doing exams for three weeks and I’m really bored with studying!

I’ve been doing exams for three weeks and ………………………….. studying! FED

3 People know that man because he invented a new kind of phone.

That man ………………………….. a new kind of phone.


4 Linda enjoys learning things by herself.

Linda is ………………………….. things by herself.


5 Kevin is a very talented guitar-player.

Kevin is very good ………………………….. the guitar. PLAYING

6 Do you find classical music interesting?

Are ………………………….. classical music?


7 I perform very badly in sports and prefer to watch rather than participate.

I ………………………….. sports and prefer to watch rather than participate. TERRIBLE

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 3

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



8 Kelly loves Zac Efron; she’s seen

High School Musical

ten times!

Kelly ………………………….. Zac Efron; she’s seen

High School Musical

ten times!


Marks / 8

4. Complete the sentences with words for hobbies and activities. All the letters are

given, but they are mixed up.



Gemma loves ……………. and wants to become a film star.



Dave is really good at …………….; probably because he’s such a

fast runner.



Amy’s ……………. classes have improved her balance and




……………. is a modern Japanese martial art.


irsaekbtondga Mark spends every weekend ……………. in the park with his


Marks / 5

5. For each of the words, choose the best meaning.

1 tutor

a to teach, especially a sport

2 coach

b a period of time the school year is divided into

3 year

c a school for teenagers of all abilities

4 term

d someone who teaches one person or a small group

5 comprehensive

e a measurement to show what level you are in school

Marks / 5

Total Marks / 40


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