Hermetic Mantram

Hermetic Mantram
My Soul is One with the Universe, and my Spirit is an emanation from Deity.
I am commissioned by the Infinite One to assist in the scheme of His creation.
I am assisting in the progressive evolution of creation, and in so doing my soul and its infinite
possibilities are progressing in proportion to my desire to use all my powers and possibilities in
Spirit and in Truth.
My physical organism is my natural universe, over which I alone will rule. It is my material cloak,
or garment, through which I will manifest the powers of my Divine Nature.
I am progressing rapidly toward the subjugation of matter and the complete lordship over all sub-
mundane atoms of life, which exist only by my permission, as peaceful obedient servants within
the lower animal realms of my domain.
They exist by virtue of their functions in the work of creation, which I am now assisting; but
they are, and ever must be, subservient to the higher realms of Spirit to which I by right belong.
I am eternal Spirit. My Soul is Immortal. No power in this infinite universe can alter my
immortal nature, nor control my Soul's glorious destiny of eternal progression; because My Soul is
One with the Universe and My Spirit is an emanation from Deity.
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B!Dpmmfdujpo!pg!Tbdsfe!Nbhjdl! !x x x / t b d s f e . n b h j d l / d p n ! U i f ! F t p u f s j d ! M j c sb s z !
x x x / t b d s f e . n b h j d l / d p n ! U i f ! F t p u f s j d ! M j c sb s z !


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