Lab12 Applications

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Network Application Performance Analysis


The objective of this lab is to analyze the performance of an Internet application protocol
and its relation to the underlying network protocols. In addition, this lab reviews some of
the topics covered in previous labs.


Network applications are part network protocol (in the sense that they exchange
messages with their peers on other machines) and part traditional application program (in
the sense that they interact with the users).

OPNET’s Application Characterization Environment (ACE) provides powerful visualization
and diagnosis capabilities that aid in network application analysis. ACE provides specific
information about the root cause of application problems. ACE can also be used to predict
application behavior under different scenarios. ACE takes as input a real trace file
captured using any protocol analyzer, or using OPNET’s capture agents (not included in
the Academic Edition).

In this lab you will analyze the performance of an FTP application. You will analyze the
probable bottlenecks for the application scenario under investigation. You will also study
the sensitivity of the application to different network conditions such as bandwidth and
packet loss. The trace was captured on a real network, which is shown in the figure below,
and already imported into ACE. The FTP application runs on that network; the client
connects to the server over a 768 Kbps Frame Relay circuit with 36 ms of latency. The
FTP application downloads a 1 MB file in 37 seconds. Normally, the download time for a
file this size should be about 11 seconds.

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Open the Application Characterization Environment

1. Start

OPNET IT Guru Academic Edition

⇒ Choose Open from the File menu.

2. Select

Application Characterization from the pull-down menu.

3. Select

FTP_with_loss from the list

⇒ Click OK.

Visualize the Application

After opening the file, ACE shows the Data Exchange Chart (DEC), depicting the flow of
application traffic between tiers. The DEC you see on your screen may or may not show
the FTP Server tier as the top tier. If it does not, drag the tier label from the bottom to the
top, so your screen matches the one shown in the following diagram.

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1. Select

Network Chart Only from the drop-down menu in the middle of the dialog


2. Differentiate the messages flowing in different directions by selecting View

Split Groups.

To get a better understanding of this traffic, you will zoom in on the transaction. To
understand how the Application Chart and Network Chart views differ, you will view both

3. Select

Application and Network Charts from the drop-down menu in the middle

of the dialog box.

4. To disable the split groups view, select View

Split Groups.

5. Select


Set Visible Time Range ⇒ Set Start Time to 25.2 and End

Time to 25.5

⇒ Click OK.

6. The Application Message Chart shows a single message flowing from the FTP

Server to the Client. To show the size, rest the cursor on the message to show
the tooltip. Client Payload is shown as 8192.

The Data Exchange
can display the
- The Application
which shows the
flow of application
traffic between tiers.
- The Network Chart,
which shows the flow of
network traffic between
tiers, including the
effects of network
protocols on application
traffic. Network
protocols split packets
into segments, add
headers, and often
include mechanisms to
ensure reliable data
transfer. These network
protocol effects can
influence application


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The Network Chart shows that this application message causes many packets to flow
over the network. These packets are a mix of large (blue and green) packets from the FTP
Server to the Client and small (red) packets from the Client to the FTP Server. As the red
color indicates, these packets contain 0 bytes of application data. They are the
acknowledgments sent by TCP.

Analyze with AppDoctor

AppDoctor’s Summary of Delays provides insight into the root cause of the overall
application delay.

1. From


AppDoctor menu, select Summary of Delays

⇒ Check the Show

Values checkbox.

Notice that the largest contributing factor to the application response time is
protocol/congestion. Only about 30 percent of the file download time is caused by the
limited bandwidth of the Frame Relay circuit (768 Kbps). Notice also that application delay
(processing inside the node) by both the Client and FTP Server is a very minor
contributing factor to the application response time.

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2. Close


Summary of Delays dialog box.

The Diagnosis function of AppDoctor should give further insight into the cause of the
protocol/congestion delay.

3. From


AppDoctor menu, select Diagnosis.

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The diagnosis shows four bottlenecks: transmission delay, protocol/congestion delay,
retransmissions, and out of sequence packets. One factor that contributes to
protocol/congestion delay is retransmissions. So it is no surprise that here, in the more
detailed diagnosis, you see retransmissions listed as a bottleneck. The out-of-
sequence packets, also listed as a bottleneck, are a side effect of the retransmissions.
Correcting that issue will probably also cure the out of sequence packets problem.

4. Close


Diagnosis Window.

AppDoctor also provides summary statistics for the application transaction.

5. From


AppDoctor menu, select Statistics.

Notice that 52 retransmissions occurred during a file transfer composed of 1281
packets, yielding a retransmission rate of 4%.

6. Close


Statistics window.

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Examine the Statistics

To view the actual network throughput, use the Graph Statistics feature.

1. From the Data Exchange Chart, select Graph Statistics from the Graph menu

(or click the button:


2. Select the two Network Throughput statistics that measure Kbits/sec.

3. Click


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4. Return to the Graph Statistics window

⇒ Unselect the throughput statistics and

select only the two Retransmissions statistics

⇒ Change the Bucket Width to

100 ms

⇒ Click Show.

Ideal TCP Window Size

In TCP, rather having a fixed-size sliding window, the receiver advertises a window
size to the sender. This is done using the AdvertisedWindow field in the TCP
header. The sender is then limited to having no more than a value of
AdvertisedWindow bytes of unacknowledged data at any given time. The receiver
selects a suitable value for AdvertisedWindow based on the amount of memory
allocated to the connection for the purpose of buffering data. This procedure is called
flow control, and its idea is to keep the sender from overrunning the receiver’s buffer.

