Jackee C Micki and Ben (doc)

Micki and Ben

By Jackee C

Nichola Dupree stormed out of the grocery store. Reddish brown hair, pulled back in a ponytail, bounced furiously behind her. Frustrated and disgusted, she headed toward her new, emerald green dodge. Forcing herself to relax, she pulled her keys from a pocket and unlocked the door.

Sinking into the cars new interior, she closed her eyes to the world. A small smile began to spread over her face. It would be all right.

Suddenly her eyes flew open. A loud bump had pulled her from her reverie. Looking to her left she found an elderly woman making apologetic motions at the place her cart had hit Nichola's door.

Nichola smiled excusing the woman's action. But inwardly the tension was rebuilding and her teeth were beginning to grind. Groaning under her breath, she made a quick exit before being forced to making an excuse verbally.

Mind set on the chain of events that had taken place that day, Nichola didn't think to pay attention to where she was going and realized too late that she needed to get to make her freeway exit. She missed it. And the turning lane would not allow her to make a U-turn. She was forced along an unfamiliar side road.

The road was surrounded on both sides by forest, and the oncoming traffic was coming to close together in the gathering dusk for her to feel comfortable turning around in the middle of the narrow road.

Becoming resigned with the day's misfortune, she continued. Eventually, the traffic began to thin and the street gave way to a residential area lined with large beautiful homes set back far off the street. Each was partially concealed behind large stands of evergreen trees, lending a woodsy feel to the area.

Nichola, pulled into one of the less steep drives, then placed her car in reverse and, allowing a final admiring gaze toward the home at the top of the hill, backed out into the road.

Just as she shifted into first and was about to pull off......Slam!! The little green car jolted sickeningly as metal met metal. Looking disbelievingly into her rear view mirror she saw the image of a truck filling her view. Turning in her seat to be sure her eyes weren't playing some horrible joke, she discovered that a blue Bronco was indeed attached to the rear of her car.

Laying her head on the steering wheel in dismay Nichola silently kicked herself for even bothering to get up that day. Finally, she lifted her head and dutifully got out of the car. The almost non-existent sun was an apt metaphor for the direction she felt her life was heading at the moment.

She went to stand beside the tall dark-haired gentleman who stood near her bumper. The visual evidence caused her heart to sink even further. Her rear end was crushed. The man's bumper however, was barely scratched.

"It seems that we have a bit of a problem," the man said turning to her. He was dressed in a business suit and overcoat. Nichola glared at him, of all the inane things to say!

"Yes, it is" she finally replied, probably even more inanely since she had brought up the inanity thing in the first place.

"So what made you decide to drive backwards down the street?"

Blinking in disbelief, Nichola could only gape for several moments. Pulling herself together as best she could, she formally introduced herself and requested to know his name. .

"Benjamin Kingsley" he answered filling in the blank for her.

"Well, Mr. Kingsley," she started " in case you hadn't noticed *you* hit me!" She stared fiercely at him as she continued. "Here I am driving along within the limits and the law of the land and them wham-o! Here you come and hit me and then have the nerve-!" Just as she was warming up a police cruiser pulled up, which was a good thing for Benjamin Kingsley because Nichola Dupree was about to attempt to chew him up and spit him out.

When the officer came over to ask the questions, Nichola told her story first and to her surprise Mr. Kingsley did not contradict her. That gave her pause, and caused her to reevaluate what had happened. He'd had the right-of-way, hadn't he?

She was pulled back into the conversation as the police officer asked Mr. Kingsley if he was sure. When Kingsley didn't change his story, the officer shrugged, promised the tow truck was on its way and went back to his patrol car.

Nichola looked measuringly at Mr. Kingsley deciding she was no longer angry. But her legs began to feel wobbly, and so deciding that embarrassing herself further would definitely *not* be a good thing, headed for what was left of her car. To busy herself, she gathered what she thought would be important papers, and stuffed them into her purse.

