How YOU Can Personally Defeat the NWO and Create Peace on Earth

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How YOU can Personally Help
Defeat the NWO and Create
Peace on Earth:
An Easy and Extensive Blueprint for Success
With a 99.99% Guarantee!!
 You can never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
 Richard Buckminster Fuller
I guarantee if we follow this blueprint we WILL destroy the NWO and create Peace and
Abundance for all! We will liberate mankind and usher in a new era of sustainable abundance
for all and not at the expense of anything or at the cost of life or nature. We will THRIVE!
All that is required is YOU sharing this E-Book.
If we EACH share this we WILL succeed! 1
Whether consciously or unconsciously, I think we can all instinctively feel this world is in a
LOT of trouble right now! We are in very trying times; our true character and nature is being
revealed to the world. We truly are on the cusp of salvation or extinction. The choices
we make in this present moment will have tangible consequences to the future of our species.
This could be the year we turn it all around and bring Peace to this planet!
This could be the year& we lose everything&
You don t need me to tell you what is wrong with this planet, just look around you.
We are allowing this earth to be turned into a violent, barren wasteland with an all pervasive,
surveillance control-grid; allowing our species to become extinct and our planet strip-mined,
allowing our habitat to become more and more unnatural, our behaviour more and more
controlled, our daily lives regimented; allowing all organisms to be genetically modified, nature
usurped and patented, co-operating with a statistically vile, abusive and destructive system of
pure fiction with no questions asked as to 'why?'
We are giving all our power away to incredibly sadistic, control freak, eugenicists. We are
descending in to the pits of Hell when we could create Heaven!! This is a truly viable option!
We have but one thing preventing us from ascending, your attitude!
Your PERSONAL doubt is holding us back! Believe, my friend, I assure you PEACE is
feasible! We must cast aside our hesitation and skepticism if we are to co-create a better
world for ourselves and our children.
Believing you can change the world is half the battle! Visualising our positive future is the key!
We need a clear image of what we want to create, and a concise and feasible strategy.
We need to combine positive thinking with positive action.
The situation we face is bleak, I admit. It appears as though any effort we make towards a
brighter future is thwarted by the negativity of the masses who are kept perpetually stagnant in
the strangle-hold and prison of the status quo. They have no idea the freedom and
abundance that awaits us! THE POPULATIONS OF THIS EARTH are putting their faith and
energy in a Eugenics-based system that is ultimately ensuring our extinction by design.
Our faith and acquiescence gives this society credence. Society itself is just an idea; it exists
only in our minds. We need to wrap our heads around the fact that this entire system we live
under is just a meme! It is not based in reality; it is in actual fact, fiction. It is a human
construct which humanity can just as easily deconstruct, replace, reform or rebel against.
Nature, love, energy, faith, consciousness  these are REAL forces in existence!
Our faith and energy is the power we wield if we could only recognize it!! 2
We must put our faith elsewhere; we must divert our energy towards real solutions!
Instead of undermining the power of a message or an idea, we could instead UNITE under the
message and idea! That is the power we each possess - the power to change our attitude, to
change our perspective.
A great idea is bulletproof and can permeate throughout society more than anything can!
With great ideas we can make changes that last.
To continue down our current path will mean allowing Hell to manifest on Earth and our
species inevitable demise. Our attitudes and actions are manifesting the spirit of the
abomination of desolation which is threatening our very existence, and destroying our
children s futures.
It is for THIS REASON we must dissent, we must revolt! Our very lives are at stake!
But we cannot go out wildly and violently take this world back or else we will end up in
chaos, which is exactly what the enemy wants! They are relying on it. We do not want 7 billion
people stampeding without order and without a goal. They know how to handle that.
Success is going to require strategy. It is going to require optimism and positivity. It is going
to require unity and co-operation. If we are going to break these chains we are going to
have to do so suddenly!
We must each be unwilling to compromise our ideals, we must see everyone as equal to our
self and we must demand others rise up with us and take it personally if they do not. To call
these people out as enemies of humanity for their complacency is threatening all life upon
this planet! We are going to have to rise up in a way we are not aiming blindly.
We cannot completely abandon civilization because the infrastructure already exists. We are
going to have to restructure how everything is managed and powered, however, and we are
going to have to follow some basic design principles.
These must work WITH nature (instead of against) and provide self-sufficiency with
little effort (instead of dependence with maximum effort).