ACE divides the entire
task duration into
individual buckets of
time and calculates a
mean or total value for
each interval. The default
bucket width is 1000
msec; you can change
this value in the Bucket
Width (msec) field of the

ACE statistic browser.

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In addition TCP maintains a new state variable for each connection, called
CongestionWindow, which is used by the source to limit how much data it is allowed
to have in transit at a given time. The congestion window is congestion control’s
counterpart to flow control’s advertised window. It is dynamically sized by TCP in
response to the congestion status of the connection.

TCP will send data only if the amount of sent-but-not-yet-acknowledged data is less
than the minimum of the congestion window and the advertised window. ACE
autocalculates the optimum window size based on the bandwidth-delay product as

1. Return to the Graph Statistics window

⇒ Select the TCP In-Flight Data (bytes)

FTP_Server to Client statistic

⇒ Assign 1000 to the Bucket Width (msec).

2. Click

Show. From the graph, the ideal window size calculated by ACE is about 7


3. You can now close all opened graphs (delete the panel when you are asked to do

that) and close the Graph Statistics window.

The bandwidth-delay
of a connection
gives the “volume” of
the connection—the
number of bits it holds.
It corresponds to how
many bits the sender
must transmit before the
first bit arrives at the


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Impact of Network Bandwidth

ACE QuickPredict enables you to study the sensitivity of an application to network
conditions such as bandwidth and latency.

1. Click on the QuickPredict button:


2. In


QuickPredict Control dialog box assign 512Kbps to the Min Bandwidth

field and 10Mbps to the Max Bandwidth field

⇒ Click the Update Graph button.

3. The resulting graph should resemble the following one:

4. Close the graph and the QuickPredict Control dialog box.

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Deploy an Application

OPNET IT Guru can be used to perform predictive studies of applications that are
characterized in ACE. ACE uses the trace files to create application fingerprints that
characterize the data exchange between tiers. From these fingerprints, a simulation
can show how the application will behave under different conditions. For example the
ACE topology wizard can be used to build a network model from the ACE file of this
lab, FTP_with_loss, to answer the following question: What will the performance of
the FTP application be when deployed to 100 simultaneous users over an IP

Follow the following steps to answer the above question:

1. From the IT Guru main window, select File

New ⇒ Select Project from the

pull-down menu

⇒ Click OK.

2. Name the project <your initials>_FTP, and the scenario ManyUsers



3. In


Startup Wizard, select Import from ACE

⇒ Click Next.

4. The

Configure ACE Application dialog box appears.

i. Set


Name field to FTP Application.

ii. Set the Repeat application field to 2. This field controls how many times a

user executes the application per hour.

iii. Leave the limit at the default value, Infinite.

iv. Click on Add Task

⇒ In the Contained Tasks table, click on the word


⇒ Select FTP_with_loss from the pull-down menu.

v. Click


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5. The

Create ACE Topology dialog box appears. Set Number of Clients to 100

and set Packet Latency to 40. Leave all other settings at the default values.

6. Click


7. Select


Save ⇒ Click OK to save the project.

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The ACE Wizard creates a topology similar to the one shown. The Tasks,
and Profiles objects have all been configured according to the trace
files and the entries you made in the ACE Wizard. You can customize them further.

Run the Simulation and View the Results:

Now that the topology is created, you can run the simulation.

1. Click on the Configure / Run Simulation action button


2. Use the default values. Click Run. Depending on the speed of your processor,

this may take several minutes to complete.

3. Close the dialog box when the simulation completes

⇒ Save your project.

4. Select View Results from the Results menu

⇒ Expand the Custom

Application hierarchy

⇒ Select the Application Response Time (sec) statistic.

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5. Click

Show. The resulting graph should resemble the following:

Further Readings

− File Transfer Protocol (FTP): IETF RFC number 959 (



Explain why the Client to FTP Server messages are mainly 0-byte messages?


From AppDoctor’s Summary of Delays, what is the effect of each of the following
upgrades on the FTP download time?

a. Server


b. Bandwidth


c. Protocol(s)



How do retransmissions contribute to protocol/congestion delay? And why are out
of sequence packets a side effect of retransmissions?


Which protocol is responsible for the retransmission, IP, TCP, or FTP? Explain.

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In the Network Throughput graph, the throughput from the FTP Server to the
Client has an average value of about 300 Kbps and has a spike to about 500
Kbps. But the Frame Relay circuit has an available bandwidth of 768 Kbps.
Explain why the throughput is not close to the available bandwidth.


Explain how the TCP in-flight data is used as an indicator of the TCP window size
and how the bandwidth-delay product of the connection is used as an indicator of
the ideal window size.


Comment on the graph we received that shows the relation between the network
bandwidth and the FTP application response time. Why does the response time
look unaffected by increasing the bandwidth beyond a specific point?


In the Deploy an Application section, a network model with multiple users was
created based on the ACE file, FTP_with_loss. Duplicate the created scenario to
create a new one with the name Q8_ManyUsers_ExistingTraffic. In this new
scenario add an “existing” traffic of 80% load in the network. Examine how the
existing traffic affects the FTP application's response time. Note: A simple way to
simulate the existing traffic is to apply background utilization traffic of 80% to the
link between the Remote Router and the IP Cloud.

Lab Report

Prepare a report that follows the guidelines explained in Lab 0. The report should include
the answers to the above questions as well as the graphs you generated from the
simulation scenarios. Discuss the results you obtained and compare these results with
your expectations. Mention any anomalies or unexplained behaviors.


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