ExamView Pro unit5 8 id 214714

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Name: ________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: __________




Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.


1. I didn't like these trousers ____________________, but I love them now.


to begin


to begin with


begin with


2. A: I love your suit. Where did you buy it?

B: In Harrods. They've got ____________________ at the moment. It was reduced from ninety pounds to

on a sale


a sell


a sale on


3. Can you get some more of those biscuits? They're ____________________ special offer at the moment.






on a


4. I'm not surprised this chocolate tastes so strange; it's past its ____________________ date.








5. A: How are things?

B: Fine, thanks. Did you ____________________ a nice weekend?







6. I haven't seen you for ages. What ____________________ recently?


are you doing


do you do


have you been doing


7. Good morning. Do you mind if I ____________________ you?


join to


join with




8. I've had a really busy day. I didn't even stop ____________________ lunch.


for the






9. A: What's the matter with you?

B: I ____________________ too much at the gym yesterday.






____ 10. I had to get up at six o'clock to ____________________ my flight.







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Name: ________________________



____ 11. I was ____________________ three last night watching TV.






up till

____ 12. I couldn't ____________________ last night for some reason.


be asleep


get to sleep


get asleep

Short Answer

13. Write the word corresponding to the definition below.

Shoes that cover your foot and part of your leg.

14. Write the word corresponding to the definition below.

A chain or band which women wear as jewellery around their wrists.

15. Write the word corresponding to the definition below.

A piece of jewellery that a woman wears around her neck.

16. Write the word corresponding to the definition below.

Shoes designed for running, jogging or some other sports.

17. Write the word corresponding to the definition below.

An event in which a large group of people meet to make a public protest or to show their support for

18. Write the word corresponding to the definition below.

The money students receive from the government to help them to pay for books, food accommodation, etc
while they are at college or university.

19. Write the word corresponding to the definition below.

A talk that someone gives about a particular subject, especially at university.

20. Write the university subject corresponding to the definition.

A subject where people learn how to produce paintings, sculptures or other beautiful objects.

21. Write the university subject corresponding to the definition.

A subject that analyses how newspapers, radio and television work and the effect they have on society.

22. Write the university subject corresponding to the definition.

A subject that analyses how companies are managed.

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Name: ________________________



23. Write the job that corresponds to the description below.

I work in a gymnasium. I help people to keep fit by giving courses and giving them advice about diet and

24. Write the job that corresponds to the description below.

I design web pages for people.

25. Write the job that corresponds to the description below.

I help people to buy and sell houses.

26. Write the job that corresponds to the description below.

My job is to control the people who come in to the factory, and watch everything that happens in the
building on a TV screen.

Complete each sentence or statement.

27. Complete the prepositional expression below.

There's a great record shop directly ____________________ the police station.

28. Complete the prepositional expression below.

There's a nice little bookshop ____________________ the corner of Bradley Street and Brook Street.

29. Complete the prepositional expression below.

There's a lovely café ____________________ to the library.

30. Complete the prepositional expression below.

It's just round the corner ____________________ the supermarket.

31. Complete the sentence with that or those.

I really like ____________________ jeans. Where did you get them?

32. Complete the sentence with that or those.

I love ____________________ jumper. Where did you get it?

33. Complete the sentence with that or those.

Could you bring me some of ____________________ cheese you brought last time?

34. Complete the sentence with that or those.

He's wearing one of ____________________ horrible shirts that he bought at the market.

35. Complete the sentence below.

I'll ____________________ the hoovering if you iron those shirts.

36. Complete the sentence below.

It usually ____________________ me two hours to do the housework.

37. Complete the sentence below.

I'll ____________________ you a hand with the cleaning.

38. Complete the sentence below.

I ____________________ really sorry for her.

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Name: ________________________



39. Complete the sentence below.

Don't worry about him. He can ____________________ after himself!

40. Complete the sentence below.

I'll do the washing up if you ____________________ the table.

41. Complete the sentence below.

We're going to ____________________ a party.

42. Complete the sentence below.

When my husband tries to cook, he always ____________________ a big mess.