The people are going to have to be convinced that what the idea we are proposing will bring a
much needed restoration and liberate us all, and they have to be invested in this idea
personally and make it their top priority! We must become dedicated to peace and love if we
are to create this.
Forgiveness; living from this moment onwards.
Believe you can change the world and we CAN make a difference. 3
We have the capability to create Peace on Earth and destroy the New World Order, truly!
It is not as complicated as we make it out to be!
The first step is recognising the problem:
The problem we face is the general public is so oblivious to everything going on. People are
living in an embedded, illusory reality! Their attitudes are not their own!
Our perception on reality is the result of propaganda, conditioning, programming,
What you SHOULD be, you are not!
What you think is real is not necessarily real!
In fact, it is more than likely, false.
The New World Order is fundamentally about the distortion of perception and the
suppression of that which is possible! This is done to lock us in their fictional game where we
are easily controlled and where we never realize our true potential and power.
We are powerful creators!!
People are so overwhelmed when presented with the truth; they do not comprehend it and if
they do, they do not know who or where to turn to or what to do. They do not want to stand
up for fear of standing alone. They will ONLY participate when EVERYONE ELSE does.
They follow because to lead would mean potential failure, and they FEAR failure. They would
much rather linger in fantasy and ignorance. To attain any success one is required to put
themselves out there! If we do not take risks we do not see rewards!
People have fallen in love with their own servitude; they feel secure in the  safety the system
purports to provide. They believe the system works and so:  why change it? Why fix what is
not broken?
They cannot see beyond their compartmentalization to the reality that the system
has been BUILT broken.
It is designed to collapse and take us with it. We are witnessing this collapse take place before
our eyes. And the globalists can see humanity is rising and are accelerating the descent!
We want to ascend! We want to reverse this trend! We want to survive! We want to thrive! 4
People do not welcome the PRESSURE that comes with taking responsibility for their lives and
destiny. They will fight to defend their tragic fate, regardless of how inexorable it is.
They do not believe in themselves enough to bring about this change! They do not understand
the necessity with which to do so! Our thoughts and actions create ripples that shape the
future! This is known as the butterfly effect, where a small change anywhere on Earth can
radically change everything else everywhere.
Everything we do is a life changing event and a spiritual experience. We CAN change
the future and challenge the fates for another throw against our destiny, but only from actions
we take in the NOW.
I believe our destiny is PEACE!
People cannot see PAST the system itself. People believe this system IS reality. But it is
fictional! It is a game, really. It is all a paper-based reality, with rules written by malevolent,
malicious freaks. Our faith and acquiescence is allowing it to continue.
I assure you, there IS another way!
There is a BETTER way of living that would liberate us all and grant us the ability to ascend
and evolve. Ascension is going up, rather than going down. Making progress rather than
destroying everything we hold dear. Doing what is right instead of what is wrong.
Evolution is our souls and our species continuation to something better, more prosperous and
These are not esoteric concepts, but rather realistic goals we should each strive for. To be our
potential! Our future at the moment is incredibly bleak, and no one can change this reality other
than us. We are it! And I believe due to the nature of this moment, we are the LAST generation
that CAN do something!
We need a 21st century renaissance,
And we need everyone s participation!
We stand a very good chance at salvation; we need only win the hearts and souls of mankind.
We need to present a single, ARTISTIC piece  a film - that will resonate with everyone on this
planet. 5
This must have the power and intention of a  red-pill, and use the methodology of a  spirit
bomb; something that will summarise the situation we face globally, taking into account
everything necessary for an awakening and provide solutions to this mess.
This will only be effective if people use this film as a weapon, and if everyone shares it
relentlessly with the expectation everyone else will do likewise.
This movie must empower and motivate the population of this Earth and must speak in basic
truths that cannot be rebutted! We need to rally behind ideas we can each relate to. I believe
there are two ideas we share universally, Freedom and Love. This is the spirit that flows
through us all, call it God - call it what you will, but it is the same spirit we speak of.
We need to present solutions to the problems we face to ensure humanity is not left in the
dark! If they are given the information and left aiming blindly it will not be effective.
They need an objective! We need to be mobilised!
If not they will simply allow their newly enlightened perspective to scare them back into the
apparent  safety of their ignorance.
I hear so many say  Let s defeat the New World Order!! but this is not the right objective!
