Angielski ćwiczenia, sprawdziany, testy II

Present Simple

Dół formularza

I. Wstaw podane czasowniki w czasie "Present Simple".
go, run, walk, get up, be, play, eat, have, drink, meet, cook, read, live

Początek formularza

  1. How do you get to school? I usually

  2. He to school by bus.

  3. Harry can very fast.

  4. I always dinner on Sundays.

  5. Patrick never apples.

  6. Mike too much coffee.

  7. What do you usually for breakfast ?

  8. Can your brother tennis?

  9. My mother rarely books.

  10. Who your favourite singer?

  11. I my friends every Saturday.

  12. Where do you ?

  13. My sister seldom late.

II. Napisz pytania do podanych zdań w czasie "Present Simple".

Początek formularza

  1. I go to school by bus.

  2. I like sweets.

  3. We sometimes go to the cinema together.

  4. Richard lives in Cracov.

  5. My name's Robert.

  6. I like going to the cinema.

  7. I never drink milk.

  8. I can use a computer.

  9. I like The Crocodile Site.

  10. I don't like oranges.

III. Przetłumacz poniższe zdania na język angielski.

  1. Mary nie lubi grać w karty.

  2. Nienawidzę chodzić do szkoły.

  3. Koty to bardzo ładne zwierzęta.

  4. Lubię koty ale wolę krokodyle.

  5. Czasami spóźniam się na autobus.

  6. Woda wrze w temperaturze 100 stopni Celsjusza.

  7. Polska literatura jest najlepsza.

  8. Interesuję się językiem angielskim.

  9. Latem zwykle wyjeżdżam nad morze.

  10. Dobrze jest pomagać ludziom.

Present Continuous

I. Czasowniki podane w nawiasach napisz w czasie "Present Continuous".

Początek formularza

  1. I (read) a very interesting book at the moment.

  2. We (leave) tomorrow.

  3. What (you do) here? I (learn) for the test.

  4. Look, Susan (go) to church.

  5. Where is this beautiful music (come) from? It's my sister listening to the radio.

  6. He is always (come) into my room without knocking on the door.

  7. At 9 o'clock I am always (watch) TV.

  8. What are you doing ? I (have) breakfast.

  9. She won't open the door, she (talk) on the phone.

  10. Richard is not smiling at you, he (smile) at the person who (stand) behind you.

II. Utwórz pytania z podanych zdań.

  1. I am writing a letter.

  2. Steven is playing football.

  3. My mother is cooking dinner

  4. They are going to the cinema.

  5. We are leaving tomorrow.

  6. I'm talking to John.

  7. My father is reading a newspaper.

  8. I am looking at a beautiful girl.

  9. She is taking a shower at the moment.

  10. He is walking the dog in the park.

Future Simple

I. Wstaw czasowniki w nawiasach w czasie "Future Simple".

  1. You (be) rich.

  2. He (marry) a beautiful woman.

  3. You (live) very long.

  4. The weather tomorrow (be) warm.

  5. You (have) many children.

  6. It (be) rainy tomorrow.

  7. Which dress do you prefer ? The red or the blue one ? I (take) the blue one.

Past Simple

Dół formularza

I. Wstaw czasowniki w nawiasach w czasie "Past Simple"

Początek formularza

1. I (visit) my grandparents yesterday.

2. Richard (go) to the cinema.

3. My parents (forbid) me to go with you.

4. She (be) a very naughty girl.

5. They (carry) something with them.

6. Yesterday I (slip) on the ice and (knock) my front tooth out.

7. They (can) sing very well when they were younger.

8. I (undertake) a very serious decision.

9. John (prepare) himself a sandwich because he (be) hungry.

Jane (feel) that something (be) wrong

Dół formularza

II. Zaprzecz podanym faktom.

  1. I bought a beautiful dress yesterday.

  2. My wife came home very late last night.

  3. That was a wonderful piece of music.

  4. I saw her yesterday.

  5. She did the shopping yesterday.

  6. It was a beautiful evening.

  7. I could swim when I was seven.

  8. She worked in a hospital.

  9. I bought three loaves of bread.

  10. I could see her through the window.

III. Z podanych wyrazów utwórz pytania w czasie "Past Simple".

Początek formularza

  1. what you do yesterday ?

  2. where you leave the bag ?

  3. how solve that problem ?

  4. you sleep well ?

  5. what you offer those people ?

  6. you like the party yesterday ?

  7. be you at school yesterday ?

  8. where be you at eleven in the morning ?

  9. how you get the job ?

  10. you see that film on TV yesterday ?

Past Continuous

Dół formularza

I. Czasowniki w nawiasach napisz w czasie "Past Continuous".

Początek formularza

  1. When she got home I (read) a book.

  2. I (walk) down the street when I saw my favourite singer.

  3. I (have breakfast) when the telephone rang.

  4. Peter and Mary (watch) TV when I saw them.

  5. Richard (play) computer games when the lights went off.

  6. The children (sleep) so I tried not to make any noise.

  7. When Mr Brown (sit) in his armchair his wife arrived.

  8. I (dig) in the garden when I found treasure.

  9. Yesterday at seven I (read) a book

  10. Yesterday at eleven I (cook) dinner.

  11. She (brush) her teeth yesterday at 9 pm.

Present Perfect

I. Czasowniki podane w nawiasach napisz w czasie "Present Perfect". Nie używaj skrótów, np. : hasn't napisz has not.

1. I (live) in this town for 10 years.

2. She (not come) to the party because she has broken her leg.

3. I (open) the window and it's cold now.

4. I (finish) my work a moment ago.

5. He (just arrive) .

6. I (not be) to London.

7. (you ever see) the Leaning Tower of Piza ?

8. I (never like) going to the cinema.

9. I (not talk) to him since last summer.

10. I (work) for this company since 1990.Początek formularza

Dół formularza

II. Przepisz poniższe zdania w formie przeczącej.

Początek formularza

  1. The train has just left the station.

  2. It has just started to rain.

  3. I have seen him somewhere before

  4. John has already finished his homework.

  5. I have been to a party.

  6. I have always liked her

  7. I have just given up smoking

  8. Tom has just phoned to tell that he wouldn't come to the party

  9. I have been to Paris free times so far

  10. Suzie has just started to work.

Present Perfect Continuous

I. Wstaw czasowniki w nawiasach w czasie "Present Perfect Continuous"

1. I (wait) for you for ten hours and at last you are.

2. It (rain) since 10 o'clock.

3. She (sleep) only for two hours so far. Don't rouse her.

4. We (plant) trees for ten minutes. There's a lot to do left.

5. That man (stand) there for more than 50 minutes.

6. I (learn) history for 2 hours and I am very sleepy now.

7. Richard (live) in Warsaw since 1992.

8. Our team (work) on this project since 1999.

9. We (walk) for three hours and our legs hurt.

10. The children (play) all day.

11. How long (wait) ? Not very long.

12. What (do) for so long ?

13. I (think) about it but I still don't know what to do.

14. We (have) a great time there.

15. The doctor (operate on) this patient for several hours.

Present Perfect vs Past Simple

I. Wstaw podane częsci zdań w nawiasach w czasie "Present Perfect" lub "Past Simple".

1. (you see) the film on TV yesterday ?

2. (you see) Mission Impossible ?

3. I (kill) three flies so far.

4. I (be) to Italy twice.

5. What's happened ? I (break) my leg.

6. What (you do) at school ?

7. How many times (your grandfather visit) Amsterdam before his death?

8. What (be) your favourite meal when you were seven ?

9. Look ! The train (arrive) . They should be here in a moment.

10. I (buy) a new radio last Monday.

11. We (know) each other since last summer.

12. (you see) John today ?

13. I'll call the police.; You don't need to, I (already do it) .

14. She (look) much more beautiful the last time I (see) her.

15. When I (wake up) I (see) a stranger besides my bed.

16. I (never like) cheese.

17. I (not use to like) potatoes when I was young.

18. The burglar (manage) to get in through the window.

19. If I (be) you, I would apologize her.

20. I (live) in this town for forty years. I will never leave it.

past simple i past continuous

I. Czasownik w nawiasie wstaw w odpowiedniej formę. (20 pkt.)
1. My friend................................. (read) a book yesterday at 6 o'clock.
2................................... (you; visit) him last Tuesday?
3. What................................ (they; do) last Friday at this time?
4. I.................................. (not; meet) her ten minutes ago.
5. While we............................... (dance), they .......................... (sit) at the table.
6. When........................... (she; sell) it?
7. Susan................................ (sleep) while we ................................... (work).
8. I................................... (not; clean) my room last Saturday.

II. Przetłumacz zdania. (18 pkt.)
1. Wczoraj o 8.00 ona gotowała obiad.
2. Gdzie kupiłeś tą piękna różę (rose)?
3. Oni grali w karty kiedy wszedłem do pokoju.
4. Jej brat nie poszedł do kina wczoraj wieczorem.
5. Ojciec prowadził samochód kiedy zobaczył John'a.
6. O której godzinie wstałeś wczoraj rano?

III. Znajdź błędy. W każdym zdaniu jest jeden błąd. (6 pkt.)
1. What were you do last Saturday at 2.30?
2. I drinked some tea.
3. They did not watching the film
4. Peter and John was playing tennis.
5. His parents didn't met twenty years ago.
6. When did she arriving from Paris?

IV. Wybierz poprawną formę czasownika. (8 pkt.)
It was one o'clock in the afternoon and I was working / worked in my office. It was raining / rained outside. I looked out of the window and I was seeing / saw a strange woman. She was wearing / wore a big pink hat. Suddenly she was stopping / stopped and looked in my direction. I was moving / moved back. When I looked out of the window again I wasn't seeing / didn't see her. I never was meeting / met that lady again.

V. Zadanie na ocenę celującą. Uzupełnij tekst poprawną formą czasownika. (14 pkt.)
Yesterday while I................. (watch) an interesting film on TV I.............. (hear) a strange noise. When I.................. (look) out of the window I saw my neighbour who ................... (dust) his carpet. He............... (tell) me about the carpet a few days ago. It was an expensive one which he................ (buy) in Turkey two years before. After he................... (finish) dusting his carpet he began................. (wash) his car. "What ........................ (he, do) with his car?" - I thought to myself. "It is dirty with mud all over!!!" I think he................... (drive) it somewhere muddy. Before I............... (come) back into my armchair I...................... (invite) my neighbour to come round and see me that evening. He answered: "Ok, I....................... (visit) you in about one hour." "Great, I.................... (wait) for you" - I replied.


