ExamView Pro unit13 16 id 214712

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Name: ________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: __________




Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.


1. The view was great. You could ____________________ miles from up there.




see during


see for


2. We stayed in this little hotel ____________________ the seafront.








3. We ____________________ a villa in the country.








4. We stayed in a lovely little ____________________ near the cathedral.


bed and breakfast




bed with breakfast


5. I hate people who ring the wrong number and then ____________________ without even saying sorry.


put up


hang up


put down


6. I ____________________ the wrong number by mistake.








7. My brother phoned me ____________________ his mobile.








8. I rang his office earlier but I couldn't hear the person at the other ____________________.







Complete each sentence or statement.

9. Complete the dialogue below with an appropriate word.

A: I'd like to book a room for next month.
B: Certainly, sir. When exactly would you be ____________________?

10. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

Could you give me your credit card number and the ____________________ date, please?

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Name: ________________________



11. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

Could you give me your name as it ____________________ on your credit card, please?

12. Complete the dialogue below with an appropriate word.

A: I'd like a single room for two nights, please.
B: Let me just check I have one ____________________.

13. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

We'll need to take your credit card details to ____________________ the booking.

14. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

A: That's sixty pounds each, per night, for two singles.
B: And what if we ____________________ a twin room?

15. Complete the dialogue with the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

A: What are you going to do tomorrow?
B: If the weather ____________________ (be) nice, I ____________________ (go) for a picnic.

16. Complete the dialogue with the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

A: Excuse me, could I speak to Mr Smith, please?
B: If you ____________________ (wait) here a moment, I ____________________ (check) if he's

17. Complete the dialogue with the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

A: Have you spoken to Bob?
B: Not yet. I ____________________ (speak) to him this afternoon if I ____________________ (find) the

18. Complete the dialogue with the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

A: Do you know if Pete's finished the report yet?
B: I've no idea. I ____________________ (ask) him if I ____________________ (see) him.

19. Complete the dialogue with the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

A: Are you doing any thing tonight?
B: It depends how I feel. If I ____________________ (not be) too tired, I expect I
____________________ (go) down the pub.

20. Complete the dialogue with the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

A: Are you going to go on the trip?
B: I don't know. I haven't decided yet.
A: Well, don't spend too long deciding. If you ____________________ (not book) a place on the coach
soon, there ____________________ (not be) any left.

21. Complete the dialogue with the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

A: I'm feeling really bored. Why don't we go out for a walk?
B: Not now. I've got to clean the car before Dad gets back.
A: I ____________________ (help) you if you ____________________ (like). I've got nothing better to

22. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.

I don't think she'll get the job. She's got hardly ____________________ teaching experience.

23. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.

It gets quite crowded in the summer, but hardly ____________________ ever goes there in the winter.

24. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.

I've got to get on with some work. I've done hardly ____________________ for the last two weeks.

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Name: ________________________



25. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word or phrase.

I'm not ready yet. I need to have a shower and ____________________ changed first.

26. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word or phrase.

I'm nearly ready. I just need to ____________________ some sun cream.

27. Complete the sentence with an appropriate word or phrase.

I'll be ready in a minute. I just need to ____________________ a quick phone call.

28. Complete the sentence with one word.

You get a great ____________________ of the city from the top of the tower.

29. Complete the sentence with one word.

The market's a great place for clothes. You can pick up some real ____________________ there.

30. Complete the sentence with one word.

You must see the castle sometime. It's well ____________________ a visit.

31. Complete the sentence with one word.

The exhibition's not particularly interesting. I'd give it a ____________________ if I were you.

32. Complete the sentence with one word.

The locals don't go there any more. It's become a bit of a tourist ____________________. It's full of
designer boutiques and expensive restaurants

33. Complete the expression.

I haven't ___________________ you for a ___________________. I thought you'd gone back home.

34. Complete the expression.

A: What did you do in August?
B: We ___________________ a week travelling ___________________ the country.