Night fell and another cruiser pulled up. The blue lights of the cars reflected up the driveways of the discreetly shadowed homes. As Nichola watched the two officers converse her mind went again to the day she'd had. To began the day off she had woke up late and so had not been able to have breakfast, no lunch because the lady at the bank had either been new or just plain confused. After leaving work, two hours later than usual, she'd want to pick up a few things at the grocery store, but had become frustrated with Friday evening lines. So resigning herself to go home and have a sandwich, she'd left the store. Unfortunately, that had landed her here, in an accident. Her new car was a sitting in ruins. What else could possibly go wrong?

"Ms Dupree," a voice said at the window. Turning she found that one of the officers was handing her something.

"I hate to do this to you, but your license has expired."

Nichola bit her inner lip hard as she took the ticket. To her it was obvious that he thought that the accident had been her fault. She watched him as he walked back to his cruiser and the other officer. Fighting to keep her calm, she looked at herself in her rear view mirror and said aloud, "You're strong. You can do this. You can."

Just then the tow truck pulled up. Moving to get out of the car she found that Mr. Kingsley was standing by her door.

"Are you hungry?" he asked, smiling at her.

To Nichola's surprise she found that his eyes were neither blue nor gray nor green but some confusing shade in between. Is he laughing at me? she thought resentfully, then her stomach growled an answer when she didn't.

"Come on," Kingsley urged "it's the least I could do after I wrecked your car."

Suddenly as if from nowhere the lump was back in her throat, and before she could stop herself she found herself bursting into tears. So mollified was she that she simply cried harder.

Benjamin Kingsley's jaw dropped and for a second he just stood there then started to walk away but stopped himself. Turning, he moved determinedly to grab her arm and purse through the still open door.

After settling her in his bronco he went off to talk to the tow truck driver. Taking down information that he felt she might need and tying up what he felt were the loose ends he headed back to his truck.

The paper with the information was stuffed into her hand. Nichola crammed it into her jacket pocket without looking at it.

"Thank you for handling that, you really didn't have to," she said

"No," he said " it's quite all right. Something I had to do."

Starting the bronco, he headed out toward the main street.

" Do you mind if I ask WHY you had to do it?" Nichola asked curiosity piqued.

Benjamin simply smiled. "Are you hungry?" he asked again.

"Um....no, I mean, yes, but I would really appreciate it if you could give me a ride home."

"Sure," he said and listened as Nichola gave him directions to her house.

"We're practically neighbors, " he said as he pulled into her driveway five minutes later.

'Not quite' Nichola said to herself eyeing the house that was of an older style than any on the street they had previously been on. The house had previously belonged to Nichola's aunt Marina before she had died 4 years earlier. She hadn't known Marina very well but she had grown attached to the house.

"Thanks again Mr... Uh, thanks again," she quickly finished and hurriedly closed the door and headed for the house, embarrassed at not being able to remember his name, especially since he'd driven her home. Then again he had hit her car so he probably deserved it.

The prodding of her conscience reared when she noticed that he'd waited for her to get inside before driving off. Too tired to be bothered with him, the problem of transportation or even food, she headed directly for the shower, and then bed.

Nichola woke to the sound of a knock at the door. "Just a minute," she yelled as she tried to focus on her bedside clock. The red digitized readout read 9:23A. Rolling out of bed she walked hazily through the house to the front door. Peeking through the curtain she saw a blue bronco in the driveway.

"Who?" she whispered to herself in confusion, then peeking out further she saw a man's jacketed shoulder and neck.

"Who is it?" she called leaning against the door hoping this person would go away.

"Benjamin Kingsley ," a voice returned through the door. Leaving the chain on Nichola cautiously opened the door a bit.

"Yes?" she queried, brows raised.

"I thought I'd offer my services in helping you get a rental car. It's Saturday and since the insurance companies are closed I thought I'd pay for it so you wouldn't have to be without transportation."

"Huh?" Nichola asked then without waiting for an answer continued, "Wait a minute, are you for real? You really expect me to believe you want to take me to get a rental car?"

"I was hoping you would," he said expression becoming more unsure in the face of her irritation. "I kind of thought it would be a nice thing to do."

Nichola eyed him for a minute and then relaxed. "Are you always so nice?"

