Lesson 25 35

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«Giordano Memorizing System» by mail. Lesson 25

You are starting the “Foreign Languages” course. You will get acquainted with most typical exercises
you can find in any language courses or while studying on your own - memorizing new words, grammar,
phrases, word for word text memorization, structure models, work with audio books, dialogue

You should be done with 2 previous courses by now because we will not touch on that material. The
technique is explained using the Russian language example.

You do not have to use Russian language to study this course. Choose any language you want and
perform all of the exercises and techniques by analogy.


Some technical information…

What do we need to learn the Russian language? Modern devices and software make the studying
process easier, more effective and interesting.

Studying Books with audio CDs

First of all you need to get a study book with audio CDs/cassettes (text and exercises). It’s up to you
which book to choose. Any bookstore will have a good selection of language courses. If you are planning
to learn a new language independently then you may need an advice from someone more experienced in
this area.

Audio Books

The text and audio material in a standard package is not enough. You need to start working with audio
books as soon as possible. We recommend getting started after learning the grammar of a chosen

There are a few types of audio books, regular books and studying books. Studying books have different
levels of complexity. (Usually there are 6 levels) A level is determined by the amount of used words (330
- 2200). Important words, models, grammar constructions are repeated many times.

In this course, audio books will be considered the main source of new words for memorizing using

Electronic Dictionary Software

I personally recommend this dictionary.


It is ideal for quick and precise translations from Russian into English and vice versa. There are more
than 6,000,000 words in Lingvo as well as 36 general and specialized dictionaries.

Translation Software


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PROMT can translate entire texts. You can automatically translate 300 pages in 5 minutes. You may
need to do some “polishing” when it comes to grammar and style but it still would be much quicker than
doing all the translation yourself. PROMT has all possible word combinations. It can be useful when you
understand every single word but cannot understand the context.

We are done with the technical part. I highly recommend getting all the suggested materials.

Phonetic figurative codes

Figurative alphabets were invented by mnemonic specialists. The figurative alphabet is a set of visual
images. Images assist in memorization of pronunciation of different symbols and generally, letters. In
modern schools, figurative alphabets of Russian or English alphabetic characters are made into posters
and you can often see them the walls in language classrooms. For example, the letter A refers to an
Apple, letter B refers to the image of a Banana. Such pictures help children memorize the phonation of
alphabetic characters.



figurative alphabets are called "figurative codes". You have already familiarised yourselves

with figurative codes of two-digit and three-digit numbers, English alphabetic characters, names of the
months and days of the week.

The use of figurative alphabets in education and GMS


is completely different. In education figurative

alphabets are used as auxiliary tools for memorizing symbol (letter) pronunciation. In GMS



alphabets (codes) are used not only for symbol pronunciation memorizing but also for memorizing
various information, incorporating letters, digits and other frequent elements.

Example: For memorizing pronunciation of an English alphabetic character, a child uses the image of a
"Banana” to remember how to pronounce the letter B. In the GMS


, figurative codes are used as an

ASSOCIATION ELEMENT. Figurative codes of numbers and letters are being associated in the
imagination with parts of ASSOCIATION BASIS. This is the principle difference between the use of
figurative alphabets in education and GMS®.

Phonetic figurative codes are a figurative alphabet for pronunciation key symbols. For each
pronunciation key symbol a word (image) is selected to help memorize the pronunciation of a symbol.
We will use phonetic figurative codes not only for memorizing the pronunciation key but also for the
purposes of precise memorizing of new foreign words. In this case, the new foreign words memorizing
technique will be quite similar to the technique of memorizing telephone numbers by means of figurative
codes of digits.

In this lesson we ask you to memorize phonetic figurative codes. Fast and precise memorization of new
foreign words is impossible without using this tool of memorization. It is also impossible to efficiently
memorize digital information without the figurative codes of digits.

As a in art

As r in robot

As b in bat

As s in scarf

As v in van

As t in teeth

As g in gate

As oo in footstool

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As d in diamond

As f in flea

As ye in yellow
[Yellow Fan]

As ch in yacht
[yacht] = h

As yo in yoga
[Yoga mat]

As ts in tsunami

As zh in measure

As ch in chalk

As z in zebra

As sh in sheep

As I in pig

As shch in push-chair

As y in yak

The hard sign has no
sound value – “ ^ ”
[rock] - hard

as k in kettle

Say oo in boot but
spread lips and arch
back of tongue upwards
= Î
[column] (Î - looks like

As l in lamp

The soft sign adds a
slight sound to the
preceding consonant –


As m in mantis

As e in aerosol

As n in neon
[neon lamp]

As u in Utah
[elk] – state animal

As o in bolt

As ya in yawl

A sailing vessel with two
masts; a small mizzen is aft
of the rudderpost

As p in pie

Consonants: Б, В, Г, Д, Ж, З, К, Л, М, Н, П, Р, С, Т, Ф, Х, Ц, Ч, Ш, Щ.

Vowels: А, Е, Ё, И, Й, О, У, Э, Ю, Я.

Make 33 cards. On one side write a letter (A, B, H, O …) and on the other side draw an appropriate
visual image. Whenever possible shuffle the cards to make a random sequence of numbers. Also codify
numbers into images and vice versa. Achieve the high speed of coding.

Cards will definitely help you to learn phonetic figurative codes. But to learn them without cards is also
acceptable. One should remember that imagined images should be three-dimensional as if they were real.
The pictures are meant to help you if your imagination requires a visual image. You should master quick

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recollection of phonetic figurative codes. Using cards will enable you to receive various random
successions of symbols which are quite handy for training.

Phonetic figurative codes will enable you to:

know how to accurately read words according to their pronunciation key

use images for memorizing pronunciation of new words

Even if you know how to read words by their pronunciation key you would still have to memorize the
figurative codes. Whereas in the impression of a symbol you not only need to accurately read it but also
imagine its visual image relevant to the symbol.

Memorization of phonetic figurative codes


Let’s take any randomly chosen image where you can separate five different elements. Let’s also take,
for example, the image of a “crow". In this image the following parts could be separated: beak, eye,
wing, foot and tail. Word sequence in the list (total of 33 words) should be divided into five parts (7, 7, 7,
7, 5). Memorize word sequence by using the “Chain” method. Each first subsequent image associates
with part of an auxiliary image of a crow. Like this:

crow’s beak + accordion – bat – van – gate – diamond – yellow fan - yoga mat

crow’s eye + tape-measure – zebra – pig – yak – kettle – lamp - mantis

crow’s wing + neon lamp – bolt – pie – robot – scarf – teeth – footstool

crow’s foot + flea – yacht – tsunami – chalk – sheep – push-chair – rock

crow’s tail + column – cotton – aerosol – elk – yawl

Memorization by short sequence will enable you to work with images in your imagination by parts
without choosing from a long list of words. For example, after viewing images of a “crows’ beak” in
your imagination you will start viewing images on a "crows’ tail".

While memorizing, look at the images on the cards. Always imagine a figurative code in the same
manner (fixed figurative codes). Make check-up recalls, eliminate gaps and achieve a flawless recall of
the sequence of all 33 images.


Subsequently recall the visual images, then keep the subsequent image in your imagination and look up
the spelling of a symbol on the card. Draw a pronunciation key symbol in a background of the
imagination visual image and at the same time pronounce the symbol. Highlighted letters will help you
recall the symbol pronunciation.

Your objective is to remember the sequence of visual images and then remember the image symbol
inscription and its pronunciation. Make check-up recall: write out from your memory all pronunciation
key symbols and their pronunciation.

Work on the connection “image – symbol inscription – symbol pronunciation” - could be done in any
spare time you have during a day.

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Take the cards; shuffle them to get a random symbol sequence. Turn up the cards so the pictures are
placed facing down (you should see only the symbols). Run through the cards and by a symbol recall its
pronunciation and the figurative image related to it. If the symbol pronunciation or related image could
not be recalled then turn over the card and look up the picture. Once more make a connection in your
imagination: imagine the visual image and in its background (imagination) draw up a symbol and
pronounce it.


Additionally, for those who don’t know how to read words by pronunciation key or read them

Take a Russian-English dictionary and practise reading words through pronunciation keys.

Figurative codes memorization self-control

By shuffling the cards randomly, you should be able to easily recall the visual images without pausing -
about 1 second per character. When you see a symbol on a card you need to immediately name the visual
image. What is primary? - Recall of an image by a symbol or recall of a word by a symbol? Primary
should be recall of a visual image. It is possible not to say the word mentally (mantis); it is enough to see
an image of a “mantis” and pronounce m characters’ pronunciation mentally.

You already know the process of memorizing figurative codes of two-digit numbers. The technique of
memorizing phonetic figurative codes is exactly the same. The only difference is the speed. It is much
faster and easier to memorize phonetic figurative codes than the figurative codes of digits.

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«Giordano Memorizing System» by mail. Lesson 26

General description of word memorization technique

If we were to replace pronunciation keys’ symbols with visual images (phonetic figurative codes) we can
write down a pronunciation of any Russian word through images. Like this:

Hammer - Молоток (malatok) – Mantis + accordion + lamp + accordion + teeth + bolt + kettle;
Shovel - лопата (lapata) – Lamp + bolt + pie + accordion + teeth + accordion;
Table - стол (stol) – Scarf + teeth + bolt + lamp;

We can understand the meaning of the word through the English translation. Translation sequence will
have 3 steps in this case:

However, memorization of foreign words should exclude the intermediate operation of word translation
into English. Words should be memorized in order to mentally receive visual image in oral impression of
Russian word that would provide immediate (direct) understanding of a word.

Such visual image we will call the IMAGE-SENSE of a word.

With the help of GMS


, we can efficiently memorize connections between visual images. Therefore, the

word shall be conceived in our memory by the image-sense, but the word pronunciation which is usually
recorded by pronunciation key symbols will be reinforced in the memory via images suggesting
(prompting) word pronunciation. For example: using phonetic figurative codes.

The foreign words and their pronunciation are usually memorized by general rules of development of an
artificial connection (singling out parts of an image). Image-sense of a word will always be the
association basis. Images, prompting word pronunciation, will serve as association elements.

Association elements are being “hung up” on the association basis always in the same order. From left to
right, if image is horizontal. And from up to down if image is vertical.

While developing a connection you should mentally see only two connecting images; the association
basis part connecting with the association element part.

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Only after developing each connection separately can the association be pictured in its complete form in
the imagination.

While reproducing associations in the imagination, we are able to read the meaning of a word (we can
see it immediately) and the word pronunciation (by association elements) assisted by images.

Reading order

Please note:

For memorization connections between visual images it is insufficient to see the association in a picture.
For developing of a connection in your brain it is compulsory to mentally develop the connection
between each pair of images - to mentally see each image and complete its association.

Temporary memorization of auxiliary images and words sequence

In memorizing a group of foreign words, you temporarily memorize word pronunciation (helped by
images prompting pronunciation) and word sequence.

After fixing the words in memory, auxiliary images providing sequence memorization and prompting
pronunciation will not longer be needed.

After words are fixed in the memory, word impression (orally or in a text) should cause direct image-
sense of a word in the imagination. However, the contrary is also true. When you imagine image-sense of
a word, the word pronunciation should automatically appear on the "tip of your tongue". Translation into
English (image call by English word) will not be needed.

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Final objective of word memorization

The final objective of foreign word memorization is the development of a direct connection between
visual images (visual analyser) and word pronunciation (speech analyser) in the brain

Connections between visual images are developed quickly. A few seconds are enough for memorization.
It takes longer to develop connections between different analyser systems - approximately 3- 4 days.

Hence a technique of memorization of a group of foreign words consists of these two steps.

First step is to capture a group of new words into the memory. Word memorization occurs through
connections created between visual images. Afterwards you will be able to remember all the new words
and read their pronunciation guided by word-prompters.

Second step is the fixation of new words in the memory. This is a development of the direct connection
between a visual image and its name in a foreign language in the brain.

Such connections are made through mental work with new words. You have to mentally imagine the
image-sense of a word, hold it in your memory and mentally pronounce it. All these operations should be
performed by heart only. In a few days, pronunciation will “stick” itself to the image and you will simply
“understand and know” this word without “any help from GMS®”.

New word sequence is temporarily memorized, especially as a means of mental work with a group of
foreign words. After the link has been fixed, each connection will “live” separately in the brain. It will be
enough to see a word and a visual image will appear in the imagination. When you imagine an object you
will immediately recall its name in a foreign language.

After a group of new words is fixed in the brain, the sequence of support images might be used
repeatedly for memorization of other words.

Natural and special memorization of words

New words can be memorized in a natural way if they are repeated often enough. For example, if we
were to read something containing new words many times over then the new words will be memorized

New words are better memorized in sentences. When you memorize phrases there is no need to
specifically memorize new words incorporated into a sentence.

However, new words will not always be repeated long enough in the exercises. We normally do not have
time to read a long book several times. Usually a new word is seen only once during reading such.
Therefore, natural memorization in such cases (automatic memorization) is impossible.

For this purpose, GMS


provides special methods of memorization.

Repeat by impression or repeat by recall

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Repeat in the GMS


is called “mental run-through of already memorized information”. Repeat in the



is used not for memorization but for the fixing information in the memory.

Words can be memorized naturally in their repeated impression, for instance, when you are in the
language environment and hear them daily.

However, numerous repeated impressions do not guarantee qualitative memorization and for certain
types of information a repeated impression is absolutely useless.

We can take as an example a sequence of digits, zeros and ones, placed in random order. In this example,
you can easily ascertain that no matter how many times you read the number sequence, nothing could be
memorized. Numbers should be memorized with the help of GMS


and be fixed in memory through



It also concerns word memorization. It is very good if words are memorized unintentionally, but during a
language course you will see that unintentional memorization is not effective as it would be with the



Should you repeat words from memory or from a piece of paper? Qualitative memorization is guaranteed
only through repeating words by heart but the words should be memorized first.