35. Complete the expression.

I'd love to go to Madeira. It's supposed ___________________ brilliant.

36. Complete the expression.

A: Actually, it was one of the worst holidays I've ever had. The hotel was terrible and it rained nearly every
B: ___________________ shame!

37. Complete the expression.

A: I suppose the place is full of drunken English teenagers.
B: Well, actually, ___________________ a real ___________________ of people; local people and
foreign tourists of all ages.

38. Complete the expression.

We spent a couple of days in Rome, but we were in northern Italy most of ___________________.

39. Complete the expression.

A: Where were you last week?
B: I was in London on a business trip. I ___________________ I'd told you ___________________ it.
A: Oh, that's right. You told me last week. I can't remember anything these days.

40. Complete the expression.

____________________ like ____________________ go to Cuba one day. I've heard it's really beautiful.

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Name: ________________________



41. Complete the expression.

____________________ really wanted ____________________ do a cookery course. I'm just not that
interested in food.

42. Complete the expression.

A: We're going parachuting this weekend. Do you want to come?
B: No, thanks. I don't really like that ____________________ thing.

43. Complete the question with the verb in brackets in the present perfect.

A: ____________________ (you/be) to Turkey?
B: Yes, I went to Ankara on a business trip a few years ago. I quite liked the city and the food was great.

44. Complete the question with the verb in brackets in the present perfect.

A: ____________________ (you/hear) the latest Mark Knopfler album?
B: Not yet, but a friend of mine is going to lend it to me.

45. Complete the question with the verb in brackets in the present perfect.

A: ____________________ (you/read) anything by Anthony Burgess?
B: Yes, I've read Earthly Powers and three or four other novels.

46. Complete the question with the verb in brackets in the present perfect.

A: ____________________ (you/do) anything dangerous?
B: Well, I've jumped from a parachute a few times.

47. Complete the question with the verb in brackets in the present perfect.

A: ____________________ (you/try) that new Chinese restaurant next to the cinema?
B: Yes, I have. I must admit I didn't like it much.

48. Complete the question with the verb in brackets in the present perfect.

A: ____________________ (you/decide) where you want to go on holiday this year?
B: Not yet. We're still thinking about it.

49. Complete the question with the verb in brackets in the present perfect.

A: ____________________ (you/think) about leaving the company?
B: Yes, I think about it all the time. The problem is I don't know what else I can do.

50. Complete the expression below.

A: Do you want to go the cinema later on?
B: No, thanks, I think I'll just have a ____________________ night ____________________.

51. Complete the expression below.

A: Did you enjoy your stay in London?
B: Yeah, I had ____________________ time.

52. Complete the expression below.

A: Did you work yesterday?
B: No, I had the day ____________________.

53. Complete the expression below.

I'm not hungry; I had ____________________ eat an hour ago.

54. Complete the expression below.

Normally, I don't have time for a bath, so I ____________________ have a quick
____________________ .

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Name: ________________________



55. Complete the expression below.

A: You look a bit worried. What's the matter?
B: I've just had ____________________ with my girlfriend. She got really angry when I told her we
couldn't meet tonight and we ended up shouting at each other.

56. Complete the expression below.

A: Did you enjoy the journey?
B: No, I had ____________________ time. The coach was really uncomfortable and the traffic was

57. Complete the expression below.

Sorry I couldn't come last night. I had ____________________ with my boss. We had to prepare our
agenda for next week.

58. Complete the dialogue below.

A: What are you doing tonight?
B: I've got ___________________ planned.

59. Complete the sentence below.

It's an Italian film. It's about the problems of Albanian immigrants in southern Italy.
It got a really good ___________________ in the newspapers.

60. Complete the dialogue below.

A: It's a mixture of drama and comedy. It's about a group of miners who decide to set up a business when
the mines close down. The dialogue is really funny.
B: That ___________________ good. Where's it on?

61. Complete the dialogue with a question about films.

A: I'm going to the cinema later on. Do you want to come?
B: Yes, maybe. ___________________
A: There's the new Mel Gibson film and a film by Woody Allen.