43. Complete the sentence below with a suitable word.

When I go out on my bike at night, I always wear really ____________________ colours, like orange, red
or yellow.

44. Complete the sentence below with a suitable word.

A: Just look at my stomach! I've eaten too much over Christmas. My trousers are all too
____________________ now.

45. Complete the sentence below with a suitable word.

I can't wear this jumper; it's much too ____________________. It went out of fashion years ago.

46. Complete the sentence below with a suitable word.

This jacket doesn't ____________________ me. It's at least two sizes too small.

47. Complete the sentence below with a suitable word.

The jumper doesn't ____________________ you. The colours are too dark.

48. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

A: How are you?
B: Not very well, actually. I've got an ____________________ stomach.

49. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

A: How are you?
B: Not too well, actually. I've got a ____________________ of a cold.

50. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

A: How are you?
B: I'm fine, thanks. What ____________________ you?

51. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

A: How's it ____________________?
B: Great, thanks. How are you?

52. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

The doctor has told me to stay at home and try to ____________________ it easy.

53. Complete the sentence below.

A: Good morning. I'm just phoning to ____________________ the language courses available in July.
B: Well, we've got some places left on the Intensive Course.

54. Complete the sentence below.

A: Hi there, John. I'm just phoning to ____________________ home OK.
B: No problem; there was hardly any traffic, so I got home about two hours ago.

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Name: ________________________



55. Complete the sentence below.

A: Hi, Mary. It's me, John. I'm just phoning to ____________________ late home tonight.
B: No problem; what time to you think you're going to get here?

56. Complete the sentence below.

A: I'm just phoning to ____________________.
B: I'm fine. And you?

57. Complete the dialogue below with appropriate words or phrases.

A: ____________________ the problem?
B: I've got this stomach ____________________. I've been sick all night.

58. Complete the dialogue below with appropriate words or phrases.

A: I've got a headache.
B: Have you ____________________ anything for it?
A: Yes, I took some ____________________ earlier. They worked really well for a time, but it's started to
hurt again.

59. Complete the dialogue below with appropriate words or phrases.

A: That cough sounds really bad. Have you been to ____________________ anyone about it?
B: No, it's OK, I don't need to go to the doctor. I ____________________ fine tomorrow.

60. Complete the sentence below with can't or couldn't.

I ____________________ eat too much salt; it's bad for me.

61. Complete the sentence below with can't or couldn't.

My parents were really strict, so I ____________________ go out much.

62. Complete the sentence below with can't or couldn't.

We ____________________ go to school yesterday because the car had broken down.

63. Complete the sentence below with can't or couldn't.

I ____________________ speak French very well. I don't know enough vocabulary.

64. Complete the sentence below with can't or couldn't.

My parents said I ____________________ go there because I was too young.

65. Complete the sentence below with can't or couldn't.

I ____________________ go out this evening because I've got some friends coming round.

66. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.

Sorry I haven't been out much recently. I just haven't found the time. I've been really
____________________ preparing things for the new course.

67. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.

A: Did you know that Mary's pregnant?
B: Really, when's it _______?
A: In about six months.

68. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.

I didn't sleep much last night. I fell asleep quite quickly, but I got ____________________ up by the
neighbour's dog.

69. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.

I'm a really ____________________ sleeper. I can sleep through anything.

70. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word or phrase.

He ____________________ school at the age of fourteen to find a job.

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Name: ________________________



71. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word or phrase.

Next year, I'm going to ____________________ a Master's in Applied Mathematics.

72. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word or phrase.

He graduated ____________________ Harvard University in 1998.

73. Complete the dialogue with an appropriate word or phrase.

A: What year ____________________?
B: My second.

74. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word or phrase.

I'm going to take a year ____________________ and travel round Europe.

75. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word or phrase.

A. I'm going to try to do a degree somewhere.
B: ____________________?
A: In Electronic Engineering

76. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word or phrase.

I have to go ____________________ an interview at Sussex University.

77. Complete the sentence with might or going to and the correct form of the verb in brackets.

A: What are you going to do next weekend?
B: I'm not sure yet. I ____________________ (go) and visit my sister in York.