Let us divide the memorization technique into parts

As you will frequently use the word memorization technique in learning foreign languages, this
technique should be well developed. For the purpose of analysis we will divide it in parts,:

- word encoding (selection of an image-sense);
- memorization of word group sequence;
- memorization of word pronunciation;
- fixing words in memory through recall.

Word encoding into visual image

The most complicated part in memorizing foreign words is not the memorization of pronunciation but
selection of a visual image, image-sense of a word!

You may notice that performing the encoding words exercise could be time consuming. It is easy to
select a visual image for the word “pencil” but it is not as easy for such word as “principality”. If the
encoding process into visual images is not practised then word memorization might turn into a very
prolonged process.

Typical mistake in encoding words into images

When coding words into images it is advised to choose images according to the meaning of the words
and by their pronunciation. The selection of image-sense based on word pronunciation is a typical

молоток - Hammer

Correct image selection

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There are hammers of different kinds. There might be claw hammers as well as mallets. The word
“hammer” means a common metal hammer with a wooden handle. This particular image should be taken
for meaning-image of the word “hammer”.

Image-sense of a word should not be selected quickly (as you have to remember 50 or 100 words at
once). That way the connection between images and pronunciation will fix itself in your brain and an
incorrectly selected visual image will lead to an incorrect understanding of a word.

Incorrect image selection

Someone might even imagine a word hammer as a Hummer car. This is a critical mistake! When you
hear the word hammer then in your imagination should pop up the image of a hammer as a tool, not a car.

Image-sense should be chosen according TO THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THE WORD. In this
case, the image should be chosen in relation to the word “hammer”.

Examples of encoding words into images

The method of encoding words into images was given in the first course exercises. Please review once
again how to transfer different parts of speech into visual images.

During the encoding process you do not have to pay attention to the Russian word. Please select the
image according to the English word - the translation.

rest - отдых - image of "beach umbrella"
success - удача - image of " horseshoe "
beginning - начало - image of "sport gun"
idea - мысль - image of "light bulb"
luck - везение - image of "dice"
set - набор - image of "pencils set"

swoop - парить - image of "kite"
look - смотреть - image of " binocular"
sleep - спать - image of " sleeping-bag "
saw - пилить - image of "saw, sawing up the log"
paint - рисовать - image of " sketch-book "
whistle - свистеть - image of " whistle "
come back - возвращаться - image of "boomerang "
catch - ловить - image of "butterfly net "

difficult - трудный - image of "puzzle"
heave - тяжелый - image of "dumb-bell"
old - старый - image of " carriage "
noisy - шумный - image of "drum"
quick - быстрый - image of "arrow"
little - маленький - image of "laptop"

exactly - точно - image of "basketball basket"
quickly - быстро - image of "keyboard"
instantly - мгновенно - image of "Polaroid"
long - долго - image of "rope"

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regularly - ровно - image of " metronome "
painfully - больно - image of " syringe "

around - вокруг - image of " atom"
from - из - image of " gunpoint"
near - около - image of "tablets by the package"
between - между - image of "nose"
in - в - image of "tape in the cassette"

Please analyze these examples of coding words into image-sense. Try to be more creative. “Between” -
nose located BETWEEN the eyes. “Around” – electrons are rotating around the atom. “Exactly” – ball
needs to be thrown EXACTLY in the basket. “Instantly” – Polaroid prints photos INSTANTLY.

The symbolization Technique is used frequently (love - heart) as well as common phrases (fast typing)

Words whose pronunciation should not be specifically memorized

In this lesson exercises you will be asked to remember a group of words using support images. While
performing this exercise you may notice that certain words pronunciation should not be specifically
memorized. For example, it will be sufficient to remember an image of “nose” and you would
immediately remember how to pronounce "between" in Russian.

Unintentional (automatic) memorization of pronunciation can be related to the following factors:

You have previously learned the language and many words are already familiar;

Pronunciation of a word is similar to English one;

English word has been assimilated into Russian;

Word is memorized while you read it, said it or listened to it;

Unintentional coding of pronunciation (on hammer - vehicle "Hammer").

If during controlled recall of images you realize that you already know the words pronunciation, its
pronunciation is not mandatory to memorize.


Mentally recall (prepare) 50 support images selected by the Cicero method. For memorizing this
exercise, use whole images. For example, if you have to memorize the word “hammer”, make a mental
connection - "washing machine” – hammer. These images are approximately of the same size. The
support image will be the first image of the pair; the image-sense will be the second in this pair.

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We concluded that prior to special memorization of new word pronunciation, one should ONLY
remember images-senses of the new words. This implies that you have to memorize English words in the
same manner as you did during the exercises of the introduction course. When you recall images you will
realize that the pronunciation of some words can be remembered without their special memorization.


Convert words into visual images (image-sense). Choose image-sense very carefully because by this
image you will be able to recall a word (English one).

Memorize the sequence of images using the Cicero method. After memorizing, recall the visual images.
If upon recall of an image you can remember the word pronunciation in Russian – mentally pronounce
the word. If you cannot remember then the pronunciation has not been memorized yet.

Do a control recall and eliminate mistakes and gaps.

Attention should be paid to the correct choice of images. Word pronunciation should not be specifically

poor - бедный (byednÎy)
sick – больной (bal`noy)
sock - носок (nasok)
lovely – милый (milÎy)
cheerful - веселый (vyesyolÎy)
love - любовь (l’ubof’)
fight - драка (draka)
shy - робкий (robkiy)
guest - гость (gost’)
tree - дерево (dyeryevo)

stand up - встать (vstat’)
water - вода (vada)
carry - нести (nyesti)
lie - лежать (lizhat’)
laugh - смех (smyech)
neighbour - сосед (sasyet)
path - путь (poot’)
broom - метла (myetla)
sad - унылый (oonÎlÎy)
clever - умный (oomnÎy)

fast - быстро (bÎstro)
quiet - тихий (tihiy)
knit - вязать (vyazat’)
boots - ботинки (batinki)
envelope - конверт (kanvert)
trouble - тревога (trivoga)
immediately - немедленно (nimyedlyenno)
wet - мокрый (mokrÎy)
blanket - одеяло (adiyala)
telephone - телефон (tyelyefon)

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cupboard - шкаф (shkaf)
shut - засов (zasof)
disk - диск (disk)
behind - позади


priest - священник (svishchyennik)
strong - сильный (sil’nÎy)
howl – вой (voy)
barn - сарай (saray)

wart - бородавка (baradafka)
ghosts - призрак (prizrak)

owl - сова (sava)

dig - копать (kapat’)

cover - обертка (abyortka)
honey - мед (myot)
jail - тюрьма (tur’ma)

treasure - сокровищe (sakrovishchye)
guilty – виноват (vinavat)

cave - пещера (pishchyera)
adventure - приключение (priklucheniye)
rope - веревка (viryofka)


Daily recall the sequence of support images and related images-senses of the new words. If pronunciation
of the word is recalled in Russian, mentally say it on the background of imagined image-sense of the
word (support image should not be seen). If pronunciation is not recalled then say it in English.


By using cards, continue memorizing the phonetic figurative codes. Turn cards so that the pictures are
facing down. Shuffle the cards to get a random sequence of pronunciation key symbols. Look at the
symbol, say it and recall visual image related to that symbol.

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«Giordano Memorizing System» by mail. Lesson 27


poor - ragged shoe
sick – thermometer
sock - sock
lovely – poppy
cheerful – bottle of wine
love – red heart
fight – bloody towel
shy – big glasses
guest – suitcase
tree - tree

stand up - soldier
water – bottled water
carry - stretcher
lie – coffin
laugh - clown
neighbour – tray of cookies
path – peace of the asphalt
broom - broom
sad – sad mask
clever – test-tube

fast - lightning
quiet – headset
knit - knitting needle
boots - boots
envelope - envelope
trouble – handcuffs
immediately - ambulance
wet – wet umbrella
blanket - blanket
telephone - telephone

cupboard - cupboard
shut - shut
disk - disk
behind – plait
priest - priest
strong - weight
howl – howling cat
barn - barn
wart - wart
ghosts - ghosts

owl - owl
dig – hole with shovel
cover - cover

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honey - honey
jail - lattice
treasure – box with gold
guilty – judge’s mallet
cave – fragment of the rock with cave drawings
adventure – air balloon
rope - rope

Coding into images is a very individual process. Images should be connected with the content of your

If you do not like my images you can change them. Use my images as an example.

Now, when image-senses of 50 new words are in our memory we can recall them by sequence.
Pronunciation of the new words is not yet memorized.


Mentally review and fix created connections. You can view them without naming them (highly
recommended). If it is too hard for you then you can name them in English. Go through all of the
sequences of images in your imagination.

ragged shoe – thermometer – sock – poppy - bottle of wine - red heart - bloody towel - big glasses –
suitcase – tree – recall all 50 images.


After the connections are fixed in the brain (you can go through the images fast and without mistakes),
go through the sequence of images but name them using word pronunciation in English.

You see “ragged shoe” but say – “poor”, “thermometer” – “sick” and so on…

poor - sick – sock - lovely – cheerful – love – fight – shy – guest – tree – recall all 50 words.


Now you need to determine which words pronunciation need to be specifically memorized. Recall every
word and try to say it in Russian. You see “ragged shoe” – mentally say - byednÎy. You see
“thermometer” – mentally say – bal’noy.

If you can recall the image but cannot recall the Russian word - it means that you need to specifically
memorize it.

For example:

byednÎy - bal’noy – memorize pronunciation - nasok – milÎy - memorize pronunciation… go through all
50 images using the same procedure.


We will analyse new word memorising and pronunciation methods. We will use four methods.

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- listening (saying) pronunciation of words on the background of imaginary image-meaning;
- memorization of pronunciation using similar pronunciation of English words;
- memorization of pronunciation using phonetic figurative codes;
- combination of two methods (use of English words with similar pronunciation + use of phonetic
figurative codes).

Auditory task: word pronunciation

The brain can well memorize connections between visual analysers (visual images) and speech analysers
(word pronunciations).

For memorizing pronunciation using this method, it is recommended to use an electronic dictionary such
as “Abby Lingvo" which allows repeated replay of the words. If you do not have such an opportunity
then you can say the word yourself repeatedly and read the pronunciation key.

This technique is rather simple. Imagine the image–sense of a word, focus on it and say it out loud
several times (about ten times). Later you will see that this method allows you to memorize not only
separate words but also connect a complete sentence to a visual image.


Recall the sequence of images-senses. Pause on the image of a pronunciation you do not remember.
Focus on that image; listen to word pronunciation (in Russian) several times using the electronic
dictionary " Abby Lingvo” and repeat it out loud. Most importantly you have to mentally hold and
visualize the image in your imagination. A connection should be made between the visual and the speech

Pronunciation memorization using similar pronunciation of English words

If some of the words are still not memorized you can connect hint-images to them. Image–sense will be
the association basis, but hint-images will be the association elements. By recalling an association you
will easily be able to read the pronunciation according to the hint-images.

Images, prompting pronunciation are selected according to word’s pronunciation key.

barn - (saray)

S - ray (ray with “S” shape)

ghosts - (prizrak)

PREdator RAcK

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owl - (sava)


dig - (kapat’)


jail - (tur’ma)

uma TURMAn – 2 swords

guilty – (vinavat)


Pronunciation memorization using phonetic figurative codes

If the word is not too long we can record its pronunciation using phonetic figurative codes.

howl – вой (voy) – van, bolt, yak
owl - сова (sava) – scarf, accordion, van, accordion
honey - мед (myot) – mantis, yoga mat, teeth
path - путь (poot’) – pie, footstool, teeth, cotton

In this case the image-sense will be the association basis. Phonetic figurative codes will be the
association elements. Elements of the association can be repeated in different associations.

Combination of two methods

In general, we use a combined method of pronunciation memorization through the use of auxiliary
images. It is obvious that in order to memorize a long word using only phonetic figurative codes is rather
hard and is time-consuming. Such association will have too many elements.

While memorizing word pronunciation, always try to have no more than three auxiliary images in one
association. In particularly difficult cases it is okay to create four but no more than five elements.

Part of a word’s pronunciation should be fixed using similar sounding English words. Another part
should be fixed using phonetic figurative codes when it is difficult to find similar sounding ones.

Combining the above-mentioned methods enables you to fix word pronunciation by means of images
quite precisely and fast.

Examples of using combined method of word pronunciation memorization

Phonetic figurative codes are red

Ghost - призрак (prizrak) – PREdator +


+ RAKe

lie - лежать (lizhat’) – LEaf +


+ ATm +


clever - умный (oomnÎy) – bOOM +

neon lamp





water - вода (vada) –


+ cADAver

carry - нести (nyesti) –

neon lamp


yellow fan

+ STEamboat

laugh - смех (smyech) – SMoke +

yellow fan



neighbour - сосед (sasyet) – SOuSe +

yellow fan



path - путь (poot’) – POOl +





You should know by now which word’s pronunciation needs to be specifically memorized. Use the
examples above to make your own hint-images and memorize all the necessary words. Make sure you
can go through all 50 words without any mistakes or gaps. You should be able to pronounce all of them
in Russian, by heart.

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Sequence of new words memorization

1. Write out new words – word in Russian, pronunciation key and translation into English.

2. Recall only images-senses of the words, paying particular attention to thorough selection of visual

3. While memorizing, listen to Russian pronunciation of words and repeat those loudly on the
background of image-sense in imagination.

