TEMAT: Ułóż dialog telefoniczny, w którym zasięgasz informacji na temat dyrektora przedsiębiorstwa, który jest nieobecny. Pytasz o: imię, nazwisko, nr tel. i adres mailowy.
Good morning, Anna Wolf speaking.
Hello, Maria Kowalska from the Longing Company here. I`d like to speak to chief of PR team.
I`m sorry, Mr Nowak is in a meeting at the moment. Would you like to leave a message?
No thanks. I will call later. I have his direct number. Is it 55443322?
I`m afraid you have got the wrong number. The right one is 22334455.
Could you give me his email address?
Yes of Course. nowak@a.dd
I`m sorry, I don`t understand. Could you repeat that, please?
Yes of course I will spell it N O W A K @ A . d d
Thank you very much.
Would you like to leave a message?
Yes, can you tell him that Mrs Kowalska from the Longing Company called, please.
I`ll tell Mr Nowak that you called.
Thank you very much. Good bye.
Good bye.