78. Complete the sentence with might or going to and the correct form of the verb in brackets.

A: Have you got any plans for the summer?
B: Yeah, I ____________________ (rent) a cottage in Wales with some friends. We were going to stay in
a hotel, but we decided it would be too expensive.

79. Complete the sentence with might or going to and the correct form of the verb in brackets.

We've decided we ____________________ (not buy) that house after all. It's just too expensive.

80. Complete the sentence with might or going to and the correct form of the verb in brackets.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do next year. I ____________________ (stay) on at university for another
year, but I haven't decided anything yet.

81. Complete the sentence with might or going to and the correct form of the verb in brackets.

I ____________________ (make) a real effort to learn English properly this year.

82. Complete the sentence with might or going to and the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Peter ____________________ (live) in Spain when he retires. He's already bought a house there.

83. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word or phrase.

I ____________________ all my exams this year. My parents are really happy with me.

84. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word or phrase.

Make sure you ____________________ in your essay on time!

85. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word or phrase.

My son wants to ____________________ of university because he's not happy there.

86. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word or phrase.

I failed the exam, so I had to ____________________ it in September.

87. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word or phrase.

Are you doing a ____________________ course or a full-time one?

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Name: ________________________



88. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word or phrase.

I didn't ____________________ into Oxford University because my grades weren't good enough.

89. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word or phrase.

The summer ____________________ starts in April and finishes in July

90. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word or phrase.

I can't meet you till the afternoon. I ____________________ classes all morning.

91. Complete the dialogue with a suitable question about work. Use the hint in brackets to help you.

A: _____________________________________________ (hint: do)
B: I'm a bank manager.

92. Complete the dialogue with a suitable question about work. Use the hint in brackets to help you.

A: _____________________________________________ (hint: holiday)
B: Not really. I get two weeks in August and one week in May.

93. Complete the dialogue with a suitable question about work. Use the hint in brackets to help you.

A: _____________________________________________ (hint: hours)
B: They're not bad, actually. I work from eight o'clock in the morning until two o'clock in the afternoon.
And I never have to work weekends!

94. Complete the dialogue with a suitable question about work. Use the hint in brackets to help you.

A: _____________________________________________ (hint: money)
B: It's quite good actually. I get about 25,000 euros a year after tax.

95. Complete the dialogue with a suitable question about work. Use the hint in brackets to help you.

A: _____________________________________________ (hint: travel)
B: Yeah, I do, unfortunately. It takes me about an hour and a half to get there by bus.

96. Complete the dialogue with have to or don't have to.

I ____________________ speak to some really difficult customers sometimes.

97. Complete the dialogue with have to or don't have to.

The course is quite easy, so I ____________________ study much.

98. Complete the dialogue with have to or don't have to.

The doctor told me I ____________________ go on a diet.

99. Complete the expression with get.

A: I found the job quite interesting at first, but I got ____________________ it after a while.

100. Complete the expression with get.

I only get a ____________________ at lunchtime. I leave work at 12.00 and I have to start again at 12.30.

101. Complete the expression with get.

If you're late again tomorrow, you'll get ____________________!

102. Complete the expression with get.

It only takes me about twenty minutes to get ____________________, so I'm usually one of the first people
to arrive at the office.

103. Complete the sentence with the present perfect form of the verb in brackets.

He ____________________ (have) lots of different jobs.

104. Complete the sentence with the present perfect form of the verb in brackets.

____________________ (you/see) my notebook anywhere?

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Name: ________________________



105. Complete the sentence with the present perfect form of the verb in brackets.

Pete ____________________ (find) a job at last.

106. Complete the sentence with been or gone.

A: Could I speak to John, please?
B: He's not here, I'm afraid. He's ____________________ to the cinema.

107. Complete the sentence with been or gone.

A: Do you need any money?
B: It's all right, I've just ____________________ to the bank.

108. Complete the sentence with one word.

She's a very ____________________ worker. She arrives on time and always does her work well.

109. Complete the sentence with one word.

You're not looking very well. If I were you, I'd take the day ____________________ sick.

110. Complete the sentence with one word.

I've ____________________ for a job at the university. I've got an interview with them next week.

