activateb1+vocabtest 6

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 6

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



1. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 The runner must have hurt himself when he hit the tree because he was going at a very high … .

A operation

B addiction

C needle

D speed

2 I should have entered the …, but I would have had to run across five kilometres of fields and I

knew I wasn’t strong enough.

A cross-country race

B performance test

C obstacle race

D boot camp

3 Teenagers have to get over their … about being different from their friends; it would be awful if

everyone were the same!

A benefits

B hang-ups

C addictions

D operations

4 Young people usually have to go to … for several weeks before they can become fit soldiers.

A cross-country race

B performance test

C boot camp

D obstacle race

5 You shouldn’t have been so surprised when the doctor told you that your … fat ratio was far too

high; all you do is eat!

A heart

B circuit

C body

D performance

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 6

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



6 Thanks … my new fitness programme, I feel much fitter and healthier now.

A to

B on

C in

D for

7 Robert soon discovered that exercising brought huge … to his physical fitness.

A performance

B experience

C training

D benefits

8 You need to be really … to succeed at the boot camp.

A tough

B encouraging

C confident

D nice

9 I went to the doctor’s with my grandmother this morning because she was having a blood … .

A operation

B needle

C test

D performance

10 I caught the flu last winter and it took me ages to get … it.

A under

B over

C in

D at

Marks / 10

2. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 Joe couldn’t hook


his exercise bike to his Playstation, so he asked his dad for some help.

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 6

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



2 Kevin could have joined


all the activities at the after-school club but he decided not to.

3 You’d better start eating healthier foods; you can’t live


fish and chips, you know.

4 You shouldn’t take part in the race until you’ve built


your speed.

5 Ian didn’t have to set


the sports club, but he wanted to do something to help teens in the


6 You shouldn’t try to get


of circuit training; you’ll feel much fitter if you take part.

7 Sarah must have known that she had let her parents


when she stopped training for the

Olympic team.

8 He told me that I didn’t have to carry


practising so much but I felt that it had a lot of


Marks / 8

3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first

sentence using the word given.

1 It’s no use hiding; you have to go home and deal with the situation.

It’s no use hiding; you have to go home and ………………………….. . MUSIC

2 Shall I help you with that?

Shall I ………………………….. with that?


3 Don’t make me climb the ladder; I’m afraid of heights.

Don’t make me climb the ladder; I don’t ………………………….. heights.


4 I’m sure that there is no truth in what he’s saying.

I’m sure that he is lying ………………………….. . TEETH

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 6

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



5 Don’t be discouraged; I’m sure you’ll win your next race.

Don’t …………………………..; I’m sure you’ll win your next race.


6 I’m going to be firm with her; she can’t stay out after ten o’clock.

I’m going to ………………………….. down; she can’t stay out after ten o’clock. PUT

Marks / 6

4. Read the email and choose the best answer, A, B, C or D.

Mary: Andy you look terrible! You’re 1) … . You’ve got two 2) … eyes and a huge 3) … on your knee.

Have you had an accident?

Andy: Sort of. I’ve also 4) … a muscle in my shoulder and 5) … my ankle. Luckily I haven’t 6) …

any bones though.

Mary: Was it a car accident? A motorcycle accident? Were you wearing a 7) …?

Andy: No, it wasn’t a motorcycle accident. It was a week at the 8) … camp!

1 A wounded B hurted

C injured

D sliced

2 A black

B dark

C large

D brown

3 A bone

B lump

C slice

D graze

4 A broken

B cut

C pulled

D drawn

5 A cut

B sprained

C grazed

D pulled

6 A broken

B shattered

C cut

D split

7 A hat

B helmet

C crane

D cap

8 A sandal

B trainer

C shoe

D boot

Marks / 8

5. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 You don’t have to wear a helmet when you are on a(n) … .

A exercise bike

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 6

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



B relay race

C sports day

D weight training

2 You must be able to run very fast when you are in a(n) … .

A sports day

B weight training

C relay race

D team spirit

3 Judy should take up a(n) … like basketball or baseball because she doesn’t like to do things on her


A boot camp

B team sport

C circuit training

D relay race

4 You have to wear the right shoes if you’re going to play tennis on the … at the club.

A pitch

B bike

C care

D court

5 Bill has to stop eating … like hamburgers and chips if he wants to get fit.

A health food

B fast food

C foreign food

D rubbish food

6 Players need to have lots of … if they are going to take part in sports like cricket and hockey.

A blood pressure

B team spirit

C obstacle races

D circuit training

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Activate! B1+ Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 6

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas



7 Eating too much red meat can lead to heart … .

A disorder

B condition

C illness

D disease

8 I’ve been doing a lot of … to build up my muscles.

A performance test

B obstacle races

C weight training

D boot camp

Marks / 8

Total Marks / 40


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