Releasing a sigh of relief Benjamin smiled "I'll let you be the judge"

Benjamin was rewarded with a brief view of a smile as Nichola pushed the door shut to remove the chain.

"Come on in," she invited unlocking the screen door for him. When Benjamin caught full view of her dressed in a robe he immediately apologized "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't get you out of bed did I?"

"Well, yes but I've been there way too long anyway. I should probably be thanking you." She left the door open, but re-locked the screen. "Would you like a drink, some coffee maybe?"

"No thanks."

"Have a seat, then. I'll just be a minute." Nichola headed toward her room to get dressed. She quickly slipped into jeans and a sweater and pulled her hair back into a ponytail, leaving only bangs which were in need of clipping. She had an appointment that very day in fact. Brushing them quickly out of her eyes, she reminded herself to call Beverly to cancel.

Stepping back out and going through to the living room she found Mr. Kingsley scanning the assortment of magazines on her coffee table.

He looked up directly into her eyes. She felt a strange falling sensation that threw her mind into temporary confusion. Shaking her head to clear it, she sat opposite him.

"Mr. Kingsley-" she began.

"Michael," he corrected her.

"Michael?" she questioned "but I thought you said..." she stopped at that and thought.

"Don't look so confused," he laughed. I was born Benjamin Michael Kingsley, most people call me Michael."

"Ah," she said in understanding "everyone calls me Micki"

"Really? I could see Nicky, but Micki?

"Absolutely," she said, not willing to tell him the story behind it.

Since she wasn't willing to go further he continued "The offer is still good on the car."

"Yeah." Mickey looked at him with a mischievous gleam in her eyes "I'll bet. What's the catch?"

Grinning slyly he answered. "Have lunch with me." At her look of suspicion, he continued. "My parents own a fleet of cars. There are a couple that have been pulled out of service. They don't mind if we use one of them. The insurance is paying. Promise."

Continuing a measuring look, but unable to resist his charm she added a catch of her own "Make it brunch and you've got yourself a deal."

His smile broadened as he reached out to shake her hand. "Consider it done." he said. Nichola accepted the hand he held out, giving him as firm a handshake as she could manage. "Good I'm starved!"

His hand had been very warm but not very firm until she'd gripped his, at which point he chuckled, "So noted."

"Good." she said finishing off the subject and moving on. Standing she headed for the closet and got her jacket "Ready when you are."

Standing himself Benjamin raised his arm in a gesture leading her to the door. Picking up her purse and keys next to the door, Nichola was amazed at how comfortable she immediately felt with this man. She hadn't long ago met him and not exactly under normal circumstances.

But he had a way about him. He felt like someone who would be gentle, thoughtful. There was a boy- next-door-ness to him. Was it an act? She would have to be on her guard to find the flaws in his act if it were so.

After picking up the car, the went to the International House of Pancakes for 'brunch'. They ended up laughing over the meal as if they were old friends. By the time they'd cleaned their plates, he was calling her Micki and she was calling him Michael without the slightest bit of discomfort. They'd talked about her family, her job and a number of other things that fairly surprised her. It was early afternoon by the time she pulled out of the restaurant parking lot driving the borrowed car with Michael following in the bronco.

Nichola stepped from the late model Lexus. (She'd balked when she'd first seen it. But he'd convinced her that it was okay.) As she locked the doors, she turned to see Michael getting out of the bronco. She waited and they walked up to her porch together.

Turning to him she said " you know Michael, I can't take this Michael stuff. Michael is my evil brother. I hereby dub thee 'Ben'.

Smiling warmly into her eyes he said "Call me what ever you like. If I may reserve the same right."

"Reserve away," she laughed. "I know this is going to sound strange. But, I had a great time doing 'brunch' with you. Would you like to come in?"

"Good," he smiled down at her. Then sighed, resignedly. "I'll have to take a rain check, though.. I have to get home. Gennifer's probably wondering where I am by now."

Micki's eyes widened for a second, smile frozen. Holding back the urge to ask who Gennifer was she mentally kicked herself for not even remembering that other people lived on the planet and that one of those other people just might be this man's wife. Well at least she'd found the flaw.