111. Complete the sentence with one word.

He's had a very successful ____________________ in teaching. He has taught in some of the best schools
in the country.

112. Complete the sentence with one word.

I'm quite good ____________________ my hands.

113. Complete the sentence with one word.

She's really good ____________________ explaining things. She'd make a good teacher.


114. Rewrite the sentence adding enough in an appropriate place.

I can't go on the trip because I'm not old.

115. Rewrite the sentence adding enough in an appropriate place.

I'd like to go on a cruise, but I haven't got money.

116. Rewrite the sentence adding enough in an appropriate place.

He hasn't got patience to teach young children.

117. Rewrite the sentence adding enough in an appropriate place.

These shoes aren't big for me.

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Name: ________________________



Write an appropriate request for the answer given.

A: Is it OK if I borrow your computer?
B: Yes, of course, but don't try to go into the Internet. The explorer programmer keeps crashing.

118. A: ____________________________________________________________

B: OK, as long as you're back home by twelve o'clock. And don't drink any alcohol. You're underage,

119. A: ____________________________________________________________

B: Well, actually, I'd rather you didn't. It's my favourite shirt and I never lend it to anyone.

120. A: ____________________________________________________________

B: OK, but don't eat too much. We're having dinner in two hours.

Rewrite the sentence using the structure want(s) me to ....

We think you should retire, Dad.
My kids want me to retire.

121. A: Can you work tomorrow evening?

B: My boss _____________________________________________.

122. I think you should study law.

My dad _____________________________________________.

123. You should spend more time at home.

My wife _____________________________________________.

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Answer Section


1. ANS: B

REF: Unit 5 p36 Talking about things you've bought

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 5

2. ANS: C

REF: Unit 5 p36 Talking about things you've bought

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 5

3. ANS: A

REF: Unit 5 p38 Reading text

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 5

4. ANS: B

REF: Unit 5 p38 Reading text

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 5

5. ANS: B

REF: Unit 6 p46 Greeting people

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 6

6. ANS: C

REF: Unit 6 p46 Greeting people

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 6

7. ANS: C

REF: Unit 6 p46 Greeting people

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 6

8. ANS: C

REF: Unit 6 p44 Using vocabulary: feeling tired

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 6

9. ANS: B

REF: Unit 6 p44 Using vocabulary: feeling tired

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 6

10. ANS: A

REF: Unit 6 p44 Using vocabulary: feeling tired

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 6

11. ANS: C

REF: Unit 6 p44 Using vocabulary: feeling tired

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 6

12. ANS: B

REF: Unit 6 p44 Using vocabulary: feeling tired

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 6


13. ANS:


REF: Unit 5 p36 Using vocabulary: clothes and accessories
TOP: Vocabulary: clothes and accessories

14. ANS:


REF: Unit 5 p36 Using vocabulary: clothes and accessories
TOP: Vocabulary: clothes and accessories

15. ANS:


REF: Unit 5 p36 Using vocabulary: clothes and accessories
TOP: Vocabulary: clothes and accessories

16. ANS:


REF: Unit 5 p36 Using vocabulary: clothes and accessories
TOP: Vocabulary: clothes and accessories

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17. ANS:


REF: Unit 7 p50 Vocabulary focus

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 7

18. ANS:


REF: Unit 7 p50 Vocabulary focus

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 7

19. ANS:


REF: Unit 7 p50 Vocabulary focus

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 7

20. ANS:

fine art

REF: Unit 7 p51 Which degree?

TOP: Vocabulary: university subjects

21. ANS:

media studies

REF: Unit 7 p51 Which degree?

TOP: Vocabulary: university subjects

22. ANS:

business management

REF: Unit 7 p51 Which degree?

TOP: Vocabulary: university subjects

23. ANS:

fitness instructor

REF: Unit 8 p56 So what do you do for a living?

TOP: Vocabulary: jobs

24. ANS:

web designer

REF: Unit 8 p56 So what do you do for a living?

TOP: Vocabulary: jobs

25. ANS:

estate agent

REF: Unit 8 p56 So what do you do for a living?