I Put the verbs in the correct form. [present perfect or simple past]

1. A ……………… your father …………… yet ? (retire)

B Yes, he ………………….. six months ago when he ……………. 65. (retire, be)

2. A You get on really well with Gerry, don't you ?

B Yes. We ………….……each other for 15 years and we….……... an argument. (know, never have)

II. Correct the wrong sentences.

Simon has left. He and Oliver have left after lunch.

We can play tennis now. The others have finished.

I'd like to borrow this book. Did Ann read it yet ?

The calculator is broken. Someone broke the calculator.

What time has my brother phoned ?

Tom has broken his leg yesterday.

What are you doing on Saturday ?

We sell our car next month.

Why do you wear skirt ? You usually wear trousers.

You haven't eaten very much.

- Our towns (become)..................................more and more crowded nowadays.
- Here you are at last. I (wait)..................................... for you for half an hour.
- I can't see you tomorrow. I (meet)............................... visitors from Japan
- I (see)........................ them in the kitchen an hour ago. Jill (make).............................. sandwiches and Peg (wrap)...................... them in paper.
- So far, the DJ (play)........................................ only two techno tracks.
- You (always/ put)................................... your feet on my desk. I hate it
- Why (she/ smell)..................................... the sausage?.Isn't it any good?
- What (they/ buy)............................ yesterday? I (not/ know)...............
I (not/ talk)........................................... to them yet.
- Betty has dirty fingers. She (pick)................................. blackberries.
- Who (play)................................. tennis every Tuesday?
- It (cost).....................120 dollars last year but now it (cost)............. 160!
- This time last year he (take)............................... his entry exams.
- Look at the timetable and check what time the last train (leave)..................

Odp. Present prefect vs. Simple past

Did you see the film on TV yesterday ? - ok

Have you seen "Mission Impossible" ? - ok

have killed three flies so far. - ok

I have been to Italy twice. - ok

What's happened ? I have broken my leg. - ok

What did you do at school ? - ok

How many times did your grandfather visit Amsterdam before his death ? - ok

What was your favourite meal when you were seven ? - ok

The train has arrived ! They should be here in a moment. - ok

I bought a new radio last Monday. - ok

We have known each other since last summer. - ok

Have you seen John today ? - ok

I'll call the police. You don't need to. I have already done it. - ok

She looked much more beautiful the last time I have seen her. - 1pt

When I woke up I saw a stranger besides my bed. - 1pt

I have never liked cheese. - ok

I did not use to like potatoes when I was young. - ok

The burglar managed to get in through the window. - ok

If I were you, I would apologize her. - ok

Test poziom podstawowy

I. Przeczytaj tekst. Napisz, które zdania są prawdziwe (T), a które fałszywe (F), następnie odpowiedz na pytania.

Charles Dickens was a famous English writer. He was born in Portsmouth, England on 7th February, 1812. He went to school at age of nine but he didn't finish his education. In 1824, he worked at a shoe polish factory and went back to school a year later. He took a job as a legal clerk in 1827 and enjoyed success as a reporter two years later.
Dickens married Catherine Hogarth in 1836. He wrote 'The Pickwick Papers' that same year. The book made him famous. He wrote many popular books and was considered to be England's finest writer.
He died on 9th June, 1870. They buried him in Westminster Abbey.

Czy podane zdania są prawdziwe czy fałszywe?
1. Charles Dickens came from England.....................
2. He finished his education.....................
3. He didn't write 'The Pickwick Papers'....................
4. He was buried in Westminster Abbey..................... Score _______/ 4 points

Odpowiedz na pytania - wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź

1. Charles Dickens was born in:
a) London b) Glasgow c) Oxford d) Portsmouth
2. He worked at:
a) hospital b) a shoe polish factory c) school d) a shop
3) He became:
a) a reporter b) a doctor c) a teacher d) a singer
4) He wrote:
a) many popular books b) many poems c) many dictionaries Score_______/ 4 points

II. W puste miejsca wpisz "am", "are", "is"
My name...................... Maria. I live with my parents and my sister and brother. I................ a schoolgirl. My sister.................younger than me and my brother ....................older. My parents................... doctors. They work at hospital. My father................... a very tall man. I................tall too. My sister and brother.....................very nice. My mother................a really pretty woman. We.................. happy family
Score ______ / 5 points

III. W puste miejsca wpisz "was", "were"
1........................ you at the sport centre last night?
2. In 1980 I................... ten years old.
3. My parents.................... in London two years ago.
4. We.................. very busy yesterday.
5..................... she at school last Monday? Score ______ / 5 points

IV. Poniższe liczby napisz słownie
78............................... Score ______ / 5 points

V. Przetłumacz na język angielski
Język angielski -........................................
Historia -................................................
Sztuka -..................................................
Geografia -..............................................
W - F -................................................... Score _______ / 5 points

VI. Kolory. Uporządkuj litery
ronwb -.............................
tiewh -..............................
eulb -...............................
reneg -..............................
pkni -............................... Score _______ / 5 points

VII. Wpisz brakujące litery - członkowie rodziny
__ o u __ i n n i __ __ e f __ __ h __ r
g __ __ n __ m __ t __ e r __ r __ t __ e r s __ __ t __ r Score ________ / 6 points

VIII. Wpisz brakujące litery - przybory szkolne
__ __g p __ __ c i __ __ u l e __
p __ n __ a s __ __ o t e __ o __ k d __ __ k Score ________ / 6 points

IX. Stopniowanie przymiotników. Uzupełnij.


more different


the highest

the most beautiful Score ________ / 5 points

X. Do podanych rzeczowników dopisz liczbę mnogą
finger -.............................
dress -.............................
woman -...........................
foot -..............................
mouse -............................ Score ________ / 5points

XI. W podanych zdaniach podkreśl właściwą formę czasownika
1. I meet / met Susan yesterday.
2. She is watching / watches TV at the moment.
3. Hannah and Sarah learns / learn Spanish.
4. George visited / visits Paris a week ago.
5. My parents go / are going to the park now. Score ________ / 5 points

XII. W puste miejsca wpisz czasowniki w czasie past simple lub past cotinuous
1. I..................... (do) my homework when the telephone........................ (ring).
2. While we............................ (have) dinner we........................... (see) her on TV.
3. He........................ (write) a letter when the neighbour........................... (knock).
Score ________ / 6 points

XIII. W puste miejsca wpisz 'do', 'does', 'did', 'don't', 'doesn't' lub 'didn't'
1................................. Jim read a book yesterday?
2. I.............................. stay at home last night.
3. He........................... go to school every day.
4................................ you like school?
5. We.......................... work very hard. Score ________ /5 points
XIV. Czasowniki w nawiasach podaj w czasie present simple, present continuous lub past simple
1. John................................... (read) a newspaper yesterday.
2. I....................................... (do) my homework now.
3. He often.............................. (play) the piano.

4. Laura................................. (become) a dentist two years ago.
5. Sarah and Tim............................... (look) for a flat at the moment. Score ________ /5 points

XV. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednim przyimkiem (on, in, at)
1. He gets up at seven o'clock......................... the morning.
2. We often visit our grandparents........................ the weekend.

3. The match starts....................... three o'clock.
4. They go on holiday........................ August.
5. Is the show......................... Saturday? Score ________ / 5 point

XVI. W ciągu liter znajdź ukryte nazwy dni tygodnia lub miesiąca
GFYRHFBAUGUSTNCGFBGHOO Score ________ / 5 points

XVII. Przetłumacz na język angielski
Idź prosto -.................................
Skręć w lewo -..............................
Światła uliczne -............................
Przejdź obok -................................

Na rogu -.................................... Score ________ / 5points

XVIII. Które z poniższych rzeczowników są policzalne (C), a które niepoliczalne (U)
tomato -..............
onion -...............
cheese -..............
meat -................
apples -............... Score _________ / 5 points

XIX. W puste miejsca wstaw wyrażenia: 'How much' lub 'How many'
1..................................... forks are there on the table?
2..................................... money do you have?
3..................................... milk is there in the glass?
4..................................... eggs do you need?
5..................................... carrots are there on the plate?
Score _________ / 5 points

XX. Uzupełnij zdania wyrażeniami: 'have got' lub 'has got'
1. Brandon................................... two dogs.
2. They..................................... a big garden.
3. I.......................................... a new radio.
4. She....................................... three brothers.
5. George and I........................... wonderful parents.
Score _________ / 5 points

XXI. Wstaw przedimek 'the' lub '-'
1............................ Tower of London
2............................ 10 Downing Street
3............................ Westminster Bridge
4............................ River Thames
5............................ Greenwich Park
Score _________ / 5 points
TOTAL _______________

I. Wstaw czasownik w odpowiedniej formie:
1. I enjoy .............. (go) to the cinema.
2. Who .............. (know) Mr. Hamilton?
3. John .............. (help) his mother now.
4. I look forward to .............. (meet) you.
5. .............. (you/have) a wonderful time yesterday?
6. When .............. (Mr. Smith/usually/do) his shopping?
7. Are you interested in .............. (play) tennis?
8. Tomorrow aunt Jennifer ............... (come) to us.
9. John ............... (not/like) washing up.
10. I ............... (not/sleep) well last night.

II. Przetłumacz wyrazy w nawiasach:
1. We know ........ (ich) telephone number, but they don't know ........ (naszego).
2. ........ (Jego) car wasn't as expensive as ........ (jej).
3. - How are ........ (twoje) children?
- Fine, thanks. And how are ........ (twoje)?
4. We met Sue and Frank at ......... (przyjęciu Mary).
5. ........ (nasz) flat isn't as big as ........ (ich), but ........ (nasz) is more comfortable.
6. This is .......... (samochód moich rodziców).

III. Przetłumacz:
1. Jak on zwykle dociera z domu do lokalnej stacji?
2. Czy są jakieś sypialnie na górze?
3. Nowy Jork jest na wschodnim wybrzeżu Stanów Zjednoczonych.
4. Ile zajmuje Piotrowi dotarcie do pracy?
5. Postój taksówek jest obok banku.
6. Ile kosztują tamte jabłka?
7. Basen jest naprzeciwko przystanku autobusowego.
8. Co zamierzasz ubrać na rozmowę o pracę?

IV. Wstaw właściwy przyimek:

1. ........... noon 5. ............ 1975

2. ........... the afternoon 6. ............ 21st April

3. ......... four o'clock 7. ......... night

4. ......... Friday morning 8. ......... July

V. Napisz zdania w prawidłowym szyku:

1. friend / sewing / mother's / my / to / old / machine / belongs / this
2. don't / thinks / suit / her / colours / Axley / Mrs. / light
3. party / Stephen / not / birthday / going / a / for / big / to / is / his / have
4. he / us / didn't / why / to / come / ?
5. wearing / Duffson / doesn't / Mr. / like / colours / dark / very
6. suit / Allen / a / for / an / is / going / important / buy / interview / to / new

VI. Wstaw zaimki w formie dopełnienia:

1. I like Peter. / I like ......... .
2. He hates war films. / He hates ......... .
3. She loves London. / She loves ......... .
4. I like Betty and Kate. / I like ......... .

