Drill Cuttings Recovery Project

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UKOOA Drill Cuttings JIP

Task 6

Drill Cuttings Recovery Project




Jan 2002







Draft Final





Draft for comment







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Document Title:

Drill Cuttings JIP Task 6 Final Report

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Drill Cuttings JIP Task 6 Final Report

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1. Executive Summary ................................................................................................................. 5


Objectives ...................................................................................................................... 5


Cuttings Recovery Equipment.................................................................................... 5


Onshore Trial................................................................................................................. 5


Delft Study and Further Development ....................................................................... 5


Offshore Trial................................................................................................................. 6


Dredging Operations .................................................................................................... 6


Environmental Monitoring ........................................................................................... 6


Practical Applications ................................................................................................... 7


Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 7

2. Introduction................................................................................................................................ 8
3. Background................................................................................................................................ 9


Previous BP Work into Drill Cuttings Removal at NW HUTTON .......................... 9
3.1.1. BP 1999 Drill Cuttings Removal Study ......................................................... 9
3.1.2. Overview of BP 1999 Drill Cuttings Removal Study................................... 9


JIP Phase 1 ................................................................................................................... 10
3.2.1. JIP Phase 1 Research Area 6.1 – Removal Solutions ............................... 10
3.2.2. Differences between BP study and JIP Phase 1 study results ................. 10


JIP Phase 2 Task 6 Overview .................................................................................... 11

4. Equipment Selection & Development.................................................................................... 12


Subsea Dredging System ........................................................................................... 12
4.1.1. Initial Equipment Selection.............................................................................. 12
4.1.2. Tender Process................................................................................................. 13
4.1.3. Selected System ............................................................................................... 14
4.1.4. Onshore Testing / Trials .................................................................................. 17
4.1.5. Post Onshore Trial Development ................................................................... 22
4.1.6. Offshore Trial System ...................................................................................... 24


Environmental Monitoring ........................................................................................... 27
4.2.1. Initial Equipment Selection.............................................................................. 27
4.2.2. Equipment Development ................................................................................. 30
4.2.3. Final System Description................................................................................. 30


Topsides Cuttings Processing and Disposal System ............................................. 32
4.3.1. Background and Introduction.......................................................................... 32
4.3.2. Initial Equipment Selection.............................................................................. 33
4.3.3. Equipment Development ................................................................................. 33
4.3.4. Final System Description................................................................................. 34

5. Offshore trials ............................................................................................................................ 36


Equipment Mobilisation and Installation ................................................................... 36
5.1.1. Subsea Dredging System ............................................................................... 36
5.1.2. Topsides Cuttings Processing and Disposal System ................................. 37
5.1.3. Environmental Monitoring ............................................................................... 37


Equipment Operation ................................................................................................... 39
5.2.1. Subsea Dredging System ............................................................................... 39
5.2.2. Topsides Cuttings Processing and Disposal System ................................. 40
5.2.3. Environmental Monitoring ............................................................................... 41


Results and Discussion ............................................................................................... 43
5.3.1. Safety.................................................................................................................. 43

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5.3.2. Overall ................................................................................................................ 43
5.3.3. Subsea Dredging System ............................................................................... 45
5.3.4. Topsides Cuttings Processing and Disposal System ................................. 50
5.3.5. Environmental Monitoring ............................................................................... 50


Lessons Learned .......................................................................................................... 54

6. Answers to JIP Need To Know Questions ........................................................................... 60
7. Application of Subsea System to Full scale removal.......................................................... 62


Existing System ............................................................................................................ 62


Optimum System .......................................................................................................... 63
7.2.1. System Capacity............................................................................................... 63
7.2.2. Dredging System .............................................................................................. 63
7.2.3. Deployment System ......................................................................................... 64
7.2.4. Environmental Monitoring ............................................................................... 65
7.2.5. Manpower .......................................................................................................... 66


Technical Implications for other pile types ............................................................... 66


Schedule ........................................................................................................................ 67


Financial......................................................................................................................... 67

8. Conclusions ............................................................................................................................... 72


Overall ............................................................................................................................ 72


Subsea Dredging System ........................................................................................... 72


Topsides Cuttings Processing and Disposal System ............................................. 73


Environmental Monitoring ........................................................................................... 73

9. References ................................................................................................................................ 75


BP.................................................................................................................................... 75


CEFAS............................................................................................................................ 75


Delft Hydraulics............................................................................................................. 75


Euro-Seas Engineering Solutions & Testing Ltd (Blyth Dry Docks) ..................... 75


Halliburton Subsea ....................................................................................................... 75


PSL ................................................................................................................................. 75


SWACO.......................................................................................................................... 75


Wood Group Engineering / JP Kenny ....................................................................... 75

10. Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................. 76
11. Appendices................................................................................................................................ 77
12. Appendix 1 – Offshore trial drawings .................................................................................... 77

12.1. NW Hutton – Topside Production / Drilling Deck Layout SSA-0322-D-0001-00 77
12.2. WGE Flow Diagram for Offshore Trials SK-37E-34G003-010 rev D ................... 77
12.3. SWACO Rig Plan Layout Cuttings Mound Processing and Disposal System -

Drawing ARQ 1143 012............................................................................................... 77

13. Appendix 2 – Schedule ............................................................................................................ 78

13.1. Key Project Dates ......................................................................................................... 78
13.2. Offshore Trial Schedule ............................................................................................... 79

14. Appendix 3 – Project Admin ................................................................................................... 80

14.1. JIP Task 6 CTR – ‘Agreed Scope of Work’ .............................................................. 80
14.2. Project Organisation..................................................................................................... 82

15. Appendix 4 – supporting Information..................................................................................... 83

15.1. The Key Elements of the Tender Scope of Work .................................................... 83
15.2. Success Criteria for Phase 1 Trials at Blyth............................................................. 86
15.3. Post Blyth Trial Review of System with Dredging Research Ltd.......................... 91
15.4. Delft Hydraulics Study of Dredge Head Performance and ROV Compatibility... 94
15.5. DRL Guidance Notes on Test Materials ................................................................... 96

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15.6. Environmental Monitoring Workshop Minutes ......................................................... 100
15.7. Flow Chart of Disposal Options .................................................................................. 101

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Task 6 of the UKOOA Drill Cuttings initiative phase II comprised development and field
deployment of cuttings recovery equipment with an extensive environmental monitoring
programme to evaluate the impacts of the operation.

Management of the project involved significant development and testing of components
and systems, a major onshore test and a full scale mobilisation to the offshore testing
location (The North West Hutton platform) located 130 km north east of the Shetland

1.1. Objectives

The main aim of the project was to develop an in-depth understanding of the
practicalities, physical parameters and environmental impacts of drill cuttings recovery in
the marine environment. The project also provided important information regarding the
physical properties of a cuttings pile in-situ and implications for disposal of the material.
(Reference JIP Task 7).

1.2. Cuttings Recovery Equipment

A major tender exercise was implemented to identify a dredging system suitable for
achieving the trial objectives. The exercise confirmed many of the findings of the phase I
study but also indicated that many systems required more development time and funding
to reach maturity than had been previously indicated.

The system selected consisted of a heavy-duty work class ROV with a variety of dredge
heads and a standard centrifugal dredging pump that was electrically driven and located
on the seabed. Cuttings were transferred to the platform via a fixed hose. Design flow
rate was 100m


per hour with a theoretical maximum water: solids ratio of 3:1.

1.3. Onshore Trial

A significant onshore trial was implemented at the EEST dry dock facility in Blyth,
Northumberland. This exercise proved invaluable and demonstrated that all components
of the system could meet the design criteria. In particular, the ability to pump the
material to the delivery point 65m above sea level at the platform and the ability to
deploy, connect and manoeuvre the subsea hoses with the ROV whilst dredging. The
areas of concern from the onshore trial were the low ratio of solids achieved (worse than
20:1). This was determined as being due to a combination of synthetic samples, dredge-
head design, and operator skill. Extremely poor visibility was a major problem.

1.4. Delft Study and Further Development

Following the onshore trial a series of modifications were made to improve the system.
A cutter type dredge head was manufactured to handle material of a cohesive nature and
improvements were made to the deployment system. The other major outcomes were
the need for the dredge head to maintain contact with the material at all times and
confirmation that the system should be able to achieve the desired ratios.

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1.5. Offshore Trial

Aside from the operation itself, the offshore trial indicated the major impact that such an
operation would have on the day to day running of an offshore production platform. In
addition to the recovery equipment a large amount of equipment and personnel were
required for the treatment and disposal operations. In all 40 people were involved in
running the operation with major operations at four separate work sites on the platform of
which approximately 20 personnel were dedicated to the subsea equipment. The
topside processing system included options for disposal by re-injection or ship to shore
by skips.

Apart from the scale of the work, the deployment and operation of the equipment was
relatively straightforward with all aspects operating largely as planned.

1.6. Dredging Operations

Limitations in the disposal system limited the maximum running time but it was sufficient
to gain confidence in all the major areas tested. The rotating cutter head created a
visible but relatively small plume during operation. The majority of the trial was
implemented with a suction dredge head that proved effective. No significant plume was
observed from this dredge head. The ROV thrusters and the ROV hull moving through
the pile created small plumes.

The most effective dredging technique appeared to result from driving the ROV forward
thrusting the dredge-head deeply into the pile. The system appeared to cope well with
debris. Stopping the pump and or backflushing cleared several blockages during the
operation. Shutting down the operation and backflushing did result in significant visible
re-suspension of cuttings material from the delivery hose.

Water to solids ratios improved with operator experience and several samples below
10:1 were noted with 6:1 (by volume of wet cuttings) being the best instantaneous result.
Steady operational ratios were between 10:1 and 20:1 with an overall trial average of
approximately 4% of wet cuttings including stopping and starting the dredging operation.
Frequent starting and stopping the system significantly increased the volume of water

1.7. Environmental Monitoring

Results from the environmental monitoring arrays confirm that plume generation and
drifting of re-suspended material was low during the operations. There were no visible
indications of an oil sheen being created at surface.

Water and solids analysis for oil content indicates oil contamination of the cuttings at the
levels that would have been expected from generic oil on cuttings sampling. It appears
that the majority of the oil remains bound to the cuttings. The level of oil in the
associated dredged water is low which may be associated with the high ratio of
recovered water to solids.

Contaminant analysis confirmed that the background levels of barium and total
hydrocarbons were not significantly increased in the Aqualander seawater samples as a
result of the dredging operation. Levels of APEs and barium were higher in the recovered
water at the platform topsides. LSA levels in the recovered cuttings material were low

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and similar to background levels. There was no detectable oil in the plumes generated
during the trial.

1.8. Practical Applications

The trial results provide a significant insight into the practical aspects of pile recovery
should this be undertaken. The issues are many, varied and complex but can be divided
into two main groups, removal of the pile prior to platform removal and removal of the
pile following platform removal. In general, it is clear that the cuttings volume recovered
will be accompanied by a minimum of ten times the volume of water.

Recovery on an operational installation would allow re-injection of the recovered
material, but in reality the operational duration of up to one year (for a 25,000m


pile) is

likely to be difficult to manage with a significant cost. High energy consumption is also
an issue for this case.

Recovery after platform removal could be implemented in a significantly shorter
timeframe, but the transport and safe disposal of large quantities of contaminated solids
and liquid would present major cost and operational problems.

1.9. Conclusions

Recovery of contaminated drill cuttings from the seabed to the surface appears to be
operationally feasible and indications are that secondary pollution is relatively low based
on the equipment utilised in the trial operation.

The levels of oil recorded in the material suggest that previous estimates of
contamination were representative of the trial site selected. The oil in general remains
bound to the drill cuttings with a relatively small amount migrating into the dredged water.

The practical application of cuttings recovery on an operational platform would appear to
be limited to a few installations capable of supporting the operation. The operation would
be challenging with a significant duration, significant cost implications and a major impact
on routine platform operations. In the event that a platform had ceased operating then
the operation would have to address the additional cost of maintaining platform
operations for the duration of the operation.

The direct cost of the dredging operation from an existing operational platform is likely to
be in the range of £200/m


to £300/m


to lift the material to the surface (for a 25,000m


pile) and possibly higher for smaller piles. This equates to at least £4000/m


of oil

removed assuming 5% contamination. Note that this does not include offshore
processing, storage, transport or disposal costs which will be significant.

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This report records and interprets the findings of the UKOOA drill cuttings JIP task 6 –
drill cuttings pilot recovery operation, conducted between Jan 2000 and Aug 2001.

Concept of a drill cuttings removal trial.
The output from the cuttings JIP phase 1 (task 6) suggested that several concepts
existed for physically removing cuttings from the seabed. The systems were based on
concepts ranging from deployment of pre-existing equipment to novel applications to
remove the material. The desktop studies of removal left some significant uncertainties,

The practical implications of dredging a cuttings pile at significant water depth in
the offshore environment.

The macroscopic nature and behaviour of the pile during recovery.

The environmental impacts of the recovery operation in the water column and at

The risks and merits of implementing a recovery trial were discussed at length and a
decision was taken to proceed based on the perceived value that the trial would provide
to the overall understanding and completeness of the project.

From the outset, the objectives of the trial were to focus on understanding the mechanics
and environmental impacts of the recovery operation and not necessarily to develop the
most efficient operational system. It was realised that the trial would only be able to
focus on a single site but every effort was made to make the findings as widely
applicable as possible.

The disposal operation for the trial was not considered to be within the boundary of the
main operation. Nevertheless, significant practical information was gathered from this
aspect of the work and will provide useful input to other study areas within the JIP.

NW Hutton was selected as the preferred location for the trial mainly on the basis of a
low number of alternatives. It did provide the benefit of having a well-studied cuttings
pile and also being in relatively deep water, thus ensuring that the results would be
widely applicable.

Significant efforts were made to ensure that wide ranging input was built into the trial at
every stage. An active steering committee, fully independent of the project team,
managed this aspect and ensured appropriate external considerations were included.

Overall, it is considered that the project achieved the main objectives set at the outset.

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3.1. Previous BP Work into Drill Cuttings Removal at NW HUTTON

3.1.1. BP 1999 Drill Cuttings Removal Study
BP has undertaken a number of reviews and studies into the removal of the drill cuttings
from the seabed beneath NW Hutton. The most recent and complete review of the
available and possible options for removal of the drill cuttings was undertaken in 1999 on
behalf of BP by JP Kenny. This study took place at the same time and in parallel to the
JIP Phase 1 study into drill cuttings removal technology. This study was part of a wider
BP project to look at the decommissioning of the NW Hutton facilities.

It should be noted that this study was focussed on removal of the NW Hutton drill
cuttings with the jacket and topsides in place.

The study report is reference No. 26 Drill Cuttings Mound Recovery to Topsides
Facilities, Rev A 29.12.99, Document No. JP Kenny No: 06.1781.U.3.002./ WGE No.

3.1.2. Overview of BP 1999 Drill Cuttings Removal Study

The study primarily consisted of a market survey to a wide range of industry
providers. The companies approached operate in the following sectors: marine
dredging, diving and subsea, marine wreck recovery and excavation systems.
Companies that expressed an interest to participate completed a data pack and
were invited to give a presentation on their proposed system.

The submitted information and presentation were scored considering the following
elements of the proposed systems: Completeness, operational viability,
operational productivity, estimated recovery time, development risk, cost, and
environmental acceptability. Using these criteria a comparative assessment was
undertaken on the proposed systems to rank them and produce a short list of
possible solutions for NW Hutton

Presentations on proposed systems were received from 18 of the 32 companies
approached. Considerable variety, innovation and application were shown.
Systems proposed, in the main, were based on known dredging techniques.
Availability ranged from applications of existing equipment through to new build
with associated small development costs, with some companies suggesting full
development funding. Certain companies could only offer part systems and were
looking for various support collaborations.

The study met its objective and concluded that the removal and pumping of drill
cuttings is feasible. There were a variety of systems that could undertake the task
and the task can be performed diverless.

The main findings were:

Systems could be deployed either from the platform or from a boat. For the
base case, platform deployment was considered favourable due to the
expected duration of the operation.

The system vehicle could be tracked or free swimming ROV.

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There were suitable dredge head designs available.

There were five possible pump types available of which the assessment
nominated the top three to be air venturi, water venturi and centrifugal

The cost and schedule information provided by the presentations show a
wide range, reflecting the levels of uncertainty. The middle range shows
costs of between £3.0m to £5.0m and duration 3 to 5 months.

The study showed that due to a lack of track record and the location of the mound
within the jacket framing and its debris interface, an ongoing desk based selection
for the final solution would not be conclusive. As a result, significant uncertainty
remained as to the best selection of system components and the environmental
impacts of any potential recovery operation.

3.2. JIP Phase 1

3.2.1. JIP Phase 1 Research Area 6.1 – Removal Solutions

Research Area 6.1 of the UKOOA Drill Cuttings Initiative comprised an evaluation
of methods that are available, or under development, that could be used to
recover drill cuttings from the seabed.

Potential system promoters were identified from in-house data and contact lists
provided by the Research Sponsors and Coordinators. Twenty promoters
provided details of 22 recovery systems or key components. These included
systems employing trailing suction hopper dredgers, reverse circulation drilling,
grabs, seabed crawlers and a variety of suspended pumps with remotely operated
vehicles (ROVs) to deploy the material inlet.

Although most systems (as a whole) were still under development and unproven,
it was concluded that there exists the means to effect substantial recovery of
cuttings piles. Most proposed systems were based either on components which
had already been proven in other relevant applications or environments, or were
based on new technology that was considered to be realistic to implement in the
near future. Quantitative evaluation of the capabilities of the proposed systems
was hindered by a lack of prior experience of controlled cuttings recovery.

Task 6.1 recommended that it was necessary to undertake closely monitored trials
of different systems in order to understand more fully the difficulties of cuttings
recovery, to quantify more confidently the sediment losses during recovery, and to
derive reliable estimates of cuttings dilution, particularly when working in cuttings
piles containing large amounts of debris.

3.2.2. Differences between BP study and JIP Phase 1 study results

A number of differences exist in the results of the BP and JIP study reports.
Some differences are due to the differences in scope (BP considered options for
NW Hutton only, while the JIP is looking at options for all large drill cuttings
accumulations). However the main differences are probably down to the fact that
the operation had not been undertaken before and therefore there was a lack of
experience with the systems dredging drill cuttings and lifting them to the surface
for disposal. As a result the studies results were to a large extent views on the

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systems claimed performance rather than factual information. A further area for
uncertainty was due to the lack of firm knowledge on the properties of the cuttings
and their ability to be dredged.

There was general consensus that the only way forward to remove the uncertainty
around the ability of systems to dredge and lift the cuttings was by means of an
equipment trial.

3.3. JIP Phase 2 Task 6 Overview

On completion of the JIP Phase 1 it was agreed by the partners that a phase 2 was
required. Phase 2 was designed to fill the gaps in the scientific knowledge regarding the
four management options for drill cuttings piles: in-situ bio-remediation, leave inplace and
monitor, lift and reinject, lift and dispose onshore.

The lifting trial was task 6 of Phase 2 of the JIP. The CTR and objectives issued by the
JIP to BP for execution of task 6 is included in Appendix 3.

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4.1. Subsea Dredging System

4.1.1. Initial Equipment Selection

Following on from completion of the drill cuttings removal studies in 1999, there
was agreement that the way to remove the uncertainty around the ability of
systems to dredge and lift the cuttings with acceptable performance and to better
estimate the cost of removal was by means of some form of equipment selection
and trial.

The previous study results included significant uncertainty and historically ‘budget’
cost estimates are often significantly different to tendered costs. The other major
area of uncertainty was the equipment’s ability to efficiently dredge drill cuttings
and lift them to surface. There was also uncertainty around the equipments
readiness and the duration taken to manufacture, modify or prepare the
equipment for trials.

The preliminary design parameters for the subsea recovery system were
developed at this stage. They were based on the market survey study results, a
review of the topsides facilities on NW Hutton for mounting the subsea equipment
and also a review of potential methods for disposal of the cuttings and associated
dredge water. The ‘optimum’ design parameters at this stage were:-

Recovery rate - 20m


/hr solids with an optimum ratio of 3:1 water to solids

and a maximum ratio of 10:1 water to solids. Based on the preferred slurry
mix for re-injection and rates.

Complete Operation safely, remotely and diverless

Produce minimum plume (minimise environmental impact).

Dredge head to remove up to a maximum of 20 m3/hr of solids at an
optimum ratio 3:1 water to solids.

Dredge head and hoses to handle debris up to 8” diameter and
handle/recover from blockages.

Dredge head to be capable of operating 50 metres from pump or vehicle.

Pump to lift cuttings and Debris from -144 metres LAT to head height of
+57 metres (subsequently increased to 70m).

Capability to remove and handle large debris for recovery at a later date

Reliability during operation.

Ability to monitor operation in zero visibility.

Compatibility / Operability of equipment.

Manoeuvrability of vehicle with dredge head in operation.

A preliminary equipment selection was made on the systems identified in the
studies. The equipment selection identified those systems that had the potential
to remove the NW Hutton drill cuttings. Systems clearly unsuited to a trial at NW
Hutton in the summer of 2000 were not considered further. The system types
rejected included all those that required the topsides to be removed prior to
cuttings removal and systems that were insufficiently developed to meet the
schedule. Where there was doubt with respect to these parameters the system
was included.

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Equipment selection was not made on the basis of the ranking in the studies due
to the uncertainties mentioned above and it was considered that the trial process
would be far better at identifying workable technologies.