4. Perform control recall and distinguish words which pronunciation should be memorized by means of
auxiliary images.

5. Memorize difficult words, using combination of similar sounding English words + use phonetic
figurative codes.

6. Repeat words by heart in any spare time you have.

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«Giordano Memorizing System» by mail. Lesson 28


There is no need to have many support images for memorizing a sequence of new foreign words. After
the connection between image-sense and word pronunciation is fixed, support images can be used

A support image can be called a final support image to which the memorized image is connected. There
might also be intermediate support images which do not help memorizing at all.

How many support images do I have to prepare?

Let us say that you have memorized 50 new words. Words can be memorized quite fast. Even if you
spend one minute per new word then you will memorize about 50 words per hour. This is the actual time
required for qualitative memorizing.


It is not possible to speed up the development of a connection between different analysers; the
process of strengthening a group of new words or phrases should be divided during a minimum of
four days.

Do not attempt to learn a song’s lyrics in one day. In the first day you will capture phrases and
may be able to deliver a tentative reproduction. You will need at least 4 days to be able to
automatically reproduce text without thinking. During that time the text should be repeated by
heart. The same goes for a group of new words.

This should also be taken into account while preparing for oral exercises in Russian language
courses. If you need to retell a text on Friday you need to memorize it on Monday.

To develop a connection between a visual image and a word pronunciation (when you hear “myot" – you
will automatically imagine "honey”) you need to activate this connection over a couple of days.
Periodically imagine and pronounce an image. This should be done with all words and only by heart.

If you memorized 50 words today then tomorrow you will need to view them in your imagination to form
the connection “image --- pronunciation”. The next day you will need 50 new support images for the
memorization of a new group of words. On the third day, you will memorize 50 more new words but
continue viewing in your imagination the first and second group. On the fourth day you memorize 50
more new words but continue viewing in your imagination the first, second and the third group. On the
fifth day you will be able to memorize new words on the first 50 support images.

This means that - 200 final support images are enough to use as a floppy disk for the new words


You do not have to memorize 50 new words every day. You can memorize one group of words
and repeat it during several days. After strengthening a group of words in your memory you can
memorize the next group. If you memorize 50 new words every three days – it is 500 words per
month. Not bad! You can start to read children books. For this you will need 50-100 support

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There is no need for special memorization of words during the initial step of learning. New
vocabulary will be memorized together with lesson content.

Special word memorization is needed in order to read more complex texts.

How to create 300 support images FAST

We can create a parallel list of figurative codes of digits using the free association method. Such a list

can be created very fast. Since you use connections that already exist in your mind there is nothing that
need to be memorized intentionally. It is enough to go over the images and their parts in your

01 – Nose – cold medicine (little bottle), distinguish 3 parts of the bottle with medicine –
“pipette”, “lid” and “label”

02 – Hair – face – “forehead”, “eyes”, “mouth”.

03 – Bull – matador – “big hat”, “coat”, “red towel”

Formed support images should be fixed. For this purpose, you need to memorize something on all 300
support images. For example: a random sequence of phonetic figurative codes which you can get by
shuffling your cards.

Here we will not break down all figurative codes because you have to use your own connections. Picture
an image of “hair” and wait for your brain’s initial reaction. Use the image which appears as a reaction as
a stimulating image of “hair” (free association method).

Three methods of support image formation (The Cicero Method, The Free Association Method, Singling
Out Parts of an Image) should be more than enough to remember information during a language course.

200 complete images selected by the Cicero method for memorizing new words. It is the easiest
and the most secure way for temporary memorization.

A combination of the Cicero method and selection of five parts of an image. Use for long-term
memorization (for continuous storage). These support images can be formed gradually as a

For example, in class you can select 10 support images and distinguish five parts in each one of them. It
will be total of 50 support images. Onto these images, you can memorize training texts, grammar rules
and structure models. They will always be in front of your eyes when you are in class.

For example, 10 training texts can be stored onto ten support sub-images (two complete support images,
selected by the Cicero method).

You can create new support images, using furniture objects in different areas of the place where you are.

Parallel list of figurative codes of digits (three parts of them). You can use this for continuous
memorization of additional information. For example, poems and song lyrics in Russian.


These tasks could be done during a day.

1. Check whether you have 200 support images in your memory selected by the Cicero method (only
complete images without parts). These images will be used for temporary memorization of new word

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groups. Here you can memorize 25 new words per day. When the skill advances, the number of
memorized words can be increased to 50 per day.

If your memory has less than 200 support images then create missing ones to have a total of 200.


When you memorize 50 words a day you will have 200 new words based onto 200 support
images in 4 days. Then you will need at least 4 more days in order to develop a reflex reference to
the newly memorized words (mental repetition for fixation). Once that is accomplished you may
disconnect the 200 words from the 200 support images (because you already remember them)
thereby releasing space for another load of new 200 words.

Easier option

50-100 support images are enough. For memorizing 50-100 new words in four days (new words
are memorized once per four days and then mentally repeated for fixation).

2. Picture the class where you study Russian. If you study at home independently then use the room
where you usually learn for selection of new support images.

You should choose support images very accurately. Make sure that in each of them you can select 5
different parts. Select 10 complete images and in each of them pick out 5 others.

You will have total of 50 support images. These images will be used for memorizing phrases, texts and

3. Create a parallel list of support images for figurative codes of two - digit numbers. Each image divides
into three parts. There should be 300 final support images. Onto these images you will be able to
memorize additional information, such as a Russian song’s lyrics.

Easier option

You can create such a list gradually. For instance, create additional images for numbers from 01
to 10 and select three parts from each image. You will have 30 support images. You can gradually
form other support images as needed.

If you have time, fix support images by memorizing a random sequence of phonetic figurative codes (or
any other data) onto them. You can also memorize by small portions.

Example. Work out a parallel list of figurative codes of digits.

4. Shuffle cards of phonetic figurative codes. Throw cards on a table (it is recommended to have the
cards face down). Memorize 30 images onto the first ten (01-10) support images. Recall. Next, memorize
30 images onto the following ten (11-20) support images. Recall. And so on. Do not consolidate the
connections. It is enough to have just one recall.

It is important that methods of forming support images are simple, secure and enable you to concentrate
on memorizing the information as such (words, phrases and so on).

200 complete images (Cicero method) – for temporary memorization of new words. Images
should be well fixed in your memory.

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50 images (parts of 10-images, selected in your study group) – for long-term memorization of
phrases, grammar and texts. We increase number of images gradually, as needed.

300 images for memorization of additional information. For example, song lyrics, poetry,
proverbs. Create a parallel list for the list of figurative codes of two-digit numbers.


The objective of memorizing a new word is to create a connection between an image-sense and a word
pronunciation (sound) in the brain.

For example, when memorizing the word “призрак[prizrak] (ghost), an image-sense will be the image
of a “ghost ".

To capture the pronunciation, images of “PREdator”, “Zebra”, and “RAKe” can be used. At first, these
images will prompt pronunciation of the word in Russian.

During the process of mental repetition, a direct connection between an image-sense (ghost) and word
pronunciation (prizrak) should be created in your mind.

When a connection is fixed in your brain, word comprehension while listening or in a text will
automatically activate an image that you have selected. Automatic nature of such activation can be easily
illustrated in following examples based on English language. When you perceive the word "pencil" - You
simply “understand it", your imagination instantly pops-up a visual image of a “pencil”. Similarly, in
comprehension of the word “призрак” your imagination should bring up an image of a “ghost" instantly,
without any effort on your part.

What has to be done in order to create a connection between an image and a word pronunciation?

In the process of mental developmental work with words, periodically, during 4 days after their
memorization, imagine an image-sense and examine it in your imagination. Mentally say the
corresponding Russian word on the background of the image.


The purpose of this is to simultaneously bring to mind the presentation of different analyzers
(visual and speech). There is no need to see support images prompting the pronunciation!

After fixing the word you will simply know it. Support images prompting pronunciation will not be
needed. Support images could be used repeatedly for memorizing new group of words.

(Mentally) look at the image of a “ghost” and mentally say several times “prizrak”. It is very simple. The
secret of it is to perform it periodically during several days after their memorization.

Create phrases with a word

Hold an image in your imagination; build phrases with the word with the limits of grammar and
vocabulary that you know.

The ghost has been seen on the street – Призрака видели на улице

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During a day recall words you have memorized in your previous lessons. Hold an image in your
imagination and several times repeat the sound of the word in Russian. Build a couple of simple phrases
with each word.

Spelling of a word

If a word is not difficult then, during the mental repeat, write it in the background of a visualized image-
sense. For example, imagine an image of a “prizrak” and write the word “призрак” with your eyes in its

If it is a difficult word and its spelling differs from its sound then use the hand’s memory. Write down
this word several times on a piece of paper, visualizing in your imagination relevant image-meaning.

Fixation of a word spelling is conducted by carrying out various written exercises found in any Russian
language course book. You read a sentence out of a book and then you try to write it down from memory
in your exercise book. If it is a difficult word then look it up. Remember the way you learned writing in
your native language in primary school.

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«Giordano Memorizing System» by mail. Lesson 29


In this lesson you will be introduced to the technique of literal memorization of phrases.

In memorizing textual material we should distinguish between literal memorization (memorization by
heart) and semantic memorization (retelling using our own words).

Semantic memorization

In semantic memorization you intentionally memorize text synopsis aided by images. In the simplest case
it is a sequence of paragraphs.

Visualize in your imagination a table and a basket with oranges on it. By recalling this picture
(association) you can “vocalize” it in different ways.

On the table is a basket with oranges. A basket with oranges is on the table. Oranges are in the
basket, which is on the table. On the table – oranges are in the basket. In the basket, which is on
the table, are many big orange oranges.

In semantic reproduction (retelling) a sentence structure is not important. The main thing is to properly
convey the meaning. In this case, the meaning is a particular picture in your imagination which you see
and use in order to convey it to another person orally or in writing.

Oftentimes semantic reproduction of texts does not require memorization. Through the reading of a text
our creative imagination transforms words into pictures - combinations of visual images. As a result,
while reading a text you imagine a “movie”. Images are connected independently which leads to a natural
memorization of connections between them.

You will recall and describe (vocalize) images in your own words (semantic retelling).

How can a semantic reproduction of a text be used? For example, when you read a rather big book in
Russian, consisting of about 10 -20 chapters and 50 – 100 pages, a teacher can give you a home
assignment to read a chapter and then retell it in a class in your own words.

The fourth course is devoted to the “Text Memorization Technique” which is a semantic text
memorization. Semantic reproduction of a text in a foreign language is possible only when you already
know the language quite well. The semantic text memorization technique in your native and foreign
language will be the same.

Literal memorization

During this stage of studying a foreign language it is recommended to use literal memorization - when
you memorize not only the word sequence in a sentence but also the intonation, emphasis and melody of
a phrase. Our brain can memorize phrases very well. The GMS® can take the process of memorization
(and recall) under its conscious control.

Foreign language study books and foreign language teachers insist on the following:

"Try to memorize phrases as they are rather than constructing your own”

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Let us see how the standards work in the example of a native language.

What words are written here?

Toble, Univarsity, Camputer, Frizer, Builting, Laff

You can easily recognize and understand these words. This is because in your mind there are proper
standards of these words - acoustic standards.

You can tell when a phrase is not properly formed. Compare:

Будет фильм интересный вечером сегодня по телевизору.

Сегодня вечером по телевизору будет интересный фильм.

There is going this evening to be an interesting film on TV

There is going to be an interesting film on TV this evening.

At first glance the grammar may seem correct but you instantly feel that it sounds somewhat different in
the first example. We would prefer the second one. Why the second example? We are simply used to
saying it like that!

Are these expressions permissible in English language (for foreigners studying English)?

Give me a hand! They call me Petja. Come on, came out quick! Good evening!

We do not think about things we say incorrectly. Who calls you? Come on where? How can the evening
be good?

In order to speak “proper” English as most Americans do, a person must memorize the phrases that we
use literally, without thinking about the reasons why we use such constructions.

The aim of memorizing words and phrases is to create standards in your mind whereby not only will you
comprehend oral speech but also understand it even if the pronunciation of words and phrases is quite
distorted. For instance, if an announcer reads a text in Russian and his nose is pinched with a clothespin.
Or a pop singer stretches and cooks up words to the melody of a song.

In your mind, a set of standard words and phrases works similarly to the spell check feature in a text
editing computer program such as MS Word. The brain, while comprehending speech, “selects” strange
words and phrases and automatically replaces them with words and phrases that already exist in the
memory. To replace a word or a phrase the brain needs just a small portion of information - a fragment of
a word or a phrase.


Any teacher of foreign language will confirm this saying: „You can understand a word or a
phrase, orally spoken, only if you personally can say the word or phrase”. Do not read according
to the text but recall.

A good example of that might be comprehension of lyrics of Russian songs. While listening to songs you
can pick up only a few words. However, during text analysis you will find that all words in the song are
familiar. To fully comprehend the song’s words you need to memorize it by heart; only then will you be

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able to reproduce it. Any pronunciation distortions frequently made by a reproducer will be altered by
your brain, corresponding to standards of the song's phrases that exist in your memory.

Acoustic associations

You are very familiar with visual associations but you are also familiar with sound associations. Let us
compare sound and visual associations.

If you have the 123-77-58 telephone number association (Hangar – notebook, dish, film) then you, for
instance, can fully recall the substituted element only by number 123. The brain gets the stimulus (123),
this stimulus evokes in your mind an image of a "notebook". This image "picks out" from the
imagination other previously linked images – the complete association.


If information already exists in your mind then we do not need to fully perceive it. We recognize
information in parts. Missing information in its literal meaning will be complemented from

Speech analyzers work similarly except we do not see these associations. We hear them and smell them.
If our mind stores several associations with the same element then according to this element we can
remember many associations.

