brochure power management system 2007 enmanagment power

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Use energy resources effi ciently, cut costs –
with systematic power management

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High energy volumes, countless consumers, maximum availability around the clock? No matter how busy

things are in your power distribution system, our integrated products and systems for low-voltage power dis-

tribution systems make you the sovereign master of energy – in every situation, over the entire life cycle of

your power distribution systems. Thanks to these integrated and powerful components, you will be able to re-

duce your investment costs and risks considerably. You will benefi t from the modularity and intelligence of the

components throughout the entire period of use, so that you will always keep a reign on your operating costs –

at the highest possible level of system availability. End-to-end solutions for power distribution, ranging from

medium-voltage systems to wall outlets, are the most crucial components of the “Totally Integrated Power”

concept offered by Siemens. Intelligent components and matching software modules makes inter-

facing to industrial and building automation systems as effi cient as can be, thus offering substan-

tial savings potential on integration costs. Don’t worry about your power distribution, we’ll support you

systematically – with:

• SIMATIC powercontrol for optimal power management

• SIVACON power distribution boards and Motor Control Centers

• SIVACON busbar systems

• SENTRON switching and protection devices

Master your power requirements

we support you with our systems

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In times of high competition, it is imperative to

use existing resources most effi ciently in order to

lower operating costs. Increasing energy prices

in recent years has resulted in higher operating

costs, which may even put your competitiveness

at risk. And an end of these price increases is not

in sight. This puts in-plant energy effi ciency in-

creasingly in the focal point. Options for boosting

energy effi ciency are available – in every plant.

It is high time to stand up to these energy prices.

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Act, instead of accepting the situation –

keep a reign on your energy costs despite increasing prices

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Energy costs must be reduced. But where’s the leverage? Which measures
promise the greatest potential? How do you assess and document their
effect after implementation?

The right answer to all these questions is our standardized and modular
power management software – SIMATIC powercontrol. It makes all energy
fl ows transparent – from the incoming supply to the consumer equipment.
Always aiming at fi nding the best leverage for the most cost-effective plant

Benchmarking is an important factor in this context. An indispensable
prerequisite for this is the allocation of power consumption and cost to
the cost center structure in your company. SIMATIC powercost, an add-on
module of our SIMATIC powercontrol software, helps you determine energy
consumption and resulting costs over a defi nable period of time.

Energy data is an important prerequisite for cutting operating costs,
but it is equally important for increasing plant availability. Unusual
operating states are detected early and thereby can also be corrected at
an early stage.

Reduce operating costs,
increase plant availability

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Reduce operating costs

Identify equipment with high power
consumption in order to implement effi ciency
improvements to reduce consumption

Assist your energy purchaser by providing
demand profi le histories and power consumption

Optimize your capital expenditure on plant
expansion projects by locating hidden reserves in
the power distribution system

Improve the energy cost awareness in your
departments by allocating power consumption

... while increasing plant availability ...

Increase plant up-time by immediate
and automatic detection of critical conditions
(e.g. using alarm and event logs)

Avoid overload situations by early detection of
the capacity limits of your power distribution system

Ensure the quality of your electric power by
continuous monitoring and analysis

Optimize your maintenance expense by
analyzing the utilization of your power distribution

... and harvest additional future profi tability

Profit from a lower price per kilowatt in your
electricity supply contract, by limiting load peaks

Avoid additional costs in your electricity bills
by means of load management

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Representation of load curves in

SIMATIC powercontrol


Increasing energy costs

Consumption is not


Document energy fl ow

Reduce energy procured

Optimize the energy

purchase contract


plant availability

Optimization of capitol


Allocate consumption

to cost centers


cost awareness

Create transparency

The fi rst step to higher energy effi ciency
is a power management system that cre-
ates the necessary transparency required
as a basis for cutting operating costs in
your entire power distribution system.

This is possible by continuous data log-
ging and evaluation, which provides
maximum transparency of energy fl ows –
from the incoming supply to consumer

The positive effect: energy resources can
be more effectively employed, and hidden
potentials for savings can be identifi ed.

Cost Allocation based on actual

In Phase 2, the automatically logged
consumption data provide the poten-
tial, for example, of increasing
awareness of the energy costs in
your departments.

Haven’t you always wanted to know
the precise amount of energy costs
and where they are consumed? And
even better: cost allocation based on
actual usage helps you to promote
departments showing a high awareness
of energy effi ciency and give them their
share in the cost savings, for instance.
This will have a sustained effect on
your costs and act as an incentive for
further optimization.

Actual status

Phase 1

Phase 2

Create transparency

Allocation by actual


Continuous Improvement Process

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Manage loads

Depending on the kind of plant, Phase 3
is open to a wide range of solutions.
It would be ideal to plan production
based on manufacturing and energy ef-
fi ciency criteria. To accomplish this, the
data from a power management system
can undergo additional processing in an
existing plant control system or an enter-
prise network.

In small and medium-sized enterprises
these processes are often quite easily
manageable. In this case, measures
for optimization gained from the
transparency of energy data in step 1
can often be directly and effi ciently

Detailed and seamless acquisition of
all energy data allows you to adapt to
changing conditions within the short-
est possible time. This way you establish
a process for continuous improvement.
The result: optimized plant operation,
optimized energy purchase contracts
and an improved cost benchmark.

6 I 7


Automation and optimized power distribution

for industry and infrastructure

Balance high and

low-load periods

Effi cient management of the

production processs using

energy information

Phase 3

Manage loads

Why Power Management by Siemens?

With Power Management from Siemens, you are investing in an innovative
and future-proof system. Based on industrial technology, it meets particular
demands for quality and availability. With Power Management as a com-
ponent of Totally Integrated Automation and Totally Integrated Power, you
will profi t from integrated products and systems, from the use of standard
components, from a uniform operating philosophy, and from reduced
engineering requirements.

In short: Power Management allows you to fully exploit the potential for
optimization of an integrated solution.





Totally Integrated Power

Totally Integrated Automation

control level

control level

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Siemens AG

Automation and Drives
Low-Voltage Controls and Distribution
P.O. Box 48 48

Subject t

o c

hange without prior no

tice 07/07 | Or

der No. E20001-

A450-P307-V1-7600 | 2100/3134 EVPM.52.7.02 W

S 07073.0 | P


ed in German

y | © Siemens A

G 2007

If you would like further information, please contact
your local Siemens sales representative.

If you have any technical questions, please contact:
Technical Assistance
Tel: +49 (911) 895-5900


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Ordering by fax +49 (911) 978-3321 – CD/Z1335








CH &









Power Management System

SIVACON switchgear

SIVACON 8PS busbar trunking systems

SIVACON cubicle systems

SENTRON circuit breakers

SENTRON switch-disconnectors

Dimensioning with SIMARIS design

Power management with



Totally Integrated Power

Totally Integrated Automation


The information provided in this brochure contains merely general descrip-
tions or characteristics of performance which in actual case of use do not
always apply as described or which may change as a result of further develop-
ment of the products. An obligation to provide the respective characteristics
shall only exist if expressly agreed in the terms of contract.

All product designations may be trademarks or product names of Siemens AG
or supplier companies whose use by third parties for their own purposes could
violate the rights of the owners.


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