ExamView Pro unit17 20 id 214713

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Name: ________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: __________




Short Answer

1. Write the word corresponding to the definition below.

A small amount of metal the dentist puts in your tooth to fill a hole.

2. Write the word corresponding to the definition below.

A piece of cloth that you put around a part of your body that has been hurt or damaged in order to protect

3. Write the word corresponding to the definition below.

A medical examination made using photographs of the inside of someone's body.

4. Write a sentence using I must about things you need to do next week.


5. Write a sentence using I must about things you need to do next week.


6. Write a sentence using I must about things you need to do next week.


7. Write the word that corresponds with the definition below.

A small oven that cooks food very quickly, using short-wave radiation instead of heat.

8. Write the word that corresponds with the definition below.

A machine that washes plates, cups, etc.

9. Write the word that corresponds with the definition below.

A machine that washes clothes.

Compare prices in countries or towns you know using much cheaper than.

Hotels are much cheaper in Turkey than they are in England.
Eating out is much cheaper in Newcastle than it is in London.

10. ____________________________________________________________

11. ____________________________________________________________

12. ____________________________________________________________

13. ____________________________________________________________

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Name: ________________________



Write one sentence with used to and one with didn't used to for each of the subjects below.

My tastes in music


When I was a kid, I used to like pop music , but now I prefer classical music.


When I was a kid, I didn't used to buy many records.

14. Food





15. Free time activities





16. My reading habits





17. My holidays





18. My house





19. Write a question with How long that corresponds to the answer below.

A: ____________________________________________________________
B: Till I can speak it as well as any English person.

20. Write a question with How long that corresponds to the answer below.

A: ___________________________________________________________
B: Since Friday. I'm going back on Monday.

21. Write a question with How long that corresponds to the answer below.

A: ___________________________________________________________
B: For nearly ten years. I can speak it really well, but my English friends say I've still got a foreign accent.

Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 22. I ____________________ on the wet floor and broke my leg.






fell off

____ 23. I ____________________ my bike when I was cycling into town.


fell off


fell down


tripped over

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Name: ________________________



____ 24. I ____________________ over the dog and fell down the stairs







____ 25. My tooth was hurting again, so I went and had ____________________.


looked at it


it looked at


it looked

____ 26. Oh well, ____________________. There's nothing you can do about it.


don't mind


never mind


never matter

____ 27. She dropped her map onto the floor and I ____________________ it up for her.







____ 28. I got up and started to leave. Just ____________________ moment, five men walked in.


at that


at the


in that

____ 29. I started queuing the night before they came ____________________.


in sale


on sale


in sell

____ 30. We're going to take ____________________ so we can buy a new computer.


a bank lend


out a bank lend


out a bank loan

____ 31. I've got two bank ____________________.







____ 32. I'd like to ____________________ some money into my account.







____ 33. I am very dissatisfied with the service in this bank. I'm going to ____________________ a complaint.







____ 34. They ____________________ five per cent commission for this service.







____ 35. I had to queue for nearly an hour just to get ____________________.


a cheque cashed


a cheque cash


cashed a cheque

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Name: ________________________



____ 36. I need to ____________________ some time off work to go to the doctor's.







____ 37. Over fifty per cent of young married couples are ____________________ debt.







____ 38. The prices are similar ____________________ here.







____ 39. She's a really difficult child. She never does what she's ____________________.







____ 40. She's a very ____________________ girl for her age. She never does anything silly or irresponsible.







____ 41. He's ____________________ a bit deaf. You'll have to speak quite loudly to him.







____ 42. She ____________________ great for her age. She's hardly got a line on her face.







Complete each sentence or statement.

43. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the past simple or past continuous.

I ____________________ (run) to catch the bus the other day when I ____________________ (fall) over
and ____________________ (cut) my knee.

44. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the past simple or past continuous.

I ____________________ (have) an accident on the way home this morning. I ____________________
(turn) off the motorway when I ____________________ (lose) control of the car and crashed into the crash

45. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the past simple or past continuous.

I ____________________ (walk) through the park when I ____________________ (slip) on some ice and
____________________ (break) my arm.

46. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the past simple or past continuous.

I ____________________ (leave) the office when the boss ____________________ (ring) to ask me to
stay on at work a bit longer. In the end, I ____________________ (stay) there until nearly ten o'clock.

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Name: ________________________



47. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the past simple or past continuous.

I ____________________ (get) attacked by this guy when I ____________________ (go) home from
work last night. He just ____________________ (walk) up to me and ____________________ (hit) me in
the face for no reason.

48. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the past simple or past continuous.

I ____________________ (enjoy) a quiet night at home when my sister ____________________ (come)
round to ask me if I could look after her kids for the night. That ____________________ (ruin) my

49. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the past simple or past continuous.

I ____________________ (lie) on my bed reading a magazine when I ____________________ (hear) this
huge explosion downstairs. I ____________________ (run) down to find out what had happened.

50. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the past simple or past continuous.

I ____________________ (go) down the stairs when I ____________________ (trip) over a cable and
____________________ (twist) my ankle.

51. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word or phrase.

They forgot to give me an anaesthetic before the operation. I can remember ____________________ in
pain. It was the worst experience of my life!

52. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word or phrase.

I ____________________ my back when I was carrying the table up the stairs.

53. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word or phrase.

I cut my hand really badly. I've still got the ____________________ today.

54. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word or phrase.

I had an accident with the bread knife. I had to go to hospital and have ten ____________________ in my

55. Complete the dialogue with an appropriate word or phrase.

A: I'm really sorry! I'll get you a new one.
B: Don't worry. It was partly my ____________________. I should have told you not to use it.

56. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word or phrase.

I'm really sorry. I'll pay to ____________________ it cleaned.

57. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word or phrase.

I'm afraid I've broken one of your glasses. It just slipped ____________________ my hand.

58. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

Oh no! The cash machine's just ____________________ my credit card!

59. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

I've just had my camera stolen. I'm going to ____________________ it to the police.

60. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

This mobile isn't working properly. I'm going to ____________________ it back to the shop.

61. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

I've just found someone's passport on the street. I'm going to ____________________ it in to the police.

62. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

A: We were hoping to go watch Cats, last week but it was sold out. They'd sold the last ticket just before I
called them.
B: ____________________ annoying!

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Name: ________________________



63. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

I hate having to wait a long time at the doctor's. It's a real ____________________.

64. Complete the question with the present perfect of the verb in brackets. In your answer use will, going to or

the past simple of the verb.
A: ____________________ (you/ask) Peter yet? He might be able to help you.
B: Yes, I ____________________ (speak) to him earlier today, but he said he didn't know the answer.

65. Complete the question with the present perfect of the verb in brackets. In your answer use will, going to or

the past simple of the verb.
A: ____________________ (you/try) the bookshop in Pardo Street? They might have the books you're
looking for.
B: I hadn't thought of that! I ____________________ (go) there this afternoon.

66. Complete the question with the present perfect of the verb in brackets. In your answer use will, going to or

the past simple of the verb.
A: ____________________ (you/do) the shopping yet?
B: Not yet, but I ____________________ (do) it this afternoon. That's why I told you I needed the car.

67. Complete the question with the present perfect of the verb in brackets. In your answer use will, going to or

the past simple of the verb.
A: ____________________ (take) the children to the theme park?
B: No, but ____________________ (take) them next week sometime.

68. Complete the question with the present perfect of the verb in brackets. In your answer use will, going to or

the past simple of the verb.
A: ____________________ (be) to the doctor about it?
B: Yes, I ____________________ (see) him yesterday. He told me it was probably some kind of allergy.

69. Complete the dialogue below with an appropriate phrase containing the verb sort out in an appropriate

tense. Use the hints in brackets help you.
A: I don't know how I'm going to finish everything on time.
B: Don't worry. ___________________________________ (hints: it; itself)

70. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate phrase containing the verb sort out in an appropriate

tense. Use the hints in brackets help you.
He's got too many problems at the moment. ___________________________________ (hints: needs; life)

71. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate phrase containing the verb sort out in an appropriate

tense. Use the hints in brackets help you.
I'm going to have to take my DVD player back to the shop again.
__________________________________ with it. (hints: still haven't; problem)

72. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word or phrase.

They should ____________________ a law to stop that happening.

73. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word or phrase.

As soon as I arrived there, I realised I had ____________________ the right decision.

74. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word or phrase.

I've got to go to the toilet. Could you ____________________ my place in the queue?

75. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word or phrase.

There's something wrong with my computer. It keeps ____________________ whenever I go into the

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Name: ________________________



76. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word or phrase.

There's something wrong with the engine. I think the oil is ____________________.

77. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word or phrase.

The air conditioner has broken down again. We need to ____________________ it fixed.

78. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

My brother's really ____________________. He never offers to pay for anything.

79. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

I ____________________ him fifty pounds. He says he's going to pay me back next week.

80. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

I'm not spending any money at the moment. I'm ____________________ up to buy myself a new

81. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

Could I ____________________ thirty euros from you? I'll pay you back tomorrow, I promise.

82. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

My sister's really ____________________. When we go out together she always pays for everything.

83. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

I ____________________ Pete ninety euros. I'll pay him back the next time I see him

84. Complete the sentence below with spent or wasted.

I ____________________ the whole weekend with my sister's children. We had a great time.

85. Complete the sentence below with spend or waste.

I didn't enjoy the exhibition at all. I thought it was a complete ____________________ of money.

86. Complete the sentence below with spending or wasting.

Stop ____________________ time and get on with your homework!

87. Complete the sentence below with spend or waste.

I love reading. I ____________________ nearly eighty euros a week on books.

88. Complete the conversation with an offer you would make.

A: It's a bit hot in here.
B: Do you want me to _______________________?

89. Complete the conversation with an offer you would make.

A: I can't do this translation.
B: Do you want me to ______________________?

90. Complete the conversation with an offer you would make.

A: I've tried talking to him, but he won't listen.
B: Do you want me to __________________________?

91. Complete the phrase below.

I can't pay you back yet, I'm afraid. I don't ____________________ paid until the end of the month.

92. Complete the phrase below.

Sorry, could you say that again, please? I wasn't paying ____________________.

93. Complete the phrase below.

The worst thing about the job is that I don't get ____________________ pay; I was off ill all last month
and they didn't pay me anything.

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Name: ________________________



94. Complete the phrase below.

A: Do I ____________________ a discount if I pay ____________________?
B: No, sorry.
A: Well, in that case, I'll pay by credit card.

95. Complete the sentence with the verb in brackets in the present continuous or the present perfect.

I'm really happy with my new teacher. My English ____________________ (get) better every day.

96. Complete the sentence with the verb in brackets in the present continuous or the present perfect.

He ____________________ (change) a lot since he moved here. He's a lot more relaxed now.

97. Complete the sentence with the verb in brackets in the present continuous or the present perfect.

Food prices ____________________ (go) up a lot over the last few months.

98. Complete the sentence with the verb in brackets in the present continuous or the present perfect.

I ____________________ (study) very hard at the moment.

99. Complete the sentence with the verb in brackets in the present continuous or the present perfect.

The television in this country ____________________ (get) worse and worse at the moment.

100. Complete the sentence with the verb in brackets in the present continuous or the present perfect.

Society ____________________ (become) more and more corrupt over the last ten years or so.

101. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.

The economy's ____________________ quite well at the moment.

102. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.

The economy's in a bit of a ____________________ at the moment. There's a lot of unemployment and a
lot of businesses are closing down.

103. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.

The average ____________________ is around 900 euros per week, but a lot of people earn a lot less.

104. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.

A lot of companies are going ____________________ of business.

105. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.

Our ____________________ is very strong. It's even stronger than the dollar at the moment.

106. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word or phrase.

You can't fly with Lewis Airlines at the moment - the pilots are on ____________________. They want
more money and better working conditions. If the negotiations with the company go well, they might go
back to work next week.

107. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.

The computer ____________________ isn't doing very well and several small computer companies have
gone out of business.

108. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.

I'm going to vote ____________________ the Liberal Democrats in the next elections.

109. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.

If they build any more houses, they're going to destroy the ____________________.

110. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.

In England women can ____________________ at the age of sixty, but most men have to work until they
are sixty-five.

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Name: ________________________



111. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.

We live in a very industrial area. Most of my friends work in one of the clothes ____________________.

112. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.

A ____________________ union is an organization that represents workers.


113. Rewrite the sentence below using I'll.

Let me carry that for you.

114. Rewrite the sentence below using I'll.

Let me answer it.

115. Rewrite the sentence below using I'll.

Let me speak to her.

116. Rewrite the sentence below using I'll.

Let me make dinner tonight.

117. Rewrite the sentence below using I'll.

Let me do that.

118. Rewrite the question below correctly.

A: I hurt my leg yesterday.
B: How it happened?

119. Rewrite the question below correctly.

A: I think I've broken my arm.
B: You can bend it at all?

120. Rewrite the question below correctly.

A: I think there's something wrong with my knee.
B: What seems the problem?