62. Complete the dialogue with a question about films.

A: Do you want to come and see The Ladykillers later?
B: The Ladykillers? ___________________
A: A group of men dressed up as musicians plan to rob a casino, and get into all sorts of problems. It's
supposed to be really funny.

63. Complete the dialogue with a question about films.

A: I'm thinking of going to see Factory later. Do you want to come?
B: Yes, I've seen it advertised. ___________________
A: Some German director. I've forgotten her name. It's her first film, but it's supposed to be really good.

64. Complete the dialogue with a question about films.

A: I'm going to see the new Nicole Kidman film later. Do you want to come?
B: Yes, I'd love to. ___________________
A: There are two showings, one at seven o'clock and one at 9.30.

65. Complete the dialogue with a question about films.

A: I'm going to see the new Brad Pitt film later. Do you want to come?
B: Yes, I'd love to. ___________________
A: At the Star Cinema in the High Street.

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Name: ________________________



66. Complete the dialogue with a question about films.

A: I'm thinking of going to see Surviving Picasso later. Do you want to come?
B: Maybe. ___________________ ?
A: Anthony Hopkins and Julianne Moore

67. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

My favourite soap ____________________ is on later. I have to watch it.

68. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

I like that new game show on ITV. There was a ____________________ on it last week who won nearly a
million pounds.

69. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

Have you seen that new chat show on BBC? The guy who ____________________ it is really good, and it
has some really interesting guests most weeks.

70. Complete the dialogue below with a suitable word.

A: Did you manage to get any tickets?
B: No. The show was completely ___________________ out.

71. Complete the dialogue below with a suitable word.

In the end, we didn't see the show. It was ___________________ because one of the actors was ill.

72. Complete the dialogue below with a suitable word.

I couldn't buy the tickets because they didn't ___________________ my credit card.

73. Complete the dialogue below with a suitable word.

I didn't go to the show because they didn't have the ___________________ I wanted. The
ones they had left were all at the back of the theatre.

74. Complete the dialogue below with a suitable word.

I couldn't book any tickets because my credit card was ___________________. They told me they only
accepted Visa credit cards.

75. Complete the sentence below in the passive.

They have cleaned the rooms now.
The rooms ____________________________________________________________.

76. Complete the sentence below in the passive.

They're going to knock down that beautiful old church.
That beautiful old church ____________________________________________________________.

77. Complete the sentence below in the passive.

They didn't invite me to the party.
I ____________________________________________________________.

78. Complete the sentence below in the passive.

They're repairing my car at the moment.
My car ____________________________________________________________.

79. Complete the sentence below in the passive.

They redecorate the office every two years.
The office ____________________________________________________________.

80. Complete the sentence below in the passive.

They have arrested two students.
Two students ____________________________________________________________.

background image

Name: ________________________



81. Complete the sentence below in the passive.

They import the wines from Spain.
The wines ____________________________________________________________.

82. Complete the sentence below in the passive.

They don't teach Latin any more
Latin ____________________________________________________________.

83. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word or phrase.

He was really angry. I tried to explain to him what had happened, but he ____________________ the
phone down on me.

84. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word or phrase.

I ____________________ her number in the phone book, but I couldn't find it.

85. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word or phrase.

My daughter ____________________ hours and hours on the phone.

86. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word or phrase.

I've tried ringing him but he never ____________________ the phone. Perhaps he doesn't want to speak to

87. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word or phrase.

If I decide to go out, I'll ____________________ you ____________________ later.

88. Complete the dialogue below with an appropriate word.

A: Hi. Is Ali there?
B: Speaking.
A: Oh, hi, Ali! My name's Francesco. I'm a friend of Yoli.
B. Oh, right. She ____________________ me about you.

89. Complete the dialogue below with an appropriate word.

A: Hi, Sandra. I was ____________________ if you could help me.
B: What's the problem?