"CА" element

CAlendar, CAlculator, CAbbage, CAttle, CAfé, CAlcium, CAsk and so on.

Similarly you can remember all telephone numbers containing the number 25 if you have intentionally
memorized these numbers by creating (visual) associations, provided these telephone numbers are in
your memory.

Elements: "AN", "IM", "AL".

ANaemia, ANaconda, ANchovy, ANcient

IMage, IMpasse, IMporter, IMitation

ALarm-clock, ALbino, ALcazar, ALcohol

You already know how visual associations are created. You either have to see a group of connected
images or specifically connect them in your imagination in order to see them simultaneously in your

The fixation of visual association in the brain is done by multiple views/perceptions in your imagination
(natural connections, Cicero method).

How do you create a sound association? How do you imagine several different sounds simultaneously?
Our speech apparatus does not allow simultaneous reproductions of several sounds. Therefore, we will
refer to a simultaneous sequence of sounds (Syntagma).

Syntagma – is a rhythmically connected group of words. A digital repeater divides the speech
record into Syntagma according to pauses in speech.

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Sound associations can be made both naturally, in their multiplied comprehension, and artificially – by
way of conscious repeating (saying them out loud or mentally to ourselves).

In practice, simultaneous sequence of sounds is always connected to visual images; sound associations
(Syntagma) are always backed up by a picture and connected to a visual image. A word not connected to
a visual image is called inanity.

Ma-chi-ne - visual image "machine".
Cap-tu-la - ????????? – is an inanity.

There is no sense in memorizing inanities. Therefore, we will not analyze them.


If we can connect a word to a visual image then it means that we can connect a phrase to a visual
image – a sequence of several words, said as one chunk.

Science does not precisely understand how the connections between speech and visual analyzers are
made in the brain. According to indirect indications, such as the length of connection creation and
brightly represented connection’s automation, we can presume that they are created through the direct
nerve cells’ connection of different analysis systems of the brain (synaptic connections).

It may be that development of such connections occurs in a special speech center in the left cerebral

It is essential for us to know that such connections are made by a simultaneous output of an image and a
sound sequence into mind. We see in our imagination the image of a “ghost” and simultaneously say
“prizrak”. Or, we imagine an ”open suitcase” and on the its background we say the phrase: “Теперь
выглядит, как если бы они должны здесь остаться” - "Now it looks as though they're here to stay”.
The result of memorization will be same.

Connection development takes time, therefore phrase memorization technique is not obvious. The brain’s
ability to create connections between visual images can be tested immediately, after a few seconds. For
example - memorizing sequence of 30 images. To check the possibility of creating a connection between
images and phrases you will need several days.

Anticipation (anticipatory understanding)

Let us suppose that I am a memory and psychology specialist. If I pick up a book on memory training in
a bookstore I would be able to “read” it very quickly, in 10 - 20 minutes! In fact, I am not reading it but
simply looking through it - glancing at its pages. On the outside it may seem as if I am just turning over
the pages.

As a result of such look-see reading I make a conclusion about the book's contents. Whether or not there
is correct information, does the book have any new information or just a rewrite of much known (to me)
facts and methods. If I find something new in the book then it is likely that I will buy it. Otherwise I will
put the book back on the shelf.

However, if I take a book on quantum physics, where I can not understand anything, then I will have to
read one page for several minutes.

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How is fast reading ensured? On the account of content of a large amount of information, words, word-
combination, sentences and facts that are already well known to me. In my mind there are lots of
standards that enable me to comprehend text meaning on a page just by looking at a few words.

Anticipation – automatic reproduction of a phrase according to its beginning.

Anticipation is one of the methodological techniques in fast reading. But, unfortunately, anticipation
works only when you are reading a book on a subject already well known to you and the book does not
contain anything new to you.

Brain memorizes a phrase as a single whole

... and can easily reproduce phrases according to their beginning.

We have chosen a number of phrases that are supposed to be very familiar to you. On their example you
will see how anticipatory attention operates and how this could be used for memorization. Fully read the

The itsy bitsy spider
Crawled up the water spout
Down came the rain
And washed the spider out
Out came the sun
And dried up all the rain
And the itsy bitsy spider
Crawled up the spout again.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.

When the blazing sun is gone,
When he nothing shines upon,
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.

Then the traveler in the dark
Thanks you for your tiny spark;
He could not see which way to go,
If you did not twinkle so.

In the dark blue sky you keep,
While you thro' my window peep,
And you never shut your eye,
Till the sun is in the sky,


Once again read the phrases given above (in case you did not know these verses)

Now, using only the beginning of a phrase orally reproduce phrases:

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Then the traveler…
Thanks you for…
He could not see…
And washed…
Up above the…
And dried up…
How I wonder…
In the dark…
Out came…
When he nothing…

Did you have good results? It is the anticipation, outpacing perception. Previously learned word-
combinations and phrases and speech patterns form its basis. The brain sees a fragment of information
and then finishes it. Therefore, it is not necessary to completely read a book on a well-known subject. It
is enough to just glance at the beginning of sentences.

Anticipation possesses a very important quality. Phrases once started (sequence of movement as such)
strive to their completion - to “scrolling” till the end. This means that upon starting to say a previously
learned phrase you will automatically be ending it. When applying it to the process of memorizing
phrases in the course of learning Russian language you will not have to worry about how a phrase needs
to be constructed.

By the way!

When you move a light switch in a room then normally you will still continue try to switch it on
an empty space on the wall - it is a movement automatism. A program once started strives to its
completion. If an operation “turn the light on” is a link then you will be clapping your hand on the
wall each time blaming your bad memory. On the contrary – memory is very good.

Now, do not look at phrases. Could you reproduce phrases in the same order as they are given above?
There is a 99,9% probability that you will not be able to.

Let us start using figurative GMS®

Now we will mark each phrase with a visual image. Theoretically, any visual image could be connected
to a phrase. Practically, it is recommended to choose an image according to the meaning of a phrase. That
way you will have a sense reminder which allows you to easily recall the phrase immediately after its
memorization, even before connection between the image and the phrase is formed in your mind.


Memorize the sequence of images using the simplest way - Cicero method. One minute should be enough
to memorize ten images. Memorize images and recall phrases by saying them out loud. Recall only even
phrases and then recall only the odd ones.

Support image + suitcase --- Then the traveler…
Support image + Bottle of Champaign --- Thank you for…
Support image + Broken glasses --- He could not see…
Support image + box of “Tide” --- And washed…
Support image + clouds --- Up above the…
Support image + raisins --- And dried up…
Support image + Magic trick (deck of cards) --- How I wonder…

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Support image + flashlight --- In the dark…
Support image + lavatory pan --- Out came…
Support image + scarecrow --- When he nothing…

Inertness of acoustic analyzer – put it to good use!

In various memory psychology books you can learn about a short-term memory which equals to
approximately seven units. What does it mean? It means that an overwhelming majority of people can
read a sequence of numbers and repeat approximately 7 digits. Most people can repeat only 5 digits.

Check how many digits can you repeat. Below are six rows of numbers.

Read aloud one row only once and then immediately repeat it out loud. Do not use GMS



memorization! Then check yourself using the rest of the rows. Determine which row you can repeat
without making mistakes (how many digits).

5 7 3 8 5
3 8 4 6 2 9
8 2 9 3 7 2 9
8 4 9 3 9 5 8 2
9 3 6 2 4 7 3 8 5
0 4 7 3 5 7 3 9 5 3

The more digits you are able to repeat the easier it will be to remember phrases. In psychology,
characteristics of our brain given below referred to as short-term memory. In fact, more correctly it
should be called “inertness of acoustic analyzer". Therefore, if you are going to use GMS® technique for
memorization of the rows of digits then fundamental rules of psychology will start to break.

With good memorization skills it is possible to memorize 200 digits at once by transforming them into
two-digit figurative codes and connecting each image to a support image. We will use inertness of
acoustic analyzer for capturing phrases into memory.

After listening to or reading a phrase you are able to repeat it mentally or out loud. Due to inertness of
acoustic analyzer a phrase can be easily held in the mind. We will use inertness of acoustic analyzer for
immediate capturing it from a text and start a process of multiple repeat on the background of a visual
image (indicating this phrase) visualized in the imagination.


Important remarks concerning phrase memorization in Russian

It is understood that you do not know Russian language well and you are going to use phrase
memorization technique in the course of studying it. In this regard, please make note of the following.

In order to be memorized a phrase has to be understood. You should understand grammar rules
used in a sentence (preliminary acquaintance with grammar from a textbook).

Phrase to be memorized should consist of predominately familiar words. It can have new words
but prior to their memorization you should familiarize yourself with the translation of new words
and listen to their correct pronunciation.

New words that are being memorized, as a part of a phrase structure, are not mandatory to
memorize intentionally.

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You should be able to accurately compose a phrase. If you are unsure about the proper
pronunciation of a phrase (especially a whole phrase and not just its individual elements), then
you have to listen to the phrase - preferably spoken by a native Russian speaker.

For that you can use an audio book recorded on CD or audiotapes with recordings of exercise texts.

In case you do not have sound accompaniment for textual material, find new words from a dictionary and
achieve proper reproduction of pronunciation of single words and phrase. Without audio study material
you will not be able to understand verbal speech impression. Pronunciation key of single words cannot
deliver reading of words in sentences.

Use technical tools and programs described in Lesson 25.


Train using simple phrases

1. Select a visual image for a sentence. It is desirable that the image should prompt the meaning of the
sentence (what it is about).

2. Connect visual image to a support image (for now using the Cicero method)

3. In your imagination visualize a visual image, focus on it and view it in detail. You can see a part of a
support image while doing that.

4. Read a phrase according to the text. Make certain that you are able to repeat the phrase mentally or out
loud without looking at the text (use inertness of the acoustic analyzer).

5. Hold the image in your imagination and repeat a phrase up to 10 times out loud (by heart, without
looking at the text). Say the phrase as a whole very quickly and then slowly, thoroughly saying semantic
and distinguishing sounds. For example, “- ый” endings in adjective, endings "-ал", "ел" in verbs.

Memorize phrases in Russian

Церковь была маленьким деревянным зданием. – Cerkof’ b

Îla mal’yen’kim dyeryevyannÎm


The church was a small, wooden building.

Cupboard and a little boy
Почему ты был в шкафу для продуктов? - Pachyemu tÎ bÎl f shkafoo dlya pradooktaf. Why
were you in the food cupboard?

Забор был покрашен дважды. – Zaboor bÎl pakrashyen dvazhdÎ. The fence was painted twice.

Box with a beetle
В коробке был очень большой черный жук. – F karopkye bÎl ochyen’ bal’shoy chornÎy zhook.
In the box, there was a very large black beetle.

Bucket with water
Внезапно кто-то открыл окно и вылил воду на голову Тома. – Vnizapna kto-ta atkrÎl akno I
vÎlil vodoo na golavoo Toma. Suddenly, somebody opened a window and threw some water over
Tom's head.

Dead cat
Дохлая кошка выводит бородавки. – Dohlaya koshka vÎvodit baradafki. A dead cat cures

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В плохую погоду он спал внутри сарая. – F plahoou pagodoo on spal vnutri saraya. During bad
weather, he slept inside a barn.

Он лежал в кровати тихо, но он не спал. – On lizhal f kravati tiha, no on nye spal. He laid in
bed quietly but he did not sleep.

6. Control recall. Connections are still very weak. Recall support image; see on it an image which
specifies the phrase. Recall and say the phrase (out loud or mentally and if you have an opportunity then
it is better say it aloud). At first you are kind of groping for the phrase and the sense image and the
grammar you already know help you do that. Then you can partially construct required sentence by
yourself. When the phrase is “groped” - repeat it several times, holding the image in your imagination.

Presently you can read the phrases captured in your memory. You can also proceed to fix them.


The fixation process should not be forced. Do not repeat phrases many times in the day of their
memorization. Mental repetition of phrases should approximately last for four days.

Repeat the series of phrases by heart three times a day. By repeating, recall the image and on its
background say the phrase several times. As mentioned above, you need time to feel how phrases are
fixating and how much time you need for it.

Sometimes you will face effect of reminiscence – spontaneous intensification of memory tracks. This will
be appearing as spontaneous reproduction of phrases - they will be spinning in your mind as an obtrusive
melody. Sometimes reproduction of phrases will be completely automatic - with the ease of reproduction
compared to your native language.


Repeat phrases selectively to avoid the drilling - when one phrase “catches” to another one and
they start to reproduce themselves in order without any images created by you. For example: over
a support image, each third support image, and in reverse order.

Avoid drilling of phrases (their reproduction without images). Drilling of phrases would lead to you not
being able to use separate phrases in your speech. Phrases drilled as poems could only be reproduced
from the beginning to the end. To pull out (recall) a single phrase from chain of images in this case will
be impossible.

Grammar comprehension

With mental review of phrases you can slowly pronounce them, analysing the grammar. Why in one
phrase does the verb “буду” has “был” form, but in another phrase has “были” form? You can compare
the verb’s pronunciation in present and past tenses (“он спит”, “он спал”). Which grammar is used in
the sentence: “Забор был покрашен дважды"? Name the tense form in Russian.

By recalling and analyzing phrases you are fixing the Russian grammar as well.

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Direct understanding of a phrase

While mentally repeating the phrases, try to switch on an “image movie” in your imagination. For
example; launch a phrase according to the image of a “bucket” - say it and try to see the subject of the
phrase: Внезапно кто-то открыл окно и вылил воду на голову Тома. Try to see it in dynamics -
suddenly a window opens and water runs down over the boy’s head.