It was proposed to undertake a final equipment selection by tendering for
complete systems to test. The selected system(s) would initially be subjected to
an onshore trial and on satisfactory comple tion of this an offshore trial would be
undertaken of the equipment on NW Hutton.

Companies / systems selected / included on tender list:




Coflexip Stena

To be defined

To be defined






Cent rifugal-Vortex

Stolt Comex Seaway



AEA Technology

Tractor - Extended boom

Centrifugal (water)


Tractor (vessel & ROV)

Centrifugal (water)

Ham Dredging

Tractor/ROV unit

Centrifugal Vortex


Tractor / ROV






Vessel / ROV

Air lift

Van Oord

Vessel / ROV

Centrifugal (water)

Systems rejected included those that:

Required diver assistance

Created uncontrolled plumes

Were at concept stage

Provider had no operational track record

Unable to be deployed from a platform or work inside a jacket

4.1.2. Tender Process

Throughout the tender process it was ensured that it maintained flexibility to
change the number of systems selected at each stage (of which there may be
none, dependent on results) and kept the option open to select elements from
systems for a mix and match approach if no suitable system was offered.

Particular attention was paid to the potential of SMEs to provide novel and
innovative solutions. The tender list only included companies that had indicated
that they could provide complete solutions, however to ensure that SMEs
technology was considered it was ensured that the names of the interested SMEs

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were supplied to all tenderers. To facilitate this and also to encourage possible
combination of companies where this might provide enhanced solutions BP invited
all the tenderers and the interested SMEs to a pre-tender presentation.

The pre-tender presentation introduced the contractors to the tender process, the
requirements and also highlighted the importance to consider all available
technologies including those offered by SMEs not on the tender list.

The competitive tender package was issued to 11 companies (see list in section
4.1.1) on 18 Jan 2000 at a pre tender briefing meeting attended by all 11
companies invited to tender. Tender submissions were received from 6 bidders
on 13th March 2000. 3 companies declined to tender and 2 pairs of companies
formed Joint Ventures, 2 tenders included alternative offers.

The rationale for such a large tender list was to ensure that any promising
technologies were evaluated and to ensure that a wide range of industry
participants had an opportunity to participate. It should be noted that a number of
technologies are still on the drawing board and these were not included on the
tender list, as they could not provide systems for trials in 2000.

The Key Elements of the Tender Scope of Work are included in Appendix 4:

Summary of Tenders and Alternative Offers:

Tenderer 1

Tracked vehicle with centrifugal pump

Tenderer 1 Alt 1.

Alternative including cuttings disposal by injection

Tenderer 2

Tracked vehicle with centrifugal pump

Tenderer 3

ROV with centrifugal pump

Tenderer 3 Alt 1.

Alternative trial location

Tenderer 4

Tracked ROV

Tenderer 5

Tracked vehicle with centrifugal pump

Tenderer 5 Alt 1.

Alternative with vessel based phase 3

Tenderer 5 Alt 2.

Alternative with different pump option

Tenderer 5 Alt 3.

Alternative with subsea skip system

Tenderer 6

Various deployment options with centrifugal or rotary
displacement pump

The evaluation was performed following the instructions set out in the approved
evaluation plan, which followed the equipment evaluation proposal included in the
Phase II Programme, Draft Invitation to Participate dated 22 Feb. 2000.

The Tender Evaluation exercise was split into three areas: HSE, Service Provision
(Technical, People / Competence & Scope of Work) and Commercial
(Remuneration, Contractual) with previously agreed overall weightings.

4.1.3. Selected System

In general the tenderers offered similar systems to those proposed in the earlier
studies. However the cost and amount of development work required and the
subsequent time to mobilise was quite different to some of the indications
provided in earlier studies. The types of pump offered were limited compared to
the studies where a number of novel or new pump types were offered. In the

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tenders the majority of pump solutions were proven dredging centrifugal pumps,
with only two different options, namely a hydro pneumatic pump and a Discflo
pump. All of the tenders included significant provision for development and
equipment purchase prior to any trials and in general the costs were higher than
the budget estimates derived from earlier study work.

The JIP approved the recommendation to award a contract to Halliburton Subsea
(HS) for Phase 1 onshore trials. Phase 2 was to be awarded on satisfactory
completion of Phase 1 and JIP agreement to proceed to Phase 2.

HS ranked highest in the three main criteria of evaluation and are clear leaders
overall. They could meet the proposed timeline for implementation with a full
system. Key aspects of the HS tender:

Work class ROV deployed dredging system; Warman centrifugal dredging
pump located in separate skid, dredging by suction with additional
mechanical agitation, hose connections between units made subsea by

ROV and deployment system are existing, other items based on existing
technology / designs and require to be manufactured.

HS had e xtensive experience of designing, building and operating subsea
engineering solutions.

Good HSE management system and record.

The agreed recommendation had associated risks to the satisfactory outcome of
phase 1 and phase 2 trials that were identified at the time as:

1. Use of a single system may result in additional trial requirement if the trial is


2. Standard, dredging centrifugal pumps may not be the optimum pumping

solution for cuttings recovery.

3. ROV’s may be limited in their ability to dredge at the required rates.

To minimise the risk of working with a single contractor / solution additional work
was undertaken to include an alternative pump in phases 1 and 2. The selected
pump was the PSL Discflo pump.

Technical reasons for selecting the Discflo pump included:-

Pump, motor, umbilical, suction hose and variable speed control container
all exist.

Discflo pumps are a patented design utilising a non-impingement pumping
principle that utilises boundary layer and viscous drag effects inside a
rotating discpac.

Discflo pumps are claimed to perform well on viscous, abrasive and high
solid content fluids, with lower damage to the fluid and longer pump life.

PSL equipment was suitable for integration into HS system to avoid any
duplication of equipment. Existing PSL equipment (motor, umbilical,
suction hose and control container) would replace HS equipment that
required to be purchased/built for the trial.

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A more detailed description of the HS system is contained in references 16, 17

and 18, and for the PSL Equipment in reference 20.

During the evaluation it became clear that whilst the majority of solutions were
platform based in most cases there was a lack of knowledge/experience of the
likely difficulty of deploying the systems from a producing platform. Where the
tenderer lacked experience the assistance of BP’s engineering support
contractor’s would be used to bridge any gaps. For most of the tracked vehicles it
was clear that there would be significant difficulty and cost involved in engineering
a deployment system for a tracked vehicle due to vehicle weights of typically 10
tonnes, and that these difficulties were not factored into the tendered prices and
would have to be included in the overall cost estimates.

Tenders included options for vessel based systems and the best vessel based
option was more competitive than had been anticipated although significantly
more expensive than platform based. Vessel based options were particularly
attractive for tracked vehicle options as there is a good record of deploying
tracked vehicles from vessels for trenching, whereas their weight makes their
deployment more difficult for platform deployment Development

The HS system was designed around existing proven dredging and subsea
technology as appropriate to the individual components.

At the time of contract award a number of the HS system components had to be
purchased and assembled for the trial (see reference 18). The main components
to be procured included the Warman dredging pump and discharge hoses. In
addition the pump drive motor, ROV interface / dredge skid and the subsea hose
connectors had to be designed in detail and manufactured, however these were
all based on existing in-house HS experience and designs. The Warman pump
procurement was on the critical path and the motor whilst based on a standard HS
ROV subsea motor was significantly larger power output than the existing design.
The dump valve assembly was designed and manufactured from specifically for
the trial using HS experience and good subsea practice.

The PSL equipment was selected in part due to the fact that the equipment all
existed or had already been ordered on a speculative basis for this or other
potential contracts. The Pump umbilical winch and suction hose were standard
PSL units of which they had a number of identical units used for subsea cuttings
transfer, whilst the pump / motor unit and variable speed drive (VSD) were already
on order. BP witnessed all the equipment undergoing a FAT.

The equipment supplied by HS and PSL for the Blyth trials included:-

Halliburton Subsea

Workclass ROV.


ROV umbilical & winch c/w winch hydraulic pack & hoses.


ROV control van c/w deck umbilical.

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ROV under-slung dredge skid c/w 6” suction hose connection system,
dredge arm, and optional agitator head.


Generator for HS and PSL equipment c/w with distribution panel.


Dredge pump (Warman) and motor (HS) c/w dump valve system.


Discharge hose (4”) c/w connection system to dump valve.


Echoscope 1600B 3D real time sonar c/w tilt mechanism.



VSD control van c/w power / deck cables & console (ROV shack).


Umbilical and winch c/w hydraulic pack.


Dredge pump (DiscFlo) and motor c/w PSL suction hose connector.


6” suction hose 40m long (PSL connector at one end, bare flange at other).

Dredge ROV at Blyth

More detailed descriptions of the HS and PSL equipment are included in their
respective reports.

4.1.4. Onshore Testing / Trials

BP investigated a number of onshore and near shore trial site options. They
included options to use various harbour locations and also sea lochs. The Blyth
Dry Dock Facility operated by Euro-Seas Engineering Solutions & Testing Ltd
(EEST) was selected as it provided the best overall test site solution. Principally it
allowed the trial to be conducted in a totally controlled environment both on the
quayside and underwater. Other attributes of Blyth included:

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Main facility in the UK for shallow water subsea trials, and has a track
record of successful trials including stack up tests, ROV systems and
tracked vehicles. EEST the Blyth operators principal service is to provide a
commercial facility for subsea trials.

Series of large dry docks the seabed properties of which can be accurately

The dry dock can be filled and emptied as required, flows and different
conditions can be simulated.

There is a large amount of space, and the site has all required utilities.

Support services such as cranes, scaffolding, and fabrication are available
on site or close by from sub-contractors that have a track record with

Good office facilities are available including viewing facilities, catering,
changing facilities, communications etc.

Blyth is a private location and access is restricted to our participants and

The identified downside was the likelihood of restricted visibility in the flooded dry

The initial plan was to undertake the onshore trials during June 2000 followed by
an offshore trial in August 2000. Due to the time taken to complete the selection
and award process the onshore trial date was unrealistic by the time the contracts
were awarded.

The onshore trials were eventually undertaken during August 2000, following
preparation of the trial site which commenced in July 2000. of the Onshore Trials

The trials at Blyth were intended to be a representation of some of the
parameters of drill cuttings recovery at NW Hutton. In particular the trials were
aimed at gathering information on pump performance and estimating recovery and
dilution rates. The trial was intended to -

Demonstrate the ability of the Warman (HS) and Discflo (PSL) pumps to
deliver cuttings to a head equivalent to the delivery head height at NW

Measure the recovery and dilution rates of a series of sample cuttings of
differing consistency (varying components and shear strengths).

Demonstrate the ability of the ROV to hook-up and detach the suction and
discharge hoses to and from the pump unit.

Demonstrate the ability of the ROV to manoeuvre and position the PSL
suction hose, to ‘dock’ onto the hose, and to automatically disconnect from
the hose in the event of an ROV shut down.

Demonstrate the ability of the ROV to operate the dredge arm to sweep the
dredge head through the pile.

Demonstrate the operation of an agitator head to break up cuttings at the
nozzle intake.

Demonstrate the operation of the dump valve assembly.

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Demonstrate the ability of the ROV to deal with or avoid different hard and
soft debris. Trial Set-up

The schematic of the trial facilities show how the equipment was configured at
Blyth for testing the subsea dredging equipment. The EEST scope of supply for
the trials included the following: -

Provision of Dock facilities filled with water for ROV dredging activities.

Design and provide a 60 metre tower based on a mobile crane to simulate
the head height from the sea surface to NW Hutton pipe deck level, with 4”
dia. hose with flanges or couplings to match contractors hose.

Provision and operation of the separation system to separate solids from

Provision of sample areas in dock three (two sets of three, 6 x 4m – filled to
BP requirements).

Provision of personnel and management, to engineer, prepare and operate
the facilities and to monitor the trials (for separation performance, solids
and water content, video record, flow meter and weight measurement).

Equipment to monitor performance of equipment on test.

Provision of ad-hoc services including cranes











Dredge head
Suction hose
Discharge hose (including 7)
140m removable section
Riser bend
Riser pipe
Riser head/ syphon preventer, 63m above dockside

Receiver pipe
Sampling pipe
Discharge hose
Discharge head


Dock 3 (Flooded)

Dock 2 (Dry)

Schematic Flow Diagram (NTS).










North West Hutton

Drill Cuttings Recovery Trial


Euro-Seas Engineering
Solutions & Testing Ltd

Figure 1 – Trial System Layout

Procurement of equipment and construction of the trial facilities commenced in
early July 2000 and Dock 3 was flooded on 16th August 2000. Figure 1 shows a
simplified schematic of the test set-up. Full details are contained in reference 9.

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In order to test the dredging system performance a total of seven different sample
seabed areas were created in the dry-dock. At the time of the onshore trial there
was a significant level of uncertainty over the properties of drill cuttings in general
and significantly at NW Hutton. The sample areas were made with a
correspondingly conservative range of properties and included debris to simulate
what may be dredged offshore in actual drill cuttings. The samples were made
from either sand or clay and were contained within temporary formwork.

In order to monitor dredging performance the flow rates were measured and the
‘output’ from each trial was fed to a settling lagoon to enable both solid and liquid
quantities to be estimated. During each test, samples were taken from the
complete dredge flow and these were then analysed to give spot reading of solid:
liquid ratio. All other relevant parameters were recorded and logged. Trial Results

Full Details of the trial results are contained in reference 9 (EEST), reference 10
(HS) and reference 19 (PSL).

Overall the trials at Blyth proved to be a success demonstrating that the system is
able to work.

‘Success Criteria’ for the Blyth trial with the equipments performance is included in
Appendix 4. On most criteria the system was judged to be a success and for most
parameters that ‘failed’ or could not be tested, they were identified as being
readily solved or would not be an issue during the offshore trial.

However there was a significant system limitation in that the results for both
pumps showed very low average solids to water ratios. The instantaneous ratios
reached a peak of 1:26 volume to volume solids to water (1:13 mass : mass solids
to water ratio) with most results being much lower. The overall ratios were poor
due to the difficulty of achieving steady dredging performance in a short duration
trial. The best result was a recovery of a total of 4 tonnes of wet sand during a
total pumped volume of 65m







Maximum ratio
of wet solids to
water (wet
mass: mass)

Maximum ratio of
wet solids to water
(wet vol: vol)

PSL Pump

20.08.00 Caged




Not measured

21.08.00 Caged




Not measured

22.08.00 Rotating 4

Soft Clay



22.08.00 Rotating 6




22.08.00 Rotating 7




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Warman Pump

23.08.00 Rotating 3

Soft clay



24.08.00 Rotating 5




24.08.00 Rotating 1




24.08.00 Rotating Simulat





It is difficult to directly compare the results of trials using separate pumps as the
dredging technique altered during the trials as a consequence of experience with
the earlier trials and the equipment configuration also varied (principally change of
dredge heads).

Results for both pumps showed very low average solids ratios. However, there
are some reasons for the low solids ratios other than the suction head: –

During the first trial, using the PSL pump on a sand sample, the suction
hose became plugged with sand. This is probably because the caged
nozzle on the dredge head was pushed deep into the sand pile, whilst the
pump was running at a slower speed than was necessary to keep the sand
in suspension in the 6” suction hose (flow rates were measured in the 4”
discharge line). When the sand trial was repeated with the Warman pump,
the agitator head was fitted, and was not pushed so deeply into the mound,
At the same time, due to the lessons learnt in the first trial, the flow rate
(and therefore the velocity) was increased to prevent settling.

The agitator head was designed to break up the very hard surfaces of
some of the samples (up to 120kPa). However, the design of the rotating
cutter was such that gravel became jammed between the cutter and the
back plate very easily, stopping the head from turning. Without the cutter
rotating the only action on the hard surface was from sweeping the dredge
arm from left to right, which was highly inefficient.

The cutter head was designed to break up the clay adjacent to the suction
intake. Thus there was no direct flow of water through the cutter head,
which became easily clogged up with clay (irrespective of whether the clay
was hard or soft).

The agitator head grill was designed to prevent the intake of particles larger
than 30mm. However, it became partially or completely blocked with gravel
very quickly, and frequent back flushing using the 60m head of water
proved necessary.

There are several factors differentiating a trial at Blyth with an actual recovery
operation at NW Hutton, and these are significant when analysing the results from
Blyth. These were:

Very restricted visibility at Blyth that does not clear readily.

Lack of method to fully simulate differential losses in 145m water colum n.

Difference between sample materials dredged at Blyth and ‘real ‘NW
Hutton cuttings. The discrete constituents of samples i.e. granular sample

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(sand) and cohesive samples (compacted boulder clay) in reality are likely
to provide a limited test for evaluation of the ability to recover drill cuttings.

Not withstanding these limitations a trial took place that demonstrated the ability of
the systems to lift a mixture of solids and water to the required delivery head at
acceptable flow rates. The trial highlighted the deficiencies in the design of certain
components (as it was intended to), and proved a useful exercise in
understanding some of the operational difficulties that might be involved in
offshore locations.

4.1.5. Post Onshore Trial Development

Following the onshore trials it was agreed that a detailed analysis of the systems
performance was required using independent experts to establish if higher solid to
water ratios (better than 1:10) could be achieved by the equipment tested at Blyth.
Dredging Research Limited (of the UK) and Delft Hydraulics (Netherlands)
provided this expertise.

DRL provided practical expertise on how the system could best be improved in a
qualitative manner and also undertook some basic calculations on dredging
parameters. They also used their knowledge from the JIP task 5b to better define
the expected nature of the drill cuttings at NW Hutton.
Their opinion was that following some system modification the system would be
able to operate within the required solids to water range of 1:10 or better.

Delft Hydraulics were approached initially as an option to undertake some highly
controlled testing of the dredge heads in their flume tank. However they
suggested that their numerical models would enable the system to be evaluated
initially without physical testing. Their work commenced with testing and studying
the properties of drill cuttings and then using this data and HS’s estimated
reaction forces and torques for the ROV system to numerically model the dredging

The Delft study concluded that the ROV based dredging system could achieve
solid to water ratios of 1:10 or better on the materials expected using a Breebot
crown type cutter. The estimated reaction forces that the ROV can produce would
be more than required for a crown type cutter. The cohesive nature of the cuttings
makes the use of static suction dredging inapplicable due to the small pit size that
would be formed; suction dredging would require a moving action.

A more detailed summary of DRL and Delft’s work is included in Appendix 4, and
Delft Hydraulics full report is reference 8. changes

Following the equipment review with DRL, discussions with the JIP partners and
completing the Delft Hydraulics desk study the majority of the equipment upgrade
recommendations were implemented.

Post Blyth Trial Equipment Modifications implemented:

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Vacuum gauge mounted on dredge skid.

Semi automated dredge arm sweeping system.

Subsea pump discharge pressure gauge.

Improvements to subsea hose ROV operable connectors.

A crown cutter dredge head was designed and built (by Delft Hydraulics).

Angled suction nozzles were designed and built.

Suction hose size was reduced from 6" to 4".

Addition of buoyancy modules added to suction hose.

An ROV suction hose connection eject mechanism was designed to allow
release in 'dead sub' situations.

A proposal to vary the length of the dredging arm during dredging operations to
reduce the ROV movements during dredging was not implemented due to the
complexity and cost of the proposal for potentially limited gains. Acceptance Test

On completion of the equipment review with DRL and discussions with the JIP the
decision was made to defer the offshore trial to 2001 due to the level of work
required on the system and the o nset of poorer autumn/winter weather offshore.

The requirement for additional large scale onshore testing was discussed in detail
and a number of options for trial sites were reviewed including the use of a
Norwegian Fjord and returning to Blyth. Options for partial system tests were
included, including the use of the Delft Hydraulics flume tank for crown cutter

The decision was made to go directly to offshore trials following the equipment
upgrades with testing limited to a wet Factory Acceptance Test at HS of the
upgraded system elements. The decision was made following a thorough review
of the options, cost benefits, likely outcome, and uncertainty over visibility and
ability to manufacture representative samples.

A significant shortcoming identified was the limited information that could be
obtained from further onshore / near shore testing (at significant cost). Tank
testing at HS was able to test the various components function with the exception
of the dredge head performance (at reasonable cost). The key element that could
only be tested with large scale testing was the overall dredging performance. Due
to the wide variability in drill cuttings properties from the DRL/Delft work it would
be very difficult to accurately simulate the cuttings in a test facility and there would
always be doubt on the results until the system was tested on NW Hutton cuttings.

The factory acceptance tests were undertaken at HS test tanks over the period of


to 4


May and 24


May. All system components that had been modified were

fully tested and adjusted until they operated smoothly. Components tested

Suction hose buoyancy

Pump to Discharge hose ROV mateable connector

ROV dredge skid to Suction hose connector

Suction hose to pump inlet connector

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Dredge arm operation

By the end of the FAT all elements were working to BP’s satisfaction.

Full details of the tests are contained in the HS report on the FAT (reference 11).

4.1.6. Offshore Trial System

The subsea dredging system comprised of:-



Workclass ROV.


ROV umbilical & winch c/w winch hydraulic pack & hoses.


ROV control van c/w deck umbilical.


ROV workshop and ROV deck hydraulics pack


ROV under-slung dredge skid c/w suction hose connection system, dredge
arm, with nozzle(s) and cutter head.


Cabling from VSD container to ROV control van and winch HPU.


Dredge pump (Warman) and motor (HS) c/w dump valve system.


Delivery hose connection system to mount on to PSL and HS pumps.


Discharge hose (4”) c/w connection system to dump valve.


