Dark Ice

Dark Ice @page { margin-bottom: 5.000000pt; margin-top: 5.000000pt; } Pink Petal Books Pink Petal Books, an imprint of Jupiter Gardens Press, publishes romance novels where the relationship is primary. It doesn’t matter if you want to read super erotic or sweet inspirational books. Pink Petal Books believes that love is a beautiful thing, no matter what form it takes. For more information about Pink Petal Books visit http://www.pinkpetalbooks.com/. The scanning, uploading and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized editions and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated. Permission is granted to make ONE backup copy for archival purposes. Additional Titles By The Author The VeteranDark Moon This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, places, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. DARK ICE ISBN# 9780983589273 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Copyright © CONNIE WOOD, 2011 Cover Art ® 2011 by VALERIE TIBBS Edited by MARY ANN HAVERLACK Electronic Publication Date: June 2011 This book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Jupiter Gardens Press, Jupiter Gardens, LLC., PO Box 191 , Grimes, IA 50111 For more information to learn to more about this, or any other author’s work, please visit http://www.pinkpetalbooks.com/ Dark Ice Connie Wood PPB Chapter One The shimmering colored lights danced across the horizon, stretching up to the skies, and the brightness of the stars shone through the glimmering Northern Lights. Dane watched the dazzling spectacle as both the human and animal pieces of his heart felt whole for what felt like the first time in forever. His ebony black eyes surveyed his surroundings, animal instincts processing the beauty and harshness of his environment. He stretched his thick, hard muscles and tried to resist the urge to run from the comfort of his den and across the ice fields. It was too late in the night and he needed rest so he could resume hunting as soon as the first light of a still-weak sun hit the horizon. Food was particularly scarce this time of year and while he was in animal form, the need for huge amounts of sustenance was always a priority. The logical part of his brain said he should transform back into human form and live in luxury at his home on the outskirts of town. But he preferred his polar bear shape and his base animal instincts, the cold hard ice under his weight, and the freedom it brought. Besides, his human home was too close to civilization, and the constant urge to take human flesh was consuming. He knew what he was and made no apologies for it. He was a shape shifter who could turn from man to bear in an instant. He was a cold blooded animal but he was always careful to keep his kills to a minimum. It had been almost a month since the only local shape shifter hunter, the venator, Tynan, left to start a different life with his new found love, Moon. The idea of going into town and having free reign of the townsfolk crossed Dane’s mind when he heard of Tynan leaving the isolated Arctic region. But life-long respect for the hunter allowed his human reasoning to over-ride his animal hunger. So he stayed in bear form and went back to his home while Tynan and Moon left to start a better life together. A twinge of envy pierced him at the thought. The Venator deserved his happiness, especially after the years of injustice he endured. But the simple fact that happy endings were possible gave Dane false hopes. Unbidden, the image of the woman he rescued from the carnage at the youth club a month ago slid into his mind. The rush of overwhelming emotion she produced in him still lingered at the edges of his psyche. It urged him to rip and devour, yet at the same time be gentle and loving. The contradiction of sentiment confused him. Why did her emotions affect him so deeply? Why couldn’t he purge the sensation of her body pressed against his as he carried her to safety? How could he forget about her and get on with his life when she was all he could think about most of the time? And it was futile to think of her. Dane knew his reality and without a doubt there was no place for her in his world. Sad resignation fought with the powerful feelings of envy and longing. He glanced up to the heavens. The Northern Lights had disappeared, leaving a smattering of bright, glinting stars across the sky. Dane snorted and turned back toward his den as the two halves of his heart separated again, the image of a woman breaking them in two. Dane stopped, a rush of magical power washed through him, turning him human instantly. A pile of animal pelts sat on the snow next to the opening of his den, the woman who plagued his thoughts sat amongst them. Her large golden brown eyes widened as he transformed from a bear to a human. One of her delicate slim hands came up to nervously stroke a silver pendant hanging just above her naked breasts. The beautiful image of her shimmered and waivered before his eyes. Dane swallowed hard, heat tearing through his body at the sight and he was thankful that he was standing in the snow to cool his desires. His cravings urged him to go to her and take her. He was a man of deep passions and for reasons unknown to him, this woman concentrated those passions until they were so potent, he wasn’t sure he could control them. But he was also an animal and he would do nothing to hurt her. How would he control urges if he needed to transform? śIs this a dream?” Dane asked. śYou only exist in my dreams, you’re not possible any other way,” she answered, her voice sounding like a soft caress in the vast openness of the ice fields. śI dream about you all the time, but not like this. This feels different somehow.” She ran her hand across the pelts, a look of confusion creasing her brow. He could understand her confusion, he too thought of her often, but not like this. Everything felt real, all his sensations like the icy wind whipping across his face, the heat churning through his body, feeding his appetite. The feel of her intense gaze across his body. But it had to be a dream since she could never believe what he really was and stay so calm. In real life, she would have run a mile by now. She didn’t run from you in the club when you saved her from the wolves. The small voice of hope was buried deep within his mind. Dane shook his head trying to dismiss the thought. He wouldn’t dream when he knew there was no chance to be had. And if he could only be with her in his dreams, then he would accept that graciously. Dane moved toward the woman, and stepped onto the thick soft pelts. She stood up to meet him and Dane sucked in a breath as she stood before him, completely naked and open to him. He’d had many lovers over his lifetime, but he could always feel the slight edge of trepidation, see the fear in their eyes as he came close to them. He never blamed them, it was instinctual to be scared of him, just as it was his nature to inflict fear in others. He felt no trepidation in the woman before him and the tightness in his chest that had plagued him since he first saw her, squeezed at his heart. She was tall for a human woman, though she was dwarfed by his size. He wanted to reach out and caress her soft, smooth skin as it shivered in the cold. śIf I touch you, will you vanish?” Dane reached toward her face, his hand hovering just centimeters from her cheek. śI don’t know. I don’t want to disappear. I want to be here with you.” The earnestness in her voice surprised him. Very few people actually wanted to be near him. And never a human female. Especially one as beautiful in body and spirit. He clenched his jaw and hoped he didn’t awaken from this dream as he cupped her face. She closed her eyes and leaned into him. śWhat’s your name?” Dane asked, his voice sounding husky even to him. śLea. And you are?” She opened her eyes to look at him. śDane.” She laughed and the vibration shook him to his very soul. It had been a long time since he heard the sound of laughter. śStrange that we need introductions in a dream, you’d think we would automatically know each other,” she said. Dane smiled and ran his thumb across the smoothness of her cheek. She felt so real he wanted to savor every moment. With gentle fingers he tilted her head up to face him and searched her eyes for any hesitation before he leaned in to claim her lips. He growled at the taste of her and fought down the animal inside him. He clenched his jaw for an instant as the bear nearly won over his desires. Slowly he slid his tongue across the crease of her lips until she opened to him. She stepped into him and pressed the length of her body against his. His arms immediately went around her, bringing her even closer to him. He wanted to feel her skin on his, without the barrier of clothes. As if she wanted the same thing, Lea slipped her hands across his back, underneath his shirt. He moved with her, broke the kiss and ripped off his shirt. Lea giggled and kissed the center of his chest and Dane swore he felt a bolt of heat hit his heart. Unable to contain himself, he bent down and lifted her against him. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pressing her core against his jeans. She kissed along his neck and he’d never been so hot in his life. Dane growled again and Lea kissed against the vibrations of his throat. She clung to him as he gently lowered them down against the warm pelts until she lay under him with her legs still held firm around his waist. She stopped kissing his throat, searched his eyes and kissed his lips with a force and passion that surprised him. He met her enthusiasm. Her hands skimmed down his back and Dane broke the kiss and nuzzled against the softness of her neck. She ran her hands through his hair and clutched his head, leading him down to lave at her breasts. His hot tongue flicked across her hardened nipple and she arched up to him, moaning his name. The sound almost sent him over the edge. He shifted his hips against her, frustrated that he was partially clothed while she lay sweetly naked below him. Lea got the message and her fingers frantically reached for his jeans and opened them. Dane rolled off Lea, removed his jeans and threw them into the nearby snow. When he turned back to her, she smiled at him and opened her arms, the simple act sent desire beating through his system. Lea reached over and ran a hand down his side and wrapped it around his shaft. He groaned as she grasped him and he moved over her once again. She wrapped her legs around his lean waist and pressed her core against his arousal. He closed his eyes and readied himself to slide within her. Dane stopped, all his muscles ridged to the point of pain. Protective instinct came to the forefront of his mind and overtook all other emotion. The animal in him sensed it a split second before his human mind engaged. Evil. Behind them. Hissing he tried to launch himself away from Lea, to keep her from harm as he transformed. He couldn’t stop it now. His hand swept across her chest and he sent up a silent prayer to whatever god she worshiped that he hadn’t hurt her. His senses heightened in an attempt to locate the source of danger. He couldn’t see it. The ice fields seemed as desolate as ever but a distinct, foreign scent"and that sixth sense that kept you alive in his violent world"told him they weren’t alone. Dane sniffed the air, the aroma of putrid rotting flesh penetrated his nostrils. But it was the underlying smell of a fresh kill that appealed to him at the same time it repelled his human mind. Something was nearby, killing for pleasure. Dane could sense the delight in the kill. Was it an enemy or simply competition? Looking down at the snow, he saw unfamiliar footprints leading away from him and across the ice field, heading into town. Dane raised himself to his full impressive height and surveyed the horizons. A pale sun lightened the sky in the distance, but there was no sign of the intruder. Dane turned back toward his den and his heart sank. Lea was gone, bare snow now sat where the pelts had comforted them. He wanted to throw his head back and howl in frustration. Instead he tempered his emotions. Damn fool, he thought. He knew better than to get his hopes up, even if it were only a dream. He headed back toward the den, hoping he would be blessed with another dream before he was forced to go out and hunt. At the entrance, contrasting against the snow, lay the pendant Lea wore around her neck. The leather strap was broken and a drop of fresh blood tarnished the gleam of the silver medallion. Dane touched it with his huge paw and immediately transformed. He gripped the necklace tight in his hand and cursed himself. The sweet tang of her blood filled his head. He had hurt her when he changed, how much, he didn’t know. ~* * *~ Lea awoke with a jerk. She racked a shaky hand through her hair, moving the long brown tendrils from across her face. Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm her nerves and attempted to remember her dream. The feelings, the sensations of it were still running through her body. But her mind had already blurred the details. She remembered coldness all around her and then the feeling of warm heat and hard muscle. A man. A giant of a man with white blond hair and black soulful eyes. The same man who haunted her dreams since the night of the attack on the youth club. He was the only thing she could ever remember clearly, that and the feelings he evoked in her. She glanced at the glowing red numbers on the clock. Only ten minutes before the alarm was set to shrill into the early hours of the morn. Sighing, she hit the alarm and switched on the bedside lamp. She slipped from the covers and gasped in shock. Why was she naked? Tearing the covers from the bed, she found her satin pajamas tangled in the sheets. She must have taken them off during the strange dream. Confused, her hand automatically went up to clasp the comfort of her pendant and met bare skin. The necklace was gone, but droplets of blood coated her finger. Frowning, she looked at where the pendant usually rested. Four very thin gashes crossed her chest, they were barely deep enough to draw blood and only small amounts of crimson marred her soft white skin. Had her necklace scratch her in the night? Or was it her clawing at her chest in her sleep, trying to find the pendant? She flung the bedding to the floor in an attempt to find the silver necklace her mother had given her the morning she had become a woman. From that day to this, it had never been removed from her neck. Until now. Lea all but tore the bedroom apart trying to find it before moving to the bathroom. She searched everywhere, even shinning a flashlight down the drains in a vain hope. It couldn’t be too far away. She knew she had it on last night before she went to sleep. She wouldn’t panic, it had to be somewhere. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself, knowing it wouldn’t do her any good to over-react. Sighing in resignation, Lea stepped into the shower. It wasn’t a good start to the day. A day that she’d been dreading for the last month. Today would be the first time stepping back into the youth club since the evening of the attack. That night was still a blur of reality and fantasy. The last thing she remembered clearly was talking to Moon on the phone before terrifying fear crashed into her subconscious and kept her logical mind from seeing the details of what truly happened. That’s where her nightmares took over. Dreams of wolves, bloodshed, fear and a polar bear. And a devastatingly powerful and sexy man carrying her away to safety. Lea turned the knob from śhot” to ścold” and shivered under the icy stream of water, allowing it to invigorate her before turning it off and stepping out of the shower. The phone rang in the living room and she grabbed a towel and let the answering machine pick it up. śHi, Lea. It’s Brent, I hope it’s not too early. I wanted to check and see if you’re ready for today. I’ll meet you out front of the club. You don’t have to do this alone. Hope you had a dream-free sleep. I’ll see you later, okay?” Brent hung up and Lea heard the machine’s artificial voice state she had one new and one old message. She wasn’t surprised that Brent called to offer his support today. A fellow psychiatrist in the office building where she had relocated all her clients, he had offered his services as a professional courtesy. She had come to rely on their sessions to try and decipher her ever increasingly vivid dreams. Not to mention the trauma of the night. She hung up the towel and headed toward the bedroom to dress. Making a detour she went to the answering machine and hit the replay button. She listened to Brent’s message again, though she hardly heard it. It was the second message she wanted to hear. Lea went into the bedroom and dressed as she listened to the message she replayed many times. śHi Lea, its Moon. Sorry I left so suddenly, but I had to take my chance at happiness before I lost it forever. I know you of all people would understand. I found Tynan and now we’re together and traveling around for a while. When we settle down, I’ll call and let you know where we are.” Moon’s exasperated sigh, one that Lea had heard numerous times during their friendship, was quite pronounced. śI wish you picked up instead of your machine. I need to know that you’re all right after the other night at the club. I know what happened was horrendous, but I hope you’re okay. I just want to give you a great big hug.” A muffled male voice could be heard in the background and then Moon’s ŚOkay sweetie, just a second’. śHoney, I have to go. Please be safe and happy. I’ll call you when I get the chance. Thanks for being my dearest friend when I needed one the most. Bye, Lea.” The machine beeped at Lea and she came out of the bedroom, now fully dressed. Her hand hovered over the delete button, but she couldn’t do it. The message brought her a strange kind of comfort. It was a link to life before that fateful night and a reminder that it was real, not just a figment of her imagination. Moon had been on the phone with Lea when all hell broke loose. And it was comforting to know that even after such a traumatic night, her friend was able to find happiness. Lea grabbed her handbag from the table next to the door, took a deep breath to ready herself for what was sure to be a challenging day, and headed down to the local café for breakfast. She sat with a coffee and a muffin and attempted to read the paper. The re-opening of the youth club was featured on the front page, the reiteration of what happened there more of a story than the club itself. Lea scanned the pictures and tried to focus on the words but her mind kept wondering back to her dreams. To the man who was always there. The two seemed to be irreversibly linked together. She couldn’t think on one without the other being in the background of her mind. śMorning, Lea.” Startled out of her thoughts, Lea blinked and looked up as Brent stood next to her, a cup of coffee in his hand. He was shorter than Lea, a stocky man with sandy hair and an open friendly face. It was easy to see why he was a popular psychiatrist. He was the most unassuming man Lea had ever met. śGood morning, Brent. What are you doing here?” śI thought you might be here and came to give you some moral support before we go to the opening later.” He helped himself to a seat and Lea reached over and squeezed his hand in gratitude. Softly, he ran a thumb across her fingers and she gently removed her hand and hoped she didn’t give him the wrong impression. It seemed she had, as he cleared his throat awkwardly. śThe police have come to the conclusion that the perpetrators of the club massacre were in the body count,” Brent said, tapping the newspaper as he spoke. śI still can’t believe they think it was any of our kids who did this. I knew most of them, and I don’t think any of them had this in them.” She refused to even consider the possibility that any of the kids she knew could have committed such atrocities. What kind of psychiatrist would she be if she hadn’t seen any kind of forewarning of such hideously murderous tendencies? The kind who believed there were wolves and polar bears in the club that night. The small voice of reason taunted Lea. Had her mind been trying to overshadow her logic in a vain attempt to shield her from the truth of the matter"that she hadn’t done her job properly? And now her mind had compartmentalized the reality and dreams. śIt’s hard to understand how anyone could massacre so many.” Brent studied her face, his light green eyes narrowing shrewdly. śYou look tired. Did you have another dream last night?” Lea took a sip of her coffee to avoid answering. In client privilege"an attempt to make sense of what had happened"she had told him everything. But last night’s dream was different. It was more realistic than the smattering of dreams that had come before. More personal. And she didn’t want to share it. Instinctually, her hand went up to toy with her pendent and she was only vaguely surprised to realize it still wasn’t there. She started to answer when an uneasy coldness engulfed her. Her hand slipped, spilling her coffee in a dark stain across the newspaper. Brent jumped back as the scolding hot liquid splashed his hand. He pulled a wad of napkins from a nearby holder and started to soak up the coffee. śAre you alright, Lea?” His voice sounded distant as the chill seeped through her body. Lea swallowed and tried to calm herself. This had happened before, especially when the dreams came. She shivered, and it felt as if she were encased in ice. But she also felt safe, like something was trying to protect or warn her of some oncoming danger, rather than threatening her. Then the feeling was gone as suddenly as it had come over her. She blinked in confusion. śOh, sorry, Brent. Let me get that,” Lea said, taking a napkin and pressing it to his hand. śI didn’t mean to burn you.” The door to the café opened, bringing with it a sharp gust of chilly wind. Lea turned toward the door and a cold shiver, icier than anything she had yet encountered hit her as her eyes met with the vivid hatred of Moon’s ex-boyfriend. Sebastian’s handsome face twisted in an ugly scowl for a split second before he raised one perfectly defined eyebrow and slowly racked her with an appraising stare. Lea took a step back and saw Sebastian smile before he turned toward the café’s counter. What Moon had seen in him, she would never know. Sure, he was physical perfection, but he was also evil incarnate. She tore her gaze from his back and a sudden slight movement outside caught her attention. A handsome Japanese man stood by the window of the café, his long, sleek black hair immaculately tied in a ponytail. His dark eyes were watchful and she had the impression he would take in everything and miss nothing. He focused on her for an instant through the window, giving her the briefest nod of recognition, before his steely gaze settled on Sebastian. Lea knew without a doubt that the stranger was watching Sebastian. But why and how did he know her? An uneasy cold feeling touched at her heart. Things were getting strange. Were her dreams starting to encroach on reality? If so, she’d be keeping an eye out for the very man who not only haunted her dreams, but mesmerized her days as well. Chapter Two The creature traipsed through the freshly fallen snow, its huge weight making it sink up to its pelvis. But its strength meant the snow held no barrier to the hunt. The hunt was all that the creature craved. That and human flesh. The yearning to kill and devour the polar bear beast and his mate in the early hours of the morning still wreaked havoc with its desires. But uncertainty had spared them both. He was unsure what type of beast was both man and bear simultaneously. Both powerful and strong. But not as strong as he. His craving was for human flesh alone, not that of an animal. Not even part animal. He could have just killed it and taken the human female. But why fight when there was no flesh to be consumed at the end? The creature stilled, sniffed the air and continued to track its new prey. The human was close now. The Algonquin Indians called him Wendigo. A beast most thought was legend and myth, or perhaps wanted to believe. He was once human. He vaguely remembered his human life before the consumption of flesh overrode anything else. Now it was all he lived for. He, himself, had been bitten by a ferocious and hideous monster and he had feared for his mortal life. Until the madness set in and he wanted"no demanded"the flesh of others. After his first kill, the evil spirits consumed him and he quickly transformed completely into the beast he now was. The creature who bit him must have known the infection would take place. How many others were out in the wilderness like him? He had never come across another and didn’t know what became of the one who infected him. Maybe he should infect others, make more of his kind to feed off the flesh of the overpopulated humans. He was almost indestructible and no longer feared anything. But the terror he inspired in his victims brought him satisfaction before the ultimate pleasure of consumption. In the distance, a small wooden cabin came into view and the smell of multiple humans made him rear his head and breathe in the invigorating scent. He had tracked the human male for days through the harsh wilderness, enjoying the fear he evoked as the human knew he was being stalked. Now the man was in his feeble little timber home and foolishly had a false sense of misplaced security. The wendigo closed in on the cabin. Smoke from the fireplace seared his nostrils and irritated his senses, making him unable to smell his prey properly. But he knew there were numerous humans in the little wooden hut for the taking. He pressed his grotesque face against a window and saw a family of six huddled warmly around a fire. The woman glimpsed him in the window and screamed an instant before the Wendigo launched himself forward. Shards of glass ripped at his body and showered the wooden floor, the scent of his own blood filled him with longing. The terrified screams of the humans within the cabin were silenced in an instant. They were all dead, killed with a swipe of his powerful claws. Now it was time to take his time and enjoy the feast. And when he was done he would go and track the strange human-bear. He wanted to thrill in the hunt as well as the killŚas well as the flesh. These humans were easy pickings. The human-bear had enough of a human scent in him to appeal to his yearnings. The human-bear would be a challenge. ~* * *~ Tithe sat on the hard wooden pew and stared up at the stained glass window of the former Masonic hall that now housed the headquarters of the Venatoris Versipellis"the hunters of the shape shifters. Part of the window depicted a tall-masted brigantine being swept across the waves to an unseen shore. Tithe clenched a fist in his lap, the only emotion he was willing to show while there were others in the hall. As the head of the Venators, he knew his obligations and for the majority of the time, he was more than willing and able to carry out his duties. He was a born leader and there was none alive that would openly defy him or his orders. But every time he allowed himself to focus on the picture of the ship, the longing to sail it again besieged him. He wanted to feel the openness of the sea, the feel of the spray against his face, the wooden deck pitching beneath his feet. His nails bit into the flesh of his palm as he tightened his fist harder to try and alleviate his frustrations. The hall closed in on him and he yearned to escape the confines of his position. Tithe calmed his breathing and reminded himself of his duties. He was responsible for keeping society safe from the shape-shifters who would run riot if not for the Venators. He was also accountable to the Venators under his command. They were men of unrelenting loyalty and some of them also sailed under his command. His men put their immortal souls in jeopardy for the safety of the unknown masses. In return, he had a lifelong allegiance to his men. śTithe, you requested to see me.” Rin appeared at Tithe’s side, as formal and ceremonial as ever. Rin moved with a stealth and grace born of centuries of practice. Tithe twisted in his seat to face him, glad the man was intelligent enough not to stand behind him. It was a mistake a few of the more ignorant Venators had made over the years. An error they only made once. śYes, I did. Sit with me.” Tithe could feel the Japanese warrior was uncomfortable with the request. The man preferred to keep things formal, the proper authority and stations to be respected and adhered to. Almost reluctantly, Rin adjusted the Samurai sword hanging at his waist and sat ridged on the pew next to him. Tithe attempted to hide his smile. It was good to push Rin’s boundaries in small ways every now and again. śSince Tynan has left his post in Alaska, the human death toll has raised considerably,” Tithe informed the Venator. śIt is to be expected, though"” Rin hesitated. śYou question the polar shape shifter named Dane,” Tithe surmised. Rin didn’t answer, just as Tithe expected. He knew all of his Venators, and to Rin, order and rules meant everything. There were fine but distinct lines of good and evil. The Venators were on one side and the shape shifters were on the other. Never the twain shall meet. But the polar bear, Dane, had assisted the Venator in a battle where the evil was one of their own. Tithe knew Rin took it as a personal insult that the rules were broken. He also knew the now-blurred lines caused Rin some confusion. Tithe knew there was no true line between good and evil. He, himself, was a prime example. Technically he was on the side of good, but the darkest of evil marred his past. It was only power, love and a constant vigil that kept him on the side of good. śDo you require me to go to Alaska and attend Tynan’s post?” Rin asked. śNo, that’s a job for another. I need you here.” Tithe turned to face Rin. śI need you to keep an eye on Lea, the human woman who was rescued from the youth club by Dane. She has the polar bear’s scent all over her and is becoming a target for other shape shifters.” śWhy does she have the bear’s scent? Their meeting was only brief and nearly a month ago.” śThat, I do not know.” Tithe shook his head. śBut keep her safe, Rin. This city doesn’t need any more unexplained murders at the moment.” śAre the police still investigating the massacre at the club?” śYes. We were too busy cleaning up our internal mess to fix the investigation with the police. Soon it will be cleared up. I will see to that.” He’d had enough to organize over the last month and the police investigation wasn’t a priority. But now it had become a thorn in his side and it was time to remove it. Tithe stood and Rin followed an instant after him. Tithe clasped him on the arm. śWatch after the woman, Rin.” Rin nodded and Tithe noticed that as he looked down, he saw the bloody red welts on Tithe’s palm. Rin looked at him knowingly before turning and silently walking out the hall. The man missed nothing. Which was why he was perfect to protect the woman. ~* * *~ Silvan stood in front of the old Masonic Hall and huddled into his leather overcoat for extra warmth. He hated being cold and stomped his feet on the snowy pavement in agitation. The eerie darkness when the sun should be hanging brightly over head made the whole city seem gloomy. Why the head of the Venators decided to make this city his home was beyond Silvan, especially when he had the entire world from which to choose. Tithe had summoned him a couple of days ago and it had taken him this long to leave his beloved rolling hills of Italy and arrive in this dark, depressingly cold city. He walked up the steps and into the hall. The sooner he got this meeting over with, the sooner he could go back to catching the shape shifters roaming the countryside that enjoyed preying on the unsuspecting holiday makers. Not to mention the pretty little local woman who found his nocturnal wonderings most seductive and secretive. The head of the Venators sat facing the huge stained glass window. The childish impulse to quietly sneak up behind him passed fleetingly through his mind. Silvan liked his life a little bit too much to play havoc with Tithe. It was a mistake he made only once at sea, and it almost got him keel hauled for the effort. As Silvan made his way into the hall, Tithe raised his head, stood up and turned to meet him. śThank you for coming, Silvan. It’s been too long,” he said, extending his hand in greeting. Silvan took it in friendship and got straight to the point. śWhat can I do for you?” śSomething I know you are going to hate.” Silvan creased his heavy set brows, but said nothing. śTynan, the Alaskan hunter, left his duties a month ago and the humans have been slaughtered in almost unprecedented numbers since then,” Tithe explained. śThe population there isn’t very large to begin with and at this rate, they will all be annihilated within six months.” An uneasy feeling sat in the pit of Silvan’s stomach as he realized where this conversation was heading. śWhy can’t you send one of your men from here?” śYou are one of the most skilled Venators I have. I trust you and know your abilities. I need someone up there who I know will accomplish the job.” śSurely you have men here that you trust. I saw Rin leaving just as I arrived. I know by reputation alone that you couldn’t find a Venator more capable.” Silvan walked over to the pew where Tithe had been sitting at and eased onto the hard wood. He knew what Tithe was asking him to do, he wanted him to go to Alaska and get rid of the problem there. He was being sent in as an enforcer. Silvan hated the cold and the snow more than anything, and Tithe knew it. But he also knew Silvan would grant him any request. Tithe came and sat next to him. śI need Rin here in the city. I wouldn’t ask this of you if it weren’t important.” He turned and looked at Silvan and he had the distinct impression Tithe could see right into his hardened soul. Silvan sighed in resignation. śI know you wouldn’t ask otherwise, which is why I’m going to do it. But man, you don’t mind asking for much do you?” śNo, first I asked for your loyalty and your life and now I’m asking for your soul.” Tithe smiled half heartedly and clasped him on the shoulder. śPerhaps it won’t be that bad. Maybe you’ll enjoy the silence and solitude while you’re there.” śYeah, right,” Silvan answered as he peered at the ship depicted in the glass window. śDo you ever want to sail her again?” śAll the time.” Silvan winced at the ill-disguised longing in his friend and mentor’s voice. śI miss those days,” he said, remembering with nostalgia the days spent on the brigantine. They were some of the best days of his life. Correction"of his mortal life. Until the tall ship crashed into the ice and all hell broke loose. Monsters from legend came in the cold of night and then he discovered his ship’s captain" the man he looked up to"was a hunter of those dark creatures. It turned out nearly half the crew was hunters of the night. The other half was devoured by those creatures he ultimately came to hunt. In the dead of night, blackness and snow all around him, Silvan joined the elite Venators in an excruciating initiation. The ice left him half frozen and the ceremony had left him with a strange wanting that he couldn’t quite place. Since that day of blood and pain in the ice, Silvan hated the cold, always opting for the temperate warmth of his native homeland. And Tithe had always understood. But now, Silvan would have to face the cold again. Chapter Three It was dark and cold. Lea shivered in the snow and was grateful that at least this time she’d kept her pajamas on. She snuggled up into the soft flannelette and squinted into the darkness, trying to use the smattering of glinting stars to see where she was. Part of her knew this was a dream, but excited anticipation filled her, hoping she would once again meet the intriguing stranger. A spectacular rainbow of lights brightened the sky. Lea gasped, the beauty mesmerizing. Her eyes swept across the heavens, taking in the magic of a phenomenon she had only ever heard about, but never imagined would touch her heart so. She wanted to reach up and feel the Northern Lights. A ribbon of green light touched the horizon and illuminated the silhouette of a man in the distance. Her heart burned for an instant, she was certain it was Dane, the man from her previous dreams. He had an aura that could be felt even from here. It stole her breath from her lungs and pooled ecstasy deep within her belly. She knew he was looking at her, his gaze like a physical caress against her body. He stepped forward and in an instant was on all fours, a huge beast pounding across the ice, decreasing the distance between them. Logically she wanted to step back, but she held her ground as he bounded up to her and stopped at her feet. The polar bear was huge, its white fur illuminated with the multi-colored light display spreading across the sky. śGood evening, Dane,” Lea said, feeling slightly foolish until the bear looked up at her and she could see recognition in those ebony eyes. Intelligence and spirit gleamed from his black gaze and she knew, even though she believed it was impossible, that somewhere inside he was human as well as bear. Tentatively, she reached out and stroked the thickness of his fur. The coarseness of it surprised her, and yet the soft strands of fur sunk between her fingers, tickling the sensitive skin there. She ran her hand back and forth, reveling in the exotic feel of him then pulled back in surprise when her fingers met smooth warm skin. śYou sacred me.” Lea gave him a light playful smack across a well defined shoulder. śThis is my dream you know, if you’re going to change, you need to give me some warning.” śSorry ma’am.” A seductive smile crossed his face and playfulness glinted in those dark eyes. śDo I need to give you some warning if I want to kiss you, too?” śPerhaps,” she said breathlessly. śWhat kind of warning?” His hand, huge and masculine just like the rest of him, came up and cupped her jaw. śDo I need to do this?” he asked, as he ran the pad of his thumb across the fullness of her lips. śYes.” śAnd how about this?” Dane leaned closer, his lips a hairs breadth from hers. śI’m warning you,” he murmured against her lips. śI want to kiss you.” śI’ve been warned,” Lea said, with every word her lips touched Dane’s. śNow I have to warn you. If you kiss me, I won’t want you to stop.” Dane growled in his throat and Lea thought he was going to transform back into a bear. She moved back a fraction and grabbed his sides and willed him to stay in human form. She looked up at him and all the merriment was gone from his face. Heat blazed from his eyes and once again he moved in closer to her, this time his lips touched hers. Lea opened her mouth to him and he slid his tongue deep into her, plundering her in unbridled passion. Pleasure beat through her veins. Her fingers bit into his side as she gripped him tightly, unwilling to let him go. A wave of power washed over her and Dane pulled back but flexed his muscular arms, holding her tighter in his grip. The Northern Lights flickered overhead, their radiance intensified and she closed her eyes against the brightness. She felt Dane’s body stiffen against hers. śWhere in the hell are we?” Dane asked, his confusion evident. Lea opened her eyes and smiled. śIt’s my dream. This is where I used to come on holidays when I was young.” Dappled sunshine filtered through the tree tops and warmed the glade they were now standing in. The forest around the field was thick and alive with the sounds of unseen insects and birds. Lea could hear the gentle bubbling of water in a small brook she knew was close by. Dane’s arms were still locked around her waist. She glanced at him and a haunted expression crossed his face. śWhat’s the matter?” He released her and ran a large hand through his white-blond hair. śNothing,” he replied, though his eyes were darting around the edges of the glade, into the darkness of the trees as if expecting something to jump out from their shadows. śYou seem nervous,” Lea said. Dane started to pace across the field, his breath coming in short sharp bursts. Lea could see the hard muscles of his chest contracting with effort. An energy of agitation radiated from him and was starting to affect her as well. śDane, what’s wrong?” He turned and looked at her and he seemed surprised that she was still there. She closed the gap between them and took his hand in hers. His skin was hot to the touch, beads of perspiration sat across his brow. Why would he be so hot? The summer sun was warm here, but not sweltering. Reaching up with her other hand, Lea placed it against his slightly-damp chest. His heart beat pounded through her fingers. Dane took a deep breath and exhaled slowly and little by little she felt his pulse slow and his aura of agitation lessoned. śWhy are you so hot?” Lea asked. śI’m a polar bear, I live in sub-Arctic conditions. Anything over just above freezing is physically painful.” śBut you’re also a man and this is my dream, I’d never take you anywhere you weren’t comfortable.” śYou can’t help your dreams, Lea.” Dane cocked his head as if listening to some inaudible sound off in the shadows of the forest. śCan you hear all the animals in the forest?” Lea shook her head. śThis place is alive with them. I can smell them, hear them. Feel them running through the trees trying to avoid this place. They can feel me, but they aren’t sure what I am. They just know that I’m dangerous.” śYou’re not dangerous,” Lea said on a laugh. But as soon as she said it a sharp warning pain stabbed through her stomach and she wasn’t so sure. śI am dangerous, Lea. And you would do well to remember it.” Dane released her hand and backed away from her. Lea stepped forward and he put up a hand in warning. śI’m finding it very difficult not to transform right now. You need to stay back.” A look of regret and self disgust crossed his handsome face. śI don’t want to hurt you again.” śAgain?” śHow deep were the wounds I gave you the other night after we were together on the pelts in the snow?” His voice was low with self recrimination. Automatically her hand went up to her chest. He gave her those wounds? śThey were hardly anything to worry about,” Lea answered. For some reason she couldn’t stand the thought of him hating himself over such a small accident. śYeah, right,” he grunted. śThey were nothing,” she reiterated. She undid the buttons of her flannelette pajama top and showed him the faint marks he left across her chest the other night. śSee, hardly a scratch. I know you wouldn’t do anything to hurt me.” śIt was just a small scratch this time, but what about next time?” She couldn’t answer him. Deep inside she knew he would never hurt her intentionally, but what about accidently. She shook her head and tried to lighten the mood. śWhy are we worrying about this?” She twirled on the spot, her arms over her head. śThis is all but a dream.” śI don’t know what this is, but it’s no ordinary dream.” Lea sobered. He was right. Dreams didn’t leave scars across your chest when you woke up. Dane stood rigid, uncomfortable in the afternoon sun. It was obvious he was fighting something deep within himself. Her heart constricted for him. śCome on, let’s see if we can cool you down.” Lea took his large hand and led him though a small path through the trees. A creek wound itself through the forest, its cool clear water trickling over smooth stones. Dane bent down and drunk deeply from the brook before splashing the water across his face, hair and chest. Lea knelt next to him and he automatically cupped his hands and scooped up some fresh water. Casually he offered it to her. Lea’s mouth suddenly went dry and she needed water more than she ever had in her life. She bent her head, her lips touched the warmth of his hands before she sipped at the cool water. The coolness slid down her throat, pooled in her belly and seeped through her body. She shivered. His gaze pierced her with intensity. The water splashed back into the creek as he moved his hands, he looked away and stood up. He flung his head back, flicking his long white hair out of his face. Water droplets splashed her face, doing little to cool her. Dane turned away and sat at the base of a tree. śCome here,” he demanded. Lea ran her fingers through the cool water and looked at Dane. She usually didn’t like being told what to do. She had a tendency to do the opposite just to prove a point. But there was an underlying plea in his voice. He still looked uncomfortable here in the forest. And something drew her to him as strong as any force field. She got up and moved to his side. Even though he was sitting down she was nearly face to face with him. śPlease,” he said, offering his hand to her. She took it and he pulled her down to him. She sat nestled in his lap, dwarfed by his size. śTalk to me,” he said. śYour voice soothes me.” śWhat would you like me to talk about?” śAnything. Tell me about your holidays here in this forest. It obviously meant a lot to you if you brought us here in your dreams.” He looked around, obviously taking in all the nooks and shadows with his hunter instincts. śOkay.” Lea started to talk and tell him about the happy times her family spent in a cabin in this forest. After a while, she absent-mindedly started caressing his chest as she spoke and he closed his eyes and rested his head against the trunk of the tree. She kept on talking, knowing that Dane was listening. She told him things she’d never told anyone before. Her innermost thoughts and dreams. Her passions and hopes lay bare before him and she paused only when he shifted his body so she could lay her head against his chest. He caressed her hair, rhythmically, lulling her into a sense of total safety. It was the first time she felt secure since the night of the attack at the youth club. She sighed and settled into him. śContinue,” he said, his voice sounding low as her head sat against his chest. And she did. She continued talking as the sun made a crescent across the sky and started to send the sky hazy shades of pink through the tree tops. The air began to cool and she felt Dane relax a little and she was glad for it. Still he stroked her hair and her breathing slowed in unison to his strokes. Her eyes became heavy, closing of