VII. Podaj słowa o przeciwnym znaczeniu:

1. east - ............ 5. thin - ............

2. far - ............ 6. straight - ............

3. nephew - ............. 7. fair - ............

4. interesting - ............ 8. plain - ............

VIII. Zastąp podane wyrażenia innym słowem:

1. 100 pence - .................................
2. one hundred years - .............................
3. two weeks - ..........................
4. A machine you can leave a message on when somebody you call is out. - ...............................

IX. Zapytaj o podkreśloną część zdania:
1. I like shopping in small boutiques.
2. She knows the price of this suit.
3. Peter and Adam were at home yesterday.
4. She has got to pay for it.
5. He's very friendly.
6. Ben sent six letters to Jane last month.
7. The classes usually start at eight.
8. Linda is playing in the garden now.

X. Odpowiedz na pytania policjanta, używając podanych wskazówek.

A: So, You can see the man we are looking for, can't you?
B: Yes, I think so.
A: What's he doing?
B: (Patrzy) (1) ....................... at the shop window.
A: What's he wearing?
B: He's wearing (czarny garnitur, białą koszulę i brązowe buty) (2) ............................ .
A: And what does he look like?
B: He's (bardzo wysoki) (3) .......................... and he's got (długie, jasne, proste włosy) (4) ......................................... .
A: Good. Anything else?
B: Yes. He's got (wąsy i siwą brodę) (5) ............................... . That's all I can see.
A: Thank you for calling.

TOTAL _____________ / 111 points


I. 1. going; 2. knows; 3. is helping; 4. meeting; 5. did you have...; 6. does Mr. Smith usually do...; 7. playing; 8. is coming; 9. doesn't like; 10. didn't sleep.
II. 1. their, ours; 2. His, hers; 3. your, yours; 4. Mary's party; 5. Our, theirs, ours; 6. my parents' car.
III. 1. How does he usually get from his house to the local station?
2. Are there any bedrooms upstairs?
3. New York is on the east coast of the United States.
4. How long does it take Peter to get to work?
5. A taxi rank is next to the bank.
6. How much are those apples?
7. A swimming pool is opposite the bus stop.
8. What are you going to wear for the job interview?
IV. 1. at; 2. in; 3. at; 4. on;5. in; 6. at; 8. in;
V. 1. This old sewing machine belongs to my mother's friend.
2. Mrs. Axlex thinks light colours don't suit her.
3. Stephen is not going to have a big party for this birthday.
4. Why didn't he come to us?
5. Mr. Duffon doesn't like wearing very dark clothes.
6. Allen is going to buy a new suit for an important interview.
VI. 1. him; 2. them; 3. it; 4. them.
VII. 1. west; 2. near; 3. niece; 4. boring; 5. thick; 6. curly 7. dark; 8. checked.
VIII. 1. 1 pound; 2. century; 3. fortnight; 4. answer phone.
IX. 1. Where do you like shopping?
2. What does she know?
3. Where were Peter and Adam yesterday?
4. Who has got pay for it?
5. What is he like?
6. What did Ben send to Jane last month?
7. What time do the classes usually start?
8. Where is Linda playing now?
Grammar test (Intermediate)

I. Rewrite the following sentences so they express the same meaning.
1.The journalist reported that the victim knew the murderer.
The victim ........................................................
2. Someone is going to paint our house.
We are ............................................................
3. I'd prefer to drink a cup of coffee.
I'd ..................................................................
4. Robert didn't make a lot of friends when he was younger. That's why he is so lonely now.
If he ................................................................
5. He and his wife don't know Mr. Brown.
Neither ............................................................
6. He probably left his umbrella at work.
He may ............................................................
7. It is nothing new to him to get up early in the morning.
He is used .........................................................
8. People expect that he will win an award.
He ..................................................................
9. I don't want to watch TV.
I don't feel .........................................................
10. I bought a new English dictionary . It was not necessary.
I ......................................................................
11. I'm sure they were at home last night.
They must ...........................................................
12. You shouldn't go to bed so late every night.
You'd ................................................................
13. I have never seen such a beautiful garden.
Never ................................................................
14. Someone repaired her car yesterday.
She ...................................................................
15. They must have closed the shop earlier.
The shop .............................................................

II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
1. I heard her ........(sing) in the garden.
2. If I ........(be) you, I ..........(marry) Philip.
3. She is not used to ..........(drive) on the left side of the road.
4. Don't let him ........(smoke) so many cigarettes.
5. She always ..........(lose) her keys.
6. I .........(finish) this project by the end of this week.
7. I'd rather she .........(not/go) to bed so late.
8. If he .........(study) hard at school, he .......(be) at university now.
9. I would like to .........(can) drive a car.
10. She should ........(apologize) foe spilling the milk.
11. I wish I .........(be) more careful when I was driving my car yesterday.
12. He ...........(think) to have been very rich.
13. It's high time you .........(buy) some new trousers.
14. She can't help .........(cry)
15. Mark .......(live) in Spain for five years when we first met.

III. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words(one or more).
1. I .......... you wouldn't talk all the time. It disturbs me.
2. .......... she did the homework, she had cleaned the kitchen.
3. He studied law from 1990 to 1995, so ...... Peter.
4. She avoids ......... to nervous people.
5. I am good at Math's ........?
6. I wish he ........ here now.
7. I decided to ......... my car serviced.
8. He doesn't like reading. ......... does Peter.
9. Let's go for a walk, ........?
10. Peter, Jim and Tom work at the bank but ...... of then can speak at least one foreign languages.
11. Turn of the light, ........?
12. Would you mind if I ........ a cigarette in here.
13. Mark was accused ........... stealing the car.
14. She ......... cooking dinner for an hour.
15. I hoped I ........ meet him again soon.

Answer key
I. 1. The victim was reported to have known the murderer. 2. We are going to have our house painted. 3. I'd rather drink a cup of coffee. 4. If he had made a lot of friends when he was younger, he wouldn't be so lonely now. 5. Neither he nor his wife knows/know Mr. Brown. 6. He may have left his umbrella at work. 7. He is used to getting up early in the morning. 8. He is expected to win an award. 9. I don't feel like watching TV. 10. I needn't have bought a new English dictionary. 11. They must have been at home last night. 12. You'd better not go to bed so late every night. 13. Never have I seen such a beautiful garden. 14. She had her car repaired yesterday. 15. The shop must have been closed earlier.
II. 1. singing; 2. were, would marry; 3. driving; 4. smoke; 5. is always losing/loses; 6. will have finished; 7. didn't go; 8. had studied, would be; 9. be able to; 10. have apologized; 11. had been; 12. is thought; 13. bought; 14. crying; 15. had been living.
III. 1. wish; 2. Before; 3. did; 4. talking; 5. aren't I; 6. were; 7. have; 8. Nor/Neither; 9. shell we; 10. none; 11. will you; 12. smoked; 13.of; 14. has been; 15. would.

TEST - Passive Voice (STRONA BIERNA)

I. Popraw błędy w poniższych zdaniach w stronie biernej.
1. Only English spoken here.
2. These cars are make in Japan.
3. Hamburgers has been eaten since 1895.
4. When the car will be cleaned?
5. My car is serviced now.

II. Dopisz dwie formy czasownika: Past Simple i Past Participle.
1.find 2. lose 3.shut 4.grab 5.wear 6. fly 7.try 8.cut 9. bring 10.go

III. Poniższe zdania napisz w stronie biernej.
1. Mary doesn't have to clean the windows.
2.We are going to invite ten people.
3. We can't come in. They are cleaning our room.
4. Why have they removed all their furniture?
5. Shakespeare didn't write this play.
6. They don't grow bananas in Poland.
7. John wasn't making sandwiches when I walked into the kitchen.
8. People shouldn't eat junk food.
9. He has written ten essays since Monday.
10. They didn't deliver milk to the door yesterday.

IV. Poniższe zdania napisz w stronie czynnej lub biernej wstawiając w miejsce nawiasu odpowiednią formę czasownika.
1. My wife (take) to hospital next week.
2. "The Tigers" (not beat) "The Mohicans" yesterday.
3. Visitors (must not, touch) the exhibits.
4. Yesterday Harry, who is unemployed, (offer) a job at the customs house.
5. After the robbery the criminals (look for) now.

V. Przetłumacz na język polski.
1. Ann was given a beautiful ring by her boyfriend.
2. Pupils are told not to talk in the classroom.
3. Who will the applicants be interviewed by?
4. Are they being questioned by the police?
5. Corn has been grown in Nebraska for a long time.

I.1. Only English is spoken here.
2. These cars are made in Japan
3. Hamburgers have been eaten since 1895.
4. When will the car be cleaned?
5. My car is being serviced now.
II.1. find- found- found
2. lose- lost- lost
3. shut- shut- shut
4. grab- grabbed- grabbed
5. wear- wore- worn
6. fly- flied- flied
7. try- tried- tried
8. cut- cut- cut
9. bring- brought- brought
10. go- went- gone
III.1. The windows don't have to be cleaned now.
2. Ten people are going to be invited.
3. Our room is being cleaned now.
4. Why has all the furniture been removed by them.
5. This play wasn't written by Shakespeare.
6. Bananas aren't grown in Poland.
7. Sandwiches weren't being made by John when I walked into the kitchen.
8. Junk food shouldn't be eaten by people.
9. Ten essays have been written by him since Monday.
10. Milk wasn't delivered to the door yesterday.
IV. 1. My wife will be taken to hospital next week.
2. "The Tigers" didn't beat "The Mohicans" yesterday.
3. Visitors mustn't touch the exhibits.
4. Yesterday Harry, who is unemployed, was offered a job at the customs house.
5. After the robbery the criminals are being looked for now.
VI. 1. Anna dostała piękny pierścionek od swojego chłopaka.
2. Uczniom mówi się aby nie rozmawiali w klasie.
3. Kto będzie przeprowadzał rozmowę kwalifikacyjną z kandydatami.
4. Cze oni są przesłuchiwani przez policję?
5. Kkurydza jest uprawiana w Nebrasce od długiego czasu.


1. Uzupełnij wyrażenia wstawiając SO/ SUCH A/ AN LUB SUCH
.....................much time
.....................good friends
.....................easy task
.....................few tomatoes
.....................big window
.....................cold water

2. Podaj wyrazy o przeciwnym znaczeniu
patient -............................
delicious -...........................
careful -...............................
ancient -..............................
stale -................................
dull -..................................
polite -................................
self-confident -......................