Try not to allow the mental translation into English. Translation should be replaced by mere
understanding of facts described in the sentence.

Before we begin using the technique of memorizing study texts, grammar and structural models, you
should have a feel of how phrases get memorized and fixed. Perform exercises 1 and 2 of this lesson.

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«Giordano Memorizing System» by mail. Lesson 30

Literal memorization of study texts

In this lesson we analyze in detail the technique of memorization of study texts in Russian. If you have a
good Internet connection then you may want to download audio files for these exercises.

What “study texts” are and why you need to memorize them

Russian Language study textbooks. Such textbooks are divided into lessons. Each lesson contains text -
the center of a lesson. Texts incorporate new words of the lesson - set expressions, as well as
grammatical rules.

As a rule, all other exercises from a lesson are built on the basis of its text. For example; a task is to
translate phrases from English into Russian and phrases are derived from the text or maybe slightly

Textbook authors recommend not to invent your own phrases but to memorize them from the lesson (the
text). Accordingly, the aim of the most exercises in lessons is to “digest” text material with an objective
to unintentionally memorize it.

Text memorization guarantees a fast and faultless completion of lesson exercises as well as tests. When
you go over an exercise or a test you will compare test assignments to standard phrases that would
already be in your mind after text memorization.

After literal memorization it is easy to comprehend a text when listening or reading it. Internal translation
into English is absent.

In literal text memorization it is not necessary for intentional memorization of new words. The new
vocabulary is memorized along with phrases.

Regular memorization of texts from lessons, over a period of a language course, provides our memory
with a big amount of set expressions and examples of dialogues.

Draw Attention

Although you are able to reproduce a text by heart without making mistakes, the aim of
memorization is not the retell. Most likely, a Russian language course teacher will not ask for a
precise retelling of a text for it goes beyond the ability of a normal memory (including the
memory of the Russian teacher too).

Texts are memorized for the purpose of gathering standard phrases, on the basis of which you are
able to easily complete tests and easily comprehend similar sentence constructions. It will also
help you use them in your speech.

In memorization of texts follow these rules.

1. Introduction to new words of a lesson

If you are planning to literally memorize a text then you do not need to intentionally memorize new
words but rather just get acquainted with them. Textbooks always provide a vocabulary. Get acquainted
with new words used in a text (exercises)

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Text vocabulary

ago - тому назад
a week ago - неделю назад
long ago - давно
arrange - договариться
as - в то время как
as soon as - как только
be back - вернуться
be going - собираться
be out - не быть дома
she is out - ее нет дома
beer - пиво
birthday - день рождения
a birthday party - день рождения
cafe - кафе
call (telephone call) - телефонный звонок
to give smb a call - позвонить по телефону
carrot - морковь
coca-cola - кока-кола
considerable - значительный
drink - напиток
eager - стремящийся
he is eager to begin - ему не терпится начать
eat - есть
favorite - любимый
fish - рыба
glad - довольный
I'm glad to meet you - рад познакомиться с вами
half - половина
heavy - тяжелый
hope - надеяться
hello - привет!
leave for - уезжать в
I'm leaving for Brighton - я уезжаю в Брайтон
little - мало
little time - мало времени
meat - мясо
miss (somebody)- скучать
most - больше всего
must - должен
I must talk to you - мне надо поговорить с вами
past - после
half past two - половина третьего
plan - планировать
please - пожалуйста
Will you please help me? - Пожалуйста, помоги мне.
progress - успехи
to make progress - делать успехи
rather - конечно, да
right away - немедленно
slim - похудеть

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sprout - брюссельская капуста
vegetable - овощ
waitress - официантка
wonderful - удивительный
yesterday - вчера

2. Achieve text understanding

Read and translate the text. Correctness of the word pronunciation is not important at this time.
Concentrate on understanding and on the correct translation. If there is something you do not understand,
use a dictionary.


Two days ago Roger returned from Spain. The person he was most eager to see was Betsy. As soon as he
came back he gave her a telephone call. But he could not speak to her that evening because Betsy was
visiting her friend. Mrs. West said that Roger must phone her daughter at half past seven before she left
home for college.

Два дня назад Роджер вернулся из Испании. Человек, которого он больше всего жаждал увидеть,
была Бетси. Как только он вернулся, он позвонил ей. Но он не мог поговорить с ней в тот вечер,
потому что Бетси была в гостях у своей подружки. Миссис Вэст сказала, чтобы Роджер позвонил
её дочери в половине восьмого, до того как она уйдет в колледж.

Early next morning Roger telephoned Betsy just as she was having breakfast. She was very glad to hear
him, but she had very little time to talk to him. So they arranged to meet at their favorite cafe for lunch.
When Betsy arrived at the cafe Roger was already waiting.

Рано следующим утром Роджер позвонил Бетси как раз тогда, когда она завтракала. Она была
очень рада услышать его, но у неё было очень мало времени говорить с ним. Поэтому они
договорились встретиться в их любимом кафе в обед. Когда Бетси прибыла в кафе, Роджер уже
ждал её.

- Hello, Roger. So happy to see you back.

Привет, Роджер. Как здорово видеть тебя вернувшимся.

- Hello, Betsy. It's just wonderful to be back and see you again. I can't tell you how much I missed you. I
gave you a call yesterday hoping to see you right away. But you were out. Were you visiting Ann?

Привет, Бетси. Это так прекрасно, вернуться и видеть тебя опять. Я не могу сказать, как я скучал
по тебе. Я звонил тебе вчера, в надежде увидеть тебя сразу по прибытии. Но тебя не было. Ты
была в гостях у Ани?

- No, I was not visiting. I was at a birthday party. You don't know the people. Did you have a nice time in

Нет, я не была в гостях. Я была на дне рождения. Ты не знаешь этих людей. Ты хорошо провел
время в Испании?

- Oh, yes. I've made considerable progress in my Spanish. But I'm planning to tell you all about Spain
after lunch. Now let's think of what we're going to eat. What are you going to have, Betsy?

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О, да. Я сделал значительные успехи в испанском. Но я планировал рассказать тебе все об
Испании после обеда. Сейчас давай подумаем о том, что мы будем кушать. Что ты собираешься
поесть, Бетси?

- Well, I'm slimming, you know. I must not have a heavy meal. So I think I'd like some meat with sprouts
and carrots and just a coffee.

Ну, я худею, ты знаешь. Я не должна есть тяжелую пищу. Поэтому, я думаю, я бы хотела немного
мяса с брюссельской капустой и морковью, и только кофе.

- Any drink?

Что-нибудь попить?

- Yes, rather. A coca-cola, please.

Да, конечно. Кока-колу, пожалуйста.

- And I'd rather have a half-pint of beer, some fish and vegetables, and coffee, too. Here's the waitress

А я бы предпочел половину пинты пива, немного рыбы и овощей, и кофе тоже. Вот и официант

3. Listen and repeat

Now we need to concentrate on the correct reading of the text at a normal speed. Correct reading is easily
trained through the multiple listening and verbal repetition of every sentence.

If the sound files are already downloaded then click on the sentence to hear how it is pronounced. Listen
to every sentence several times and try to repeat them out loud. Go through all the text in the same
manner. The goal is not only to pronounce the words correctly but also to imitate intonation.

Listen and pronounce every sentence

Два дня назад Роджер вернулся из Испании.
Человек, которого он больше всего жаждал увидеть, была Бетси.
Как только он вернулся, он позвонил ей.
Но он не мог поговорить с ней в тот вечер, потому что Бетси была в гостях у своей подружки.
Миссис Вэст сказала, чтобы Роджер позвонил её дочери в половине восьмого, до того как она
уйдет в колледж.
Рано следующим утром Роджер позвонил Бетси как раз тогда, когда она завтракала.
Она была очень рада услышать его, но у неё было очень мало времени говорить с ним. Поэтому
они договорились встретиться в их любимом кафе в обед.
Когда Бетси прибыла в кафе, Роджер уже ждал её.
Привет, Роджер. Как здорово видеть тебя вернувшимся.
Привет, Бетси. Это так прекрасно, вернуться и видеть тебя опять.
Я не могу сказать, как я скучал по тебе.
Я звонил тебе вчера, в надежде увидеть тебя сразу по прибытии.
Но тебя не было.
Ты была в гостях у Ани?
Нет, я не была в гостях.

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Я была на дне рождения.
Ты не знаешь этих людей.
Ты хорошо провел время в Испании?
О, да. Я сделал значительные успехи в испанском.
Но я планировал рассказать тебе все об Испании после обеда.
Сейчас давай подумаем о том, что мы будем кушать.
Что ты собираешься поесть, Бетси?
Ну, я худею, ты знаешь.
Я не должна есть тяжелую пищу.
Поэтому, я думаю, я бы хотела немного мяса с брюссельской капустой и морковью, и только
Что-нибудь попить?
Да, конечно. Кока-колу, пожалуйста.
А я бы предпочел половину пинты пива, немного рыбы и овощей, и кофе тоже.
Вот и официант идет.

If you cannot download audio files then sound the text with your own voice by reading it out loud.

While memorizing texts from your textbooks which you study independently or in a language course, use
audiotapes and digital players for a multiple replay of sentences.

4. Create a mnemonic plan

Now we are going to separate the coding and the memorization processes. Mnemonic plan creation is a
process of coding every single sentence into an image.

Every sentence should have a unique visual image which would reflect the sense of the sentence.

Два дня назад Роджер вернулся из Испании.

Человек, которого он больше всего

жаждал увидеть, была Бетси.

Как только он вернулся, он позвонил ей.

Но он не

мог поговорить с ней в тот вечер, потому что Бетси была в гостях у своей подружки.

Миссис Вэст сказала, чтобы Роджер позвонил её дочери в половине восьмого, до того как она

уйдет в колледж.

Рано следующим утром Роджер позвонил Бетси как раз тогда, когда

она завтракала.

Она была очень рада услышать его, но у неё было очень мало времени

говорить с ним.

Поэтому они договорились встретиться в их любимом кафе в обед.

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Когда Бетси прибыла в кафе, Роджер уже ждал её.

Привет, Роджер. Как здорово

видеть тебя вернувшимся.

Привет, Бетси. Это так прекрасно, вернуться и видеть тебя опять.

Я не могу

сказать, как я скучал по тебе.

Я звонил тебе вчера, в надежде увидеть тебя сразу по


Но тебя не было.

Ты была в гостях у Ани?

- Нет, я

не была в гостях

I was at a birthday party.

Ты не знаешь этих людей.

Ты хорошо провел время в Испании?

- О, да. Я сделал значительные успехи в испанском.

Но я планировал рассказать

тебе все об Испании после обеда.

Сейчас давай подумаем о том, что мы будем


Что ты собираешься поесть, Бетси?

- Ну, я худею, ты знаешь.


не должна есть тяжелую пищу.

Поэтому, я думаю, я бы хотела немного мяса с

брюссельской капустой и морковью, и только кофе.

Что-нибудь попить?

- Да, конечно. Кока-колу, пожалуйста.

- А я бы

предпочел половину пинты пива, немного рыбы и овощей, и кофе тоже.

Вот и

официант идет.

A mnemonic plan will look like sketches on a paper. Try to save them just in case. It is very easy to
restore information in the memory by using them.

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To memorize the image sequence is a matter of technique. It is better to memorize it using the return

Return method

Image sequence which encodes text sentences is better to memorize by the "Return method”. You have
been introduced to this method during the exercises of the first course.

"Return method” is a combination of the Cicero method and the memorization method onto different
parts of an image (method of creating an association). When memorizing using this method we are going
backwards all the time, recording images onto parts of a previous image.

Advantages of the return method

To fix a complete text into memory we need only one support image. The first image of a sequence
(image that represent the sentence) will be fixed onto a support image. In this example we need to
connect image “suitcase" with a support image.

When you recall images memorized by the return method you would imagine a whole association - five
images and five sentences from a text simultaneously. The number of association elements may vary.
Five is not mandatory. There could be six, seven or four - as you wish.

The Return method allows surfing along a text – jumping over five images. You view a text in your
imagination by whole paragraphs - approximately by five sentences in each.

5. Memorize visual images using the return method

How to memorize images by this method is obvious from the pictures. You just have to pay attention to
the fact that when developing a connection in your imagination you should try to see only two connecting
images – an association basis and an association element connected to it. After developing the
connections you can see the association in all several images.

Memorize image sequence by the return method. Make certain that you can remember them (recall).

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6. Memorization of separate sentences

The phrase memorization technique was analyzed in the previous lesson. Now let us talk about the
essentials. Imagine an image, read the pronunciation from a text, hold its sounding in your mind (due to
inertia of audio analyzer) and pronounce the phrase several times (by heart) looking at the visual image
in your imagination.

Visual images are placed in your memory as associations. When you imagine a single image you sort of
enlarge it but you also can see a part of the association basis at the same time.

After processing a text, check and see whether you can reproduce sentences using visual images (by
heart). If you are not sure about some sentences then look them up in the text and say them one more
time on the background of a visual image.

Achieve complete correct recall of all text by visual images. After that you can start fixing text in your

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7. Text fixation

You can repeat phrases mentally. However, if you wish to develop a good pronunciation it is better to
repeat phrases out loud. Extend the process of a text repetition for approximately four days. To avoid
drilling of a text (when a text is starting to reproduce by a "single row” without images) recall text
sentences in their reversed order. Reproduce only even or uneven sentences. As you understand, the more
mental repetitions are done the better is the memorization. To repeat by heart is very convenient because
you can do it in your spare time. For example, you can mentally repeat text for 3 – 4 times on your way
to your Russian study class.

8. Memorization of a sequence

To memorize several text sequences use support images you prepared for a long-term (permanent)
memorization. This means that by creating a connection with a support image you should not connect
anything else to that support image. You should not use support images for training exercises. Review
information on support images meant for permanent memorization periodically.