their own accord. Sleep filled the edges of her brain. How could she go to sleep when she was already in a dream? But she couldn’t keep her heavy eyes open. Her last conscious thought before sleep engulfed her was more of a feeling. Familiarity. Being held safe and warm in Dane’s arms as sleep came to greet her brought a feeling of déj vu. More than anything, she felt loved. And it scared her. She was falling in love with a man in her dreams. No matter how real these dreams were, they were still dreams. No matter how devastatingly sexy and compelling the man, she was falling in love with a figment of her imagination. Chapter Four The wendigo hovered in the edges of the darkness and snarled in frustration. The human bear and its mate had disappeared. He raised his head and scanned the surrounding ice fields with all its senses. Nothing. How was he supposed to hunt and track his prey if they kept vanishing? Irritation gnawed at his stomach along with an ill disguised hunger. He hungered for blood and flesh. And for the first time, he yearned for something more, for the thrill of the hunt. He wanted the bear with an obsession he usually only reserved for human flesh. He licked the saliva from his mouth with anticipation. He wanted the woman for an entirely different, but just as palpable reason. He howled into the encroaching night, the sound echoing off the ice plains, magnifying his aggravation. He glanced at where his prey had stood not moments ago and felt his blood pound through his heated body. He needed to sate his appetite. Turning, he trudged through the snow toward the small nearby town he’d noticed earlier in the day. There should be something there to distract from his failed hunt. Perhaps he would bite one of the townsfolk, infect them with his disease. He growled deep in his throat at the thought of pleasure at watching a human change into what he now was. He quickened his pace until he neared the boundaries of the town. A couple of humans were out finishing off their business before the darkness of night made them hibernate in the warm shelter of their houses. He raised his head and sniffed the fresh heat of humans. One of them stilled at the doorway of the towns only hotel. Alert bright blue eyes were just visible under the thick woolen hat he wore. A gloved hand reached into his parka and he stiffened as if waiting for something. Was the strange man waiting for him? Could he sense his presence? In an instant he realized the stranger wasn’t entirely human, the same and yet different from the human bear, but he too had the feeling of strength and power. The wendigo pawed the hard ground in agitation as the stranger scanned the perimeter again, shook his head and then stepped into the hotel. He would wait until the shadows of night would allow only the red of his eyes to be seen. Then he would wait and watch this new outsider with interest. Perhaps he would be the perfect one to infect with the power of the beast. ~* * *~ Sleep blurred her vision, but pleasure hazed her thoughts. Lea stretched out across her bed like a contented cat. Last night’s dream left a warm, safe feeling welling inside her. She fell asleep in Dane’s arms and she’d never been happier. Should a figment of her imagination leave her feeling this way? She was beginning to look forward to the dreams more than her waking life. The psychiatrist in her told her it was wrong. Dreams were for analysis, a way for the logical mind to process the day’s events. Not to make an entire fantasy world including her ideal man. One who just happened to transform into a polar bear at will. A kernel of worry lodged itself in her brain, taking the edge off her good mood. She needed to get a grip on reality. To get on with her life and leave the trauma behind. Deciding she needed to go and speak to Brent, Lea got out of bed and went to change clothes. Her pajama top was half unbuttoned, showing the shallow scratch marks which were now beginning to heal. She frowned and ran her fingers across them to make sure they were real. Dreams didn’t leave physical scars. Dreams were dreams and reality was reality, both dramatically different worlds she reminded herself as she dressed and headed for the door. Hopefully, she’d be able to meet with Brent before he started work. She needed the voice of reason to tell her what she already knew. That she was using escapism as a coping mechanism. Her heart missed a beat at the cold hard logic. Dane certainly didn’t feel like logic. He felt like passion, strength, vulnerability, and power. Everything she wanted in a man. But was he a man? She stepped outside and the early morning air chilled her face. Closing her eyes she allowed the freshness to invigorate her mind and body. She’d always loved the cold and snow, especially first thing in the morning. It was bright, clean and untouched. It gave the usually drab city a magical atmosphere. Brent’s office wasn’t too far from her house, so Lea decided to walk. Barely a soul was on the street in this part of town. The quiet was almost meditative and she found her thoughts once again turning to Dane. The way his deep voice vibrated through her entire body, making her shiver in anticipation of his touch. The way he looked at her, the strength of it almost piercing her heart as if he were the only one to ever really see her. Lea slowed, she had the distinct impression someone’s intense stare on her even now. It wasn’t Dane, she knew the feelings he invoked in her. This sensation was different. The unseen gaze was concentrated only on her. Fear inched itself into her thoughts. Why would someone be watching her? The tiny hairs at the nape of her neck tingled with anticipation. A surge of unexplained adrenaline surged through her body, making her want to run. Lea cleared her throat nervously and casually looked around. Nobody was on the street. Still, every instinct in her body screamed at her. Someone was there. Don’t be ridiculous. First unexplained dreams and now paranoia. Lea made herself continue walking into town, even though she had a strange desire to run. As she made her way into town more and more people filled the streets and still the feeling of being followed plagued at her. She scanned the street one last time before heading into Brent’s office building. The warmth of the room engulfed her. There were no prying eyes here. She knocked on the door, needing to see a friendly face now more than ever. śCome in,” Brent called from behind the door. śHi. Do you have time for a quick chat?” Lea asked as she entered the room. The small office was cozy and inviting. Warm cream and brown adorned both the walls and the furniture. śLea,” he sounded surprised to see her. śOf course, I’ve got time. Why don’t you come in and sit down.” He moved over to an over-stuffed arm chair and motioned for her to do the same. śAre you here as a patient? After our last meeting in the café, I wasn’t sure where we stood. I didn’t think I would see you again.” śNeither did I.” Lea took a seat opposite Brent. śI, um"” A lump formed in her throat and she swallowed hard. Now that she was here it seemed more difficult than she anticipated to reveal her dreams. She hadn’t appreciated how deeply personal they were. How much Dane and her visits to him had come to mean to her. True, they may be escapism but they were also a comfort. śYou had another dream,” Brent surmised. Lea merely nodded. śIt’s not surprising after attending the opening of the youth club again. Being in the same place where the trauma occurred can trigger hidden emotions and memories.” Brent placed a comforting hand on her arm. Her skin erupted in goose bumps as a wave of icy cold swept over her. She frowned at the now familiar warning and gently disengaged her arm from his grasp. śI knew it was going to be hard going back to the club. But the dreams I’m having don’t have anything to do with that night.” Brent’s eyebrows rose in question. śThe dreams don’t have any linking factor to what happened at the club?” They did have one thing in common with the night of the massacre. Dane. But she wasn’t even sure if he was really there or if her subconscious had invented him and then he transferred to her dreams. She wasn’t sure what was real anymore. Not when her dreams were more realistic than her waking life. śThe only thing they have in common are the feelings. The intensity.” She smiled apologetically at Brent. śThis isn’t making much sense is it? I just need to know that I’m not going crazy.” śYou’re not crazy,” Brent said in his calming psychiatrist voice that was used for soothing the mentally unbalanced. śYou know that dreams are the mind’s way of processing the data of our day to day lives. It is just different because while your analytical mind understands this, your subconscious believes that the dream state is real.” He moved forward and balanced on the edge of his chair, placing his hands against her knees. śYou’re a good psychiatrist; you know logically what is happening to you.” His fingers started to knead the lower part of her thigh. Lea swallowed and tried to move back. śBut you’re also a woman and you have to let your emotions have full reign for a while. Let your vulnerability show once in a while.” A coldness washed over her and she shivered. She’d known Brent had feelings for her, but she never believed he would act upon them while they were in session. Perhaps he didn’t think this was a session, otherwise she never would have come to him today. śBrent, you’re making me feel a little uncomfortable.” śSee, this is what I mean.” He smiled and moved closer. śLet yourself be vulnerable. Let your feelings come to the forefront instead of your reason.” His hand moved slowly higher up her thigh. A chill so cold it almost turned her blood to ice surrounded her. Then she heard it; a low feral growl to the right of her. She whipped her head around, fully expecting to see Dane standing above her. A haze of a huge white paw hovered for an instant and then nothing. Her heart seized with cold and instant longing. She wanted to reach out and feel him, feel that he was tangible. Feeling stupid, she looked back at Brent and she felt her eyes widen with fear. Brent’s fingers bit into the flesh of her legs in fright. His breathing was erratic, coming in short sharp bursts. His eyes darted in every direction as if trying to locate something. śDid you hear that? Did you see it?” he almost barked at her. śWhat?” She said past the lump in her throat, she wasn’t admitting to hearing anything. śIt sounded like a bear growling. I saw a bear’s paw,” he added almost hysterically. Her chest constricted in confusion. How could he have heard and seen the same thing she had? She knew it was Dane with every fiber of her being. But she didn’t know how. śI didn’t see or hear anything.” Lea pushed his hands back with such force he fell back into the chair. śNow I’m leaving and I won’t be back.” She headed for the door with Brent slowing sitting up, his uncertainty giving way to anger as he pounded the armchair with his fist. As soon as she stepped out of his office, the coldness left her. Lea sighed allowing the warm air to thaw out her body. She was more confused than ever. Brent’s unprofessionalism surprised her. But she could more than handle him. What she couldn’t handle was hearing or seeing things that couldn’t be there. Her dreams were starting to encroach on her daily life. And what was even scarier was that apparently other people could see them too. ~* * *~ Lea sat in the crowded bar and contemplated having another drink before her sister arrived for lunch. She decided against it. Her mind was playing enough tricks on her without plying it with alcohol as well. A panoramic landscape painting sat above the bar and Lea stared at its cool blue shades of ice and water. But what caught her attention most was the pure white polar bear standing in the foreground. Why was she dreaming about bears that transformed into stunningly sexy men? And why were those dreams now leeching into her reality? Lea was certain about what she saw and heard in Brent’s office. It was Dane, she knew it. But how? She needed some answers before she really did start going crazy. But who could she ask? Moon. The answer was so simple it flashed into her mind on the fragment of a memory. Her dear friend knew Dane’s name. The night of the massacre Lea had been talking to Moon on the phone when the bloodshed began. Flashbacks, blurred and hazy, unlike the clarity of her dreams, sat on the edges of her mind. She remembered a wolf snarling at her, its teeth and hot putrid breath close to her skin. She’d screamed and then a polar bear stood before her. śHis name’s Dane.” Moons words echoed through the phone. Then the bear transformed into a man. The man she knew in her dreams to be Dane. Excitement churned in her stomach. It was like long forgotten memories resurfaced to place the missing pieces of the puzzle together. Logically, none of the pieces made sense. But a basic instinct told her they were the truth. Now at least she had someone to call. Lea pulled out her mobile phone and flipped it open. Her hand hovered above the keypad. Moon had been gone for over a month now. After Moon had left that message on Lea’s phone, she’d tried to call Moon’s mobile number. There had been no answer then or the other times she had tried. Lea’s heart sank. Perhaps her family would know how to contact her. She would go and see them after lunch. The phone vibrated in her hand and her sister’s number came up on the caller ID. śHi, Melody,” she greeted her sister. śHi, Lea. I’m sorry but I’m going to have to cancel lunch. Luke is at home sick from school.” śPoor guy, give him a hug for me. That’s okay about lunch. It’ll give me some time to do some errands.” Lea picked up her handbag from the bar and headed toward the door. śWe can arrange for another time later in the week if you like.” śThanks. Are you okay, you sound tired?” śYeah, I’m fine. I just haven’t been sleeping very well. Take care of Luke and I’ll talk to you later.” śOkay. Sorry for bailing on you, Sis. Bye.” Melody hung up the phone. Lea stashed the phone back in her bag. As she turned a vaguely familiar face stood out in the crowded bar. A handsome Japanese man, immaculately dressed stood near the side exit to the bar. Lea furrowed her brow in concentration. She’d seen him recently, acknowledged him somehow, but she’d never actually spoken to him. He bowed his head slightly in her direction and then slipped out the side door. Curious, Lea pushed her way out into the main street and hurried around the corner. He was nowhere in sight. Was he following her or was she being paranoid again? She didn’t know, but there was no feeling of cold dread when she saw him. No warning of foreboding danger she felt when the previous icy feelings of menace hit her. A bird’s cry caught her attention, looking up a gigantic hawk, stunningly snowy white, circled overhead. Slowly it spiraled downward, gathering momentum as it descended. The lower it came, the larger it seemed. Its huge wingspan and beauty mesmerized Lea as she watched the bird swoop down. She felt the gust of air as the birds wings flapped above her. It screeched and Lea felt her heart give a jolt. Lea could almost reach out a hand and touch the bird’s feathers it was so low. It cried again and flew around through the buildings on either side of the small street and out of her view. She heard a thump, a curse and turned back toward the main street. People were hurrying along the street, glancing backward in surprise, tinged with fear. Lea went to step out onto the street to see what was happening when the warning of an ice cold wind settled over her. Nervous excitement filled her veins and she quickly glanced around for any sign that Dane was near. The side street was empty and slightly darkened by the tall buildings blocking out the hazy sunlight. She turned back toward the street, she needed to step out into the sunshine. The feeling of cold engulfed her, her skin shivered, the intensity of it was starting to scare her. A man blocked her way, with dread, she looked up. śSebastian, get out of my way,” Lea said, hoping her voice sounded more confident that she felt. śWhy, I’ve been meaning to talk to you.” Sebastian took a step forward, forcing Lea to step back into the shadows. śTalk to me about what? We have nothing to talk about.” śOf course we do.” He leaned in toward her. He closed his eyes for a moment and sniffed at her hair. śWell, well,” he said as he opened his eyes and pinned her with an intense stare. śWe have a lot more to talk about than I originally thought.” śI don’t know what you’re talking about.” Lea went to sidestep him as every instinct in her body told her to run. To get away from him. He’d sniffed her in a very animal-like fashion and it scared her, sending ripples of repulsion down her spine. Sebastian stepped in front of her again, his large frame blocking her way. Lea backed up until her shoulders hit the brick wall of the bar she’d just come out of. Sebastian smiled as he followed her, a hunger evident in his face. śI’ve wanted to talk to you for a while about Moon. I know it was you who suggested she leave me.” His voice was slow and smooth, but it did nothing to calm her nerves. śMoon wasn’t happy with you. She was a smart girl. She would have figured it out on her own. She only came to me for a bit of advice.” Lea gradually slid along the wall, her hands on the rough brickwork feeling for the side door to the bar. But she needed to keep Sebastian talking, distracted so he wouldn’t realize what she was doing. śBesides, that was months ago. Why are you worried about it now?” śBecause Moon’s family was my ticket out of here,” his voice had a feral edge to it, almost like a growl. śBut since she left, I’ve had to claw my way back to the top and I have you to thank for it.” Sebastian leaned in closer, his bright green eyes flashed red for an instant and Lea felt her reality mingle into the nightmares of the night at the club. She looked away and when she looked back, his eyes were normal again but still full of hate. He breathed in her scent and smiled maliciously. śI would have come to see you sooner, but I’ve had a bit of trouble getting close to you. And now I know why the Venators show such an interest in you.” Lea’s frowned at the unfamiliar word and hesitated for a split second before her hand found the cool smooth doorknob. She grasped it and readied herself to move. śYou have the scent of the polar bear all over you.” Lea stopped. śWhat do you mean?” śThe bear.” Sebastian bent his head close to hers and took a long breath. śI can smell his scent mixed with yours. Like you two are lovers. I didn’t even know the bear was in town.” śHe’s not.” śGood.” Sebastian leered and ran a hand across her cheek. Lea pulled her head back at the contact, shock and surprise mingling with revulsion. She raised her free hand and pushed at his chest. śGet your hands off me.” His hand shot up and grabbed her wrist. Lea screamed and winced at the pain before fear and anger took over. She bent her head and sank her teeth into the flesh of his hand. He yelped like a dog, released her, and then he growled. Lea twisted the door handle and pushed with all her might. She felt the void at her back and stepped into the club as Sebastian lunged at her. He half made it through the door and Lea put her weight behind it and tried to close it. A loud growl made both of them pause. It was ferocious and angry. A large white silhouette flashed before her eyes for the second time today. Grateful for both the reprieve and the fact that she knew Dane was with her, Lea took her chance and heaved at the door. It clicked shut with Sebastian on the other side. Lea turned and ran through the crowded bar, trying to hide in the throng of people. A pay phone sat on the wall near the bar. With a shaking hand, she picked up the receiver and pressed 911. The phone rang and Lea spat out the taste of Sebastian’s blood. She stood with her back to the wall, so she could see if he came for her. Her eyes darted over the crowed room, but she couldn’t see him. śThis is 911, what is your emergency?” śI’ve just been attacked,” she managed to get out. śDo you need an ambulance?” the operator asked. śNo, I’m fine. But I’m not leaving here. He might still be outside waiting.” Lea scanned the bar again, watching for him at the doors. śWhat’s your name, ma’am?” śLea Haines,” she answered. śWe have traced the number of the phone you’re on, Ms. Haines. Can you please confirm the name of the establishment you’re in?” śYes, it’s The Edge Bar,” Lea replied. śPlease stay in the bar and in sight of the bartender and we will have a police officer over there within ten minutes. Are you certain you’re not injured?” śNo. Just shaken.” śPlease stay where you are. The unit will be there shortly. śOkay, I will.” śWould you like me to stay on the line with you until they arrive?” śNo.” Lea hesitated, glancing toward the door and then at the bartender’s concerned face. śThere are plenty of people around. Thank you.” Lea hung up the phone and headed toward the bar. She placed her hands on the bar to try and steady the shaking through her body. Her heart still pounded adrenaline through her body and she took a deep breath to calm her nerves. Sebastian hadn’t entered the bar as far as she was aware. At least she was safe in here. As safe as she could be given the day’s strange events. Sebastian confronting her was unexpected and scary. But not as disturbing as having seen and heard Dane twice today. Both times she’d been in trouble and the feeling of icy cold had engulfed her as a warning. Then she’d felt Dane close by, she didn’t know how or why, but she knew it was real. Lea sat down and put her head in her hands. She wasn’t going to move until the police arrived. The police were a tangible entity that she really needed right now. Especially when her dreams were becoming a reality. And her reality was becoming a nightmare. Chapter Five Rin had watched as Lea headed into the side street between the office buildings and moved silently toward her. It was his duty to protect her. He’d followed her since she’d left her home this morning. He clicked his tongue in agitation. It was foolish of her to walk alone across town so early in the day. She was obviously ignorant of her predicament. The scent of the polar bear practically emanated from her. It acted like a beacon to all the other shape shifters in the vicinity. She’d unknowingly caused a lot of confusion. The polar bear was a superior alpha male amongst the shifters. His scent usually meant he was in town and was someone to watch out for. But Dane wasn’t in town and now others were starting to ask questions. Rin slid into the small side street, backtracking his steps and coming up behind Lea. A loud screech pierced the air. His heart in his mouth, Rin looked up. A beautiful white hawk stood out against the blue sky. It felt like centuries since he heard that familiar cry. He swallowed and forced himself to refocus on his duty. He couldn’t fall apart every time he heard the cry of a bird. No matter how much it tore at his heart and soul. His past deeds would stay that way; in the past. śKuso,” he cursed, slipping back into his native tongue. He quickened his step, making his way down the alleyway. He didn’t want to lose sight of Lea. She needed his protection whether she knew it or not but the squawk of the bird hit his ears again, agitating his nerves. His hand automatically reached inside his full length coat and rested on his Samurai sword. Disbelief coursed through him. How could this be? The hawk swooped through the space between the buildings and into the alley. Its wing grazed the rough brick building and it cried out again. This time the cry went right through Rin’s heart. On instincts of old, Rin stretched out his arm, welcoming the bird. The hawk flew straight to him and perched on his limb. Rin winced as talons stabbed through the too thin material of his coat. Blood oozed down his skin but he locked his muscles and held the bird in place. śAvery,” Rin whispered, mesmerized by the familiar bright hazel eyes that blazed at him. The bird cawed softly at him. A wave of magic hit him full force and Rin turned his head for an instant. When he turned back the bird was gone. A stunningly beautiful woman stood before him. It had been an eternity since he’d seen her, yet she still had the ability to take his breath away. She was equal in height to him, and in skill. Her long white blonde hair and dark green eyes were a display of magic in an ancient Japanese woman. Today, they were just as beautiful as ever. Her long silk dress accentuated her lethal curves and somehow the leather motorcycle boots only added to his fascination. śRin. It’s been a long time.” The lilt of her voice sent shivers across his skin and he felt his heart scream for her. But his hand was still placed firmly on his sword. He’d learned his lessons a long time ago. He steeled himself against her. śWhat are you doing here, Avery?” he bit out. śIt’s time for payback, Sensei.” The bitterness in her voice stung. The reminder that he was her teacher cracked the hard shell he’d worked centuries trying to erect. Avery pulled an ornate dagger from the side of her boot and came at him. Instinct took over as Rin unsheathed his sword, blocked her attack and easily backed her against the wall. The point of the Samurai’s blade sat at the base of her throat. śI am disappointed, Avery. I expected better things from you. Don’t make me do this,” he almost pleaded as she went to move at him again. The blade indented her smooth skin; all he needed to do was apply pressure. She nodded and instantly he lowered his blade. śYou never learn, Rin,” Avery said. She looked at him, turned and bolted back down the alleyway toward the back of the buildings. śKuso,” Rin said for the second time that day. He sheathed his sword and took off after Avery, as she knew he would. He turned the corner slowly, half expecting her to ambush him. Methodically, he searched the back streets. Irritation gnawed at him. Her sudden appearance after hundreds of years could mean only one thing. She was playing with him, tormenting him. He heard a bird call out before he saw the hawk fly over him again. Damn her, coming into his life after so long and wrecking havoc with his emotions. Another cry brought him out of his reverie and back to reality. But this one was a human scream. Lea! The appearance of Avery had driven her from his mind. Cursing his stupidity, Rin turned on his heel and ran toward the sound. By the time he reached the alleyway, Lea was nowhere in sight. Sebastian, the shape shifter stood near the side entrance of the bar, cursing and snarling. His hand a bloody mess. Rin slowed his pace, placing his hand on his sword, readying himself for a fight. Sebastian looked at him, growled deep within his throat, turned and slinked off toward the street. Rin’s first instinct was to go after him, but he needed to know where the woman was. And if she was okay. If she wasn’t, it would be his fault for abandoning his post. He entered the bar and scanned the crowd. The woman stood at the bar, shaking and looking terrified, though she was trying hard to hide it. His respect for her went up a notch. She looked over at him as he opened the door and fear and recognition widened her eyes as he went over and stood next to her. śMy name is Rin, would you please come with me?” He tried to keep his voice calm yet authoritative. śAre you the police?” śNo, ma’am” śThen I’m not going anywhere with you.” She went to turn away and Rin placed a hand on her shoulder to still her. śI’m an"” Rin struggled for the least frightening explanation. śAcquaintance of the polar bear, Dane.” He felt her stiffen under his hand. śYou’ve been following me,” she said. It was more of a statement than a question. śYes.” śWhy?” she asked. śI cannot discuss it here.” Rin removed his hand from her shoulder and offered it to her, palm side up, in what he hoped was a gesture of friendship. śPlease, come with me. I will tell you all I am permitted to.” She eyed him with a healthy dose of skepticism. śAnd you know Dane?” śYes.” śDane the"” śPolar bear. Yes.” śAnd you expect me just to leave with you?” She shook her head. śI can’t, I’m waiting for the police to arrive.” śThe police cannot protect you.” Rin grasped her elbow, gently but firmly. śYou must come with me.” śIs everything alright, ma’am?” The bartender leaned slightly over the bar that separated them. śI heard you mention the police?” śEverything is fine,” Rin said firmly, his grip increasing against Lea’s arm. śI wasn’t addressing you, sir,” replied the barman. Rin felt his ire rise at the man’s tone. śMa’am?” The bartender glanced disapprovingly at Rin’s grip on Lea before catching Lea’s gaze. Rin detected Lea’s reluctance, her confusion at the day’s events. She obviously didn’t know who to trust. But she needed protection and answers. And he was offering both. śThank you,” she smiled at the bartender. śBut I’m fine.” The bartender exhaled sharply, raising his eyebrows questioningly, obviously unconvinced. śPerhaps you ought to wait for the police,” he said in one last attempt to keep her at the bar. śNo, it’ll be fine.” Lea half smiled at him before she turned to back to Rin. śCome,” Rin quietly demanded, tugging at her arm. śOkay, I’ll come with you,” she said with reluctance. śBut you had better start explaining what the hell is going on.” They walked out together, Rin felt the bartender watching their every move until they were out of sight. He was going to take her back to the venator headquarters. It was the only place she would be safe for now. And with Avery around, he wasn’t sure he could do his duty and what his honor demanded, as well. Chapter Six Dane roared into the silence. A smattering of snow fell from the ceiling of his den, cooling his face, but not his temper. He transformed from his natural bear state into a human. His emotions too overwhelming to be held in check by his purely animal form. For the second time today, Lea was in danger. The first time was from a mere human, but it was enough to send her a warning, which he hoped she headed. The second time was much more serious. Dane felt it, his animal instincts, the magic of his species coursed through him stronger than ever since he’d met Lea. Now those sensations threatened to overpower him. He felt what was happening to her, knew her fear, sensed her emotions. And they became his. Dane stepped out of his den and scanned the ice fields. The pale yellow sun hung over the horizon. It would be dark soon. Rage fumed within his chest, making his heart beat furiously fast. He fought the animal rampaging inside him. Now that he was human he needed to stay that way, to think clearly and logically, so he could come up with a plan. But all he wanted to do was kill and maim to protect Lea. How was it that she’d come to mean so much to him? It was as if her very life force flowed with his. She was in danger and it consumed him. A foreign emotion racked his soul. Hopelessness. Unable to be with her to protect her, Dane sent the only warning he could. He engulfed her with the coldness of his beloved icy home and hoped she’d understand and recognize him. The urgent foreboding danger he felt, slowly ebbed away. Was Lea safe? And for how long? He needed to be with her, to defend her. He made up his mind in a split second. He’d go to Whitehorse, see her safe and eliminate any enemy that stood in his way. The animal in him snarled to life and Dane finally allowed it to take over. He welcomed the heat of ursine blood thumping through his veins, forcing him into action. He stretched his gigantic legs and pounded across the ice, toward the horizon. It would take him no time at all to reach the airport but from there, the trip to Whitehorse would be the longest of his long life. ~* * *~ Dane reached out with his senses. Nothing. And everything. At the same time. He stood in Lea’s home, his massive bulk making him feel cramped and uneasy in the cozy living room. Lea’s scent clung to everything, and Dane’s head swam with the thrilling essence of her. But she wasn’t here. Dane concentrated, relieved she wasn’t in danger. But where was she? He paced, rarely undecided about what he should do. He didn’t like the feeling. Agitation made the animal in him want to come to the forefront. His animal side knew only raw emotions. He wanted to protect, to hunt, to kill those who endangered Lea. His human emotions ran through him and complicated his thoughts. Fear and uncertainty were foreign, but now sat at the edges of his mind. It made him mad. He turned on his heal and headed out the door, any action feeling better than just standing there. The night air was fragrant with the vines creeping up the brick wall of Lea’s house. Underneath, the smell of the city, the dirt and grime, hit his nostrils. But it was the scent of the humans that caused him to growl. It had been too long since he last fed. And now with his emotions in turmoil he wanted to give rein to his base instincts and feed. Dane walked over and placed a steadying hand against the top of the rental car door. His hungers would have to wait. He needed to find Lea. Getting in the car, he started it and drove slowly down the street. His eyes scanned the shadows on the sides of the road as he drove, searching for anything unusual. On the other side of town, he parked in front of a high rise apartment building Dane recalled the last time he was here. He’d saved Lea from the shape shifters at the youth club and left her sleeping safe in the home he just left. His heart skipped at beat at the memory, the feel of her, soft and warm in his arms. Dane took the stairs, two at a time, up to the penthouse, avoiding the confined space of the elevator. He knocked on his cousin’s door and waited only a moment before Darius appeared. śCousin, I was wondering when you would show up,” Darius said as he stepped aside, letting Dane into the plush apartment. śWhy?” śThere’s been a lot of interest in the woman you saved from the dark moon massacre; supposedly she reeks of your scent. It’s driving the shifters crazy not knowing why. They all think you’re in town.” Darius shut the door and turned to face him, amusement mingled with concern in his pale blue eyes. śI’m in town now. I want to know where Lea is,” Dane said, getting straight to the point. He didn’t have any time to waste. Not knowing was driving his emotions to breaking point. śIs she in trouble?” asked Darius. śShe was. I don’t know where she is now.” Darius nodded, obviously understanding his frustrations. śHow do you know she’s in danger?” Darius asked. śI can feel her.” Dane started pacing the length of the living room, needing to do something physical. śI’ve been dreaming of her for the last month and now"” śThe dreams are becoming more real, they’re starting to blend into reality, aren’t they?” Darius sat down on the sofa facing the windows to the outside balcony and looked up at Dane as he stopped his pacing. śHow do you know?” śI’ve been there before, Cousin.” Sad bitterness edged his words and despite Dane’s agitation, he felt true pain for Darius. śThat’s how it started with Beatrice, dreaming of her, feeling her no matter where she was. She consumed me.” A haunted expression crossed Darius’ face before he shielded himself. śIt also explains why your scent is all over her.” śAre the shifters after her because of me?” Darius merely nodded. śFucking hell,” Dane cursed as he resumed his pacing. He didn’t realize his scent marked Lea, it meant she was in more danger than he originally thought. His presence in this town usually meant he was the supreme alpha. He’d only ever had to prove himself once, it had been a bloody and violent massacre, but now most shifters gave him a respected berth. But if the shifters saw an opportunity to demonstrate a bit of power and take something that was dear to him, Lea would pay the price. Darius cursed and rose from the sofa, his gaze focused on the balcony outside. Dane’s instincts kicked in a split second later and he spun on his heel to see what held Darius’ attention. A huge white hawk, its feathers reflecting the balcony’s lights making them almost luminescent, landed on the edge of the railing. śWhat the hell is Avery doing in town?” Darius headed toward the floor to ceiling glass sliding doors, opened them and stepped out. Dane followed him into the cool night air. The beautiful hawk transformed into a woman he hadn’t seen in many years. Dane was kin to very few shape shifters and Darius was one of the only ones he felt any deep feelings for. But most of the shifters knew each other, even if by reputation only. And some of the shape shifters had known each other for what felt like forever, even if their paths did only cross from time to time. śDarius, Dane,” Avery greeted them with a nod of her head. Dane nodded his greeting. śAvery, what brings you here?” Darius’ voice was slightly cooler than usual and Dane instantly understood why. This was his home, his sanctuary and tonight it had been unexpectedly invaded twice. The animal in him was probably trying to protect his territory. śHe does,” she answered, nodding toward Dane. śI only just arrived, how did you know I’d be here?” śWhere else would you go? I already went to the woman’s house to see if you’d been there, but I guess I just missed you.” Avery tilted her head in a very bird like manner and eyed him with curiosity. śWhy did you go to Lea’s house?” Dane demanded. śI was curious. I saw her in the street and your scent was all over her. I went down for a closer look and guess who was protecting her? Rin” She said his name with a bitterness that sent shivers down even Dane’s spine, but then after what he did to her, he could understand why. śWhy is the venator watching Lea?” Dane clenched his hands into fists to try and control his rising anger. Too many shape shifters were becoming involved and now the venators were starting to show interest. He’d never meant for Lea to get caught up in his world. That was why he left her to sleep as his heart broke from what could never be. śI don’t know why he was protecting the woman, only that there were a few shifters showing a lot of interest in her. But what do you expect if she goes around reeking of you?” śWatch your tongue, hawk,” Dane warned. He was obviously in no mood for her smart mouth which was renowned to be as sharp as her talons. śWhat did the venator do with the woman?” Darius asked. śHe took her back to their headquarters, I followed them. They were still there when I left. I waited for Rin to leave, but he never did,” Avery said, slight disappointment edged her words. Rage pounded through Dane at the thought of Lea in venator headquarters. She would come to no harm there, but they were his enemy and she was his woman. He didn’t know how or when he started thinking of her as his, but he knew it with every fiber of his being. She belonged with him, not with those who hunted his kind. śThanks for letting us know,” Dane heard Darius say, but his thoughts were with Lea. Now he knew where she was, he was going to get her. śNo problem, tomodachi.” Dane started at the word. It had been a long time since anyone considered him a friend. In his isolation in Alaska, he’d forgotten there were some who still regarded him that way. śThank you, Avery,” he said. She bowed her head and turned on the railing, about to transform and take flight. śBe careful of the venator, Rin,” Dane warned her, this time with true concern in his voice. śDon’t worry. I won’t make that mistake again.” She turned and in an instant turned into a white hawk. She let out a haunting squawk and took flight over the city. Dane immediately turned and strode toward the front door. He reached for the handle when a strong hand clasped his shoulder and stopped him. Dane growled deep in his throat and forced himself not to turn around and throw his cousin across the room. śWhat are you doing, Darius?” Dane managed to growl between clenched teeth. śYou can’t just wander into their headquarters and demand the woman.” Darius finally moved his hand from his shoulder. śWant to watch me.” It was exactly what he was planning on doing. And if anyone tried to stop him, he’d rip them to shreds. The mood he was in, he probably wouldn’t even have to transform into a bear to do it. śWe’ll go in together.” Surprised, Dane looked down at Darius. He was serious. Dane felt some of his anger lessen. śI don’t want you involved. You live in this city; the venators can make your life hell.” śAt least it’ll be exciting. I’m coming anyway, you’re not going alone,” Darius said with steel in his voice. śOkay, cousin.” Dane clasped Darius on the shoulder in gratitude before they both walked out the door. They were going into their enemy’s lair to find his woman. He tried to reach out with his senses for her, but he felt nothing. Soon he would see her in the flesh for only the second time. How could someone he hardly knew mean so much to him that he was willing to risk his life? But he did know her, he corrected himself. The dreams they shared bound them together in a way he didn’t understand. But he felt it and now he fought for a semblance of control. He would soon know if she felt the same way. But what if the dreams had all been one sided and he looked down into those deep brown eyes and saw only fear and hatred? Would it shatter the last piece of his human soul? Chapter Seven The shadows shrouded the darkened street and relief seeped through Lea at the fact she wasn’t out there. There was an ominous thickness that lay over the city tonight. Perhaps she only felt that way after all the strange events of the day. She pulled closed the curtains to block out the small window and the stark city night that sat beyond it. Turning, she bypassed the large over-stuffed armchair in the corner of the room that she’d spent the last hour in watching television and headed straight for the door. To be honest, she half expected it to be locked. Rin brought her straight here from the bar. She questioned him ruthlessly on the car ride over here, but he’d given her one word answers that only left her with more questions. She was mildly surprised when he pulled up in front of the hall and ushered her inside. A feeling of unease rippled down her spine as she walked past two men on either side of the door, as if standing guard. Guarding what, she didn’t know. But the sensation of normalcy was slipping away fast today. Rin had shown her to a small but comfortable room off the main hall, brought her a cup of coffee and bowed himself out. Lea sat in the room, sipping the drink, grateful for a moment of quiet to collect her thoughts. And yet, at the same time, frustrated over the lack of answers. She’d mulled over the day’s events in her mind until they mingled into a blur of confusion. She was left with only feelings and sensations to act upon. The psychiatrist in her rebelled against relying only on her senses without the fortification of logic. Now stepping out of the security of the small room and into the vast hall, Lea allowed herself the luxury of instinct to come to the forefront. Logically, the day didn’t make any sense, so her only alternative was to feel her way through these new and foreign experiences. She squinted into the hall, her eyes attempting to adjust to the semi-darkness after the brightness of the room behind her as she shut the door on its light and comfort. Ancient looking sconces adorned the intricately carved walls; they were up high enough to illuminate the hall, but left the ground in semi shadow. Lea suppressed a shiver and tried to quell her sense of foreboding. Near a small alcove on the opposite side of the massive room, Rin stood with his back toward her. He was the only man she knew, so Lea made her way in his direction. His back was stiff and ridged and his curt voice echoed on a whisper. śIt is my duty and I shall fulfill it,” he said to some unknown figure hidden amongst the shadows. As she neared, he turned on his heel to face her, his broad shoulders blocking her view beyond the opening of the alcove. Lea stood on tip-toe and tried to peer into the darkness. There were too many secrets and things she didn’t understand and she’d be damned if anyone was going to try and keep her in the dark any longer. śIs there a problem?” Rin asked, his head bowed in respect. śHell yes, there’s a problem,” Lea spat, his kind attitude nearly breaking her. śI mean, thank you for saving me. But you told me you knew Dane and you’d give me some answers and all I’ve gotten is shoved into a little room and forgotten about.” śI did not shove you,” he said indignantly. śAnd you have not been forgotten about,” he added in a gentler tone. śI did offer you answers, but I am only permitted to disclose certain amounts of information.” He spoke very formally, as if English was his second language. Considering his Japanese appearance, it probably was. Rin looked up at her and she was struck by how stunningly handsome the man was. He was immaculately dressed and groomed, though there was an aura of untamed power just below the surface. His deep brown eyes showed a depth of emotion that almost scared her and she knew he was being sincere. śInformation about what? I don’t understand what’s going on.” Rin gazed at her a moment longer before he started to walk slowly across the hall. Lea kept pace with him, waiting for the answers that she so desperately needed. On impulse, she looked back and glanced into the alcove they just left. It was a black hole of nothingness and her agitation went up a notch. śHow do you know Dane?” she asked, not waiting for an answer to her previous question when she was sure it would never come. śHe assisted us with a problem about a month ago.” śThe massacre,” Lea whispered, quickly doing the math in her head. Rin nodded. śHe assisted,” she repeated. śSo he’s a good guy?” She stopped as Rin halted in front of her and she waited for his answer. Perhaps the most important answer of all. He looked conflicted as he contemplated her question. Lea’s heart pounded hard, ripping nervous energy throughout her body. She searched his eyes and saw the truth in them even before he nodded. Lea sighed in relief. The part of her that knew Dane from her dreams, knew without a doubt he was good. But having it confirmed by a flesh-and-blood man went a long way to reassure her. śWhat is he? Is he a man or a polar bear?” For a moment embarrassed heat warmed her face asking that question, but then