3. Przetłumacz wyrażenia w nawiasach
- (Po raz pierwszy widzę)............................................. this girl.
- (Poszukaj)................................. her phone numer in your diary.
- This jacket is too small. It (nie pasuje)........................ me.
- Napoli is a town which is (znane z)........................... its pasta.
- I can hear (ćwierkające ptaki)....................................... and (szeleszczące liście) .........................................

4. Przekształć zdania zachowując ich treść.
- The party was so dull that we left early.
- This is the house in which Jane Austin lived.
- It was such a lovely day that they went to the park.

5. Połącz zdania używając zaimków względnych
- Mark is Betty's cousin. He loves basketball.

- Sarah called a doctor. Her daughter is ill.
- She lives in a small village. The village is in the south of Poland.
- That's the man. His dog has bitten my son.
- The Browns are my neighbours. They have got two sons.

- Our towns (become)..................................more and more crowded nowadays.
- Here you are at last. I (wait)..................................... for you for half an hour.
- I can't see you tomorrow. I (meet)............................... visitors from Japan
- I (see)........................ them in the kitchen an hour ago. Jill (make).............................. sandwiches and Peg (wrap)...................... them in paper.
- So far, the DJ (play)........................................ only two techno tracks.
- You (always/ put)................................... your feet on my desk. I hate it
- Why (she/ smell)..................................... the sausage?.Isn't it any good?
- What (they/ buy)............................ yesterday? I (not/ know)...............
I (not/ talk)........................................... to them yet.
- Betty has dirty fingers. She (pick)................................. blackberries.
- Who (play)................................. tennis every Tuesday?
- It (cost).....................120 dollars last year but now it (cost)............. 160!
- This time last year he (take)............................... his entry exams.
- Look at the timetable and check what time the last train (leave)..................

7. Przetlumacz zdania:
- Jak długo macie ten samochód?
- Moi bracia rzadko mnie odwiedzaja.
- Hugo rozwiązywał krzyżówki podczas gdy inni chłopcy się uczyli.
- To jest dziewczyna, której dziadek zginął podczas II wojny światowej.

8. Wstaw THE tam gdzie trzeba:
........ Europe is the second smallest continent in.......... world........ longest river there is............. River Volga and............ largest lake is............ Lake Lodoga in.........
north-western............. Russia.......... highest mountain peak is......... Mount Elbrus in............. Caucasus Mountains.............. Europe is bordered towards the north by........
Arctic Ocean, the south by......... Mediterranean Sea and.......... Black Sea, the west by ...........Atlantic Ocean and the east by.......... Asia......... association which has been formed to unite............ countries of......... Europe is called.......... European Union.

A. Choose the correct item:

1. As soon as / Until he had finished his lunch, he went back to work.
2. If you run/ ran fast, you will win the race.
3. Bob used to/ got used to go fishing when he was 6.
4. Will you be seeing/ Will you have seen John today?

B. Fill in the correct particle:

1. He came...........a fortune when his father died.
2. When did the fire break........?
3. My computer has I cannot send an e-mail.
4. As I was cleaning my drawers I old albums.

C. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition:

to make friends......the Internet

 to become

to pay.........sth.

 ......the other hand

to be surrounded.....sth.

 to shake......fear



D. Complete the sentences:

1. She started going to the gym five weeks ago.
since It's been five the gym.
2. Ian brushed his teeth and went to bed.
after Ian went to bed....................his teeth.
3. When did he repair the car?
ago How long................the car?
4. If I were you, I'd buy a cottage.
don't Why...................a cottage?
5. I'm sorry I was late".
apologized He.................................late.
6. They are the people. Their daughter is a writer.
whose They.................................a writer.
7. The day was so cold that we couldn't swim.
such It was................we couldn't swim.

E. Rewrite the following sentences into the passive voice:

1. Have you ordered fresh flowers?
2. Did you give the parcel to Betty?
3. We are eating hard boiled eggs.
4. Will you decorate your room?
5. They stole all the money from the shop.

F. Rewrite the following sentences into the Indirect Speech:

1. "Where is the train station?"
He asked................................
2. "No, I will not drive you to the football match".
Mum refused...............................the football match.
3. "Don't open the window".
4. "Yes, I took the money".
He....................................the money.

G. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:

1. A:. ............................. (you/ wash) the car today?
B. No, I. ......... (wash) it yesterday.
2. A: How long.............. (you/ live) in Korea?
B. For two years, but before that I. ........ (live) in Thailand.
3. This time next week. .............. (fly) by plane.
4. Peter.......... (open) his own restaurant by the time he is 30 years old.

H. Utwórz podaną część mowy:

logical- antonim

 reliable- antonim

qualified- antonim

 honest- antonim

regular antonim

 correct- antonim

rely- przymiotnik

 afford- przymiotnik

tour- rzeczownik- zawód

 account- rzeczownik- zawód

I. Przetłumacz na język angielski:

1. Tom poczuł dreszcz biegnący po plecach.
2. Jeśli będę spędzała czas spacerując po parku będę się czuła bezużyteczna.
3. Przyjazne środowisku elektryczne samochody zastąpią samochody, których używamy obecnie.
4. Krwawił a jego lewa noga była złamana.
5. Muszę wyjąć trochę pieniędzy z bankomatu.

A. 1. As soon as
2. run
3. used to
4.Will you be seeing
B. 1. into 2. out 3. down 4. across
C. through / fo r/ by / for / from / on / with / at - in
D. 1. since she started going
2. after he had brushed
3. ago did he repair
4.don't you buy
5.apologized for being
6. are the people whose daughter is
7. such a cold day that
E. 1. Have fresh flowers been ordered?
2. Was the parcel given to Betty?
3. Hard boiled eggs are being eaten by us.
4. Will your room be decorated?
5. All the money was stolen from the shop.
F. 1. where the train station was
2. driving me to
3. told me not to open
4. admitted taking/ having taken
G. 1. Have you washed / washed
2. have you lived / had lived
3. will be flying
4. will have opened
H. illogical / disqualified / irregular / reliable / tourist / unreliable / dishonest / incorrect / affordable / accountant
I. 1. Tom felt chill running down his spine.
2. If I spend time walking in the park I will feel useless.
3. Environment friendly electric cars will have replaced cars we use nowadays.
4.He was bleeding and his left hand was broken.
5. I have to take some money from the caspoint.

1. The main. .............................(cecha) a teacher needs is patience.
2. Switzerland is very. ...........................(popularny wśród) skiers.
3. The exam was very....................(ciężki) and most students failed it.
4. I. ......................(trenuję) at the gym to build my muscles.
5. If you want to lose weight you must................................(trzymać się z dala od) sweets.
6. Bob is a. ........................ (nowicjusz) in his job.
7.. ............................................ (zatrzasnął drzwi przede mną).
8. He managed to. .......................................(wcisnąć się) for this party.
9. Having the same abilities, they were able to compete........................
(na równych prawach).
10. Although Mary is only 16, she is. ...................(dojrzała) enough to make important decisions.
11. I'm sorry but I'm afraid I won't be able to. .......................(poradzić sobie) with this problem.
12. The boss....................(zatrudnił) a new employee.
13. Please, fill in this.................................(formularz) with your name and address.
14. I ate too many........................(kaloryczny) desserts last weekend.
15. The robbers wouldn't.......................(ujawniać) where they had hidden the money.
16. It is difficult to find homes and food for...................(potrzebujacych). ....................... ( za darmo).
17. Her family. .....................(zetknęła się) with financial problems when she lost her job.
18. She was afraid he could................... (utopić się) as he couldn't swim.
19. He got a new job as a. ................................. (prezenter wiadomości).
20. The..........................(handlarz ryb) was very..................
(przekonywujący) so I bought 3 kilos!
21. The writer was trying to. ..........................................(wymyślić) an interesting ending for his new book..
22. Our. ............................... (kierownik) decided to fire the new guy.
23. I. ........................... (wspólczuję) with you because of your divorce.
24. One of the. .................(korzyść uboczna) of his work is that he gets a car and once a year he receives a. .................. (premia).
25. As there is no.................... (wolny etatat) in our company you will not be given any....................(stanowisko).
26. I would really...................(docenić) if you could help me.
27. He has two sweet. ............. (dołeczki) on his face, a..............................(zadarty nos),a ............(bliznę) on his forehead and he................(utyka) a little bit.
28. I like wearing...................... (szyte na miarę) suits.
29. The stains were so.......................... (uporczywe) that I couldn't get rid of them.
30. She is a very. .................(uparta) person. She.............................. (ma zwyczaj). .......................... ( polegać) only on herself.
31. I was so......................(zdenerwowany) that I decided to............................................. (zmienić zdanie).
32. My friend had moved into a new house so I went round to..................................................... ( pomóc przy malowaniu).
33. He was unable to........................................(brać udział) the meeting.
34. This is my............................... (czasowy) address.
35. Their organization is going to......................... (rozwinąć się) in time.
36. The unemployment. ......................... (liczby) went down when the new factory opened.
37. Tim was unable to........................... (przyjąć) more work.
38. I am under................. (stress) as I have so many responsibilities
39. The odor was so................... (intensywny) that I couldn't stand it.
40. The sportsmen were........................ (wyposażeni) with Nike trainers.
41. That was the biggest....................... (wyzwanie) for me.
42.. .......................... (w sumie), I like my school.
43.. ................................. (Nigdy nie przyszło mi do głowy) that he is a foreigner.
44. When he came back from the USA his wife.............................................. (mocno go uścisnęła).
45. The students have to. ......................... (przedłożyć) their essays by the end of the week.
46. Journalists often...........................(.ingerują) people's private lives.
47. The students' next............................ (zadanie) is to write an essay.
48. It is.................................... (wskazane) to book tables in advance.
49. That car was really................... (znakomity) but it was too expansive.
50. My class..................................(składa się) 35 people.
51. If your eyes are too little you should............................. (podkreślić) your lips.
52. She was wearing a............................................... (przyciągający wzrok) diamond ring.