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Answer Section


1. ANS:


REF: Unit 17 p120 Using vocabulary: health problems

TOP: Vocabulary: medical words

2. ANS:


REF: Unit 17 p120 Using vocabulary: health problems

TOP: Vocabulary: medical words

3. ANS:


REF: Unit 17 p120 Using vocabulary: health problems

TOP: Vocabulary: medical words

4. ANS:

Open answer

REF: Unit 18 p129/G33 Using grammar: "must"

TOP: Grammar: "must"

5. ANS:

Open answer

REF: Unit 18 p129/G33 Using grammar: "must"

TOP: Grammar: "must"

6. ANS:

Open answer

REF: Unit 18 p129/G33 Using grammar: "must"

TOP: Grammar: "must"

7. ANS:

microwave (oven)

REF: Unit 18 p130 Using vocabulary: machines and technology TOP: Vocabulary: domestic appliances

8. ANS:


REF: Unit 18 p130 Using vocabulary: machines and technology TOP: Vocabulary: domestic appliances

9. ANS:

washing machine

REF: Unit 18 p130 Using vocabulary: machines and technology TOP: Vocabulary: domestic appliances

10. ANS:

Open answer

REF: Unit 19 p136 Using grammar: comparing prices

TOP: Grammar: comparing

11. ANS:

Open answer

REF: Unit 19 p136 Using grammar: comparing prices

TOP: Grammar: comparing

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12. ANS:

Open answer

REF: Unit 19 p136 Using grammar: comparing prices

TOP: Grammar: comparing

13. ANS:

Open answer

REF: Unit 19 p136 Using grammar: comparing prices

TOP: Grammar: comparing

14. ANS:

Open answer

REF: Unit 20 p143/G37 Using grammar: "used to"

TOP: Grammar: "used to"

15. ANS:

Open answer

REF: Unit 20 p143/G37 Using grammar: "used to"

TOP: Grammar: "used to"

16. ANS:

Open answer

REF: Unit 20 p143/G37 Using grammar: "used to"

TOP: Grammar: "used to"

17. ANS:

Open answer

REF: Unit 20 p143/G37 Using grammar: "used to"

TOP: Grammar: "used to"

18. ANS:

Open answer

REF: Unit 20 p143/G37 Using grammar: "used to"

TOP: Grammar: "used to"

19. ANS:

How long are you going to study English?

REF: Unit 20 138/G35 Using grammar: questions with "How long"
TOP: Grammar: questions with "How long"

20. ANS:

How long have you been here? (Other questions are also possible, e.g. How long have you been staying

REF: Unit 20 138/G35 Using grammar: questions with "How long"
TOP: Grammar: questions with "How long"

21. ANS:

How long have you been studying English?

REF: Unit 20 138/G35 Using grammar: questions with "How long"
TOP: Grammar: questions with "How long"


22. ANS: B

REF: Unit 17 p121 Vocabulary: describing accidents

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 17

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23. ANS: A

REF: Unit 17 p121 Vocabulary: describing accidents

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 17

24. ANS: C

REF: Unit 17 p121 Vocabulary: describing accidents

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 17

25. ANS: B

REF: Unit 17 p121 Vocabulary: describing accidents

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 17

26. ANS: B

REF: Unit 18 p129 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 18

27. ANS: C

REF: Unit 18 p129 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 18

28. ANS: A

REF: Unit 18 p129 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 18

29. ANS: B

REF: Unit 18 p129 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 18

30. ANS: C

REF: Unit 19 p134 Vocabulary: banks

TOP: Vocabulary: banks

31. ANS: A

REF: Unit 19 p134 Vocabulary: banks

TOP: Vocabulary: banks

32. ANS: B

REF: Unit 19 p134 Vocabulary: banks

TOP: Vocabulary: banks

33. ANS: B

REF: Unit 19 p134 Vocabulary: banks

TOP: Vocabulary: banks

34. ANS: C

REF: Unit 19 p134 Vocabulary: banks

TOP: Vocabulary: banks

35. ANS: A

REF: Unit 19 p134 Vocabulary: banks

TOP: Vocabulary: banks

36. ANS: C

REF: Unit 19 p136 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 19

37. ANS: B

REF: Unit 19 p136 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 19

38. ANS: A

REF: Unit 19 p136 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 19

39. ANS: B

REF: Unit 20 p142 Using vocabulary: talking about old and young people

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 20

40. ANS: C

REF: Unit 20 p142 Using vocabulary: talking about old and young people

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 20

41. ANS: A

REF: Unit 20 p142 Using vocabulary: talking about old and young people

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 20

42. ANS: C

REF: Unit 20 p142 Using vocabulary: talking about old and young people

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 20


43. ANS: was running; fell; cut

REF: Unit 17 p123/G30 Past simple and past continuous
TOP: Grammar: past simple and past continuous