remembered Rin had referred to Dane as a bear earlier. śFor a while, I thought he was a figment of my imagination, but he can’t be if you know him as well.” śI am afraid I cannot answer what he is, that is not for me to tell you.” Rin said. śThen what are you?” Lea asked shrewdly. A smile lifted Rin’s lips and amusement lightened his eyes. śI am a protector.” śProtector from what?” śFrom legends and creatures of darkness,” he answered. Lea laughed, until she looked up into his face and realized he was serious. śOkay,” she said sardonically. śThis is getting stranger by the minute.” śLife is like that.” She looked around the hall and noticed the dark silhouettes of men standing guard at the entrance. She had the strange feeling that she’d stepped out of the pot and into the fire. The day certainly had been stressful and terrifying. But the fact she was now in a strange place, with a man she hardly knew and there were men everywhere guarding who-knew-what scared her even more. śWhat is this place?” Lea asked, tearing her gaze away from the guards at the door. śA headquarters, of sorts,” answered Rin. He stopped his slow gait and turned to face her. śI do apologize that I cannot give you all the answers you require. However, I am at your service to escort you safely to your home.” śI don’t want to be escorted home, I want some answers.” Lea shook her head. śI need some answers. I feel like I’m losing my mind, people are attacking me. I’m seeing things. And I know you’ve been following me.” She pinned him with a gimlet stare. He held her gaze without an ounce of shame or denial in his eyes. śI do my duty,” Rin replied. śDuty to whom? I’m sick of everyone seeming to know what’s going on and I know nothing. Why did you stick me in a room, promise me answers and now just send me away with nothing?” Nervous tension turned her stomach as her agitation started to rise. Automatically, her hand went up to her pendant before she remembered it was still missing. śIt must be very frustrating being kept in the dark when other people’s actions affect your life.” Rin reached out and briefly placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. śI understand. But I am unable to give you any other answers. I was led to believe I had sanction to give you a certain amount of information. I have now been informed that approval has now been removed. My apologies for your inconvenience. Please allow me to escort you home.” śNo. I’ll take her.” Rin spun toward the door, his hand swept across his body and gripped a sword that had been hidden under his long black coat. Lea’s heart accelerated in an instant at the words. She knew it was Dane, the deep vibrations of his voice trembled through to her core and made her shiver. She was half afraid to turn around, what if his voice was in her head? Lea closed her eyes briefly and allowed herself the quick luxury of completely feeling the reaction her body had to the sound of his voice. It flowed through her like molten metal, warming her senses, making her languid and relaxed, yet heightened and on edge at the same time. Part of her didn’t want to move. What if he wasn’t there and it was like the other times and he only existed to her in her dreams? Lea glanced at Rin, his dark eyes shrewd, his hand still steadfast on the hilt of his sword. She turned toward the voice she knew so well and her stomach twisted. The man in her dreams stood in the doorway, highlighted by the street lights streaming in from outside. She quickly registered the man standing next to him. But all her attention was magnetically drawn to Dane. Everything about him was the same as she recalled. Everything from his smoldering ebony eyes, the masculine hard lines of his face to the rippling muscles that were obvious even under the dark blue polo shirt and jeans he wore. She swallowed, her throat suddenly parched. In the flesh, he was devastating. Lea realized this was the first time she saw him in person. And she was glad she’d met him in her dreams first. The aura he resonated was so extreme there was no way she could have breached it in real life. He seemed to overpower everything and consume all around him until there was nothing left but him. Without thinking, Lea stepped toward him. Rin’s hand flew out and grasped her shoulder, stilling her. A low deep growl resonated throughout the hall and Lea’s stomach twisted once again, only this time a tinge of fear accompanied it. Dane hadn’t moved a muscle, but the warning was clear. Rin’s fingers bit into her flesh as he tightened his grip on her shoulder. Why, she didn’t understand. Now that Dane was finally here, every concern she ever had regarding him disappeared. There was no longer any doubt about him being real, or his intentions. Her only fear was how to guard her heart against him until she had all of her questions answered. There was something different about him, something animalistic and it drew her to him. But was he a man that had found his way into her dreams or was he what she dreamed, both a man and an animal made flesh? Chapter Eight Dane scanned the hall and sensed more than saw the guards gathering along the edges of the walls. The first two guards at the door had been easily disposed of. Though he didn’t kill them, he’d been tempted. He was here for one reason and that was to claim his woman, Lea. He turned his attention back to her and saw her eyes widen as she finally turned to look at him. His heart squeezed in his chest, a rush of emotion swept through him, the likes of which he had never experienced. The look she gave him made him feel more like a man than the animal he was so used to being. It made him feel stronger, but also weak somehow. Like she had a power over him, one he had never before considered. Lea took a step toward him and for an instant he felt elated. Until a wave of jealous fury rushed over him as the venator clasped one hand on her shoulder to stop her and his other hand firmly on his weapon. He growled low in his throat and fought the desire to transform and simply rip Rin’s heart out. Beside him, Darius stiffened as two guards, their swords drawn approached them, emerging from the darkened shadows of the hall. With a sneer of disgust, Darius turned to face the men. Dane began to move when he felt two more guards advance from behind. He turned on his heel just as one of the men readied his sword to strike him in the back. Appalled, Dane snarled and blocked the arc of the blade with his massive forearm. śCoward,” he growled between clenched teeth. With an enormous palm strike to the chest, the guard’s sternum fractured with a sickening crack. He flew backward and slid along the slate flagstones back into the shadows he came from. A dead weight hit him from the side, knocking him off balance. He looked down as of one of the guards fell to the floor at his feet. śSorry, Cousin,” Darius called as he went to engage the other guard. He looked like he was thoroughly enjoying himself. Dane hissed as a blow to his shoulder knocked him off balance, he staggered sideways before planting his feet wide apart in a warrior’s stance. Annoyed, he blocked the next hit and reached out and grabbed the man by the throat. He lifted the man in the air, tensing his strong fingers around his scrawny throat. He heard a gasp of terrified horror and for the first time felt a wave of shame at what he was. Dane turned and saw the look of fear on Lea’s face. He dropped the guard in an instant, the man crouching on the ground gasping for breath. śEnough.” The call echoed through the hall. There was a command in the voice that made everyone stop and obey. To Dane’s surprise, even Darius complied. A man emerged from the depths of the shadows, walked around the bodies on the ground and went to stand next to Lea and Rin. He towered over each of them, even Dane. Dane saw Lea shrink backward and he wanted to go and comfort her. But would she shrink away from him as well? Darius came to stand beside Dane, providing a united front. śTithe,” Dane greeted. śDane. Darius.” Tithe nodded to each. Darius just nodded. śThis is a sacred hall. Lately it’s becoming a drop-in center for every man and their dog.” Tithe stepped toward Dane and Darius and crossed his arms across his chest. śWhy do you fight in my hall?” he asked, with a hint of steel to his voice. śYour men started it.” Dane gestured toward the men on the ground before looking Tithe in the face. śYou know what I’m here for.” Dane knew beyond a doubt that Tithe would know why he was here. His power and leadership were legendary. And even though he was technically the enemy, Dane harbored a great deal of respect for the man. śI do know why you are here. But it’s up to the woman.” Tithe gestured to Lea standing just behind him. Her confusion was evident. Rin stepped in front of her, his hand firm on the hilt of his sword, a sneer of disgust the only emotion he betrayed before he shielded himself, making his face stoic. Anger coursed through Dane and he fought for control not to turn into a bear, rip through all those standing in his way and take Lea back to his den. It was what the animal in him demanded he do. But his human half tried to force logic into the situation. Both sides of his nature fought for supremacy. Neither won, but he couldn’t control the growl that escaped his lips as he took a step toward Rin, ready to do battle if need be. śRin protected the human on my orders. He saved her when you were unable to do so.” Tithe moved closer but stayed out of arms reach. Whether being cautious or respectful, Dane didn’t know. śYou spill Rin’s blood, then you spill mine.” Darius stepped forward and stopped by Dane’s side. Dane knew together they would be almost unstoppable. But he hadn’t come here for bloodshed. He came here for Lea. She stood there, behind and slightly to the left of the venator. He could feel her fear and uncertainty. She caught his gaze and her golden brown eyes widen, but she lifted her chin almost defiantly. He felt her heartbeat pounding intensely and he wanted nothing more than to calm and soothe her. With great difficulty he tore his gaze from Lea and glanced at Rin. Dane knew he was a good man, similar to the venator Tynan. Both had a respect for the enemy and the rules. And Dane, almost grudgingly, respected them both. Rin had kept Lea safe when Dane was unable to be there. The idea bought bile to his throat, but without his assistance, Lea could have been dead by now. Dane extended his hand toward Rin. śThank you. I am indebted to you.” Rin hesitated for a fraction of a second and finally removed his protective hand from Lea’s shoulder. Dane saw the indecision cross his almost emotionless features. Rin’s handshake was strong and short before he released Dane’s hand. He bowed his head and stepped sideways. Dane noticed his hand never left the hilt of his sword. Not that he could blame him. Centuries of bloodshed and violence made a man rely not only on his instincts but also on procedure and rules. Lea now stood directly in front of him. Her beauty astounded him. She was exactly the same as in their dreams. But somehow more electrifying. Looking at her, Dane fought to control his breathing. It felt as if the air had been sucked from his lungs. An unknown emotion hit him hard. Uncertainty seeped into his stomach. What if she didn’t want him? He’d always been certain about his place in the world. About what he was and all that he could handle. Now, in the space of a few short hours he’d been bombarded with unsettling sensations. Today he’d learnt fear, shame and uncertainty. They were all hard lessons to learn. Especially when they all pertained to the thing he yearned for most in the world. And she was standing in front of him. Her eyes showed his uncertainty reflected back at him. Her fear had lessened; he felt it ebb away from her to be replaced by the familiarity and bond they forged in their dreams. śWill you come with me?” Dane asked and he was relieved to hear the assuredness in his voice. Her hand went up to feel for the pendant at her chest which was no longer there. She dropped her hand when she realized it was still missing, the habit obviously too strong to break. Dane thought of the beautiful necklace lying on the pristine white snow back at his den. Lea stepped forward, close enough that Dane could now feel heat radiating from her. He clenched his teeth and forced himself to remain in control. He extended a hand to her, palm up, in a sign of friendship. His heart pounded ferociously, nervous energy cascading through him. She glanced from his hand to his face and trembling, she reached out. Dane felt a jolt of electricity the instant her small hand was engulfed by his. A small smile touched her lips. Dane swallowed. It seemed like he was about to be bombarded with yet another foreign emotion, and it was the scariest of all. Hope. ~* * *~ Lea’s hand was engulfed in Dane’s, massive grip. The strength of it gave her pause. The moment his fingers closed around hers, the tension seemed to leave him and he relaxed his hold a fraction.. śCome,” his deep voice vibrated through the hall. śI’ll take you home.” She nodded, and his hand gripped her tightly as he led her toward the door, their footfalls echoing through the silence. Lea paused on the flagstone edging leading up to the steps of the massive front door. Dane stopped immediately, confusion creasing his brow. śJust a minute.” He released her hand instantly and she turned back toward the hall. Rin stood in the same spot and she walked toward him. His hand still gripped the sword at his side and he released it as Lea came to face him. śThank you for looking after me.” She leaned toward him and kissed his cheek gently. A barely audible growl emanated from Dane, which she chose to ignore. Rin nodded curtly, but a small smile twitched at his lips. Lea returned his smile, hoping it conveyed all her gratitude. Lea turned back toward Dane and her breath quickened as her chest squeezed tight. His large frame was silhouetted from the light above the door, sending him into shadows. He was massive, powerful and the aura that radiated from him sent cool molten lava through her veins. How could she be drawn to him and almost afraid of him at the same time? The walk back to him felt like an eternity. She knew all the men in the hall were watching her. But the only gaze that bore into her was the deep black one that she knew in her dreams. She reached his side and was dwarfed by him and yet somehow elated. He smiled down at her, slight trepidation evident in his face. In an instant, his gaze shot up above her, to her left and she felt something fly over her head. Dane raised a hand and caught a set of keys. śThanks, Cousin,” Dane said to Darius. Lea spun around and she saw the other man nod toward Dane. He caught her gaze and she baulked at his translucent blue eyes. He winked and she had to stop herself from stepping back into Dane. He had a similar aura of dangerous power as his cousin and hesitation flittered through her mind and she wondered once again what she was getting herself into. śCome,” he almost whispered to her and she couldn’t help the shiver that racked through her body. The night air chilled her skin, in stark contrast to the warmth of Dane’s hand against the small of her back. He led her toward a car. The car was warm and plush and Lea snuggled against the leather seat as Dane closed her door. He slid behind the wheel with some effort, his size giving him trouble. He seemed too big for something like a modern sports car. Too animalistic to be doing something so civilized as driving. He looked out of place, like he belonged in the wide open space. Somewhere his presence wasn’t so overwhelming. Lea looked at his profile and swallowed. It was one thing to have a realistic dream and quite another to be actually physically sitting next to Dane. śDo you know where I live?” Lea asked. śYes,” he replied. śHow?” śThere are a lot of things I know.” śI’m sure you do,” Lea replied. He turned and looked at her, trying to gauge her meaning. Heat suffused her face as he continued to gaze at her. Finally he smiled and the heat twisted in her belly. She was quite sure this man knew many things. If he was a man. In her dreams he was both a man and a beast. But this was reality. This man was real, he was driving a real car and taking her home. Rin had said Dane assisted them the night of the club massacre. Was this the man who rescued her? Was the man real and the rest a dream? She looked across at him again. He certainly seemed real. But then again, Rin also said Dane was a polar bear. Lea shut her eyes, the second guessing and over analysis taking its toll. śAre you alright?” Dane’s voice pulsated through her, it was a deep baritone that was almost physical. Every time he spoke, heat raced through her, followed by a flood of emotions. For a woman who spent her life living in her mind and psychoanalyzing everything, it made her very uncomfortable. śYes. No,” she replied, rubbing her eyes. śIt’s been a very long and strange day.” śYes, it has.” The car slowed and pulled alongside the curb in front of Lea’s house. Dane switched off the car, but made no movement to get out. śYou’re home.” śYep,” Lea replied, suddenly awkward. śAre you coming inside?” śThat is up to you.” Lea saw the intensity of his face and knew it really was up to her. Real or not, Dane had plagued her dreams and her waking thoughts to the point of obsession. He had travelled, god knew how far, fought his way into the hall tonight to rescue her. And he would leave right now if she asked him to. Lea reached out a trembling hand, just as she had done in her dreams, and touched his face. Her dreams felt real, but nothing compared to this. Her fingers burned with the heat of his skin as she caressed his stubbled cheek. It intensified the ripple of lust that ran from her fingers down her arm and through her entire body. śI want you to come in, Dane,” she said, the roughness of her voice surprising her. Dane’s eyes widened for an instant before he nodded. Reluctantly, Lea removed her fingers from his face and turned toward the car door. She started as Dane reached out and gripped her arm, gentle yet firmly, she could feel the restrained power through his tense fingers. She turned back to him, confused. śAre you certain?” The pain in his voice made her wince. He must have mistaken her expression, because he released her immediately. śOur dreams are one thing, but this is another,” he rasped out. śYou would come all the way from wherever you were to rescue me and then gladly leave?” śNot gladly, no. But I will see no harm come to you.” He shook his head in agitation, reminding Lea of the animal in him. She swallowed. He was right, dreams and reality were very different. But he was here now and seemed very real. As were the feelings he was conjuring inside her. She was sick of living her life by the right and logical thing to do. śI am sure no harm will come to me while you are with me. Please come inside with me.” Pain crossed Dane’s face before he nodded and Lea exhaled a breath she didn’t know she was holding. Dreams and reality were merging and a slight thrill of trepidation caught Lea off guard. Sitting next to her, Dane was more potent and fierce than she could have imagined. But the thought of him leaving was even more terrifying. Chapter Nine The street light reflected against the cut-glass door panels as Lea stepped up onto the porch. The scent of flowers filled the still night air and made her light headed as she took a deep steadying breath. śI don’t have my keys,” she said as she glanced at the door. śDamn, I can’t believe it. I must have left my bag at the hall. We left so quickly it didn’t even cross my mind. Great, there goes my wallet, phone, keys.” śOkay, give me a moment.” Dane stepped off the porch and disappeared into the darkness of the garden leading toward the side of the house. He made hardly a sound for a man his size. Lea waited for a bang or the sound of breaking glass to show that Dane had broken in. She heard nothing. A moment later the front door clicked open to reveal Dane. śHow did you get in?” she asked. śI have my ways,” Dane replied, stepping aside to allow Lea to enter. Lea brushed past him and the bolt of adrenaline that shot through her took her by surprise. The door shut and Lea heard the deadbolt lock. Memories of this afternoon’s confrontation with Sebastian surfaced at the feeling of being closed in, leaving her tired and confused. śWhy did Sebastian come after me this afternoon?” Hopefully now she would get some answers. She walked into the living room and switched on the light before turning toward Dane. śBecause of me,” Dane crossed his arms across his broad chest and leaned against the door frame. Lea felt an almost physical barrier rise around him as his voice became curt. śHe said I had your scent all over me.” Dane nodded. Lea fought the urge to cross her arms in a protective gesture, knowing she had nothing to fear from Dane, but vulnerability had a strong grip on her. śWhy? Is it because of the dreams?” Her ire was starting to build. She didn’t understand what was happening and now was the time for answers. His only response was to nod and put up his barriers. She’d had enough experience with her patients being defensive. She wouldn’t stand for it now. Not with the man who had turned her world upside down and made her feel out of control. śAnswer me, damn it. I want the truth. What’s going on?” Nervous energy built within her and spilled over. Lea started to pace across the floor, not taking her eyes off Dane. He stood there watching her. The only emotion evident was in his eyes, the rest of him was stoic. She wanted to slap him and make him as agitated as she was. But only the insane or suicidal would deliberately antagonize this man. And yet even through her anger she knew somehow he would never deliberately harm her. A distant memory lodged itself in her brain and her hand went up to her chest and the memory of four distinct scratch marks where her pendant once lay. Dane winced. śIs it the dreams? Is that why you’re interested in me?” śThe dreams are not the reason I am interested in you.” Dane finally unlocked his arms and stepped toward her. śI cannot verbalize why I am drawn to you.” He placed a hand over his chest. śIt comes from here. From instinct. I can’t control the way I feel about you any more than I can change what I am.” Lea swallowed. śAnd what are you?” she whispered. śRight now I am more of a man than I have ever been.” The huskiness of his voice cracked over his words, leaving Lea breathless. He certainly was more of a man then she had ever seen. And suddenly she was very aware of it. Their encounters during her dreams flashed across her mind. Molten liquid pooled low in her belly and when she looked up at Dane, shivers rippled through her. Dane stepped closer to her and her breath came in short sharp bursts, heat emanated from him and she remembered his reaction at the stream. How he was uncomfortable in the warmth. How he said he was dangerous. śIf I touch you, will you stay a man?” śYes.” Lea stepped toward him and placed a hand against the hard planes of his stomach and felt rather than heard him gasp. She ran her fingers up the ridges of his abs to the contours of his chest. She stopped at the beating of his heart. It pounded deep and hard, just as she felt hers beat in unison. She reached up and pulled his head toward her. His lips centimeters from hers, she stood on tiptoe and sighed as his mouth touched hers. He was familiar yet different. More intense than in their dreams. She felt him growl, low and deep in his throat, the vibrations tickling her lips. For a moment she feared he would disappear on her, turn into an animal and flee. But Dane wrapped a huge arm around her and took the kiss deeper. His tongue slipped easily passed her lips and plunged her mouth, needing to show the depth of his passion. Lea ran a hand through his white-blond hair and pulled him further down to her. She felt his arm around her tense before he pulled her toward him. His hard arousal pressed into her belly and she squirmed with anticipation. She remembered seeing him in her dreams and knew he was a man to please her. Dane slid a hand up under her shirt to caress her back. The feel of his hand, his skin on hers tingled up her spine. She released him and broke the kiss. Impatiently with his hand still on her back, Lea dragged off her T-shirt. Dane hesitated only a second before bending his head to her breasts. His hot lips scorched her tender flesh, his tongue laving at her cleavage. The hand at her back unclasped her bra and then slid around her body to cup her naked breast. Lea arched her back, throwing her head backward to give him greater access to her. She dug her fingers in his hair and held him to her. Dane bent lower and she gasped out loud as he took her erect nipple into his mouth, he sucked it gently and flicked it with his tongue. Strings of desire pulled at Lea from her breasts to where moisture pooled between her thighs. śOh god, that feels good,” she moaned. Dane cupped her breasts and sucked at the other nipple, tormenting her until her legs felt weak. He stood up, towering over her half naked form. His ebony gaze burned into her as he racked her with a hungry stare. She tried to swallow through her suddenly parched throat and stared back. He lifted his shirt over his head to reveal washboard abs below his large muscular chest. Lea stepped into him and leaned her head toward his chest. She wanted to taste him, to run her tongue over the smooth ridges of his skin. Her lips met his soft skin stretched over hard muscle almost scorching her. He was hot to the touch and when she darted her tongue across his skin he tasted hot and salty. His muskiness filled her senses and she wanted to taste more. Slowly she kissed her way across his chest and sucked his nipple into her mouth. Dane tensed and drew in a ragged breath. His arms wrapped around her, pulling her closer. Her breasts pulsed against his chest and she moaned as her hardened nipples touched his skin. She moved her mouth to tenderly lick the hollow at his throat. Her hand slid down the contours of his back, the muscles ridged and hard. When she reached the top of his jeans she pressed her hand under the waistband and was rewarded with the feel of smooth skin. The knowledge that he wore nothing under his jeans sent a thrill of expectation through her. Her other hand found the buttons of his jeans and unclasped them. Dane growled and gently cupped her face bringing it up until she could see his eyes. Lust burned within their blackness. He searched her face before his mouth descended hers. Lea caught her breath as Dane’s tongue plundered her mouth. His kiss hot and almost brutal. Her heart leapt and she matched his passion. His hands found the zipper on her skirt and the satin lining brushed over her skin as the garment fell to the floor. Stepping out of it, she kicked it away and toed off her heels. Dane’s massive arm reached around the small of her back and lifted her upward. She wrapped her legs around him, the denim of his jeans feeling rough against her sensitive skin. He kneaded her bottom and pressed into her, wanting more. He walked toward the bedroom, carrying her as if she weighed nothing. They paused at the doorway, she could see nothing in the darkness now, only feel Dane’s hands on her, his heat and his pleasure. Dane’s massive arm tensed and held her against him as he reached across with his other arm to switch on the bedroom light. She smiled as his face was thrown into brightness but as she looked into his eyes, her smile dissolved at the intensity she saw in his gaze. He strode across the room in two gigantic steps and Lea felt herself falling backward, tightening her grip around Dane’s neck. The cool cotton of her duvet shocked her bare back. Good god, the man was massive; both his huge arms were on either side of her now, taking his full weight as he lay above her. His arms rippled with muscle and she turned her head and laved the inside of his elbow, following the contours of muscle up his bicep. He lowered his head and kissed her slowly. The tenderness and passion almost making her climax. Dane moved down toward her breasts and kissed them. Slowly, he licked the softness of her stomach and her thighs. Lea moaned and opened herself to him. His fingers hooked her underwear and slid it down over her legs. She was wet and aroused. He kissed the juncture of her thigh, just above her wetness, where she craved him. She felt him hesitate. śDo you trust me?” he asked. The question shocked her and she looked at him questioningly, she knew a lot rested on her answer. Perhaps everything. śYes. I trust you.” He continued to look at her and she couldn’t look away. śDo you fear me?” his voice was low. A ripple shot through her that had nothing to do with arousal. She knew he would never make love to her if she feared him. Did she? He was certainly intimidating and there were still so many questions left unanswered. But this question she could answer truthfully. śNo. I have no fear of you.” His black eyes widened for an instant and he smiled. It was a smile of seduction, of power and ownership. It made him devastatingly sexy and even though she had no fear of him, a bolt of sexual trepidation struck her. He could do what he wanted to her and she would gladly accept it. That kind of trust was what scared her. Dane locked his gaze with hers and lowered his head. His warm lips found the tender flesh of her inner thigh and kissed her slowly. Lea moaned and opened herself up to him. He tormented her, kissed her, laved her everywhere except the one spot she needed him. Lea held his head and moved toward him, his tongue finally finding the wet engorged folds of skin. She could almost feel him smile. Desire took over and she closed her eyes, concentrating on feeling him touch her. His hands clasped at her hips, holding her still as she started to squirm. His hot lips kissed her core, his tongue parting her flesh and laving deep inside her. She bucked as his tongue entered her and his hands tightened on her hips. She fought against their hold when his tongue flicked at her engorged bud, sending shards of pleasure through her. He did it again and the muscles throughout her entire body contracted. She pushed into him as he continued to kiss her and lick her. She stiffened as her body lost control. She screamed out her desire and pressed herself against him. His strong hands held her as he continued his ministrations. She screamed again and sunk into the bed. The feeling of sudden loss surrounded her as Dane released her and rose from the bed. Lea opened her eyes. Dane towered over the bed; she stared at him, mesmerized, trying to catch her breath. He kicked his boots off before sliding his jeans over the thick of muscles of his legs. Lea gazed at his tawny skin. She had seen him naked before in their dreams, but as he stood above her, she realized this was very different. The man was huge, in every sense of the word. Hard corded muscles ran the length of his legs. His cock was just as hard and thick with his arousal, below his washboard stomach and broad chest. The planes of his jaw were rigid as if he were trying to fight something. His firm mouth she knew could deliver both soft words and a great deal of pleasure. It was his eyes that made her melt, dark almost to the point of blackness they were like deep pools and she got lost in them. They were in direct contrast with his fair hair and tanned skin. Lea looked him up and down again. She couldn’t help it, he was intense and beautiful, stunning. She smiled, sat up and turned to face him, her feet on the floor to ground herself. This was something she had never done before. Not because she was a prude, but it was something so intimate, so trustworthy she’d never felt comfortable with anyone. Until now. Lea placed her hands on Dane’s hips and ran them down the length of his thigh. He shivered. She leaned in and kissed his thigh, just as he had done to her. He jerked and she moved her head back. His massive hand reached out and caressed her hair and she relaxed a little. Again she kissed his thigh, this time allowing her tongue to taste him. Dane sighed with pleasure and Lea took confidence from it. One hand caressed from his thigh to his aroused cock, and Dane moaned deeply again. Her fingers wrapped around the hard shaft and she continued to kiss the inside of his thigh. She felt herself became aroused again as Dane started to move with her caress. As her fingers slid up his shaft, Lea gently kissed the head of his cock. śOh, Christ.” His voice sounded guttural, almost out of control. Lea flicked her tongue across him and slid him into her mouth. She moaned at the taste of him. His hardened flesh jerked as she moved her tongue along him. She moved her hand to cup his testicles gently and continued to take him in her mouth. Suddenly Dane pulled away. śI need to be inside you.” He pushed her back onto the bed, his arms on either side of her. He kissed her and she opened herself to him. He plunged his tongue into her mouth as he entered her. She gasped at the size of him filling her completely. He rocked with her gently for a moment and she pushed back until the pace became faster. She felt the pull of all her muscles contracting, knowing she would reach a crescendo soon. Dane broke the kiss and looked deep in her eyes as he pushed into her again, harder and with more urgency. She exploded into overwhelming feeling, her body convulsing until she was almost spent. Dane pushed into her again and she felt his entire body stiffen. He closed his eyes and bellowed out his pleasure. Lea grabbed onto his shoulders and tried to bring him closer to her. He moved down onto his elbows and continued to shake with pleasure. śLea, I’ve never felt"” he gasped. śI know,” Lea said, placing a finger against his lips to silence him. She knew what he meant. The connection between the two of them was deeper than she could ever imagine. But some aspects of their relationship she still didn’t’ understand. They frightened and confused her and they were two emotions she didn’t want to dwell on at the moment. Dane leaned his forehead on hers and the intimacy struck her, it was trusting and soothing. He slowly slid himself out of her and she instantly missed the feel of him. He moved to one side and kissed her forehead, his lips now soft and gentle. Lea curled onto her side, exhausted and exhilarated at the same time, and felt Dane nuzzled up against her back. His arm came across her body protectively and held her hand which lay by her face. She stared at his hand, her fingers tracing the deep blue veins from the ridges on the back of his hand up his muscular forearms. She was determined not to fall asleep as she lay engulfed in his arms. Would she dream of him if she did? Or would she awaken and find him gone? He had lived in her dreams and now he was here in her reality. She couldn’t risk him disappearing. That figment of her imagination was now a powerful man wrapped around her and she wanted to keep him there. She had fallen in love with him in her dreams and it had only taken hours to fall in love with him once he entered her world. With him by her side hopefully now the nightmares would end and her man would stay a man. Chapter Ten The knock echoed through the quiet house and Lea awoke with a jerk. Damn it, she must have fallen asleep. With her heart in her mouth, Lea hesitated a moment before turning her head. Relief flooded her senses, Dane lay next to her, still a man. He shifted in his sleep, moving his large hand to rest against the side of her stomach. Her heart lurched at the sight of him. Asleep he looked almost peaceful, his dark eyes closed, the lines of his face somehow softened. His perfectly formed lips parted on a soft sleepy sigh. Lea had a sudden urge to run her fingertips over their form as she remembered the feel of his lips on her skin during the night. She heard the sound that woke her again and felt Dane’s fingers tense and flex into the soft flesh of her stomach, but he didn’t wake up. Even though he appeared peaceful, the aura of powerful danger still surrounded him. She doubted he would ever escape from it. As gently as she could, Lea moved Dane’s hand, the dead weight of it surprising her. Dane growled softly in his sleep. She got up from the bed as another knock rent the air. Grabbing a dressing gown she hurried for the front door in the semi darkness. The clock in the hall sat on five minutes past five and she creased her brow in sleepy confusion. Who would be at her door this early? Lea peered through the front door’s peep hole. The street lights still illuminated her front porch, but she couldn’t see anybody. Lea secured the safety chain and unlocked the door, opening it a fraction. The cool night air swept over her face and woke her up completely. She surveyed the empty porch and squinted at something small sitting under the jasmine vine. Straining to see, Lea tried to make out what it was, but it was too far in the shadows, concealed from the street light. She shut the door with a soft click and took off the door chain before opening the door to step out onto the porch. The flower’s scent wafted over her as she bent down and picked up her day planner. The night air was still, but a now-familiar shiver went up her spine. How did her organizer get out here? She carried it everywhere but during yesterday’s events she must have left it somewhere, where she couldn’t even guess, unsure when she had it last. śYou left it at the bar.” The instant the first words interrupted the silence of the night, a strong hand reached up to cover her mouth. Her scream turned into a silent muffle. She knew the voice in an instant and pure dread twisted her stomach and made bile rise to her throat. Sebastian yanked her into him and her back hit a solid wall of muscle. śYou still stink of the bear,” he growled low in her ear. śBut we will soon rectify that.” He pushed her toward the open door and she stumbled inside. Before she could turn and shut the door on him, Sebastian was inches from her face, an evil grin distorting his handsome features. śPity the bear’s so far away. It could have been fun with him here to watch.” He shoved a hot calloused hand into the opening of the soft dressing gown and caressed her naked stomach. śBut by the time I’m finished with you, he’ll only just be learning about your lengthy drawn out death. And I’ll be long gone.” śThat’s what you think.” Danes menacing words sent a chill through her. She flung her head to face him. He no longer looked like the man she just made love to. His dark eyes were feral and an animalistic snarl bared his teeth. He seemed powerful and deadly. He’d thrown on his jeans, but his bare chest showed every muscle taut to breaking point. A howl rent the air and Lea managed to pull her attention away from Dane. She baulked and stepped back, the backs of her knees hitting the edge of the sofa. A large wolf stood where Sebastian had stood only moments ago. Memories of the youth club massacre swept through her mind and she whimpered. Dane stepped toward her and the wolf, now at her feet, snapped its teeth, thick saliva dripping from its jaws. She felt a rush of air, hot and strong, sweep across the room. A massive white polar bear growled deep and low. The sound vibrated deep within her and she knew without a doubt it was Dane. The wolf snarled again and she scrambled backward until her body hit the wall. Dane bounded across the room in two leaps and swiped at the wolf. It howled in pain as Dane’s gigantic claws opened up its flesh and it moved backward, tipping over the lamp table. Blood squirted across the carpet and the bear growled again. The wolf bared its fangs and leaped at Dane, sinking both its claws and teeth deep within its thick coat into the flesh below. The grunts of pain and effort mingled together as they struggled and the stench of blood filled Lea’s nostrils, making her gag. Crimson sprayed across the room. Both the wolf and bear now covered in red. The wolf went for Dane’s throat but he reared up to his full impressive height and dislodged the wolf with a swing of his huge paw. A yelp escaped the wolf as it hit a bookshelf, knocking it sideways before he fell to the floor and lay still. Lea held her breath, unsure whether it was dead and this horrific nightmare over. She looked at the polar bear standing on its hind legs, massive in the confines of her living room. She could see his chest heaving rapidly and she wondered if his heart beat as hard and fast as hers. His white coat was pink in sections with blood, dark red seeping through his own wounds. He stood there a moment before going down on all fours, the weight of the move making the house tremble as knick-knacks fell from the shelves. Dane stalked over to where the wolf lay sprawled across the floor. If it was alive or dead, Lea couldn’t tell. Dane moved his head over the wolf, paused and then turned his body to shield what he was about to do from her. Lea’s stomach twisted at the sound of bones crunching, the sound of fiercely strong jaws snapping shut against something hard. A new smell filled the air, one she vaguely remembered from the night at the club. The smell of death. Nausea and confusion threatened her, but nothing overrode the panic and adrenaline coursing through her muscles, making them ache with tension. Her legs weakened and threatened to send her to the ground. A wind of heat and powerful energy ripped through the room again. She looked up. Dane, the man, stood over the wolf’s body. Blood splattered across his body and soaked into his jeans. He bore the wounds of the fight, teeth marks punctured his chest. Scratches from the wolf’s claws cut across his shoulders, arms and stomach. Their dark red wounds evident against the tawny contours of his tight hard muscles. But it was the remnants of blood smeared across his face that made bile once again rise to her throat. She reluctantly looked down at his hand that lay by his side. Blood and gore covered the back of his hand. The hand that touched her so intimately only hours ago. She instantly knew what happened. When in bear form, he leaned over the wolf and tore its throat out. Before turning to face her, he had attempted to wipe the evidence from his face. One quick glance at the wolf, dead at Dane’s feet confirmed her thoughts. Lea’s legs finally buckled. She closed her eyes and stayed on the floor, childishly hoping this was all a dream. She’d come to look forward to her dreams, but now they were mingling with nightmares. She didn’t know what she wanted or what to believe. She felt Dane walk toward her and she scuttled backward, unable to stop herself. Afraid, but not sure if she was afraid of him or what she had just witnessed. śDon’t be afraid of me, Lea,” he spoke into the silence. His voice mixed with a strange combination of pleading and audacity. śAfraid of you?” She opened her eyes and glared at him. śI’m terrified.” Dane stepped back, anguish crossing his bloodied face before he hardened his features. śWhat are you?” she whispered. śI’m a versipellis. A shape shifter,” he answered, crossing his arms across his broad chest. The wounds on his shoulder and over his stomach ripped open, fresh blood pouring down his skin, but he showed no sign of pain, or even noticing it. Those black eyes were focused steadily on Lea. śI’m a polar bear, rare in our world. This was a man. An evil one. One who was also a wolf,” he motioned his head toward the lifeless form on the floor, a look of disgust on his face. śThis is where your were-wolf legends started. We can change form from animal to human and walk around undetected in your world.” Lea shook her head, trying to take in the words he was saying. None of it made sense. Fear and shock fogged her brain. She couldn’t think and she couldn’t stop shaking. She wrapped her arms around herself, trying desperately to calm down. śSo what you were in our dreams is what you are in reality?” she asked. śYes.” śWere the dreams real?” Now there was a pleading in her voice she couldn’t hide, she wanted desperately to understand. The psychiatrist in her needed it. The woman who loved him demanded it. śI don’t know if our dreams were real.” Lea swallowed and placed her head on her forearms. Dane didn’t know either, it left them both in the dark. She’d promised herself she wouldn’t let herself slip into the darkness of the unknown again. She fell deep into despair after the massacre killings and it had taken all her strength to claw her way back to the light. The dreams with Dane had been instrumental in her fight to find herself again. She wouldn’t allow herself to be swallowed up in the shadows again. She stood up, fearful her legs wouldn’t hold her. Wobbling she stepped toward Dane. He didn’t come to her, but he unfolded his arms and kept his steel gaze on her. śI fell in love with you in those dreams,” she said, her heart almost shattering with the effort. Dane closed his eyes, his chest once again heaving rapidly. śI already know I love you.” He opened his eyes and she felt the familiar thrill of adrenaline mixed with fear at their intensity. śYou have plagued both my dreams and waking hours since I first saw you in the club.” śThat was you. It was all real,” she whispered almost to herself. śYes, it’s all real.” He said it so matter-of-factly, but her brain couldn’t conceive the notion. How could it all be real? The club, the dreams, this man. If this was the man in her dreams, the man she made love to, she loved him. Without a doubt. But did that love come with a price she was willing to pay? She looked at his blood splattered form and that of the lifeless wolf that had once been her friend’s fiancée. Was it a deadly price she would have to pay for loving this man? She looked up and sadness creased his handsome face. Lea reached up a trembling hand and cupped his cheek. He took a sharp breath, seemingly shocked that she would even touch him after the events of tonight. Unbidden sadness filled her heart; a hot tear escaped and tumbled down her cheek. Dane cursed and removed her fingers from his face, his large hand engulfing her small one. She felt the loss of connection with him the instant he dropped her hand. śI can’t let you do this.” He stepped away from her and she felt his emotional barriers go up like a physical wall. śIn our dreams nobody was hurt. I thought I could love you as I truly am. There was no danger from my world. But this,” he gestured to the dead wolf. śThis