1. quality

27. dimples //crooked nose // scar//limps

2. popular with

 28. tailored

3. tough

 29. persistent

4. work out

 30. stubborn //tends to // depend

5. keep away from

 31. annoyed // change my mind

6. novice

 32. lend him a helping hand

7. He shut the door in my face

 33. attend

8. put his foot in the door

 34. temporary

9. on equal terms

 35. expand

10. mature

 36. figures

11. deal

 37. take on

12. employed

 38. strain

13. application form

 39. intense

14. fatty

 40. equipped

15. reveal


16. the needy// for free

 42. All in all

17. faced

 43. It has never occurred to me

18. drown

 44. gave him a big hug

19. newsreader

 45. submit

20. fishmonger // persuasive

 46. intrude into

21. come up with

 47. assigment

22. business executive

 48. advisable

23. sympathize

 49. superb

24. perks // bonus

 50. consists of

25. vacancy //post

 51. emphasize

26. appreciate

 52. eye- catching


Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź A, B, C lub D:
1. Hello, what's.....................................?
A you name B your name C the name D name

2. My sister is.....................
A a doctor B doctor C the doctor D doctors

3. Chemistry isn't easier.................. English.
A of B than C from D as

4. How are you?........................
A I'm Adam B Yes, please C I good D Fine, thanks

5. I want to have a pet. I'm going to get........... cat.
A some B a C the D an

6. Those flowers are..........
A she B her C hers D of her

7......... you from Poland?
A Is B Be C Are D Do

8. I.............. to school every day.
A going B go C to go D am going

9. Did you see that movie yesterday? No, I.....................
A haven't B didn't C don't D wasn't

10....................... does it cost?
A How many B How much C Which D How

11. Children like.............................
A watch cartoons B watching cartoons C watched cartoons D is watching cartoons

12. Is there............. coffee in the cupboard?
A some B a C any D the

13. I have never read this book................
A after B ago C before D first

14. When............... home?
A you are coming B you came C you will come D did you leave

15. In the future William................ a politician.
A is B be C will be D am

16. If it rains tomorrow, they....................... at home.
A stay B will stay C stayed D are staying

17............................... any theatres in your town?
A Is there B Are there C Has it D Have it

18. We heard a noise but we didn't see..........................
A someone B anyone C no one D everyone

19. The church is........................ the school.
A on B at C opposite D into

20. You..................... worry. Everything is OK.
A don't B mustn't C aren't D doesn't

21................. book is better? Mine or my brother's?
A which B whose C what D that

22. John................ Italian very well.
A can't speak B don't speak C isn't speaking D won't speak

23. Who................ you do your homework?
A did help B has helped C helps D helped

24. Mary........................ her first poetry book when she was seventeen.
A has written B had written C wrote D will write

25................. making noise, please!
A To stop B Stop C Stopping D Stopped

26. We are meeting..................... 6 p.m. tonight.
A in B on C to D at

27. I.................... thirty years old.
A have B am C be D can have

28. Please.................. an aspirin. I've got a headache.
A giving me B give to me C give D give me

29. Please put the computer................... my desk.
A in B on C at into

30. Sally didn't cook the meal last night, her son...........................
A can B cooked C did didn't


Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź A, B, C lub D:
1. Look! The dog......................... on your bed.
A sleeps B sleep C is sleeping D sleeping

2. Have you ever....................... to Paris?
A go B been C went D be

3. If the weather is good, I................ for a walk in the park.
A went B go C will go D have gone

4. This is the.............. film I have ever seen.
A worse B most bad C badest D worst

5. Tom works with you,...................... he?
A doesn't B don't C is D does

6. My mother needs.............. new coat. She plans to buy it soon.
A some B the C a D an

7. Is that...................... book over there?
A you B yours C your D you're

8. My train has probably left......................
A yet B still C already D just

9. I tried............ that blue jacket but it's too big for me.
A on B in C at D with

10. Can you give me....................... advice what I should do with my problem?
A the B a C an D some

11. The company...................... new houses in our area. They look very nice.
A were building B has built C have built D will built

12. I can't go shopping with you, I don't have................... money.
A no B some C any D many

13. The Mona Lisa......................................... by Leonardo da Vinci.
A painted B be painted C were painted D was painted

14. I usually.................. five books a year.
A am reading B read C have read D reads

15. The sign says no parking. You.................. park here.
A must B mustn't C don't need to D needn't

16. People say that my city is............................
A beauty B beautifully C beautiful D more beautiful

17. My best friend is coming to stay with me................... a month.
A during B for C until D once

18. When......................... enter this room?
A did you B you C you did D are you

19.......................... twenty tables in each room.
A There is B There are C They are D It is

20. I..................... my last holidays in Italy.
A have spent B will spent C am spending D spent

21. If you.............. water, it boils.
A will heat B heats C heat D heated

22. The old church............................... by a large fire.
A be destroyed B destroys C destroyed D was destroyed

23. Sit down and.............. your books, please.
A to open B opened C open D opening

24.......................... from France?
A Do you come B Are you coming C Will you come D Come you

25. I haven't spoken to................ today.
A nobody B somebody C anybody D everybody

26. Is is OK if I................. a phone call?
A make B put C do D try

27. The journalist asked me.................... my hobbies were.
A who B when C if D what

28. When I was young, I................. very shy but I'm not anymore.
A used to be B used to being C would be D can be

29. I need................... sugar.
A some B a C any D an

30. I................. your coat is in the hall.
A think B thought C am thinking D will think


Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź A, B, C lub D:
1. Hundreds of crimes.................. every year.
A committed B commit C are committing D are committed

2. Hurry up! The train............... in five minutes.
A. leaves B left C was leaving D does leave

3. If you want to see the film, you................ but a ticket.
A. must to B have to C are having to D have

4. My older sister..................... in June next year.
A is married B is getting married C marry D married

5. Jack,................... mother is a teacher at our school, sits next to me in class.
A who B that C which D whose

6. That's the.................... milkshake I've ever tasted.
A good B more good C better D best

7. My sister..................... at three o'clock last night. The noise was terrible!
A is snoring B was snoring C snores D had snored

8. I................... get my car repaired. It broke down again.
A must B mustn't C can D can't

9. We...................... very long. Only ten minutes.
A are not waiting B haven't been waiting C waited D have been waiting

10. When we arrived at the stadium, the match..........................
A has started B had started C starts D is starting

11. Sam and Luke have been best friends................... they were children.
A until B since C for D when

12. The cheetah is the............... animal in the world.
A fast B faster C most fast D fastest

13. We're having a party................. April.
A in B on C at D to

14. In 2050, we.................... our holidays in space.
A will to spend B can to spend C are spending D will be able to spend

15. Jane ran to the house and................ on the door.
A knocks B knocked C is knocking D would knock

16. Juventus were beaten.................. Manchester United in the match on Saturday.
A with B for C by D in

17. If I'm not too tired, I.................. out tonight.
A may to go B might to go C am go D may go

18. If I................. you, I'd take more exercise.
A were B am C can be D would be

19. The children stopped............... football to have a snack.
A play B to play C for playing D playing

20. I've left my dictionary at home. Can I borrow.........................?
A yours B you C your D yourself

21. Everyone enjoyed.................. at the party last night.
A itself B themselves C ourselves D them

22. That soup................... delicious!! What did you put in it?
A is smelling B smells C will smell D smelling

23. It wasn't easy, but we.................... to fix the car in the end
A could B can C are able D managed

24. You haven't eaten anything today. I'm sure you................. be hungry.
A may B must C can D might

25. Are you.......................... in photography?
A interest B interesting C interested D interests

26. Lucy went to work................. she wasn't feeling very well.
A although B in spite C despite D nevertheless

27. Fantastic! We all................. the exam with full marks
A succeeded B passed C won D took

28. Do you......... going to the theatre tonight?
A feel B like C enjoy D fancy

29. If you hadn't overslept, you............... the train.
A didn't miss B wouldn't miss C wouldn't have missed D don't miss

30. Do you get a lot of presents............. Christmas?
A to B in C on D At

Test - intermediate


1.Podaj wyrazy o przeciwstawnym znaczeniu:
- delicious -...............................
- noisy -.....................................
- clean-.....................................
- sunny -..................................
- cheerful -...............................
- rude -....................................

2. Podkreśl wyraz nie pasujący do pozostałych:

sleeping bag




















3. Utwórz przymiotniki od podanych wyrazów:
care -.........................
cloud -..........................
talent -........................
beauty -.........................
harm -...........................

4. Podkreśl pasujący do zdania wyraz:
- The boy tried to steal / rob sweets from the shop.
- Tim felt alone / lonely because all his friends were on holiday.
- He's a very sensitive / sensible person. He always listens to his friends' problems.
- The old / ancient man had a wrinkled face.
- He gave her an expensive gold / golden ring.


5. Przekształć zdania zachowując ich treść.
- It was such an expensive dress that she didn't buy it.
- The dress.........................................................................
- The Browns live next door; their son is a dentist.
- The Browns.......................................................................
- Why don't you look for another job?
- If I.................................................................................
- It's forbidden to take photos in the museum.
- You...............................................................................
- James is not as tall as Mark.
- Mark..............................................................................

6. Zamień podane wypowiedzi na mowę zależną:
- "I work in an office"
- Debbie told me......................................................
- "Where have you been?"
- Mary wanted to know..............................................
- "Let's listen to some music"
- He suggested..........................................................
- "Do you know this girl?"
- The man asked me...................................................

7. Przepisz zdania stosując strone bierną:
- Someone has broken the window.
- They gave us a present for our anniversary.
- Everyone must obey the school rules.
- We will finish the job tomorrow.

8. Czasowniki w nawiasach wstaw w odpowiedniej formie:
- The children (finish)........................... their homework by the time the film started.
- As I (wait)............................ for the bus, it began to rain.
- We(have)................. a great time when we (be).................. in Italy last summer.
- This time tomorrow she (write)................................ an exam.
- Her eyes are red. She (cry)...........................................
- My brother (not/ enjoy).................................. going to the cinema.
- You haven't said a word. What (you/ think)................................... about?

Test I

A. W każdym z poniższych zdań zakreśl odpowiedź a, b, c lub d. Tylko jedna odpowiedź jest prawidłowa.

1. An old man was attacked by two teenagers......................
a) his way home b) on his way to home c) by the way d) on his way home
2. 'Are John and Tom good neighbours? ' 'No, I think they hate.............
a) them b) one another c) each other d) their
3. I'll ask either Tom. ......... Mike

a) neither b) either c) or d) nor
4. The man.......... boat we used last summer has just moved to New York.
a) whom b) who c) which d) whose
5. Our garden. .............. twice a week.
a) was watered b) is watered c) is watering d) waters.
6. If he can't do it, he'll............. ask for help.
a) have to b) must c) has to d) must to
7. When............. his car?
a) has he bought b) did he buy c) he bought d) bought he
8. She. .............. her finger when she was cooking dinner.
a) cut b) cutted c) was cutting d) cuts
9. She's gone to London,. ........?
a) has she b) wasn't she c) isn't she d) hasn't she
10. The teacher wanted. ............ all the exercises.
a) that we do b) us to do c) do d) doing
11. I went to the shops, but I didn't buy. ..............
a) nothing b) something c) anything d) none
12. I liked the film very much. It made me. ..............
a) laugh b) laughing c) to laugh d) laughed
13. Mary enjoys. ................
a) playing b) play c) to play d) of playing

14. Do you think your parents will let you. ......... to the beach?
a) going b) to go c) go d) gone
15. I'll wait over there until............. ready.
a) you will be b) you are c) you were d) you're going to be. ......./15pkt

B. Uzupełnij słowa brakujące w tekście. W każde z wolnych miejsc możesz wpisać tylko jedno słowo.

Though vegetarianism may seem to be an in-thing nowadays, it is always_______(1) being cautions when your child announces one day, "I'm giving _____(2) meat." It _____(3) be a sign of eating disorder. Many doctors report that people suffering______(4) anorexia often treat vegetarianism as a chance to hide their problem. Anorexia is a psychological condition_____(5) leads people to eat less and less because they are afraid to put______(6) weight. Vegetarianism is a good cover. First, anorectics stop _______(7) meat, then they reduce the intake of _____(8) products and the main thing is that nobody seems to be surprised. The results may be tragic. Therefore, parents must observe their children's attitude to food, they should watch ______(9) if their children are losing weight rapidly or _____(10) they continue to restrict the products they consume.. ...../10pkt
C. Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, a następnie zaznacz, która z podanych odpowiedzi jest
prawdziwa (T) lub fałszywa (F). Zaznacz kółkiem właściwą odpowiedź.