44. ANS: had; was turning off; lost

REF: Unit 17 p123/G30 Past simple and past continuous
TOP: Grammar: past simple and past continuous

45. ANS: was walking; slipped; broke

REF: Unit 17 p123/G30 Past simple and past continuous
TOP: Grammar: past simple and past continuous

46. ANS: was leaving; rang; stayed

REF: Unit 17 p123/G30 Past simple and past continuous
TOP: Grammar: past simple and past continuous

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47. ANS: got; was going; walked; hit

REF: Unit 17 p123/G30 Past simple and past continuous
TOP: Grammar: past simple and past continuous

48. ANS: was enjoying; came; ruined

REF: Unit 17 p123/G30 Past simple and past continuous
TOP: Grammar: past simple and past continuous

49. ANS: was lying; heard; ran

REF: Unit 17 p123/G30 Past simple and past continuous
TOP: Grammar: past simple and past continuous

50. ANS: was going; tripped; twisted

REF: Unit 17 p123/G30 Past simple and past continuous
TOP: Grammar: past simple and past continuous

51. ANS: screaming

REF: Unit 17 p123 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: accidents

52. ANS: hurt

REF: Unit 17 p123 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: accidents

53. ANS: scar

REF: Unit 17 p123 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: accidents

54. ANS: stitches

REF: Unit 17 p123 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: accidents

55. ANS: fault

REF: Unit 17 p124 Apologising

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 17

56. ANS: have

REF: Unit 17 p124 Apologising

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 17

57. ANS: from

REF: Unit 17 p124 Apologising

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 17

58. ANS: eaten

REF: Unit 18 p126 Using vocabulary: sorting out problems

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 18

59. ANS: report

REF: Unit 18 p126 Using vocabulary: sorting out problems

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 18

60. ANS: take

REF: Unit 18 p126 Using vocabulary: sorting out problems

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 18

61. ANS: hand

REF: Unit 18 p126 Problems on holiday

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 18

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62. ANS: How

REF: Unit 18 p126 Problems on holiday

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 18

63. ANS: pain

REF: Unit 18 p126 Problems on holiday

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 18

64. ANS: Have you asked; spoke

REF: Unit 18 p127/G32 Present perfect questions
TOP: Grammar: present perfect questions

65. ANS: Have you tried; 'll go

REF: Unit 18 p127/G32 Present perfect questions
TOP: Grammar: present perfect questions

66. ANS: Have you done; I'm going to do

REF: Unit 18 p127/G32 Present perfect questions
TOP: Grammar: present perfect questions

67. ANS: Have you taken; I'll take

REF: Unit 18 p127/G32 Present perfect questions
TOP: Grammar: present perfect questions

68. ANS: Have you been; saw

REF: Unit 18 p127/G32 Present perfect questions
TOP: Grammar: present perfect questions

69. ANS: It'll sort itself out.

REF: Unit 18 p127 Key word: sort out

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 18

70. ANS: He needs to sort his life out.

REF: Unit 18 p127 Key word: sort out

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 18

71. ANS: I still haven't sorted out this problem

REF: Unit 18 p127 Key word: sort out

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 18

72. ANS: introduce

REF: Unit 18 p128 Before you read

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 18

73. ANS: made

REF: Unit 18 p128 Before you read

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 18

74. ANS: save

REF: Unit 18 p128 Before you read

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 18

75. ANS: crashing

REF: Unit 18 p131 Using vocabulary: problems with machines

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 18

76. ANS: leaking

REF: Unit 18 p131 Using vocabulary: problems with machines

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 18

background image



77. ANS: get

REF: Unit 18 p131 Using vocabulary: problems with machines

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 18

78. ANS: mean

REF: Unit 19 p132 Speaking

TOP: Vocabulary: money themes

79. ANS: lent

REF: Unit 19 p132 Real English

TOP: Vocabulary: "borrow" or "lend"?

80. ANS: saving

REF: Unit 19 p132 Speaking

TOP: Vocabulary: money themes

81. ANS: borrow

REF: Unit 19 p132 Real English

TOP: Vocabulary: "borrow" or "lend"?

82. ANS: generous

REF: Unit 19 p132 Speaking

TOP: Vocabulary: money themes

83. ANS: owe

REF: Unit 19 p132 Real English

TOP: Vocabulary: "borrow" or "lend"?