To write a text onto support images, connect the first image of a sequence “suitcase” with a free support
image. Only one connection!

For a long-term memorization use two-level system of support images (Cicero method + separation of
five parts of an image). It would be really useful if you can choose your support images in the classroom
where your Russian studies are held.

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«Giordano Memorizing System» by mail. Lesson 31


Structural composition of Russian and English sentences may coincide.

I live in Moscow. - Я живу в Москве.

Sentences also may express identical meaning but their structural composition will differ. Sometimes
single words in sentences can be replaced but the structure of such a sentence will remain the same.

It is quite easy to translate such models from Russian into English.

Книгу легко читать. - The book is easy to read.

Easy to translate

Difficulties arise in reverse translation - from English into Russian. If you did not memorize structural
models beforehand then translation into English could be incorrect.

The book is easy to read. Книгу легко читать.

For correct translation you should remember the structural model.

Intentional memorization of structural models is necessary for a fast and correct translation from English
into Russian.

Russian text books provide different structural models recommended for memorization. They are
normally shown in tables.

During a particular language study from a textbook, try to memorize information in small portions. In
this case, new models will be additionally fixed in the memory after the completion of a fair amount of
verbal and written exercises.

If some structural models seem too easy for you or you know them “automatically”, do not memorize
them intentionally.

пойти в магазин за покупками - go shopping

пойти купаться - go swimming

пойти кататься на лодке - go boating

Knowing structural models by heart will allow you to fix grammar after translating Russian texts using
software translators.

For example: the phrase - «Do you want me to go swimming with you?" will be translated by PROMT
(software translator) as “Вы хотите, чтобы я пошел, плавая с Вами?". The same way it will be
translated by a student who cannot memorize structural models. This phrase should be translated as "Ты
хочешь, чтобы я пошел плавать с тобой?”.

Structural models can be used in sentences.

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Ты ходил плавать вчера? - Did you go swimming yesterday?

Structural models can combine.

Ты хочешь, чтобы я пошел плавать с тобой? - Do you want me to go swimming with you?

Knowledge of the structural models lets you confidently construct your own sentences in Russian by
combining different models and exchanging words.

The ability to memorize structural models will guarantee correct translation from English to Russian
which is one of the most complicated tasks in the exercises.

Memorization technique analysis

To demonstrate the possibility of modification of a structural model, the model will be listed in the color
table with some sentences. In the table it is very easy to see which part of the model can be changed and
which part cannot.

У английских студентов | существует обычай | готовиться к занятиям | в основном в

It is the custom with English students to do most of the work in the library.

As you can see in this example, English cannot be translated to Russian literally. Translation by analogy
is the only way. This is when you use structural models.

For memorization we will use the phrase memorization technique.

First, we need to find the right visual image for the specific sentence (about students in the library). We
can use a desk with some books on it and two students by the desk.

Picture the image as bright as possible and read the phrase – “У английских студентов существует
обычай готовиться к занятиям в основном в библиотеке”. Turn away from the text and try to repeat it
by heart (inertia of audio analyzer)

Picture the visual image and say the phrase about 8-10 times out loud. While doing this, try not to lose
the image - you will not succeed if it is lost. Just repeating itself will not work. Try to look at the image
from different angles, try to see it in detail. Look at the different little details (parts) of it - it will help you
not to lose the image.

Pay attention to the changeable and unchangeable parts of the structural models. In the next example, the
second part will be permanent and the rest of it can be changed.

У английских студентов | существует обычай | готовиться к занятиям в основном в


У английских студентов | pause |
существует обычай | pause |
готовиться к занятиям в основном в библиотеке.

Memorize one more phrase as an example of the same structural model.

У Англичан | существует обычай | обедать в час дня.

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It is the custom with English people to have lunch at one o'clock.

Imagine a clock showing 1:00 to represent this phrase.

Say the phrase aloud on the background of the visual image. Pay attention to the separated parts of the


Repeat the phrase without looking at the text. All you need to see is the visual image representing
the phrase. Turn away from the computer and do not cheat. Try to say it out loud.

Memorize the third phrase.

У студентов | существует обычай | заниматься вместе перед экзаменами.

It is the custom with the students to work together before the exams.


Russian language tutors will always expect from you the translation from Russian to English by
analogy. Not the literal translation but the way it is spoken by English-speakers. Since native
structural models are very well known it will be easier.

Choose an image for the phrase: “A few students sit together and read books”. Say the phrase a few times
out loud while focusing on a chosen image in the imagination.

Connect a few phrases into one association

Let us unite 3 sentences, illustrating one structural model in one whole.

Make the first image – “desk” – an association basis. Distinguish two parts in the desk: corner, leg.

Imagine large image of the “corner” and connect it with the “clock”.

Imagine large image of the “leg” and connect it with “sitting students”.

Review the whole association. Connect the base of the association with the support image. Use the
Cicero method for support images.

Perform the control recall. Do not look in the text. Make sure you can reproduce all phrases from your

Now look at the text and make sure you have memorized it correctly.

У английских студентов существует обычай готовиться к занятиям в основном в

У Англичан существует обычай обедать в час дня.

У студентов существует обычай заниматься вместе перед экзаменами.

Repeat the phrases for at least four days to fix them into your memory. After the phrases are captured
into the memory you can repeat them mentally.

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After the structural models are memorized try to combine them. You can be sure that the phrases will be
constructed correctly in Russian.


В нашей семье существует обычай ходить по магазинам в воскресенье вместе.

It is the custom with my family to go shopping together on Sunday.

While repeating the structural models, try to construct your own phrases in Russian.

Here are the few structural models for you to practice. Memorize them.


Memorize the model

пять | дней | в | неделю – five days a week
три | раза | в | день - three times a day
две | книги | в | неделю - two books a week
пять | автобусов | в | день - five buses a day

Memorize the model

за | несколько минут | до | занятий - a few minutes before classes
за | десять минут | до | завтрака - ten minutes before breakfast
за | два дня | до | воскресенья - two days before Sunday
за | одну неделю | до| вечеринки - one week before the party

Memorize the model

они | считают | эту тему | скучной - They think the subject is boring
он | считает | его | ленивым - He thinks the man (him) is lazy
я | считаю, | что | эта комната | удобная - I find the room (it) comfortable
она | считает, | что | эта идея | очень привлекательная - She finds the idea (it) very attractive

Memorize the model

они | читают | заданное | в библиотеке - They do their reading in the library
она | готовит | вечером - She does her cooking in the evening

Visual image hint

If it is hard for you to find corresponding visual images, try to use these:

Association 1

schedule – association basis
spoon – association element
two books - association element
bus station - association element

Association 2

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mirror - association basis
microwave - association element
Pay-check - association element
a present - association element

Association 3

tribune - association basis
unshaved face - association element
chair - association element
sea stones - association element

Association 4

abstract - association basis
kitchen cooker - association element


Try to construct your own phrases using memorized structural models. Do this exercise using your
memory only.


пять дней в неделю
три раза в день

Она ходит в институт пять дней в неделю. - She goes to her college five days a week.
Он ходит на работу три раза в неделю. - He goes to his office three days a week.

Models combination

Я хожу плавать два дня в неделю. - I go swimming two days a week.
У людей существует обычай кушать три раза в день. - It is the custom with all people to have three
meals a day (to have a meal three times a day).

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«Giordano Memorizing System» by mail. Lesson 32


All grammar can be separated in three parts.

1. Tense grammar. We will analyze it in the next lesson.

2. Grammar that does not need to be memorized specifically because it is very simple and can be
memorized spontaneously.

3. Grammar rules that need to be specifically memorized.

Some grammar rules are very simple. It is enough to read them just once and do some exercises from a
textbook. Some of them are more complicated. Let us look at a few examples.


A noun is a word that names someone or something: менеджер – manager, Лариса – Larisa, Россия –
Russia, автобус – bus, кот – cat, электроника – electronics. Russian nouns are divided randomly into
three groups called “gender groups”: masculine, feminine and neuter. Later it will be helpful to know
which group a noun belongs to. As you might expect, бизнесмен – businessman is a masculine and
балерина – ballerina is feminine, but even non-living things in Russian may have a gender. The good
thing is that you do not have to memorize which gender each noun belongs to. You can tell it by looking
at the ending. Here are the most common endings.


Most masculine nouns end with a consonant or –й. So стадион – stadium, чизбургер – cheeseburger,
Лондон – London, дом – house are all masculine. So are музей – museum and трамвай – tram.


Most feminine nouns end with - a or - я. So кассета – cassette, Одесса – Odessa, Англия – England
and энергия – energy are all feminine. If you meet a word like студентка which ends with a you will
know that this must be a female student. A male student, as you know, is студент. (There are exceptions
to this rule, e.g. папа – Dad which ends in - a but is masculine because of its meaning.)


Most neuter nouns end with - o or - e. Mетро – metro, вино – wine and кафе – café are all neuter.

To summarize:

Masculine nouns end with a consonant – парк, й – музей, ь – Кремль, а – папа
Feminine nouns end with a – кассета, я – энергия, ь - дочь
nouns end with - o - метро, e - кафе

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When you want to describe a singular noun (possibly in answer to a question like “Какой это суп?
What kind of soup is that?”) you will need to choose a masculine, feminine or neuter ending for the
adjective (or describing word) you want to use. Again, this will depend on the gender of the noun to
which you are referring. This is called making the adjective “agree” with the noun. If you want to
describe something as beautiful then find out which gender the noun is and use the correct ending to
make the adjective agree.

Это красивый парк. - It’s a beautiful park

Это красивая ваза. – It’s a beautiful vase.

Это красивое радио. – It’s a beautiful radio.

The most common endings are - ый (m), - ая (f) and - ое (n). Sometimes, as in маленький, the
masculine ending will be spelt - ий because of a spelling rule which need not concern us here. Similarly,
the neuter form may sometimes end with ее as in хорошее. Finally, any masculine adjective with the last
syllable stressed will have the ending - óй as in большóй.

To summarize:

Masculine (most common endings are – -ый -ий -óй)
Это красивый кот
Это синий цветок
Это больной человек

Feminine (most common endings are – -ая -яя)
Это старая звезда
Это летняя шапка

Neuter (most common endings are – -oe -ee)
Это новое радио
Это зимнее пальто

Plural (most common endings are – -ыe -иe)
Это вкусные конфеты
Это почтовые марки

Grammar rules memorization

Normally, grammar rules are numbered in textbooks. It is recommended to memorize each rule number
so you can find all additional information when needed.

Grammar rules will be memorized the same way as phrases. You do not even need to memorize the
names of the rules. When you recall a sentence, illustrated in the rule, you will be able to explain the rule
very easily.

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Use 2 level support images for memorization: Cicero method + 5 distinguished parts. Use them for
permanent memorization; do not record anything else onto them. Always try to have 50 free support

First grammar rule (GENDER OF NOUNS)

This rule is pretty simple; you do not have to memorize it if you are acquainted with Russian language. If
not - memorize it:


nouns end in a consonant – парк, й – музей, ь – Кремль, а – папа
Feminine nouns end in a – кассета, я – энергия, ь - дочь
nouns end in – o – метро, e – кафе

Associations bases will be: Masculine – image of a man, feminine – image of a woman and neuter
image of a ship (ship in the neutral water). Distinguish 2-4 parts in each image and connect
corresponding nouns onto them:

Man’s part 1 + park (image of a bench)
Man’s part 2+ museum (image of a mummy)
Man’s part 3 + Kremlin (image of the Kremlin)
Man’s part 4 + father (image of a beard)

Please note that the words “park”, “museum”, “Kremlin”, “father” need to be memorized in Russian.
You need to get feel of and understand the endings.

Create all the connection and review them in your imagination. Make sure you can recall them. Try to
make connection fast - it is enough to spend 6-10 second for one connection.

Connect association bases to your support images.

Now, when it is memorized, try to name the images in Russian. If it causes problems then use the word
memorization technique to memorize them. Make sure you can pronounce them in Russian. Make sure
the rule is clear to you. Make sure you can easily distinguish the ending of a noun. It is all about the
endings in this rule.

Memorize feminine and neuter by analogy.

Second grammar rule (ADJECTIVE)


(most common endings are – -ый -ий -óй)
Это красивый кот
Это синий цветок
Это больной человек

Feminine (most common endings are – -ая -яя)
Это старая звезда
Это летняя шапка

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Neuter (most common endings are – -oe -ee)
Это новое радио
Это зимнее пальто

Plural (most common endings are – -ыe -иe)
Это вкусные конфеты
Это почтовые марки

Sentences need to be coded first:

Это красивый кот (cat)
Это синий цветок (blue flower)
Это больной человек (a person on a bed)
Это старая звезда (old star made from a stone)
Это летняя шапка (light hat)
Это новое радио (radio in an open box)
Это зимнее пальто (coat with some snow on it)
Это вкусные конфеты (chocolate candies)
Это почтовые марки (stamps)

Let us use one whole support image for every gender. Distinguish 4-5 parts in it.

Support image1, Part 1 + number of the rule
Support image1, Part 2 + Masculine (a man)
Support image1, Part 3 + cat
Support image1, Part 4 + blue flower
Support image1, Part 5 + a person on a bed

Memorize the rest of the rule by analogy. You do not need to memorize the number of a rule in every

Go through the associations. Make sure you have memorized all of them. Now picture the first image
(represented in a sentence) in association – “cat”. Hold this image in your imagination. Read the first
Cat - Это красивый кот

Because of the inertness of the acoustic analyzer the phrase can easily be held in your mind. You can
repeat it without looking at the text. Look at the image and say the phrase out loud several times.
Do the same with the rest of the phrases.