90. Complete the dialogue below with an appropriate word.

A: I'm looking for a good place to eat when I go to London next week. Larry said you might be able to
____________________ somewhere.
B: Well, there's a really good French restaurant just off Leicester Square. It's not too expensive and the
food's wonderful. I can give you the address if you want.

91. Complete the dialogue below with an appropriate word.

A: I'll be in your area next weekend. I'm still looking for a place to stay.
B: Well, you can stay at my place if you like. I've got a ____________________ room.

92. Complete the dialogue below with suitable words or phrases.

A: Hi. Is Brian ____________________?
B: I'm ____________________, he's not. He's gone to work.

93. Complete the dialogue below with suitable words or phrases.

A: Sophie's not here at the moment. Do you want to leave a ____________________?
B: No. It's all right. I'll ____________________ later.

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Name: ________________________



94. Complete the dialogue below with suitable words or phrases.

A: I'd like to speak to Mrs Mills, please?
B: I'm sorry. She's ____________________ on holiday at the moment.
A: Do you know when she ____________________?
B: Yes. She's returning next week sometime.

95. Complete the sentence below with surprised or surprising.

I was really ____________________ when they won.

96. Complete the sentence below with tired or tiring.

I'm going to go to bed early tonight. I've had a really ____________________ day.

97. Complete the sentence below with embarrassed or embarrassing.

I fell over and spilt my coffee all over this woman's dress. It was so ____________________.

98. Complete the sentence below with excited or exciting.

It's my son's birthday tomorrow. He's really ____________________ about it.

99. Complete the sentence below with annoyed or annoying.

This machine makes a really ____________________ noise.

100. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

My mobile was dead because I'd forgotten to ____________________ it.

101. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

A: Did you speak to Antonio yesterday?
B: No, I didn't. I ____________________ calling him at home, but he wasn't there.

102. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

Someone stole my wallet while I was at the library yesterday. It was my fault because I
____________________ it lying on the table. Someone must have picked it up when I wasn't looking.

103. Complete the sentence below with an appropriate word.

If he doesn't come soon, we'll have to ____________________ without him.


Imagine that you are sharing a flat with another student from your class at university.
Write positive answers to his requests using Yes, of course/No, of course not and as long as.

Is it OK if I have a party here next week?
Yes, of course, as long as you don't invite too many people.

104. Is it OK if I invite a friend over for dinner tonight?


105. Do you mind if I use your washing machine?


106. Is it OK if I borrow your computer?


background image

Name: ________________________



107. Rewrite the three sentences below as one sentence.

You stayed in a hotel. You stayed there last week. What was it like?

108. Rewrite the three sentences below as one sentence.

You went to a restaurant. You went there with your boss. What's it like?

109. Rewrite the three sentences below as one sentence.

You met a girl. You met her at Pete's party. What's she like?

110. Rewrite the three sentences below as one sentence.

You used to work for a company. The company is in London. What's it like?

111. Rewrite the three sentences below as one sentence.

You went to a language school. The school is in London. Is it any good?

112. Rewrite the three sentences below as one sentence.

I lent you a book. The book is about the history of Scotland. Have you read it?

Earlier on today you met your friend, Jim, who gave you messages for different friends. Rewrite what he
told you in indirect speech.

When you see Mary, tell her I've bought everything for the party.
Hi, Mary. Jim asked me to tell you that he's bought everything for the party.

113. When you see Pete, tell him I've bought the tickets for the concert.

Hi, Pete. Jim asked __________________________________________________.

114. When you see Luke, tell him to call me this evening.

Hi, Luke. Jim asked __________________________________________________.

115. Did you hear that Barry's dropped out of university? Tell Christine when you see her.

Hi, Christine. Jim was telling ______________________________________________.

116. I still don't know if Bob can come tomorrow. Can you ask him later?

Hi, Bob. Jim told __________________________________________________.

117. If you see Charlie later, say hello from me.

Hi, Charlie. Jim told __________________________________________________.