84. ANS: spent

REF: Unit 19 p133 Vocabulary: "time" and "money"
TOP: Vocabulary: "waste" and "spend"

85. ANS: waste

REF: Unit 19 p133 Vocabulary: "time" and "money"
TOP: Vocabulary: "waste" and "spend"

86. ANS: wasting

REF: Unit 19 p133 Vocabulary: "time" and "money"
TOP: Vocabulary: "waste" and "spend"

87. ANS: spend

REF: Unit 19 p133 Vocabulary: "time" and "money"
TOP: Vocabulary: "waste" and "spend"

88. ANS: open the window (other answers are possible)

REF: Unit 19 p133/G34 Using grammar: making and responding to offers
TOP: Grammar: making offers

89. ANS: do it for you/help you with it (other answers are possible)

REF: Unit 19 p133/G34 Using grammar: making and responding to offers
TOP: Grammar: making offers

90. ANS: talk to him (other answers are possible)

REF: Unit 19 p133/G34 Using grammar: making and responding to offers
TOP: Grammar: making offers

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91. ANS: get

REF: Unit 19 p137 Key word: "pay"

TOP: Vocabulary: expressions with "pay"

92. ANS: attention

REF: Unit 19 p137 Key word: "pay"

TOP: Vocabulary: expressions with "pay"

93. ANS: (any) sick

REF: Unit 19 p137 Key word: "pay"

TOP: Vocabulary: expressions with "pay"

94. ANS: get; cash

REF: Unit 19 p137 Key word: "pay"

TOP: Vocabulary: expressions with "pay"

95. ANS: is getting

REF: Unit 20 p139/G36 Using grammar: Describing changes
TOP: Grammar: present perfect or present continuous?

96. ANS: 's changed/has changed

REF: Unit 20 p139/G36 Using grammar: Describing changes
TOP: Grammar: present perfect or present continuous?

97. ANS: have gone

REF: Unit 20 p139/G36 Using grammar: Describing changes
TOP: Grammar: present perfect or present continuous?

98. ANS: 'm studying/am studying

REF: Unit 20 p139/G36 Using grammar: Describing changes
TOP: Grammar: present perfect or present continuous?

99. ANS: is getting

REF: Unit 20 p139/G36 Using grammar: Describing changes
TOP: Grammar: present perfect or present continuous?

100. ANS: has become

REF: Unit 20 p139/G36 Using grammar: Describing changes
TOP: Grammar: present perfect or present continuous?

101. ANS: doing/going

REF: Unit 20 p138 Talking about life in your country

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 20

102. ANS: mess

REF: Unit 20 p138 Talking about life in your country

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 20

103. ANS: wage

REF: Unit 20 p138 Talking about life in your country

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 20

104. ANS: out

REF: Unit 20 p138 Talking about life in your country

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 20

background image



105. ANS: currency

REF: Unit 20 p138 Talking about life in your country

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 20

106. ANS: strike

REF: Unit 20 p141 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 20

107. ANS: industry

REF: Unit 20 p141 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 20

108. ANS: for

REF: Unit 20 p141 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 20

109. ANS: environment

REF: Unit 20 p141 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 20

110. ANS: retire

REF: Unit 20 p141 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 20

111. ANS: factories

REF: Unit 20 p141 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 20

112. ANS: trade

REF: Unit 20 p140 Before you read

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 20


113. ANS:

I'll carry that for you.

REF: Unit 17 p125/G31Using grammar: "will"

TOP: Vocabulary: "will"

114. ANS:

I'll answer it.

REF: Unit 17 p125/G31Using grammar: "will"

TOP: Vocabulary: "will"

115. ANS:

I'll speak to her.

REF: Unit 17 p125/G31Using grammar: "will"

TOP: Vocabulary: "will"

116. ANS:

I'll make dinner tonight.

REF: Unit 17 p125/G31Using grammar: "will"

TOP: Vocabulary: "will"

117. ANS:

I'll do that.

REF: Unit 17 p125/G31Using grammar: "will"

TOP: Vocabulary: "will"

background image



118. ANS:

How did it happen?

REF: Unit 17 p121 Vocabulary: in hospital

TOP: Grammar: writing questions

119. ANS:

Can you bend it at all?

REF: Unit 17 p121 Vocabulary: in hospital

TOP: Grammar: writing questions

120. ANS:

What seems to be the problem?

REF: Unit 17 p121 Vocabulary: in hospital

TOP: Grammar: writing questions


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