Concentrate on one image and one phrase only. Do not recall the images and phrases that you have
memorized before. While repeating the phrases do not look at the text.

Make sure you can pronounce it in Russian. Make sure the rules are clear to you. Make sure you can
easily distinguish the ending of a noun. It is all about the endings in this rule.

Control recall

Reproduce all the phrases from by heart - without looking in the text. If you cannot recall any of them
then skip it. The goal for now is to determine the phrases that have not been memorized. Test your

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While recalling phrases by images, do not rush. Observe your memory work. Even if you are not sure
that the recalled phrase is correct most likely it will be reproduced correctly.

In the beginning phrases will be recalled slowly. The goal for now is to capture phrases into the memory
- to begin the process of their fixation through multiple mental repetitions during a day.

If you have found mistakes or gaps while reproducing phrases then create connections one more time.

Do you need to memorize the name of a grammar rule? – It is completely up to you. For example; if the
first support image you have used for an ADJECTIVE

is a “TV-Set” then make the TV-Set wet. Wet is

an adjective.


Phrases fixation in the memory

Review the images and pronounce them mentally. Repeat them several times during a day - for
approximately 4 days, while you feel that phrases can be reproduced automatically - like a poem.

Do not forget that recently memorized material needs to be repeated after 40 minutes upon
memorization (using your memory only- by heart). It is mandatory! How many times you need to
repeat it is completely up to you. If everything is memorized very good then you are doing OK. If
the next day you can barely recall it (or cannot recall at all) – it means that you are doing
something wrong. Try to increase the amount of repetitions during a day.

Now you need to memorize one more grammar rule without an assistance. Memorize it by analogy.



You do not need a verb to be in Russian if you are talking about things happening now. For example,
Антон студент – Anton is a student. But there is a very useful word in Russian, meaning this is or these
: это. So, Это телефон means This is a telephone. You can also use это in a question form: Это
Is this a telephone?

Это ресторан? Нет, это не ресторан. Это кафе.


In English we us it to refer to anything we have already mentioned which is not a person. For example; it
(the bus) is late.
In Russia, every time you want to use it you must think whether the noun you are
referring to is masculine, feminine or neuter. You should already know that он means he and она means
she. and она also mean it when referring to a masculine and feminine noun respectively. Оно is what
you use to refer to a neuter noun. Notice that endings of these words do what you would expect: the
masculine он ends with a consonant, the feminine она ends with - a and neuter оно ends with - o.

Где автобус? Where is the bus? Вот он. (m) There it is.
Где ваза? Where is the vase? Вот она. (f) There it is.
Где радио? Where is the radio? Вот оно. (n) There it is.

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In Russian, as in many other languages, there are two different words for the word you. English used to
have words – you and thou – but now we nearly always use you. The two Russian words are вы (v


) and

ты (t


). Вы is used whenever you are speaking to more than one person, or to an adult with whom you

are on formal or polite terms. Ты is used whenever you are speaking informally to one person only. You
would normally use ты to address a child or a close friend or a relative. (Let your Russian friends decide
whether to use вы or ты with you. The younger generation often prefers the less formal ты while older
people may feel more comfortable using вы even when they have known you for years.)

Poems memorization

Phrase memorization technique allows memorizing poems and songs lyrics fast in a foreign language.
You should have a parallel list of figurative codes (300 support images). You can start to memorize onto

Memorize the poem in Russian using the phrase memorization technique. Every sentence represents a
visual image. Connect images using the Chain or the return technique. The first image of a sequence
connect to the support image.



Белеет парус одинокий
В тумане моря голубом!..
Что ищет он в стране далекой?
Что кинул он в краю родном?..

Играют волны -- ветер свищет,
И мачта гнется и скрипит...
Увы, -- он счастия не ищет
И не от счастия бежит!

Под ним струя светлей лазури,
Над ним луч солнца золотой...
А он, мятежный, прости бури,
Как будто в бурях есть покой.

The Sail

A lone white sail shows for an instant
Where gleams the sea, an azure streak.
What left it in its homeland distant?
In alien parts what does it seek?

The billow play, the mast bends creaking,
The wind, impatient, moans and sighs...
It is not joy that it is seeking,
Nor is it happiness it flies.

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The blue wave dance, they dance and tremble,
The sun's bright ray caress the seas.
And yet for storm it begs, the rebel,
As if in storm lurked calm and peace!..

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«Giordano Memorizing System» by mail. Lesson 33

Grammar memorization (2)

Tense usage

In this lesson we will analyze the tense usage only. Here we offer a fairly unusual method of
memorization for GMS


. We offer you not to memorize it but train yourself by using tenses.

It is presumed that in the process of doing these training exercises, all the grammar will be memorized
automatically without special memorization. You will even be able to reproduce the tense tables found in
many textbooks.

You need to have a Russian textbook with detailed grammar explanations, examples and exercises if you
want to learn this language. Before doing any exercises you need to go through the grammar and study it.

For example, if you are planning to practice with the Present tense – find it in the textbook and study it
until you fully understand it. Pay attention to the conjugation usage and other features. If some of the
grammar rules need to be memorized then please do it.

We will go over a few examples.

Tense Grammar

Past Tense

The Russian past tense is used to talk about actions and situations which took place at any point in the
past. There is only one past tense form in Russian compared to several forms in English.

She ate
She did eat
She had eaten
She was eating
She has eaten

} Она ела/съела

Combining the

stem of the infinitive

with the

suffix л

, forms the past tense verbs. For example,


ть +






ть +





Note: Use the same vowel in the past tense verb
form as in the infinitive form before -ть. For
example, завис


ть - завис


л, брос


ть - брос





ть - спрят



There is an exception in forming the past tense form for some verbs which have the infinitive ending in -
чь, -ти, -нуть
. The suffix


is not used to form the past tense form of such verbs if they are used with

singular masculine subjects (i.e. nouns and pronouns), like in

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беречь --> мальчик берёг,
--> он сох

However, the suffix


is used for the same verbs if they are used with singular feminine and neuter as

well as all plural subjects. For example,

беречь --> она берег


а, оно берег


о, они берег



сохнуть --> она сох


а, оно сох


о, они сох



The past tense verbs change by number. The ending

is an indicator of plural number (писал -->



). It is the same for all genders.

Only singular forms of the past tense verbs change by gender. Singular masculine forms have no ending
after the suffix


(туман упал). An indicator of singular feminine forms is the

ending а

(роса упал




ending o

is used with singular neutral forms (дерево упал


). Here is the table that shows endings for

each of the forms.

Past tense form

Past tense ending
(after the suffix



Singular masculine none

Singular feminine


Singular neutral


Plural (all genders)

How to do the exercises? How to train yourself?

Study one of the tense forms in the textbook - past tense for example.

Using known verbs and other words try to construct sentences in the Past Tense Form (the one you just
studied). Read the sentences out loud.

Do not construct phrases from your imagination. Make sure you use tense table from your textbook so
you can clearly understand what exactly you are doing. If you do not have a textbook you can use
attached Tense Table.

Use this scheme for studying:

- 10 affirmative sentences
- 10 negative sentences
- 10 general and special questions and answers about them

Go through the “быть” (to be) verb and their conjugations using the same scheme.


Affirmative sentence

Я переводил тексты

I translated the texts.

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Он переводил тексты

He translated the texts.

Она переводила тексты

She translated the texts.

Они переводили тексты

They translated the texts.

Мы переводили тексты

We translated the texts.

Ты переводил тексты

You translated the texts.

Negative sentences

Я не переводил тексты.

I didn’t translate the texts.

Он не переводил тексты

He didn’t translate the texts.

Она не переводила тексты

She didn’t translate the texts.

Они не переводили тексты

They didn’t translate the texts.

Это (программа) не переводило тексты It didn’t’t translate the texts.

General questions and answers

Я переводил тексты? Did I translate the texts? Да, я переводил. Нет, я не переводил.
Он переводил тексты? Did he translate the texts? Да, он переводил. Нет, он не переводил.
Она переводила тексты? Did she translate the texts? Да, она переводила. Нет, она не переводила.
Они переводили тексты? Did they translate the texts? Да, они переводили. Нет, они не переводили.
Это (программа) переводило тексты? Did it (program) translate the texts? Да, оно переводило. Нет,
оно не переводило.

Special questions

Кого я видел? Whom did I see?
Что вы видели? What did you see?
Почему вы мне это говорили? Why did you tell me this?
Когда она приходила? When did she come?

БЫТЬ - To be

Affirmative sentence

Я был переводчиком.

I was a translator.

Она была переводчиком

She was a translator.

Он был переводчиком

He was a translator.

Они были переводчиками They were translators.
Оно было переводчиком It was a translator.

Negative sentences

Я не был переводчиком.

I wasn’t a translator.

Она не была переводчиком

She wasn’t a translator.

Он не был переводчиком

He wasn’t a translator.

Они не были переводчиками

They weren’t translators.

Оно не было переводчиком

It wasn’t a translator.

General questions and answers

Я был переводчиком?

Was I a translator?

Она была переводчиком?

Was she a translator?

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Он был переводчиком?

Was he a translator?

Они были переводчиками?

Were they translators?

Оно было переводчиком?

Was it a translator?

As you can see there is no point to memorize all of this. You need to train and practice using tense forms.
Say the sentences out loud while studying the tense forms. Construct affirmative, negative sentences and
questions. Pay more attention to conjugations.



In Russian, past, present and future tenses refer to the indicative mood. Future tense denotes that the
action marked by a verb will happen after the moment of speaking.

Future tense has two forms: simple and compound. Future simple forms are formed by the verbs of the
perfective aspect with the help of personal endings.

She will read
She will have read

} Она прочитает

Future compound forms are formed by the verbs of the imperfective aspect. This group is called
compound because it consists of two words: future simple tense form of the verb "быть" (to be) and the
infinitive of the perfective verb. The Russian compound future tense is remarkably similar in structure to
the English simple future tense.

She will read
She will be reading

} Она будет читать

The verbs in the form of future tense change in person and number.



First person

Я буду читать.

Мы будем читать.

Second person Ты будешь читать. Вы будете читать.

Third person

Он(а) будет читать. Они будут читать.

Study and pronounce all the examples from the explanation. Make sure you understand it.

Construct your own sentences and pronounce them. Use the following scheme:

10 simple affirmative sentences
10 simple negative sentences
10 simple questioning sentences
10 compound, singular affirmative sentences
10 compound, singular negative sentences
10 compound, singular questioning sentences
10 compound, plural affirmative sentences

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10 compound, plural negative sentences
10 compound, plural questioning sentences

Present tense can be studied by analogy.

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«Giordano Memorizing System» by mail. Lesson 34

Dialogue (questions) memorization

In this lesson we analyze the dialogue memorization.

In language courses we are required to memorize dialogues – they are used in almost every lesson.
Dialogues are given during exams of Russian language: with an assignment to speak with your course-
mate on a topic predetermined by a teacher.

How to prepare for dialogues?

Examples of questions and answers can be found in a course lessons. A teacher writes on a blackboard
questions with multiple choice answers. You write it down in your notebook.

During oral exercises in class you can write down dialogues of more advanced students who can
improvise. All this occurs under your teacher’s control and you can be certain that the questions and
answers you copy in your notebook are correct. You can also record oral exercises on a tape recorder or
even on a video camera and listen to it later before examination.

Most of the study books provide topics that are likely to be present during a test of a foreign language
course. Each lesson contains a lot of necessary words for a particular topic as well as many questions
and answers. Use of these textbooks enables you to prepare monologues and make up stories on a
particular topic. Audiotape with recorded dialogues can also be attached to a textbook.

Schools that teach a foreign language usually give their students additional learning aids on spoken
language, written by course instructors. These study aids can be used as well..

Let us try to memorize the dialogue for the topic of "School". Different kind of dialogues should be
memorized by analogy.

Where difficulties arise and what you should pay attention to

First. You should have a dialogue plan in your mind. In other words, you should master asking questions
in English!

Second. Questions (in Russian) should be memorized literally. You cannot directly translate your
thoughts into Russian, therefore you should use an analogue translation, by choosing analogous

Third. It is always easier to answer questions than to ask them. You can take a recently heard question as
a basis and answer it by paraphrasing - changing its word order.

You should always count on the fact that you yourself have to support a dialogue. This means that you
should learn how to ask questions.

Subject – “School”

Когда ты пошел в школу? - When did you start school? or Ты помнишь, когда ты пошел в
школу? - Do you remember when you started school?

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Школа, в которую ты ходил, была рядом с домом? Was the school you went to near your

Как ты добирался до школы? - How did you get to your school?

Сколько времени это занимало? - How long did it take?

Ваша школа была хорошо оборудована? - Was your school well-equipped?

Тебе нравилось ходить в школу? Did you like going to school?

Какой предмет был у тебя самым любимым? - What was your favorite subject at school?

Какие оценки были у тебя по английскому языку? - What were your grades in English? or
Какие оценки ты обычно получал по английскому? - What grades did you usually get in

Когда ты окончил школу? - When did you leave school?

В какой институт ты поступил после окончания школы? - What university did you get into
after you left school?

While you are waiting for your turn during a test you can practice a dialogue with your partner by asking
each other questions and switching roles.

Questions, quoted here are sufficient for a dialogue. A teacher would be very happy if you can remember
questions by heart and can use them in a dialogue without a delay.

Analysis of memorization technique

In the first place you should think about ways of organizing phrase sequence in your memory. Count the
number of questions in a dialogue. In place of “or” we will memorize two questions per image. Total of
10 questions.

Images, representing phrases can be memorize by the “Chain” technique, return technique or each
question can be fixed onto a separate support image. Let us memorize each question on a separate
support image. For this dialogue we will need 10 final support images.