would have killed you given another second, just because you bear my scent. Imagine the danger you would be in if others of my kind knew I was here with you.” śYou were the one who came looking for me,” she reminded him, knowing where this speech was heading and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to hear it. śTo protect you!” Dane ran a hand through his white blond hair in agitation. śIt was a mistake being here with you tonight.” śIt was a mistake making love to me?” she asked as her heart cracked at his words. Dane winced but continued on. śA mistake I will not make again. You are better off without me in your life. Waking or otherwise.” Dane continued to hold her gaze with defiance in his own. She was unsure if his eyes were glassy and wet, or if it was her own tears affecting her vision. His ebony eyes that had looked on her so tenderly only hours ago, turned dark and hard. His expression almost goading her to contradict him. Dane finally looked away. He turned from her, bent down and picked up the wolf’s body as if it were almost weightless. He flung it across his shoulders, the huge wolf almost engulfing half his body with its size. He walked to the door, opened it and scanned the front porch and the surrounding perimeter as he did so. Soft bluish light filled the living room. The fresh chilly air sent the acidic smell of blood wafting through the room. Dane twisted his head and looked at her, the power radiating from him a distinct reminder of the animal he’d been moments ago. A myriad of emotion traversed his face. His voice was as hard as his gaze as he ground out, śI don’t want you.” He turned and headed out the door. Lea wasn’t sure if she heard the final word that hit her on the slightest whisper. śTerrified.” Chapter Eleven There were only so many places to dump a body in the city. The animal in him called for survival, it wanted blood, needed flesh. It had been so long since Dane had fed properly. The scent of the animal propelled his cravings into overdrive. Dane flicked the blanket over the dead animal, hoping it would mask the smell. The hulking body sat in the passenger seat of Darius’ car, the blanket found in the trunk hiding it from sight for both passersby and himself. Another foreign emotion filled him for the umpteenth time today. Pride. He wouldn’t touch the carcass no matter how much his hunger gnawed at him. The bastard had tried to hurt Lea, his woman. He had to kill the wolf, there was no alternative. There was no room for leniency in his world. Dane knew what he was and would make no apology for it. But he regretted that Lea had to witness the deadly fight. The look of revulsion and terror on her face would be etched into his mind forever. He never wanted her to look on him in fear. The last humane section of his heart shattered sending shards of pain through his body. He’d been stupid to allow it to get this far. In their dreams they were relatively safe, but if he stayed with her in real life, she’d be constantly in danger. The body of the wolf next to him was concrete proof. It had almost broken his steel resolve to leave her and walk through the door. He cursed and shook himself out of his reprieve. What was done was done. Dane hit the hands free phone on the dash of Darius’ car and dialed the number for his cousin. śCousin,” Darius’ voice echoed through the car. śI didn’t expect to hear from you so soon.” śI need somewhere to dump a body,” Dane stated badly. Silence met his request. śWhose body?” Darius asked cautiously. śThe wolf, Sebastian,” Dane spat out. He stopped at a traffic light and glanced around the intersection. This early in the morning not a soul stirred in the predawn light. Nobody but him, and the way his heart sat heavy, he wasn’t sure his soul was intact anymore. śWhat happened? Is the woman okay?” śThe wolf arrived at Lea’s house and tried to attack her. I killed it.” Dane drove on, not sure where he was going. He swallowed. śLea is unharmed.” He couldn’t bring himself to say she was okay. She wasn’t. She was terrified of him. śDane",” Darius started, obviously hearing the underlying pain in Dane’s words. śDarius don’t start. I need to dispose of the wolf.” śOkay,” Darius sighed. śCome to my apartment building, pull into the underground garage. I’ll meet you there.” After Darius gave him the parking access code, Dane hung up. He didn’t want to hear what Darius had to say. He didn’t want to feel any hope. That emotion disappeared the instant he saw confused terror darken Lea’s deep brown eyes. The drive to Darius apartment building was uneventful, though the stench of a fresh kill tormented Dane consistently. He pulled into the underground garage and got out of the car, relieved to have some space between him and the wolf. śAre you alright?” Dane whipped around to see Darius standing behind him. Damn the man was quick, silent and deadly. He could sneak up on you and have your throat removed before you heard him. Dane was glad they were kin. śFine,” he grunted, looking around the abandoned car park. śWhere do we take the body?” Darius eyed him with those translucent blue eyes before he gestured toward a door adjacent to the exit. śIt’s a stairwell to the basement. There’s an incinerator down there. Very convenient for our kind.” Dane crossed to the passenger door, opened it and pulled the body out, still wrapped in the blanket. He tossed it over one shoulder and slammed the car door shut with his foot. Darius walked next to him and opened the stairwell door. Dane made his way down the stairs with Darius at his back, the only man he would ever allow in that position. The confined stairwell pressed in on Dane, his massive shoulders scrapped the cool concrete walls making him almost claustrophobic. He took a deep breath to calm his already agitated nerves and wished he didn’t. Death and blood hit his nostrils and filled his head making him giddy with hunger. He gritted his teeth but couldn’t contain the growl low in his throat. At the bottom of the stairs, Darius stepped around him on a small landing and punched in numbers on a keypad and the security door opened. śJust shove him in the furnace, it’s hot enough to get rid of most of the evidence. The guy who cleans it out is on my payroll. He doesn’t ask too many questions.” Darius opened the metal door with a pair of long handled tongs and Dane baulked at the intense heat emanating from it. Hissing, he threw in the carcass of Sebastian and was glad to be relieved of its weight. The blanket unwrapped to reveal part of the wolf before the flames conquered the flesh. Dane turned away from the heat. Darius stood with the furnace door open, a look of incredulous surprise on his face. śWhat?” Dane demanded. śYou didn’t feed?” śNo.” Dane turned away. śWhy? I know it’s been too long since you last fed. Obviously the wolf isn’t the first thing I would choose, but it’s still flesh.” Darius closed the door with a loud clunk and came toward Dane. śI won’t devour something that tried to harm Lea. Kill it, yes. Eat it, no.” śI see,” Darius said quietly. Dane turned on him, his anger coming to the surface. śSee what?” he growled. śYou love her.” He said it with such simplicity, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. But nature had many sides, as did he. Dangerous sides, ones that would inflict fear and pain. śI’m a bear for Christ’s sake.” His anger seeped from him at those words, to be replaced by hopelessness at the truth of it. śThere is hope, Dane. If she loves you in return.” Dane stared at his cousin incredulously. śHow can she love what I am? I accept what I am and make no apologies for it. But look at me,” he gestured to his blood covered torso, the gaping wounds across his body. He reveled in the pain of them; it was something physical, something other than this helpless desperation that filled his heart. śThis,” he gestured again, śis our world. Pain, blood and death. Constant threats and fear.” He started to pace across the hard tiled floor. śThis is what we live with. Would you ask one you loved to enter that world?” He said it with ferocity, hardening his heart and resolve to his own words. When Darius said nothing he stopped pacing and turned to face him. Darius stood with his body and face hard as stone. Dane sensed the animal in him straining close to the surface. He had touched a nerve and Dane’s animal blood pounded through his veins at the scent of it. It wanted to turn him. Dane clamped his jaw and fought for control. If he turned in reaction to Darius’ anger there would be an inevitable fight. It was the last thing he wanted. He remained still, pushing his animal instincts into the background. When he had a semblance of control he stepped toward Darius, his hands held palm up in a gesture of friendship and trust. śI mean no harm in my words, Cousin. Too much has happened, I am not myself.” He gave the rare admission in hopes it would calm Darius. Even in his own heartbreak, he was not blind to his cousin’s pain. śI need to go back home. I need to cool my blood in the ice. Feed and leave these dreams behind.” śLook out for the woman for me.” He couldn’t bring himself to say her name again. śRin, the venator, will probably protect her until my scent leaves her permanently.” The thought brought shards of ice through his heart. He swallowed bitter bile. śHe’s a good man, as far as venators go and he takes his duty seriously.” śSo you’d leave your woman to those who hunt us?” Dane snarled. śShe’s not my woman.” He turned away. śShe can’t be.” śI never thought to see the day that you’d give up.” śI’m not giving up,” Dane yelled. śI’m trying to protect her.” śProtect her from what?” śMe!” Dane bellowed. Heated anger coursed through him, his emotions in turmoil. Part of him yearned to turn back to his true bear form. To have a release of these overpowering human emotions. Another part of him took a perverse pleasure in them, wanted to feel the euphoria of how he felt when he was with Lea. And all of him wanted her. śYou are a dangerous man, even in our world.” Darius stepped in front of Dane and placed his hand on his uninjured shoulder. Dane fought hard not to fling him off. śBut a polar bear would not harm his mate. I am sure of it.” śWould you bet your life on it?” Dane asked. Darius winced, unable to answer truthfully. śNo. I thought not and I won’t bet Lea’s life on it.” Dane sighed. śCousin, I would not have us part ways in anger.” śNor me.” Darius removed his hand and let it drop to his side. śI shall watch your woman, but"” śShe’s not my"” interrupted Dane, heat searing his voice. śShe’s your woman,” Darius said, holding up a hand to stop Dane’s words. śWhether you admit it or not, she is yours. She holds your scent.” He looked Dane up and down with an observant eye. śShe probably has your heart by now too. Your animal instincts already know it. It’s just your pain in the ass logical human side that is causing the conflict.” Dane raised a sardonic eyebrow at Darius’ observations and he knew there was an element of truth to his words. But no matter how strong his animal instincts, he couldn’t deny his human side. The part of him that ruled his logic told him Lea wasn’t safe in his world and although his animal half craved her, all of him knew what the price would be for her protection. The price was his heart. A price he would gladly pay, but would Lea truly realize what it meant to enter into his world? śNo matter the reason, the outcome’s the same. A human woman isn’t safe in our world and I was a fool to believe otherwise.” Dane clasped his cousin on the back. śIt’s time for me to leave.” śI’ll keep an eye on your woman for you.” śThanks, Cousin.” Dane looked at Darius a moment longer, knowing he wouldn’t see him for a very long time. He wouldn’t come back to the city, not while Lea was still here and it had been eons since Darius visited the wild icy plains of their homeland. Turning, Dane walked back up the stairs, out of the building and into the still-quiet city. He glanced around, his heart heavy, and continued to walk to the outskirts of town. Perhaps he’d be back here sooner than he anticipated; human lives were a lot shorter than those of the versipellis. His chest constricted in pain at the thought. He knew she’d have a better life without him in it, a safer, normal existence. Even if he stayed he would have to watch her grow old and die. He didn’t know if he could stand it. But even if he could have a few blissful years with Lea in his life, it would be as near to heaven as his kind would ever hope to reach. Dane started to pick up the pace, wanting to get rid of some excess energy. All this contradiction would drive him insane. He couldn’t have her, wouldn’t endanger her life. That was the end of it. With a howl of agony and frustration, Dane transformed and ran full speed across the outskirts of the smaller towns. He tried to block out his human mind, thoughts he could barely process, and concentrated on the animal he was. Blood pounded through him, his heart near bursting as he pushed himself harder, faster. The thick muscles through his legs burnt like fire and still he pushed on, taking pleasure in the physical sense of his nature. Finally he reached the ice fields, their white expanse spreading out on all horizons. He howled again, this time it echoed across the plains, reflecting the pain both in his defunct soul and throughout his body. Dane continued to race across the fields of ice, his injuries burning passed endurance. But he’d rather that than allow the agony of his heart to be felt. He pushed through the pain and upped his pace, soon he left blooded paw prints in his wake, as his wounds opened. No matter, he’d be home soon, his den now visible in the distance. Dane grunted as he finally slowed, blood seeping into the ice turning it from white to garish pink. He stopped at the entrance of his den, stood on his hind legs with great effort and sniffed. Something had been close to his home, the remnants of a foul stench tickled his nostrils. He searched his mind at the familiarity of the smell, but it was his instinct that told him what it was. The strange foreign creature he’d encountered during one of his dreams with Lea. It had been here recently. Cautiously, he lowered himself to all fours, readied himself for battle, and stepped into his home. No creature lurked in his den, there was no scent detectable here. It hadn’t fouled his home and entered. Dane looked around the white sparseness of the room; something glinted on the floor against the white hard packed snow. He stepped over to it and sniffed at it. Instantly he turned human, exhausted he fell to the floor, his blood instantly seeping deep into the ground. Reaching out a hand he grasped Lea’s pendant, its cold metal searing into his skin. An image of her flittered across his mind and against all logic, he hoped to dream of her before he fell into unconsciousness. Chapter Twelve Lea continued to sit on the sofa, almost comatose, hugging a plush cushion to her body. She hardly moved a muscle since Dane walked out the door carrying the huge body of a wolfŚSebastianŚacross his broad shoulders, concealing his face from her. Shock and disbelief numbed her body and mind. The hazy sunlight filtering in through the open door was the only indication of how much time had elapsed since he walked out. It had to be close to midday, though there was little warmth as a cool breeze tickled at her face and dried her tears. A shadow darkened the doorway and Lea started as if waking from a dream. śWhat the hell happened here?” The voice exploded into the solitary silence and Lea jumped to her feet, her heart beating a tattoo against her chest. Brent stepped into the room and looked around at the mess in disbelief. śWhat happened to your house, Lea?” he asked, and Lea noted how his voice adopted the professional psychiatrist lilt, the one they were trained to use on the mentally disturbed or recent victims of violence. śAnd why are you still in your bathrobe?” She pulled the garment across her tightly, suddenly feeling vulnerable. Dragging her gaze warily from Brent, Lea finally looked around at the room and realized she could very well be classed in both those categories, either insane or a victim of violence. Brown smudges were randomly splattered across the floor and furniture had been overturned, some of it smashed and splintered. Lea hopped Brent didn’t notice the dried brownish blood stains. It was going to be hard enough to explain already. Hell, she couldn’t even wrap her head around what was going on let alone make a convincing argument. Nor did she want to. śLea"” Brent started. śBrent, don’t lecture me.” Lea held up a hand and stepped over a broken side table to stand in front of him. She noticed him pull out his phone, hit a few buttons and slide it back into his pocket. śWhat are you doing here?” she demanded. śI actually came to apologize for the other day, my actions were very unprofessional.” He paused and looked around again and Lea could feel him taking in almost every detail of her ruined house. śI went over to see you at your office at the club. They say you haven’t been into work since the day the club reopened.” There was a question in his statement, one she had no desire to answer. Truthfully she hadn’t even thought of work. Too much had happened. Dane had strode into her life and turned it upside down and then walked out. Pain clutched at her chest at the thought of him. Tears stung her eyes but she blinked them back, she didn’t want Brent to see any more of her tears. She wouldn’t leave herself vulnerable to him again. śListen Lea, I think we need to"” śDon’t patronize me, Brent,” Lea snapped, as she recognized his professional voice again. śI’m not patronizing you.” He stepped closer to her and she wanted to step back but wouldn’t allow herself to show weakness. śBut you have been acting very strangely lately. These dreams, in my office the other day, not working. And now I come to check on you and your sitting practically comatose on a chair, your door wide open and your house trashed.” He took a pause for dramatic effect before going on in that same calm melodic voice which was supposed to sooth her, but was only getting on her already frayed nerves. śI’ve talked to a colleague of mine at the Psych section of the hospital and he says its quiet common for people to have a psychotic break caused by a traumatic event. Post traumatic stress can be even worse for people in our profession because we are so analytical.” He put both hands on her shoulders and she felt a gush of ice cold air engulf her. She fought the repulsion of having Brent’s hands on her and tried to concentrate on the cold feeling consuming her. She looked around desperately. Was Dane here with her again? Was he still watching over her, protecting her? Hope grabbed at her heart; perhaps together they could work things out. Lea glanced at Brent and noticed him watching her looking around wildly. There was fear in his eyes, just as there had been at his office when Dane warned her, but now there was also professional curiosity in his gaze and alarm bells went off in her brain. śNow, Lea, I just called an ambulance and I have alerted the doctors there that you will be staying a while.” śYou’re having me admitted?” Lea baulked. She pushed Brent away, he spun, tripping over an upturned chair and landed on the floor. śI don’t know what’s going on, but I do know that I’m not crazy.” She advanced on him, towering over him still sprawled on the ground. śNow get the hell out of my house and take your diagnosis and your hospital with you.” Brent scrambled to his feet, a cold steely look in his now determined eyes. śLea, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. You’re not the first person I’ve had to deal with resisting treatment.” śTreatment,” she almost screamed at him. śScrew you and your treatment. You’re just pissed that I declined your slimy advances the other day.” She saw him wince. śHow many other woman have you tried to seduce in your office?” Brent stepped toward her, anger now permeating from him and Lea felt another rush of icy coldness sweep across her warning her of emanate danger. She steeled herself for what was to come. śI’m going to have you drugged into a stupor. I’ll give you the strongest anti-psychosis drugs I can find. You’ll be so high you’ll be seeing shit that will fracture your mind, you smarmy bitch.” Lea heard a low growl vibrate through her mind. This time she didn’t need the warning. She bunched up her fist and swung, her right hook hit Brent square in the face, she felt the impact run up her arm and into her body like the recoil of a shotgun. It almost knocked her back but she stepped forward and swung again. This time she connected with the side of his face and he went to the floor. A sickening crack told her she’d done some damage. The blood spewing from his nose spread across his face making him almost undetectable. Brent hit the ground with a thump and clutched at his face. śYou bitch,” he tried to say with as much venom in his voice as blood on his face. Lea regarded him coldly and shook out her hand, the knuckles already bruised and swollen. Another movement blocked the light of day from the doorway. Lea snapped her head toward it. śI can see you have it all under control. I shall leave you to it.” The Japanese venator who saved her from Sebastian stood tall and straight on the threshold of her home. He glanced down at Brent’s moaning form and raised an eyebrow before looking back at her. śIf you require any assistance, please do not hesitate to call for me.” He nodded curtly, turned, placed his hand on his sword and disappeared from view. Lea sighed with exhaustion, would this day ever end? It just kept getting stranger. She peered down at Brent. śPerhaps you can use that ambulance now. Take your treatment and your ambulance and get the hell out of my house.” Her foot itched to kick him for good measure. Finally he got up, but he didn’t look at her, and skulked to the door, all the while mumbling almost incoherently. Lea picked up words like Śassault’, Śinsane’ and Śbitch’. Lea followed him across the room and slammed the door behind him. She should have closed it earlier but the situation with Dane that morning overrode everything else. Dane. She could picture him in her mind. The way he’d barged into the hall and rescued her. The way he’d made love to her. The way he turned into a polar bear and ripped the throat out of a wolf. Lea leaned against the door, exhausted and confused. Residual adrenaline from her encounter with Brent made her nerve endings tingle and left her trembling. Why the hell did he come here? She’d always believed he was a respectable colleague, someone to be trusted. A friend, perhaps even the kind of man she would end up with. Obviously she’d been very wrong, now it was clear how manipulative he had been. How cruel and sadistic, she’d seen a glimmer of pleasure that shrouded his eyes at the thought of her medicated and incarcerated, vulnerable to him. She shuddered and closed her eyes briefly. When she opened them, she focused on a blood stain now dried and crusted into the carpet. Remembering what created those stains she continued to stare at it. Was it Dane’s blood smeared there or the wolf’s, she didn’t know. But she was certain that Dane had been badly injured as he defended her. He’d killed to protect her. Bitter tears stung her tired eyes. Dane, the fierce protector, powerful and lethal, he’d looked on her with only kindness and love. Brent coveted her with deception and personal intent; perhaps he was more of an animal than Dane. Lea laughed in amazement at the thought. Perhaps Brent wasn’t literally more of an animal than Dane, but in terms of her heart, she now realized the truth. Dane loved her, protected her the only way he knew how. If it wasn’t for him, she’d most likely be dead at the hands of the wolf. That’s where her mind rebelled, the fact that Sebastian and the wolf were one in the same. Stepping over debris, she curled up on the sofa, hugging the pillow to her chest. She’d always known who Dane really was, but it was one thing to have niggling doubts about a dream and something entirely different to see a man transform in front of your eyes. There was the truth and she couldn’t deny it any longer, nor could she deny her heart. She wanted Dane, yearned for him, needed to be with him. But where was he? Where did he go when he left this morning? The answer hit her with a flash of inspiration. Excitedly, Lea rushed into the bedroom, trying to ignore the bed they shared together. Throwing off the dressing gown, she hurriedly changed into a button-down blouse and a full length skirt. Knowing the only way to see him, Lea moved over to the bed and halted. The covers were strewn across the edge of the bed where Dane must have tossed them aside before he came out to confront Sebastian. She swallowed the lump in her throat and lay across the cool sheets and closed her eyes. To dream of him was her only answer. She took a deep breath and tried to relax, nervous excitement bubbled within her. Would he want her after this morning? Lea forced herself to relax, applying the techniques she taught her clients over the years. It was easier to relax physically as her mind still raced with images of the past few days. Slowly she drifted into darkness until the light and cold hit her. Blinking, Lea shielded her eyes with her hands against the glare. Sunshine reflected off fields of snow and her heart gave a jolt of anticipation. Looking around she saw it, an anomaly in the expansive iced landscape. She started toward it, hoping her instincts were right and it was Dane’s den. Shivering, she crossed the ice, searching the horizons for Dane. The hairs on the nape of her neck tingled and she knew with certainty, someone was watching. ~* * *~ Darius moved with deadly silence, though every instinct screamed within him to move into the shadows, he strode with intent out in the open. His back itched between his shoulder blades and knew his every move was being monitored. He bunched his fists at his side, determined to talk with the woman. Hours had passed since his cousin had left but daylight still warmed the air. He’d prefer to wait until dusk at the earliest to venture out into the city, evening and night time were his natural elements. But his cousin’s plight consumed his mind and reached his marred soul. It surprised him, hardly anything touched his soul these days. Most of the time, he doubted whether his soul was still intact. Or if he even had one. Darius crossed the street with a cursory glance up and down the street. No cars sped down the quiet road, no people going about their daily business. Whoever watched didn’t want to be seen. Darius kept his gaze along the footpath as all his other senses went into high gear. He could feel them, smell them, knew someone was there. A venator. Darius smiled curtly. The hunter was in front of him somewhere, unmoving, yet taking in all their surroundings. Was this the hunter Dane spoke of? The one who would watch his woman until Dane’s scent left her? Hot bile twisted his stomach and he couldn’t stop the grimace that twisted his handsome features. A hunter protecting the woman of a versipellis, the thought disgusted him. And no matter what Dane believed, she was his woman. Darius knew it without a doubt. He knew the consuming passion, the desire, the heartbreaking torment of love. The hope and fear were the hardest part, Dane had been right. Darius stopped mid-step as memories threatened to bring him to the ground. No, the violence and death were the worst part, the continuing unrequited love. He wouldn’t allow his cousin to live with that for the rest of his life if he could help it. Gritting his teeth he continued along until he reached the woman’s house. Darius stepped into the picturesque front garden and stopped half way up the path. śI know you are there venator, show yourself.” The venator he’d seen previously at the hall stepped out into the open. He stood next to a tall flowering bush, his stance rigid, his hand on his sword. Darius grinned. śWhat are you doing here, dog?” Darius growled at the rancor in the hunter’s voice, his natural animosity coming to the forefront. śI am no dog, barbarian.” śAnd I am no barbarian, animal,” he said with dignity in his voice. śWhat business do you have here? This woman is under the protection of the venators.” śThis woman,” Darius said, cocking his head toward the house. śIs the mate of a versipellis, the bear Dane.” śThe bear departed early this morning, he is no longer a threat.” śHe was never a threat to the woman.” Darius stepped closer. śWe differ on that opinion,” Rin said, his knuckles whitening as he gripped the hilt of his sword. śIf you believed that, why didn’t you kill Dane as he left this morning?” Darius asked the question without thinking, but now very interested in the hunters answer. Indecision crossed Rin’s face, mixed with confusion and a hint of humanity. śI arrived just as the bear was leaving this morning. He carried the body of the wolf Sebastian. The wolf had been a problem for some time. I thought it prudent, seeing that the bear killed it, then he could dispose of the body. So I allowed him to leave.” Darius’ laugh echoed coldly through the garden and a bird took flight from the bush next to Rin and went to the sky. śLiar,” Darius spat out. śI can smell your lies all over you.” Rin looked affronted and his body stiffened as if readying himself for battle. śYou actually like Dane, don’t you? That’s why you didn’t kill him.” śWhile it is true the bear was of some assistance to us in the massacre of the Dark Moon, I am a venator and it is my duty to annihilate all shifters.” śAnd yet, you allowed one shifter to walk away this morning.” Darius crossed his muscular arms across his chest. śAnd here I stand, alive and well.” Fury crossed Rin’s face and Darius was reminded of his fierce protectiveness in the hall yesterday as he stood his guard and defended the woman. A sliver of reluctant respect for the man crept in on him. śAm I pissing you off yet?” Darius grinned. śYes, as a matter of fact you are.” Rin stepped onto the garden path and stopped in front of Darius. śThe woman is off limits. She has been through enough.” śI cannot disagree with that,” agreed Darius. śBut I must talk to her.” śI will not allow it.” Darius hackles went up. He needed to speak with Lea. There was hope for her and his cousin. He could help them find the peace that never allowed his soul to rest. If he assisted Dane find love, would that help pay the penance that sat heavy on his heart? śYou won’t stop me, venator,” Darius said softly with an edge to his voice. Surprisingly, Rin released his sword and a slight sigh escaped him, Darius had the impression he’d let that emotion slip. śI know the bear loves the woman. It cannot work between a human and a versipellis. The bear was right to leave. Leave the woman to her life, it will be kinder in the end.” śYou speak from experience.” Darius knew the strained emotion lingering in the venators voice, against his will, his heart went out to him. śI speak with common sense.” Rin’s face was back to being stoic, his stance stiff and formal. śDo not offer hope where there is only pain. I will be protecting the woman until it is deemed safe for her to be alone. We leave with good will, but if you attempt to contact the woman on my watch, I will kill you.” śYou’ll try.” Rin nodded his head curtly in dismissal before stepping backward to stand on the front verandah, taking his position slightly behind the thickly flowered Jasmine bush. śWhat, you’re just going to stand there at the front door until she smells completely human again,” Darius said with amused sarcasm. śIf need be, yes. At the moment the woman sleeps, fitfully, but she sleeps. I will not have her vulnerable in her sleep.” Darius grinned knowingly, but only nodded in agreement. śWell, I’m sure you know best. Until we meet again, hunter.” Darius bowed his head briefly in return to Rin, never taking his eyes off the man as he turned around and walked back along the garden path toward the street. A quick shiver slid down his spine as he had his back to his enemy. The woman slept. Good. She was more vulnerable in slumber than anywhere else. But she was only susceptible to Dane and there was no harm there. Except for their hearts. Darius strolled along the street as if he didn’t have a care in the world. But his mind worked feverishly. Dane wouldn’t listen to his reasoning, so he would find a way to speak with Lea. And if that meant having to kill the venator, then with a twinge of regret, he would. Chapter Thirteen Sunlight glared harshly and reflected off every surface, gleaming off bright white ice and snow. Recognizing the den from a previous dream, Lea placed a hand on one of its side walls to steady herself. Her hand burned before becoming numb, the strange sensation slowly making its way up her arm. Her heart jolted, constricting her chest as she heard a movement inside. An animal inside the den sniffed loudly and growled. The sound magnified in the confined space before echoing across the horizon. Petrified, Lea snatched her arm off the den’s wall and locked all her muscles as a severe tremor ran through her body. She wanted to turn and run or at least to wake up from this dream. But she came here for a reason. She wanted to see Dane, needed to be with him. She could hear him inside, pacing frantically, sniffing and snarling. The ground vibrated like thunder as he stomped around. He sounded angry and dangerous. Would he recognize her while he was in bear form and so agitated? The beating of her heart went up a notch, pounding blood through her to heat her body, readying itself to run. Part of her mind screamed to get away, but her instinct took over and Lea stepped inside. The polar bear was huge in the confines of its den. It continued to pace a few steps in each direction, like a captive animal, its aggravation clear. Lea stepped to one side of the den with her back to the wall, but not quiet touching the ice. śDane,” she spoke softly, attempting to get his attention. The bear stopped and slowly turned toward her. Its black eyes were Dane’s but there was little recognition in them when he looked on her. Its ebony gaze was more animal than human. They creased up in deliberation as he eyed her. Lea tried to swallow and clear her throat, but those eyes held her captive. The bear sniffed and growled, baring its teeth in an angry snarl. It stepped forward. The heat from its body flowed off it in waves. Lea could feel the tension it was holding in check. It growled low and deep and Lea felt lightheaded with fear. Her breath came in short, sharp bursts. She could smell the animal and it filled all her senses. But she could also sense Dane, the man, in there somewhere. He had to be there. śDane, please. You’re scaring me.” Her voice broke and involuntary tears cascaded down her face. The bear bellowed, so close now that Lea could see only teeth and fur. The sound hit her like a physical blow and she couldn’t help the whimper that escaped her. The bear stood inches from her, teeth bared and it seemed to be almost panting just as much as she was. Petrified, Lea reached out a trembling hand, unsure what would happen. The instant her fingers brushed the tips of its fur, the bear instantly transformed into the man she loved. He stood, dressed only in jeans, his chest and feet bare and shivering in the cold. She tried not to baulk, he looked as angry and terrifying as the bear. śYou can’t do this. Get out of my dreams,” he snarled. śI can’t handle it. I want you too badly.” There was a note of pleading in his voice and it broke her heart. She reached out to him again and he stepped back, avoiding her touch. śYou can have me. Here in our dreams we are safe.” śYou are never safe with me,” he yelled. śI’m a beast.” He ran a hand through his hair and turned away from her. The wounds the wolf inflicted at her home were still evident, raw and painful looking across his bare chest and back. śYou are not a beast.” śI am.” He turned on his heel to face her, the planes of his face hard and cold. śYou are terrified of me. I can feel it.” He racked her with a slow glare, starting at her feet and when he reached her face, she could feel it redden with heat. She gulped and jutted out her chin. śI-I’m not scared of you,” she stuttered, trying to sound convincing. Dane crossed the small space between them in one step. Lea moved back and she jerked as her back hit the ice of the den wall. Dane towered over her and bent his head close to hers. Lea didn’t know if the heat she felt was coming from her or Dane, but the anger, agitation and pain certainly radiated from him. śYes, you are scared of me,” his voice as low and guttural as any growl she’d heard from the bear. śAnd you should be.” Lea shivered, unsure if it had anything to do with her back now frozen against the solid wall of ice. Yes, she did fear him, but more than that, she feared his pain he hid so effectively. She saw a shadow of it pass over those dark eyes. She yearned to see the pleasure in them, the happiness and kindness she knew they held. Reaching up, Lea cupped the rugged angles of his jaw and kissed him softly. His lips hardened, tensing under her lips. She ran her tongue along their contour and he parted his lips to allow her entry. She sighed as he relaxed his mouth open, allowing her access to him. He tasted musky, salty and more feral than she remembered. Lea moaned as Dane took the kiss deeper, at first tenderly, almost reluctantly. Then he thrust his tongue roughly against hers and crushed his mouth to hers almost brutally. Lea matched his ferocity and kissed him back with a passion building deep within her. She pushed the length of her body into him, needing to feel his heat against her. Dane’s arms came around her body for an instant. Then breaking the kiss, he pushed her away, turning his back on her. She stood there, her mouth agape, her chest heaving as she fought for breath. She wanted him, damn it. And he wanted her. She knew it. There was no way he could hold such passion for her and expect her to walk out the door. His broad back was still facing her, his shoulders slumped and his hands by his side. His hands tense fists, his knuckles almost as white as the snow. He looked like he was wrestling with something. Was he fighting his transformation or his desire for her? śHey!” She swallowed down the last of her fear. śDon’t you turn your back on me.” Lea stepped up to him and pushed at his shoulder, trying to turn him around. It was like hitting a steel bar and he hardly moved. śYou’re not the only one who fell in love in these dreams. You come into my world, save me, make love to me, steal my heart and then walk out. And you say it’s all for my own good.” She pushed his arm again, still he didn’t budge. śHey, I’m talking to you.” A soft growl answered her. śDon’t you growl at me.” This time she punched his arm, he hardly blinked, but he turned to face her. All her resolve almost fled at the look on his face, but she stood her ground. śYou don’t get to do this to me. To us,” she said. śThere is no us. I know what I am and I saw the look of disgust on your face at your house this morning. I’ve seen fear and hatred in the eyes of many over the years as they look on me.” He locked his gaze with hers and it felt almost like a physical touch. śI won’t have it in the eyes of my woman.” śSo you’re just going to be a coward and leave because you can’t handle someone else’s emotions?” The words were out before she could stop them. It was more the psychiatrist in her speaking, rather than as a woman. She regretted them the instant she said them. Dane hissed at her, his black eyes narrowing as he curled his lips in a snarl. She’d pushed him over the edge. The fear that had subsided earlier returned with a vengeance, her heart beating so fast she thought it would burst. The longer he stood there, the more aware of him she became. She started to shake in anticipation. With a grunt, Dane bent his head and crushed his mouth to hers. Lea opened her mouth with a gasp of surprise. Dane thrust his tongue deep into her mouth, kissing her hard. It was a kiss of passion and desire. She could feel the barely suppressed anger in him as he continued to kiss her roughly. Lea reached up and grabbed a fist full of his hair and tugged at him, bringing him closer. Sensual heat rose through her body and a frenzied passion took over. Lea kissed him back with matching ferocity. Dane’s hands came up to her front and grasped the edges of her button up shirt. He tore it off with ease and roughly cupped her now naked breasts with one hand. She moved closer into him, pressing against him, wanting to feel his arousal. His arm wrapped around her back and she could feel the muscles in them tense as if he didn’t want to crush her. He hooked his thumb into the waist of her skirt and started to pull it down. With a grunt of impatience, he took it in both hands and ripped it to shreds. The remnants of her skirt still around her waist held on by the elastic band. Still they kissed each other, frantically, almost brutally. Lea ran a hand up his chest, caressing the heat of his skin. Dane moaned deep within his throat and Lea brought up her other hand, her fingers plying into the muscular flesh of his back. Dane unzipped his jeans with one hand and lifted Lea up to him with one arm wrapped around her back. She moaned with anticipation as Dane’s arm flexed and lifted her up against him. She wrapped her legs around his hips and kissed him greedily. His arousal pushed up against her core, already hot and slick for him. With one intense thrust, Dane pushed himself deeply into her. Lea finally broke their kiss and flung her head back in pleasure. In a frenzied rhythm, Dane pounded into her again and again. Tension built to an unbearable level and she started to buck against him with all her strength, desperate for release. Dane wrapped both arms around her back and pulled her fully against him. For an instant, it felt as if they were one complete entity and then Lea’s passion broke. Waves of ecstasy, previously unknown shot through her, pulsating, through her body. She screamed out and Dane stilled for an instant before his bellow of pleasure mingled with hers. She felt him inside her and she pushed herself against him, wanting to feel his pleasure. Panting, Lea placed her head against Dane’s shoulder as he continued to hold her against him. Playfully she nipped at the flesh there and Dane reached up and ran his hand gently across her cheek. Her heart sung at the tenderness of it. Suddenly his arms tensed across her back and his head jerked up. She looked up at him, curious. A shadow from the dens opening crossed his face and with her back toward the door she suddenly felt vulnerable. Instantly, Dane turned her and in one fluid motion, he slid out from her and lifted her down. Stealthily quiet, Dane inched toward the door, motioning for her to stay still. He scanned the open fields that lay outside his den, before stepping outside. Lea stood shivering, naked, wondering what the hell was going on. She’d felt the agitation and the predator come to the forefront of Dane. But what the hell would make a polar bear shape shifter nervous? Concerned, Lea stood at the edge of the doorway and cautiously poked her head outside. She squinted, almost blinded again by the light reflecting against the ice. Flat fields spread out to all visible horizons. Nobody was in sight. Not even Dane. A man’s footprints headed around to the left side of the den. Assuming he was checking something on the other side, Lea stepped back inside to wait. She looked down as something dark sat against the whiteness of the floor. Confusion creased her brow as recognition hit her. Lea bent down and pried the object out of the snow. She jerked as its ragged edge sliced her hand, blood instantly dripping to the floor. A fission of energy radiated around her and Lea blinked her eyes. She looked around. śDamn it,” she ground out as she sat up. Her bedroom was now shrouded in the darkness of evening. The outlines of furniture a slightly darker shade as her eyes adjusted to the different light. The room felt warm and stuffy after the cold open spaces of Dane’s home. She closed her eyes and fell back onto the bed with a dull thump. śDamn, damn, damn,” she laminated, slapping herself in the forehead in frustration. śOuch,” she gasped, pulling her hand away. She tried to look at the palm of her hand in the gloom and shadows and only saw the outline of her hand. Lea groped around the bed side table looking for the lamp, she flicked it on and was assaulted by an explosion of light. Her house seemed desolate and empty in the cold harsh light. It had never felt like that before. Her stomach clenched, it was Dane that was missing. Ever since he stepped foot in her home, he’d left a footprint of his energy. His aura so overwhelming it left residue lingering for hours. Now he was gone again and she’d woken up from their shared fantasies alone. Lea looked down at herself and was only half surprised to see herself naked. Her shirt was gone, her skirt left in tatters around her waist. Her body still hummed with the pleasure of having Dane inside her. She was both taut and relaxed simultaneously. And the flesh on her palm was sliced open. She hurried to the bathroom, opened the cabinet and found the gauze to press against her wound. It wasn’t so deep as to need stitches, but now she was fully aware of it, the pain started to set in and she winced as the material started to turn red. A crease wrinkled her brow as she tried to remember what had cut her. Some of their shared dreams were hard to recall on waking, the more emotion the foggier the memory. But she had always been able to eventually recall most, if not all of their dreams. Emotions and images filtered into her mind. Fear, passion, excitement, dread. Dane as a bear, fierce and cold, then as a man, intimidating yet breathtaking. Dane’s words, śI want you too badly” and a sweet kiss and then with almost frightening intensity and clarity everything washed over her and she knew everything. Lea scanned the floor. There it sat, small and innocuous. Lea picked it up off the carpet, careful this time not to cut herself. It felt heavier than she recalled, colder and more inanimate. There was no life to it, it had always been a part of her and now it felt different. One side of the metal had broken off, leaving a jiggered edge that cut