"Yeah, I have some things I need to do too" she motioned vaguely towards the house.

"Listen " he said earnestly "you have my number, call me if you have any problems."

"Sure," she said smiling brightly, hoping it didn't look forced. "Thanks again."

Ben just stood there looking at her smiling broadly. Smiling back, now confused, she mumbled "I'll just be going" under her breath and turned hesitantly toward the door. What did this man want? A kiss?

Fumbling in her pocket for her keys she turned back to find him still watching. She smiled her thanks and hurried into the house, locking the door behind herself. All the while an inner voice fairly yelled at her. "Mistake! Mistake! Mistake!"

After Kingsley left Nichola called her parents to break the news to them. They were six hours away to the north. Unfortunately they were also not home.

Benjamin Kingsley pulled into the driveway of his home, and followed it around to the back of the house which lead to a four car garage.

"Hello , Angelina," he said as he entered the house. Angelina, the maid smiled and almost curtsied at his greeting then pointed up the stairs then placed her hands together and laid her head against them to indicate that someone was upstairs sleeping.

"Thank you ," he said giving her his coat and heading up the long curving stair and down the hall to a door bearing a pink stuffed Ms. Piggy dressed in a ballerina costume. He carefully turned the knob and slipped in.

Moving towards the small white bed he smiled lovingly down at the little dark-haired girl who slept there. "Gennifer Ann Kingsley, I think I'm the luckiest man in the whole world," he whispered happily. When she stirred he hurriedly tip-toed from the room, softly closing the door behind him.

Nichola reached her parents later on that night. They had been very concerned about her safety and whether or not the man would really pay to get her car fixed. Nichola didn't tell them how she'd gotten the rental car or where she'd been that morning or who with. The news her parents gave her was enough to make her forget all about the accident.

"Your cousin, Carey, is going to be transferring down there to go to school, she's gotten in some sort of trouble here and it just seems best all around." Those were the words her mother had used. Nichola wasn't exactly enthusiastic. She hoped her mother chalked it up to the accident.

"She'll probably not be there until the end of next week," her mother was saying "you're gonna have to pick her up from the bus station."

The next week practically flew by. Nichola's last week of freedom. Carey had called to tell her that she would be arriving Thursday night at 6 PM. Nichola would have to go directly from work. On arriving, twenty minutes early, she found that the bus was a little off schedule. It would be delayed for an hour. Determined not to be irritated, Nichola returned to her car and headed home.

Her box stuffed with mail was the first thing she noticed as she walked up the to the door, but the phone was ringing so she hurried inside. Unfortunately, by the time she picked up the receiver the caller had hung up.

Glancing at the clock she saw that It was 6:15, and thought that she would have been better off staying at the bus station.

The phone rang again, allowing it to get in a full ring she picked it up. "Micki what are you doing home?" an irritated voice asked.

"Carey?" Nichola asked almost blankly.

"Yeah, silly, come and get me." Click. Carey had hung up. Shaking her head she turned and walked back out the door.

"Micki! " The blond highlighted Carey exclaimed when Nichola walked in the door.

"Hey girl!" Nichola responded, returning the hug and then standing back to get a look at her cousin. Her blond hair was cut into a boyish style that suited her small frame.

Helping Carey with her luggage Micki lead her out towards the car. "Whoa, check this buggy out!" Carey exclaimed on seeing the car "How did you get this on what you make?

Nichola laughed, "What do you mean on what I make?"

"You know what I mean" Carey shot back in a sing song voice "You can't afford this. Your parents can't afford this, especially putting Michael through law school."

"OK OK point taken," Micki cut in "This is a rental car. My car was in an accident and won't be ready until tomorrow."

"Oh really, that answered it," was her sarcastic reply "Who hit you? The king of England? And who is his insurance company?"

Micki drew in her breath and let out a laugh. "What are you going to school for - to be an FBI agent?"

"You're so smart Micki, how'd you figure it out?" Carey shot back. They both laughed together. "So what's the story?" Micki finally asked when they were on the main road.

Carey sobered, " I just needed to get away, that's all."

"Fine." Micki said softly respecting her privacy. When she was ready to tell her she would and not before.