4” Suction hose - 45m long.


Tuggers, tugger frames, guide wire, chutes, intermediate skids and clump
weight (DMA)

NW Hutton Skid deck (above) showing hose deployment

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HS ROV system on Production Deck Laydown area (above)


EchoScope 1600B 3D real time acoustic camera c/w tilt mechanism.


ROVtech Eyeball ROV for environmental monitoring.

Eyeball ROV (above)

Echoscope sensor (above)


VSD control van c/w power and control cables.


Umbilical and wi nch c/w hydraulic pack.


Dredge pump (DiscFlo) and motor.


Pump inlet connector (receptacle and hose adapter)

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PSL Equipment on skid deck (above)

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4.2. Environmental Monitoring

4.2.1. Initial Equipment Selection

In order to ensure that the most appropriate environmental monitoring equipment
was selected for the offshore trial, the types of equipment required was not
prescribed at the outset. Instead, external parties were invited to identify the most
appropriate equipment that would meet the Task 6 objectives. The objectives for
the environmental monitoring were to:

Monitor the resuspension, transport and deposition of drill cuttings from the
trial lifting operation at NW Hutton

Assess the impact on the surrounding seabed

Estimate the recovery timescale arising from any adverse impacts.

To ensure that the environmental monitoring provided as much information as
possible, a number of gaps in scientific knowledge were also identified for review
by external parties during the tender process. These identified gaps inc luded
contaminant uptake (and subsequent biological effects, for example, detoxifying
enzyme induction) in fish living on/around the pile. Throughout the selection
process it was also the intent to ensure close co-operation with SERAD who were
also planning similar operations to monitor resuspension events resulting from the
impact of fishing trawls with a cuttings pile. The intent was to incorporate any
experiences from the SERAD operations into the Task 6 environmental monitoring
programme, wherever practical. / Introduction

The received tenders were reviewed by a team of BP, JIP Sponsors and DNV
personnel. Following the ITT and competitive tendering exercise, CEFAS were
awarded the environmental monitoring workscope.

The proposed CEFAS environmental monitoring strategy is outlined in the
schematic below. In addition to their preferred environmental monitoring
approach the CEFAS tender included a number of optional additions. This
strategy was used as the baseline from which any changes to the workscope
were monitored.

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Field Condition
to be measured


Background conditions

Response of pile to natural


Dispersion of cuttings material

Hydrodynamics during trials

Tidal currents and waves -

long-term Minilander

(Task 1A)

Suspended sediment

concentration - long-term

Minilander (Task 1B)

Waves/Currents 4 short-term

Minilanders (Task 3A)

ROV - OBS mast (Task 3B)

ROV - ADCP sections (Task


Suspended sediment

concentrations 4 short-term

Minilanders (Task 3D)

Calibration data - CTD, water

samples, suspended sediment

profiles (Task 3E)

Bed state around platform

Camera record (Task 1D)

Temporal evolution of plume

Spatial evolution of plume

Sea bed mapping (Task 1C)

Particle size profiles - LISST

(Task 3I)

CTD profiles + water samples

- lab studies (Task 3H)

Settling velocity of plume


ROV mounted water supplier

(50 samples)

SSC (Task 3F)

PSA (Task 3G)

Fate of plume sediments

Footprint of redistributed

cuttings material

Sea bed mapping (Task 4A)

ROV TV survey (Task 4B)

Sediment tracer experiment

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Field Condition
to be measured


Real-time Telemetry of Observed Data

Figure 1 - Project Strategy - revised 12 October 2000.

Background conditions

Plume source

Volume and elevation of


Concentration and

composition of pile material

Side scan plus swathe bathy

(Task 2B)

Side scan plus swathe bathy

(Task 2A)

Geotechnical properties from

sediment cores (Task 2C)

Thickness of deposition

Coring (Task 4C)

Fate of plume sediments

Sea bed chemistry and


Effects and recovery


Repeat coring programme

(Task 5A)

Options in the original scheme of work which have been removed

Optional additions to the present scheme of work

Impacts on food chain

Biological uptake of


Analysis of meiofaunal and

macrofaunal samples

Longevity of impacts

Return of water column to

background state

Extended deployment of long-

term Minilander for 14 days

after trials

Observe deployment site and

investigate logistics

Early reconnaissance at NWH

J Rees + 1 to undertake

weekend visit to NWH

Catch of commercial fish

Establish presence of any
hydrocarbons in the water


Distinguish between

hydrocarbons from produced

water plume from platform and

that from lifting trials

Deploy tuned flourometer on


Assess visual impacts

Measure surface water sheen

Garret screens

Sea bed chemistry and


Coring (Task 1E)

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4.2.2. Equipment Development

Following the original contract award, the environmental monitoring system
developed significantly as the proposed equipments benefits and limitations
became better understood and as the whole trial system for NW Hutton became
better defined. One of the main focal points for the review and further clarification
of the environmental monitoring workscope was a Workshop held on 12



2001 attended by representatives from the DTI, SERAD, CEFAS, DNV and
UKOOA JIP Sponsors. The objectives of the workshop were to:

Confirm the selected technology given the anticipated size of the plume
and the resultant layer of disturbed cuttings pile material on the seabed

Look into any increased flexibility in the scope of work, given the costs
associated with a high calibre vessel; and

Explore other potential sources of disturbance monitoring.

Details of the Workshop can be found in Appendix 4. Based on these discussions
the following 3 potential options were identified for the trial:

A platform-based monitoring scheme;

A vessel-based monitoring scheme; or

A hybrid scheme which combines platform-based operations and the use of
a vessel-of-opportunity.

These options were distributed to the JIP sponsors and voted upon to identify the
JIP’s preferred way forward. In the subsequent months, further minor revisions
were made to the scope of work (and associated costs) such that all parties were
satisfied with the level and degree of monitoring identified within the Task 6
budget. The finalised environmental monitoring workscope was reviewed and
approved by the independent Scientific Review Group (SRG).

Following these reviews the main changes to the scope of work were as follows:

a move away from a vessel based monitoring system, with minilanders
deployed at the edge of the 500m zone, to a system with the equipment
platform deployed and located close to the dredging operation;

the deletion of studies investigating the uptake of hydrocarbons, metals,
and into commercial fish species (cod, haddock) and detoxifying enzyme
induction; and

the inclusion of a limited fluorescent tracer experiment.

4.2.3. Final System Description

The final environmental monitoring package comprised a series of seabed landers
(Minilanders) which were used to monitor:

The long -term (background) suspended sediment, tide and wave climate

The suspended sediment concentration in an approximate 40 - 100m
radius around the platform

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Daily (aqualander) water samples which were analysed for concentrations
of total hydrocarbons, barium, endocrine disruptors (APEs) and sediment
load (for calibration of sediment monitors)

A Minilander Being Deployed Offshore

Other equipment utilised to monitor the environmental impacts included:

An eyeball ROV in addition to the workclass (dredging) ROV which was
used to provide a flexible, visual means of identifying any generated
sediment plumes.

The use of a fluorescent tracer to mimic the sediment backflush event
which was anticipated to represent a ‘worst case’ sediment resuspension

Samples of recovered material (water/solids) were also taken at the surface
(SWACO Unit and platform mud pits) by CEFAS personnel for an oil-water
partitioning experiment. Further details regarding the environmental monitoring
package can be found in reference 7 (CEFAS contract Report on NW Huton Drill
Cuttings Recovery Project – Environmental Monitoring, August 2001).

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4.3. Topsides Cuttings Processing and Disposal System

The Topsides processing and disposal system was designed with the following criteria:

To determine an option for disposal of recovered material that will support the
recovery operation. (This does not mean the option chosen would necessarily be
suitable for a large scale recovery operation)

The final selection must provide an environmentally acceptable option, within the
constraints of legislation, recovery operations, platform operations and budget.

It is important there are no undue environmental impact / implications.

The solution should match disposal rates to recove ry rates to support the recovery
trial. The design criteria maximum rate for the recovery trial is 20 m


/hr solids and

180 m


/hr liquids. The planned maximum recovery volume is 900 m


of cuttings

and upto 10,000 m


of associated water.

Needs to be cost effective for trial purposes.

4.3.1. Background and Introduction

The initial part of the selection process was to determine the possible options for
disposal of the recovered material. A number of options were reviewed. These
included overboard discharge of clean fluids, onshore cuttings and bulk disposal
and insitu reinjection of recovered materials. The options are summarised on the
flowchart in section 15.7 and the various perceived advantages and
disadvantages discussed in the attached table.

It was evident the most feasible option which supported the above objectives was
to utilise a system which would slurrify the recovered material and then inject it to
a deep subsurface horizon.

The initial step to confirm feasibility was to determine the ability to inject materials
into the sub-surface strata. A study was commissioned from BP rock mechanics
group in UTG - Sunbury. The results and recommendations are in report,
WT02_Study Report EOS-NWHD-BPA-WEL-REP-002-1. This confirmed the
feasibility and provided indicative injection horizons, fracture generation
predictions and likely injection rates and pressures.

Preparing this form of study is a normal initial stage when considering a cuttings
reinjection system. CRI is used widely in the Industry as a means of disposal of
drill cuttings. However, where it is used, the wells are specifically designed and
constructed to accept a CRI stream and the injection occurs at medium depth
formations. In the specific case of NW Hutton, there were no wells originally
designed for CRI, therefore all injection had to take place into the reservoir. Since
the reservoir is sandstone, it was not clear, at the design stage, whether fracturing
or matrix injection would occur.

A major challenge to the Project was to find a well that was suitable for injection of
the recovered material. Initially 5 wells were identified on the basis they were
water injector or oil producer wells which had little or no further utility.

The mechanical condition of the wells was reviewed, which eliminated a number
as being unsuitable. Other considerations included the location of wells in the

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reservoir and possible loss of production. Eventually one well was identified and,
with the acceptance of the NW Hutton Partners, designated for use.

A significant lesson from selecting the well was that, if a full-scale operation were
ever contemplated, any injection wells would require significant modification
(workover) to enhance their suitability.

4.3.2. Initial Equipment Selection

A study was carried out by Wood Group / JP Kenny into disposal options,
FT06/FS08/2 Study Report, EOS-NWHD-WDG-FAC-REP-006 Rev.0. This study
concluded a CRI system could provide a suitable disposal method. This report
was produced based on full cuttings mound removal. It did not consider the
special circumstances of a limited trial. Two options were proposed, either to use
a stand-alone temporary system or to modify areas in MM2 on the platform to
carry out the process.

Tenders were invited from two CRI companies, MI SWACO and Apollo Services.
These companies were selected on the basis they were providing CRI systems,
directly or indirectly, for BP at the time of the tender.

SWACO proposed five temporary systems and Apollo proposed modification of
the existing platform mud modules. Each te nder provided indicative costings. In
addition to the direct costs of the tenderers, budget installation or modification
costs were obtained from Wood Group.

The standalone options had a much lower impact on NW Hutton, i.e. it did not
require significant modifications and therefore had lower installation costs.
However, its operating costs were slightly higher. Given the limited nature of the
trial, the standalone option was selected as it provided the best overall evaluation.

4.3.3. Equipment Development

Havi ng been awarded the contract, SWACO were able to appoint an engineer as
single point of contact into the Project; and this engineer became an integral part
of the Project team. This occurred early in the project. This greatly facilitated the
development of the original five proposals from SWACO to the system that was
eventually utilised. As part of the Project management requirements the operating
procedures for the system and all modifications were subject to risk and peer
review as required.

The key deve lopments made, were:

Inclusion of MI mud engineering personnel to the offshore team.

Enclosure of the equipment to provide a reasonable working environment.

Operational integration with the Deutag personnel to utilise the platform
storage capacity for holding slurry, and use of platform mud pumps for

Integration of the AFOS bulk bentonite system.

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Development of a “fit for purpose” system to handle excess large cuttings in
skips. This was done by a combination of mechanical design of the
equipment and agreement of operating procedures and protocols.

4.3.4. Final System Description

For the purposes of the Project, the start of the Cuttings Processing and Disposal
System began at the upper flange of the delivery hose from the Halliburton unit.
The SWACO CRI unit was installed as a stand -alone system on the North West
Hutton pipe deck.

Swaco Processing Unit on Pipe Deck

The initial function of this system was to separate any large or metallic debris from
the drill cuttings mound material delivered to the surface by a submersible pump
from the seabed.

The four Shale Shakers in this system were located on two levels, designed to
meet a height restraint imposed by the maximum submersible pump output. From
the outcome of a peer review by BP the top deck had two circular motion Shakers
facing the West side of the platform, and these were dressed with coarse mesh
screens. These two Shakers acted as scalpers to remove any large materials
such as metal and marine shells. Two ditch magnets were located in the Shaker
header tank to remove as much steel as possible. All solids discharged from these
upper Shakers were gravity feed into cutting containers (skips).

The combined liquid/solid underflow was gravity fed onto a second set of two
SWACO Linear motion Classifying Shakers located on the intermediate deck.
They faced the East side of the platform; the function of these two Shakers was to
classify all cuttings. They were dressed with 40 mesh screens (to provide a d90
cut point of less than 300 microns). All oversized solids discharged from these two
Shakers were gravity fed into the Slurrification Unit coarse tank to be ground down
to sub 300-micron size and reclassified.

The liquid underflow was gravity fed into the fines tank and then via a weir
overflow from the fines tank into the existing platform mud gutter returns line.

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This flowed into the mud process system within the existing platform mud handling
system and tanks were used for storage and chemical treatment of the slurrified
material. A stand-alone AFOS bulk system was used to provide viscosifying
materials to the system.

The injection process was handled in a batch mode. When a batch was ready, it
was transferred to the high-pressure mud pumps, which injected the slurry, via
temporary high pressure piping into the injection well.

The complete system required the co-ordination of several groups of personnel.
Considerable effort was made in pre-planning the management system for the
process, which proved very beneficial.

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5.1. Equipment Mobilisation and Installation

The final schedule for the offshore trials is incorporated in Appendix 2.

The Flow diagram showing the overall equipment schematic is included in reference 1
together with equipment layout drawings for the topside and subsea equipment.
A simplified view of the equipment location:

Installation of generator’s, electric cabling, gas detection, structural steel, piping, hoses
and other support services was undertaken between April and June 2001. The main
equipment was mobilised to NW Hutton in mid June 2001. The installation of the subsea
equipment, cuttings processing and injection equipment and environmental monitoring
equipment took place during the latter part of June 2001.

The installation went smoothly but took longer than expected for a number of reasons.
There was significant problems mobilisng personnel due to extensive bad weather (fog),
however the principal reason / root cause was under estimating the difficulty of
mobilising such a large amount of temporary equipment onto a platform that does not
routinely see this level of activity.

5.1.1. Subsea Dredging System

The installation of the workclass ROV system, the PSL equipment for pump
deployment and the installation of the winches for installing the subsea hoses
went well. Non-productive time was higher than expected as there were a number
of relatively small installation issues that slowed progress. A significant period of

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fog and poor weather had a relatively minor impact on the overall installation but
did affect equipment arrival offshore and the ability to respond to any last minute
requirements. Details of the Halliburton and PSL equipment installation is
contained in references 13,14,15 and 20.

5.1.2. Topsides Cuttings Processing and Disposal System

The SWACO processing unit was straightforward to mobilise and install on NW
Hutton which can be attributed the unit being fully assembled onshore. The areas
of difficulty were the large number of interfaces and in practice a number of these
did not go to plan although they were all resolved without delaying the project
offshore. The installation procedures are described in reference 23 and the
lessons learned from the installation are described in more detail in section 5.4
and the SWACO report reference 21.

5.1.3. Environmental Monitoring

Installation of the winches required to deploy the environmental monitoring
equipment went smoothly. Approximately 14 days before the trial was intended to
commence, the Long-Term Minilander was deployed to establish the background
suspended sediment climate.

Prior to the dredging activity, the remaining four minilanders and aqualander were
deployed to their appropriate positions. The long-term minilander, the (platform)
west side minilanders and aqualander were deployed to the seabed using the
platform pedestal crane and auxiliary winch. The minilander orientation was
verified, and adjusted if necessary, using the eyeball ROV. The (platform) east
side minilanders were deployed to the seabed using the pedestal crane and ROV
friendly hook and ‘flown’ out to the intended 100m and 120m positions by the
workclass ROV.

The offshore assembly of the CEFAS equipment was straight forward and the
deployment of the minilanders to the seabed was comparatively simple with no
significant problems. The o verall time to deploy the equipment was longer than
expected due to the limited resources offshore and the need to prioritise other
activities above the CEFAS equipment deployment. The CEFAS equipment
deployment was completed prior to commencement of dredging.

Minor difficulties encountered included the east side minilanders deployment and
the spooling of the winch rope when recovering minilanders. The east side
minilanders which were deployed to the seabed by crane were on the limit of the
ROV’s weight capability. When the ROV picked them up to carry them to the
required location it only just managed to lift the first minilander, it did however
manage to move it out to the correct area. The second minilander to be moved by
the ROV had additional buoyancy added to reduce its weight in water.
Recovering the minilanders involved spooling the soft line back onto the winch

The installation of the OBS sensor onto the eyeball ROV was straightforward
offshore, however the eyeball ROV was unable to readily accommodate the

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ADCP. Note: Once dredging operations started it was agreed that, given the size
and location of the plume relative to the eyeball ROV, the utilisation of the ADCP
on the eyeball ROV was not practical. Hence the ROV mounted ADCP was not
used during the trial.

The drawing below shows the as deployed locations of the CEFAS equipment and
the dredging area.

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5.2. Equipment Operation

The organisation of personnel offshore, their interfaces and the overall operation was
undertaken in accordance with the BP Bridging and Interface Document (reference 5)
and the BP Operational Procedures Document (reference 4).

5.2.1. Subsea Dredging System

The susbea equipment was operted in accordance with the BP overall procedure
and the detailed HS and PSL procedures (references 4,16 & 20)
Testing of the subsea equipment commenced on 8


July 2001 with a subsea test

of the Warman pump on water. The pump was stopped, restarted, and operated
at various rates up to 110m3/hr. The operation was monitored by the eyeball
ROV. On successful completion of this test the Warman pump was checked by
the eyeball ROV and it was discovered that the dump valve accumulator had
discharged, this required the pump to be recovered to surface. The exact cause
of the problem was not found so a second manual valve was fitted to the dump
valve to allow the ROV to manually shut off the dump valve.

The initial dredging trial commenced on 11 July after deployment of pump and
connection of hoses went very smoothly in the morning. The initial dredge run
used the Breebot crown cutter and the Warman pump and was at low flows whilst
SWACO and Deutag balanced their systems. Solids content was low as the
velocities were too low to carry larger particles – average flow of 30m3/hr.
Operations were stopped after a total of 55 minutes to allow review of how the
operation was progressing. The dredging was re-started at full flow rate (average
of 75m3/hr), and it was noticed that the pumping performance was variable which
was traced to intermittent opening of the dump valve (review of the subsea
pressure signals indicated it was opening every 20 seconds during the last 4
minutes of pumping). The dredging ROV then stopped dredging to close the
manual dump valve.

The second dredging trial on 12 July utilised the Warman pump and a simple
caged suction nozzle as the free flowing nature of the cuttings found during the
previous trial meant that this would be more successful. This trial dredged for
approximately 2.5 hours with a number of stops to backflush, change technique,
or relocate the suction nozzle. The amount of solids fluctuated and was initially
low as the pilots experimented to find the best method. The best performance
with the nozzle was to push it in directly down into the cuttings and thrust forward
with the ROV creating a collapsing hole. During the operation wire rope was
picked up and was successfully backflushed to clear the nozzle. A minor problem
with the eyeball ROV problem meant it was not able to monitor the whole of this
days trial.

Dredging on the 13 July continued using the same setup and technique of
submerging the dredging nozzle into cuttings. The eyeball ROV obtained some
excellent video footage of the operations as visibility was good and these are
included on the ‘video highlights’. During backflushes for clearing restrictions
visibility for both ROV’s was lost, however it quickly returned. Returns to surface
visibly contained more solids than the previous dredging operations.

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The final dredging trial involved changing pumps to test the PSL Discflo pump.
The suction nozzle was again used. Due to the different size of the Discflo pump
it pumped at a higher average flow rate than the Warman pump. Overall it’s
performance appeared similar to the final test with the Warman p ump.

Problems with injection of dredged water into well A39 limited the overall duration
of the trials to the volume of the NW Hutton mud module 2 pit capacity. As a
result the dredging operations finished on 14 July.

Overall the operation of the subsea equipment worked well and it is described in
more details in the relevant contractors reports.

5.2.2. Topsides Cuttings Processing and Disposal System

The SWACO unit was fully commissioned and tested on water on 10 July 2001.
The system was operated in accordance with SWACO’s procedures (reference

During the first dredging operations on 11 July the cuttings processing system ran
well, easily handling the cuttings. Most cuttings were very fine and passed
through the 40 mesh screens (sub 300 mircron). During the test with full flow of
the SWACO discharge pump it was too high for pit room to accept so the flow was
throttled back and the subsea pump reduced it’s flow. The inlet trough within the
mud module was then reconfigured by changing the sluice arrangement to
prevent any fluid overflow or splashing at high flows.

Throughout the dredging operations samples were routinely taken at the inlet to
the SWACO unit for accurate analysis of water:solids ratio. Additional samples
were taken of the solids from the header box and metal in the dredged stream
was collected by ditch magnets in the header box. The inlet samples were initially
taken from the header box itself however due to the header box filling with solids it
was considered that more representative samples could be taken from the tee
piece in the riser upstream of the header box.