Although lifestyles in Ireland differ in many respects from those in England, Wales or Scotland, there are many similarities, too. Daily routines are almost the same in cities. Country life has a distinct character, and, for example, a wedding ceremony in an Irish village is perhaps more similar to that in Poland than in Britain. The Irish are very fond of dancing and music. They are also said to be great talkers. If you go to an Irish pub, you may meet some of the best storytellers in the area. Pubs are popular meeting places where people not only drink stout (a dark and creamy variety of beer), Irish whiskey, and Irish coffee (an alcoholic drink containing coffee and Irish whiskey), but also sing traditional songs. If you are hungry, you should try some specialities of Irish cuisine, e.g. Irish stew (a meal usually containing mutton, potatoes, onions and carrots), or excellent fish dishes (trout, salmon), crabs, shrimps, and shellfish. Hams from Limerick are famous all over Ireland, and Irish butter is renowned in Europe.

Ireland is also a country where sport plays a major part in national life. The most popular sports in Ireland are Gaelic football, rugby, soccer, hurling (resembling hockey), athletics, boxing and golf. Ireland has some of the best golf courses in Europe, and has an international reputation for field sports such as hunting and fishing.

1. Irish lifestyles are completely different from British ones.

 T / F

2. The Irish are keen on music and storytelling.

 T / F

3. 'Stout" is a kind of Irish whiskey.

 T / F

4. Irish coffee is a soft drink.

 T / F

5. Irish stew is a meat dish.

 T / F

6. Limerick is famous for ham.

 T / F

7. Irish butter is popular in Europe.

 T / F

8. The Irish are not a sporty nation.

 T / F

9. The Irish like team sports.

 T / F

10. Field sports are played indoors.

 T / F


D. W każdym z podanych zdań zakreśl odpowiedź a, b, c lub d. Tylko jedna odpowiedź jest poprawna.

1. My grandfather hasn't got any hair on his head. He's. .............
a) plain b) flat c) straight d) bald
2. A chin is the part of a. .............
a) leg b) face c) arm d) eye
3. A. .............. is used for heating.
a) radiator b) hotline c) cupboard d) cooler

4. To make a pancake you need some.............
a) flood b) floor c) flowers d) flour
5. If you want to buy an envelope go to the. ..............
a) grocer's b) stationer's c) chemist's d) baker's
6. My family eats a. .......... of bread every day.
a) bar b) jar c) can d) loaf
7. Do you agree with capital................. for certain crimes such as murder.
a) punishment b) city c) court d) death
8. If someone cheats at the exam he proves to be..................
a) hard-working b) dishonest c) honest d) wise
9. Would you like something to eat? No, thanks. I'm...............
a) hungry b) fool c) full d) filled
10. A person feeling blue is.................
a) happy b) sad c) young d) fit. ....... /10pkt

E. Uzupełnij tłumaczenia podanych poniżej zdań na język angielski.

1.Gdybym znał jej numer, zadzwoniłbym do niej teraz.
.................................................................. phone her now.

2. Obrusy są zmieniane codziennie.
The tablecloths.........................................................

3. Pożyczę mu mój rower, jeśli poprosi mnie.
.........................................................if he asks me

4. Kto wspiął się na drzewo i złamał tą gałąź?
Who.............................................................the branch?

5. Julia dużo tańczyła kiedy była młoda.
Julia used.....................................................

6. Ile oni sprzedali samochodów od stycznia?
How many............................................................. January?

7. "Hamlet" został napisany przez Szekspira.

8. Lekarz kazał ci brać to lekarstwo dwa razy dziennie.
The doctor told...................................................................

9. Nie musisz się martwić o mnie.

10. Śnieg pada cały dzień.
It has....................................................................... ........../10pkt

___________________________________________TOTAL........ / 55 PKT______

Test II

A. W każdym z poniższych zdań zakreśl odpowiedź a, b, c lub d. Tylko jedna odpowiedź jest prawidłowa.

1. He's lived in Gdańsk........... ten years.
a) since b) from c) for d) until
2. Mary borrows......... books from the library than John.
a) less b) fewer c) a few d) a little
3. This film is very good, but the other one is even..........
a) worse b) the worst c) better d) more good
4. You can. ............ the new words in your dictionary.
a) get up b) look up c) look after d) look down
5. I. ........................... horse meat.
a) has never eaten b) did never eaten c) have never eaten d) never eaten
6. When the phone rang I couldn't answer it because I................... a bath.
a) was having b) had c) have had d) have
7. We wanted to get there. ............. Friday afternoon.
a) in the b) on c) at d) in
8. My brother is as strong............ you.
a) as b) than c) like d) so
9. Whose jacket is this? Is it. .......?
a) your b) you c) you're d) yours

10. She is quite good............ foreign languages.
a) in b) from c) with d) at ........../10 pkt

B. Uzupełnij słowa brakujące w tekście. W każde z wolnych miejsc możesz wpisać tylko jedno słowo.

Last night I got home very late. I took my coat......... (1) and had a. ........(2) of tea while I was watching the news.........(3) television. Then I locked up and went into my bedroom. I was..........(4) tired to read, I just went. .......(5) bed and. .............. (6) off the light. But I couldn't...........(7) asleep. I got up and took.........(8) sleeping pill. At about two o'clock the phone...........(9). It. .......(10) a wrong number. The alarm clock..........(11) me up at seven. I usually get up as soon........(12) I wake up, but not this morning. I lay in bed........(13) about ten minutes and then decided I'd better hurry up not to be late. I put the kettle..........(14), got dressed and had my breakfast. Just as I was.............(15) my coat on; someone knocked at the door. It was my father.

C. Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, a następnie zaznacz, które z podanych zdań są prawdziwe (T) a które fałszywe (F). Zaznacz kółkiem właściwą odpowiedź.


When Prince Charles and Princess Diana visited the United States and some film stars were among the guests at their banquets, many critics said that the Royals are nothing but part of show-business themselves. The Royal Family, these people say, do nothing useful for the money they get. They just open a hospital here and a flower show there and take people's minds off the real political problems.

I cannot agree with that at all. It is true that the Press writes a lot about royal scandals and love-affairs and treat them like those of the film stars. This helps to sell the newspapers because everybody wants to read that sort of thing. But this is not the Royal Family's fault.

I think they are doing a very good job for Britain. The Queen is a powerful symbol of the unity of the nation. And the monarchy is a system of government which people can understand. The State, the government, The EC are abstract and remote, but the Queen and Royal Family are real human beings and people can look up to and identify with them.

The Royal Family are very hard-working people and help British industry a lot in the outside world by winning sympathies. The great majority of the British people are in favour of the monarchy.
Yours sincerely, Nigel B.

1. Prince Charles and Princess Diana met film stars in the USA.

 T / F

2. Some people say that the Royals do only useless things.

 T / F

3. Some people say that the Royals solve a lot of political problems.

 T / F

4. The author of the letter thinks that the Royals shouldn't have any love- affairs.

 T / F

5. According to the author stories about the Royals appeal to the readers.

 T / F

6. Most people want to keep the monarchy.

 T / F


D. W każdym z podanych zdań zakreśl odpowiedź a, b, c lub d. Tylko jedna odpowiedź jest poprawna.

1. There is a good tennis...................on TV today.
a) match b) game c) play d) sport
2. Chinese is a. .................. language.
a) heavy b) light c) difficult d) hard
3. Why do you always............. that funny hat.
a) carry b) tray c) bear d) wear
4. If shoes are too tight, they don't............. you.
a) suit b) fit c) match d) take
5. You can buy rolls at the...................
a) butcher's b) book shop c) baker's d) florist's
6. Criminals are sent to a..............
a) church b) prison c) hospital d) zoo
7. If the music is too loud, you can turn it.........
a) down b) up c) of d) from
8. Teachers complain that you are. ............. because you don't learn at all.
a) hard-working b) lazy c) mean d) lightful
9. Boxers wear gloves and a. .............
a) helmet b) stick c) hat c) cap
10. We usually................... a lot of pictures on holiday.
a) do b) make c) put d) take

E. Uzupełnij tłumaczenia podanych poniżej zdań na język angielski.

1. Przyjaźń jest ważniejsza od pieniędzy.
Friendship is.........................................

2. Pogoda jest zbyt brzydka, żeby zorganizować piknik.
.................................................... have a picnic.

3. Historia jest równie ciekawa jak język polski.

4. Czy musisz pracować jutro?
............................................... tomorrow?

5. Czy widziałeś wczoraj ten wypadek?
..................................................... yesterday?

6. Czy masz zamiar pomalować ten pokój na różowo?
....................................................... room pink?

7. Nie wolno jeść w bibliotece.

8. Czy kiedykolwiek jechałeś na wielbłądzie?
............................................................a camel?

9. Przygotujmy coś do jedzenia. eat.

10. Interesuję się gotowaniem egzotycznych potraw.
................................................................. exotic dishes.