As Micki neared her driveway, another vehicle was pulling out. A blue bronco. Its driver waited until she pulled in, then pulled in behind her.

Leaving the bronco running, Ben got out and approached the car.

"Mr. Kingsley." Micki greeted him with a small reserved smile.

His anxious smile faded to confusion. "I was just checking on you. I hadn't been able to get in touch with you," he said by way of explanation. "I was a little worried." he finished softly when she didn't responded. His eyes focused intently on her as if he were trying to look beneath the surface for the answers to his questions.

Micki was not ready to meet his eyes. Carey cleared her throat from the other side of the car. Looking on interestedly she motioned silently with her eyes for Micki to introduce the handsome fellow looking quite splendid in a very expensive-looking business suit.

"Oh, I'm sorry-Carey this is Benjamin Kingsley. Mr. Kingsley this is Carey Brighton." Micki got the introductions out of the way, leaving out any extra data.

"Pleased to meet you Carey," Ben said smiling towards her. The confusion on his face growing. Micki could see questions waiting to be answered. He looked back at her this time catching her gaze.

That falling sensation again. Micki took a step back, bumping into the door. In an effort to turn the conversation around. "My car will be ready tomorrow." He simply nodded, his expression becoming unreadable. "T-thanks again for all your help." she added uncomfortably.

"Sure, no problem," He murmured, before turning and heading back for his bronco. He drove off without a second glance.

"Well don't leave me hanging" Carey was saying after they had gotten all of the luggage inside the house.

"That," Nichola said "was the 'king of England'."

Carey laughed out loud at that and fell onto the sofa. "No seriously," she said.

"Really," Micki answered "he's the guy who hit my car. In fact he also took me to get the rental car."

Carey blinked in disbelief. "What is he supposed to be Prince Charming or something?"

"Or something I guess," Micki answered half to herself.

"Micki, he's gorgeous," Carey exclaimed impatiently " and I think he likes you."

Micki looked at her as if she had just said the sky is falling. "OK chicken little " she said out loud.

"Really Micki!" Carey tried again "and from the way you are acting I would say you like him too. Think about it " Carey's voice became dramatic "It's kismet You meet by accident LITERALLY two ships passing in the night...."

"Too bad he's married," Micki retorted cutting off Carey's tirade instantly.

"Oh," Carey frowned bending to pick up her luggage and take it to her new room.


The next day Micki and Carey returned the borrowed car. Benjamin Kingsley was no where in sight, to Micki's relief, or so she tried to convince herself. Afterward, she allowed Carey to talk her into going out to dinner. When they returned home, they discovered a note attached to the door.




"That'll be the day." Micki said crumbling the note.

Carey shook her head in disbelief. "The nerve to tell you he's married and then ask you out. What a heel? And think of his poor wife!"

"Yeah, a weirdo," Micki agreed.

"So how'd he say it?" Carey asked laughing "I'm married, how about a date?"

"Well," Micki said wrinkling her nose " he never actually said he was married..."

"Oh never mind," Carey said " I don't think I want to know." She headed into the house.

Micki and Carey spent Saturday rearranging things in the house. They brought out some extra blankets from the attic for Carey's room, and did some furniture reorganizing.

Ben Kingsley pulled into the driveway at about 6 o clock. When he knocked at the door, Carey was the one who let him in since Micki was in the back of the house. When she walked back out it was to find Ben standing in her livingroom talking to Carey.

"Mr. Kingsley," she nodded towards him, giving her now typical greeting.

"Hello," he answered evenly. Then turning to Carey he said " Carey, would you mind excusing us for a minute?"

Carey smiled, "Of course not." Who's side is she on anyway? Micki thought to herself as the younger woman walked by with a Mona Lisa smile.

Turning cool eyes on Ben, Micki waited.

He met her cool gaze head on. "Micki, if I may still call you that. I really like you. I have since I first met you. I thought last Saturday that those feelings were returned. Are they?" His expression was so earnest that Micki began to feel physically ill. Had he no shame?

"Why?" she asked him "What does it matter?"

He blinked "What do you mean , what does it matter?"