The SWACO team monitored for VOC’s at the SWACO header box/shakers and
the potential presence of H2S was monitored by a combination of pocket and
portable H2S detectors on the SWACO unit and in MM2 around the mud pits. The
platform Safety Advsier undertook regular checks for Low Specific Activity scale.
The Mud Engineer measured the properties of the recovered material entering the
mud pits.

The output from the SWACO CRI system was transferred to MM2 mud handling
system. After treatment it was pumped, with the high-pressure mud pumps, via
temporary HP lines, to the injection well, A39.

After the temporary high-pressure lines had been rigged and pressure tested, a
test i njection was carried out. A 300 bbl pre-flush was injected, followed by a 20
bbl high viscosity bentonite pill, which was displaced with 299 bbls of over-flush
(dredged seawater and platform supplied seawater). When the initial high
viscosity pill reached the formation the re-injection rate was limited to 0.5 bbls /

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min by the A annulus pressure reaching its maximum allowable pressure

The inability to inject solids whilst dissappointing had been anticipated and
contingencies put in place to allow the trial to continue. The main impact was to
reduce the duration of the lifting operation to that required to fill the mud pits. This
reinforces the earlier comments relating to the importance and possible expense
associated with preparing disposal wells.

During dredging operations, the recovered seawater was routed through the Sand
traps and treatment pits to allow maximum solids separation by gravity i.e. the
agitators were not run in the treatment pit and these pits were allowed to gravity
overflow into the next pit wherever this arrangement was possible. The dredged
water in the pits contained 2.6% - 3.6% sub 300 microns solids (% solids was
estimated by fluid density). An initial GC – MS (Gas Chromatography Mass
Spectrometry) showed <1 ppm of oil.

It was not practical to remove the solids from the pits using the SWACO vacuum
system as originally planned. The recovered solids that were left in the bottom of
the pits were removed with high viscosity pills circulated into each pit in turn, with
the slurry being backloaded into skips for onshore disposal.

Dredging returns passing over the SWACO shakers

5.2.3. Environmental Monitoring

The CEFAS monitoring equipment recorded data and was not operated as such.
A known limitation with the monitoring equipment was that the data was not

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available real-time, hence any problems with the equipment could only be
identified retrospectively (see Section 5.3.5). During the trial CEFAS personnel
made a photographic record of the trial and had a member of their team working
with the monitoring ROV.

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5.3. Results and Discussion

5.3.1. Safety

The onshore and offshore trials were completed safely.

All offshore project work was undertaken within the NW Hutton safe system of
work and all activities were subjected to risk assesments. Each day at the shift
start each team held a tool box talk to discuss the days activities. Job specific tool
box talks were held prior to commencing each new activity. On a number of
occasions during the equipment mobilisation and installation immediately prior to
critical activities, operations were halted to for ‘Time Outs For Safety’ to ensure
that the activity was undertaken safely by ensuring all involved personnel fully
understood all aspects of the activity in question.

Prior to commencement of the operations evacuation exercises were undertaken
to ensure that the personnel could be safely and quickly evacuated in the event of
an unsafe condition occurring during the trials (caused by either the trial itself or
by other platform activity). The exercises went smoothly and only minor changes
were made following the exercises.

Throughout the trials the recovered material and equipment was monitored for
LSA Scale, H2S and VOC’s. No LSA scale was recorded offshore. A low level of
H2S was measured with a peak reading of 5ppm (with average levels much lower)
a level which is well within safe occupational exposure limits. Maximum VOC
levels were 5ppm.

5.3.2. Overall

Summary of Statistics

Dredge ROV in water

71:38 hrs

Eyeball ROV in water

64:49 hrs

Dredging cuttings

06:54 hrs

Max % wet cuttings (from samples)


Average % wet cuttings (from mud pit

returns and skip volume)

Approx 4%

Volume of liquid recovered

353 m3 solids + water plus 25m3

water during pump test (389m3
measured from pit returns)

Volume of cuttings pile removed


Volume of dredge liquid injected


Skip volume accumulated

Approx 1m3

Peak H2S level recorded

5ppm (on shale shakers)

Low Specific Activity Scale

None detected during offshore


Amount of cuttings pile removed is calculated from the specific gravity of the mud
pit returns plus estimate of dry solids leaving shaker and assumes a 40% water
content in the in-situ cuttings.

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Energy useage for all the susbea equipment was approximately 200Kw.

Summary of Each Dredging Test

8 July

11 July

12 July

13 July

14 July












PSL Discflo













wet solids by



6% by vol
(1:15 by

14% by vol
(1:7 by vol)

12.5% by
(1:7 by vol)

wet solids by






wet cuttings
in mud pits

(pit slurry –
cutting to skips)







1. Test Duration includes minor stops for backflushing etc.
2. Total Volume pumped is as recorded by magnetic flow meter including both

solids and liquid phases

3. Maximum wet solids % is derived from the samples taken at the SWACO

unit header box / inlet, see reference 25 for details

4. Maximum wet solids by observation is the solids % observed when the

sample settles out in a calibrated measuring cylinder. see reference 25. It
should be noted that the variation between the results by observation and
(much more complex) analysis was relatively small typically 1 or 2 percent.

5. Maximum wet cuttings in mud pits is calculated from specific gravity (SG) of

pit slurry – it excludes cutting to skips and uses assumed SG and water
content of drill cuttings. The % quoted is an average typically over a 10m3
volume of recovered material.

6. No samples were taken on 11 July for analysis as the shaker area was

being continuously monitored for H2S and LSA.

Full details of the sample analysis is contained in reference 25. In addition to
measuring the water to solids ratio SWACO undertook a number of other tests:
retort tests to identify oil water and solid content of the samples taken (see section
5.3.5 for discussion); particle size distributions and measurement of the dry solids

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5.3.3. Subsea Dredging System

Operation of the dredging ROV is described in detail in the HS report reference 18
and can be seen visually on the ‘highlights video tape’ (reference 6). Operation of
the PSL Discflo pump is described in detail in reference 21.

Equipment performance data was recorded for the subsea dredging equipment
during each trial and was logged on a PC at approximately 1 second intervals. An
interpretation of the dredging operation can be made from this data when it is
graphically presented. A selection of approximately 10 minute snapshots of the
various dredging trials are presented below. The complete data recorded on the
PSL datalogger is contained in reference 22. Trial 11



The initial 11


July dredging trial used the Warman dredging pump and the

Breebot crown cutter (which was made specifically for the offshore trials by Delft
Hydraulics following their study work). This was the first trial and the sytem was
being optimised and the operators were ‘learning’ how the system behaved. The
drill cuttings were very soft and appeared to be non-cohesive which made them
relatively easy to dredge. The properties were at the low end of the expected
range, however previous drill cutings cores at NW Hutton had not been taken this
close to the jacket. Cores close to the jacket base or inside the jacket may have
resulted in a different initial equipment setup and would be useful at other
locations where cuttings removal is being planned.

Graph 1 –

Note all Graphs are Contained in a Separate Document

‘Offshore Trial Dredging System; Operational Graphs’ Reference 2.

Graph 1 shows a 10 minute snapshot of this first trial. From this graph it is clear
that the dredging operation had continual stop – starts and was therefore not in a
steady state. At the start of the graph there is pressure but no flow indicating that
there is a blockage in the hose. The pump was shutdown to backflush the line
and re-started at 15:46:30, initially there was no flow until pump pressure builds
and flow increases. At 15:51:30 the pump is stopped and the slow pressure
decrease is indicative of some form of restriction in the hoses which slows down
the backflush of the 70m head of water. The eyeball ROV observed the plume
during this backflush. The pump restarted at 15:53:00 and following this there
were pressure dips at approximately 20 second intervals. These pressure dips
were identified as a fault with the dump valve intermittently opening as pressure
on it increased causing partial opening.

The rotating action of the crown cutter created some disturbance as it swept
through the cuttings locally reducing visibility.

During this trial no samples were taken from the inlet to the SWACO cuttings
processing unit as the emphasis was to monitor for any evidence of H2S or LSA
scale. No LSA scale was detected and levels of H2S recordd were less than

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Flow rates during the first trial were low with the pump motor operating at a low
frequency (~43Hz) and this may be partially responsible for the rapidly occurring
blockages and some of the secondary disturbance by the crown cutter. Trial 12



The 12


July dredging utilised an angled suction nozzle. The crown cutter was

specifically designed to allow dredging of cohesive (clay type) materials and
previous surveys had indicated that this type of material may be present. The first
trial showed material to be relatively free flowing and non-cohesive which is ideal
for suction dredging. Several suction nozzles had been fabricated and the ‘bent’
suction nozzle was fitted as the DRL review had indicated this arrangement to be

Graph 2

– see reference 2

Graph 2 shows the dredging parameters whilst CEFAS took their first partition
experiment samples from the SWACO unit header box. At this time (15:15:00) the
pump was operating at a fairly low flow rate similar to the pump rate on Graph 1,
however it is clear that the parameters recorded were much steadier. The
reasons for this are not definitive but are probably a combination of pilot
experience, closure of manual dump valve and the change of dredge head to
suction nozzle. Towards the end of this snap shot the motor frequency (pump
flow rate) is being increased to bring it up to the design rates (80 to 100 m3/hr).

At a number of occasions on the graphs the flow rate was very steady (e.g.15:17
to 15:18 on Graph 2). This steady flow was typically caused by the dredge head
either being clear of the cuttings pile and pumping only water or the dredge head
being choked by cuttings which will cause the Warman pump’s vacuum protection
valve to open.

Further review of the ROV videos and pump data could allow an estimate of the
amount of time that the system pumped water rather than dredged solids. This
data could then be used to calculate the overall percentage of solids during actual
solids recovery which will be higher than the 4% wet cuttings calculated for the
trials as a whole. Clearly in order to operate the system efficiently for a full mound
recovery this non productive dredging time would need to be minimised. Trial 13



Graph 3 illustrates the 13


July dredging again utilising an angled suction nozzle

and the Warman dredging pump. The pump was operating at the design rates for
the NW Hutton trials of 80 to 100m3/hr, and the regular oscillations of the flow rate
indicate that unstable flow was occurring due to the dredge head entraining solids.
The graph is marked to indicate the time of CEFAS’s second partition experiment
samples being taken. Note that there is a time lag of over 1 minute between
solids entering the suction nozzle and reaching the SWACO header box. Sample

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29 was taken at 14:15:00 with a 7.5% wet cuttings conte nt by volume from the
subsequent onshore analysis.

An unexplained pressure drop occurred at 14:16:30 from 9bar to 8bar, the flow
rate also dropped but the pump motor frequency/speed remained constant. This
may have been caused by some form of inlet (suction system) restriction. At
14:17:30 the fluctuation in the flow rate reduced which is indicative that the system
was pumping water rather than dredging solids, probably to allow a possible
restriction to be cleared. In this case dredging was then stopped (at 14:21) to
allow a backflush to clear the system.

Graph 3

– see reference 2

Graph 4 shows the trial continuing on 13


July. A typical pump shutdown to

backflush a blockage occurred at 14:55:05. The pressure decreased over a 1
minute period probably due to accumulated material in the hoses. A sample was
taken at the SWACO unit just before this shutdown with a 3.6% soilds content.

Graph 4

– see reference 2

The Dredging trials were all undertaken just outside of the jacket footprint adjacent
to legs B2 and B3. Some of the dredging operations were undertaken very close
to the jacket members. The results do not indicate any loss of performance when
the dredging was close to a member, although the operators found it simpler to
operate clear of members. As a result the ROV relocated between dredging
operations. On completion of the run shown in Graph 4 (at 15:00) the ROV was
very close to a member, so the suction hose was disconnected and re-positioned.
During disconnection some secondary disturbance always occurred from the
residual sediment lying in the hose that was disturbed. Graph 5 shows the final
dredging run on the 13


July with the ROV relocated away from the jacket

members slightly. During this run samples were taken with wet cuttings levels
upto 16% by observation, subsequent onshore analysis by filtration ammended
this result to 14% wet cuttings by volume. Two samples were taken during the
time frame of Graph 5 one with the 16% peak (14% by analysis) the other with
5%, however there is no apparent reason for this significant variation so it is
assumed to be caused by the variable nature of the dredging operation.

Graph 5

– see reference 2 Trial 14



The PSL Discflo pump is significantly different to the Warman pump a nd is suited
to pumping viscous slurries. The Warman pump was recovered and the PSL
pump deployed for the final trial on the 14


July to establish if there was any

significant difference in dredging performance.

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Graph 6 shows the pump operation shortly after the commencement of the trial
(16:29:00) when the motor frequency was being adjusted by the operators to
establish the preferred flow rate. The Discflo pump has a higher capacity than the
Warman pump and was typically operated with an average flow rate around
110m3/hr. Even though a sample taken at 16:52 was fairly early in the trial a
result of 7:1 water to wet cuttings by volume was obtained. The samples for the


CEFAS partition experiment were also taken at this time.

Graph 6

– see reference 2

Comparison of the PSL pump graphs with the Warman pump graphs (with suction
nozzle) shows little difference in the general patterns. One difference is that the
PSL pump shows higher variations in the discharge pressure during steady
dredging operations.

Throughout the trials the operators were varying their techniques to optimise
performance. Initially the dredge head was swept from side to side as this was
identified as the optimum technique for the Breebot cutter to takes slices of
cuttings. Once the dredge head was changed to the suction nozzle the sweeping
technique was clearly not efficient and the best techniuqe appeared to be to thrust
the dredge head forward and down by thrusting the ROV slightly. The limited
duration of the trial meant that it was not possible to quantify these differences.

Another change in technique was for clearing nozzle blockages. Once the system
time lag and affect of the SWACO inlet header box were understood there was
less need to backflush due to the elimination of false indications of low solids.
Initially low (visible) solids on the shakers was taken as indicative of low solids
being dredged; when the dredge head was buried this implied there must be a
blockage. To clear the blockage the dredge head was lifted and pump was
stopped to backflush naturally, the pump was restarted and this was repeated until
normal pressure – flow was achieved. Backflushing created the largest visible
plumes during the trials so the operators worked to minimise backflushing or any
other pump stoppages without first pumping water to clear the solids.

Later in the trials the technique was improved to reduce the amount backflushed
by only partially reducing the motor speed till flow reduced to zero. By observing
the raised suction nozzle with the eyeball ROV the debris could be seen falling
away and motor speed increased early to minimise any reverse flow. Graph 7
shows two backflush operations in this manner with considerably reduced
backflow and hence much reduced secondary disturbance. The ability to
continuously vary motor and pump speed was extremely valuable throughout the
trial and this ability to vary speed of the pump to clear the nozzle with a minimum
backflow is one example of this.

Graph 7

– see reference 2

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Throughout the trials the amount of stop start operations were significant. Graph
8 shows the full dredging operations for 13


July where there were 5 stop start

operations with the Warman pump whereas on the 11


July there were 5 in a

much shorter duration of dredging.

Graph 8

– see reference 2

The frequency of stop start operations tended to reduce as the operating
experience increased. Clearly in order to maximise the systems performance the
amount of time not productively dredging would have to be minimised. Whilst the
overall ratio of water to wet solids was only approximately 25:1 (4%) the highest
sample achieved was 6:1 (14%) by volume. It is not straight forward to deduce
what the effect of minimising non-productive dredging time would have been.
However from the trial results it is reasonable to ‘estimate’ that the average water
to solid ratio during stable dredging operations on NW Hutton would have been in
the range of 20:1 to 10:1 by volume. With more time available to dredge the
system used would probably have been able to achieve an average of
approximately 10:1 by volume.

Key Observations from the offshore dredging operations:

1. Ratio of Water to (wet) Solids by volume varied from 6:1 to almost entirely

water. The overall average was approximately 25:1 including starting up,
stopping and clearing blockages. Steady dredging operations during the
trial were probably in the range of 10:1 to 20:1

2. Virtually no plume from suction nozzle.
3. Suction nozzle seemed to perform well when sunk deep into cuttings and

used to form a collapsing hole.

4. Breebot crown cutter was tested first and it was known to be less suited to

soft material, however because it was tested first it’s performance was
probably less than optimal and no comparisons can be made between the
dredge heads.

5. The cuttings dredged were at the ‘low’ end of the expected properties,

however coring had not been undertaken adjacent to the jacket base. This
is recommended prior to dredging operations at other sites.

6. Trial duration was not long e nough to properly differentiate between pump

performance or benefits of one technique over another.

7. Drill cuttings found to be very soft in the locations dredged. They were of

low cohesiveness but did not flow as such. It is likely that there would be
some increase in the properties with depth and these may favour a crown
cutter (Breebot).

8. Value of driving the motors/pumps with a variable speed drive was

demonstrated by clearing the suction nozzle using the excellent pump
control that the VSD provided.

9. Dredging performance was much improved over Blyth probably due to a

mixture of system improvements and increased visibility. This
improvement confirms the decision not to undertake further complete
system testing onshore before the offshore trials.

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10. Dredging operations contained significant number of stop start operations

and time when the system was pumping only water, all of which reduce the
systems overall dredging performance.

11. Eyeball ROV observation of dredging operations was invaluable to give an

all round view of operations and it could always locate up tide of the

12. Maximum dredging depth achieved was in excess of 0.5 metres.

5.3.4. Topsides Cuttings Processing and Disposal System

The topsides processing system worked extremely well. A number of detail
lessons on design modifications are recorded in the SWACO final report. Most
significantly, the system was well able to handle the volumes of solids and liquids
delivered by the subsea unit.

The recovered material presented little problem for the CRI unit to handle. The
dredged solids were discrete and did not cause blinding of the shaker screens.
The material was very easy to slurrify to the required standards for injection.
The recovered material did not present any conditions that would have created an
unsafe situation. There was no LSA indication; there was only a short-term peak
of H2S to 5ppm, otherwise levels were low; and low levels of VOCs (max. 20
ppm) recorded.

The system was quite extensive and required co-ordination of a number of groups
of personnel.

Reinjection of slurry as planned was not available which resulted in all solids
being retained at surface. All recovered seawater was disposed of by reinjection.
Storage of the recovered slurry in the mud pits indicated visually and qualitatively
that gravity segregation of solids and liquids (in this trial at least) is relatively rapid
and efficient.

5.3.5. Environmental Monitoring

On the whole, the majority of the environmental monitoring equipment functioned
satisfactorily upon deployment.

The following problems were identified:

The OBS (Optical BackScatter Sensor) and Conductivity sensor on the
East Side Minilander 2 were embedded into the seabed for the duration of
the trial;

A degree of biofouling and subsequent loss of sensitivty of the ESM2
suspended sediment logger on the Long Term Minilander was detected
after approximately 14 days; and

The fluorescent tracer intended to mimic the release of cuttings
material/water during a backflush event came out of suspension in the
transport containers and consolidated, rendering it unfit for its intended

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The following section summarises the observed background environmental
conditions and incremental effects resulting from the dredging activity. Monitoring – Confirmation of Assumptions

One of the main assumptions that affected the positioning of the environmental
monitoring package was the reported NW Hutton tidal data. It was assumed that
the tidal conditions near the seabed at NW Hutton would be similar to that
measured at the surface i.e. virtually circular. This assumption was based upon
BP surface current data. Using this data, the minilanders were positioned on the
seabed such that the sideways looking ADCPs, effectively ‘boxed in’ in any plume
and ensured that any plume would be detected regardless of the tide/current
conditions. The drawing in Section 5.1.3 shows that this was largely achieved.

The post monitoring analysis of the tidal / current data indicated that, rather than
being circular, during the trial, the water movements showed only two complete
circuits with an occasional flow reversal. Furthermore, during the dredging period,
the residual current flow at the seabed was dominated by a weak southerly and
south-easterly current of approximately 0.1 knots (4.6 cms


). These water

movement and current data confirm that minilanders 4 and 5 and the aqualander
were in appropriate positions, relative to the dredging site, to observe and sample
any plume(s) generated by dredging or backflushing. Monitoring - Results

The main results of the environmental monitoring for the Task 6 project have been
divided into:

Sediment resuspension (Background and during dredging activities); and

Chemical (contaminant) analysis of seabed water/trapped resuspended
sediments (from Aqualander / Minilanders) and recovered materials
(water/solids) at the platform (SWACO Unit and Mud Pits).

Sediment Resuspension
A number of sediment resuspension events were observed during the trial. The
sources of this disturbance appeared to be both naturally occurring and
anthropogenic (man-made) events.

A number of the resuspension events occurred at times when no dredging was
ongoing. These events were fairly small and typically raised the background
suspended sediment concentrations approximately 5 fold (approximately 1
mg/litre background to 5 mg/litre). The most likely explanations for these events
are natural sources of disturbance such as tidal and wave activity.

ROV dredging and positioning (thrusters) resulted in the localised generation of
sediment plumes.

The environmental monitoring results confirmed the observations from the video
footage and can be summarised as follows:

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The plume from dredging is small and detectable (approximately 15
mg/litre) close (4m) to the dredging site. This increase in sediment load is
similar to that observed by natural events (for example, wave and tidal
resuspension of seabed material);

No plume from ROV dredging was detected at any of the minilander
positions which were positioned fur ther away, 43-120m from the dredge

Back flushing represents the most significant source of suspended
sediment resulting from the trial. During a backflush event, the initial
suspended sediment concentrations in close proximity to the source (4m),
reaches a high of approximately 240 mg/litre for a short time (1-2 min)
before decreasing;

During the trial approximately 20 back flushing events occurred, the
majority of which were not detected by the minilanders at the 88m position

Two small resuspension events (of approximately 2mg/litre suspended
material) were tentatively identified at a point 88m from the disturbance
event. These observations were made on the 13


July, at 14:30 and 15:20

GMT and are within the measured background range for natural sediment
resuspension events

A larger resuspension event was identified on the 13


July between 17.20

to 23:00 GMT which does not correspond to any dredging period. During
this observed event, the sediment concentration temporarily (for
approximately 6 h) increased by 10mg/l. Dredging has been tentatively
discounted as the source of this disturbance.