her. Though the slightly concave design would mean the raw edge wouldn’t touch her when she placed it back where it belonged. What was it doing at Dane’s den? Did she lose it there during a dream? The necklace slid over her head easily and the icy cold metal of the pendant hit her skin causing goose bumps to rise. She was glad to have found it, but a kernel of sadness buried itself deep within her heart. Dane had held the pendant as a piece of her and now he had only memories. Just as she did. Chapter Fourteen Dane bounded across the ice fields, the cold wind stinging his face. His heavy footfalls crashed against the hard snow, the impact rebounding through his body, urging him to go faster, harder. The early morning sun sat low on the horizon and he followed its course, knowing it would eventually lead him to the hunt. He needed food, his almost insatiable appetite now a physical ache that gripped him. Usually he would take pleasure in the hunger, in the hunt and the kill. It would pound adrenaline into his animal half and his instincts would take over. But today his human mind lingered and even the love of the hunt wouldn’t appease the unease in his soul. He wanted Lea. The hunger for her was almost as strong as his desire to feed. She’d appeared in his dreams and stirred emotions in him he wasn’t sure he could handle. Here in his beloved ice fields, he knew what he was, an animal coupled with human form and increased instincts. The more he was isolated out here, the more his animal impulses took over, the human part fading into the background. But Lea always made him feel like a man, a protector, a lover. Even a friend. Pain urged him on faster against the now rough snow. He was nobody’s friend. Friendship was foreign and weak. In his world, only kin and survival mattered. Besides, friends didn’t selfishly desire the other at any cost. A protector shouldn’t want a woman even if it meant certain death. A lover didn’t yearn for her body to be pressed against his, shuddering in pleasure as evil lurked outside. The evil stench had lingered around his den long after he returned to find Lea had disappeared from their dreams. The creature, unfamiliar to Dane, made him cautious. Had the animal lurked as Dane made love to Lea? The thought made him see red, his vision momentarily blurred by pure rage. After he fed, he’d track the strange creature and make it pay for its trespass. Hunger tore at his stomach and his legs buckled beneath him. Damn it, it had been too long since he fed. The need to kill, an unquenchable thirst for blood rose in him, giving him strength. He got up on all fours and scanned the horizon slowly. A log cabin was visible in the distance and Dane changed his track and headed toward it. Deep snow impeded his journey, sinking into it he struggled to pull himself out, but his weight compacted the snow around him, crushing him in the vice of snow. Silently cursing, Dane summoned his energy and transformed into human form. He shivered slightly, loose clumps of snow falling around him. Smaller than bear form, Dane managed to get some space between himself and the ice. Getting a foot hold in the side of the compressed snow, Dane heaved himself out. Dane looked up and sniffed. The smell of roasting meat wafted across the plane. Smoke billowed from the little wooden cabin, similar to most that scattered the fields on the outskirts of town. Hunger gnawed at him and he doubled over in pain, his breath now coming in short sharp bursts. He tried to slow his breathing, to control himself. He’d never been this long without feeding. He straightened up and started toward the cabin, slowly at first. Then intent and instinct kicked in and he started to run. His human form was slower than the bear, but he didn’t transform. A different sort of instinct now had come to the forefront. Survival. And the human in him would do almost anything to survive, in some ways far more feral and deadly than the bear. Dane could feel the adrenaline and excitement spur him on, his hunger for blood all consuming. This was the part of him that wanted anything, no matter the cost. He smiled as another hunger leapt into play. This part of him wanted Lea no matter the consequences. As he approached the cabin, Dane slowed and crept along the side of the concaved timber walls. He once again attempted to control his breathing, this time he was successful. A cold, calculating calm took him. He wouldn’t lose this opportunity. His insides clenched at the smell of meat cooking and his mind filled with visions of him feeding. Never before had he been so consumed with his base needs. Silently sliding against the outside wall, he came to a window and peered inside. Saliva filled his mouth with anticipation at the sight of a man, woman and their offspring huddled happily around the fire. Whether human or animal impulses, Dane didn’t know, but the thirst for their blood, the taste of their flesh consumed him. No sympathy or humanity stirred in him, only need and desire. Dane clenched his fist and raised his huge arm to smash the window. Then one of the children laughed. Dane stopped only inches away from the window pane. The sound of laughter shot through him like a bolt of lightning. He blinked. What the hell had he been about to do? He wasn’t below taking human flesh. But it had always been a full grown man, usually when the victim had been out on a hunt. Dane gave his prey a fighting chance. This was a family. Instinct told him to leave the woman, her cubs and their protector alone. Yet he was about to devour them all without a moment’s hesitation. Revulsion made him sick to his stomach. He’d always prided himself on his morals. But those morals had all but disappeared in the face of his hunger. Dane stepped back against the wall and ran an agitated hand through his hair. He still needed to feed, the smell was overpowering and he could hardly think straight for hunger. Dane tried to calm his mind and think. The meat they cooked had to come from somewhere. This far from town they probably had a supply shed. Stepping back, Dane retraced his steps until he came to the back of the building. Ten feet away stood a small shed made from the same logs as the house. Usually he wouldn’t take a family’s meat supply, but then again, usually he wouldn’t dream of taking the family. Trudging across the snow, he glanced quickly over his shoulder before snapping the lock off the supply store with his huge hand. Racks of frozen and cured meats swung from hooks from the ceilings rafters. Dane sighed in relief. Frozen meat would be hard and slightly indigestible, but the humans kept it solid so the scent wouldn’t attract wildlife. Dane stepped inside, shut the door and transformed. Time seemed skewed in the darkness of the supply cabin as Dane made hard work through racks of frozen, tasteless meat. Slowly his overpowering hunger abated, he wasn’t sated in the least. That would take raw, fresh blood and meat. But his mind became clearer, the aches that tortured his body lessened and a slow consuming tiredness engulfed him. Time to retreat to his home front and sleep. Perhaps dream of his beloved Lea. A hot flush of excitement was extinguished by a quick cold dose of reality. In their last encounter he’d tried to scare her, frighten her away from him for good. He wanted her to see him as the dangerous animal he was. But she’d stayed, stood up to him, touched him. Would she have stayed if she saw him about to devour a defenseless family? His appetite gone, Dane shivered in the darkness and opened the door of the shed with a gigantic paw. The smell hit him like a physical blow. The scent of a kill, of human flesh and freshly spilt blood wafted toward him on a gentle breeze. But there was nothing gentle in the harsh sunlight causing Dane to squint after the blackness of the small cabin. At the smell of fresh death, no temperate emotions remained as his human mind was pushed into the background as the knowledge of the kill sent him near crazy with blood lust. Dane raised himself onto his hind legs and sniffed the air. His hunger growled, reawakening with renewed vigor. He sniffed again and Dane’s human mind and animal instincts hit the same conclusion. There was another scent here, something familiar, yet unseen. The creature that stalked the ice fields. Dane crashed to the ground on all fours, uncaring about any sound he made. If the creature still lurked, it would have picked up Dane’s scent by now. He made short distance between the supply store and main house. He stepped up onto the wooden porch. The wood banister cut into Dane’s side, his polar bear form too big for the modest sized home. The strong tang of blood filled his mouth with saliva in anticipation of what he knew he would find. Longing gnawed at him, his animal half wanted to feed, devour and be damned the consequences. He knew the whole family would be dead. Did it make a difference that he didn’t kill them, but took advantage of the situation? Dane howled in frustration, the sound rocking the foundations of the porch. Gathering all his strength, he mentally pushed his humanity forward and he transformed. An image of Lea flashed through his mind the instant he became human, whether it gave him or robbed him of his remaining strength he didn’t know. The window was destroyed, shards of glass jutted against the panels side, blood coating the edges. The wooden inserts of the windows sat splintered on the floor inside the cabin, covered in the remaining glass. A soft white lace curtain floated gently on the side of the window in the breeze that now abruptly entered the home. Dane swallowed his longing along with his revulsion as he stepped closer to peer inside the now quiet cottage. He closed his eyes briefly to give him strength. The human family that laughed and ate only hours ago lay strewn across the floor. Body parts only distinguishable by size, or small oddities of their lives. A small jumper wrapped around a bloody mess, a wedding ring on a dainty finger. Blood dripped from the walls and lay pooled on the floor in between the abominable mess left behind. Despite himself, Dane felt the animal rearing in him and he attempted to push it away. This scene wasn’t right somehow and he needed the clarity of his human thoughts to understand what was happening. Very few shifters came up this way; his beloved snowfields were purely his domain. Besides, he was alpha dominate, no versipellis who valued his life would dare leave this atrocity on his turf. Why was it an atrocity? He was a cold blooded killer when he needed to be, so why did this scene affect his sensibilities? Dane gripped the edges of the window pane, ignoring the biting pain of the splinters of glass and surveyed the cabin. He clenched his jaw tight to control his base urges as the kill hit his senses and made him light headed. He sobered. The remains of the woman and children were slightly away from what was dismally left of the father. A shotgun clenched in his fingers of his severed hand. He was trying to protect his family, his love, his children. Exactly as Dane had protected Lea and if they were ever to have children, he too would give his life for theirs. His heart soared and pound hot lava through his veins at the thought. Anger slowly seeped in as he continued to survey the scene. The ferocity of the kill surprised him, most shifters or animals killed quickly, cleanly with their strength and food as their main objective. This had been a massacre; hardly any of the flesh had been devoured, only chunks of meat had been bitten away. No versipellis did this. Dane swung around as the sound of a sword being unsheathed behind him awoke him to his entire surroundings. A large, muscular stranger with dark hair and bright steel blue eyes stood in the snow next to the porch. A roman broadsword held high in his grip, a look of deadly intent on his face. Dane growled menacingly, deep in his throat. He gripped the wooden porch railing, ignoring a shooting pain in the cuts in his hands and jumped down onto the snow in front of the man. The stranger stood in a warrior’s stance, his feet placed firmly apart in the snow, his body rigid, his sword held high in attack position. Dane realized with a hint of irony this must be the new venator stationed in his territory. He’d been six months without worry and now they sent him another enemy to contend with. śIf you’re waiting for me to make the first move, venator, you’ll be waiting a while.” Dane cocked his head. śWhat horrible deeds did you perform to get yourself sent you to the cold ends of the earth?” śIt was you who performed the atrocities that got me sent out here, not I.” His voice was rich and thick with his Italian accent. He was a long way from home. śI commit no atrocities. It is merely the fact I live that makes your kind hunt me.” śThen what do you call this?” He pointed the tip of his sword toward the shattered window and the dead family inside. śI had no part in this.” śForgive me if I don’t believe you.” The stranger lunged toward Dane with a skill and speed that surprised him. He parried the blade, it missing his forearm by millimeters and side stepped the sword. The man raised it again, swung it in a short arc and aimed for Dane’s side. Dane leaned his upper body backwards, narrowly missing the strike again. Hissing, Dane stepped in toward the man as he raised his sword once more. Dane swung out his fist, side swiping the man’s jaw and sending him flying. He landed hard in the snow with a grunt but managed to keep hold of his weapon. Dane advanced on him in two massive strides, leaned over the man and grabbed a fist full of snow jacket. Ignoring the sword in his hand, Dane lifted the man from the ground and stood him upright, keeping hold of his jacket. śI had no part in this massacre, venator,” Dane growled. The man bought the hilt of his sword up and smashed it into Dane’s shoulder. Dane grunted and started to fall before he righted himself, still not relinquishing his grip on the man. Irritated, Dane grabbed the sword handle in his massive fist and ripped it from its owners grasp. The sword was cold despite the heat from the man’s hand. The intricately engraved sword glinted beautifully and even in the heat of battle, he could appreciate the craftsmanship. Dane twisted the sword in his hand, looking at both sides of the majestic handle. A single word was engraved on the sword in ancient roman. Silvan. śSilvan’s your name, venator?” Dane asked, barely able to keep the rancor from his voice. Silvan grunted his answer. śI did not slaughter this family, Silvan. While you waste your time on me, the creature that did escapes.” Silvan squinted, his heavily-browed blue eyes for a fraction of a second in contemplation. Then simultaneously reefed the sword from Dane’s hand and kicked out. His snow boot landed against Dane’s shin, leaving a dent and enough time to pull away from Dane’s grip. Dane stepped back as Silvan turned in the snow, swung out in a roundhouse kick that hit its target. Dane stumbled, winded he grabbed at his stomach and went to the ground. He automatically tumbled and rolled, landing upright next to the venator. Dane reached up, grabbed him and pulled him to the ground. The venator twisted and raised his sword preparing for the kill at the same time as Dane bared his teeth to dispose of the hunter. A terrible scream rent the air. Both men stopped mid action and looked up. Dane scanned the fields as another scream echoed through the silence before it was abruptly cut short. Dane and Silvan rose to their feet at the same time, panting from exertion and adrenaline. Dane waited for a sound, a glimpse or something that would tell them what nature this foreign creature was. Silvan stood next to him, stiff and coiled as if waiting to spring into action, his sword at the ready. Then the smell of a fresh kill, newly spilled blood came to him on the breeze. He tried not to groan. Silvan moved first, he treaded quickly but silently around the edge of the cabin, his sword now at his side. Dane followed until they were both at the side of the building looking out into the openness, the hills of snow obstructing their view but not Dane’s smell, his hearing, his knowing. Dane jerked his head up, slightly to the left and saw it. A creature, huge and bloody heading away from them. The animal in Dane reared and demanded to be freed. It needed to kill this unknown assailant; it knew this scent as the thing that had been stalking him and Lea. It had to die. śFuck me, it’s a wendigo!” The man’s voice brought Dane’s attention away from the creature. He’d forgotten the venator stood next to him. He’d been about to transform. Silvan wore a look a loathing and horror, his knuckles whitening on the hilt of his sword as he raised it once more. An angry bellow of pain and frustration made both men look up. The wendigo stood off in the distance, watching them, its yellow eyes glowing dirty in the pristine white snow. It stood a moment longer before turning and slinking off. Next to Dane, Silvan moved with speed and grace as he took off after the monster, his snow boots slowing him slightly. Dane watched him go. The hunter had no chance of catching it. Dane cursed. If the creature was a wendigo, they were all in for a lot of hell. They were myth, legends, the darkest nightmares, even worse than his breed of shape shifters. He swallowed, watched the hunter move across the snow and turned the other way for the long trek home to his den. He wanted to transform, but in bear form the animal in him would want the blood of the wendigo spilled and demand to go after the creature. Neither option would do at the moment. Dane needed time to plan. The creature had been stalking him, it would be back, there was no doubt. Dane halted, that animal had been there last night as he made love to Lea. Hot rage flew through him, there was no way he would allow that thing anywhere near his woman. He continued on and started to jog. He wouldn’t sleep until that thing was dead. And if it truly was a wendigo, then there was now something more deadly and rancid then Dane ever was. And Dane would kill it. Chapter Fifteen God damn, he hated the snow. Silvan’s wet, numb legs continued to obediently lumber across the icy plains, following the wendigo’s footprints. Nearly frost bitten fingers were now shoved deep within the pockets of his snow pants. But he was sure he’d ever know if they could ever work properly again until he felt the warmth of his Mediterranean sun thaw them out. śBloody stupid fucking snow,” he growled as he stumbled and tripped in the soft snow. His quick reflexes allowed him to pull his hands from his pockets to prevent him landing on his face śWhose god damn idea was this?” Silvan would grant the leader of the venators any favor, but crouching in the snow, he was starting to regret it. He twisted as the cold steel of his sword bit into his side. Grimacing, he heaved himself upright, aching and sore. He’d been tracking this beast for miles to no avail. Silvan knew how to track, he’d learned from the best and through this wilderness, it wasn’t exactly rocket science. The heavy creature left tracks as deep as the snow, but it was fast and it had been eons since Silvan had experience in the snow. It was a lot more wearing than he remembered. His body ached from the trek and the fight with the shape shifter. The bear seemed different from most shifters he’d encountered. Silvan had been a hunter for more years than he cared to remember. He couldn’t recall a versipellis talking first and only defending instead of attacking. The bear said he hadn’t killed the humans. Silvan didn’t want to believe him. Until he saw the wendigo appear in the distance. Silvan looked down at the tracks the beast left in its wake; they stretched out to the horizon where the sun was ebbing slowly into a soft whitish yellow. There was no way he’d find the creature before nightfall. And he didn’t want to be stuck out here in the dark freezing temperatures unprepared. śGod damn it, Tithe,” he said. śYou damn well owe me for this.” Silvan scanned the horizon one more time and turned to follow his own tracks back to the cabin of the slaughtered family on the outskirts of town. The shifter was long gone when he finally arrived. Just as he had expected. The animal probably fed on the poor hapless victims then went home to rest. Repulsed, Silvan stepped up to the broken window once again, hardening his heart against what he was about to see. The mess that was once a happy family would no doubt be congealed and slightly frozen over. It was semi dark inside now as the sun touched the horizon. Surprise creased his heavy brow. The bodies hadn’t been touched since he saw them laying dead earlier. The bear hadn’t fed. Silvan stepped away from the scene. He was now certain the wendigo had massacred the family. He’d arrived just in time to hear the father’s last feeble remaining cries. By the time he’d made it to the porch, he saw what he believed to be the shifter escaping the scene. But he’d been wrong, it wasn’t the versipellis. He was sure the bear would take advantage of the flesh. How many of the other deaths in the area were linked to the wendigo and not the bear? Silvan cursed. This assignment was turning more complicated than he had hoped for. He needed his leader and friend’s assistance. Saying a quick Italian prayer for the innocent who lay slain, Silvan walked off the porch and back into the snow. The hike into town wasn’t as far as he had travelled today, but the sun sunk quickly now and the darkness set like a veil over the once white snow. Now the night made an optical illusion of a vast empty void stretching out in front of him and Silvan felt as if he was walking into nothingness. Finally a light flicked in the distance, followed by another until the outline of the small town was visible. Silvan headed toward it, grateful he hadn’t been lost in the blackness before now. The small hotel was cozy and inviting and Silvan forced himself to head for a telephone before dinner by the fire and then bed. śCan I use your phone?” he asked the barman. The gormlessly annoying man ogled him for a moment before answering. śYep.” śThank you,” Silvan replied, with an obvious eye roll that went undetected. śBut ya can’t call out,” the barman added. śWhat do you mean?” śLine’s down isn’t it?” he looked Silvan up and down as if weighing his intelligence. śSnowing, ya know.” Silvan thumped the counter in frustration, his hand now aching as it began to thaw out in the warmth. śUm, excuse me.” śYes?” Silvan twisted, making sure to keep his left side to the bar to hide his sword, even though he tucked it into his snow pants before entering the hotel. A young woman stood in front of him, tall, elegant and casually dressed, which complemented her perfect hair and make-up. She smiled at him, a flirtatious grin she had perfected with practice. śI’m Georgia,” she smiled again. śMy mobile can get calls out if you would like to borrow it.” śThank you, Georgia,” Silvan smiled back putting an emphasis into his Italian accent. He wasn’t below a little flirting to get what he needed in times of crisis. śBut I would hate to put you out.” śNo trouble at all,” she replied, proffering her phone. śThank you,” he bowed his head in thanks and took the phone. śLet me buy you a drink in appreciation.” śThat would be nice.” Georgia took a seat next to where Silvan stood, showing a fair amount of leg in the process. śTell the barman what you’ll have. I’ll be back in a moment.” Silvan took the phone to a quiet corner of the bar where he couldn’t be overheard and dialed the number he knew off by heart. śHello. Hall and Respite care. Joan speaking,” answered a proficient voice on the other end of the line. The spiel was a rouse, a cover just in case someone accidently dialed the wrong number. He was sure the truth would cause a few more questions. śTithe please. It’s Silvan,” he said getting right to the point. śOne moment please, sir,” the voice said clinically. Silvan heard the tinny classical music as he was put on hold. He clamped the phone in impatience, happy to be able to move his fingers again. He turned on the spot, taking in the crowd, the exits and the layout of the bar. Georgia sat at the bar eyeing him with a mixture of hope, attraction and trepidation. She was pretty in a classical sense of beauty. She crossed her legs, fingered her cocktail glass and smiled coyly at him as soon as she realized he was watching. She’d done this before. Silvan smiled back. He’d done this before too. śSilvan, what news, my brother?” Tithes deep melodic voice came over the phone bringing him back to the reality of their situation. śNot something you’d like old friend.” śYou’ve disposed of the bear?” Tithe asked, his voice edged slightly with disappointment. śNo.” Silvan paused and looked around to make sure nobody overheard. śI don’t believe the bear is responsible for all the killings.” śOh?” śIt’s a wendigo.” Silence met his statement. śAre you sure?” Tithe asked. śYes, I’m sure,” he paused. śI don’t know enough to dispose of one. I’m going to need some assistance.” śYou certainly are.” Tithe paused for a moment, he phone crackling with bad reception. śChrist, it’s been a long time since I’ve dealt with a wendigo. They’re notoriously evil, vicious things. And bloody hard to kill.” śTerrific.” Silvan crossed over to the open fireplace to warm up. An old man slumbered in a worn, patched up chair as the flames crackled merrily. śWhat do you suggest I do, boss?” śSo now I’m boss?” Tithe laughed. śYou are when we’re dealing with shit like this.” śCome home, brother,” Tithes voice dead serious. śWe need to discuss a plan.” śI’ll be on the first flight back,” Silvan answered, unable to hide the relief in his voice at being sent back. śDon’t get too excited. I’ll probably send you back into the snow again.” Georgia stood and came to stand beside him, smiling suggestively. śIt may not be so bad after all,” he said and he ran a hand down the length of Georgia’s arm, lingering at her sensitive fingers. śI will see you soon.” Silvan hung up and handed the phone back. śThank you.” śYou’re welcome. Are you going somewhere?” she asked, obviously overhearing the last part of his conversation. śYes, first flight out.” śWell, we have a little time to get to know each other before then.” She stepped closer to him and he felt his energy levels perk a little. śI’m sure we could,” Silvan started. Her phone beeped and vibrated. Irritated, she clicked a button. śOh, it’s only my friend, Lilith, with a text message,” she said airily. The name went through Silvan like a dagger. A name he never mentioned, the name he couldn’t bear to hear. He turned toward the heat of the fire and gripped the mantle place with white aching knuckles. śAre you alright?” Georgia asked with more disappointment than concern in her voice. śFine,” he bit out. śListen, it’s been a long day. Thanks for lending me your phone, but I think I’ll call it a night.” śOh, umm. Okay, fine then.” He didn’t look at her face, he could hear the disappointment and anger. He could almost feel it radiate from her. She stood there a moment longer before stomping back toward the bar. Damn it. He closed his eyes and then wished he hadn’t and he flung them open. When he shut his eyes he could see the massacred family laying alone and helpless this afternoon. He could hear their screams in his mind, smell the lingering stench of blood and death. Then if he closed his eyes again it would be the memories of his own slain family that lingered there. And he refused to see that again, to feel it, to live it. He clenched his jaw shut to stop from shouting out. He stiffened his body so he wouldn’t crumble to the ground. Amongst his pain, Silvan found the anger and allowed it to grow. He needed to be angry, any emotion other than the unimaginable heartache. His hostility grew until it festered just below the surface. He wanted revenge and he knew there could be no retribution for his family. He would have to get it for the innocents lost today. He needed to kill something. ~* * *~ The crystal white sand lay across the ground, covering the ugly cracked cement that was prevalent in cheap apartment buildings. Rin racked the sand into perfect geometric lines, concentrating on each grain. He allowed his mind to wander to a time when the white sands covered pristine grounds, encased by perfectly manicured gardens. A place of peace and tranquility before the storm of pain and revenge ruined his life. And the lives of many others, his family, friends and his students. Slaughtered and scattered to the winds. Or to fly on its currents like an eagle, he thought bitterly. Rin snapped himself out of his melancholy, chastising himself for the weakness of memories he could do nothing to alter. He placed the rake beside the splitting plaster wall and went inside. The dark dingy room was shabby but ultra tidy and clean. The sparse furnishings of a futon bed, cupboard, and floor cushions were cramped in the small space. Two doors led off to the kitchenette and bathroom. Rin reached for his sword placed in a horizontal cradle of two grasping stone hands, bowed his head and strapped it on. He looked up at a statue of a hawk in flight and swallowed. It was there as his penance, his reminder of what he had done, of how he was now to spend his life in servitude to protect rather than destroy. Rin gripped his sword, tucked it in behind his black floor-length coat and walked out the door. The walk across to Lea’s house took longer with the alternative route. He kept to the back streets, making sure he wasn’t followed. It paid to remember procedure. It kept you alive and allowed you to know your place in the world. Though his place in the world was feeling a little skewed after everything that had happened. The return of Avery shook him to the very core. But it was the small idiosyncrasies that confused him. His empathy for the bear and Lea. His reluctant respect for the bear and his cousin, the Husky. It offended his sense of order. He continued along the back streets until he reached the picturesque cottage and slid around to the rear garden. śMy thanks. I have come to relieve you of your duty,” Rin said to the seemingly empty garden. The man stepped stealthily from the garden hedges, nodded in acknowledgement and disappeared again. Rin walked to the perimeter, and then satisfied all was as it should be, he stepped back into the shadows to guard the woman. Hours after Lea had retired to bed, the phone in Rin’s pocket vibrated, shocking him. He answered it quietly with a curt, śYes.” śRin, it’s Tithe.” Rin said nothing. Tithe sighed. śWe have a problem. I need you to report in. We have something to discuss with Silvan when he gets here.” śI am guarding the woman. Is there no one else you can discuss matters with?” Rin asked. śNo. I am sending someone to relieve you. I need you here,” Tithe’s voice turned curt. There was no defying his orders. śVery well. I shall attend your matters,” Rin bit out. śRin,” Tithe’s words softened. śThe woman’s safe enough. You weren’t to blame before with your previous charge and it will not happen again.” śHow can you be sure?” Rin asked, trying to keep his voice even. śI can’t be"” started Tithe. śI will not allow it to happen again,” Rin said, this time his voice crackled with emotion. śShe was your soul mate, Rin. This woman is not.” Rin bit down hard on his tongue to stop himself from spewing venomous words at his leader. Tithe’s words were like a slap in the face. The memories assailed him and tore his soul asunder once more. śI will not discuss this further,” Rin spat out, glad his voice only held controlled anger. śI will await my replacement, however the woman has just arrived, I must go.” He hung up and crushed the phone in his grip. The pieces shattered and fell to the ground. The cry of a hawk rent the quiet night air and splintered what was left of Rin’s damaged heart. Hawks were not usually nocturnal creatures. But then again, they usually weren’t the woman you loved for centuries on end either. Chapter Sixteen The night dragged on longer than she ever recalled. Lea desperately wanted to sleep. To sleep meant to dream of Dane, but agitation kept her awake, her mind racing with too many ideas to even consider relaxing enough to sleep. She sat on the sofa by the lamp, the only light she’d turned on since darkness fell. She didn’t want to see the mess still strewn across the floor, the blood stains that were now hard and crusted into the carpet. They reminded her why Dane walked out, what he really was. Lea caressed the pendant now placed safely around her neck, careful to avoid the broken edging. A good jeweler would be able to fix it, but for now it was another reminder of Dane. The dream where she retrieved her necklace had been intense, frightening, tender and sensual all within the scope of moments. She shivered as she remembered their love making, the strength of Dane, his passion met by her own. But it was nothing compared to when he was in her bed, a flesh and blood man. Even though she now knew he was both man and beast, she wanted him back in her life no matter what form that took. A bird’s cry shocked her out of her thoughts and reminded her of the other day when Sebastian came for her at the bar. There had been a bird. A gigantic hawk. Lea shivered and tucked her legs underneath herself protectively. If Sebastian had caught her that day, he would have surely killed her. Dane hadn’t been there to protect her, but the other man had been. The venator who was Dane’s enemy had not only saved her, but treated her kindly and with respect. Lea jumped up, an idea forming and excitement bubbled up within her. She headed for the front door but even in her enthusiasm she opened it cautiously. The last few days had taught her that anything could be lurking in the shadows, even the monsters of nightmares. The psychiatrist in her tried to rebel and normalize the situation, but there was no analysis for what had now come to pass as reality. Lea scanned the front porch, paying close attention to the shadows the street light didn’t hit. The cold evening air invigorated her senses and she stepped down to her garden path. The neighborhood was quiet, not a soul about on a cold late evening. śUm, hello? Can I have a word please?” Lea bit her lip, feeling slightly ridiculous talking to the empty air. Not to mention her wording, using the term for hunter that Dane had used made the whole thing seem very real. A shape moved silently from the cover of the garden to appear in front of her. Lea jumped and squealed in fright. śI knew you’d be here,” she said. śBut still you could make some noise, you scared me.” śHow may I be of assistance, ma’am,” He used the same formal wording, but his voice seemed gentle somehow. śDo you know where Dane is?” Rin nodded, in the darkness she couldn’t see the expression on his face. śCould you tell me?” she prompted. śThat would be unwise. The bear has seen fit to return to his home and life. I suggest you do the same.” śThere is no life without him,” Lea blurted out. śLife is what you make of it,” Rin clasped his hands in front of him and turned slightly. Lea could see the plains of his face lightened by the street light, though his eyes remained in shadow. śLife without love is meaningless,” Lea stepped forward and grasped his clenched hands in her own. This close she could see his dark eyes. śPlease, haven’t you loved before?” Lea saw pain in his eyes before he shielded himself. śI have loved and I have survived without that love. That is how I know you can also.” śSurvived,” Lea echoed, dropping his hands. śBut have you lived?” Sadness engulfed her. He wasn’t going to going to tell her. She turned away from him. śWait.” Lea stopped, turning back toward Rin, hope twisting in her belly. śI shall tell you where the bear resides"” śThank you,” Lea interrupted, her gratitude immense. Rin held up a hand. śBut you must heed my warning,” he said solemnly. śThere is magic and forces that are stronger than love and you will pay for them with your life if you get caught up in them. Tread carefully or the price you pay may be greater than you imagine.” Lea tried to swallow through her suddenly parched throat. Rin told her how to find Dane. She took his hand in hers, leaned over and kissed his cheek, just as she had done in the Hall. śThank you, for all you have done for me.” śI pray I have not done you a disservice. Remember my warning and guard your heart well.” He squeezed her hand and looked around. śLeave now, another comes to relieve me of my duty, another may not allow you to go if they are aware of your destination.” Lea nodded and turned and ran up the path into the house. Fear and excitement mingled together making her hands shake. She slid a suitcase out from under the bed and blew off the dust bunnies. It had been a long time since she had been on vacation. Not that chasing a polar bear shape shifter could be classed as a holiday. She grabbed enough warm clothes to survive in the frigid snow, her passport, wallet and her hidden stash of emergency money and shoved them into the suitcase. The car keys hung on a hook above the phone table and Lea snatched them up and without a backward glance headed for her seldom used car. She preferred to walk around town when it wasn’t snowing, but a car was essential in this part of the world during the unfriendly months. Lea threw the suitcase into the passenger seat and started the car. It purred into life and she backed it out of the driveway. It was a fairly short drive to the local airport and she hoped she hadn’t missed the last flight of the evening. As she turned into the street, Lea looked behind her and searched the garden for any sign of Rin. She didn’t know if he was there watching her leave, he didn’t show himself. But as Lea drove away his dire warning echoed through her mind. Would she pay a price higher than her life so she could chase a love when she wasn’t entirely sure he wanted her in return? ~* * *~ Lea waited in the snow, the babble of excited tourists filing her head with mindless chatter. She couldn’t think straight and it had been too long since she last slept peacefully. The late plane trip had been relatively short and by the time the adrenaline was wearing off and Lea finally lay her head down to doze, a flight attendant was announcing their imminent arrival. Finding her way to the relatively small town had been easy, tour busses met the planes and took them right into the main street. The hotel was small and cozily warm, but almost packed to the brim with people visiting to take in the main attraction. Polar bears. Lea had reserved the hotel while she was at the airport waiting for her flight to leave. She checked in, had a restless night’s sleep and made reservations for the next day’s polar bear tour. It was the only thing she could think to do. She couldn’t just walk up to the townsfolk and ask about the polar bear who transformed into a man. She’d be on the next plane back home with a medical escort. śAre you excited about the tour, dear?” śPardon?” Lea blinked and stared at the woman speaking to her. śThe tour, dear? Are you looking forward to it?” The elderly woman was swamped by her snow clothes, thick and bulky they seemed to engulf the tiny lady beneath them. Her wrinkled face was ruddy from the cold, her lavender eyes smiling in their wrinkled creases. śOh, yes, I am,” Lea replied automatically. śAre you?” she asked politely. śDefinitely.” Excitement shone in her face. śI’ve been doing these tours every year since I was thirteen.” Lea looked dubious and the old woman laughed a dry cackle. śOh no, you mistake me. Not on these contraptions,” the lady pointed a gloved hand at the specialized snow tourist bus they used to shepherd around willing tourists. The door opened and the people in the front of the queue started piling in. śThese machines have no soul, but I still do love to see the bears running free,” continued the woman as she progressed along the queue with Lea following behind her. Hopefully soon she’d be able to see Dane as a bear. What she’d do then, she had no idea. She hadn’t thought that far ahead. The elderly lady boarded the bus with a sprightliness that belied her obvious age and took a seat. Lea stepped onto the bus and warm air calmed her frayed nerves. She looked around, the only seat vacant next to the old lady in front of her. Lea took her seat, resigned for a long chat she didn’t feel up to. The lady smiled at her and Lea returned it with her most professional practiced smile. It must have looked more like a grimace as the woman patted her hand against Lea’s in a motherly fashion. śNow dear, there’s no need to feel anxious. These busses are quite safe. My name is Mable by the way.” śI’m Lea,” she replied, strangely taking comfort from the woman’s ministrations. The bus door hissed shut and Lea’s ears popped as the air lock closed shut. The bus started along the icy street toward the ice fields. Lea’s heart gave a jolt in anticipation and she ignored the droning voice of the tour guide as she went through rules and trivial facts Lea had little interest in. She was interested in finding the bears. One in particular. śBlah, blah, blah,” intoned Mable in a bored voice. śSo many regulations nowadays.” Mable removed her gloves to reveal soft skinned hands, their fingers thin and gnarled, and placed them on her lap. Lea found herself following suit as the warmth that felt so welcoming earlier now started to feel stifling. śWhen I was young and we did polar bear tours, there were no rules,” Mable laughed dryly. śWell, except for Śdon’t get yourself killed’. But listen to me sprouting Śback in my day’ stories,” she chastised herself. śI bet you’re looking forward to seeing a polar bear seeing it’s your first time, Lea.” śYes, I hope to see one with all my heart.” Mable looked at Lea with curiosity in her eyes. śYes, I can hear it in your voice. Then I hope you do find one. Mind you, there aren’t as many as there used to be. When we did tours by foot, you had to have your wits about you, just in case of bears,” she paused, śamong other things.” śOther things?” Lea asked, her interest perking up. śThere are many strange things in nature my dear,” Mable looked out the window and Lea followed her gaze. The white expanse of snow and ice reached far into the distance. Dane was out there somewhere, was this trip looking for a needle in a haystack? How was she ever going to find him stuck in this bus? śStrange and wondrous things,” Mable continued. śThings you can’t experience stuck in a tin coffin like this. The feel of snow beneath you, the frigid wind in your face. The fear as a gigantic bear rears and you can see the deadliness in its eyes.” Mable sighed as the passion went out of her voice. śBut I suppose I should be grateful for this metal contraption, my old legs would never carry me now. But you on the other hand, you deserve to feel that sort of rush.” Lea smiled at the elderly woman, knowing exactly what that kind of rush felt like. It was what she was chasing out here. That and something more profound and lasting. She wanted her heart back and Dane’s to go with it. Lea heard a collective gasp and the tour conductor grabbed her microphone greedily. śTo your right, ladies and gentlemen, is a very large male polar bear. We know for a fact this bear lives toward the outskirts of the town as he has been here for a long time. Bears have few distinguishing features, however they are very territorial.” Lea peered over Mable’s shoulder, through the thick reinforced window. There in the distance stood a bear on all fours, it was still, obviously watching the bus. Lea’s hand went up and touched the space between her breasts, where the pendant sat underneath her snow clothes. Was the bear Dane? There had to be masses of bears in this region. How would she know? śWe will head closer to the bear, but not too close,” droned the tour guide. śThese bears are used to us, but they are still wild animals.” The bus slowed, arched across the snow and turned toward the bear so it was now getting closer on the left side of the bus. Lea stared out the window opposite her, she could feel Mable lean closer for a better look. śGosh, he’s a biggin’. Wouldn’t like to meet him in a cranky mood on a dark night,” Mable rasped. śYes, he certainly is beautiful,” Lea agreed. They were closer now, the bear in full view of the tour bus but still obviously what the driver deemed a safe distance. śOh, he’s injured poor thing. Look can you see how his fur is matted and torn at his shoulders and arms, probably his torso too by the look of him,” Mable pointed out. śHe’s been in one hell of a skirmish.” Lea stared at the bear. Mable was right. The bear’s pristine white coat was marred and open in spots, wounds just barely visible beneath its thick fur. Lea closed her eyes and images of blood and violence swept across her mind. Dane and the wolf fighting to the death in her living room. Dane facing her, his open wounds raw and painful. Dane holding her against him in his icy den as they frantically made love. Lea grasping his injured shoulder, day old wounds marring his perfect body. Lea jumped up, her gloves falling to the floor and headed for the door. Mable gasped, her gnarled hand going up to cover her mouth. śMiss, please. You must remain seated.” The tour attendant rose and grabbed at Lea. Lea flung her arm off and made for the door. The bus jolted to a halt and Lea stumbled forward. She grabbed the door handle and pulled. It remained closed. śMiss, please. I must insist that you",” śShut it, woman,” Lea snapped as she stepped back up onto the main platform of the bus and faced the driver. śHow do you get out?” The driver shook his head like a big shaggy dog, his grey beard and long scraggy hair flopping back and forth. śShow me, damn it,” Lea demanded as she leaned over the bus console and scanned quickly for the door release. She found it and punched it hard. The door hummed as the air lock opened and ice cold air ripped into the bus. Lea bolted for the open door, pushing the tour guide back as she made one final attempt to grab her, and landed in the snow on her hands and knees. Her hands instantly froze in the snow and she got to her feet quickly. She looked around frantically trying to locate the bear. He stood on all fours in exactly the same spot, his attention directly on her. A bolt of trepidation and fear leapt inside her. Had she been right? Was this Dane? Terrified Lea took a few steps toward the bear. It didn’t move. śDear, perhaps you