"Are we even speaking the same language, Mr. Kingsley?" Micki snapped making his name sound like an insult. "Won't Gennifer mind?"

Ben looked at her for a second and then threw back his head and laughed. Grabbing her hand he pulled her towards the door "Come on," he said.

"Come on where?" Micki protested.

"Come on and meet Gennifer. She can't wait to meet you. And from the looks of things, the feeling is mutual."

"You are disgusting!" she said pulling away

"NO I think you have me beat in that department," he grabbed her again.

Micki gasped at the gall of the man. So shocked was she that she forgot to fight him and the next thing she knew he'd shoved her into the bronco. When she regained her senses she attempted an escape.

"Micki, I suggest you sit still or I'll have to kiss you." he threatened. "On second thought ..." he said turning back towards her.

Micki felt herself becoming caught in those eyes and felt herself falling again.

"I'm not married, Micki " he whispered.

"Neither am I " Micki responded just as softly. Ben chuckled then turned serious again. "You know a guy could fall in love with you."

Her heart jumped and she lowered her eyes shyly. Suddenly becoming interested in her hands, which were becoming harder to see in the fading light.

Ben raised a hand to tilt her face up towards his. Her eyes met his again, then drifted shut as their lips met. Her head began to spin. Her arms went around his neck and shoulders. Her heart was pounding in her ears. When he released her mouth, she seemed to have lost the ability to string two words together.

"I hope you didn't mind." Ben said after a few seconds of silence.

"No I didn't mind" Micki said in a low confused voice, unable to look at him.

"Good," he said with amusement in his voice "Then, may we go?"

Micki simply nodded.

Ben closed the passenger door and crossed to the drivers side, started the truck and continued on down the street.

"I'm not dressed." Micki finally stated "Look at me, I look awful." She was looking in disgust down at her old jeans and sweatshirt and tennis shoes.

"You look wonderful to me" Ben replied.

"Where are we going anyway?" Micki asked .

"Boy, you sure do have a short memory," Ben mocked her "tell me what day it is? Do you know?"

"Very funny, Ben," Micki laughed "Now seriously, tell me where we are going?"

"Well, it's like I told you we're going to see Gennifer, she really can't wait to meet you, you know."

"O.K., but who is she? Is she your sister? your aunt? your mother? your roommate?"

Ben's smile grew with each relation Micki named. "I think I'm going to have to surprise you" he finally said.

"Enough surprises for one day," Micki said softly.

Ben was silent for a minute then he spoke, "Gennifer is my daughter."

Micki's silent "oh" hung in the air for a second and then, "How old is she?"

Micki heard the smile in his voice "She's four years old, her mother died when she was just a baby."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Micki said sympathetically. "Was she ill?"

"No," he answered. "Accident," and left it at that.

Not much was said after that for the rest of the ride. Micki wondered if he were thinking of his late wife.

They soon pulled onto a paved drive which continued on to a house partially hidden by trees, and then continued to the back and to a garage. Micki had to physically restrain herself to keep her jaw from dropping.

When they were out of the Bronco and on the steps leading to the door, Ben turned to her and whispered "once more" very softly.

When their lips met there was the same head-whirling excitement. Micki swayed toward him, and his arms went about her, gently encircling her slim form.

So lost were they in the kiss that the did not notice the sound of the door opening.

A little voice promptly began giggling.

They jumped apart. Micki was mortified. Involuntarily, she stepped behind Ben in embarrassment. This was not a good idea since it caused her to fall down the three steps to the cement floor of the garage.

Ben tried to catch her but as she was behind him his hold was awkward at best and she simply slipped from his grasp and hit the cement below, her head brushing a clay flower pot.

A sharp screamed echoed through the garage as if from a distance. Micki couldn't be sure whether it had issued from her on lips, or elsewhere. She remained down for an additional stunned second, before her brained seemed to kick back in.

"Micki, are you all right?" she heard Ben asking near her ear. His voice was full of concern.

"Sure, I'm fine," she said softly, eyes closed "Only broke my pride."

With Ben's help she got to her feet, albeit, a bit stiffly. Gazing up she saw a beautiful curly haired little girl at the top of the steps looking so worried. Working up her best smile she gave the little girl a wink.