Short Answer

118. Write the word or phrase corresponding to the definition below.

A small fridge in a hotel bedroom where drinks are kept.

background image

Name: ________________________



119. Write the word or phrase corresponding to the definition below.

A system used to make the air in a room or a building cooler or drier.

120. Write the word or phrase corresponding to the definition below.

A service provided by some hotels where food and drinks are taken to the guest's room.

121. Write the word or phrase corresponding to the definition below.

A heating system for buildings where air or water is heated in one place and sent to different rooms through
pipes and radiators.

122. Write the type of film corresponding to the definition below.

A very fast moving film with a lot of events. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chuck Norris and Sylvester Stallone
often act in this type of film.

123. Write the type of film corresponding to the definition below.

A serious film about people's lives and problems.

124. Write the type of film corresponding to the definition below.

A film that tries to frighten people. The exorcist, for example.

125. Write the type of film corresponding to the definition below.

A film that tries to make people laugh.

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Answer Section


1. ANS: C

REF: Unit 13 p92 Using vocabulary: places to stay

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 13

2. ANS: B

REF: Unit 13 p92 Using vocabulary: places to stay

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 13

3. ANS: C

REF: Unit 13 p92 Using vocabulary: places to stay

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 13

4. ANS: A

REF: Unit 13 p92 Using vocabulary: places to stay

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 13

5. ANS: B

REF: Unit 16 p113 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 16

6. ANS: C

REF: Unit 16 p113 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 16

7. ANS: A

REF: Unit 16 p113 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 16

8. ANS: B

REF: Unit 16 p113 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 16


9. ANS: arriving

REF: Unit 13 p92 Booking a room in a hotel

TOP: Vocabulary: hotels

10. ANS: expiry

REF: Unit 13 p92 Booking a room in a hotel

TOP: Vocabulary: hotels

11. ANS: appears

REF: Unit 13 p92 Booking a room in a hotel

TOP: Vocabulary: hotels

12. ANS: available

REF: Unit 13 p92 Booking a room in a hotel

TOP: Vocabulary: hotels

13. ANS: make

REF: Unit 13 p92 Booking a room in a hotel

TOP: Vocabulary: hotels

14. ANS: shared

REF: Unit 13 p92 Booking a room in a hotel

TOP: Vocabulary: hotels

15. ANS: is; 'll go

REF: Unit 13 p93/G24 Using grammar: first conditionals

TOP: Grammar: first conditionals

16. ANS: wait; 'll check

REF: Unit 13 p93/G24 Using grammar: first conditionals

TOP: Grammar: first conditionals

17. ANS: 'll speak; find

REF: Unit 13 p93/G24 Using grammar: first conditionals

TOP: Grammar: first conditionals

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18. ANS: 'll ask; see

REF: Unit 13 p93/G24 Using grammar: first conditionals

TOP: Grammar: first conditionals

19. ANS: 'm not; 'll go

REF: Unit 13 p93/G24 Using grammar: first conditionals

TOP: Grammar: first conditionals

20. ANS: don't book; won't be

REF: Unit 13 p93/G24 Using grammar: first conditionals

TOP: Grammar: first conditionals

21. ANS: 'll help; like

REF: Unit 13 p93/G24 Using grammar: first conditionals

TOP: Grammar: first conditionals

22. ANS: any

REF: Unit 13 p95 Using vocabulary: "hardly"

TOP: Vocabulary: "hardly"

23. ANS: anyone

REF: Unit 13 p95 Using vocabulary: "hardly"

TOP: Vocabulary: "hardly"

24. ANS: anything

REF: Unit 13 p95 Using vocabulary: "hardly"

TOP: Vocabulary: "hardly"

25. ANS: get

REF: Unit 13 p96 Are you ready?

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 13

26. ANS: put on

REF: Unit 13 p96 Are you ready?

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 13

27. ANS: make

REF: Unit 13 p96 Are you ready?

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 13

28. ANS: view

REF: Unit 14 p98 What's it like?