should get back onto the bus,” Mabel called from the door. śNo, it’s fine. I know what I’m doing,” Lea replied, glancing quickly at the old lady before turning her attention back to the bear. śI think,” she added under her breath. śMiss! Get back inside,” a voice hissed from behind her. Lea ignored her, never taking her gaze away from the bear. śFine! I’m not getting killed for you,” the guide rasped before the distinct sound of the door closing echoed through the silence. Lea moved further into the open, fear gripping her stomach. The bear growled, low, baring its fangs and Lea’s stomach twisted. She swallowed and slowly raised her arm, her hand extended toward the bear. It opened its jaws and howled. Lea shook, her outstretched arm trembling. śDane, please. We have already done this and you didn’t scare me away last time. And you won’t this time.” The bear sprung forwards, stretching out its huge powerful legs and ran at Lea. Lea’s heart skipped a beat as true fear permeated her brain. As the bear got closer, snow and ice flew up from his paws, showering her in coldness. She didn’t dare take her gaze away from him. Scared that she wouldn’t see what was coming and terrified that she would see it arrive. The bear skidded to a halt inches away from her. It panted hard, she could see its breath on the air as it snorted at her. śDane, I know it’s you.” The bear snarled at her. śDon’t do this to us.” She stretched out her already extended hand and laid it against the soft thick fur of his face. The bare shut his eyes as she caressed his face. śI love you, Dane,” she whispered, tears stung her eyes. The bear opened his eyes and pierced her with his black gaze. She could see Dane deep within there and hope welled. The bear whined, a pitiful sound wrenched from its very soul. It nuzzled against Lea’s hand before he dipped his head and turned away to walk back to the horizon. śYou know where to find me,” she called across the land, the distance stealing her voice. Lea stood stock still, watching the bear until it disappeared into the distance. Numb to her very heart, she hardly registered the sound of the bus door reopening. She heard snow crunching underfoot. śCome away now dear,” Mable’s voice came to her as if from a long distance away through a hazy fog, but she stood right next to her. Old but strong hands took her upper arm and led her back into the bus. She momentarily heard the clamoring from the other passengers. Lea sat automatically, oblivious to everything but her own inner world. Mable sat next to her and placed a comforting hand on her knee. śWell dear, I’ve seen may a strange thing in my time, but that certainly defies all logic.” Logic be damned, for the first time in her life, she was running on pure emotion and instinct. So far, both had been right. She had let Dane know her feelings and now their destiny was in his hands. She wouldn’t harass a man to love her, no matter how much she needed him. It was up to Dane. But would Dane let her risk her life so they could be together? Now it was either her heart, her soul, or her life. Chapter Seventeen Mist, so unusual in town, curled its way around the buildings, engulfing everything in a hazy blanket. Dane used the fog to keep to the shadows. Nobody walked the streets and he was grateful for the solitude. He rarely ventured into town these days, the urge to take the humans was strong when he lived amongst them for too long. Before Tynan, the previous venator had left, they had a silent agreement and Dane never took too many humans from the villages. Now a new venator was in town and Dane would bide his time. Not that he was afraid of the man or retribution, but he liked his hometown and wanted to continue living here in relative peace. Dane headed straight to the only hotel and bypassed the front entrance. The backdoor was locked and Dane pushed at it with his considerable strength. It popped open with a crack as the door-jam splintered away from the wood surround. He moved to the outside wall of the building, leaving the doorway exposed and waited to see if anyone would come to investigate the sound. Out here in the harsh wilderness people tended to check things with a high powered shotgun. And were quite happy to use it. When Dane was certain no one would come to explore, he stepped inside and made his way slowly to the bar, which also doubled as a reception area. A thick leather bound sign-in book sat open on the wood counter. He quickly scanned it and found Lea’s name and room number. He ran a finger across her writing and closed his eyes briefly. What was she doing here? What did she want from him? A myriad of questions crashed through his mind since she’d arrived. He had felt her close by, but believed it was more longing than his real senses taking over. The moment he saw the tourist bus, he knew without doubt she was on it. Sometimes he watched the tourists, understanding their fascination with the ice and those that inhabited the cold waste lands. But today as soon as he’d seen Lea step out onto his open icy plains, he thought his heart would burst from his chest. He yearned for her, but as soon as he approached her he felt her trepidation and the outright fear coming from those on the bus. What did she hope to achieve by coming here? Hope. It was as contradictory as ever. He hoped to have her in his arms forever and still he believed there was no room for hope in his heart. Dane tapped his finger on the ledger and took the back stairs to her room. He stood at her door, his heart in his throat, anger and frustration still lingering, and knocked. It opened instantly as if she’d been waiting for him. śI wasn’t sure you’d come,” she breathed. śWhy are you here?” She jerked as if he’d physically struck her and instantly regretted the severity of his voice. śI needed to see you,” Lea replied, raising her chin defiantly. Dane shifted. śThis can’t work, Lea. I’m a",” śI know what you are, Dane.” Lea reached for him, her gentle touch scored him like lightning. śCome in. This isn’t a conversation to have in the hall.” He allowed himself to be pulled inside, crouching down as he passed through the door lintel and shut the barrier behind him. Lea turned to face him, her tiny hand still clutching his. He half heartedly tried to pull away and she tightened her grip. śDane, I know what you are and",” she began. śWe have already had this conversation,” he interrupted, not wanting to go over the same information. The unfamiliar emotions still lingered from the previous confrontations. He didn’t know how to react if they flared up again. In their last dream his emotions were distorted, too intense, he’d been close to breaking point. He’d been terrified he wouldn’t be able to control his feelings and he never knew what he’d be capable of doing. śI know we already talked about this, but that was a dream. And no matter how real our dreams are, they are never as real as this.” Lea put her other hand over their joined hands to prove her point. Dane finally looked in her eyes as he felt her gaze bore into him. It had been something he deliberately avoided until now. He knew he’d be lost the moment he did. Her brown eyes burned into his and they glistened with unshed tears. It was his undoing. He lowered his head and kissed her, savoring the softness of her lips before he slid his tongue into the wetness of her mouth. He felt her sigh and he flexed his muscles, curling up his arm, bringing their hands up to rest against the beating of his heart. Lea stepped into him easily, her entire body fitting against his perfectly. He slipped his arm around her waist, pulling her hard against him. She moaned and writhed against him, his arousal now smoldering like fire. Lea broke the kiss and he looked down at her. Her lips were swollen from his kisses, her mouth slightly parted, color burned in her cheeks as he eyes shone bright. śMake love to me, Dane,” śLove,” he croaked and he wondered if Lea could feel his heart skip a beat under her palm. śYou do love me, don’t you?” she asked, the apprehension in her voice obvious. He should say no, break her heart now before he cost her her life. Harden his heart and walk out the door for good this time. śYes.” Silent tears trickled down her cheek and he knew the truth hurt. śYes, I do love you.” He wiped away her tears, her cheek like satin against his hard, calloused fingers. śBut sometimes love isn’t enough.” Lea stood on tip toe and he automatically lowered his head to meet her. She stopped millimeters from his mouth. śAnd sometimes,” she whispered, her breath tickling his lips. śLove is everything.” He claimed her mouth with his, kissing her deeply. He tried to convey all his passion, all his feelings into that one kiss. Lea tugged at his hand, still held by both of hers and moved him toward the bed. He stopped with his back to the bed and Lea grinned wickedly at him. A jolt of lust shot through him and he hardened instantly. She pushed him backward and he allowed himself to fall onto the slightly too small bed. Dane groaned as Lea slipped her T-shirt over her head to reveal creamy naked skin. He raised a hand and cupped her breast, running his thumb her erect nipple. She arched her back and leaned into him briefly before stepping away from him. Lea wiggled out of her jeans, bending down low to slide them off her legs, taking her pink socks with them. She stood up before him, wearing only cotton panties. Dane reached out to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. The bed creaked under his weight as he twisted onto his side. She was smooth and soft as Dane caressed the length of her back. He hooked his thumbs into her panties and pushed them down. Lea wiggled her hips and her panties slid down her legs, she stepped out of them and onto the bed. Dane rolled back onto his back as Lea straddled him, his hands on her hips. God she was beautiful, he thought as he looked up at her. Her long brown hair tickled his shoulder as she bent over him, her breasts pressed against his chest. Her soft lips brushed the skin at the base of his throat and he hissed as she licked him slowly. She writhed against him, her breasts crushing his chest, her core grinding into his arousal. With a grunt, Dane grabbed her around the waist and sat up with her kneeling above his thighs. Impatiently, he ripped his shirt off over his head. Lea smiled and caressed his naked chest. Her small soft hands sent shivers through him, comforting and arousing him simultaneously. He cupped her face and ran his thumb across her cheek, taking in the texture of her skin, the feverish look in her eyes that turned loving as she gazed at him. His heart soared. There was no fear in her eyes, only what she had always said there was. Love. His kissed her, slowly and deeply. She moaned and it vibrated through him. Her hands continued to stroke his chest in an almost methodic fashion, it was lulling him into a sense of security. A flash of panic rose within him and he beat it down. He wouldn’t allow his wayward emotions to betray him now. He needed this moment with Lea. He broke the kiss and bent lower, taking her erect nipple into his mouth. She was soft and consuming in his mouth and he wanted all of her. Lea pulled away from him and placed her hands on his shoulder and pushed him back onto the bed. She kissed and licked her way down his chest and as she moved lower, his stomach contracted. Small fingers worked at his jeans, unbuttoning them. He raised himself off the bed and Lea pulled the denim from his legs and tossed them to the floor. Lea slowly crawled back up his body and pressed her entire length against him, her legs on each side of his hips. Growling, Dane wrapped his arms around her small back and raised himself onto his elbow and twisted until Lea lay underneath him. He locked his gaze with hers and slowly pushed against her core until he slid inside her. His eyes drifted shut for a moment as she engulfed him and he started to rock against her. Lea pushed up against him, her hips grinding into his. She sighed as he half pulled out of her before slowly thrusting into her again. He found her rhythm and moved with her. He didn’t take his gaze from hers until she started to convulse around him. She flung her head back and called out his name. It was his undoing. He stiffened as the nerves through his entire body screamed and strung taut. He hardened inside Lea and his release made his muscles contract to the point of pain. Everything else flew from his mind until it was only him and Lea. Slowly he relaxed, his muscles still shaking from pleasure. It was a moment before he realized Lea silently caressed his jaw. He bent his head and kissed her softly, almost chastely on the lips. He pulled himself away from her and he felt separated again. He lay awkwardly on his side, the bed too small for him to lie comfortably. Lea shifted until her head was pillowed against his chest. He ran his fingers through the long lengths of her hair, it was almost meditative and for the first time in what felt like forever, a peaceful calm washed over him. He didn’t know how much time passed as they rested together. śDane?” śMmmm,” he mumbled. Lea lifted her head and her beautiful brown eyes met his. He cupped her face gently in his massive hand. śYou seem different somehow,” Lea said, slight curiosity marring her voice. śHow so?” śCalmer, more relaxed somehow.” She tilted her head deeper into his palm, the trust and innocence of the action astounding him. śDon’t fool yourself into thinking I’m safe to be around, Lea. My emotions run deep and are very volatile at the moment. I don’t ever want to hurt you.” To his surprise, Lea sighed dramatically, removed her face from his hand and raised herself up onto her elbows. śI know all this, Dane.” She sighed again. śListen, why don’t you go and run through your ice fields. Have some space. Be a bear for a while. See what your instincts tell you about us. Listen to your heart.” She tapped his chest. śThen come back to me and tell me how you feel. I already know how I feel.” Dane searched her eyes and saw she was serious. How could she accept it so easily? Make love to him as a man one moment and then tell him to go and run wild as a bear the next. śAlright,” he conceded, realizing he did need some space. He pried himself away from her and stood over the bed. śBut I don’t want you staying here. It’s not safe.” śDane, we have already discussed this,” Lea replied, exasperated. śNo, not me,” Dane said, shaking his head as he buttoned up his jeans. śThere is something else out here, killing on the ice fields.” śWhat is it?” Lea sat up in bed, curiosity and alarm blazing in her eyes. śSomething evil. Promise me you’ll leave first thing in the morning, the first chance you get. And I will come to you,” Dane added, preempting her fears. śAfter I’ve had time to figure things out. I promise.” Lea nodded and Dane could feel her reluctance. Whether reluctant for him to leave, or for her to leave, he couldn’t tell. Dane pulled his shirt on and bent to kiss Lea softly on the lips. She looked so innocent and vulnerable curled up naked on the bed, her hands hugging her knees. He didn’t want to leave. But she was right; he needed time and space to think. To feel. And he would follow her in time. Probably to the ends of the world if need be. Without a second glance, so he wouldn’t change his mind, Dane strode across the floor and out the door. He clicked it shut behind him and stood in the quiet of the hall for a moment. He retraced his steps out of the building. A slight haze of mist still hung in the air, even at this late hour and blocked out the intense light of the moon. Dane breathed in the cold fresh air and as it expanded his lungs he transformed into a bear. The shadows were darker now and he had little trouble hiding in the deserted streets as he made his way out of town. Dane turned and took one more look at the hotel. Would Lea still be naked and awake in bed or would sleep have come to her yet? A movement, quick and dark, made Dane’s head snap around and he tried to focus his black eyes on the shadow. There, between two smaller buildings at the edge of town, the movement caught his eye again. Something shifted with lightning speed throughout the town. Was it heading out of town or into it? Dane didn’t know. He stood on his hind legs and sniffed. Nothing. Perhaps he was too far away to catch its scent. But Dane’s instincts had already kicked in and he knew what the shadow was. The wendigo. Without thought, Dane crashed down to all four legs and rushed down the hill back toward the village. His heart hammered adrenaline through his veins, readying him for the fight. Visions of the slaughtered family urged him onward. His human mind screamed through his animal half. Lea, she was in danger. The wendigo was too close to her. The animal in him roared and he bounded forward, increasing his speed. He saw the wendigo rush between an alleyway and an adjoining building staying in the darkness to avoid detection. Closer now, Dane could smell the beast. Its stench of rotten flesh and blood repulsing even the animal Dane was. The wendigo stilled and circled toward the ice fields, racing at incredible speeds. Hissing, Dane changed direction in mid-step and chased it into the fields. He pushed himself harder, the muscles of his legs burning with the effort. His huge heart beating harder, making him go faster. Dane ran up a slope of a hill, his legs sinking into the deep fallen snow. His breath panted hard and he snorted with the effort to crest the hill. He yanked his legs out from the deep fresh snow and halted for a second on top of the hill. Crystal clear skies shone brilliantly as the haze that tormented the town hadn’t made its way this far up the valley. Dane saw it a split second before he felt the blinding blow across the side of his head. Before Dane could retaliate, the wendigo slammed him again, coming from the side with intense speed and power. Dane stumbled, his head throbbing, and stepped backward down the hill. He rolled, his own weight propelling him as he tumbled down. His head buried deep within the soft snow before the momentum pulled him out. He twisted trying to break his fall, but slid down the hill on his side. He landed at the bottom with a thud, the air knocked from his lungs and he struggled to get his bearings. His legs shook beneath him as he stood, blinking to clear his blurred vision. A barrage of snow engulfed him and he saw the wendigo racing down the hill toward him, kicking up the powdery snow beneath it, covering Dane. Another blow to the shoulder came from nowhere and Dane hissed in pain. He turned toward it, but the wendigo had already moved away. A wet gurgling cackle came from in front of Dane and he realized it was playing him. Dane growled and bared his teeth. He forced his human side deep within him and allowed, for the first time in years, for his animal half to take the reins. The snow began to settle and Dane saw the wendigo in front of him. Nausea gripped his stomach. It was taller than Dane, long and thin, but obviously had immense power. Dark yellow glowing eyes narrowed on Dane, sizing him up. The wendigo grinned, its flecked blood red lips stretching obscenely to reveal sharp yellowing fangs. It licked its lips, its long blue tongue flicking its incisors. It cackled again and swung out. Dane flung himself to the side, narrowly missing the beast’s blow. In an instant the thing was on top of him, its weight pushing Dane deep into the snow. Dane gagged at the smell and turned his head from its feted mouth, only inches away. Dane roared and pushed up, sending the wendigo flying. It landed with a dull thud in the snow. Dane rolled and stood on his hind legs but the wendigo was already up, coming at him again. It swung at Dane, this time connecting with his chest. Dane howled as the wendigo’s long talons slashed his chest open, deep red blood covering and matting his fur. Anger surged deeper than the pain and Dane smashed his arm across the wendigo. Dane’s claws ripped four deep cuts across its stomach, it opened up like dead flesh, oozing congealed black blood. The wendigo looked down in surprise, dipping its own clawed talon into one of the wounds, exploring the cut. Dane took advantage of its distraction and pounced. He landed on top of the creature, his considerable weight pinning it deep into the snow. Dane sneered, showing his teeth and bit down across the wendigo’s shoulder. The taste repulsed him and his reflex action almost made him let go. But Dane tightened his jaws until he felt the skin pop and open under his jaw. The wendigo bellowed and threw Dane off with immense strength. Dane landed, vaguely dazed, but righted himself immediately, rising to his full height. He panted hard, a rush of excitement and pain urging him toward the battle. The wendigo stood up and Dane glanced at its stomach. The open wounds were now closed and semi healed, rotten green flesh stretching over the cuts. The creature glanced down at its own stomach and noticed Dane watching, it grinned and swept a talon like claw over its belly in a sick caress. It laughed, more like a thick gurgle and eyed Dane again. Dane charged at it, swiping its throat open and knocking it to the ground. They both slid through the snow and Dane had the open tendons of the beast’s throat in his jaws before they stopped moving. Dane reared up, ready to tear its throat open. The wendigo howled, the sound screeching, pulling at the very nerve endings throughout Dane’s body. Dane bit down to silence the creature forever. Pain shot through Dane’s midsection and he released his grip on the creature and bellowed. He looked down to find razor sharp claws buried deep within his stomach. Dane whimpered before he clamped his jaw shut. He unwittingly transformed back into a man. The wendigo hissed in shock and pulled his talons from Dane’s belly. Dane slumped forward before he threw out a hand to support himself. If he was about to die it wouldn’t be with the stink of wendigo in his nostrils. The wendigo stilled and sniffed. Dane braced himself for the final blow, unable to transform back into a bear. But the wendigo only continued to sniff, the sound wet and obscene. It raised its head and smelled Dane’s face and then moved down his chest. It cocked its head and smiled grotesquely. Repulsed, Dane used the last of his strength to push against the wendigo beneath him, and stood on his feet. He wanted to be standing, fighting when he died, not fodder for this disgusting animal. Grimacing, Dane raised himself up, as he straightened the slashes across his chest opened up, the puncture wounds to his stomach deepening. He bit down on the pain. The wendigo jumped to its claw like feet and ran at Dane. He buried his feet deep into the snow and readied himself to at least do some damage in return. The wendigo howled and knocked Dane flying. He exhaled roughly, his body screaming as he landed hard on the ground. He looked up, expecting the creature to be above him. He saw the animal racing away back toward the village. Dane flung his head back, pain assailing him, overwhelming his senses. Why hadn’t the wendigo finished him off? As soon as he’d become human, the creature had smelled something on him. Something that appealed to the animal more than killing Dane. Lea. Dane jumped to his feet, blinding pain racking him. They’d made love less than an hour ago, he would still be covered with her scent. Any animal would be able to sense it. He tried to take a step and doubled over in agony, his palms hitting the snow hard. Blood dripped from his wounds, covering his hands and the white snow. Dane shut his eyes and summoned his strength. His body yearned to transform back into a bear, curl up and recover from his injuries. If he could recover. He opened his eyes and clenched his jaw, so hard his teeth ached. Dane pulled himself up, his stomach tearing open again as he did so. His blood-covered hand shook as he gripped his stomach. He turned toward where the wendigo had disappeared into the valley, toward Lea. ~* * *~ The cold night air whipped through the gash in its throat, making a garish whistling sound. The wendigo swallowed through it. It would heal soon enough, especially after a feast of sweet human flesh. It moved fast, spurred on by the scent of the woman, until it reached the hotel. The building sat in darkness; the wendigo could sense all the people resting peacefully within its walls, oblivious to the danger that lurked outside. The wendigo sniffed. At least one person wasn’t peacefully asleep within the hotel. Now that he had her scent, it knew where she was. She was sleeping, but far-from-peaceful dreams had her tossing and moaning in her slumber. It smiled, its wind-cracked lips stretching and opening up. How nice it would be to take her while she was fully awake. Its long bluish tongue greedily licked the blood from its mouth. He still tasted the bear. Bear meat had no liking for him, but as soon as it turned back into a man, it had been tempted to feed upon its flesh. That was until he caught the smell of the woman. For some reason it wanted her above all others. Ravenous longing gripped at its stomach and he sniffed again, trying to get a bearing on where the woman was. It crept along the outside walls and had almost circumnavigated the building when it stopped. It flung its head backward and saw a small window, just like all the others, but it knew the woman lay inside. Gleefully it pounced, clutching the outside of the building with its claws and began to climb. Its talons scratched into the walls, screeching as they slid, before they bit into the wall. It climbed to the second story window and smashed it with ease, unconcerned now about the noise in its pleasurable anticipation. He heard a startled scream from within and its eyes burned with heated joy. It scampered through the broken window, enjoying the feel of the remaining shards of glass slice its thick, rotten skin. The woman sat huddle up at the end of the bed, shaking in fear, a blanket clutched to her chest in some vain attempt to protect herself. Those brown eyes widened with terror and horror as she saw it. She screamed. The wendigo stood watching, mesmerized for a moment, trying to comprehend the longings it now craved. The woman continued to scream. The wendigo rushed across the room and the woman tried to scamper away. It flung out its arms and grabbed her, its talons accidently tearing through her upper arm as she struggled. It didn’t mean to draw her blood. Not now anyway. It had better plans for her. But now at the smell of her life force flowing from her, its own blood boiled and lust seized at it. It wanted to devour her, to taste her. It hissed as she continued to scream hysterically and squirm. Hurried knocks at the door were now followed by frantic voices, screaming for her safety. The wendigo pulled her from the bed. She was dressed in black and white stripped flannel pajamas and thick black socks. Her top was now smeared with blood, her trousers loose around her waist. Bitter anger flared deep within the wendigo. It knew that she and the bear man had coupled only hours ago, he’d smelled it on both of them. But now she lay fully clothed. Part of him expected her naked, wanted her that way. Vulnerable toward him in every way. She continued to struggle and the wendigo tired of it. It cradled her against his chest. She finally fell silent. A revolted snear curved her mouth and she gagged, trying to get away, pushing at his chest and yet trying not to touch him. Anger flared, this time more potent than ever before. The door finally burst open. Two men fell into the room followed by a quick succession of women, their concern evident. They all halted as they saw the wendigo and it turned and grinned at them before heading toward the smashed window. śMine,” it rasped as he held the woman tight. śMine.” Chapter Eighteen śGreat! A fucking wendigo.” Tithe repressed the urge to sigh dramatically and roll his eyes. The last few months had been more trouble than he’d seen in a while. A massacre, attempted reincarnation, a leader who turned out to be the enemy. He’d had enough. Now an evil creature of myth and legend roamed the countryside slaughtering indiscriminately. śI saw it with my own eyes,” Silvan said defensively. śI believe you my friend.” Tithe walked past and clasped Silvan on the shoulder. śIt certainly has been a while though.” Tithe gave Silvan’s shoulder a quick squeeze and headed to the liquor cabinet. He scanned the glass cupboard, reached for the strongest drink he had and poured himself a glass. He drained it quickly before pouring another. Not that it made much of a difference, he could hardly get drunk from it, but the burn was marginally comforting. He proffered both Silvan and Rin a glass, knowing full well neither man would accept it. Silvan shook his head and took a seat, the soft leather softly creaking beneath him. Rin continued to stand, stiff and formal, uncomfortable about being in his boss’s home. It was obviously a breach of protocol. It was the first time he’d been home from the Hall in weeks and he had little inclination to return back to work just yet. So when Silvan had returned on the first flight back to Whitehorse, Tithe summoned both Silvan and Rin here. The white and cream colored décor appeared cold and aloof. All the essentials were here, but nothing personal adorned the rooms. His house was immaculately clean, almost clinical. Even in the privacy of his own home, Tithe gave nothing of himself away. Except in his privately secured rooms. That section of the house was closed off to every living soul. And some of the dead ones. It was there, and only there, he was truly able to be himself. To finally relax and take stock. And sometimes to remember. Tithe turned and placed the bottle back into the cabinet. He saw Rin in the glass door’s reflection. The man didn’t move a muscle but Tithe felt his agitation. He could always read his men well. śWhat do you suggest we do about the beast?” Rin clipped out. Grinning, Tithe turned toward him. śWe kill it.” śI surmised as much,” Rin replied, sarcasm dripping from his every word. śBut how do you kill a wendigo?” śVery difficult. They’re bastard things.” It was Silvan who answered. śI assume you are able to kill it?” Rin asked. śYou can kill anything if you know how,” Tithe said. He walked in front of the mahogany bar that ran half the length of the room and leaned his lower back against it. He crossed his legs at the ankle, his arms against his broad muscular chest. śI know we’ve come up against some things that seem damn near indestructible. But we always managed to eradicate them in the end.” He cocked his head. śMostly.” śThis one’s big, strong and ultra-violent.” Silvan sat forward and stared at Tithe, sadness and anger shining in his blue eyes. śIt has a huge blood lust, one I haven’t seen in many years.” He paused and swallowed roughly. śIt slaughtered an entire family in the snow. Hardly anything left of them. Man, woman or child.” Tithes stomach tightened as he continued to look at Silvan. The man’s words conjured up memories that flashed through his mind. Scenes of death, blood and ice. Visions of Silvan on his knees, screaming at his family’s slaughtered remains. Blood coating his hands as he tried to save his child, as he attempted to put the pieces of his wife back together. Silvan finally looked away and Tithe felt sickness rise within him, it mingled with guilt and gripped him. He knew Silvan hated the cold and ice for a reason, he shouldn’t have sent him on this mission. But he believed it was a straightforward routine job. Check if the human deaths were attributed to the shifter bear, and if so take care of the situation. He never imagined it would turn into this. He’d never deliberately reopen festering wounds that should lie forever dormant. śApologies, Silvan,” was all he could grind out. Silvan glanced at him a moment, his blue eyes vacant, even of pain. A muscle worked at his jaw. After a second, he nodded and the knot in Tithe’s chest loosened a fraction. The blood he saw in his visions was on Tithe’s hands and the immense guilt it burdened him with was more than justified. Rin glanced from Tithe to Silvan, obviously understanding something went on between the two men, but unsure what to make of it. Tithe cleared his throat and addressed Rin. śWendigo’s are notoriously difficult to kill, especially since very few remember the old legends and tales about them.” śDo the legends tell how to kill it?” Rin inquired. śYes, they do. Luckily for us, an elder of the Algonquin tribe imparted the knowledge to me a very long time ago.” Tithe unlocked his arms and stepped forward, away from the bar. He stopped a few paces away from where Silvan sat in the armchair, his arms folded defensively, his face tense and hard. śI will not order you to come with me to dispose of the wendigo,” Tithe said, choosing his words carefully. śI ask you as a friend and a brother, a request I know I have no right in asking.” Silvan glared at him and Tithe knew the pain of his friendship and honor conflicting with his duty. But if the creature was as strong as was suggested, then he needed someone he trusted at his back. The seconds stretched and Silvan continued to glower and Tithe stared back, both men unwilling to look away. Finally, Silvan nodded a quick jerk of his head. Tithe inwardly sighed in relief. He turned on his heal to face the other venator. śRin, I need you to protect my city in my absence. I trust no other to the task.” śYes,” Rin curtly replied. śMy thanks,” Tithe said, inclining his head. śReturn to the Hall, I left you instructions on my desk.” Rin cocked an eyebrow. śYou were very certain I would say yes.” śYes, I was,” Tithe said. śIn that case, I will take my leave,” Rin said, nodding toward Tithe. śSilvan,” he said in goodbye, turning toward the man. śBest fortunes on your mission,” he said to both. Rin turned and walked across the room. śRin,” Tithe called as the man reached the doorway. Rin stopped and turned toward him. śWatch for Avery. She flies closer to you every day. I see her circling.” Rin’s hand went to his sword strapped to his side. Anger blazed in the man’s face and Tithe could feel it permeating from him. śI watch for her,” Rin spat out. śShe is my responsibility.” śIt was her brother who turned her, not you.” Rin’s face reddened as the knuckles grew whiter as he gripped the hilt of his sword. He held Tithes gaze for a moment and Tithe knew he wanted to strike out against him. Not that he could blame him, some pain was too great to hold in and only action could abate it. After a moment, he looked down at his hand gripping his sword and some of the bitterness seeped from him. Only his eyes belied his anguish. śI only remind you to appease your guilt and sorrow,” Tithe said softly. śThere are some instances which require a man to carry guilt.” Rin turned on his heal and walked out the door. That was a premise Tithe could understand only too well. He carried guilt for many atrocities he’d both committed and contributed to, whether willingly or not. They all had burdens to carry. Every single man under his control had a past, usually of tragedy and pain. Some of it he had a hand in. But Tithe had been making amends for centuries, making sure those men now had at least some semblance of a life. Perhaps even contentment, something he feared he would never find for himself. Too much hid in his past, too many demons, both literally and figuratively. Too many mistakes that he was paying penance for. And one of those was still sitting in his arm chair. The haunted look in Silvan’s usually cheerful eyes reminded him of the pain he’d inflicted. Tithe felt the sickness rise in him again, just as it did every time he began to feel the full extent of the guilt and anguish of his past mistakes. Tithe gritted his teeth till his jaw ached, trying to rein in his wayward emotions. Slowly he approached Silvan. śI am truly sorry you had to relieve those memories, Silvan.” The man looked up, baulked slightly, then stood with slow deliberate moves. śI can see you are sincere. Your eyes are glowing green again,” Silvan said with a mix of sadness and amusement. Tithe blinked, felt the burning in his eyes and pushed his emotions into the background where they belonged. śIf only the others knew you glowed when your emotions get out of control,” Silvan said, standing in front of him, watching him curiously. śA few do know.” śAnd it’s a good thing it’s only a few too. You already freak out most people, you’d terrify them if they knew the truth of you.” Silvan sobered. śI know why your feelings are scattered. I told you before my friend, and I will tell you once again. What happened to my family was no doing of yours. You have no fault in it.” Tithe nodded his gratitude, but couldn’t bring Silvan’s words to heart. He held fault. But there was little he could do about it now. Tithe swallowed the lump in his throat and called on his considerable willpower. He reined in his emotions. śCome,” Tithe said, śWe have a beast to slaughter.” Chapter Nineteen Light filtered in, creating slivers of brightness in the darkness. Lea shivered uncontrollably, and sniffled, trying to take long calming breaths. She gagged at the putrid stench that lay thick in the dark lair. She regained consciousness here, in the blackness, after the creature had taken her from her room. She had screamed and fought its hold with everything she had in her, but to no avail. It had looked at her, head cocked in mild interest as it gripped her in its claws. The greed and lust had come to its dirty yellow glowing eyes and it guffawed, its thick oozing spittle dripping on her face. In abject horror, it was the last thing she remembered. Until fear had woken her in the dark. She caught the line of the light and frantically searched around her. Dirty ice and snow ere compacted loosely together for walls, the floor grimy ice and splattered with something thick and congealed. Movement at the front of the cave concealed the remaining light. Lea gasped, her hand shooting up to cover her mouth to stop from calling out. She panted through her nose, trying to force oxygen into her body, and attempting not to retch at the foul air as her stomach twisted in fear and revulsion. The animal at the front of the lair growled softly, almost a laugh and Lea nearly lost all reason. Was this the creature Dane spoke of? Terror threatened at the edges of her mind and Lea wanted the blackness of her subconscious to take over. She just couldn’t handle this fear. Another movement from the creature bought another flash of daylight through the cave. The light highlighted a mutilated mound of flesh and clothes next to her. Surprised, her heart went into overdrive, threatening to explode. She quickly scurried away, until she was against the wall, tucking her feet up under her. The monster moved again, as if it was pacing or swaying. Light glinted off something metal beside the horrifying mass. Realizing what it was, Lea quickly grabbed the little hand shovel and clutched it to her body, hiding it just in case the creature saw. Lea grimaced as she was plunged back into the dark. She sent up a silent prayer for whatever man or woman that sodden mutilated mess had been and a quick thanks for the shovel. Snow and ice would be hard to dig through, but she wouldn’t sit here and wait for that abomination to decide her fate. Lea felt around with her numb fingers until she found a piece of wall where the snow crumbled at its base. It was as good a place to start digging as any. She took out the freezing cold shovel and bit down in pain as the handle stuck to the skin of her palm. She started to dig and if the creature at the door came for her, at least she’d have a weapon, no matter how feeble it seemed. Shivering, Lea continued to dig through the walls, her teeth chattering as cold numbness started to seize up her body. Her muscles screamed in agony, adrenaline and determination, the only things keeping her warm. She kneeled, facing the wall, her knees red raw. The skin ripped from them, her pajamas no barrier to the intense cold and they started to bleed. The animal behind her sniffed audibly. Lea twisted to look at it, her heart in her throat. It sniffed again and growled hungrily, moving slightly, allowing shards of light to stream in. Lea grabbed handfuls of loose snow from the wall and shoved it around her knees, trying desperately to conceal the scent of her fresh blood. The flakes of snow turned pink with blood and Lea packed her legs deeper in the snow. She waited for the beast to come. Terror gripping her stomach, raising bile to her throat. She tried to swallow and kept her gaze glued to the creatures back, waiting for some movement. It snorted and moved back over the opening. Lea released a quivering breath. He numb thick fingers felt for the shovel, her legs now shivering uncontrollably. Soon she wouldn’t be able to feel them. Right now she took pleasure in the pain, it meant she was still alive. If the animal came for her later and she couldn’t move because of the cold, all her efforts would be in vain. A guttural howl echoed outside, slightly muffled by the icy walls. Lea’s entire body jolted and she dropped the shovel. The creature at the entrance to her prison stilled and pure panic bubbled inside her. Another howl, angry and fierce, came from outside and the ground began to rumble. A quick rhythm of footfalls came closer and shook the lair, ice flakes dropping from the roof. The growl this time was closer, just outside the opening. The creature was breathing hard in response, anger and cruelty oozing from it. Suddenly it launched itself away from the doorway and leapt at something unseen. Lea lifted a hand to shield her eyes from the onslaught of light. She blinked quickly and tried to focus. White fur and the darkness of the creature flashed in front of the lair’s opening. Gasping in horror, Lea pulled her legs away from the snow. She cried out in pain as more skin tore from her knees, she dropped the shovel and grabbed at her wounds. She grimaced, stood up, hurried to the opening and stopped abruptly, her breath ripped from her chest. Dane, in bear form, reared up on his hind legs and yet the creature towered over him. Deep red gashes ran the length of Dane’s chest, his white fur matted all over in blood and dirt. He swiped at the creature, its flesh opening with a sickening ooze. It sniggered throatily and knocked Dane flying. The ground vibrated as Dane landed. Half a second later, he was back up on all fours, looking dazed and unsteady. The beast was already over him and swiped across his back. Dane hissed as it sliced through fur and flesh. Panic blinded Lea and she raced at the creature. It was about to kill Dane, she had to do something. Her numb legs moved slowly, she wouldn’t make it in time. śHey,” she screamed. Stunned, both the animal and Dane turned and watched her hobbling through the snow toward them. Dane looked at her with a strange combination of fear and love. The creature’s eyes lit up with dark longing. It almost stopped Lea in her tracks. She forced herself to look at Dane, to keep going. Dane seized the distraction and reared up, swinging at the creature with all his remaining power. It crashed to the side, plummeting in the snow. Lea was almost on them, new panic reared, she had no weapon and very little strength. Nothing. Frantically, she searched around, then in desperation patted down her frozen body. Her fingers clutched the broken pendant around her neck and she hissed as it’s jagged edge once again sliced into her. She pulled and tugged with numbed fingers, trying to get the pendant off. Finally she yanked hard, its silver chain fell softly to the white ground. Trembling with fear, Lea fell on top of the wretched creature in the snow. Using her body weight, she shoved the sharp edge of the pendant deep within its left eye. She cried out in horror as her fingers slid, encased in the rotten, open hole of its eye socket. The creature bellowed in anger and threw her off. She landed hard on the ground, her face buried in the fresh snow. The air pushed from her lungs and she gulped, her entire body aching. Exhausted her head fell back into the ice, unable to move she listened to her heart beating furiously until Lea finally lifted her head a fraction and saw their horror wasn’t finished. ~* * *~ Dane’s heart stopped for an instant as a foreign emotion assailed him; pure fear. Lea lay unmoving in the snow. He started toward her, she raised her head and relief flooded him. Slowly, he turned his head toward the wendigo, deadly intent in his gaze. Dane harnessed his remaining power and launched himself at the wendigo. It bellowed in rage, still clutching at the half buried pendant embedded in its eye. It tore is claw from its face and hooked its clawed talons into Danes upper thigh. Dane grunted in pain and bared his teeth in a snarl. He bit into the creature’s throat, both his human and animal halves rebelling in disgust. Still, Dane clenched his jaws through putrid, decaying skin. Before he could twist his head to tear out its throat, the wendigo clawed at Dane’s face, tearing him open. Dane hissed and tried to bite down again. The creature growled and threw Dane backwards to the ground. Dane panted in pain and exhaustion. The blows and injuries he’d already inflicted on the beast would have killed any other living creature. The bear in him roared and on instinct of survival readied itself. Dane’s human half filtered through slowly with a memory, a legend, a myth. He suddenly realized why Lea’s pendant caused the wendigo more damage the he’d done in mortal combat. The wendigo awkwardly rose to its feet and turned to where Lea, now cowering in the snow, silently sat. Her lips and skin were tinged blue from cold, a kind of shocked awe blanking her usually vibrant features. Dane bounded toward the creature, this time aiming at the silver pendant buried deep with its eye socket. With all his power, he rammed the pendant in harder and the wendigo bent over, writhing in pain. With the creature on the ground, a movement behind it caught Dane’s attention. Two men approached, breaching the icy hill, moving toward them fast. Inwardly Dane cursed and he whimpered silently. He was having enough trouble with the wendigo, he didn’t want to have to take on two venators as well. Growling, Dane braced himself and dug into his reserves of energy. He glanced over at Lea and his heart ached for her. If she didn’t get out of the cold soon, hyperthermia