Contaminant Analyses
A number of samples of water, suspended sediment and recovered cuttings/water
mixture were taken during the trial to determine their background levels and to
identify any secondary pollution resulting from the dredging operation and its
associated activities e.g. backflushing events. The range of contaminant analyses
included total hydrocarbon, barium, endocrine disruptors (Alkyl Phe noxy
Ethoxylates, APEs), and LSA (Low-Specific Activity Scale) radioactive analyses.

Contaminant analyses (total hydrocarbons, barium and endocrine disruptors -
Alkyl Phenoxy Ethoxylates, APEs) of the seabed water samples (taken by the
Aqualander) confirm that:

The measured contaminants (pre-trial) are at normal background levels for
the North Sea;

At the 88m position, no oil plumes resulting from dredging or backflushing
were detected. Similarly, the concentrations of barium or APE (endocrine
disruptors) in the surrounding seawater were not signficantly increased by

The barium and APE concentrations within the seawater separated from
the recovered drill cuttings were higher than background levels;

The LSA analyses indicated that the Radium-226 or Actinium -228 in the
recovered solids are close to background levels, hence the material does
not pose a radiation hazard;

No surface oil sheen was observed that could be attributed to the dredging
operation and associated activities.

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Recovered Materials At Surface
The partition experiment monitored the behaviour of the recovered oil as whole
samples of dredged fluids were recovered to the surface and allowed to separate
with time.

The oil content in the recovered water and solids (following gravity separation of
the solids) ranged between approximately 5-70 mg/l (water fraction) and 10-92
mg/l (solid fraction). There was no evidence of an enhanced oil/solid separation
with time. The cuttings pile heterogeneity and instantaneous variations in
recovered solids and water meant that it was not valid to draw conclusions on the
mass balance for the recovered oil within the water and solid fractions.

Initial results from the SWACO analyses of recovered solids at surface indicated
that the oil on recovered solids at surface (after processing) ranged between 4 -
9.5% oil on cuttings (dry weight). Previous core samples from the NW Hutton pile,
in close proximity to the dredged area have been analysed and are known to
contain up to 7% (oil on cuttings wet weight). Assuming an average water content
of 50% (range, 15-70%), the oil on recovered solids is of the same order of
magnitude with the known oil content within the NW Hutton pile content.

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5.4. Lessons Learned

This section contains details of the key lessons learned and observations from the
project. More detailed information is contained in the individual reports listed in the
references (Section 9.0). A key part of documenting the lessons learned and
observations were brainstorming and other sessions held during the Offshore Trial
Review Meeting on 21 August 2001 (reference 3).





Learning /



Safe Completion of the

Differing company cultures meant
that significant effort was required.

Emphasis on safety
throughout paid off


Good use of STOP and

STOP used throughout offshore
phase. Time Out For Safety used
effectively to ensure work continued
safely before activities became

Benefit of effective use
of platform standard
safety tools across
project team.


H2S Detectors – personal
detectors excellent, fixed
type poor

Fixed detectors had erroneous
alarms, these were traced to
incorrect battery charging.


Performing Authority

Additional workload of trial
overloaded key platform personnel
including performing authorities and

Require additional
resource or identify
different ways of


Additional project specific
safety adviser avoided
overloading platform SEA

Enabled walk the talk of safety
culture for project and was able to
run RA’s and join toolbox talks

Found to be essential


Working with SIMOPS
(priority conflicts, adjoining

Equipment layout meant significant
risk of dropped objects onto lower
work sites without careful

Careful management
avoided any incidents


PA on SWACO equipment
not heard

Noise from nearby generators was
louder than the SWACO unit itself

Require local flashing
lights to indicate


Safety action overload

Not enough time left to do the job

10. Project


JIP Task 6 Steering
Committee was a success

Benefited from a small
group of interested,
informed partners


Project Cost -Substantially
underestimated what could
be achieved with budget

Early studies indicated several
systems could have been tested for
the final cost of testing a single
system. Budget prices were very
different to subsequent tendered

Tenders are required
for reliable cost
overall system


Loss of continuity during
project delays resulted in
changes not properly

Changes of personnel inevitably
occurred over the 18 month project
duration. (e.g. error in elec.
schematic not picked up, correct no
of H2S monitors not in workpack)

13. Interfaces

Developed an effective
team with all parties
working well together

All parties helped others as
required. E.g. SWACO helping
Deutag during quiet periods.

Clear benefit of
building a team
onshore and having
entire team focussed
on a common
objective offshore.


Generally good direct
communication across
interfaces. However PSL

Interfaces with remote team
members (PSL, CEFAS) are harder
to manage by their very nature

Particular attention is
required with remote
interfaces which is

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interfaces. However PSL
felt ‘left out’ at times from
project team as unable to
regularly attend weekly

to manage by their very nature

interfaces which is
harder with language
barriers. Simplify
interfaces where


HS - PSL Engineering
(equipment) interfaces were

Communications & distance made it
difficult to get interface details right
and for each to know what the other
was doing

See above, different
equipment standards
and approaches made
the interfaces more


Offshore interface location
did not always appear
logical in constructed
system; interfaces around
flow meter and injection
riser were overly complex
(3 parties involved where it
could have been 2)

Project interface locations stayed
constant throughout project with
little change. Design changes after
equipment purchased complicated
matters (two wells to one and
introduction of flow meter spool into
riser hoses

Simplify, minimise
interfaces where
Balance issues of
changing interfaces
as design changes
against complexity this
adds where equipment
owned by others.


WGE undertook some
activities differently to
Deutag’s expectations

Deutag not offshore continuously so
WGE could not always discuss
activities that interfaced before
commencing them

18. Design

and build

No ROV TMS due to Mod 2
Production laydown having
a very restricted load

A TMS would increase ROV
excursion distance and increase
launch / recovery weather window.
good weather during trials meant
that the operations were not

For a short duration
trial you can survive
without a TMS. A TMS
and heavy weather
deployment system
would be essential for
a full cuttings recovery
to minimise downtime.


Good decision-making
following Blyth trial

Changes to subsea equipment
improved it’s performance – subsea
hose connector mods, dredge head

Onshore trials were


Generators oversized, no
switchover/backup supply

Generators sized for all equipment
operating - a very conservative
scenario for maximum load.


No SWACO MDU / cabling

BP’s requirements for electrical
isolation / switching for temporary
equipment were not clear / made
available to SWACO.

interface agreed
during design was not
optimal. Clear
definition of
requirements and
responsibilities is

22. Equip -

Mobilis -

OIS requirements not clear
esp. electrical. PSL HV
lead had to be full
permanent spec for
temporary cable.

This was identified as a potential
area of difficulty and the project
team met OIS before inspections
commenced. Several changes
required to PSL equipment even
though 3


party DNV certified.

This resulted in last minute
equipment changes to cables and
the wrong size gland was
subsequently supplied for HV cable.

Better definition of BP
/ OIS electrical
requirements should
be obtained to avoid
last minute equipment


Equipment arrived late due
to lack of vessel capacity &
cancelled sailing due to bad

Project requirements had been
alerted to BP logistics weeks in
advance. Not clear if project

Project shipping
logistic requirements
were not fully

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contractors communicated with
correct ASCO contact.

understood by
logistics personnel.
Ensure particular
attention is given by
project personnel to
ensure logistics
personnel (BP &
ASCO) fully
understand projects


Accuracy of weights of

Weights and dimensions load sheet
good but could have been more
accurate, it used design weight
which were often light.

Get real / actual
equipment weights as
early as possible.
Particularly for heavy,
wide, high loads

25. Offshore


Length of the productive
working day

A significant amount of non
productive time was experienced
each day waiting on permits and
due to withdrawal of permits

Project programmes
need to factor in
sufficient non
productive time to
allow for permit


Marrying up equipment -
substitute equipment not

Had to re-drill holes for PSL winch
as substitute identical winch
appeared to be slightly different
dimensionally. Could have been in
tolerance but cumulative tolerances
or deck deflections could cause

Substitute identical
equipment may not fit.
Trial fit exact piece of
equipment where
possible or review
impact of misfit if not
possible. Use slotted
holes where possible
to increase tolerances.


Not all minor installation
requirements were fully

Details of minor cables not
identified in contractors procedures
– they require proper installation on

Ensure all minor
requirements are fully


Hose deployment – Worked
but requires good

High friction loads and some
snagging of unions occurred during
hose recovery. Optimisation of
chute design and inclusion of rollers
would reduce friction loads.

Chute shape not ideal.
Scale cross section
drwg. Would have
highlighted this.


Complex Crane Lifting Ops.
Required through out

A number of cross hauled lifts
inside minimum crane radius

Detailed procedures,
onshore assessments
and offshore RA’s
were essential to the
safe & efficient
completion of lifting
ops. Consider extra
winches for equipment
cross hauling


No onshore involvement of
offshore construction

Was planned, requested (for FAT’s
RA’s) but did not occur. Offshore
trips by onshore team with photos
etc. was substituted

Ensure onshore
involvement of
offshore construction


Electrical isolations and de-
isolations required platform
personnel to perform them,
until equipment handed

Senior Authorised Electrical Person
was single point for isolations
caused delays until equip released

SAEP was
overloaded. Review
workload of SAEP -
reduce requirements
for project workload


Project received excellent
platform support during

Developed close working
relationship prior to offshore trial.

Value of aligned goals

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operational phase.

Aligned goals


Single point accountability
(Offshore Const. Supv.) for
installation of all project
equipment was invaluable

Dedicated WG & BP onshore
support was also very useful.

Ensured smooth
installation of
equipment and
minimised conflicts
with platform ops


QA of equipment (X-over &
winch wire length)

Several items of equipment arrived
offshore out of spec.

Double / triple check
critical equipment


Over side working
restrictions slowed down

Was not clear what constitutes over
side working. Limited standby
vessel availability due to fog or
Hutton requirements acerbated the

Project to better
understand what
constitutes over side
working and plan


Deck layout worked well –
large amount of equipment
offshore. Required
significant effort to manage
available deck space

Mobilised over 150 lifts of
equipment onto NWH. Project
equipment occupied all available
space. Double stacking not

Large amount of
equipment required,
time and effort to
avoid choking the
platform with
equipment. Develop a
layout plan and get
deck crew involved

37. Offshore

Trials –

ROV right vehicle, cuttings
would have been too soft
for tracked vehicle

Reaction loads, movement of the
dredge arm tended to move vehicle
- could spud the ROV.


Sonar and Echoscope
Survey system worked well

Valuable to system


PSL equipment (VSD,
winches, pump) all worked

Direct deployment over side by PSL
winch A frame was not an option at
NW Hutton but crane deployment of
pump went smoothly


Trial too short to
differentiate bet ween
pumps. Dredging
performance was not

Well problems limited duration to
available mud pit capacity. Trial too
short to identify optimal dredging

Not an issue for full
Consider accessing
other dredging


Suction hose buoyancy
good but not optimal

Suction hoses were very

Big improvement over
Blyth trial. Value of
onshore tests.


Vacuum relief & dump not
required for discflo pump

PSL do not consider them
necessary due to Discflo pumps
unique design


Lack of working vacuum
gauge on dredge arm

Vacuum gauge would help in
control of dredging operation by
allowing operator to know how
much suction was being applied.

Consider vacuum
gauge on pump inlet
as alternative /


5 inch bolt found inside
Discflo pump casing

No damage was caused confirming
pumps debris resistance


Hose guide wire
configuration limited pump
deployment options (had to
deploy pump after hose).

Lack of space limited options for
sitting equipment. More space
would have allowed operationally
better layout

Equipment space
used for subsea
equipment was
insufficient for optimal
layout for full removal


Suction hose –buoyancy
and design both ends for

Hose was only designed to be lifted
by one end. Recovery would have
been simpler if it could have lifted

Difficulty of recovering
long hoses after they
have been used and

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by either end.

possible twisted.


Cuttings at NWH relatively

System designed assuming worst
case for cuttings

Expectation they were
hazardous added


Guide wire anchor block
was lost, and Warman
pump required 10te pull to
lift 3te pump skid

Equipment sinking – cuttings load
bearing capacity

Design for soft nature
of seabed


Platform crane deployment
of equipment to seabed

Problems identified in RA such as
rotation / twisting of loads subsea
did not occur. Only just enough
crane headroom to deploy 30m
lengths of hose from pipe deck

Careful attention to
equipment design and
deployment procedure
paid off


Deployment of subsea
equipment went very well

Blyth trials and
persevering with
FAT’s paid off


Need video link between
ROV and SWACO – video
link with eyeball very

Would allow ROV pilots to monitor
dredging returns and SWACO to
see ROV ops.


Eyeball ROV proved to be
invaluable, it undertook
some work tasks while work
ROV was on breakdown,
and it was able to visually
monitor dredging ops from
the position of best visibility.

The eyeball ROV video picture
displayed in the dredge ROV
control van was essential for good
control of dredging ops as the
dredge ROV’s cameras are looking
from behind and do not get a good
picture, they are also unable to
move out of the plum in the same
way as the eyeball can.


Eyeball ROV could not fly in
plume and could not readily
carry ADCP due to size

Once operations commenced it was
clear it would be impractical to fly
ADCP into a small plume given
plume size and location near jacket
so did not work at getting ADCP
onto eyeball

Flying an eyeball into
the plume may only be
feasible for large
plumes with
deployment of ROV
above plume.


Radio comms. worked well

At times a second channel would
have simplified comms. when
independent simultaneous ops were

An additional channel
would have allowed to
cranes working
simultaneously while
injecting into A39


Flow meter and subsea
pressure gauge plus other
PSL instruments and data
logger were essential for

Vacuum gauge did not work which
would probably have been useful.
Magnetic flow meter was excellent
choice after problems with several
types at Blyth

56. Offshore

Trials –
ing /

Change management for
reduction from 2 wells to 1
well for injection versus
equipment requirements

The knock on effects in terms of
equipment design were not fully
investigated when the number of
injection wells was reduced –
interfaces could have been
simplified with hindsight.

Review all impacts for
all changes.


SWACO inlet trough filled
with solids before solids
overflowed onto shakers,
the solids that filled the inlet
trough were lost down the
riser when pumping

Inlet trough was a standard design
used for mud’s carrying cuttings

Need different inlet
trough design to allow
for a water – cuttings
slurry .
Re-Design inlet trough
to ensure no backflow

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stopped or back flushed

/ loss of cuttings


Planned for lots of
scenarios, actual scenario

The variety of plans meant the
system could handle the actual

Essential to plan for


X-over arrangement at well
complicated and part
supplied wrongly fabricated.

X-over complex because of need to
make use of existing HP hoses to
minimise costs

For key components
that cannot be easily
identified, check
fabrication is correct
by trial fit up.


Lack of equipment
redundancy & spares

Trial nature meant could not justify
more than minimum of spares /

Ensure adequate
spares for full cuttings


AFOS Bentonite transfer
system did not work well

The use of individual sacks rather
than 1te bags would have been


Cutting’s properties better
than expected

Designed for worst case

Worst case could be
‘eased’ but deeper into
pile cuttings may have
‘worse’ properties


Coping with flow into MM2
initially caused splashing
until flow re-routed.

Need different arrangement for
higher flows


Mud Engineer for pit
management worked well -

Mud pits rigged as sand traps to
separate the solids and water. Mud
engineer also measured recovered
cuttings parameters

Ensure proper control
of the mud pits,.


Poor injectivity into well A39

Lack of injectivity may have been
because we had not fractured the
well initially although an injectivity
test was carried out prior to the trial.

66. Environ-


Contamination not a big
issue – equipment washed
off by sea as lifted to


Flying the eyeball through
the plume to monitor it’s
size was not practical inside
the jacket.

To monitor a very large plume it
may be feasible for a vessel
deployed ROV or an ROV deployed
above the plume


Reeving of soft line onto
lander winches was slow

An automatic spooling
device would have
speeded up the


Sampling arrangements at
inlet to SWACO unit

Need to ensure representative
samples are taken, to ensure this
changed sampling from header box
to T on riser hose

Re-design required
with close attention to
sample point.


Icebox for refrigerated
samples worked well

Cheaper and easier to source than
powered cooled container

Use again!


Mini-landers – not ROV

Eye for ROV operable hook was too
low. Note: Minilanders not normally
deployed by ROV

Can manage with
current design but not


Tracer experiment – tracer
went hard.

Incorrect solids to water ratio
caused settling

Check all chemicals
several days before


Difficult to transfer Garret
screen equipment to
standby boat.

In practice weather during trial was
not suitable for this test except on
the final Saturday run (would
require 1m or less swell)

Equipment suitable for
transfer to NW Hutton
standby boat must be
suitable to go in FRC

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The task 6 CTR included a list of questions to be answered by task 6


What is the typical rate at which cuttings can be removed from the sea-bed?
From the trial results, the dredging system utilised could recover cuttings from the
seabed at an average rate of 10m3/Hr and potentially this system may be able to
achieve higher rates (see 2 below for discussion on associated water). Significantly
higher rates are possible if larger system size is used, however in many
circumstances it may be difficult to install or utilise significantly larger systems due
to platform limitations.


What is the range of composition of the slurry as it arrives at the surface?
The recovered slurry had a water to solids of 6:1 or more with significant fluctuation
in water content. During the trials the water percentage in the recovered slurry was
high, the short trial duration limited the ability to achieve the systems optimum
performance, however steady state ratios were in the range of 10:1 to 20:1 water to
solids. However it is considered that a system similar to that used at NW Hutton
could achieve an overall ration of 10:1 water to solids for a full recovery operation.


What determines the ratio of solids to water and how can it be minimised?
This is determined by equipment design and dredge technique & experience plus
the properties of the cuttings. With regard to equipment design and selection the
dredge head, pump and dredge vehicle are all important. The improvements
between Blyth and NW Hutton trials indicate that the improved dredging
instrumentation assist with obtaining and maintaining good system operation.


What is the degree of secondary pollution (i.e. water column impact and area /
thickness of cuttings re-settlement) due to re-suspension caused by the
dredge -head and the ROV / crawler? What is the environmental impact of
secondary pollution?

Dredging by suction produces little secondary pollution or plume; a larger localised
plume is produced by cutter suction dredging (using the Breebot crown cutter). The
dredging ROV created a localised plume by its movement during dredging. The
largest plume was created by backflushing the hoses to clear blockages. Little
secondary pollution was discernable at a distance of 100 metres from the dredging
operations, and no effects were seen on the sea surface.


How much would removal to surface cost?
The cost of removing a typical 25,000m3 pile is discussed in section 7. The budget
estimate depends on the system selected but could range from over £5 million to
£7.5 million for recovery of the cuttings from seabed to surface. As discussed in
section 7, these estimates include allowances for a number of items that are highly
variable and likely to be platform specific (e.g. structural modifications). These
estimates do not include any cost to cover storage, transport and disposal of the
recovered solids and water (covered by task 7 of the JIP).

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What is the energy consumption for removal (Operation)?
The subsea system requires approximately 200kW to power the ROV and the
dredge pump, this would equate to approximately 500Mw hours for lifting the
cuttings pile to an elevation of +70m.


What is the condition of the seabed under a cuttings pile?
The trial did not dredge through the cuttings down to the seabed so no information
was gained on this.


How do you know when removing seabed rather than cuttings i.e. can you
see at dredge head or do you need to sample slurry at surface?

The trial did not test this, however it is envisaged that there will be a change of
consistency once the seabed is reached, and bathymetry data would also provide
information on the depth through the pile that may be supplemented with coring
results. In practice to remove all the cuttings it may be necessary to remove some
of the seabed beneath the cuttings. The pre-installation bathymetry is unlikely to be
exact and there may have been seabed settlement that may complicate identifying
the interface.


Can the ROV / crawler operate / be controlled reliably within the jacket

From the trial it is clear that the jacket structure does not provide any restrictions on
access of dredging vehicles except in the vicinity of the conductors. A large tracked
system would also be able to enter the jacket footprint; however crossing the jacket
members once the cuttings have been cleared would require close consideration.

10. What are typical downtimes for weather and system reliability (i.e. debris

blockages etc.)?
ROV’s can achieve 90-95% reliability for 24 hour ops. once they have passed
through the initial settling in period. Provided sufficient spares are carried offshore
a dredging system should be able to achieve 90% reliability. This may not be
achieved if the system suffers damage from large amounts of debris or if the
cuttings are abrasive. Weather downtime is very specific to the method of
launching the equipment and the routing of hoses and umbilicals through the
splashzone. An initial estimate of around 20% weather downtime is considered
reasonable for year round operations.

11. What is the best way to clear new debris as it is uncovered by pile removal?

Working around debris as it is exposed is possible given good visibility, as found at
NW Hutton. Once debris is excavated it would be moved into a basket for recovery
to surface. Potentially this activity could be undertaken by a second ROV that is
also used for monitoring the dredging and environmental monitoring.