TOP: Vocabulary: jobs

26. ANS:

security guard

REF: Unit 8 p56 So what do you do for a living?

TOP: Vocabulary: jobs


27. ANS: opposite

REF: Unit 5 p37 Using grammar: prepositional expressions

TOP: Grammar: prepositions of place

28. ANS: on

REF: Unit 5 p37 Using grammar: prepositional expressions

TOP: Grammar: prepositions of place

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29. ANS: next

REF: Unit 5 p37 Using grammar: prepositional expressions

TOP: Grammar: prepositions of place

30. ANS: from

REF: Unit 5 p37 Using grammar: prepositional expressions

TOP: Grammar: prepositions of place

31. ANS: those

REF: Unit 5 p37 Using grammar: reference words

TOP: Grammar: "that" or "those"?

32. ANS: that

REF: Unit 5 p37 Using grammar: reference words

TOP: Grammar: "that" or "those"?

33. ANS: that

REF: Unit 5 p37 Using grammar: reference words

TOP: Grammar: "that" or "those"?

34. ANS: those

REF: Unit 5 p37 Using grammar: reference words

TOP: Grammar: "that" or "those"?

35. ANS: do

REF: Unit 5 p39 Real English

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 5

36. ANS: takes

REF: Unit 5 p39 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 5

37. ANS: give

REF: Unit 5 p39 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 5

38. ANS: feel

REF: Unit 5 p39 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 5

39. ANS: look

REF: Unit 5 p39 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 5

40. ANS: clear

REF: Unit 5 p39 Using vocabulary: verbs around the house

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 5

41. ANS: have

REF: Unit 5 p39 Using vocabulary: verbs around the house

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 5

42. ANS: makes

REF: Unit 5 p39 Using vocabulary: verbs around the house

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 5

43. ANS: bright

REF: Unit 5 p40 Using vocabulary: problems with clothes

TOP: Vocabulary: how clothes look

44. ANS: tight

REF: Unit 5 p40 Using vocabulary: problems with clothes

TOP: Vocabulary: how clothes look

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45. ANS: old-fashioned

REF: Unit 5 p40 Using vocabulary: problems with clothes

TOP: Vocabulary: how clothes look

46. ANS: fit

REF: Unit 5 p40 Using vocabulary: problems with clothes

TOP: Vocabulary: how clothes look

47. ANS: suit

REF: Unit 5 p40 Using vocabulary: problems with clothes

TOP: Vocabulary: how clothes look

48. ANS: upset

REF: Unit 6 p42 Using vocabulary: I'm not feeling very well

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 6

49. ANS: bit

REF: Unit 6 p42 Using vocabulary: I'm not feeling very well

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 6

50. ANS: about

REF: Unit 6 p42 Using vocabulary: I'm not feeling very well

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 6

51. ANS: going

REF: Unit 6 p42 Using vocabulary: I'm not feeling very well

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 6

52. ANS: take

REF: Unit 6 p42 Using vocabulary: I'm not feeling very well

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 6

53. ANS: enquire about (Other answers are also possible)

REF: Unit 6 p43 Using grammar: infinitives of purpose

TOP: Grammar: infinitives of purpose

54. ANS: check that you got (Other answers are also possible)

REF: Unit 6 p43 Using grammar: infinitives of purpose

TOP: Grammar: infinitives of purpose

55. ANS: let you know (that) I'm going to be/tell you that (Other answers are also possible)

REF: Unit 6 p43 Using grammar: infinitives of purpose

TOP: Grammar: infinitives of purpose

56. ANS: see how you are/check if you're OK (Other answers are also possible)

REF: Unit 6 p43 Using grammar: infinitives of purpose

TOP: Grammar: infinitives of purpose

57. ANS: What's; bug

REF: Unit 6 p43 Questions and answers

TOP: Vocabulary: health

58. ANS: taken: painkillers

REF: Unit 6 p43 Questions and answers

TOP: Vocabulary: health

59. ANS: see; 'll be

REF: Unit 6 p43 Questions and answers

TOP: Vocabulary: health

60. ANS: can't

REF: Unit 6 p45/G13 Using grammar "can't"/"couldn't"