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 14

29. ANS: bargains

REF: Unit 14 p98 What's it like?

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 14

30. ANS: worth

REF: Unit 14 p98 What's it like?

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 14

31. ANS: miss

REF: Unit 14 p98 What's it like?

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 14

32. ANS: trap

REF: Unit 14 p98 What's it like?

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 14

33. ANS: seen; while

REF: Unit 14 p98 What was your holiday like?

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 14

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34. ANS: spent; round

REF: Unit 14 p98 What was your holiday like?

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 14

35. ANS: to be

REF: Unit 14 p98 What was your holiday like?

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 14

36. ANS: What a

REF: Unit 14 p98 What was your holiday like?

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 14

37. ANS: there's; mixture

REF: Unit 14 p98 What was your holiday like?

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 14

38. ANS: the time

REF: Unit 14 p98 What was your holiday like?

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 14

39. ANS: thought; about

REF: Unit 14 p98 What was your holiday like?

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 14

40. ANS: I'd/I would; to

REF: Unit 14 p99 I'd like to

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 14

41. ANS: I've never/I have never; to

REF: Unit 14 p99 I'd like to

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 14

42. ANS: kind of

REF: Unit 14 p99 I'd like to

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 14

43. ANS: Have you (ever) been

REF: Unit 14 p99/G26 Using grammar: present perfect questions
TOP: Grammar: present perfect questions

44. ANS: Have you heard

REF: Unit 14 p99/G26 Using grammar: present perfect questions
TOP: Grammar: present perfect questions

45. ANS: Have you read

REF: Unit 14 p99/G26 Using grammar: present perfect questions
TOP: Grammar: present perfect questions

46. ANS: Have you (ever) done

REF: Unit 14 p99/G26 Using grammar: present perfect questions
TOP: Grammar: present perfect questions

47. ANS: Have you tried

REF: Unit 14 p99/G26 Using grammar: present perfect questions
TOP: Grammar: present perfect questions

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48. ANS: Have you decided

REF: Unit 14 p99/G26 Using grammar: present perfect questions
TOP: Grammar: present perfect questions

49. ANS: Have you thought

REF: Unit 14 p99/G26 Using grammar: present perfect questions
TOP: Grammar: present perfect questions

50. ANS: quiet; in

REF: Unit 14 p101 Real English

TOP: Vocabulary: expressions with "have"

51. ANS: a (really) nice (Other answers, e.g. had a great time should be accepted, although they are not in the


REF: Unit 14 p101 Key word: "have"

TOP: Vocabulary: expressions with "have"

52. ANS: off

REF: Unit 14 p101 Key word: "have"

TOP: Vocabulary: expressions with "have"

53. ANS: something to

REF: Unit 14 p101 Key word: "have"

TOP: Vocabulary: expressions with "have"

54. ANS: just; shower

REF: Unit 14 p101 Key word: "have"

TOP: Vocabulary: expressions with "have"

55. ANS: an argument

REF: Unit 14 p101 Key word: "have"

TOP: Vocabulary: expressions with "have"

56. ANS: a (really) terrible

REF: Unit 14 p101 Key word: "have"

TOP: Vocabulary: expressions with "have"

57. ANS: a meeting

REF: Unit 14 p101 Key word: "have"

TOP: Vocabulary: expressions with "have"

58. ANS: nothing

REF: Unit 15 p104 Arranging to go to the cinema

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 15

59. ANS: review

REF: Unit 15 p104 Arranging to go to the cinema

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 15

60. ANS: sounds

REF: Unit 15 p104 Arranging to go to the cinema

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 15

61. ANS: What's on?

REF: Unit 15 p105 Using vocabulary: questions

TOP: Vocabulary: "Wh-" questions

62. ANS: What's it about?

REF: Unit 15 p105 Using vocabulary: questions

TOP: Vocabulary: "Wh-" questions

background image



63. ANS: Who's it by?

REF: Unit 15 p105 Using vocabulary: questions

TOP: Vocabulary: "Wh-" questions

64. ANS: What time's it on?

REF: Unit 15 p105 Using vocabulary: questions

TOP: Vocabulary: "Wh-" questions

65. ANS: Where's it on?

REF: Unit 15 p105 Using vocabulary: questions

TOP: Vocabulary: "Wh-" questions

66. ANS: Who's in it?

REF: Unit 15 p105 Using vocabulary: questions

TOP: Vocabulary: "Wh-" questions

67. ANS: opera

REF: Unit 15 p106 Using vocabulary: What's on TV?