12. Is it possible to remove a large 'conical' pile without major slumping, if so

Dredging from the side would cause slumping if properties were similar to NW
Hutton, however it is probably possible for an ROV dredging system by working
from top down depending on its properties. Tracked vehicles may not be suitable
for working at the top of the pile dependent on the pile characteristics.

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Assuming removal of a typical 25 000m3 pile from 150m of water, topsides similar to NW

This section only considers the Subsea Dredging Sys tem. Processing and disposal of the
cuttings and associated water is considered by Drill Cuttings JIP, Phase 2 Task 7.

7.1. Existing System

The system used for NW Hutton could be used for a full removal of a typical pile with the
jacket, topsides and platform services available. The existing system would not be
optimal but given the trial results and assuming some minor changes an ROV based
system is considered to be viable and an estimate of the time to remove a pile can be


25000m3 cuttings pile

Dredge rate of 100m3/hr at 1:10 solids ratio average

Soft non cohesive cuttings as seen at NW Hutton trial

System Operational 8 hours per shift

Disposal not considered but will lift 225000m3 of water that will require disposal

Learning curve, weather and downtime due to disposal (waiting on wells or boats)
not factored in.

Recovery Duration

Flow Rate

12 hour Dredging 313 days


24 hour dredging

156 days


For 12 hour operations the entire recovery would take in excess of 12 months allowing
for equipment mobilisation, installation, reduced productivity during the initial stages and
weather downtime of the subsea equipment or disposal system. Increasing mechanical
properties of the cuttings with depth and debris are also likely to increase the duration.

A key factor on the system used is the rate of recovery required to match the dredging
system to the disposal system for the lifted cuttings/water. A significantly higher
dredging rate could be achieved with comparatively little change to the system.
Assuming rates of 150m3/hr durations reduce significantly.

Recovery Duration

Flow Rate

12 hour Dredging 208 days


24 hour Dredging 104 days


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Building the various factors into the estimates it would be reasonable at these rates to
remove an entire pile in about 12 months with single shift dredging.

With the existing system used on NW Hutton weather downtime would become a
significant issue during the winter months and a different ROV launch system would be
required and potentially a different method of deploying the riser hoses would also be
required. A typical ROV crane deployed system can operate in 3m significant waves
which would have weather downtime approaching 50% in winter. Changes can be
made that would potentially allow the system to operate in conditions up to sea state 6.
Significant structural modifications would be required to allow operation in adverse
weather as ‘heavy weather deployment systems’ have high dynamic reaction loads.

The above durations do not factor in the practicalities of removing all the drill cuttings and
they assume that a constant recovery rate can be achieved. In practice as the cuttings
pile gets smaller the overall productivity is likely to reduce:-

The cuttings may have higher shear strength and more cohesive properties with

Increased debris is possible with depth from the early part of the platform life

Interference of jacket horizontals near the seabed.

Difficulty of identifying cuttings seabed interface.

In practice to recover all of the cuttings a law of diminishing returns is likely to apply and
recovery of the last 5% to 10% may be very difficult. An area of particular difficulty being
accessing the cuttings on the template and around the conductors.

7.2. Optimum System

Whilst there is no single optimal system a ‘projection’ of the optimal system can be
described based on the work to date.

7.2.1. System Capacity

The system capacity is heavily dependent on the requirements of the
cuttings/water disposal/processing system, and the dredge system could be
designed to fit the requirements of the receiving system within the limits of the
deployment system.

Whilst a system capacity of 100m3/hr (total flow) was about right for the trial and
the ROV system employed, a capacity of 150 – 200m3/hr may provide better
economics and performance for a full removal. This capacity would probably not
require a significant increase of system size or weight.

7.2.2. Dredging System

From the work at NW Hutton where the surface cuttings were very soft a ‘flying’
ROV based dredging system was ideal as it would be difficult to manoeuvre a
tracked vehicle across the cuttings surface. If the cuttings have increased shear
strength with depth (or at other locations) then a tracked vehicle may be suitable
for dredging the deeper cuttings as it may be able to apply higher reaction forces.
Alternatively a system to ‘spud’ the ROV would allow it to have higher reaction

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Dedicated equipment is required, a ROV etc. built for cuttings removal would be
smaller and simpler with full integration of dredging and ROV controls requiring
less personnel, it may have variable buoyancy, spudding system, integrated
pump. Automation of the dredging systems would be required to reduce

Whilst a tracked vehicle has some benefits in that it potentially could react against
higher dredging forces this would not be the case on soft cuttings, where it may
sink and the tracks may have difficulty providing the traction. The optimum
system may be a flying ROV system that also has removable tracks that are
mateable subsea.

Existing tracked vehicles are all heavy and this poses problems for deployment.
They are all designed to be deployed from DP vessels by an A, frame. Adopting
them for platform deployment is possible but will require significant modifications
to some platforms.

A significant proportion of the plume generated during dredging came from
interaction of the ROV with the seabed and it’s thrusters. It is possible that the
tracks of a tracked vehicle will cause more significant disturbance.

The dredging system has to be able to handle debris and from the short duration
of the trial little experience has been gained in this area. However the view is that
the system will dredge around most larger debris and the problems are likely to be
caused by rope and wire that can be sucked through screens. A debris basket for
recovery of debris would be required.

The monitoring ROV proved to be of great use as it was able to move to view the
dredging operations from the best location. It also managed to disconnect hoses
and connect ROV operable hooks. It is considered that a second monitoring
ROV would be essential during the early phase of full recovery when the system is
going through the ‘learning curve’. A larger support ROV that can undertake more
tasks such as debris recovery would reduce the duration of the operation and
improve system performance; it is the recommended option for a second ROV.

A further development of the second ROV would be to equip it for dredging
operations either as a backup or as a second full dredging spread. This option
may be appropriate in the event that the prime dredge vehicle was tracked and
the ROV could provide support (monitoring and debris removal) and dredge areas
where the tracked vehicle could not access.

The existing combination of suction nozzles and crown cutter suction head would
cover a wide range of dredging conditions from soft material as found at NW
Hutton through to more cohesive materials tha t some cuttings core samples have

7.2.3. Deployment System

In the event that the platform topsides are still in-situ the first choice of method of
equipment deployment is likely to be by a combination dedicated ROV crane / ‘A’

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frame and platform crane for equipment that is not routinely recovered. The
subsea equipment will require to access the entire cuttings pile which may extend
over 50m from the jacket. In order to achieve this a platform deployed system is
likely to require multiple deployment locations.

Weather downtime of the entire dredging operation is principally dependent on
deployment system and it’s weather limitations for launch and recovery of the
dredge spread. Standard ROV crane deployment systems are fairly limited from
a platform and significant weather downtime would result in winter. However a
guide wire deployed heavy weather launch system allows launch and recovery in
up to sea state 6 (4 to 6 metres significant wave height and 28 to 47 knots wind)
and would give year round weather downtime of approximately 20%. Riser hose
deployment is not routinely required during the dredging operations, however
once deployed it needs to be left in place to minimise downtime. A guide wire
system may not be adequate for protecting the hose from wear in adverse
weather and some form of conduit may be required, this might be an unused
conductor or ‘J’ tube.

Weather downtime for a vessel based operation is likely to be significant if the
platform is in place due to restriction on working alongside. If the platform has
already been removed then moon pool launched ROV’s are able to work from
vessels in up to sea state 6 and would limit downtime to similar levels to above.

Whilst a vessel deployed system has obvious cost implications and safety risks
due to the duration alongside, it may be a realistic option under certain
circumstances (this is obviously very dependent on the cuttings disposal

May be unaffected by platform operations that impact platform based

Does not require platform deck space or beds.

Vessels are proven for deploying large tracked vehicles.

Vessel can move to closest point around platform (but may have problems
reaching jacket centre).

Equipment mobilisation is undertaken in port.

May be able to facilitate larger system using higher flow for shorter

Ideal for a campaign moving from platform to platform as it only mobilises

7.2.4. Environmental Monitoring

Environmental monitoring of a long -term recovery operation would be essential to
determine the overall impacts of the operation. It is envisaged that the monitoring
would be based on the system proven at NW Hutton and that the background
levels of resuspension (prior to the dredging operation commencing) would be
determined. The suite of sensors would be similar to those used in the trials.

The subsea equipment would be specified to monitor both secondary disturbance
and the localised impact of the dredging operations. The core of the system to

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monitor the operation would be a series of 4 or 5 minilanders located around 50
metres from the various dredging areas. To maximise the flexibility of the
environmental monitoring package, it is recommended that real-time telemetry is
used to relay data to the platform for rapid interpretation. This will allow the
monitoring package and sensors to be repositioned as required to ensure the
collation of high quality results.
Real-time telemetry would also aid the detection of biofouling or other potential
problems with the monitoring spread, thereby e nhancing the system’s efficiency.

To allow detailed examination of specific dredging activities the monitoring would
be augmented by the second ROV carrying real time monitoring equipment (such
ADCP of OBS) which could ‘fly’ into any open water plumes to obtain real-time
resuspension data.

Assuming that the observed sediment resuspension events from dredging and
associated activities were not larger than anticipated, it is feasible that as the
operation progressed, the environmental monitoring could be reduced so that
specific dredging events were targeted.

It is not envisaged that the potential effects of sediment resuspension on food
chains would be required in any future dredging operation.

7.2.5. Manpower

Based on optimising the system and integrating the operation of the subsea
dredge system with the ROV a significantly reduced manpower could be used for
a full recovery operation. Potential numbers for the subsea team offshore are
listed below. These numbers would also vary depending on the cuttings disposal
method and platform requirements.




4 – 6 (12 Hour)

Platform support


(12 Hour)



Say 18 person team for 24 hour cutting removal ops.

7.3. Technical Implications for other pile types

The system described here is principally for the case where there is a platform to deploy
the subsea dredging system from. In the event that there is no platform then a vessel
deployed system would be the only option for a dredging system. For a vessel based
option (with no in-situ jacket) it is possible that grabs or other systems not considered
suitable for cuttings recovery with a jacket in place would be realistic options.

In the event that the cutting properties are found to be very different from those
encountered at NW Hutton then a different type of dredging system to that used at NW
Hutton may be most appropriate.

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7.4. Schedule

Using the existing HS / PSL system a cuttings removal operation could commence within
a period of several months dependent on the difficulty to mobilise the equipment onto the
platform. In reality the need to work in poor weather conditions through the winter is
likely to significantly increase this due to the envisaged difficulty of installing suitable
systems for ROV deployment and hose protection in bad weather on most platforms.

An increased capacity optimum system is likely to involve a larger and heavier
equipment spread on the platform and would extend the schedule.

In the case of NW Hutton only a small (500kg) increase in spread weight for the ROV
system would require a complete redesign of the installation. In the event that
deployment equipment was required for severe weather then a major rethink of the
equipment layout would be required which could result in significant structural

A realistic schedule would be 6 months or longer from project sanction to commencing
equipment mobilisation.

7.5. Financial

Based on the rates tendered for the offshore trial, factored to take into account the
experience to date a first pass high level budget estimate can be prepared for the
recovery of a full cuttings pile to surface. There are a large number of uncertainties and
assumptions required which are outlined below:

25,000 m


cuttings pile.

Dredge rate at 1:10 solids ratio average.

Soft non-cohesive cuttings as seen at NW Hutton trial.

System Operational 8 hours per 12 hour shift (included downtime for ‘waiting on

Weather downtime assumed to be 20%, (based on ROV heavy weather launch

Support monitoring / debris removal ROV included in costs.

Onshore support costs including engineering estimated at 10% of sub total based
on typical BP subsea projects.

Disposal not considered in this section (addressed by JIP task 7) but assume will
lift 250,000 m


of water.

Learning curve and downtime due to disposal (waiting on wells or boats)
not factored in.

Environmental monitoring not included. Monitoring costs are typically in the
range of 5 to 10% of the total project cost for a dredging operation (where
monitoring is required) and would probably be significanty more for a full cuttings
pile removal.

An allowance for minor structural modifcations is included. The cost of significant
structural modifications for subsea deployment systems are not included, these
are highly platform specific, but could be very costly in the case of deploying a
tracked vehicle from some platforms.

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Cost of relocating equipment around platform to access all parts of cuttings pile is
not included, platform specific but could be significant for larger footprint piles.

Excludes offshore support costs: personnel, catering, logistics, power
. In the event that production has ceased then the cuttings recovery
operation may have to bear the full cost of continued platform operations.

The cost of processing, storing and disposing of the recovered cuttings and
associated water is not included in these estimates as it is covered by the JIP task

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Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

Option 5

Dredge Rate






Working Day

12 hour

24 hour

12 hour dredging 24 hour dredging 24 hour dredging













Operational Duration











Downtime (days)

weather only

weather only

weather only

weather only

weather only

Platform Modifications






System Preparation






System Mobilisation/
demob (£k)






System Installation (£k)






System Operation (£k)






Weather downtime (£k)






Onshore Support (£k)






Offshore support costs

Not Included
except 2
dedicated platform

Not Included
except 2
dedicated platform

Not Included except
2 dedicated platform

Not Included except
2 dedicated platform

Not applicable

Budget Total






6 Subsea
3 Support ROV
2 Supv.
2 Platform

12 Subsea
6 Support ROV
2 Supv.
4 Platform

6 Subsea
3 Support ROV
2 Supv.
2 Platform

12 Subsea
6 Support ROV
2 Supv.
4 Platform

No platform in-situ

total £4.6k/day

total £8.4k/day

total £4.6k/day

Total £8.4k/day

Complete system

including vessel and
support ROV

Dredge Spread

Dredge Spread

Dredge Spread

Dredge Spread

Support ROV

Support ROV

Support ROV

Support ROV


Allow 25% for
increased size on
fixed costs and
dredge spread

Allow 25% for
increased size on
fixed costs and
dredge spread

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From the table above higher production rates and 24 hour working will tend to reduce
costs, however the picture for a specific location will be somewhat more complex. 24
Hour working and higher production rates both increase the cost risk as they are more
optimised solutions. Higher production rates increase day rates and potentially may
have a significant impact on the setup costs where the size/weight results in a
requirement for significant topside modifications. Production rates have to be matched to
the disposal system and this may require lower production rates in the case of re-
injection or higher rates if material is being transferred to a waiting vessel for ship to
shore. 24 Hour working reduces the available time for repairs, increased downtime cost
whilst waiting on spare, weather etc. and requires more personnel offshore.

Vessels are generally more expensive than a platform based solution, however the
difference is not as high as might be expected. Where there is a requirement for
significant topside modifications due to a lack of structural capacity or deck space a
vessel option may give the lowest cost dredging option. However the high day rate will
result in it being susceptible to overruns on the duration whether for technical reasons or
weather etc.

As a result of the accuracy of the assumptions and the uncosted items a significant
allowance should be added to these estimates. The table below incorporates an
estimate for the uncosted items listed above (significant modifications, environmental
monitoring, equipment relocation, platform support costs and general contingency).
Overall the cost of these items combined could be in the region of £1 to £2 million. With
the larger allowance probably required for the higher risk platform options (larger system
and 24 hour working). The vessel option has fewer uncertainties in some respect as the
installation of the equipment on a vessel is well proven.

There will be uncertainty in the equipment performance until a significant amount of
cuttings recovery has been undertaken. An allowance has been included in the table
below to cover 50 additional operational days to cover unforseen problems such as the
system not delivering a sufficient production rate of solids during initial learning curve,
unexpected cuttings properties, system breakdown and debris handling. A consistent 50
days has been applied for the options as the duration of these problems is not
necessarily linked to system capacity/performance.

Finally an estimate of budget accuracy has been made for each option.

With the allowances included the cost of the platform based options is very similar at just
over £5million with costs per m3 from £206/m3 to £214/m3. The vessel based option
comes in significantly more at just over £7m (£288/m3) due to it’s sensitivity to over runs
on duration.

The lowest cost solution will be highly dependent on the details of the specific location,
and the lowest cost solution for the entire recovery and disposal may not utilise the
lowest cost dredging solution. Therefore it is recommended that a budget estimate for
removal of a large mound to surface (excluding disposal) is in the range of £5million to
£7.5million or £200/m3 to 300/m3 for cuttings lifted.

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Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

Option 5

Dredge Rate






Working Day

12 hour

24 hour

12 hour

24 hour

24 ho ur













Operational Duration






Budget Total Before






Estimate to cover
uncosted items






Allowance for 50
additional operational






Total Budget Estimate






Aproximate Cost, £ / m3






Budget accuracy

+ 20%/-10% + 20%/-10%

+ 25%/-10%

+ 25%/-10%

+ 25%/-10%

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8.1. Overall

Recovery of contaminated drill cuttings from the seabed to the surface appears to be
operationally feasible and indications are that secondary pollution is relatively low based
on the equipment utilised in the trial operation. A system similar to that trialled could
theoretically be used for recovery of a drill cuttings mound to surface. (note that this
does not imply that a suitable onward disposal plan is available)

The levels of oil recorded in the dredged material suggest that previous estimates of
contamination were representative of the trial site selected. The oil in general remains
bound to the solid drill cuttings material with relatively small amounts migrating into the
dredged water.

The practical implementation of cuttings recovery on an operational platform would
appear to be applicable to a limited number of installations capable of supporting the
operation. The operation would be challenging with a significant duration, significant cost
implications and a significant impact on routine platform operations.

The direct cost of the dredging operation could be in the region of £5 to £7.5 million for a
25,000m3 cuttings pile or £200/m3 to £300/m3 to lift to the material to the surface. This
equates to over £4000 / m3 of oil removed assuming 5% contamination. Note that this
does not include transport or disposal costs, which will be significant.

Equipment mobilisation was difficult, time consuming and had a significant impact on the
platform. Mobilisation and operation of the complete system required about 40 additional
personnel on NW Hutton (including personnel for cuttings processing and disposal).

The mobilisation and trial operation was completed safely however the significant
number of additional personnel inevitably increases the overall risk profile of the

A significant number of ‘lessons learned’ have been collated that should be reviewed
before any similar operations are considered in future.

Detailed knowledge of the properties of a cuttings pile is essential to establish the correct
dredging /topsides processing equipment and technique.

8.2. Subsea Dredging System

The trials in general have confirmed the results of previous study work and no
significant surprises have been found.

A credible cuttings recovery system has been built and tested that utilises existing
subsea and dredging technology.

Suction dredging causes little secondary disturbance based on this trial. The
cutter suction dredging caused localised secondary disturbance.

The trial duration was short and there is significant scope for the equipment to
operate at higher operational efficiency, however the level of improvement is
difficult to estimate. During the trials the dredging technique varied and appeared

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to improve, the duration did not allow proper comparison between techniques or

All the principal dredging components functioned well. The selected ROV based
system was an effective solution for operating and dredging close to jacket

Peak water to solids ratios of 6:1 (by volume) were achieved during the trials and
whilst average water to solids levels were between 3% and 4% including starting
up, shutting down etc., it is considered that a long term average of around 1:10
could be achieved with the system.

It is apparent that the overall water to solids ratio will be increased by
inefficiencies created by debris, difficult operational sites, start up and shutdown
etc. It is essential that this is considered in reviewing options fo r, and impacts of,
cuttings recovery.

Following the Blyth trial, improvements were made to the system that contributed
to a significant improvement in dredging performance offshore.

Good visibility at NW Hutton made a big impact on improving dredging
performance compared to the Blyth trial.

The NW Hutton drill cuttings were found to be very soft with low cohesion
throughout the recovery trial. Suction dredging worked well on the soft cuttings it
was tested on and was the correct dredge head selection for these properties.

In order to correctly select dredging equipment for a particular cuttings pile, it is
important to ensure as much as possible is known about the particular cuttings
pile by coring and other survey means.

8.3. Topsides Cuttings Processing and Disposal System

The large volume of recovered water during a full scale recovery operation of
potentially 10:1 water to solids ratio or higher would be operationally difficult to
handle and process.

There are likely to be significant environmental issues associated with handling
and disposal of the solids and the large volumes of associated seawater.

The system used was suitable for the Project purposes.

If a large-scale operation were contemplated, the system would need to be re-

The selection and preparation of the injection wells is critical to the success of the
process. In a large-scale operation, considerable effort would be required to
prepare (workover) the wells.

It appears the levels of LSA and H


S in the recovered material were negligible, but

contingency procedures must be in place.

Detailed pre-project planning of the system management procedure is very

Solid / liquid gravity separation appears to be relatively rapid and efficient given
adequate storage and residence time.

8.4. Environmental Monitoring

The environmental monitoring results confirm the ROV visual results which
included low levels of secondary disturbance.

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Contaminant analysis confirmed that the background levels of barium and total
hydrocarbons were not significantly increased in the Aqualander seawater
samples. Levels of APEs and barium were higher in the recovered water at the
platform topsides. LSA levels were low and similar to background levels. There
was no detectable oil in the plumes generated during the trial.

The environmental monitoring and associated results have advanced
understanding of the potential for drill cuttings recovery operations to cause
secondary pollution.

The level of environmental monitoring for full cuttings recovery would require
careful evaluation to balance the level of coverage with technical difficulty,
particularly with regard to long-term impacts.

The oil in the cuttings pile appears to remain principally attached to the cuttings
with relatively little migrating into the lift water during dredging. The low level of oil
in the associated dredged water may be associated with the high ratio of
recovered water to solids.

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9.1. BP

1. Offshore Trial Drawings.
2. Offshore Trial Dredging System; Operational Graphs.
3. Drill Cuttings Trial Review Meeting Minutes, 21 August 2001.
4. Offshore Trial: Operational Procedures Document, Rev 2 28.06.01.
5. Offshore Trial Bridging and Interface Document, Rev 3 25.06.01
6. Video Highlights of Offshore Trial.