This is aiming for the board itself. We cannot break it this way. We want to hit THROUGH
the board. We want to break the board and follow through with the same momentum into
our bright future! And we want to do so in the right way!!
We need to commit to creating an environment that can sustain Freedom, Peace and Love. An
environment where life can flourish and where we can truly thrive in self-sufficiency and
empower the individual!
We must put aside ALL our differences as subjective perspectives, and we must unite under our
common bonds. Freedom! Love! Peace!
We can all agree upon these basic ideals. We are already striving for these, aren t we? But we
are doing so in the WRONG WAY. Our current system is futile and cannot ever provide these
things! Not on a large scale! Not for everyone!
This is why we must abandon the status quo and create something better. We have been
exponentially evolving over millennia and I believe we will not stop yet! You cannot imprison
and restrain something as powerful as the human mind eventually we will have strength in
numbers and reach critical mass and the Virus of Freedom will be uncontrollable!
No less than total freedom and responsibility for ones actions. 6
THE SOLUTION will be how to maintain this&
People assume peace and abundance and freedom to be an elusive concept because they are
engrained in this current system to such an extent they CANNOT see beyond it. The way we will
liberate our species is through PERMACULTURE. This is the system that will completely
restore our harmonic existence with nature and heal this planet and above and below and
create ABUNDANCE for ALL with LITTLE EFFORT!!! Permaculture will allow us to inhabit this
planet forever! It is sustainability, it is self-sufficiency, it is love and art and creation and all our
core values rolled into one.
I believe if we dedicated ONE decade to establishing a giant Permaculture food forest
worldwide we will each experience true bliss and ecstasy. Art will return to humanity. Health
will result. We will do away with fiat money. We will unleash the free energy devices! Each
house will power itself! Power to the individual!
Life will be like that out of Avatar, a sprawling, world-wide Garden of Eden. And the
ABUNDANCE and LOVE will lead to less crime. The status quo at the moment is the
catalyst for almost ALL negativity on this world.
We need everyone in the truth movement to unite under a single idea, a single  red-pill, then
we need prominent names in the truth movement to mobilise their listeners to share it literally
everywhere on Earth relentlessly until we have achieved victory.
I have created my own  red-pill called  The Virus of Freedom which I believe is powerful
and empowering enough to completely work! 7
If humanity cannot rally behind this, then the solution then becomes this:
We need to see a panel discussion of all the great minds we can get together discussing
strategies and solutions, and then we need to see the creation of a NEW  red-pill
brainstormed live, fully-transparent for everyone, worldwide to witness and contribute to.
Then we need to see it being constructed extremely quickly and reach all of humanity within
a week or two. Made viral. And this is fully feasible. Our extermination is inevitable, we may
as well try everything we can to turn this around and this has the ability to work!
Permaculture WILL sustain peace!
If all great minds work on it, and all of humanity puts their energy into it like a
SPIRIT BOMB, we will force it into the conscious awareness!
It will be unstoppable then, once this idea is known!!
We must begin the mass exodus from slavery!
We must recognize we are slaves in captivity, obliviously repeating what we are told and
relegated to menial tasks with the belief we are contributing positively to society, without taking
a step back to realize the big picture and the consequences of such blind faith.
STEP 1: Share  The Virus of Freedom EVERYWHERE YOU CAN RIGHT NOW!
Continue doing so until we have achieved victory regardless of how annoying you
become. These are weapons and you are a warrior of love and light. We have a spiritual
obligation and a moral duty to act upon this information. It sounds surreal but it is so real!
STEP 3: Locate and acquire as many heirloom, organic seeds as you possibly can RIGHT NOW!
These will be more valuable than silver or gold I believe.
STEP 4: Start establishing a Permaculture Food Forest RIGHT NOW wherever you can!
Ridiculous council legislation no longer has any bearing on us as free citizens.
STEP 5: STOP paying taxes RIGHT NOW! Get off the grid. We owe scum NOTHING!!
STEP 6: Cut off your credit cards and try not to take out anymore loans.
The more indebted you are the more they have control over you. 8
STEP 7: Start buying locally and building community (through sharing this information)
STEP 8: Buy a Water Filter (this is KEY and a VITAL investment!!!)
You will also want to stop using fluoridated toothpaste!
STEP 9: Buy RAIN WATER TANKS for storage
STEP 10: Buy and start using as many Superfoods as you possibly can
STEP 11: Get healthy!! Get active! TRAIN!!