TOTAL............../51 PKT


A. W każdym z poniższych zdań zakreśl odpowiedź a, b, c lub d. Tylko jedna odpowiedź jest prawidłowa.

1. American schools are very different............. European schools.
a) with b) from c) than d) of
2. There are............ children in this class than last year.
a) less b) little c) fewer d) least
3. Look.........! There is a car coming.
a) up b) out c) on d) at
4. The book was......... interesting that I couldn't stop reading it.
a) so b) such c) such a d) too
5. I............... for the bus when the accident happened.
a) waited b) am waiting c) wait d) was waiting
6. Our address is 26, High Road. We............. here for almost 10 years.
a) lived b) have lived c) has lived d) are living
7. If you're hungry,............... some food in the fridge.
a) there's b) it's c) there are d) they are
8.. ........................? She's very nice.
a) How is she? b) What is she c) What's she like d) What does she like?
9. In towns you have to drive slowly. You............... drive faster than 50 kph.
a) don't have to b) mustn't c) must d) haven't to
10. What would you like to order? We............. fish and chips.
a) 'll have b) are going to have c) have d) are having

B. Uzupełnij słowa brakujące w tekście. W każde z wolnych miejsc możesz wpisać tylko jedno słowo.

Scotland is divided geographically..........(1) two areas: the Highlands and the Lowlands. As the name suggests the Highlands is a mountainous region. The Highlanders are proud people with a strong. .............(2) of tradition. They. ........(3) to clans each of which has its own tartan. Many writers have..........(4) the Highlands as the setting for poems, plays and novels.
The most famous are Robert Burns and Sir Walter Scott. One of the........(5) characteristic elements of Scottish tradition is the national dress. Men wear the kilt, which is. .....(6) a skirt.
To call it a 'skirt', however, is a serious insult to a Scot. The kilt is made of woolen cloth of a chequered pattern called 'tartan'. Under the kilt are a ............(7) of short trousers called 'trews', made.....(8) thick cloth, and similar...........(9) schoolboys' short trousers. Some military regiments, many Scottish farmers, and shepherds wear kilts every day. Many other Scots wear them on Sundays, on holidays, and at celebrations........ (10) as a wedding.

C. Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, a następnie zaznacz, które z podanych zdań są prawdziwe (T) a które fałszywe (F). Zaznacz kółkiem właściwą odpowiedź.

Public houses, or 'pubs', are a peculiarly British phenomenon, and are the most popular places for meeting friends or business colleagues. Many of them are very old, dating back to the origins of the pub as a coaching inn, where horses could be changed and travelers refresh themselves before continuing on their journey. It is estimated that there are some 60,000 pubs throughout the UK. Pubs are normally open from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. in almost all districts, except on Sundays when they are open from 12 noon to 3 p.m. and from 7 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. In parts of Wales and in the Scottish Islands pubs do not open on Sundays. There are usually two bars: the Public Bar for working men and the Saloon Bar, or Lounge, for those not in work clothes. Pubs sell alcoholic and soft drinks, and light meals or refreshments, and many have a room or garden for children (children cannot enter the bar in a pub until they are 16). Many pubs are owned by a brewery and prefer to sell that brewery' products, but there are many 'free houses', which are independent, and which in a few cases offer more than 100 types of beer. The pub has its name (often with some historical allusion) and a picture representing the name on large sign outside; these are often very old, and are considered by some to be a distinct form of art.

1. There are about 60.000 pubs throughout Europe.

 T / F

2. Every day pubs are open and closed at the same time.

 T / F

3. In some places in Britain pubs are closed on Sundays.

 T / F

4. You can only order something to drink in a pub.

 T / F

5. Pubs sell non-alcoholic drinks.

 T / F

6. You are not allowed to enter a pub until you are 16.

 T / F

7. Some pubs sell only one type of a beer.

 T / F

8. Pubs usually have no names.

 T / F


D. W każdym z podanych zdań zakreśl odpowiedź a, b, c lub d. Tylko jedna odpowiedź jest poprawna.

1. We're looking................ to summer holidays.
a) after b) forward c) for d) along
2. Every afternoon I'm stuck up in traffic............
a) corks b) lines c) blocks d) jams.
3. Which of this is not a part of a face?
a) chin b) cheek c) chest d) forehead
4. No more washing up! We've got a.................
a) washing machine b) dishwasher c) washbasin d) kettle
5. To get water you turn on.................
a) taps b) ovens c) sinks d) vases
6. The bus was full, wasn't it. Yes, it was........... as usual.
a) empty b) dirty c) spacious d) crowded
7. Tom's grandfather...................last year.
a) died b) dead c) death d) did
8. A........... is a small house in a village.
a) flat b) shelter c) tent d) cottage
9. A hot-dog is a. ............. inside a piece of bread.
a) ham b) sausage c) dog meat d) sandwich.
10. We play football on a football.............
a) pool b) court c) gym d) pitch

E. Uzupełnij tłumaczenia podanych poniżej zdań na język angielski..

1. Nie wolno ci otwierać tych drzwi.
....................................this door.

2. Luwr jest odwiedzany przez mnóstwo turystów.
The Louvre........................................................

3. Czy byłeś zajęty wczoraj?
............................................. yesterday?

4. Maria jutro wydaje przyjęcie.

5. Oni rozpalili ognisko, żeby usmażyć rybę.
They made.....................................................

6. On oglądał telewizję, kiedy zgasły światła.
He was..........................................................

7. Kto zostawił dla mnie tą wiadomość?

8. Nie spotkałem jeszcze nowego chłopaka mojej siostry.
I have.....................................................

9. Pogoda była taka ładna jak w ubiegłym roku.
.......................................................................... last year.

10. Gdybym była tobą, to powiedziałabym całą prawdę.

............/10 pkt

TOTAL........../48 PKT



A: 1c 2b 3c 4b 5c 6a 7b 8a 9d 10d

B: 1 off 2 cup 3 on 4 too 5 to 6 turned/switched 7 fall 8 a/one 9 rang 10 was 11 woke
12 as 13 for 14 on 15 putting

C: 1T 2T 3F 4F 5T 6T

D: 1a 2c 3d 4b 5c 6b 7a 8b 9a 10d

E: 1 more important than money
2 The weather is too bad to
3 Is as interesting as Polish
4 Do you have to work/must you work
5 Did you see the accident
6 Are you going to paint this
7 You mustn't eat in the library
8 Have you ever ridden
9 Let's prepare something
10 I'm interested in cooking


A: 1b 2c 3b 4a 5d 6b 7a 8c 9b 10a

B: 1 into 2 sense 3 belong 4 used 5 most 6 like 7 pair 8 of 9 to 10 such

C: 1F 2F 3T 4F 5T 6T 7T 8F

D: 1b 2d 3c 4b 5a 6d 7a 8d 9b 10d

E: 1. You mustn't open
2. is visited by lots of tourists
3. Were you busy
4. is giving/throwing a party
5. a fire to fry fish
6. watching TV when the light went out
7. has left this message for me
8. not met my sister's new boyfriend yet
9. The weather was as nice as
11. I were you, I'd tell the whole truth/ all the truth


A: 1d 2c 3c 4d 5b 6a 7b 8a 9d 10b 11c 12a 13a 14c 15b

B: 1 worth 2 up 3 might/can 4 from 5 which 6 on 7 eating 8 other 9 out 10 if

C: 1F 2T 3F 4F 5T 6T 7T 8f 9T 10F

D: 1d 2b 3a 4d 5b 6d 7a 8b 9c 10b

E: 1 If I knew her phone number I'd
2 are changed every day
3 I'll lend him my bike
4 climbed the tree and broke
5 to dance a lot when she was young
6 cars have they sold since
7 was written by
8 you to take this medicine twice a day
9 don't have to worry about me
10 been snowing all day

Test - średniozaawasowany

I Rewrite the following sentences so they express the same meaning.
1.The journalist reported that the victim knew the murderer.
The victim ........................................................
2. Someone is going to paint our house.
We are ............................................................
3. I'd prefer to drink a cup of coffee.
I'd ..................................................................
4. Robert didn't make a lot of friends when he was younger. That's why he is so lonely now.
If he ................................................................
5. He and his wife don't know Mr. Brown.
Neither ............................................................
6. He probably left his umbrella at work.
He may ............................................................
7. It is nothing new to him to get up early in the morning.
He is used .........................................................
8. People expect that he will win an award.
He ..................................................................
9. I don't want to watch TV.
I don't feel .........................................................
10. I bought a new English dictionary . It was not necessary.
I ......................................................................
11. I'm sure they were at home last night.
They must ...........................................................
12. You shouldn't go to bed so late every night.
You'd ................................................................
13. I have never seen such a beautiful garden.
Never ................................................................
14. Someone repaired her car yesterday.
She ...................................................................
15. They must have closed the shop earlier.
The shop .............................................................

II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
1. I heard her ........(sing) in the garden.
2. If I ........(be) you, I ..........(marry) Philip.
3. She is not used to ..........(drive) on the left side of the road.
4. Don't let him ........(smoke) so many cigarettes.
5. She always ..........(lose) her keys.
6. I .........(finish) this project by the end of this week.
7. I'd rather she .........(not/go) to bed so late.
8. If he .........(study) hard at school, he .......(be) at university now.
9. I would like to .........(can) drive a car.
10. She should ........(apologize) foe spilling the milk.
11. I wish I .........(be) more careful when I was driving my car yesterday.
12. He ...........(think) to have been very rich.
13. It's high time you .........(buy) some new trousers.
14. She can't help .........(cry)
15. Mark .......(live) in Spain for five years when we first met.

III. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words(one or more).
1. I .......... you wouldn't talk all the time. It disturbs me.
2. .......... she did the homework, she had cleaned the kitchen.
3. He studied law from 1990 to 1995, so ...... Peter.
4. She avoids ......... to nervous people.
5. I am good at Math's ........?
6. I wish he ........ here now.
7. I decided to ......... my car serviced.
8. He doesn't like reading. ......... does Peter.
9. Let's go for a walk, ........?
10. Peter, Jim and Tom work at the bank but ...... of then can speak at least one foreign languages.
11. Turn of the light, ........?
12. Would you mind if I ........ a cigarette in here.
13. Mark was accused ........... stealing the car.
14. She ......... cooking dinner for an hour.
15. I hoped I ........ meet him again soon.

Answer key

I. 1. The victim was reported to have known the murderer. 2. We are going to have our house painted. 3. I'd rather drink a cup of coffee. 4. If he had made a lot of friends when he was younger, he wouldn't be so lonely now. 5. Neither he nor his wife knows/know Mr. Brown. 6. He may have left his umbrella at work. 7. He is used to getting up early in the morning. 8. He is expected to win an award. 9. I don't feel like watching TV. 10. I needn't have bought a new English dictionary. 11. They must have been at home last night. 12. You'd better not go to bed so late every night. 13. Never have I seen such a beautiful garden. 14. She had her car repaired yesterday. 15. The shop must have been closed earlier.

II. 1. singing; 2. were, would marry; 3. driving; 4. smoke; 5. is always losing/loses; 6. will have finished; 7. didn't go; 8. had studied, would be; 9. be able to; 10. have apologized; 11. had been; 12. is thought; 13. bought; 14. crying; 15. had been living.

