Trawiński 7 12 12 11

Trawiński 7 - 12.12.11

Communication teaching

-less discipline

-teacher has to react when he sees that someone starts whispering, he should immediately react

cały czas uwaga ucznia musi być skupiona, jak pisze musi mówić, nie może powiedzieć a później pisać. Jak mówi musi się ruszać, cały czas coś robić

Students strategies to misbehave

  1. strategy of cognitive aim – connected with brighter ss, they need to have sth to do. They ask a lot of questions.

  2. Strategy of approval – ss who are not motivated and do not want to study much, whatever the teacher does they approve it, smile, nod

  3. withdawal strategy – passivity – trying not to do anything 'I don't know' ← when teacher asks them question they don't even try

  4. strategy of rebellion - 'I don't want to do it', negation of the teacher

^ Those types of students should be dealt with in different way

1 – prepare additional material that will be challenging. If we have one student who is on higher level then rest of the class, we should evaluate how much effort they put into it

2 – Student who could do more, bright. Halo effect (jechanie na opinii, wyrabianie sobie dobrej opinnii na początku). Even if they smile at you, help to bring projector don't pay attention to it when you evaluate students.

3 – Activating students by brining interesting material, exercises. Analyse student's needs (questionnaire, asking questions) and prepare materials that meed they hobbies.

4 – connected with low self-esteem. Most difficult to deal with. You have to increase their self-esteem, show them their show points. 'OK you make lot of grammatical mistakes, spelling is not correct but what you wrote is so interesting, could you tell me sth more about it?' 'the homework is terribly written but finally you have done your homework'. Focusing on positive effects, strong points. Ask them for help. Pozytywne wzmocnienie.

What techniques teacher can use to deal with the problem.

  1. Preventing misbehaviour – keeping ss attention

  1. Reacting to misbehaviour


  • short activities

  • high pace (do everything very quickly)

  • we don't do any theory

  • physical activities

  • games

  • drawing


  • clear, logical activities

  • clear materials

  • clear requirements

  • teaching learning strategies

  • no negative comments!!


Test types:

Citeria of a test:

    1. – zerówka


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