Trawiński 8 – 19.12.11
10.02, 15:00 sala 2 – egzamin
17.02 11:00, sala 104
Sprawdzany po słowach
około 40 pytań
Intake is- the
language acquired
enlist the skills
enlist language material to be tested
for each item we prepare a task, everything should be included
don't lower points for misspelling while you test listening
Students of the same knowledge get the same mark
Clear instructions
Clear scoring system
Balanced test –
score is equally spread among different skills, don't give too many open questions.
No impressionistic scoring (don't score depending whether you like it, it's interesting or not). Teachers given the same composition to check in different parts of a day scored it differently
split marking – split all points depending on certain criteria e.g.:
Instead of creating 2 groups for a test, just mix questions, it's more objective and less time-consuming
Pedagogical Value – test helps ss to learn the material
they're to motivate ss to study
Tests should be frequent (e.g. Every 3 weeks), ss get used to them, more thinks are tested
If you don't know the answer to multiple choice questions, choose D, about 35% that it's correct
Mistakes connected with testing:
Testing what's easy to test instead of what's worth testing (grammar instead of communication)
Testing many skills at the same time, in the same task
too difficult or too easy tasks
Functions of evaluation
evaluative – how good are ss
pedagogical – motivation
Types of control
Formative (bieżąca) – more pedagogical
summative (okresowa) – connected with evaluation
Dużo ocen, częste, któtkie testy
Evaluation mistakes
punishing ss behaviour with bad marks
applying different criteria for different ss – halo-effect (uczniów których lubimy pytamy pobierznie, a tych których nie lubimy/ nie znamy pytamy dokładniej)
Final mark being an average of all marks. Można jedynie stosować średnią ważoną