TOP: Vocabulary: TV

68. ANS: contestant

REF: Unit 15 p106 Using vocabulary: What's on TV?

TOP: Vocabulary: TV

69. ANS: hosts

REF: Unit 15 p106 Using vocabulary: What's on TV?

TOP: Vocabulary: TV

70. ANS: sold

REF: Unit 15 p108 Using vocabulary: problems

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 15

71. ANS: cancelled

REF: Unit 15 p108 Using vocabulary: problems

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 15

72. ANS: accept

REF: Unit 15 p108 Using vocabulary: problems

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 15

73. ANS: seats

REF: Unit 15 p108 Using vocabulary: problems

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 15

74. ANS: rejected

REF: Unit 15 p108 Using vocabulary: problems

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 15

75. ANS: have been cleaned now

REF: Unit 15 p109/G28 Using grammar: passives

TOP: Grammar: the passive

76. ANS: is going to be knocked down

REF: Unit 15 p109/G28 Using grammar: passives

TOP: Grammar: the passive

77. ANS: wasn't invited to the party

REF: Unit 15 p109/G28 Using grammar: passives

TOP: Grammar: the passive

78. ANS: 's being repaired at the moment/is being repaired at the moment

REF: Unit 15 p109/G28 Using grammar: passives

TOP: Grammar: the passive

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79. ANS: is redecorated every two years

REF: Unit 15 p109/G28 Using grammar: passives

TOP: Grammar: the passive

80. ANS: have been arrested

REF: Unit 15 p109/G28 Using grammar: passives

TOP: Grammar: the passive

81. ANS: are imported from Spain

REF: Unit 15 p109/G28 Using grammar: passives

TOP: Grammar: the passive

82. ANS: isn't taught any more

REF: Unit 15 p109/G28 Using grammar: passives

TOP: Grammar: the passive

83. ANS: put

REF: Unit 16 p110 Key word: "phone"

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 16

84. ANS: looked up

REF: Unit 16 p110 Key word: "phone"

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 16

85. ANS: spends

REF: Unit 16 p110 Key word: "phone"

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 16

86. ANS: answers

REF: Unit 16 p110 Key word: "phone"

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 16

87. ANS: give; a ring

REF: Unit 16 p110 Key word: "phone"

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 16

88. ANS: told

REF: Unit 16 p111 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 16

89. ANS: wondering

REF: Unit 16 p111 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 16

90. ANS: recommend

REF: Unit 16 p111 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 16

91. ANS: spare

REF: Unit 16 p111 Word check

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 16

92. ANS: there; afraid/sorry

REF: Unit 16 p111 Answering the phone TOP: Vocabulary: telephone words

93. ANS: message; phone back (phone her is also possible)

REF: Unit 16 p111 Answering the phone TOP: Vocabulary: telephone words

94. ANS: away: 'll be back

REF: Unit 16 p111 Answering the phone TOP: Vocabulary: telephone words

background image



95. ANS: surprised

REF: Unit 16 p113 Using vocabulary: adjectives ending with "-ed" or "-ing"
TOP: Vocabulary: adjectives ending with "-ed" or "-ing"

96. ANS: tiring

REF: Unit 16 p113 Using vocabulary: adjectives ending with "-ed" or "-ing"
TOP: Vocabulary: adjectives ending with "-ed" or "-ing"

97. ANS: embarrassing

REF: Unit 16 p113 Using vocabulary: adjectives ending with "-ed" or "-ing"
TOP: Vocabulary: adjectives ending with "-ed" or "-ing"