9.2. CEFAS

7. CEFAS Contract Report on NW Hutton Drill Cuttings Recovery Project – Environmental

Monitoring, August 2001.

9.3. Delft Hydraulics

8. Research ROV Cutter Suction Dredge, by Lourens Aanen, Walther van Kesteren, Dick

Mastbergen, WL Delft Hydraulics, February 2001.

9.4. Euro-Seas Engineering Solutions & Testing Ltd (Blyth Dry Docks)

9. Report On Onshore Trial Results – August 2000, Rev 0 28.12.00, Document No.: ES/WT/005.

9.5. Halliburton Subsea

10. Phase 1 Trials Report – Blyth, Rev B 13.12.00, Document No.: AB-T-JR-00927.
11. Wet FAT (Tank Trials) Report , Rev A 11.06.01, Document No.: AB-T-JR-01003.
12. HSE Management Plan, Rev 1 29.03.01, Document No.: AB-T-MD-01243.
13. Hose and Deployment Procedure, Rev C 01.07.01, Document No.: AB-T-PR-01683.
14. Dredging Pump & Umbilical Deployment & Recovery, Rev B 23.05.01, Document No.: AB-T-


15. Installation and Load Test Procedure, Rev B 30.05.01, Document No.: AB-T-PR-01685.
16. Operating Procedures for Project Phase 2 Offshore Cuttings Recovery Trial, Rev A

Document No. AB-T-PR-01686.

17. Operating Procedures for Project Phase 1 – Blyth Cuttings Recovery Trial, Rev A Document

No. AB-T-PR-01687

18. Phase 2 Offshore Trials Report, Rev C, Document No. AB-T-JR-01016.

9.6. PSL

19. Report on Blyth Test PSL Pump and VSD, Rev 02, Date: 19.10.00, by PSL Services AS.
20. Project Handbook Trial Pumping of Drill Cuttings, NW Hutton - Phase 1 & 2, Document No

241.1.127 Rev. 04, by PSL Pipeline Process Excavation.

21. Report on NWH Offshore Trials PSL Pump and VSD. Proj No 241.1.161 Rev 02.
22. PSL Pump Datalogger Output, Excel Spreadsheet.

9.7. SWACO

23. Operating Procedures, Rev 02 07.06.01, Document No. 0342.
24. Operational Report for the Drill Cuttings Mound Processing Offshore Trial onboard North

West Hutton. Report No. 0378.

25. North West Hutton Sample Analysis. Procedures and Results


9.8. Wood Group Engineering / JP Kenny

26. Drill Cuttings Mound Recovery to Topsides Facilities, Rev A 29.12.99, Document No.

06.1781.01.U.3.002 (JPK No.)/ 37E034F0003/SS/RE/0003 (WGE No.).

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Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler


Alkyl Phenol Ethoxylates


Cost Time Resource


The Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science


Dead Man Anchor


Det Norske Veritas


Dredging Research Ltd


Euro-Seas Engineering Solutions & Testing Ltd


Factory Acceptance Test


Hydraulic Power Unit


Halliburton Subsea (Services)


Junction Box


Joint Industry Project


JP Kenny


Low Specific Activity (Scale)


Mains Distribution Unit


Oil Based Mud


Public Address


Formerly known as AGR Services AS


Remote Operated Vehicle


Senior Authorised Electrical Person


Simultaneous Operations


Small Medium Enterprise


Scientific Review Group


Tether Management System


Time Out for Safety


Volatile Organic Compound


Variable Speed Drive


Wood Group Engineering Ltd

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The Following Drawings are included in Reference 1 ‘Offshore Trial Drawings’

12.1. NW Hutton – Topside Production / Drilling Deck Layout SSA-0322-D-


12.2. WGE Flow Diagram for Offshore Trials SK-37E-34G003-010 rev D

12.3. SWACO Rig Plan Layout Cuttings Mound Processing and Disposal

System - Drawing ARQ 1143 012

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13.1. Key Project Date s


JIP agreed to tender evaluation of subsea system
with option for second pump.

July 00

Commence preparation of Blyth site for trials


Commence trials at Blyth


Complete trials at Blyth

August 00

Trial fit of support steelwo rk for Subsea equipment
offshore on NW Hutton.

August 00

SWACO Equipment FAT


JIP Agrees to postpone offshore trials to 2001


Delft Hydraulics Study Kick Off Meeting


Delft present study results


Present Delft results to JIP and recommend that go
straight to offshore trial with only onshore FAT.


JIP agree to offshore commencing on 1 July 2001

May 01

HS Equipment FAT (2


to 4


and 24




Long term minilander deployed


Final components of subsea system at BP supply


Main equipment packages start arriving on NWH


Dredge ROV test Dive


Test run Warman pump – deliver sea water to
SWACO unit


Commence Dredging trials


Complete Dredging Trials

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13.2. Offshore Trial Schedule


Task Name


Ship Equipment Offshore


Install HS and PSL equipment on NWH


Commission HS and PSL equipment on NWH


Dredge ROV Test Dive


Deploy subse hoses, pump etc.


Perform offshore trial


Recover Subsea Equipment


Demob subsea equipment


Topsides Processing


System Installation


Carry out installation


Process system commissioning


System Operation


Perform offshore trial


System shutdown, clean, decomm.


Perform teardown




Install Longterm Minilander


Deploy and test environmental equipment


Deploy Aqualanders and monitor ops with Eyeball ROV


Wood Group - Preparation for Phase 2


Prepare utilities & install temp piping on NWH


Install steelwork for HS system


Assist with equipment hookup


System Commissioning


Remove Temporary Equipment


Perform offshore trial

Perform offshore trial


04 Jun '01

11 Jun '01

18 Jun '01

25 Jun '01

02 Jul '01

09 Jul '01

16 Jul '01

23 Jul '01

30 Jul '01

06 Aug '01

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14.1. JIP Task 6 CTR – ‘Agreed Scope of Work’


Pilot Lifting Operation

Task 6


1. Verify and define removal systems and technology currently available.
2. Perform system test to confirm operability.
3. Implement an offshore test of equipment to determine the operating

parameters, feasibility and cost of cuttings (OBM) retrieval.

4. Understand the short and longer term environmental impacts of pile cuttings



Using North West Hutton as a suitable location for the pilot programme the
following will be conducted (N. W. Hutton has been selected due to its availability
and the expected timing of full decommissioning):
1. Engage contractor market to determine availability and costs of cuttings removal


2. Develop equipment and conduct a “wet” trial of up to four systems and select

the two most efficient (and effective) for trial offshore.

3. Implement an offshore trial of max. two systems at N. W. Hutton to test recovery

efficiency of cuttings in and around jacket footings and debris. Obtain all
necessary data and samples. 2 X 24 hour recovery duration trials are being
targeted which will remove up to a maximum of 900m


(plus recovered sea-

water) of cuttings (Approx. 3.6% of the total).

4. Dispose of the material generated in an environmentally responsible manner.

(Base case is to re-inject the cuttings and all associated fluid).

5. Implement a thorough environmental monitoring programme to assess the

impacts of disturbance (An option could be to have the environmental
monitoring listed as a separate item to separate the hardware issues from the
environmental issues).

6. Conduct a thorough evaluation of all results for application to full-scale removal.


9 months


Prior BP study on hardware potential (Note BP considered the ability to safely
execute such an offshore trial in summer 2000 as ‘go’/ ‘no go’ criteria for being
included on the bid list. Phase I knowledge, info from area (2) (3) and
comprehensive reporting requirements on:
1. Details of the current availability and effectiveness of cuttings lifting equipment
2. Operating parameters obtained during the “wet” trial
3. Information on equipment performance offshore and comparison
4. Cuttings pile behaviour under removal conditions
5. Assessment of the environmental impact of disturbance (useable in any

comparative assessments)

6. Details of the disposal operation
7. Data for correlating plume (component) dispersion modelling
8. Accurate assessment of the technical and financial implications of complete


9. Removal at the edge of the pile, to ascertain ‘when to stop’ and how quickly the

seabed recovers

Other issues

1. Interface between JIP and BP as operator, particularly w.r.t. Gateways for

equipment selection and decisions to award, selection for offshore trial and

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readiness to go offshore

2. Slurry/water samples for onshore trials/tests (7) & interfaces with area (7)
3. Acceptability of data format for modelling (4)
4. SRG input to monitoring programme
5. Other types and sizes of piles
6. Site restoration (possibly for scope of areas 2 or 3)
7. Marine Laboratory tests on single well site (May/June)

Checklist of
questions to
be answered

1. What is the typical rate at which cuttings can be removed from the seabed?
2. What is the range of composition of the slurry as it arrives at the surface?
3. What determines the ratio of solids to water and how can it be minimised?
4. What is the degree of secondary pollution (i.e. water column impact and area/

thickness of cuttings re-settlement) due to re-suspension caused by the dredge-
head and the ROV/ crawler? What is the environmental impact of secondary

5. How much would removal to surface cost?
6. What is the energy consumption for removal?
7. What is the condition of the seabed under a cuttings pile?
8. How do you know when removing seabed rather than cuttings i.e. can you see

at dredge head or do you need to sample slurry at surface?

9. Can the ROV/ crawler operate/ be controlled reliably within the jacket footprint?
10. What are typical downtimes for weather and system reliability (i.e. debris

blockages etc.)?

11. What is the best way to clear new debris as it is uncovered by pile removal?
12. Is it possible to remove a large 'conical' pile without major slumping, if so how?

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14.2. Project Organisation

The organisation offshore during the trial is shown below. The onshore project organisations
are shown in Reference No. ?? – Offshore Trial Bridging & Interface Document, Rev 3
25.06.01. section 2.

Offshore Operational Phase

Drill Cuttings
Project Manager


Maint. Supv.


Technical Advisor


Mud Engineer


Cuttings Processing


Bulk Chemicals


Drilling / Pumping Equipment


Wellbay equipment

Team Leader

Cuttings Disposal

WG Personnel

Trades inc. piping, rigging

E &I

(Platform Support
WG Supv co-ords

project requirements)

WG Construction Sup.


Sonar system

Halliburton Subsea

Subsea dredge system


Eyeball ROV


Env. Monitoring


Pump & VSD

Team Leader


BP Offshore Project Mgr


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15.1. The Key Elements of the Tender Scope of Work



The mound is estimated to have a volume of 25,000 cubic metres and is known to envelop the whole of
the bottom bracing level of the jacket structure, the subsea drilling template and a second level of central
jacket framing which surrounds the template. The bottoms of the jacket pile sleeve clusters and the
bottoms of several risers and 'J' tubes are also known to be covered.

The mound is some 6 metres deep at the central area under the platform and runs out about 6 metres to
the north and about 40 metres from the south, east and west sides of the jacket base. The seabed
elevation is -144 LAT metres.

The drill cuttings mound can be described as a pile of drill cuttings from drilling operations containing scrap
debris (such as, scaffold poles, clips, brackets, grating, cable trays, wire rope slings, hand tools, piping and
pipe fittings, nuts and bolts, steel plates and sections, heavy hoses, protection sheeting etc.) with some
sand from the process separators and possibly some layers of hardened cement.

Supplementary information regarding the physical and aspects of the cuttings mound and a set of
drawings of the mound and its location relative to the NW Hutton structure, are included in Section IX.



It is envisaged the selected system will have the best combination of the following attributes:-

The system will perform the task safely without harm to personnel, equipment and facilities.

The system will perform the task with a minimum of environmental disturbance.

The system has been optimised for deployment from the platform defined location.

The system can manoeuvre to both outer and internal areas of the mound. Can access and
manoeuvre within the bottom plan framing of the structure and appurtenances. Or, can direct
dredge and debris tools to all necessary locations of the mound to perform removal.

The system can perform the removal dredging and pumping of the mound materials and manage
the removal of random and mixed debris.

The system can perform the task efficiently and continuously, interfacing with topsides treatment
and re-injection process.

The system is commercially economic.



The cuttings and other materials are to be recovered from the seabed at -144 meters LAT by a diverless
system with minimum secondary disturbance and delivered to the +57 metre platform level drilling mud
gutter where the cuttings will be received for secondary processing, by others, before re-injection, by
others, into redundant wells.

Debris materials are to be recovered with minimal secondary disturbance to the platform topsides.
Shipment to shore and disposal will be undertaken by others.

More information is required on the following areas that will be evaluated from the Phase 1 and Phase 2

Dredge head/s


Debris handling


Removal and recovery system integration

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Removal and recovery system, treatment, re-injection scheme integration. (this will include others)

The recovery, treatment and re-injection scheme is required to operate in a co-ordinated and combined

The work will be divided into phases:


Phase 1 - Onshore Trial

The results of this work will provide further physical knowledge, performance measurements and
compatibility information for the various system components, before taking them to the offshore
environment. The data provided will be subject to evaluation and comparative assessment to select the
optimum systems.

The aim of Phase 1 is to test available dredging equipment, in order to assess performance and
compatibility between dredge heads and pumps in a simulated seabed with associated debris. This trial
should also demonstrate the lifting of mud and debris to the equivalent height of the NW Hutton mud
handling deck above sea level.

In order to prove a suitable system the CONTRACTOR should simulate the complete package proposed
for the (Phase 2) works and demonstrate the capability of the overall system, vehicle (ROV or tracked) to
manoeuvre, showing reach, dexterity, and capability to access all areas of NW HUTTON.

Provide capability to monitor entire operation in zero visibility.

The CONTRACTOR will provide detailed procedures prior to mobilisation covering but not limited to:

HSE plan

Mobilisation and Execution

Organisation chart, interfaces and roles and responsibilities


Budgets, cost control, reporting and forecasting


Complete Operation safely, remotely and diverless

Produce minimum plume

Dredge head to remove up to a maximum of 20 m3/hr of solids at an optimum ratio 3:1 water to

Dredge head and hoses to handle debris up to 8” diameter and handle/recover from blockages

Dredge head to be capable of operating 50 metres from pump or vehicle

Pump to lift cuttings and Debris from -144 metres LAT to head height of +57 metres

Capability to remove and handle large debris for recovery at a later date

Reliability during operation

Monitoring operation in zero visibility

Compatibility / Operability of equipment

Manoeuvrability of vehicle with dredge head in operation

The preferred location for the trial is a (COMPANY supplied) dry dock with tower crane. The mound will be
simulated by suitable material in the dock and water filled, with the crane providing means of deployment
and hydrostatic head.

The duration of the Phase 1 Trial should not exceed 5 days at the trial site.


Phase 2 - Offshore Trial

The results of this work will provide further physical knowledge, performance measurements and
compatibility information for the system in the offshore environment and working in the full integrated
scheme. The data provided will be subject to evaluation and comparative assessment to select the
optimum systems.

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Based on the lessons learnt in phase 1 the CONTRACTOR will prepare detailed procedures for completing
the phase two works from the NW Hutton platform. This should include and not be limited to the following:

HSEMS interface document and HSE plan

Simultaneous operations

Details of any platform modification if required

Equipment layout, lay-down areas, weights, sizes, and power / service requirements.

Details of proposed dredging areas to demonstrate feasibility of completing phase three

Equipment reliability expectations.

Complete RISK Assessment for the entire operation.

Emergency recovery procedures of all equipment.

Plume containment and monitoring.

Detailed schedule

Request list of Client supplied items or services.


Safe Operation

Minimise Environmental Disturbance

Installation of all equipment within budget and schedule

Achieve recovery targets (to be agreed between the COMPANY and the CONTRACTOR before
Phase 2 mobilisation)

Remove cuttings and any Debris

Access and manoeuvrability to all parts of the mound

Delivery to surface in required quantities ( water / cuttings ) ratio.

Confirm the feasibility of complete mound removal within environmental guidelines

The scope of the trial at NW Hutton will be limited. The duration is planned to be two to three operational
days for each system. Limited material will be recovered to pilot an integrated process. The integrated
process includes, the Contractors recovery system, the topsides treatment and re-injection by other
contractors. The area for the trial will generally be the east face area as shown on mound drawing 06-
1781-SK-V -0-015 Rev 02 Plan on Horizontal framing - Phase 2 area. (Section IX Documents and

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15.2. Success Criteria for Phase 1 Trials at Blyth

Amended to indicate trial outcomes following post trial review meetings on 29 August

Where applicable each pump will be considered separately


Grey Zone



1. Trial Safety

No Accidents or incidents

Any accidents

One minor near miss with
EEST operation

2. Dredge



No accidents or incidents
caused by or associated with
the equipment

Avoidable incidents due to
unfamiliarity of equipment

Any accidents caused by or
associated with the equipment

3. Performance

The system performance is
fully quantified (within the
limitations of the trial site) so
that what it can / can’t do is
clearly understood

System performance irregular Do not understand

equipment’s capabilities at
end of trial

Do not understand the
parameters that affect the
solids ratio

4. Head

Pump produces simulated
Blyth trial head (approximating
to -144m to +63m) at design
flows (50 to 100 m3/hr)

Pumps achieve simulated
Blyth trial

head with less than

50 m³/hr

Pumps fail to reach
simulated Blyth trial head
with any flow rate

Both pumps produce full
head with capacity in
reserve (PSL to confirm

5. Seabed


Dredge systems (i.e. both
pumps) can excavate all
seabed types tested at Blyth
(with cutter head)

Either dredge system has
significant limitations in it’s
ability to excavate soils other
than the softest

Both dredge systems can only
excavate softest seabed tested
at Blyth (with cutter head)

Difficulty excavating clay
material. Intake appears to
block, 1


sample always

showed best result. Clays
offshore may have
significantly different
properties - likely to be non-

6. Debris

Dredge systems can lift or
leave in situ all debris types
tested at Blyth without blocking
(with or without cutter head)

Dredge systems have trouble
handling some types of

Dredge systems have trouble
handling all types of debris.

Soft rags and boot caused
problem to rotating head.

7. ROV

ROV operates without difficulty
and can handle the dredging

ROV has periodic difficulties
that may be overcome with

ROV fails to hold station
while dredging and has

Needs to be trimmed

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and can handle the dredging

that may be overcome with

while dredging and has
difficulty manipulating
dredge head


8. ROV

ROV can manoeuvre with
dredge system connected

ROV can manoeuvre with

ROV cannot manoeuvre with
dredge hose connected

ROV can handle system
once correctly trimmed.
ROV had difficulty flying
when dredge skid was
blocked (probably linked to
a hose snag) - emergency
recovery procedure

9. Ratio /


Good water to solids ratio -
better than 6:1, flow rate and
ratio can be controlled within
20% of desired

Water to solids ratio in range
6:1 to 9:1, flow rate and ratio
can be controlled within 50%
of desired

Water to solids ratio too high to
be effective >10:1, cannot
control flow rate or ratio.

Best test result of 20:1 on
sand (from lagoon results).
Flow rate could be
controlled. Ratio Needs to
be much better.

10.Ratio /


Good control of water /solids
ratio, can maintain a steady

Significant fluctuation in
solids water ratio.

Solids water ratio varies widely
and cannot be controlled

Could not control ratio


Whole system can be
deployed quickly / easily with
little anticipated difficulty for
offshore trial

Awkward deployment that
could lead to reduced
operating opportunity at NW

Difficult to deploy system at
Blyth or significant difficulty
envisaged for deploying
equipment offshore

Not Tested at Blyth due to


ROV can connect/disconnect
hoses with little difficulty

ROV can only
connect/disconnect hoses
with difficulty - a significant
duration would be used
offshore each day on this
activity (2 hours or more)

Unable to make hose
connections subsea.

Not fully tested due to
ROV - Camlock connector
would only release with


System can be operated so it
does not get blocked

System suffers blockages but
dump valve works and
system can restart dredging
without equipment recovery

System gets blocked and
requires equipment recovery

Dump valve functionality
was successfully tested,
system had difficulty
recovering from a fully
blocked (sand) suction hose

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- this may have been
partly/totally due to a kinked


No significant plumes
produced in any configuration
(motor or suction head)

Plume size is minimised in
certain configurations, while
others results in significant

Significant plume produced
in all set-ups and
configurations (HOLD
dimensions of significant

15. Start - Stop

System can start up, stop and
restart readily, back flush
system not required, creating
only small plumes even when
back flush is required

System can start up, stop
and restart readily even after
emergency stop, back flush
system is required; plume is
created (Hold max. Size)

System has trouble starting or
restarting, significant plume


System proves highly reliable
with full availability each day
for last (2) days of Blyth trials
and no major equipment
damage or wear.

Reasonable reliability
achieved by end of trials, up
to ½ hours lost per day, only
limited equipment damage or

Significant amounts of
equipment unavailability /
breakdown throughout trials,
reducing system productive
time be 3 or 4 hours per day,
significant wear found at end
of trial.

System proved reliable,
only issue was that a bolt
came loose on Warman
bearing housing - not
applicable to offshore as
this is not the bearing that
will be used.


No problems with electric

Some motor problems that
may not be just teething.

Electric motors fail to run
pumps under load or

Performed exactly to design

18.Plume Size

Small plume less than 4
metres from dredge head / not
visible on surface

Plume 4 to 8 meter from
nozzle / just visible on

Plume fills dock and is
clearly visible on surface.
(This may be the only
observable plume size due to
dock visibility limitations)

None from dredge head


ROV will operate and dredge
in zero visibility

Sufficient visibility returns
quickly on interrupting
dredging that only slightly
reduces overall system

Zero visibility prevents
operator using dredge head


Echoscope monitoring system
works and is aid to dredging

Echoscope system works but
does not assist with dredging

Echoscope system does not
work or not suitable for

Echoscope system proved
useful as pilot aid and for

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works and is aid to dredging

does not assist with dredging

work or not suitable for
offshore trials

useful as pilot aid and for
seabed mapping.