We will use a two level scheme: Cicero method + 5 parts of an image.

In the image of “radio tape player” divide 6 final support images: antenna, handle, tape receiver, display,
speakers and a disc drive.

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In the image of “Rollers” let us distinguish five final support images: lace, catch, laces, metallic frame
and a wheel.

In this exercise use the final images on a photo. When memorizing your own dialogues use your own
support images.

On the first image of “Antenna” let us fixate the dialogue’s name – “School” (might be identified by an
image of a School). Imagine a reduced in size school building and connect it to the image of an

Antenna + school

First question: “When did you start school?" – identify it by the image of a "Bouquet of flowers".
Connect the bouquet to the support image of “Handle”.

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handle + bouquet

Second question: “Was the school you went to near your house?” - identify it by a tape measurer. Make
a connection:

tape receiver + tape measurer

Third question: “How did you get to your school?” - identify it by an image of a “School bus”. Make a

Display + school bus

Fourth question: “How long did it take?” – identify it with an image of a “Clock”. Make a connection:

speakers + clock

Fifth question: “Was your school well-equipped?” – identify it by an image of a “Skeleton dummy”
normally found in biology classrooms. Make a connection in your imagination:

Disc drive + skeleton

Sixth question: “Did you like going to school?” – identify it by an image of a “happy face”. Make a
connection (move to next image):

Lace + happy face

Seventh question: “What was your favorite subject at school?" - identify it by an image of a “Heart”.
Make a connection:

Catch + heart

Eights question: “What were your grades in English?” - identify it by the image of a „student’s report

Laces + student’s report card

Ninth question: “When did you leave school?” – identify it by an image of a “Bell” (last bell).

Iron frame + bell

Ninth question: “What university did you get into after you left school?” – identify it by an image of a
phoenix – “University of Phoenix”

wheel + phoenix

Now review in your imagination all 11 connections. Make sure that you can remember all 11 images.

Antenna + school

Handle+ bouquet

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Tape receiver + divider

Display + school bus

Speakers + clock

Disk drive + skeleton

Lace + happy face

Catch + heart

Laces+ student’s report card

Iron frame + bell

Wheel+ Phoenix

It means that now we have to reproduce word sequence:

school, bouquet, divider, school bus, clock, skeleton, happy face, heart, student’s report card, bell,

Recall sequence of the images one more time but reproduce the questions in English. For example:

School – dialogue topic “School”.

Bouquet – When did you start school?

Divider – Was the school you went to near your house?

Bus – How did you get to your school?

And so on. Remember all questions in English.

Now connect questions in Russian to the images. Imagine an enlarged part of the support image and an
image which specifies the question. For example: see only a part of a handle and a bouquet on top of it.

Hold these images in your imagination and say the questions out loud several times:

Bouquet --- Когда ты пошел в школу? Ты помнишь, когда ты пошел в школу?

Do not peek into the text! Use your imagination only and repeat the question by heart!

Memorize the rest of the question by analogy.

Divider --- Школа, в которую ты ходил, была рядом с домом?

School bus --- Как ты добирался до школы?

Clock --- Сколько времени это занимало?

Skeleton --- Ваша школа была хорошо оборудована?

Happy face --- Тебе нравилось ходить в школу?

Heart --- Какой предмет был у тебя самым любимым?

Student’s report card --- Какие оценки были у тебя по английскому языку? Какие оценки ты
обычно получал по английскому?

Bell --- Когда ты окончил школу?

Phoenix --- В какой институт ты поступил после окончания школы?

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Test recall

Recall all the questions without looking them up in the text. Mark the ones you could not reproduce or
reproduced incorrectly. Questions which were reproduced with mistakes need to be pronounced again a
few times on the background of an appropriate visual image. Achieve flawless recall of all the questions
according to their visual images.

You do not have to intentionally memorize answers to the questions (onto images). The reason is that
you do not know beforehand which questions you will be asked.

Connect possible answers with questions. Recall a question and mentally (or orally) answer it. Speak out
possible answer options together with questions (after a question). In answers to the questions use the
question’s words and do try to improvise. One should realize that a teacher is not interested in yours
answers but rather in the accuracy of phrase construction. To avoid making grammatical mistakes try to
form your answers with a help of several short phrases.

Bouquet --- Когда ты пошел в школу? Ты помнишь, когда ты пошел в школу? – Да, я
помню это очень хорошо. Это было в 1988 году.

Divider --- Школа, в которую ты ходил, была рядом с домом? Школа была довольно далеко
от дома.

School bus --- Как ты добирался до школы? Я добирался пешком.

Clock --- Сколько времени это занимало? Это занимало около часа.

Skeleton --- Ваша школа была хорошо оборудована? Да, в школе было много

Happy face --- Тебе нравилось ходить в школу? Мне не нравилось ходить в школу.

Heart --- Какой предмет был у тебя самым любимым? Мне нравилась информатика.

Student’s report card --- Какие оценки были у тебя по английскому языку? Какие оценки ты
обычно получал по английскому? Оценки были средние.

Bell --- Когда ты окончил школу? Я окончил школу в 2000 году.

Phoenix --- В какой институт ты поступил после окончания школы? Я поступил в институт

You can find fairly long and grammatically challenging dialogues in various textbooks. Usually in a
language course you will work with simple dialogues – like the ones we just memorized.

It is much better to memorize 10 dialogues for 10 different subjects than to spend time on the
memorization of complicated questions related to only one subject.

Language course students normally have difficulty with simple dialogues after the first year of studying
(10 month) because they do not know how to ask questions. Therefore, it makes sense to memorize
dialogues intentionally and repeat them until questions can be reproduced automatically.

I recommend taking a piece of paper and writing down all questions from the Russian literature or the
course materials. Separate them by subject. When you get 10-20 questions-answers per subject,
memorize them.

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«Giordano Memorizing System» by mail. Lesson 35

Audio books

In this lesson let us talk about exercises with audio books. Audio books come adapted and not adapted.
Not adapted audio books - it is original literal book with the text reproduction on the CD.

Adapted audio books – are specialized textbooks made as a high quality reproduction of Russian
literature classics. Information about Russian audio books could be found on the Internet.

Six levels of complexity are available on the market: Starter (300 words), Beginner (600 words),
Elementary (1100 words), Pre-intermediate (1400 words), Intermediate (1600 words), Upper (2200
words). Last level – original texts of literary works.

What does the number of words mean? - The approximate number of words used in a particular book.
However, in books of the same level (beginners, 600 words) words can vary form book to book
depending on the content. After reading and listening to 2 books of a beginner level your vocabulary may
substantially be more than just 600 words.

The amount of new words in a book is not the only indicator of complexity. The easier the level - the
easier and shorter sentences in book, limiting use of complex grammar forms. Grammar needed for a
particular level is repeatedly used in a text.

Many exercises with audio books are not connected to the GMS® at all. Language study is more of a
training than memorization. Memorization occurs naturally because there is a special speech center in our
brain. The human brain is meant for the memorization of phrases and words. Audio books provide
excellent material for training. But in some cases it makes sense to use special memorization. Let us look
at those cases.

Books of different levels of complexity also have different volume. For example, books for beginners are
printed with big fonts, contain a lot of illustrations, and are read very slowly.

Books of small volume provide an opportunity to read and listen to one book and each chapter several
times. In the process of multiple reading and listening one achieves a natural, unintentional memorization
of new words. Therefore, when working with a beginner level book you should decide for yourself
whether to intentionally memorize new words using GMS® or not to memorize. If you have an
opportunity to listen to one book 20 times then it is not necessary to intentionally memorize new words.

Why should the words be intentionally memorized? You will have the opportunity to address your
memory with multiple recalls of new words. This is to secure their fast and efficient fixation in your

However, when you are working on a book of the fifth or sixth level of complexity (original text) you do
not have an opportunity to read and listen to the same book many times because of its higher volume of
pages. Such books contain few illustrations, small fonts and are normally big. Natural memorization,
based on multiple comprehension of a text or a recording, becomes impossible because of your time
consideration you may not be able to read them several times.

For such cases in particular, it is advisable to use the GMS® for intentional memorization of new words
and phrases you encounter in audio books. Of course, you can also intentionally memorize new words
and phrases taken from books of a simpler level.

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What is the reason for audio books exercises? Simply put - they enable you to learn a language! You
learn to read texts and to understand oral speech. You learn to translate from Russian into English and
vice versa.

Why is it not possible learning all of the above from Russian textbooks? Although textbooks provide
grammar explanation and exercises for grammar fixation they do not provide reading and training
material. How does one learn to talk, listen and read if Russian textbooks meant for 5 study months and
provide only 10 texts – each one page long!

10 pages of artificial text for 5 months or 50 pages of qualitative, professionally recorded text per day?
Maybe this is the secret of an effective study of a foreign language?

May be you think that you already know a language well and can pass all of the grammar tests. Do not
rush. Try some books for Beginners (600 words). It is quite possible that in one thin book (60 pages of
big font) you will find a hundred of unknown words not found in the vocabularies of your textbooks!
That means that vocabulary minimum of English and Russian Methodists may be different. It is obvious
that native Russian speakers know better which words are most frequently used.

1. Review of a book, search for new words

It is most convenient to use the electronic dictionary “Abby Lingvo” to search for new words.

Write down all new words with their translations, pronunciation keys and page number on a sheet of
paper. It is quite useful to write down the pronunciation key over a word directly in the book with a thin
pencil, so that later you could easily erase it. It is not necessary to write down the translation of a word
because it would be understood by context.

If it is a big book then look up new words by chapters. As a result of a text review you will have
pronunciation keys inscribed over unfamiliar words. You will have a sheet of paper with new words,
their pronunciation key, translation and indication of a page number where a particular word can be

2. Memorization of new words by the memorization technique

First, memorize only the meaning of new words and then memorize their pronunciation. View the new
words in your memory in any spare time you have.

Process of word fixation in the memory can be compared to nailing a nail. You hit it once and a nail is
still shaky and can fall out. You hit it one more time and it is more difficult to take it out. You hit it ten
times and it is nailed for good! Words memorization can be secured either by repeated comprehension
(listening to the same chapter 20 times) or by a mental review of words in your memory. Mental
repetition is more effective - memorization occurs faster.

For short books for beginners the stage of memorization of new words can be left out. In multiple reading
and listening to a book you memorize words automatically. A book’s subject (plot) will secure the
understanding of words according to the context (the plot should prompt meaning of the new words)

3. Listen to the record and follow the text with your eyes

In this case, text will help you decipher words from the recording. To better understand a text from a
recording in this exercise, try to avoid mental repetition of the text after the announcer. Listen and follow
it with your eyes only. It is necessary to distinguish each word from the record. If you cannot do it, i.e. if

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your brain does not identify words in a phrase then listen to the book's chapter one more time, following
the text with your eyes.

4. Listen to a recording, follow the text with your eyes and repeat it out loud after the announcer

Now, you have to suppress possible mental translation of the text into English. In order to do this you
have to occupy your speech apparatus. It is better to occupy it with repetition of the recording. At the
same time you will be forming the correct pronunciation. Besides, you will be memorizing not only the
correct reading but also intonation and melody of a phrase. You will automatically imitate different
voices and copy the announcer. All this will remain even when you read the text from the book without
listening to a recording! The brain can easily perform the imitation task.

Listen to a recording, follow the text with your eyes and with a small delay, orally repeat the text after
the announcer - as an echo.

5. Listen to the recording and repeat after the announcer with the book closed

Turn the recording on and as if an echo repeat the text after the announcer. Without looking up at the text
you should decipher words from the record.

6. Listen to the recording in a background mode

Listen to a book recording without thinking about it and without concentrating on the meaning of the
text. For example, turn on the record (not using headphones but loud enough - through speakers) while
you have breakfast or when you work out or while surfing the Internet.

Listening to the recording in a background mode – is a test. You should easily comprehend the record,
without specially concentrating on it - as if the book was read in English.


7. Listen to the record of the book and simultaneously translate into English

As the text is already quite familiar to you (you have listened to it and read it many times) you will have
a good anticipatory comprehension. You will already know the ending of a phrase by its beginning.
Therefore, try translating into English simultaneously with the announcer’s speech. The announcer starts
a sentence and you simultaneously start the sentence in English, i.e. delay in translation should be

8. Make a recording in English with pauses for translation

You will need a tape-recorder. Open a book (text). Switch the recording on. Mentally read a sentence,
orally translate text into English and once more mentally read in Russian - to leave a pause on the record
for translation. Then translate the second sentence into English (orally) and leave this record for future

Record a complete chapter from a book. You should have an oral translation into English of a complete
chapter from a book. Between each sentence you will have a pause (for oral translation into Russian).

9. Translate recording using pauses

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Turn on a previously prepared recording of a translation into English and listen to it and translate it into
Russian during pauses. Have the text ready. If you have difficulties with the translation then translate it
by looking up the text. Do these exercises several times with each chapter, striving to achieve translation
into Russian without looking it up in the text.

10. Translate into Russian simultaneously

Use a tape-recorder to record the English translation of the book but without pausing - maintaining
normal speed. Listen to the recording of the book in English and simultaneously translate it into Russian.


Start with exercises from books for beginners (600 words). When you can simultaneously translate a text
from English into Russian, start exercising with an upper level books.

For more voluminous books (upper level) perform exercises 1-6. For exercises 7-10 use separate chapters
of a book.

This is a short lesson, which does not contain any exercises. To perform recommended exercises you
need to buy an audio book.

School of Phenomenal Memory® GMS by Email © 2006, All rights reserved www.Pmemory.com

Unregistered Version. Copying or publishing this material under any form is prohibited.


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