TOP: Grammar: "can't"/"couldn't"

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61. ANS: couldn't

REF: Unit 6 p45/G13 Using grammar "can't"/"couldn't"

TOP: Grammar: "can't"/"couldn't"

62. ANS: couldn't

REF: Unit 6 p45/G13 Using grammar "can't"/"couldn't"

TOP: Grammar: "can't"/"couldn't"

63. ANS: can't

REF: Unit 6 p45/G13 Using grammar "can't"/"couldn't"

TOP: Grammar: "can't"/"couldn't"

64. ANS: couldn't

REF: Unit 6 p45/G13 Using grammar "can't"/"couldn't"

TOP: Grammar: "can't"/"couldn't"

65. ANS: can't

REF: Unit 6 p45/G13 Using grammar "can't"/"couldn't"

TOP: Grammar: "can't"/"couldn't"

66. ANS: busy

REF: Unit 6 p46 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 6

67. ANS: due

REF: Unit 6 p46 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 6

68. ANS: woken

REF: Unit 6 p46 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 6

69. ANS: heavy

REF: Unit 6 p46 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 6

70. ANS: left

REF: Unit 7 p48 Vocabulary: your academic career

TOP: Vocabulary: collocations

71. ANS: do

REF: Unit 7 p48 Vocabulary: your academic career

TOP: Vocabulary: collocations

72. ANS: from

REF: Unit 7 p48 Vocabulary: your academic career

TOP: Vocabulary: collocations

73. ANS: are you in

REF: Unit 7 p48 Vocabulary: your academic career

TOP: Vocabulary: collocations

74. ANS: off

REF: Unit 7 p48 Vocabulary: your academic career

TOP: Vocabulary: collocations

75. ANS: What in?/In what?

REF: Unit 7 p48 Vocabulary: your academic career

TOP: Vocabulary: collocations

76. ANS: for

REF: Unit 7 p48 Vocabulary: your academic career

TOP: Vocabulary: collocations

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77. ANS: might go

REF: Unit 7 p49/G14 Using grammar: "going to"/"going to" and "might"
TOP: Grammar: "going to" and "might"

78. ANS: 'm going to rent

REF: Unit 7 p49/G14 Using grammar: "going to"/"going to" and "might"
TOP: Grammar: "going to" and "might"

79. ANS: 're not going to buy/are not going to buy

REF: Unit 7 p49/G14 Using grammar: "going to"/"going to" and "might"
TOP: Grammar: "going to" and "might"

80. ANS: might stay

REF: Unit 7 p49/G14 Using grammar: "going to"/"going to" and "might"
TOP: Grammar: "going to" and "might"

81. ANS: 'm going to make/am going to make

REF: Unit 7 p49/G14 Using grammar: "going to"/"going to" and "might"
TOP: Grammar: "going to" and "might"

82. ANS: is going to live

REF: Unit 7 p49/G14 Using grammar: "going to"/"going to" and "might"
TOP: Grammar: "going to" and "might"

83. ANS: passed

REF: Unit 7 p50 Using Vocabulary: studying at university

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 7

84. ANS: hand

REF: Unit 7 p50 Using Vocabulary: studying at university

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 7

85. ANS: drop out

REF: Unit 7 p50 Using Vocabulary: studying at university

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 7

86. ANS: retake

REF: Unit 7 p50 Using Vocabulary: studying at university

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 7

87. ANS: part-time

REF: Unit 7 p50 Using Vocabulary: studying at university

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 7

88. ANS: get

REF: Unit 7 p50 Using Vocabulary: studying at university

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 7

89. ANS: term

REF: Unit 7 p50 Using Vocabulary: studying at university

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 7

90. ANS: 've got/have got

REF: Unit 7 p50 Using Vocabulary: studying at university

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 7

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91. ANS: What do you do?