21.Modifica -


Minor modifications only
required before mobilisation to

Modifications required but no
impact on offshore schedule

Major modifications required
before offshore mobilisation
requiring additional time.

Schedule delay required if
further onshore testing of
mods to cutter head are


Trial completed within planned

Trial starts late / overruns by
up to 2 days

Late start / overrun by 3 or
more days


Trial Completed within budget

Budget over run less than

Budget over greater than 10%


All engineering calculations as

Operation of systems needs
a rethink.

Operation of systems is not as
expected by design calcs.

25.Trial Site

Trial site performs to design
and does not impact / hold up

Minor problems with trial site
and only minor hold ups with
equipment trials

Trial site does not perform as
expected and has significant
impact on equipment trials

26.Trial Site

Trial site creates reasonable
simulation of NW HUTTON

Simulation accuracy not

Trial site is perceived to have
significant limitations
compared to NW HUTTON
(that weren’t appreciated at
commencement of trial)

Within known limitations of
the visibility, water depth
and simulated cuttings
using clay.

Bold = Critical Factors - Project review within BP and with Steering Committee before proceeding to offshore

Other Issues Identified from Trials:

Flow meters: doppler meter ineffective at solids levels tested, Panametric meter worked and available in intrinsically safe version
for offshore

Control System: worked well, motor variable speed drive allowed good control of flow rate

Team work: HS, PSL and Omnitech all worked as a team. Having all equipment in ROV control cabin was invaluable.

Equipment Actions Identified



1. Change suction hose size, to 5” or 4”

High Priority/ Nice to have

3 weeks

2. Hose Buoyancy and possible ROV buoyancy


2 weeks

3. Modify Suction Head. Shroud, depth stop, flow path


4 weeks

4. ROV connectors (CAMLOCK)


3 weeks

5. Pump - Hose Connectors (inlet PSL connector and outlet)


2 - 3 weeks

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6. Gratings on Pump Frame


1 weeks

7. Pressure Transmitter

Nice to have

2 weeks


Wet FAT to prove modifications (HS test tank)


additional 1 week

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15.3. Post Blyth Trial Review of System with Dredging Research Ltd.

Following the Blyth trials the results were reviewed with DRL and HS to identify what
worked and did not work and how to best improve the system.

DRL were well placed to provide this assistance as they are a specialist dredging
consultancy tha t were working on other JIP tasks (5b) and had also worked on Task 6.1
of the JIP Phase 1.

The general consensus from all parties was that some modifications should be made to
the system, followed by a second onshore ‘proving’ trial to demonstrate that these
modifications contributed to an improved system performance. (The options for further
onshore testing are discussed more fully in section 4.1). DRL believed that with these
modifications the system could achieve solids to water ratios in the acceptable range.

Areas of the dredging system that were discussed as potentially requiring changes to
improve the overall system performance included:-

Dredge Head – Caged Suction Nozzle
The caged nozzle worked acceptably on the first trial on sand until the hose became
blocked. However, the nozzle had been pushed deep into the sand mound and this may
have contributed to the suction hose becoming blocked.

The actual cuttings pile is likely to present a combination of granular materials mixed with
clays and othe r components, and is likely to have low cohesive properties, then it is likely
that a plain caged nozzle would be used for much of the dredging. However, the open
surface area of the nozzle was large when compared with the area of the suction intake,
and some modification to the nozzle should be considered to maintain high inlet

Dredge Head - Cutter
The agitator head requires modifications so that the flow of water and materials
continually passes through the head into the suction line, rathe r than the cutter head
being mounted adjacent to the intake. In this way the likelihood of the head becoming
clogged with cohesive materials is reduced, as there is a continual washing effect from
the water passing through the head.

The cutter design sho uld be modified to a crown - cutter type, designed to continually
remove slices of material from the surface of the pile and deposit them into the path of
water flowing into the mouth of the suction intake.

The drive to rotate the head should be set to between 30 and 40 rpm, and the coupling
must be designed to prevent hard objects from becoming jammed in the rotation
mechanism and causing the head to stall.

Suction Hose / Hose Management
The suction hose bore was too large and must be reduced in order to maintain sufficient
velocity throughout the system to prevent settling.

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The suction hose should be fitted with buoyancy so that it is almost neutral when flooded.
The ROV connection end of the hose must be neutral when flooded to assist the ROV
manipulator in engaging the hose into the skid receptacle.

Suction Hose Connection (ROV skid)
The suction hose connection must be modified so that there is a greater degree of
compliance between the male and female connectors when engaging and disengaging.
This will be achieved by machining a new male connector with a reduced diameter
behind the cam groove, so that there is less horizontal contact between the bodies when
mated. At the same time the female cams will be machined so that they are retracted
within the female body when the cam arms are in the disengage position.

The new male will incorporate a ring collar. A second set of hydraulic cylinders, enabled
from the disengage function and the failsafe accumulator circuit; will act on the male ring
providing a forced separation of the connector halves.

Suction Hose Connection (Pump inlet)
The PSL connection will be modified (by PSL) to incorporate a face seal to reduce the
possibility of water intake at this point.

Discharge Hose Connection (pump outlet)
The discharge hose connection at the dump valve spool and hose lower pump piece will
be modified to incorporate an open-framed bucket and cone arrangement. This will be
used firstly to guide the hose end (male) into the pump outlet (female). Once mated the
guide will also hold the connectors together while the ROV throws the cam arms into the
‘lock’ position.

Control of Dredge Head
A contributory factor to the low solids ratios throughout the trial was the low visibility, and
the lack of feedback on the position of the dredge head to the operator of the dredge

Maximum efficiency of the system is dependent primarily on positioning of the dredge
head (whether the nozzle or the crown cutter is fitted). The possibility of maximising
solids collection by feedback of information to the dredge arm operator is to be
investigated, and the following devices / systems will be considered.

Vacuum Gauge
Fitting of a vacuum gauge, at (or close to) the dredge head, would allow the operator to
determine whether the head is fully immersed in the pile. This will allow the operator to
raise the head when necessary to reduce the risk of plugging.

The Echoscope sensor proved extremely useful in navigating to the sample areas in zero
visibility, and may prove to be capable of accurately calculating volumes of recovered
material. However, it had only limited success in monitoring the arm during dredging.

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Dredge Head Guide
A simple alternative solution to maintaining the head at the correct position in the mound
(i.e. partially immersed) may be to incorporate some form of plate into the dredge head.
The plate would prevent the cutter head from being completely immersed in the mound,
ensuring through flow of water past the head and thus helping to prevent the head from
clogging up.

To further the system development DRL used their experience from Task 5b to develop a
revised range of soil types that would encompass the expected NW Hutton drill cutting
properties. The Task 5b results used drill cuttings core samples taken specifically for the
JIP and of which a carefully controlled geo-technical analysis was undertaken under
DRL’s guidance to best identify the drill cuttings key dredgibility parameters. 16.4
contains the DRL guidance notes on selecting soil types for further testing and was used
by DRL as part of their work.

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15.4. Delft Hydraulics Study of Dredge Head Performance and ROV


Delft Hydraulics are the worlds leading dredging research institute with an extensive
track record of developing and testing dredge heads utilising their test facilities. The
experience of these tests has been built into numerical models that allow them to predict
the performance of a dredge head under prescribed conditions. Whilst Delft Hydraulics
has the capability for undertaking dredge head trials in their existing facilities they
recommended that they undertake a desk study prior to any dredge head trials. The
options for further onshore testing are discussed in section 4.1.

Delft Hydraulics has the capability for testing a cutter suction dredge head in their flume
tank facility. The purpose of a testing programme would be to confirm that the proposed
dredge head can achieve the required dredging performance (primarily solids to water
ratio) under conditions that simulate an ROV.

The desk study’s scope was to review the available data (cutting properties, ROV and
dredge system specifications) against the required dredging performance (solids ratio,
flow rates, no plume etc.). The Delft numerical models were then used to estimate the
forces and torques required to meet the dredging performance for both a simple suction
nozzle and a cutter suction head. To allow for the limitations of the input data and
numerical models the work included a sensitivity analysis to look at the impact of varying
key parameters. Limitations of the numerical modelling include: variations in cuttings
properties, accuracy of ROV force estimates/ROV limitations, differences between ROV
and large scale dredging operations, and the accuracy of the model itself.

The study commenced with an investigation of the soil parameters of several drill cutting
piles. The rheological parameters of a soil sample originating from Beryl A were studied
in more detail. Based on the results of the soil parameters an estimation was made of
the forces and torques on a Breebot crown cutter used to remove the cutting piles. The
forces during suction dredging were also estimated.
The water-soil ratios for several operation conditions of the ROV combined with the
Breebot cutter were then calculated.

Results and Conclusions
The Delft Hydraulics work estimated that the ROV dredging system when equipped with
a crown cutter (Breebot) is able to dredge the cuttings at ratios better than 10:1. Delfts
key findings and recommendations (Section 9.4 Reference No. 14 – Research ROV
Cutter Suction Dredge, by Lourens Aanen, Walther van Kesteren, Dick Mastbergen, WL
Delft Hydraulics, February 2001 for full report):-

The geo-technical information supplied by BP/DRL shows a large variation in material
properties of drill cuttings from several piles, especially in grain size distributions. All
distributions clearly show an artificial mixture of different original distributions in the silt,
sand and gravel range, which is typical for rock cutting debris. From only a few locations
plasticity limits were determined. They reveal however, together with the grain size
distributions, that the mineral composition of the clay fraction can vary tremendously from

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location to location and probably also within a pile. The mineral composition of the clay
fraction is determining the cohesive behaviour.

Cutting forces and torques were calculated for the 1:8 scale serrated edge cutter
“Breebot”, which has also been tested in the past in the dredging flume. Given the
“cohesive” behaviour of the drill cuttings, the calculations were performed for clay with an
undrained shear strength of 10 kPa. The calculated forces and torques are almost linear
with the undrained shear strength. The resulting maximum cutting forces on the ROV are
less then 0.12 kN and therefore much lower than the design level of 2 kN. The maximum
torque is less then 0.022 kNm, which is less than 6% of the available torque of 0.35 kNm.

In the calculations ductile failure is assumed. In reality, it is to be expected that cracking
might occur, especially when the sand/gravel content exceeds 60%. In that case, cutting
forces and torques will be reduced. However dynamic fluctuations can be amplified
depending on the natural frequencies and damping characteristics of the ROV. Because
the ROV is force-controlled, amplification is expected. This could be reduced by
acceleration control of the ROV. It is recommended to perform an experimental
simulation in order to improve the dynamic response of the ROV.

The applicability of a stationary suction pipe for hydraulic excavation of the drill cuttings
is limited because of the cohesive behaviour. Outside the erosion pit, the maximum flow
area is limited by the undrained shear strength. Give n an undrained shear strength of the
Beryl sample of 4 kPa and a residual (remoulded) strength of 0.5 kPa, the radius around
the pit that will flow towards the pit is limited to respectively 0.04 m and 0.27 m at the
design cutting depth of 0.175 m. Therefore hydraulic excavation requires hauling or
sweeping action. The results of hydraulic excavation are strongly bed dependent.

It is unknown how the Breebot cutter will operate in the drill cuttings and therefore it is
concluded that the practical feasible water-soil ratio will be somewhere between 4 and
7.4. When, due to operational conditions, the sweep velocity is badly controlled and is
dropping below 0.1 m/s the water soil ratio will exceed the design ratio of 10.

The application of a small cutter of 300 mm in excavation drill cuttings requires
downscaling of practical experience in cutter dredging. One of the major lessons learned
from cutter research in the past performed for the Dutch Dredging Research Association
is that scaling effects will be present due to the conflicting scaling laws for
hydrodynamics (Froude controlled), cutting processes (strain rate controlled) and mixing
process (residence time controlled).

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15.5. DRL Guidance Notes on Test Materials

Delft Hydraulics Cutting Tests – Guidance notes on test materials
DRL - 22





The tests which are currently in progress for Task 5B of Phase II suggest that our
understanding of the geo-technical properties of cuttings is very limited. In essence, it
appears that the permeability of the materials is very low but it is not clear whether this is
due to the well-graded character (i.e. a wide range of particle sizes) of the materials or
due to the unusual composition of the pore fluids (i.e. a high hydrocarbon content,
properties of chemical additives). The chemical effects of additives on pore fluid / fine
particle interaction may also be important.

The 3


-party geo-technical data that are available are often suspect (i.e. unreliable in

normal soil mechanics terms). This applies particularly to measurements of density and
water content. The density tests yield wildly disparate values. Low value may be due to
the unconsolidated nature of the materials (probably true in many cases) but are often
likely to reflect sample disturbance. Some values are very high (i.e. higher than typical
densities of rocks) and these may be due to mud additives. Water content is expressed
in terms of the (unit) dry weight of solids and, therefore, may be expected to yield ‘odd’
results if the materials contain varying proportions of high-density mud additives. Finally,
shear strength data must be interpreted with caution because most tests were
undertaken on material which is not appropriate for vane tests (the method used in the
vast majority of cases).

For all of these reasons, we think that the most prudent approach is to specify the test
materials only in terms of what we know and understand and to avoid specifying detailed
properties which we do not fully understand. At present, we know only the following:

The particle size distribution of the cuttings varies widely, both from pile to pile and within
individual piles but the vast majority of tested samples can be described as well-graded;
The cuttings have a low strength – ignoring the reservations e xpressed above
concerning interpretation of shear strengths in different types of material, we know that
all shear strength tests have yielded values of less than 40 kPa;
The evidence suggests that the materials are generally of low to medium plasticity
(although two tests have shown high plasticity).

The test materials should therefore comprise well-graded, low-strength soils of low to
medium plasticity.

Two soils should be used, one representing the finer types of cuttings (which we shall
assume also are the most plastic) and one representing the coarser types of cuttings
(which we shall assume also are the least plastic). Because it is extremely difficult to
fabricate well-graded soils which include a significant clay fraction, it is recommended
that natural soils be selected which have (approximately) the required particle size
distribution and plasticity.

The condition in which they are tested can, at this stage, only be defined in terms of vane
shear strength because of the difficulties of interpreting densities and water contents.

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We take the pragmatic approach of ignoring the fact that vane shear strengths in soils
containing sand are suspect and simply assume that a sandy test soil with a low vane
shear strength is likely to be broadly similar to a sandy cuttings samples of low vane
shear strength. The important aspect of test soil selection is to identify a soil with
(approximately) the correct grading and plasticity.

Sandy soil

This soil should comprise predominantly sand with a high silt content and a very low or
negligible clay content. Figure 1 below shows the preferred grading envelope. The <425
micron fraction should be of low plasticity. For guidance, we are looking for soil with
plasticity characteristics lying in the shaded area shown in Figure 2.











0 .001







Sa nd









Med ium


Coa rse

Coa rse

Cobb les

Pa rticle size, mm















Figure 1. Grading envelope for sandy test soil.



















Liquid Limit















Figure 2. Plasticity envelope for sandy soil

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The soil should be placed in the test tank at a water content which yields a vane shear
strength in the range 35-40 kPa. It will therefore be necessary to undertake a series of
simple tests to determine the required (sea) water content. These can be carried out by
varying the water content of thoroughly remoulded soil and testing to determine the
shear strength. When placing the prepared soil in the tank, it will need to be tamped
gently to eliminate air voids. We recommend that the tank then be filled with seawater
and left for at least 24 hours before undertaking the cutting test. About 6 vane tests
should be carried out in the soil immediately before the test commences.

Supporting test data should include particle size distribution, Atterberg limits and water
content. We suggest that at least 3 particle distribution tests should be undertaken and
at least 6 Atterberg limit / water content determinations on samples taken from different
parts of the placed test soil.

Clayey Soil

This soil should comprise predominantly silt with some clay and sand. The preferred
particle size distribution envelope is shown in Figure 3. The soil should have plasticity
characteristics lying in the shaded area shown in Figure 4.











0 .001







Sa nd









Med ium


Coa rse

Coa rse

Cobb les

Pa rticle size, mm















Figure 3. Grading envelope for clayey test soil.

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Liquid Limit















Figure 4. Plasticity envelope for clayey soil

Soil preparation should be carried out as for the sandy soils, i.e. try to place the soil so
that it has a shear strength of 35-40 kPa. If funds permit, it would be interesting to test a
clayey soil with a shear strength of about 5 kPa. The test sample preparation method
and supporting tests should be the same as those suggested for the sandy soil.

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15.6. Environmental Monitoring Workshop Minutes

Priorities agreed at Meeting 12 March 2001

During the meeting at DNV with members of the JIP and stakeholders a prioritised
environmental monitoring programme was agreed for monitoring the NW Hutton trial lift
of cuttings.

(highest first, CEFAS task nos. in brackets)

Priority 1

Long-term Minilander (T1A+T1B+T1D)

Short-term Minilanders (T3A+T3D) – investigate the use of Horizontal ADCP’s to
measure suspended sediment, these may be mounted on additional landers
deployed from platform and positioned by dredging ROV.

Water Samples (T3H, T3I + T3E)

Tracer (new task – simulating backflush event, with grab sampling to assess
tracer distribution)

ROV TV Survey (T4B) by platform eyeball ROV if no vessel based ROV

Samples of dredged water taken at topside discharge (analyse for heavy metals &

Surface oil sheen, by Garret screen deployed from FRC

Priority 2)

OBS mast on ROV (T3B)


ROV Water sampler (T3F+T3G)

Vessel based eyeball ROV

Priority 3)

Seabed Mapping (T1C/ T4A+T1A)

Review of CEFAS’s outstanding options

Impact on food chain - out
Pro-active project management - In
Longevity of impacts – decide during trial
Monitor produced water/benthic plume with Fluorometer – out
Surface Sheen – Garret screens – In – Priority one, (deploy by FRC from Standby boat /

In summary, the proposed programme virtually stands but with a few modifications.

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15.7. Flow Chart of Disposal Options

Flow Chart of Disposal Options For NW Hutton Trial.

Is the material


Can it be reused?

Convert to spud mud

Ship to shore





Can it be Recycled?
Separated out?

Flocculate and
O/W separation

Solids (skip & ship)

Clean water (discharge)

Oily Waste (ship)






Pump to Boat

Can we inject elsewhere?

Treatment on-shore

Ship to secondary injection





Can material be
directly injected?

Prepare for
insitu injection

Inject to available




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Discussion of Flow Chart of Disposal Options.
Outcome Process Route



Unknown Issues


Slurrified material
taken into the mud
tanks and viscosified
& treated.
The resulting product
is pumped to a
supply boat and
transferred to shore
for storage.
The material is then
shipped to rigs as
premixed spud mud.

None of the liquid phase requires
additional disposal.

Trial limited by mud tank capacity, 2000
bbls plus resident time for treatment
Supply boat capacity for WBM is typically
2200 bbls. This could be relieved by
using larger supply boat; Far Swan has
3600 bbls storage and could take on
deck storage.
Query on supply boat availability in July.
Process will not support a continuous

Compatibility of final
product with
requirements for spud
mud, especially <3% oil
content (dilute?)
Can the total produced
volume be stored
How many wells will
require premix spud mud
(time to reuse all the


Slurrified material
taken into the mud
tanks then pumped to
a clean up unit.

Substantially reduces the volume
of material to be disposed.
Utilises existing technology; there
is a proposal on file from AFOS
for a system.
Particle removal is 99.5% solids
over 2 micron.
Target Hydrocarbon content is 20
ppm (0.0002%)
Dealing with disposal of different
streams is more cost effective.
It will support a continuous trial.

Equipment rental is £1568 per day.
Personnel costs are £2940 per day plus
consumables and installation.
Solids recovered in outcome B will
probably be oil contaminated by outcome
D. Requires onshore processing.
Will the discharge have any effect on the
environmental monitoring?

Outcome C will require
DTI acceptance of limited
hydrocarbon discharge.

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Discussion of Flow Chart of Disposal Options.
Outcome Process Route



Unknown Issues


Material is taken into
the mud tanks.
Treated as necessary
then shipped to
onshore disposal

No on-site discharges

All material is being disposed onshore at
high cost.
All material is being dealt with by the
same process.
Trial limited by mud tank capacity, 2000
bbls plus resident time for treatment
Supply boat capacity for WBM is typically
2200 bbls. This could be relieved by
using larger supply boat; Far Swan has
3600 bbls storage and could take on
deck storage.
Process will not support a continuous

Onshore disposal sites
not fully identified for
liquid waste.


Material is taken into
the mud tanks.
Treated as necessary
then shipped to
offshore disposal
Recovered large
solids could also be

Enables full offshore disposal of
recovered material to substrata.

Trial limited by mud tank capacity, 2000
bbls plus resident time for treatment
Supply boat capacity for WBM is typically
2200 bbls. This could be relieved by
using larger supply boat; Far Swan has
3600 bbls storage and could take on
deck storage.
Query on supply boat availability in July.
Process will not support a continuous

Requires DTI acceptance
of the proposal.


Slurrified material
taken into the mud
tanks and viscosified
& treated.
Material then injected
into an available well
to a deep subsurface

No discharge from the
Utilises known technology.
Does not require significant trans-

The injection well will not be suitable in
future for production.

Are wells suitable for
Will it be possible to
maintain injectivity at an
appropriate rate?
Dti accepptance of
method required.


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