would kick in. He needed to kill the beast first, so it would never be a threat to her again. And if he fell protecting her, at least the venators would look after her. The thought numbed him to the core. Anger pounded through him and he swiped at the wendigo, sending it flying. He turned to the venator, the one he recognized as Silvan, the man he’d fought earlier. The venator rushed in. Dane dug his hind legs into the snow for stability, waiting for the man to attack. Surprised, Dane watched as he headed straight for the wendigo, brandishing his massive, ancient sword. It shone almost painfully in the light. He swung at the beast on the ground, narrowly missing it as the wendigo rolled and jumped to its feet with worrying agility. Silvan swung again as the beast rushed him. The sword sliced the wendigo’s arm, foul smelling greenish blood spewing onto the snow. The wendigo roared in rage and smashed the venator to the ground. Dane moved toward them. He glanced to his side. The second venator stood watching and Dane wondered why Tithe didn’t enter the fray. Tithe raised an arm and effortlessly threw a long silver stake toward him. In an instant Dane transformed into his human form and caught the weapon mid air. Vengeance bought a smile to Dane’s face. He twisted the stake, turning the cold shaft in his hand. Silently, he closed the distance between himself and the wendigo. Now more nimble as a man, Dane swerved away from the beast’s talons and ducked underneath its mutilated arm. With all his strength, Dane grabbed the stake in both hands and rammed it up through the wendigo’s chest, piercing its heart. Thick black blood smothered the once silver steak and Dane pushed it deeper. The animal’s screech echoed through the night, sending shivers across Dane’s skin. It bellowed and convulsed, fighting its death. Dane slammed the weapon in further until the shaft disappeared. The wendigo finally toppled, landing with a sickening thud. Dane stepped back trying to avoid the foul smelling mess that writhed on the ground. Finally it stilled and only then did Dane look up. Both Tithe and Silvan stood watching the animal until its death. Dane’s revulsion echoed their expressions. Convinced the wendigo was no longer a threat to Lea, Dane turned. Relief flooded him. Lea sat shivering in the snow, horror and disbelief etched across her face. Slowly she raised her head and saw him. Her eyes brightened and Danes heart swelled. Lea rose to her feet, numb and awkward, and came to stand by his side. śAre you okay?” Dane asked, thought the question sounded trite even to his ears. śIs it dead?” śI think so.” Dane reached an arm around her shoulders, her skin cold to the touch. śGood,” Lea replied with a venom he’d never her from her before. śWell, it’s almost dead,” Tithe said. Dane turned to him. śWhat do you mean, almost?” Tithe produced an ornate silver box from inside his snow jacket and placed it on the ground. He took off his coat and gave it to Dane with a nod toward Lea. Grateful, Dane took it, unable to offer her his own garment since his T-shirt was ripped to shreds. Dane wrapped Lea in Tithe’s jacket and felt her sigh in relief as the oversized coat engulfed her. śI’d give you my pants as well, but then I’d be naked and that would probably scare away the wildlife.” Dane eyed him. śIt would certainly freak me out,” Silvan said sarcastically, facing Dane. śRelax, bear. He’s kidding, you know. Now let’s get on with this,” he added to Tithe. Tithe retrieved the metal box and opened it. A small, sharp silver dagger sat inside the blue velvet covered interior. Tithe pulled it out. Curious, Dane watched Tithe approach the wendigo’s body. He leaned over it, using his body to shield what he was doing from Lea. Dane’s arm tightened around Lea’s shoulder. Her face turned into him as the distinct noise told them Tithe had cut into the creature. The stench hit them, making them all gag and turn away. Tithe stood up, the silver box in one hand. He bent down quickly and cleaned the dagger on the rags covering the wendigo. śDisgusting,” he grimaced as he stood again, the now clean dagger brandished in his hand. śThe wendigo’s heart,” he explained, holding up the silver box. śIt must be buried on consecrated ground.” śSo now it’s dead?” Lea asked. śNot quiet.” Tithe sighed theatrically. śWe now have to dismember the body with a silver axe.” He nodded toward Silvan, who produced the required weapon as if from nowhere. śThe remains then have to be salted, burned to ashes and then scattered to the four winds.” śAnything else?” Dane asked sardonically, raising an eyebrow. śNo.” Tithe smiled. śIsn’t that enough?” Dane nodded and faced both the men. śThank you for your assistance,” he ground out, forced to recognize his enemies’ help. śYou’re welcome. It was fitting that you killed it.” Tithe glanced at Silvan. śCome we have work to do.” śTake your lady home, it seems you both need time to recover,” Tithe said to Dane. śSo, you are letting us walk out of here, just like that? I thought I was your mortal enemy.” Dane asked bitterly. Tithe looked at him, a strange emotion crossing his hard features and Dane could swear for a split second his eyes glowed green. śWe can be mortal enemies another day. Today we worked together to kill something worse than either of us. You know, my enemy’s enemy is my friend, that sort of thing.” He raised an eyebrow as he looked Dane up and down. śBesides, you look a little under the weather. I don’t think it would be a fair fight at the moment.” śYes, I’d still kick your ass,” Dane replied. Tithe laughed, low and deep. It was the first time Dane ever heard it, it was slightly disconcerting. Dane nodded and looked at Lea. She was clearly exhausted and freezing. śCome, I’ll take you home,” Dane saw the look pass across her face. śNot the den. You need to get warm. I have a place on the outskirts of town.” śOkay.” Lea murmured and stumbled forward. Dane leaned over and picked her up, cradling her in his arms. Every wound and muscle throughout his body cried out in pain. He felt the warm trickle of blood seep from his wounds. śPut me down, you’re injured; you don’t have the energy to carry me home.” śI am strong enough to protect my woman,” Dane grunted. He lifted her closer to his chest and gritted his teeth. The first step was the hardest. He’d take her home and care for her, nurture her. He would never leave her unprotected again. And if that meant his heart would shatter in the process, then so be it. Chapter Twenty The putrid smell contaminated him. Silvan grimaced, he’d never get this smell off him. Surely it would stay with him forever. He stripped naked, peeling the filth encrusted clothes from his body. He dumped them in the garbage bag Tithe had provided, twisted the top closed and chucked it into the corner of the bathroom. He wrinkled his nose in disgust, the stench and gore clung to his skin. He turned on the shower and stepped inside the cubicle, closing the door behind him with a click. Warm water caressed his skin, massaging his aching muscles, and he sighed in relief. The dirt and grime slid down his body mingling with the water, pooling on the tiled floor before disappearing down the drain. If only his memories would vanish so easily. They would always be his constant companion. Lurking in the background, lingering just below the surface, ready to make an appearance at the slightest provocation lately. The last few days had brought more recollections to the forefront than he cared to acknowledge. Memories that had been buried for years and now bombarded him mercilessly. Grimacing, Silvan grabbed the soap and scrubbed himself raw, determined to rid himself of the foul creature they had disposed of tonight. He and Tithe had tracked the creature into the snow and when the saw the bear fighting it, they knew it was right for the bear to destroy the wendigo. But it had been up to him and Tithe to dispose of the corpse. A task he would have gladly forgone. Typically, they had been left with the clean up. At least he knew with certainty the creature would never harm another. There was no coming back from what they did to it. Silvan turned off the water, stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. It was large, soft and thick and he wrapped himself in it enjoying the luxury. It soaked up the water from his body, droplets disappearing instantly. He dried himself, hung up the towel and walked out of the bathroom. The small bedroom was warm, the bed very inviting. His body ached from the exertion of the last few days. His mind throbbed even more so. He swept his gaze over the room, surprisingly, a fresh set of clothes sat neatly folded on the bed’s duvet. Silvan walked over to them and leaned down to pick up the clean T-shirt. He paused as he saw his naked reflection in a full length mirror on the opposite wall. He baulked at what he saw. He was one of the very few venators who bore physical scars. Most venators were physical perfection, their wounds never leaving marks. His scars were not new. They were very old, almost ancient. Since becoming a hunter, his many wounds never scarred his body. But those that marred his body before he turned stayed with him as a constant reminder of a life once lived and never forgotten. The marks stood out against the contours of his muscles, lighter than the smooth brown tone of his skin. Silvan continued to gaze at the scars, as memories of the origins of those marks seared his mind. He closed his eyes and blocked out the vision. It would do him no good to remember. The scars were reminder enough. That was why his house held no mirrors. He turned his back to the mirror and changed quickly before leaving the bedroom. Tithe stood in the living room, pulling a shirt over his head. Silvan flinched. Only Tithe held more scars than he did, or anyone he had ever seen. Sensing his presence, Tithe whipped around, anger burning in his eyes before he shielded himself. śSorry, I didn’t realize you were there,” Silvan apologized, knowing the man’s unease by being caught unaware. śIt is I that am sorry. Highly strung from tonight’s work, I guess.” śI understand that.” Silvan perused the cozy room. śI never knew you owned a house up here.” śI don’t. It belongs to the organization. It is not used a great deal. I did offer it to the last venator who was stationed here, but he chose to live out his penance in harsher climates.” śThank you for your assistance tonight,” Tithe said after a minute. Silvan nodded, he could sense that Tithe had something else to say, though his instinct told him he wasn’t sure whether he wanted to hear it. śYour assignment here is over,” Tithe started before he paused a second. śYou can go home to your sun-soaked green fields. Not a drop of snow in sight.” śI can hear a Śbut’ coming,” Silvan said. Tithe smiled. śI forgot you know me best of anyone. There is something I must ask you to do. I need you to stop in Rome on your way home.” śWhy?” śA venator stationed at a small outlying town near there has gone missing.” Tithe crossed his arms against his chest and exhaled audibly. śWell, that’s not totally unusual. Our profession is dangerous, shifters have been known to take out a few of our kind before,” Silvan answered. śYes, but this is one of the only venators with a family. They don’t know what happened to him, but his wife is asking questions, she deserves answers if we can give them to her. His children need closure if it’s due.” Tithe moved over to the small fireplace and stood in front of it, the flames reflecting orange against his face. Silvan’s heart lurched. This was the reason most venators didn’t have families, it was too dangerous. Silvan pictured a woman and children left in the dark about their lover and protector’s fate. śFine,” Silvan replied. śI will make my way to Rome first and investigate what happened.” śThank you,” Tithe turned to face him. śThere’s one other thing.” Foreboding rose in Silvan’s stomach at Tithe’s words. śThe venator who is missing is Lazarus.” Silvan cursed. It seemed as if his past was coming back to haunt him. ~* * *~ Tithe marched through the Hall and stomped straight into his office. Rin rose from behind his desk the instant he saw him enter. śIs the wendigo destroyed?” Rin asked. śYes.” śAnd Silvan was unharmed?” Rin stepped out from behind the desk. śYes, Silvan has caught a flight to Rome. He is to search for Lazarus.” Tithe moved over to the window at the side of his office and peered out at the quiet street, hoping some of the peace would seep into his soul. śIs that wise?” Rin queried. śProbably not. However, Silvan is one of the best venators we have and Lazarus needs to be found.” Tithe pulled the curtains closed, turned and sat down in his chair behind his desk. śAnd the bear?” Rin asked. śSo many questions, Rin.” Tithe looked up at the man standing before him. śYou have concern for the bear?” Not a muscle moved, no emotion betrayed Rin’s true emotions. śYou certainly have concern for the woman,” Tithe said, creasing his brow in curiosity. śI know it was you who gave her directions to the bear.” śI did.” Rin didn’t deny it. Tithe knew he wouldn’t. śYou are a contradiction. You obviously believe in love, even though you have seen firsthand the consequences it has. You show concern for your enemy, yet would never back down from a fight.” śLife is a contradiction,” Rin said bitterly. śTrue enough,” Tithe conceded. He stood up. śMy thanks for your assistance in looking after the city.” Rin bowed his head and Tithe wondered if the man would ever be able to leave his Samurai training behind. Rin turned smartly on his heel and left the office, clicking the door shut behind him. Tithe exhaled and started to pace the floor, his mood ferocious. The task with the wendigo, though revolting, didn’t affect him the way it did Silvan. Tithe saw it as a monster that had to be disposed of. No complications in that. But when he had returned to the cabin, the constant barrage of work and life-altering decisions awaited him. And those lives to be altered were of his closest allies and some he called friend. Lazarus had disappeared and his widow specifically requested Silvan’s assistance. Alarm bells screamed at him at the appeal, and yet he knew he had to send his friend. They had all served together on the Brigantine ship, Tithe as captain, Silvan and Lazarus part of the finest crew to board a vessel. And the deadliest. Now they were all hunters and their brotherhood demanded the respect to stand together, even if the two men loathed each other. Tithe silently cursed and looked at his desk. Rin had tidied it to within an inch of its life. The man was almost retentive. But he was loyal and strong. Tithe frowned, was Rin strong enough to carry out the next order Tithe knew he had to hand down? An email Tithe had received while at the cabin specified that there had been a number of deaths of a couple of prominent officials by a shifter. Tithe knew who was responsible. He would have to send Rin. He would have to order Rin to kill the hawk. Against his will, his heart went out to his men. He knew what it was like to kill one you loved. The burden of it held onto your soul, never to be relinquished. Tithe’s mood darkened as pent up energy coursed through him, making him agitated. He crossed the office and flung the door open, it hit the opposite wall with a deafening bang. He strode out and across the length of the Hall. Nobody dared to stop him. He reached the gigantic front doors and easily pushed them open. Fresh night air cooled his heated skin but did nothing for his mood. He needed to release some emotion. The question was, how did a man of such immense power release some energy? The darker side of his psyche whispered quietly; kill something. The humanitarian side of him agreed. Just kill something evil, it sighed. Chapter Twenty-One Dane’s arm lay heavy across Lea’s waist, comforting her as she woke with a jolt. Images of the wendigo had found their way into her dreams, turning them into fully fledged nightmares. Lea rubbed her sleepy eyes while they adjusted to the morning light. She twisted her body to get a better look at Dane beside her. She grimaced as a dull ache turned into a throb in her upper arm. Experimentally she moved it and felt the rasp of a bandage against a wound. Then she remembered, the wendigo had sliced open her arm as it stole her from her bed in the hotel. The cold of the snow must have numbed it, sending it from her mind. She recalled all of it now and tears filled her eyes. A sob tore from her lips, her emotions too strong. She covered her eyes with her hand as she cried. śShh. It’s all over now.” Dane’s soft voice soothed her, it was low and groggy from the sleep he just woke from. He didn’t say another word. He just continued to hold her as she cried, sometimes patting her hair with his huge hand. She released all the pain and fear she had kept in check the night before. Now it spilled out unheeded. Slowly her tears abated but she continued to lay there in the comfort of Dane’s embrace for what felt like hours. śI’m sorry,” Dane said, emotion breaking his voice. śFor what?” Lea asked. śI’m the one who’s been crying all over you.” śFor leaving you at the hotel.” Lea shivered. śI was so terrified.” śI know,” this time Dane’s voice did crack. śBut you weren’t to know that thing would come for me.” śIt’s no excuse,” Dane ground out. Lea snuggled into his warmth, careful not to touch too many of his bandaged wounds. Last night when they arrived at the house, she had cleaned and dressed his injuries the best she could. She worried that some may be fatal. Dane had looked at her almost sadly and stated that it took a hell of a lot to kill a versipellis. śI feel safe here with you,” Lea murmured as she snuggled closer. śI will never leave you unprotected again.” Lea reached up and caressed the rough stubble of his jaw, it tickled her palm and sent shivers through her. She could feel his dark gaze on her, but she wasn’t sure if she could stand their intensity right now on top of everything else. Instead she looked around the room, taking in the classic décor. śI don’t come here often,” Dane said, obviously noticing her checking out the place. śIt’s homey, comforting.” śIt is with you in it,” Dane said roughly. Lea raised her head and finally looked in Dane’s eyes. He was serious. śYou know I love you, Dane. Today more so than ever before. I don’t know how it can work out between us,” she added sadly, her heart aching anew. She felt him balk at her statement and she placed her hand on his chest, remembering how it calmed and soothed him. She felt his heart beat pounding strong beneath her palm. śAre you willing to try? Just for a little while?” she asked. śTry what?” She thought she heard hope tinge his voice. śTry being together.” He didn’t answer, his reluctance split her heart but not her soul. She wouldn’t give up on them. śWhat does it feel like?” she asked, changing tactics. śFeel like?” śTo shape shift. To be two very different things in one package. Does it feel wonderful?” śSometimes,” Dane slowly answered. śBut lately all I want to feel is with you, be it man or bear.” Lea’s heart soared. ~* * *~ Lea sat at his huge white oak desk, writing a letter. She was the first person to ever sit there. The thought bought him pleasure. She was the only woman ever to enter his home, or his den for that matter. The only woman to enter his heart. It had been a week since the horrifying night with the wendigo. Slowly Lea’s nightmares lessened and together they had settled into a cozy domestic routine. His wounds were slowly mending, they would leave scars forever. His strength had returned. It had been the best week of his life. The idea made him pause. He would miss her when she was gone. And she would leave, it was only a matter of time. How long could such a vibrant amazing woman stay with a man who could potentially turn into a bear and rip her throat out in a moment of weakness? But for now, Dane sat contently and watched Lea write her letter, reveling in the normalcy of it. A knock at the door bought him out of his reprieve. Lea started and dropped her pen at the sound. He jumped to his feet and quickly strode across the room. Dane grasped the handle of the large wooden door as another knock echoed through the room. Dane opened it, slowly, readying himself for what may be outside. śDarius.” Surprised, Dane embraced his cousin. śCome in.” Darius stepped over the threshold dramatically. śChrist cousin, what animal used you as a scratching post?” Darius asked. śA wendigo.” śYes, I heard.” Darius turned toward Lea as Dane shut the door behind them. śMy lady,” Darius greeted her. Lea stepped away from the desk and came to stand in front of Darius. A feat most men couldn’t pull off without either cowering or preparing to fight. śI don’t think we’ve been introduced, though I do recognize you from the venator’s hall.” Lea produced her hand. śI’m Lea.” Darius shook it, a sly grin crossing his handsome face before he raised her hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. śCousin,” Dane warned. śRelax,” Darius said, releasing Lea’s hand. śI can see she is yours. I would never dream of hurting you so.” Darius looked up at him. śOr angering you.” śWould you excuse us?” Darius said to Lea. śMy cousin and I have some things to discuss.” śWe do?” Dane asked. śYes. What do you think I came all the way out here with no purpose? We need to talk.” Lea smiled and graciously stepped back. Dane continued to stare at Darius. His cousin had never been so polite, except when he deigned to bed a woman. And Dane knew he would never be as stupid as to try it on his woman. śCome, Cousin,” prompted Darius. Dane turned to Lea. śWe will be in the bar,” he leaned down and kissed her soft lips before heading toward the other room, Darius following behind. śHow are you doing?” Darius asked as they reached the bar. śWell enough,” Dane answered, jumping up to sit on the unused bar. śI must admit, the wendigo did some damage.” śI can see that,” Darius pulled out a bar stool and sat down. śBut I meant more along the lines of the woman.” śShe stays here for now. But we both know it must end soon enough.” Dane said it with as much bravado as he could muster. Darius eyed him with those strange translucent blue eyes. śPerhaps it doesn’t have to end.” śWe’ve discussed this, Cousin,” Dane’s voice like ice. śI know a way you can change her,” Darius blurted out. śChange her?” śInto one of us.” Dane jumped down from the bar, his heart about to burst as he offered Darius a disbelieving look. śThere is no way to change us, it is impossible as far as I know,” Darius continued. śBut you can transform a human into a shifter.” Dane stopped. śHow?” śThere is a verse that is to be read aloud by the versipellis trying to change the human. It’s written in one of the ancient texts.” śWhat, that’s all?” Dane asked. He knew Darius was well versed in the legends of their kind. He had studied the ancient legends of many lands. śYou have to kill her first,” Darius stated. śNo way,” Dane bit out, horrified even by the thought. Darius stood up. śYou have to kill her, say the verse and then, if her love is true for you, she will resurrect as a shifter.” Understanding suddenly dawned on Dane and his heart broke for his cousin standing before him. śIs that what happened with Beatrice?” Darius’ eyes hardened, he looked feral and mad. śYes. I loved her and killed her,” he said, and then some of the bitterness left his voice, leaving only the sadness. śBut she apparently didn’t love me in return. She didn’t come back.” śI can’t do it,” Dane said. śYou can change her into one of us,” Darius rasped and Dane was surprised at the emotion in his words. śIt will give you and Lea a chance for a real life together.” śThen you need to do it, Dane.” Both men spun around. Lea stood at the door, blind determination blazing in her face. śYou need to change me into one of you,” she repeated. śI will not kill you,” Dane said with steel in his voice. śI can’t.” śKill me to have a better life.” Lea stepped forward and took Dane’s hand in hers. śA life with you.” śA life with me is not worth your life.” Dane pulled his hand away. Lea stepped back, tears glistening in her eyes. śThe venator, Rin, warned me that I would encounter magic that could cost me my life.” śThen listen to him,” Dane barked. śThis will cost your life and then some.” śDane,” she pleaded. śYou will not die by my hand.” ~* * *~ Darius walked barefoot through the fresh snow. He savored the feel of it, languished in it. He had been away from his true home for too long. He’d been in the city a long time. It was starting to dull his senses. He meandered slowly along, only his thoughts for company. Just like he was used to. Sweet solitude. He had gone to Lea’s house in the city to speak with her. The venator guard was very uncooperative. Darius had no qualms about putting him out of his miserable existence. Strangely, he was mildly pleased that it wasn’t the other venator, the one with the Samurai sword. But before he disposed of the hunter, he had learned that Lea had come to find his cousin. He liked her spirit, she obviously loved Dane. And Dane loved her, whether he was willing to admit it or not. He had known his cousin too well for many centuries not to know that his heart was now claimed. It was the only reason he had told them both of the changing ceremony. He was certain their love was true. He would never have told them otherwise. He would die before he cursed his cousin to his own fate. A fate alone, with unrequited love festering deep within his soul, tainting everything he did. Bitter bile rose within his stomach and he cursed his weakness at his memories. Darius stopped and crouched in the snow, feeling it through his fingers. He grinned and lay down. He shivered slightly in his leather pants and light shirt. They sky was iridescent blue, perfect and unmarred, just like the snow beneath him. He could lay here like this forever, so peaceful he could fall asleep. But out here, to sleep out in the open was to die. And he wasn’t ready for that journey yet. Not yet. Grudgingly, he got to his feet, shaking the wetness out of his long hair. He looked around and sighed. He needed some excitement in his life, he decided. Something to get his adrenaline pumping, his soul singing. Bring his body pleasures he’d long denied himself. Darius grinned wickedly. He knew just where to find that type of excitement. He was going on a trip. Chapter Twenty Two Lea stormed into the room and stopped before Dane. She put her hands on her hips and looked up at him. He towered over her, his very presence intimidating, especially with his dark mood escalating. She searched his eyes, he looked at her briefly, his gaze dark and unfathomable and Lea felt her anger surge through her. They had a chance of a real life together and Dane was refusing her. He stood there, looming over her, his arms crossed, legs parted in a wide stance. She could hear him panting, feel him trying to control herself. She didn’t care. She wanted him mad. śI want you to change me.” śNo,” he growled. śI won’t hurt you.” śI want to be with you and if that means being like you, then so be it.” śYou don’t understand,” he bellowed. Lea jumped despite herself. śYou don’t know what it is like to hunger all the time. To be of two minds and not know which one will be more dominate. The power it takes to control it. It will change everything you are.” śI will still be me, but I’ll be more",” Lea paused. śMore what?” Dane said menacingly, as he looked down at her. She met his gaze, their ebony depth’s giving her pause. But only for a moment. śMore like you. More love and emotion and passion.” Lea reached up and cupped his face. śMore of everything I love about you.” Dane jerked his face away from her hand before turning away, a look of pity on his face. śYou think it’s easy being me?” Dane said quietly, menace lacing his words and she shivered. śDo you know what it is like to have your emotions run rampart, to love someone so much it aches?” śYes. I do actually. That is exactly how I feel when I am with you.” Lea closed the distance between them and stood in front of him again. śI won’t hurt you,” he bellowed. Lea jumped, her heart in her throat. Dane’s chest heaved as he fought for control. Lea reached up and placed her hand across his heart, knowing it would instantly sooth him. His breathing steadied, though she felt his heart beating rapidly under her palm. He looked at her and she was surprised to see his eyes glistening. He placed a large hand over hers against his chest. śI won’t stop the beating of your heart.” Shocked, Lea dropped her hand. Dane turned around and stormed out the room. The house shook as he slammed the door. Lea stood there alone and confused. She wanted this chance to be like Dane, to live together, to love him properly. When he said that about stopping her heart, the reality of it crushed her. She searched her heart and realized she still wanted this. And whether Dane realized it or not, it was the right thing for them. They could be happy together. Lea headed for the door, opened it and stepped out into the living room. The room was empty. Lea headed for the bedroom. Empty. She searched everywhere. She couldn’t find Dane. The front door opened silently and Lea stepped out into the cold. Dane had to be out here, in the snow. She searched the horizon, but could see no sight of him as a man or beast. A light haze of snow limited her vision. She walked around the outside of the house, now shivering in the cold. The fog of snow became thicker until Lea couldn’t see anything at all. She shivered in her light clothing, wrapping her arms around her for warmth. Her teeth chattered and for a split second, she had a flash back to the nightmare with the wendigo. How she had practically froze in the snow. Surely that wouldn’t happen here, she was only meters from the house. Lea searched around, a white blanket of snow marring her vision. She couldn’t see anything. Panic set in. A huge hand came out of the snow and grabbed her around the waist. It pulled her and she hit the muscular wall that was Dane. She couldn’t make out his face, but relief flooded her at his warm touch. He bent down and picked her up, cradling her against his chest, just as he had done many times before. He carried her inside, the front door already open. He kicked it shut with a booted foot. Inside the warmth of the living room encased her, and she sighed gratefully. Dane dropped her on her feet. śWhat the hell were you doing?” he demanded. Shivering, she stared back. śI was trying to find you,” she said, defiantly. śYou could have died from cold.” śI wouldn’t if you’d change me,” she retorted. śThat is no reason to",” he started. śYes. Yes there is,” Lea interrupted feverishly. śYou said your kind lives a lot longer than humans, you’re tougher, more resilient. You feel more, love more.” She grabbed his shirt in both hands and pulled at him. śThere are a million reasons to do it.” She released him with a shove. śAnd only one reason you don’t want to. You can’t hurt me.” Dane winced, the pain in his eyes hard to witness. śIt’s not the only reason,” he said quietly. śDo you want to know the only reason to do it?” she asked. When he remained silent, Lea answered for him. śLove. I love you and I know you love me. The only question is, do you love me enough for us to be together?” He continued to gaze at her, his eyes shining bright, his hard jaw set. Eventually, he nodded ever so briefly. Her stomach twisted with excitement and exhilaration. Dane closed his eyes and transformed into a polar bear. He seemed huge in the confines of the house. He moved slowly, almost reluctantly toward her. He stopped inches away from her. śI love you, Dane,” she whispered, anticipation mingling with fear almost making her sick. The bear whimpered. Suddenly it reared up, raised its huge paw and swung at her. The impact sent her flying. Agony assailed her, and she fought for breath. Her eyes widened with pain and terror, tears cascading unheeded. Instantly, Dane was beside her as a man, her pain mirrored in his face. He lifted her into his arms and Lea cried out in anguish as he moved her. Dane groaned. She tried to focus on his face, but she was consumed by pain. Suddenly the aching pain subsided and numbness filled her. She searched for Dane’s eyes. Tears spilled from his ebony eyes, they fell hot on her face, before darkness overtook her. ~* * *~ Dane bellowed in rage and an agony so raw he thought his heart would burst in his chest. Lea lay limp and unmoving in his arms. Dead by his hand. What had he done? Even if she did love him enough for this, he should have let her live. Dane could feel her terror and hurt as she died, her emotions so strong they mingled with his. He doubled over in anguish, his head resting against Lea’s silent heart. Dane shed tears for the first time in centuries. Nothing ever hurt so much as this. Slowly, Dane raised his head. Lea had been willing to give her life for him. For them. Now he had to give what was hardest for him; hope. Silently praying to every god imaginable, Dane said the words Darius had taught him from the ancient texts of the versipellis. Nothing. He screamed in torment, his heart yearning to join hers and be silent. Then she jerked in his arms. Dane held his breath as he watched Lea. Slowly, her eyes opened, their deep brown gaze blazing into his with renewed life. Dane exhaled, pure joy filling his heart. śOh, God. I thought I lost you,” he moaned. śHow do you feel? Are you alright?” Lea blinked. śI feel strange. Different, like all my senses are on overload.” śI know the feeling,” Dane said, leaning down to kiss her forehead. Lea creased her brow in confusion an instant before she transformed into a pure white polar bear. A second later, she changed back into a human, curled up in his arms. She squealed and burrowed into him. śIt will take a while,” he soothed. śDon’t be scared. I’m here for you.” Silently he cursed himself to eternal hell as she snuggled into him harder, shaking all over. He was relieved the ceremony had worked, but now he wasn’t sure if his first instinct was right and he should have left her as a human. They sat like that for hours. Dane stroking her hair, soothing her, caressing her. Slowly Lea’s shivers subsided and she regained some sense of her previous spirit and character. After a while, she set up. śI want to go outside,” she announced. Lea stood unsteadily at first, but soon found her feet as she headed toward the door. Dane followed at a slight distance, not wanting to crowd her. He realized what an enormous change this was and wanted only to help her. He’d been born this way, had lived with the constant changes for many years. And still he found the overwhelming emotions hard to handle. He could hardly imagine how it would feel to have it all bombarded onto you in one hit. Lea stepped out into the snow. Dane could see her shivering. She transformed into a bear and Dane couldn’t help the skip of his heart. The bear walked a little further out into the open wilderness. She stopped and stiffened before changing back into human form. She seemed so small and vulnerable out there. Dane stepped out and went to her cautiously, not knowing her mood. Lea laughed like a happy child, pure and innocent, straight from the soul. Dane stepped in her tracks, stunned. He was certain he would find her upset. But here she was laughing. Laughter and happiness were so foreign in his world. The sound rang joyful in his ears. śThis is fabulous,” Lea exclaimed, twirling in the snow. śFabulous, but kind of scary,” she added. Lea turned and faced Dane. Happiness shone bright in her face. It was infectious and he couldn’t help smiling. śI’m so happy and I have you to thank for such a wonderful gift.” She reached up and placed her hand against his chest. He felt the tension drain from him, just as it always did when she touched his heart. He placed his hand over hers, she felt so small under his palm, yet her firm touch much more powerful than his hardest strike. Lea moved her hand and held his, moving it to her own heart. He closed his eyes as he felt it beat strong and powerfully under his palm. śI love you,” he managed. śI love you, too.” Dane wrapped his arms around her, lifting her up to him, holding her close. He kissed her and she smiled as his lips touched hers and he smiled back. He twisted, twirling her around in the snow. She laughed and threw her head back, her face open to the sky. The snow felt perfect under his feet, Lea perfect in his embrace. Happiness slowly seeped through him and he was content in his beloved snow fields with his heart now held by the woman who also held his soul. About the Author Connie Wood is a romance author, residing in beautiful Australia. She has thrown caution to the wind and traveled the world in some of the most bizarre circumstances. If she wrote about her life experiences on the road, the truth would certainly be stranger than fiction. Connie has had a multitude of jobs including, the mundane and the not so mundane. She has bided her time as a secretary, librarian, information technology, web designer, student and a director to an international non-profit organization, among others. Currently Connie is doing a University Degree by correspondence, as she looks after her tornado of a son. Website: http://www.conniewood.co.cc Enjoy the first chapter fromŚ Dark Moon by Connie Wood Chapter One Tynan pounded through the ravine, his thick leather boots sinking deep into the snow forcing the hard white ice to disappear below his feet. Cursing, he trudged onward. Every well honed muscle in his body screamed with intensity as the combination of cold and exertion started to take its toll. He’d tracked the bear through sparse civilization and out into the wilds of the Arctic since before the sun rose. Now, the evening sun hung low over the fields of ice, lengthening the shadows across the valley, plunging sections of the gorge into freezing darkness. He stepped up into the searing white light that reflected with tinges of blue off the huge icebergs surrounding the crevice he walked through and tugged his sun visor down. A shiver of icy dread slipped down his spine as he moved farther out into the open. There was no place to hide as the bitter icy wind hit him with force and screamed through his ears. He strained for any sound that would let him know he was on the right track. Nothing registered in his brain except the freezing cold, which raged through his body. He scanned the majestic scenery with an empty numbness that rivaled his cold numb body. He had crossed this way so many times before that the beautiful landscape lost most of its magical luster. He was almost blasé about the exquisite land. But he didn't think he would ever get used to the bitingly tedious cold, it had long since frozen his body and reached to the very core of his tainted soul. When he had first arrived here, the endless ice fields seemed like a winter wonderland of solitude and peace. Until he had found out how quick the pure white, innocent snow could turn red with blood. He ground his teeth, sending an intense shooting pain through his hard-set jaw, determined to see this mission through. He moved toward a long deep crevasse, its tall walls of shimmering bluish ice engulfed him and plunged him into the rapidly descending darkness. He grinned and immediately wished he hadn’t as his frostbitten lips cracked and split opened. Squinting in the darkness, he flipped up his visor. Huge deep paw prints marred the fresh snow on the ground. One good thing about tracking a bear, they had no way of masking their tracks. Polar bears were a lot easier than some other types of shape shifters he hunted who were ruthless and deceptive. With a were-bear, you knew where you stood. It was a fair fight, no treachery or stabbing you in the back. No conniving and plotting when they were human, only to have them set you up and try to rip your throat out when they transformed back into an animal. No, a shape shifting polar bear could easily rip your throat out with a single swipe of its gigantic paw. But at least it would be a stand up fight and you’d be face to face with your attacker when you went to meet your maker. The shape shifters had walked the earth hunting their pray since the dawn of time and over the millennia their strength and number increased to almost plague proportions. Their legend weaved its way into the nightmares of humans, becoming the shape shifters of man’s earliest myths. The most famous myths revolved around the were-wolves for good reason. Deadly and vicious, the wolves assimilated into human society and fed with unabated abandon. They were the stuff of nightmares. As soon as men conquered the skill of writing, they recorded the horror of humans who transformed into deadly creatures. The shifters were recorded in the annals of time as Versipellis"those who shift their skin. It was easier for the modern world to believe them to be legend, since they were unable to comprehend the truth that nature doesn’t change, even when the physical world and technology do. The shape shifter still walked among them, tearing and ripping through their numbers as if culling the human population. The only thing that kept their population and their mayhem in check was the venators, the hunters of the Versipellis. Tynan had battled the shifters for more years than he cared to remember. He’d been initiated as a venator when he was young and impressionable, now he was as hard as the ice fields surrounding him. The violence and bloodshed had taken its toll, but he continued to hunt the shifters with his unparalleled ability and the few powers the venators possessed. He’d developed and honed his skills over the years but his powers gave him the edge in fighting and staying alive against such powerful adversaries. He was human but different as well, his strength and agility were on par with the creatures he fought. As a venator his wounds healed quickly, his body perfection and his mind was sharper, clearer than when he was human. The blood running through his veins had a magic, a power he didn’t comprehend but it heightened his emotions and senses. Then he heard it, the hard crunch of snow underfoot. He jolted, twisting toward the sound, straining to hear it clearly through the howling wind. Tynan slid the long sharp stiletto out from the seam of his silver fox skinned sheath and hoped that this time the cold hard steel wouldn’t freeze solid to the palm of his hand. He gripped the steel and winced as it burned into his skin. Damn the bear for leading him into a chase when he was ill equipped for it. He’d long since stopped cursing the fact he was forced to leave his snow suit at the town’s only restaurant. It’d been a long time since he’d seen the polar bear shifter, the look of blood lust in his eyes, in the crowded restaurant. The bear had acknowledged Tynan’s presence then quickly charmed a woman and led her outside. Tynan followed quickly behind to thankfully find the woman unharmed and the man having shifted, the white silhouette of the huge beast running toward the open ice fields. He looked down in the snow at the human footprints that stopped abruptly and were replaced by those of the bear. The shifters left no sign of their human existence when they changed. They transformed in the blink of an eye. Theirs was a magic he never understood. Instantaneously a man changed into a beast and then back again, fully clothed, to walk unnoticed among society. Tynan shivered and his thigh muscles contracted, the denim jeans barely keeping him warm. He wouldn’t suffer from frostbite. The power of his venator blood would see to that. But the pain of the cold was still there and he was thankful he had the presence of mind to grab his jacket off the back of his chair before leaving the restaurant. A single fleck of dry snow landed against the numbness of his bare cheek, only to be followed by a multitude of flakes as a blizzard began to set in. śDamn bear, why did you have to pick now to play hide and seek? Why couldn’t you hibernate for the winter?” A deep growl vibrated through the snow, the sound intensified by the cavernous echo of the ice walls. Every muscle tensed, as hard as the steel he gripped in his hand. Polar bears were white for a reason, and their shape shifter cousins were exactly the same"completely camouflaged except for their tell-tale face. He squinted through the white haze of snow, trying to make out an outline. Hard black eyes studied him from a distance. Tynan stiffened and planted his feet as secure as he could in the snow. The bear edged forward and reared onto its hind legs, and despite the cold, beads of sweat surfaced against Tynan’s brow and instantly froze against his face. His heart beat furiously as his senses went into overdrive. Pure muscle and fur towered over him. He'd met many shape shifter animals in combat, but he held a special respect for ursine strength and agility. The bear swiped at him with its powerful paw and Tynan twisted, trying to keep his balance in the nearly knee deep snow. The bear swiped again, this time the edge of his claws barely nicked Tynan’s face. There was no doubt that the shifter was playing with him and Tynan extended the stiletto, now achingly adhered to his calloused hand. He brought up an arm and blocked the bear’s blow. Pain raced down his arm and he stiffened before taking a step forward. The bear snarled in warning. Tynan bunched his muscles ready to strike. Against other humans, his venator blood offered an advantage, but he was nowhere near as strong as the bear. His muscles burned with fire as he gathered his strength. Plunging upward with all of his might he drove the stiletto deep into the bear’s fur until he hit the resistance of flesh. He pushed up harder until the stiletto slid into the creature's solid arm muscle. The bear howled in agony and reared up to its full massive height before coming down with its front paws, intent on crushing Tynan with its huge weight. Tynan rolled across the ice, soaking his jeans and jacket, freezing him to the core. Still, the adrenaline coursing through his veins warmed his blood. Ice and snow showered everywhere as the bear landed on the ground, inches from his side. Tynan rolled and jumped to his feet to face the bear. Dark red blood stained pure white fur across the front of his paw, where Tynan’s stiletto met its mark. Anger blazed deep in the bear’s black eyes. The heat of his body melted the ice that encrusted