REF: Unit 8 p54 Questions about work and jobs

TOP: Vocabulary: writing questions

92. ANS: Do you get much holiday?

REF: Unit 8 p54 Questions about work and jobs

TOP: Vocabulary: writing questions

93. ANS: What are the hours like?

REF: Unit 8 p54 Questions about work and jobs

TOP: Vocabulary: writing questions

94. ANS: What's the money like?

REF: Unit 8 p54 Questions about work and jobs

TOP: Vocabulary: writing questions

95. ANS: Do you have to travel far to work?

REF: Unit 8 p54 Questions about work and jobs

TOP: Vocabulary: writing questions

96. ANS: have to

REF: Unit 8 p55/G17 Using grammar: "have to"

TOP: Grammar: "have to"

97. ANS: don't have to

REF: Unit 8 p55/G17 Using grammar: "have to"

TOP: Grammar: "have to"

98. ANS: have to

REF: Unit 8 p55/G17 Using grammar: "have to"

TOP: Grammar: "have to"

99. ANS: bored with/fed up with

REF: Unit 8 p55 Using vocabulary: expressions with "get"

TOP: Vocabulary: "get"

100. ANS: half-hour break

REF: Unit 8 p55 Using vocabulary: expressions with "get"

TOP: Vocabulary: "get"

101. ANS: the sack

REF: Unit 8 p55 Using vocabulary: expressions with "get"

TOP: Vocabulary: "get"

102. ANS: to work

REF: Unit 8 p55 Using vocabulary: expressions with "get"

TOP: Vocabulary: "get"

103. ANS: has had

REF: Unit 8 p57/G18 Using grammar: present perfect simple

TOP: Grammar: present perfect simple

104. ANS: Have you seen

REF: Unit 8 p57/G18 Using grammar: present perfect simple

TOP: Grammar: present perfect simple

105. ANS: has found

REF: Unit 8 p57/G18 Using grammar: present perfect simple

TOP: Grammar: present perfect simple

106. ANS: gone

REF: Unit 8 p57 Real English

TOP: Grammar: "been" or "gone"?

background image



107. ANS: been

REF: Unit 8 p57 Real English

TOP: Grammar: "been" or "gone"?

108. ANS: reliable

REF: Unit 8 p57 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 8

109. ANS: off

REF: Unit 8 p57 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 8

110. ANS: applied

REF: Unit 8 p58 Looking for and getting a job

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 8

111. ANS: career

REF: Unit 8 p59 Career or job

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 8

112. ANS: with

REF: Unit 8 p59 Using vocabulary: good at../ good with...

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 8

113. ANS: at

REF: Unit 8 p59 Using vocabulary: good at../ good with...

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 8


114. ANS:

I can't go on the trip because I'm not old enough.

REF: Unit 5 p40/G11 Using grammar: "not enough"

TOP: Grammar: "enough"

115. ANS:

I'd like to go on a cruise, but I haven't got enough money.

REF: Unit 5 p40/G11 Using grammar: "not enough"

TOP: Grammar: "enough"

116. ANS:

He hasn't got enough patience to teach young children.

REF: Unit 5 p40/G11 Using grammar: "not enough"

TOP: Grammar: "enough"

117. ANS:

These shoes aren't big enough for me.

REF: Unit 5 p40/G11 Using grammar: "not enough"

TOP: Grammar: "enough"

118. ANS:

Is it OK if I go to a party tonight?/Do you mind if I go to a party tonight? (Other answers are also possible)

REF: Unit 7 p52/G15 Asking for permission

TOP: Grammar: asking for permission

119. ANS:

Is it OK If I borrow this shirt tonight?/Do you mind if I borrow this shirt tonight? (Other answers are also

REF: Unit 7 p52/G15 Asking for permission

TOP: Grammar: asking for permission

background image



120. ANS:

Is it OK if I eat something?/Do you mind if I eat something? (Other answers are also possible)

REF: Unit 7 p52/G15 Asking for permission

TOP: Grammar: asking for permission

121. ANS:

wants me to work tomorrow evening

REF: Unit 8 p59 Using grammar: they want me to

TOP: Grammar: words from Unit 8

122. ANS:

wants me to study law

REF: Unit 8 p59 Using grammar: they want me to

TOP: Grammar: words from Unit 8

123. ANS:

wants me to spend more time at home

REF: Unit 8 p59 Using grammar: they want me to

TOP: Grammar: words from Unit 8


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