III. 1. wish; 2. Before; 3. did; 4. talking; 5. aren't I; 6. were; 7. have; 8. Nor/Neither; 9. shell we; 10. none; 11. will you; 12. smoked; 13.of; 14. has been; 15. would.

Test kompetencyjny dla uczniów klas I technikum i liceum profilowanego po gimnazjum

Chose the correct answer: A, B, or C. Only one answer is correct.
1. Where............... last night?
a) you were b) were you c) did you
2. Mary and Dave.............. here now.
a) aren't live b) doesn't live c) don't live
3. The weather today is............... than yesterday.

a) worse b) bad c) worst
4. The football match is.............. Saturday.
a) at b) in c) on
5. Charlie............... my brother.
a) isn't b) don't c) isn't he
6................ your name, please?
a) You spell b) Can you spell c) Do you spell
7. What............... to wear to the party?
a) you go b) you going c) are you going
8................ one brother and two sisters.
a) I got b) I've got c)I'm got
9. My brother's............... Paul.
a) called b) calls c) call
10. There aren't............... pictures in the room.
a) some b) no c) any

11. The cafe is.............. the cinema.
a) next b) next to c) next on
12. John doesn't smoke,...............
a) does he? b) isn't he? c) doesn't he?
13. Can I have............... milk, please?
a) a few b) a little c) many
14. Renault cars............... in France.
a) are make b) are making c) are made
15. A policeman on duty usually wears a/an.............
a) dress b) costume c) uniform
16. A waiter in the restaurant might ask you if you are ready to...............
a) choose b) eat c) order
17. There is a red car in the street................ belongs to my brother.
a) The car b) Some car c) A car
18. My brother likes driving very...............
a) fast b) loud c) many
19. Frank and Henry............... tennis now.
a) play b) is playing c) are playing
20................ a coke?
a) Do you like b) Would you like c) Are you like

21. What's the time? It's ............... seven.
a) quarter off b) quarter from c) quarter past
22................ a good swimming pool in Newton.
a) There are b) There have c) There is
23................ you play tennis?
a) How often b) How often are c) How often do
24. I hate............... in the rain.
a) cycling b) cycles c) cycle
25. Tom is in his room now. He...............with his computer.
a) is play b) play c) is playing

26. Mr. Brown............... home at 7:15 every day.
a) leaves b) leaving c) is leave
27. What's your.............. job?
a) father's b) fathers' c) fathers
28................ your homework yet?
a) Do you finish b) Have you finished c) Are you finished
29. Betty is............... than Jane.
a) as tall b) more taller c) taller
30. I like girls............... are pretty.
a) which b) who c) these

31. A: John, this in my friend Claire.
B:..............., Claire.
a) Good b) What's your name? c) Nice to meet you
32................ the football match yesterday?
Do you watch b) Are you watch c) Did you watch
33. Our maths teacher hasn't got............... friends.
a) much b) many c) a few
34. Sue likes Bob, but Emily hates..............
a) he b) his c)him
35. A:............... I watch TV now?
B: No, you have to clean up your room first.
a) Have b) Can c) Must
36. Tell me about your holiday in England. What was the weather...............?
a) look b) like c) nice
37. Warsaw is the............... city of Poland.
a) capital b) big c) major
38................ to my party tomorrow?
a) Do you come b) Will you come c) Did you come
39. I............... at seven thirty ever day.
a) am getting up b) has got up c) get up

40................ the iron. It's very hot.
a) Don't touch b) Not touch c) Don't to touch

Tst gramatyczno - leksykalny sprawdzający znajomość gramatyki i słownictwa na poziomie średniozaawansowanym.

I Przekształć podane zdania:

1. We won't be able to get home if they don't give us a lift.
2. Please don't go there alone!
I'd. ..........................go there alone.
3. He didn't study law. That's why he isn't a rich man now.
4. Why are they laughing so loudly?
I wish...........................
5. I'm not a princess so I can't marry a prince.
If. ..............................
6. Both printers were out of order.
Neither. ...........................working.

7. "I won't go to that stupid meeting", said Bob.
Bob refused..................
8. No one expected the last guest.
The last guest. ...................
9. People think that someone killed him.
It. .......................................killed.
10. I forgot my umbrella and got awfully wet in the rain.
If I..................................
11. We hired a gardener to tidy the garden.
We. a gardener.
12. It wasn't necessary for her to pay for this.
She. ........................................for this.

II. Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź:

1. Bath is a famous European holiday..............
a) camp b) resort c) hotel d) accommodation
2. John is a regular....................... at this bookshop.
a) customer b) diner c) guest d) passenger
3. The museum is. ................ next to the planetarium.
a) situated b) placed c) put d) stood
4. Jane, sitting over there, is a photographer.
a)which b) whose c) who d) who's
5. She. ................. that it was raining when she opened the window.
a) faced b) decided c) realized d) understood
6. Everybody. ............... to the door when they realized there was a fire in the restaurant.
a) floated b) rushed c) wandered d) burst

7. She. ............. the heavy traffic for her late arrival.
a) accused b) blamed c) charged d) complained
8. Milk is. vitamins and proteins.
a) plenty b) well-off c) full d) rich

9. On the way to France we. ....... in Germany for two days.
a) broke b) stopped c) paused d)interrupted
10. They picked up a colourful the travel agent's.
a) handout b) brochure c) leaflet d) prospectus
11. I'll stay with the company for only four weeks. It's a............. job.
a) permanentb) full - time c) overtime d) temporary
12. The Chinese workers accused the company of racial. ....................
a) opinion b) beliefs c) judgement d)prejudice

III. Uzupełnij zdania słowami utworzonymi od podanych obok wyrazów:

1. The club is so. ............. that it only allows millionaires to join. (exclude)
2. They had a very happy. ............. which lasted for many years. (relate)
3. He is a stockbroker so he knows a lot about. ............matters. (finance)
4. The lecture went on and on. It was. .............................(end)
5. Pat is a. .............. who writes mainly about politics. (journal)
6. Can you tell me............. what it is about? (rough)

IV. Wstaw odpowiedni przyimek:

1. I prefer traveling by train.................taking the bus in the morning because I always get.............the office much earlier.
2. Mr Dakin is an example.............. a good teacher, whenever his pupils ask. .......... help, he sits down and explains things to them.
3. Bill was so fed up. ........... his job that he decided to find a more interesting one.
4. Don't forget to remind Liz. .............her appointment this afternoon - it's. ............ five o'clock.
5. The south coast of Spain is popular..............British holidaymakers because Britain is lacking. ..................sunshine.
6. John was terrified. ............ animals, so in order to help him deal with his fear, his mother took him to psychiatrist.

I.1. Unless they give us a lift, we won't be able to get home.
2. I'd rather you didn't go there alone.
3. If he had studied law, he would be a rich man now.
4. I wish they weren't laughing/ wouldn't laugh so loudly.
5. If I were. ........, I could/ would be able to marry a prince.
6. Neither of the printers was working.
7. Bob refused to go to that stupid meeting.
8. The last guest wasn't expected.
9. It is thought that he was killed.
10. If I hadn't forgotten.........: I wouldn't have got so awfully wet.........
11. We had the garden tidied by a gardener.
12. She needn't have paid for this.

II.1b; 2a; 3a; 4c; 5c 6b; 7b; 8d; 9a; 10b; 11d; 12c.

III.1. exclusive 2. relationship 3. financial 4. endless 5. journalist 6.roughly

IV.1. to; to2. of; for3. with4. about/of; at5. with; in6. of

Indirect speech test

Transform the sentences into indirect speech:

a. 'The mirror is here so that you can see yourself when you are dancing', sad the instructress.

b. 'Let's not allow our children to watch this brutal show this evening.', said father.

c. 'Why did she decide to leave yesterday and then changed her mind?', said her husband.

d. 'What will she say when you visit us next year? ', said the policeman.

e. "Do not forget to be here at 6 tomorrow, Ben.", said Susan.

f. 'Did she say it or not, because it makes a difference to me?', said the girl.

g. 'I don't think he loves me but I can live with that until he doesn't cheat on me.', said Nancy.

h. 'Be careful, Tom, because she is a dangerous woman.' said the boy.

i. 'I can't get into our house because I have lost my key and it doesn't seem possible to find it', said the poor child.

j. 'Two days ago he was a rich person but now he wishes he was never born.', said the lady.

k.'I won't marry you, Bob, because you've been lying to me since we started dating',said she.

l. 'Why is he so desperate to get the job if he knows we don't earn much in here?' said he.

ł. 'Stop selling drugs or we will put you in prison the moment we catch you!', said the officer.

m. 'Please, please, mum, don't leave us here this time!!!', said the child.

UNIT I - TEST o zwierzątkach

1. Które ze zwierząt żyje w wodzie, które na lądzie? a hippo, a tiger, a whale, a dolphin, a monkey, a crocodile, a penguin an ostrich, a fish, a fox (5pkt)





2 Przetłumacz na angielski i polski (5pkt)


The South pole-
North America-
South Poland-

3. Wstaw czasownik w odpowiedniej formie (eat, like, to be, go, help, do, live) (5pkt)

.................. foxes hunt at night?
Bears................... honey.
Animals................... in the garden.
Monkeys................... bananas.
What animal............... you like?

What animals don′t you.....................?
How often do you................... to the zoo?
My sister always............ mum in the kitchen?
Tigers.......... very dangerous.
Parrots................ fruit and nuts

4. Odpowiedz na pytania (10pkt)

1. Do tigers hunt at night?
2. Does bear like honey?
3. What animals live in the garden?
4. Does the monkey eat banana?
5. What animals do you like?
6. What animals don′t you like?
7. How often do you go to the zoo?
8. Do you help your mum in the kitchen?
9. How often do you go to the cinema?
10. Where does lion live?

5. Uzupełnij odmianę czasownika "eat" "drink" (5pkt)

I eat

I drink

6. Przetłumacz na j. polski. (5pkt)

1. They usually eat fish and seals.
2. Do they live in big groups?
3. They often spend many weeks without drinking water.
4. Does koala sleep in trees for many hours?
5. They never hunt at night.
6. Are monkeys friendly to people?
7. Their feathers are usually very colourful.
8. Does old male live alone?
9. Bears live near the North Pole.
10. Their fur is yellow with black stripes.

7. Przetłumacz na polski (5 pkt)

me again-
let′s go to the zoo-
very carefully-
don′t stick your tongue out-
it′s late-

an elephant-
wild animal-
i′m so tired-

8. Ułóż nazwy zwierzat z rozsypanych liter (5 pkt)

1. lcema - ________
2. hifs - _______
3. raigfef - _________
4. goaornka - __________
5. ndohlpi - __________


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