Trawiński 7 - 12.12.11
Communication teaching
-less discipline
-teacher has
to react when he sees that someone starts whispering, he should
immediately react
cały czas uwaga ucznia musi być
skupiona, jak pisze musi mówić, nie może powiedzieć a później
pisać. Jak mówi musi się ruszać, cały czas coś robić
strategies to misbehave
strategy of cognitive aim – connected with brighter ss, they need to have sth to do. They ask a lot of questions.
Strategy of approval – ss who are not motivated and do not want to study much, whatever the teacher does they approve it, smile, nod
withdawal strategy – passivity – trying not to do anything 'I don't know' ← when teacher asks them question they don't even try
strategy of rebellion - 'I don't want to do it', negation of the teacher
^ Those types of students should be dealt with in different way
1 – prepare additional material that will be challenging. If we have one student who is on higher level then rest of the class, we should evaluate how much effort they put into it
2 – Student who could do more, bright. Halo effect (jechanie na opinii, wyrabianie sobie dobrej opinnii na początku). Even if they smile at you, help to bring projector don't pay attention to it when you evaluate students.
3 – Activating students by brining interesting material, exercises. Analyse student's needs (questionnaire, asking questions) and prepare materials that meed they hobbies.
4 – connected with low self-esteem. Most difficult to deal with. You have to increase their self-esteem, show them their show points. 'OK you make lot of grammatical mistakes, spelling is not correct but what you wrote is so interesting, could you tell me sth more about it?' 'the homework is terribly written but finally you have done your homework'. Focusing on positive effects, strong points. Ask them for help. Pozytywne wzmocnienie.
What techniques teacher can use to deal with the problem.
Preventing misbehaviour – keeping ss attention
clear lesson structure (now I'll tell you about theory, now we'll do exercises). Clearly divided lesson
unpredictable order. Ss know what the lesson looks like. Ss do not do exercises one by one but at random. First ask question, then point who has to answer. Don't start with the name cause only this one person will be thinking
attractiveness of the lesson – activities should be varied: from book, from articles, some in groups where they have to change their position. Musi się cały czas coś dziać. To jest pokolenie gier komputerowych – cały czas tam się coś dzieje. Na lekcji też tak musi być.
Ground rules – everything is established during the first meeting. You have to be consequent. Rules cannot change because of your good/bad mood. Ss will take very strict rules if you fallow them consequently. Rules should involve punishments and rewards. The same punishment for the same misbehaviour.
Reacting to misbehaviour
if someone starts talking start whispering, it immediately draws attention because in school is loud. Move you desk, approach to sb and continue your lesson but this person knows you pay attention to him.
Eye contact – with everyone equal. Teacher should look at everyone. Jeśli ktoś źle się czuje gdy 20 par oczu się na niego patrzy nie powinien być nauczycielem. Jeśli nauczyciel nie będzie się czuł dobrze w klasie, to nie będzie w stanie nad nimi zapanować. Nauczyciel powinien być liderem w klasie, powinien być silniejszy.
We're taling about sth, insert 'Tomek stop talking' and continue, 'stop talking', 'I don't like when you talk while you should read'. We shouldn't evaluate student but evaluate the fact that they are doing sth
if you do well at non-verbal techniques there's no need to use verbal ones.
Children short activities high pace (do everything very quickly) we don't do any theory physical activities games drawing |
Teenagers clear, logical activities clear materials clear requirements teaching learning strategies no negative comments!! |
Test types:
achievement tests – what has been covered during the lessons
proficiency test – test your general knowledge without referring to any particular book or syllabus. E.g. matura, FCE
placement test – divides ss into groups. Usually placement test is proficiency test
diagnostic test – to find out what ss don't know – form of an achievement test. Zwykle powinen być robiony przez korepetytora, który ma przygotować do testu. Sprawdza czego nie wie, skupia się na wyjątkach
aptitude – ss potential in the future. W języku któryego uczeń nie zna, sprawdza czy osoba umie wyciągać wnioski, myśleć logicznie w kategoriach językowych
Citeria of a test:
what needs to be tested. Chcemy przetesotwać gramatyke a stosujemy słownictwo, którego on nie rozumie ← nie może tak byc
consistency – test gives the same results if made twice while in the meantime ss didn't study.
Clear questions
test is equally easy for the student and for the teacher to write. Nauczyciel pisze go 3 godziny, a uczeń go zrobi w kilka minut. Test powinien być złożony z różnego typu pytań.
pedagogical value – not necessary– ss learn sth from the test
– zerówka