his clothes and the cold wetness seeped through Tynan's back burning him like cold fire. The wall of ice at his back trapped him as the bear stepped closer. He planted his feet firmly into the ground, readying himself. His muscles tensed, his only weapon seemed futile against the nine hundred pound animal in front of him. I need you, brother. The unexpected voice reverberated through Tynan’s head. He blinked. Distracted, he turned and lowered his weapon a fraction. Raw agony swept through his chest as he hissed in pain, his knees buckling. He locked his legs in an attempt to stay upright and he glanced downward. Four deep slashes had laid his jacket open, the deep gashes allowing him to catch a glimpse of the injury across his chest. Blood pumped from the wounds and he slid down the ice wall to the cold ground. Instantly his blood pooled crimson on the hard snow, until it seeped into the white ice, turning it garish pink. The bear above him growled with low menace. Tynan braced himself and waited for the final death blow but it never came. The bear growled again before turning on all fours before stalking away, retracing its own steps through the deep crevasses. Tynan cursed. Rory, his brother-in-arms, had the worst timing in history. His call for help had nearly cost Tynan his life. The pungent acidic scent of fresh blood filled the air. He looked at his chest and lifted a hand to inspect the damage. Nearly-frozen fingers found raw, deep wounds, his matted flesh already feeling cold even to his own touch. He had to get out of here if he were to heal. It was a damn good thing he was a member of the ancient organization Venatoris Versipellis. They were given the powers to heal. Fortunately as a śhunter of the shape shifters” he couldn’t freeze to death either. But if he didn’t get up soon it would be a mighty uncomfortable way to slowly bleed to death. With bloodied fingers he pried the stiletto from his hand. The skin ripped from his palm. He clamped his jaw shut tight to stop himself from bellowing out. He took off his shredded jacket and pressed it against his chest. Fingers numb and fumbling, he unbuckled his belt and tied it around the jacket and his chest. At least it would stem some of the blood flow until he got back home. He shivered involuntarily and took a deep breath, the crisp air nearly burning his nostrils as he struggled to his knees. A reddish pink pool stained the snow around him, if he didn’t get out of here soon, he would be attracting wild animals from far and wide. It would make no difference if they were natural animals or the Versipellis, the were-animals. Tynan got to his feet and stood stock still, waiting to get his balance. Warm blood dripped from his chest, trickling down the hard ridges of his stomach before leaching into his jeans. He shivered then turned to retrace his own steps back to civilization and home. This far into the wilds of Arctic Alaska, it was a fight for survival. And he had every intention of surviving another day in the ice caps of hell. ~* * *~ Dane careened across the white expanse of the snow fields. The wind rushed through his thick fur, chilling his skin below. The hard snow crunched under every foot fall and he stretched his muscles and pushed himself to go harder. He was free, invigorated despite the confrontation with the hunter. He winced, as well as he could when in bear form. The gash from Tynan’s stiletto pulled at his paw. When he transformed back to a human, the wound would give him trouble. He had to make it back to his den and bide his time until night time hit. He could shift whenever he willed, but after such a long trek and a wound that needed tending it’d be best to wait until nightfall. It wouldn’t be long, though darkness would settle over the fields long before true night arrived. It was always that way at this time of year when the nights grew longer and darker, the days shorter. He increased his stride, extending his muscles as his heart pounded harder, pushing him farther and faster. His den was close. Soon he would be in relative safety. Tynan could still track him there, but the venator was injured. He would go home and lick his wounds, just as Dane was about to do. And when they were both healed, the game would begin again. He found it odd that the man only hunted the shape shifters when they held animal form and not when they were human. Most of the venators hunted their enemies relentlessly. Dane always believed Tynan found it unsporting to hunt them in human form. It was one of the reasons he liked the venator. He gave them a sporting chance, whatever sort of shifter you were. Except if you broke the rules. Then you were fair game for the masses. And if Tynan came after you, then you’d better find religion pretty fast and say your prayers. The man was deadlier than most shifter’s Dane had met. He slowed his pace, relishing the intense beating of his heart, the strong contractions of his muscles as they urged him on. He approached his den, but didn’t go in. Instead he paced across the opening while the adrenaline of the fight and journey back home beat through his veins. He watched the sun as it lowered across the vast expanse of snowy white fields, turning them a deep orange and red. It made him hunger for blood, made him want to kill. It was his nature. But this yearning was different. He felt it edging its way through his body and into his soul. The Dark Moon called to him. For twenty-four hours the moon would rein supreme and his brethren"shifters of all kind"would go on hunting sprees. And its time was nearly here. He could feel it, although this year it called differently. The Dark Moon filled his blood with feral need. But it also called him into the city, called him to a place with more prey. Something called him. Or someone. It was deeper and louder, incessant in his brain, screaming at his instincts. It wanted him to give into those deadly urges. To hunt. To kill. The Veteran by Connie Wood Will their past thrust them into danger - or each other's arms? Roman Grisham returned from combat never able to return to the military he so loved. And he wants answers. His answers are linked to the shy and quietly sexy, Germaine Andrews who is looking for quiet seclusion after her life was torn apart. Now they need each other to unriddle the past, but it's their future that is fraught with danger. Chapter One Here she was again, alone in the catacombs. Germaine looked up from her computer screen, rubbed her eyes and tried to stretch out the kinks in her neck. This was the one downside of working in the library's archives. All the computer work left her stiff and sore. Still, working down here in the catacombs of the NSW State Library had enough advantages to tip the scale in its favor. She stood and walked over to the small tinted window that allowed only dusty filtered sunlight to penetrate the archival records room. Her high heeled pumps echoed across the tiles. She smiled, looking at the hazy silhouettes of the birds flittering across the ground at eye level with her. To most people it would be strange to see the world from a ground-level perspective. But not to Germaine. It showed her a beauty that most people didn’t notice. It made her appreciate the details of life. And the details were important; they could save your life. Or get you killed. It was good to get lost in the details of work and life. At least then you didn’t have to worry about the bigger picture. Especially when the bigger picture held bleak and frightening memories. The view of the Royal Botanical Gardens held a major bonus of working in the catacombs. Her brief glances at the gardens, albeit through the tiny window, calmed and soothed her. It was also a perfect escape at lunch time. A good book and a packed lunch eaten out in the sunshine rejuvenated her. It also gave her the perfect excuse not to have to socialize with all of her colleagues. The shrill ringing of the phone broke the silence and echoed through the vast space of the room. Germaine walked across the room to her small cluttered desk and picked up the phone. "Good morning, Archives. Germaine speaking." Her voice held little friendliness, only cool professionalism. She had long stopped trying to be sociable to her work peers. She now wore her professional manner as armor. "Good morning, Germaine. How are those electronic newspaper articles coming along?" Her boss's enquiry was a moot point. He knew exactly how she was doing. Paul had been down to her sanctuary yesterday afternoon to check up on her. He was in a hurry to get the articles catalogued and constantly harassed her every chance he got. Irritation gnawed at her. She was a very capable archivist and fiercely protective regarding herself and her space. People tended to be friendly and wanted to know about her and her life. Germaine didn’t want to share. It just hurt too much. Her pain constantly burned just below the surface and people had a tendency to want to scratch it. But it wasn’t in her nature to be overly rude to anyone. Which was one of the main reasons she had taken this job with minimal supervision in a solitary environment. "The articles are going just fine, Paul," she tried to put a smile in her voice. "How can I help you?" "I don't want to pull you away from your work but something urgent has arisen and I don't have anyone else capable enough to take care of it." Curiosity caused a frown to crease her smooth brow. "What sort of 'something'?" "There’s a gentleman who requires access to some of our classified archives for some research that he is doing." The trepidation in the elder man’s voice set off alarm bells in her mind. Something was seriously wrong, she could feel it. "I don't have classified security access, Paul. Besides, I know how important these articles are for you," she added as a last resort. "The articles can wait. You have been added to the classified security database as of this morning. All you need to do is come up to the Information Technology department to get your clearance codes." Those warning bells started clamoring for attention, making her stomach knot. Why was she being given instant security access? "What is it you want me to do exactly, Paul?" She couldn’t hide the accusation and panic from her voice. She was being pushed out of her comfort zone. Again. And she didn’t like it. Every time it happened disaster wasn’t too far behind. The silence from the other end of the phone was deafening. When he finally spoke his voice held a nervousness and sorrow that she had never heard there before. "I need you to go through the war files with this gentleman." He paused, "I'm really sorry Germaine, but you were specifically requested for this job." Her heart clenched at his words, her breathing becoming so erratic she was unable to speak. Germaine closed her eyes as images assailed her. The screaming and panic were as clear in her mind now as it had been that day three years ago. People running and terrified. The blood. The slivery flash of a knife. Not again! No! Her mind warned. She couldn’t handle this. Every instinct within her told her to hang up the phone and flee. Run away as fast as possible. As far away as possible. But she couldn’t do that. Wouldn’t do that again. She was sick of running and besides, it never did her any good. Her past was always there. And she needed this job and not only because of the salary. The quiet serenity her confines offered had been a godsend and she had found a semblance of comfort here. She wouldn’t give it up so easily. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Who made the request? And why me?" She knew exactly why her. But she needed to know how much Paul knew. "I'm sorry Germaine, but I can't elaborate. Let's just say the request came from a very high source." There was discomfiture in the old man's voice and Germaine felt for him. "My boss told me a little bit of information about you that was not in your personnel files. He said it was not violating any confidentiality, but all the same I feel bad knowing things without your consent. I’m sorry that I have to ask you to do this." He did sound sorry. Against her better judgment feelings of compassion for her boss welled inside her. She knew very well what it felt like to have to do something you didn’t want to do. "Why should I do this? If you know enough to make you feel sorry for asking this of me, why should I agree?" "Honestly, there is no reason you should. I don't know if I would have to strength to do it. But I do know that you are a beautiful and intelligent young lady with your whole life still ahead of you. It would be such a shame for you to hide away in the dark for the rest of your life." Her heart beat a tattoo against her chest, his words hitting a place deep inside her that she had hidden long ago. She had been attractive once. Now the first thing that people saw was the angry red gash that ran across her face, marring what beauty she once had. "Do this for yourself Germaine, put your demons to rest and live the rest of your life happy." Could she dare hope that her demons could be put to rest? She had lost so much already. It was easier to hide in the dark. Safer. Your heart couldn’t shatter if you didn’t put it out there. Live the rest of your life happy. His words vibrated through her. The idea was heaven. And scary as hell. Closing her eyes, Germaine whispered into the phone, "Okay, Paul. I’ll do it." Now there was no turning back. She was going out"into the light. Shehoped it didn’t burn her. ~* * *~ Roman sat on the special shower seat that had been provided by the well meaning folks at the Veteran Affairs Unit. Its hard white plastic was cold and unwelcoming, reminding him of his four months in the hospital recovery unit. How he hated the damn thing. Cool water spilled down his back making him shiver. Still it wasn’t enough to take the heat out of his body. He’d been so hot since coming back. The burning heat inside him threatened to consume him if he didn’t get it under control soon. His ever-so-helpful psychiatrist at the VAU suggested that writing about his experiences might be cathartic for him. Her words still reverberated resentfully through him. śNot to be published of course! Nobody would actually ever read them! The military would deny all knowledge of incidences, and of you and your team.” Bitterness welled inside him at the memory of being abandoned since he had been home. Sure they said they were there to help, but being unable to speak about his experiences in full, only made the memories sit and fester in his belly. The only time they actually materialized was in the dark. In searing clarity. Making his nights hell and his days exhausting. Not that he had much physical exertion to distract him lately. His physiotherapy was over and he had nothing to occupy his time. So Roman had gone to the only people on the planet who could understand his plight. He went to his team, his brothers-in-arms. Drinking hard, they talked long into the night. But when the morning came and the hangover was gone, his brothers had returned to the training that would prepare them for another tour of duty. He was the only one left behind, unable to join them. The thought raised bile in his throat. Anger boiled within him and he physically lashed out at anything within reach. His arm crutches clattered to the tiles. Fine-milled soap and bottles of expensive hair and bath products flew across the double shower cubicle. At least I’m able to be miserable in comfort, he thought bitterly. They had paid him dearly for his leg. For his memories. For his soul. Roman buried his head in his muscular arms and roared in frustration, wondering if the constant ache in the center of his chest was ever going to get better? The physical pain in his leg had been excruciating, but still easier to deal with then the pain in his heart. At least his leg healed. Well, one leg had healed to leave scarring; the other had been amputated just above the knee. It was a good thing that the rest of him was in such great condition. The physiotherapy had taken less time than anticipated. His prosthetic leg had been fitted a lot earlier than expected, leaving him to get on with his life. And that was where the trouble had really started. What was the rest of his life? All he had known was his once-happy life in a small town. With his mates from school and college. Most of them continued on to live nice, normal and neat lives. What would they think of him now? He had gone on to join the Navy. And the boy they had all assumed would turn out to be nothing had thrived and come into his own in the armed forces. Until the day they had recruited him for something special. Something secretive. Something deadly. And as it turned out, something that would change his life, and his heart, forever. Roman gripped the shower seat as he breathed deep and tried to get a grip on his emotions. He had no idea what the rest of his life would hold, but for now he would follow the suggestion of the simpering little psychiatrist. He would write about his experiences. He would tell his tale. But first, he would do some research. He would find out how and why he and his team were chosen for their missions. His plans were already in motion. He’d contacted his once-superiors to gain security access to the research information. Hopefully, he’d hear their decision soon. With a purpose in mind, Roman reached up and turned off the water. He grimaced as he leaned over and retrieved his arm crutches. He now had to maneuver around the things scattered on the floor. He sat on the edge of the bath to dry himself, looking wistfully into the porcelain tub. He had missed his long luxurious baths while he was in the field, covered in dirt and grime. Back then, showers had been a sporadic luxury. He had yet to have a bath since being back. Getting in and out of the tub was still out of his capabilities and that is what annoyed him the most. He had been most capable once. The trill of his telephone echoed through the bathroom and he quickly picked it up, glad to have a hands free unit that he took everywhere with him. "Hello." "Mr. Grisham? This is Paul Heathrow. We spoke yesterday regarding the access to some archive files?” There was a pause on the phone. One which Roman had no intention of filling. "Yes, well. I’ve called to say that you have the clearance necessary to access the files. You can start your research as of Monday morning." Excellent. Now the real work could begin. "Thank you, Mr. Heathrow. I’ll see you Monday." He was about to hang up when the man added, "I’m afraid there is one condition that has been added to your request though. You will have to be assisted at all times by a fully qualified librarian." Anger surged through Roman. How could he freely access all the information he needed if he was to be babysat by some quaint little librarian? "That was not part of the agreement. I was lead to understand that I would have full security access." "That is still correct, Mr. Grisham, but I have been told to give you an assistant. She is very capable and also has full security access. I believe you’ll find her discreet and very confidential. I’m sure there will be no problems." Full security access? Why would they give someone else full access so easily after he fought so hard for it? "What is the name of the assistant?" he demanded. "Her name is Germaine Andrews. I can assure you, Mr. Grisham, that you’ll find her most adequate." ~* * *~ Monday morning shone bright, glaringly mocking Germaine's mood. She’d been regretting her moment of bravery all weekend. The only thing stopping her from fleeing the city altogether had been Paul's words vibrating through her head about the possibility of living her life happy. Away from her past. Bracing herself, Germaine slid the security card through the machine that allowed her entry into the cold sterile room. It was so different from her safe haven downstairs. This room was bright. Harsh sunlight shone through sparkling windows and bounced off arctic white walls. She heard the constant whirring of machines, their incessant noise buzzing through her head. Still there were only a handful of select employees who were able to venture into this section of the building. There would be very few people with whom she would have to interact. Fewer people who would stare at her scar and look at her with pity. Paul stood at the doorway nervously fidgeting with a security tag. She walked over to greet him and he gave her shoulders a fatherly squeeze before he led her through another security door. She stifled the urge to inwardly cringe at the unaccustomed contact. She stiffened her resolve before allowing herself to be led into the room. Germaine stifled an instinctive gasp. The handsome masculine man sitting at the small white table sent immediate electrical impulses coursing through her body. Never before had she reacted so instantaneously to a man. Her barriers were so strong that appealing good looks rarely affected her. Nothing productive would result from her yearnings and she cringed again and fidgeted uncomfortably. "This is Mr. Grisham. He’s interested in doing some research and requires your assistance." Paul spoke directly to Germaine, though her attention was still placed on the attractive man who remained seated. He lifted his head in a slow, predatory manner. His gaze rose to meet hers and she blinked. His dark brown eyes told her instantly that he didn’t want her assistance in any way, and she took a step back. Placing his hands on the arm rests he used his upper strength to raise himself slowly from the chair until he was able to get his feet under him. Germaine swallowed as his biceps rippled from the effort. He stood still for a fraction of a second before he started toward her. He had a lopsided gait that oozed sensuality. He was moving slowly and deliberately like a predator, even though his limp was pronounced. She shivered, and she had the feeling that he could move at the speed of light if needed. She had met men like him before. They were dangerous. Deadly. She tried desperately to raise her emotional barriers against him. He stopped in front of her, completely ignoring Paul. He held out a strong deeply tanned hand. "I’m Roman Grisham." A slight smile played against his hard mouth. Steeling herself, she reached out and grasped his hand firmly. She made sure she had a good firm hand shake. She needed to be on an equal footing with him. Well, as equal as anyone could be with this man. "Germaine Andrews." It was all she could think to say. All rational thought slipped away as the warmth of his hand seeped through her and his gaze held hers. Roman's grin widened into a genuine smile making him devastatingly handsome. "I’m sure we’re going to get along just fine Gerri." Enjoy the first chapter fromŚ Ursa Major by Mary Winter Sarah Doyle's job with a reputable Washington firm sends her to the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge to write an honest report about oil drilling. She's aided by Liam Phillips, owner of RoundTheBend Eco Tours. All she wants is a few weeks in the wilderness and to keep her personal opinions in check so she can write the unbiased report her firm requests. Get in and get out. That's what she's done in the past, and what she expects to do now. She hadn't counted on her sexy, rugged guide or the feelings he kindles inside her. Liam is a man who will do anything to save his home and keep his secret safe. The remote countryside keeps his people hidden. It's their refuge and their home. He expects a stuffy political puppet, not a woman as untamed as the land he loves. His goal is to give Sarah the information she needs and send her back to Washington D.C. as soon as possible. However, pressures back in Washington DC, and from Liam's people, are mounting. Sarah has to persevere for her own peace of mind, for an entire ecosystem, and for a people she doesn't even know. But time is running out and Liam may have to reveal his darkest secrets in order to save everything. Chapter One Sitting in the seat of the commuter plane, listening to the tinny vibration of metal, the whoosh of air currents buffeting the tiny craft, Sarah Doyle forced herself to uncurl her fingers from around the armrest and breathe deeply. After flying across the lower forty-eight states, then so far north that the sun never set this time of year, she expected she’d be less fearful of flying. Maybe the isolation was getting to her? Looking out the window over the Alaskan landscape, Sarah saw nothing except an occasional cabin and small settlements undeservedly called towns. śWe’re almost there,” the pilot called over the intercom. The twenty-six seat plane was barely half full. She had the row to herself. The rest of the passengers were all avid fishermen and their excitement built as they neared their destination of Deadhorse, Alaska. They spoke of salmon runs of years past, of fishing in Yellowstone, of the catch they hoped to land this year. Sarah managed a smile at the sole flight attendant. She’d seen the pilot as she’d boarded, an older man who had flown this route since he was in his twenties. His graying hair and full beard marked him as several decades older than that, and his easy smile should have put Sarah at ease. Yet, the more she looked out the window, the more she saw this starkly beautiful landscape, and the more she feared what she had to do. Hodges & Associates sent her out here on a mission. She couldn’t let her spiritual or her environmental beliefs get in the way. No matter if DC politics sickened her on the best of days, and made her wish she were far, far away on the worst. The plane began a steep descent, cutting off her thoughts. Sarah swallowed hard, her fingers once more gripping the armrest as the plane bumped and jolted its way down to the strip of runway outside of Deadhorse. Sarah closed her eyes and tried to block out the images of bloated, dead carcasses the town’s name invoked. A slight bump announced the plane’s touchdown, and she breathed a sigh of relief. On firm ground once again. She used the moments while the plane taxied to the terminal to calm her racing heart and wrap her political shell around her. She was here on a fact finding mission. Once she met up with Liam from Round the Bend EcoTours, she’d see the Brooks Range and what the oil pipeline was doing, or not doing, to the environment. Once that was done, she’d return to her cushy apartment in Washington D.C., where the wildest thing she had to deal with was the non-stop city traffic, and write her report. Fair and unbiased. She could do this. She had to do this. The plane stopped and the pilot thanked them for flying with him, as if any of them really had a choice. She fished her sunglasses out of her carry-on and put them on before disembarking to gather her luggage. Just a small suitcase and camping supplies, but she had no doubt they’d be enough to carry into the terminal. She scanned the area, but didn’t see anyone who looked like her contact. I don’t know why you’re worrying about this. Just write your report and come back. It’s not that big of a deal. Her fiancé’s words haunted her as she slung her backpacking frame over her shoulders and pulled out the handle on her rolling suitcase. Sarah curled her lip in disgust. Walt Beamer hadn’t been beyond the city limits a day in his life and didn’t understand what it meant to be out here. He didn’t understand what her work meant to her. She drew in a breath of fresh, clean air, available even here at the airport, and smiled. Just inside the terminal, Sarah removed her sunglasses and blinked at the sudden change in lighting. The small building housed worn chairs that looked left over from the ’70s and a few vending machines. A man leaned against the wall next to the coffee machine. Thick hair the color of polished mahogany hung in soft waves nearly to his collar. He towered over most of the men"other than her, there were no women"in the terminal. Dressed in a long-sleeved black turtleneck that stretched across his broad chest, worn blue jeans, and heavy hiking boots, he radiated masculinity. Just looking at him made her throat dry and her pulse leap. She’d be in the backwoods of Alaska with him. Her body hummed at the prospect, and she struggled to keep her fiancé’s image foremost in her mind, though compared to this woodsman, a slick city lawyer had no chance. Guilt assailed her. Just because she and Walt were having problems didn’t mean she should act impulsively. She could be professional. After all, she’d come out here to write her report on the impact of drilling on the environment. An impartial report, as her boss had reminded her time and time again with an implied śwink and nod.” She knew exactly what her boss expected to read. First, she’d gather the facts. Then, she’d write the report they required. The man straightened. He gave her a long perusal, his shuttered gaze not giving anything away. His attention lingered on the thrust of her breasts against the faded oversized University of Mary Washington sweatshirt she wore, then down the length of her legs. He gave a slight nod at her hiking boots, as if she wasn’t completely without common sense, then with the leisurely stride of a man completely in control of his environment, he walked toward her. A hint of a smile crossed his chiseled lips as he neared. śSarah Doyle?” He held out a large hand. She released the handle of her small suitcase and clasped it. His handshake was firm, but not overly so. Where his fingers touched hers, tingles shot up her arm. śYou’re Liam?” She released his fingers. He nodded. śLet me help you with that.” śThanks.” Sarah slid her backpacking frame from her shoulders, deciding there wasn’t any harm in letting him carry it to the vehicle. She’d carry it often enough if her plans to live out in the field bore fruit. śI appreciate that.” She grabbed the handle of her suitcase. śThe truck’s this way.” Without waiting for her, he easily lifted her gear, the muscles in his biceps bulging. Sarah tried not to notice, just as she tried to ignore the way his jeans clung to his rear. She had an engagement ring tucked in her dresser back home. She shouldn’t be looking at him this way. Damn Walt and his angry words. She sighed, knowing she’d have to make a decision one way or the other about his proposal. And right now, the fact that she’d taken off the ring and put it in her jewelry box spoke volumes. She followed him to the truck, where he opened the door and helped her inside. Moments later, they were on their way. Not one to chatter, Sarah watched as the scenery changed from the homes and small businesses designed to cater to the oil workers, to the sparse landscape. On the horizon, she thought she saw an elk, though the thought of wildlife so close to town seemed foreign to her. She’d read there were bears here. Both black bears and grizzlies, and a shudder wound its way down her spine at the thought of meeting them in the woods. śCold?” Liam asked. His voice sounded like Swiss chocolate. Just the sound of it chased the chill from her and filled her with liquid heat. Damn it, why was she so hot for this guy? śI’m fine. Just a shock from the weather in DC,” she answered. śI’ll bet. The lower 48 has nothing on us.” His smile flashed white teeth against his tanned skin. śThe lodge is just about five miles from town. We’ll be there shortly.” He turned onto a gravel road, maneuvering the large quad-cab truck easily between ruts and larger rocks. True to his word, he pulled up in front of the lodge before much longer. The two story building, built from stone and logs, rose from a flat plain around it. Liam pressed the garage door opener on the sun visor, and the door opened to reveal room for three cars, though one of the bays held an ATV and a snowmobile. A red jeep sat in the other parking spot. He pulled the truck in and stopped. Just as before, he held the door open for her and grabbed her backpack frame before she could protest, then led her into the building. An open floor plan showcased a large living area with a fireplace and a kitchen with a spacious dining area. A short hall led to closed doors, and a wooden staircase led to the upstairs rooms. A balcony overlooked the living room with its large windows that looked out onto the Alaskan wilderness. Everything was polished wood with bronze trim, the leather couches and heavy bookshelves giving the place a masculine air. Sarah suddenly felt very small and very feminine. śLet me give you the nickel tour.” He pointed down the hall, showing her the master bath, the closed door to his study. Upstairs, there appeared to be six bedrooms, with a couple more bathrooms. He showed her to a room close to the stairs decorated in a North Woods theme. śDon’t get too comfy. We’ll head out early tomorrow morning. I’ll be back in a couple of hours to take you downstairs for dinner. I’ve got some work to do.” From downstairs, male voices rumbled, and he listened to them for a charged moment before hurrying downstairs. No sooner had he left than her cell phone rang. Sarah answered it. śI trust you made it all right,” Ken’s voice crackled across the connection. śJust got here. Everything okay?” She’d been given her instructions. She hadn’t expected her boss to call so soon. śYeah, fine.” Ken’s voice shook. Sarah knew he lied. Something was going on. First this mission, her employer’s insistence that she not sway her report one way or other, when Ken knew the kind of work she did. In fact, he’d told her repeatedly that was why she was picked for this project. śLet me know as soon as you start on the report, all right?” śI will. Don’t worry, Ken. You can count on me.” śGood.” Muffled sounds of a hushed conversation filtered through the phone line. śI got to go.” The line went dead. Sarah stared at her silent phone for a moment. It rang again. śDon’t worry, Ken,” she said as she lifted the phone to her ear. śI have it covered.” śWell I’m glad to hear that,” Walt’s voice sounded. śYou made it all right?” śJust got here.” She sat down on the bed, the comforter soft beneath her. śSo how soon can you wrap up your work and come back? I have an important function in two weeks. I’d like you to be there.” Sarah rolled her eyes. They’d discussed this. śI have an open ended assignment, Walt. I’ll be here as long as it takes to get the job done.” He guffawed. śGo out, take a look around and write your report. You’ll be home in a week.” Sarah shook her head, feeling displeasure pull the corners of her mouth down. He didn’t understand. śI take my work seriously, Walt. I’ll be here as long as it takes.” From downstairs, she heard rustling. She needed to find out more about her host. Interviewing him would be the perfect place to start gathering information. śGood bye.” She disconnected the call. Later, she’d deal with Walt and decide just what she was going to do about him. ~* * *~ Liam sank into the leather executive chair behind his desk and pinched the bridge of his nose. When he agreed to show Sarah around the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, it mostly was at the behest of people he couldn’t refuse. His father had just left to meet with them, no doubt to tell them that his son would be more than happy to follow their urging. Sanctimonious bastards. They stay in their hiding, giving out orders. They didn’t know how it really was. A memory of being trapped in a four-by-four Russian cell filled his mind, and for a moment, his breath stuck in his lungs. He was there, body trembling, weak from hunger and exhaustion, waiting for his tormentors to come and beat him again. He shook his head, and as quickly as it had come, the horrible memories receded. His brother’s heavy footsteps sounded outside the room. Liam reminded himself he was back home in Alaska, not trapped in a Russian holding facility. Cameron had been there too, presumably in the cell next to his, and yet, his younger twin showed no signs of the haunted dreams. He simply did what he had to do. And they had both escaped. śHey bro, looks like you got yourself a live one,” Cameron said. Without asking he sank into one of the two chairs sitting in front of the desk and scanned the walls filled with pictures of their adventures across the globe. Some for fun. Some at the urging of the organization to which his father answered. Liam sighed. His younger brother acted the playboy, and lived it, too, from his sun-streaked brown hair the same shade as his own, to the board shorts he wore in spite of the highs that wouldn’t quite reach sixty degrees. śI want you to lay low for a while. There’s no need in you getting caught up in this craziness. I’ll take her out, show her what she wants to see. Hopefully she’ll be back in DC before long.” He reached for a topographical map and unfolded it on the nearly bare desk. One end leaned against his computer. He used a Ducks Unlimited mug to hold the other end down. Cameron leaned over the map. śAny idea where you’ll take her?” He wagged his eyebrows at his own double entendre. Used to his brother, Liam tried to ignore Cameron. śI thought we’d head towards the Brooks Range.” He traced a route leading well away from the oil fields. śSpend a few days out there. Let her see how wild and untamed it really is out here. Then hopefully she’ll do the right thing.” śWrite the report telling them not to drill.” Cameron barked mocking laughter. śShe’s from DC. She works for politicians. Even if she does the right thing, do you think that they’ll follow her recommendation?” śThey better. It’s what the Quintursa wants done.” śThey’re nothing but a bunch of old men out of touch with reality.” For a moment, Cameron’s fażade faded to show the determined man beneath. Then he smiled, and once more his happy-go-lucky glamour was in place. śAnd right now, bro, reality looks pretty damn hot.” He clapped Liam on the shoulder. śStay away from her, Cameron.” Liam folded the map, not wanting to think about his brother making moves on Sarah. It was none of his business, though he’d looked for rings. Didn’t want a jealous boyfriend yelling about Sarah being alone with he and his brother in the middle of nowhere. The entire drive, he’d smelled the lavender scent of her shampoo, the light floral fragrance that surrounded her. One he hoped she didn’t take into their tent. She smelled like springtime, and to bears and other animals with a keen sense of smell, that meant food. Around her, his body thought of something else all together. śWell, don’t we sound like a bear with a thorn in its paw.” Cameron straightened. He studied Liam for a moment. śAll right. I’ll stay away like a good little boy. There’s something about this woman that you’re not telling me. Could be her long wavy hair, or the body that’s curved in all the right places. Or maybe, just maybe, my big brother has finally found a woman who’s going to get under his skin.” Laughing, Cameron turned on his heel and left the study. Liam watched him go. Once more, he rubbed the bridge of his nose. Just listening to his brother’s words, teasing though they’d been, conjured a mental image of Sarah Doyle. Cameron pinned it right. She had long, wavy hair held back with a clip, and a body that-- even under a baggy sweatshirt and jeans--definitely curved in all the right places. Long legs that made a man wonder what they’d be like wrapped around his hips. What Cameron didn’t mention was the intelligence in her hazel eyes. Or her scent. That lavender smell that tugged at his gut. Springtime. Food. Flowers. Everything he shouldn’t want and couldn’t have. He breathed a heavy sigh, still swearing he could smell her even through the floor that separated them. The Quintursa wouldn’t be happy with this development. Not at all. He fired up his computer, the wallpaper of an Alaskan Grizzly reminding him exactly what was at stake. Everything. Deadhorse, Alaska was as close as it came to a company town. As much as he’d hate to see the oil business and the jobs it brought leave, he’d hate to have this land and its creatures destroyed even more. A slippery slope, one he’d been walking all his life. The best he could hope for was that Sarah would write her report and Washington would listen. It was a long shot, but right now, it was all they had. The phone rang just as he checked satellite and weather maps to plan their camping excursion. Picking it up, he listened for his brother. Luckily, Cameron was gone. śRound the Bend EcoTours, Liam here.” śShe’s arrived?” The Quintursa agent gave no greeting. He never did. From the sound of his voice, Liam thought it was the same one he’d been working with for a while, but he never could tell. Damn bastards were far too secretive by far. As if Liam would ever betray any of them, or their secret. śYeah, she’s here. We’re heading out in the morning. I was just double checking the forecasts.” śGood. We have more information on Hodges Associates. I hope this Sarah knows what she’s getting into. Bill Hodges is in some mighty deep pockets, none of them friendly to our cause. I’m sending you everything we have. She is not to know. Understand?” Liam nodded, used to the super-spy secretive nature of the organization that governed his kind. Most of the time he thought they took themselves entirely too seriously. But then, several months in a Russian prison changed his outlook and his life. śCopy. She isn’t to know a thing.” śAnd anything you gather you’re to send directly to us. We want to know everything about this woman.” śUnderstood.” Already, Liam filtered his information. Some things, like how good she smelled, or the way he knew her breasts would fill his hands, he wouldn’t tell them. Hell, he had no business thinking that way. She was a human. Truth be told, he’d most likely never get a chance to find out anyway. śFirst impressions?” śI think she’s serious about this. Looks like she knows what she’s doing, though I’ll go over her equipment tomorrow. Didn’t come dressed in a power suit. She looks like she’s ready to go camping. I expect we’ll spend a few days out. I’ll show her the oil rigs. The damage the pipelines do to the environment and what happens when they break, then send her back so she can write her report about how increased oil drilling would be a determent to this national treasure.” śGood. Good. We need to make sure she stays sympathetic to our cause. You have authority to do whatever it takes to keep her on our side. Full authority.” The weight in the agent’s words, made Liam sit up straight in his chair. He’d never been given full authority before, always told in half-truths and couched language what he could, and couldn’t do. śDo you understand?” the agent asked, when Liam didn’t answer. śYes. I do. Thank you. Full authority to keep her on our team. I hear you.” Already his mind raced with the possibilities. His body reacted differently. Mentally, he willed it to behave. He hadn’t had to seduce a woman yet to get what he wanted. Completely mutual and fully pleasurable. When it came to Sarah, totally out of line. śKeep us posted.” Then, without waiting for a reply, the agent hung up. Liam stared at the dead handset for a moment, before replacing it in the cradle. His email chimed with the anticipated information. Opening it, he scanned the document. Apparently Bill Hodges was quite the piece of work. Not liking what he read, or its implications for Sarah, he knew he’d be spending the next couple of hours stuck in his den. Now, more than before, he needed to warn Cameron away. Best Liam deal with this himself. A flash of movement outside the window pulled Liam’s attention from his computer. He leaned back, watching a bachelor grizzly lumber towards the stand of trees and bushes beyond the lodge. Liam didn’t recognize the animal. This time of year, bears congregated where they could to find food. He’d fielded bear complaints from Deadhorse citizens who couldn’t be bothered to bear-proof their backyards. To a creature determined to gain as much weight as winter, an unlatched garbage can created the perfect buffet. He frowned, knowing once again he’d have to fight the battle of humans versus nature. Inevitably, nature lost. He watched the juvenile male for several moments longer, half wanting to go upstairs and see if Sarah looked out her window at the bear. He doubted she’d seen one so close before. Perhaps this would be the perfect time to introduce her to Alaska’s wildlife from the safety of the lodge. He pushed back his chair and rose to his feet. A hint of lavender filled the air. From his position behind his desk, he watched as she descended the stairs and went into the living area. A glance out the window showed the bear had left. Just as well. Maybe she should get her first glimpse of a grizzly in the wild, with nothing but a bit of canvas and him to protect her. Might make a better impact. His stomach rumbled, reminding him he hadn’t eaten much today. Dinner first. A chance to get to know Sarah better. He shut down his computer, deciding he’d done about enough work for today. The Quintursa authorized him to use any means necessary to convince Sarah to write a report recommending no further drilling in the refuge. For a moment, he wondered if that meant revealing his secret. He shook his head. They couldn’t have meant that. For centuries his kind had lived among humans, silent guardians trying to protect them from the things they did. Of course, prior to the 1900s, they’d spent more time protecting the humans from Mother Nature than the other way around. A smile quirked his lips. Funny how things changed. He glanced in the living area. Sarah stood at the windows, staring out into the Alaskan landscape. With her arms wrapped around her, she looked very vulnerable, very frail. He wondered what went through her mind. śI’ll start dinner in a little bit. Do you like salmon?” She turned and smiled. śI do. Thanks. I’m sure it’ll taste better up here than from the freezer at home.” śI’m sure it will. Is there anything you need? You settled in all right?” She nodded. śI’m good. Thanks.” He hoped so. From the bottom of his heart, he hoped she was good. Because if she wasn’t, more than an ecosystem rested on her report. She held the fate of an undiscovered species in her hands, and she didn’t even know it. And he couldn’t tell her. PPB Pink Petal Books, an imprint of Jupiter Gardens Press, would like to invite you to explore the entire Jupiter Gardens, LLC family. Don’t forget to sign up for our reader’s loop where we have monthly giveaways, chats, and more! Information can be found on the Pink Petal Books’ website. 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