98. ANS: excited

REF: Unit 16 p113 Using vocabulary: adjectives ending with "-ed" or "-ing"
TOP: Vocabulary: adjectives ending with "-ed" or "-ing"

99. ANS: annoying

REF: Unit 16 p113 Using vocabulary: adjectives ending with "-ed" or "-ing"
TOP: Vocabulary: adjectives ending with "-ed" or "-ing"

100. ANS: recharge

REF: Unit 16 p115 Vocabulary focus

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 16

101. ANS: tried

REF: Unit 16 p115 Vocabulary focus

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 16

102. ANS: left

REF: Unit 16 p115 Vocabulary focus

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 16

103. ANS: go

REF: Unit 16 p115 Vocabulary focus

TOP: Vocabulary: words from Unit 16


104. ANS:

Open answer

REF: Unit 13 p97/G25 Using grammar: asking for permission

TOP: Grammar: answering questions

105. ANS:

Open answer

REF: Unit 13 p97/G25 Using grammar: asking for permission

TOP: Grammar: answering questions

106. ANS:

Open answer

REF: Unit 13 p97/G25 Using grammar: asking for permission

TOP: Grammar: answering questions

background image



107. ANS:

What's that hotel you stayed in last week like?

REF: Unit 14 p103/G27 Using grammar: asking longer questions
TOP: Grammar: longer questions

108. ANS:

What's that restaurant you went to with your boss like?

REF: Unit 14 p103/G27 Using grammar: asking longer questions
TOP: Grammar: longer questions

109. ANS:

What's that girl you met at Pete's party like?

REF: Unit 14 p103/G27 Using grammar: asking longer questions
TOP: Grammar: longer questions

110. ANS:

What's that company in London you used to work for like?

REF: Unit 14 p103/G27 Using grammar: asking longer questions
TOP: Grammar: longer questions

111. ANS:

Is that language school you went to in London any good?

REF: Unit 14 p103/G27 Using grammar: asking longer questions
TOP: Grammar: longer questions

112. ANS:

Have you read that book I lent you about the history of Scotland?

REF: Unit 14 p103/G27 Using grammar: asking longer questions
TOP: Grammar: longer questions

113. ANS:

me to tell you he's bought the tickets for the concert

REF: Unit 16 p114/G29 Using grammar: reporting what people say
TOP: Grammar: reported speech

114. ANS:

me to tell you to call him later

REF: Unit 16 p114/G29 Using grammar: reporting what people say
TOP: Grammar: reported speech

115. ANS:

me that Barry's dropped out of university

REF: Unit 16 p114/G29 Using grammar: reporting what people say
TOP: Grammar: reported speech

116. ANS:

me to ask you if you can come tomorrow

REF: Unit 16 p114/G29 Using grammar: reporting what people say
TOP: Grammar: reported speech

background image



117. ANS:

me to say hello from him

REF: Unit 16 p114/G29 Using grammar: reporting what people say
TOP: Grammar: reported speech


118. ANS:


REF: Unit 13 p94 Using vocabulary: hotels

TOP: Vocabulary: hotels

119. ANS:

air conditioning

REF: Unit 13 p94 Using vocabulary: hotels

TOP: Vocabulary: hotels

120. ANS:

room service

REF: Unit 13 p94 Using vocabulary: hotels

TOP: Vocabulary: hotels

121. ANS:

central heating

REF: Unit 13 p94 Using vocabulary: hotels

TOP: Vocabulary: hotels

122. ANS:

action movie

REF: Unit 15 p104 Speaking

TOP: Vocabulary: types of film

123. ANS:


REF: Unit 15 p104 Speaking

TOP: Vocabulary: types of film

124. ANS:

horror film

REF: Unit 15 p104 Speaking

TOP: Vocabulary: types of film

125. ANS:


REF: Unit 15 p104 Speaking

TOP: Vocabulary: types of film


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