This is one of the most important aspects of an awakening. We have been so victimised with
the onslaught of chemical bombardment we must detoxify, alkalise and regenerate. You will
want to switch to using as much organic produce as you can.
More importantly than getting healthy you will want to avoid all the poisons!!
-GMO, BPA, Fluoride, MSG, Aspartame (artificial sweeteners), Soy, Vaccines,
Pharmaceutical Drugs, Pesticides, Herbicides, Fungicides, Chemtrails
Please read our Free E-Books  EUGENICS AGENDA EXPOSED and
 ELIMINATE ALL DISEASES NOW for more information.
Step 12: Stop watching mainstream media and television.
Whether you admit it or not, these DO change your perception on reality. They are designed to.
Step 13: STOP going to school
Put your energy towards creating this abundant, free future of bliss!
Stop the indoctrination of our youth!!
Step 14: LOSE faith in MONEY! Start acting in service of creation, rather than ego.
Please watch this for an explanation on what money is.
STEP 14: DEMAND free energy devices be RELEASED
At the moment we have multi-national corporations suppressing these technologies to maintain
a monopoly and strangle-hold on society for purposes of control and domination. We need to
become independent from power companies. 9
STEP 16: Start forming communities of like-minded people in your area.
Share information, share seeds, share food, be there for one another. This is imperative!!
Step 17: Remember who and what you are and STAND in that power!! If you are not
standing in service of creation against this evil you have not yet found yourself. Please watch
 The Virus of Freedom for more information&
Hemp is the most versatile and useful plant on this Earth and would completely
liberate mankind in a sustainable way! Hemp can be used to make a wide variety of
products including Bio Hemp Fuel, Hemp Plastic, Hemp Fabric, Hemp Bricks and Cannabis Oil.
Hemp Oil literally cures cancer. All these products can reduce the demand on the Corrupt
American Petro Dollar and the put Big Pharma out of business!!
As a species I do not think we are inherently violent. I think this is a learned behavior and a
consequence of the status quo. I think 7 billion people inherently ARE peaceful and want LOVE
(it is our base state and common goal.)
We have to use our hearts, souls and our WHOLE brain to get out of this! We must re-
humanise with organic food and avoid toxic foods!
The enemy is completely outnumbered (one million to one). I think world peace has to take
everyone by surprise for it to be effective, if it is a slow drawn out process it will lose the
necessary momentum.
I believe sharing a  red-pill to be a realistic way peace can be achieved and maintained, and
no blood need be shed. If everyone worldwide ensures they make as many people as they can
watch it, and take it personally if they do not - to cause a big sensation peacefully.
If we all just abandoned money and worked in the interest of serving creation and
serving humanity and creating abundance and maintaining peace, then we will all thrive!
Permaculture will allow us to live this way, I guarantee it. And we will have free time to evolve
and ascend
We need to become conscious of the fact we are slaves being poisoned and destined to be
culled. If Icke, Celente, Jones, Igan and other prominent names in this movement all got
together and mobilized their audience to share this  red-pill and put their energy in this
 spirit bomb then we will win!
Or if they collaborated and designed the weapon we use to awaken mankind and made their
own  red-pill 10
Either way, this solution WILL WORK!
We must fulfill our destiny. What is our destiny? To create Peace and Abundance.
We need to just respect each other, and we do!
While violence is not inherently human, EVIL people do invariably manifest (for a reason), and
they inherently STRIVE for positions of power in society to control and dominate and inflict
themselves upon us, and of course the ones running our world are these people with the
natural strive to do so.
But even they can be enlightened I believe.. If not, they must be caged.
We can t have these freaks running loose. They try and cage us! We cage them!
THAT is natural law. Legislation only seeks to undermine natural law. What is right and wrong is
already known and does not need to be mandated by thugs. Legalities are void. This task
supersedes all contractual obligations, all prior responsibilities, all prisons we impose.
We must put everything on the line and
expose this very real threat to create this very
real paradise!!
Let us all use our platforms! Let us use our voices and talents and abilities and power!
Let us secede from the status quo and create something better together, immediately, today.
It will only take one dedicated generation and we are literally THE LAST generation that can do
it and we have ALL the ability and technology to do it so let us give it everything we ve got!
Thank you for reading!
Good luck!! YOU ARE VITAL!
I nform a ti on w a rfa rebl og. com


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