The little one smiled back in relief, a small featured Hispanic woman stood behind her.

Micki started to say something but the muscles in the vicinity of her mouth were no longer working.

Ben, who had been watching her strangely, hurriedly spoke to the woman, "Angelina, carry Gennifer in to bed, please."

Micki looked at him in confusion. Now why had he done that? But, goodness her head itched, raising a hand to the side of her head she felt wetness. Looking at the red stained fingers she drew back from her head merely confused her. Looking up at Ben she saw a slight....panic?... in his eyes. He was speaking but she couldn't make out what he was saying as a loud rushing sound drowned out his words. There was a tingling somewhere in the back of her head then....nothing...

"Micki? are you okay?" Ben was asked for the third time. The blood on her hands was frightening him, but he needed to get her back to the truck. But she didn't appear to understand what he was saying. She merely look at him, then blinked once, twice and then on the third blink her eyes remained closed and she swayed. He caught her up into his arms and ran for the bronco.

Ben broke countless laws on the 10 minute ride to the hospital, all the while frantic over the woman whose head leaned against his shoulder. Reaching the emergency entrance, Ben simply braked in the parking lot and pulled her out of the vehicle and ran through the doors.


Micki opened her eyes and looked directly into those of Benjamin Kingsley. "Hey, Ben-jammin'" Micki smiled, laughing at her own humor. "Ben-jammin'", she whispered again on a heavy sigh, "are you a bad luck charm or what? Hmmm...what do you have in store for me next weekend?"

Ben frowned down at her, not sure what he should say, if anything. Did she blame him? Maybe she was right. He cleared his throat and spoke up, "Micki, the doctor's want to hold you over night for observation. I've called Carey, so you don't need to worry about anything."

"You always take care of everything, Ben-jammin' how come...how come you're so fuzzy?" giggle. "Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear, fuzzy wuzzy, fizzy, " another giggle. "You know a girl could fall in love with you been jammin" With that Micki fell asleep.

Ben stood there grinning sillily down at her sleeping form. What was it about this girl that turned his heart inside out? He couldn't figure, so he went out to call Angelina to see how Gennifer was doing.

The next morning Micki was released from the hospital with stern warnings about taking it easy. Ben and Carey both arrived to pick her up.

"Hiya Crip!," Carey exclaimed when she saw her cousin seated on the hospital bed, a large white bandage plastered to her head.

"Hello, Micki," Ben followed the younger woman. "I'll leave you two while I pull the truck around."

"Thanks Ben, you really didn't have to do this." Micki was unable to hold back the smile that pulled across her lips.

He looked back her almost shyly. "Yes, I did," he responded. Then he was gone.

No sooner had he stepped out of the door than Carey began to barrage her with questions. "What in the world happened to you, Micki?! Did this Gennifer person whack ya with a brick?"

Micki looked at her cousin and just laughed. "Oh Carey, I love you," she said, and left it there.

Oh, no you don't," Carey said suspiciously. "You're not getting off so easily. What happened? Really?"

"Why, Carey? You know the basics, isn't that enough?"

"You were hospitalized for a blow to the head!" Carey exclaimed. "You worry me half out of my mind. Besides, I could black mail you. I'm sure your mom would love to know who you were with when it happened. Hell! She'd probably like to know it happened it all!" Carey crossed her arms, a smug smile on her lips.

Micki glared at her, then sighed. "All right, if you have to know. I fell down the steps because Ben..."

Carey drew in a sharp breath. "What did he do? Did he push you?!"

"No!" Micki exclaimed. "I fell because --" she paused, burying her face in her hands.

"What? What?" Carey was practically bouncing.

Micki raised both hands, fending off the younger woman's questions. Then continued. "He was --" sigh "Kissing me and someone opened the door. It scared me. I hid behind him. I forgot that there wasn't a railing. He tried to catch me but I must have been out of his reach and so I fell and crushed one of his flower pots with my head. Okay Carey? Happy now?"

Carey stood, attempting to control herself. Then, giving up entirely, she burst into unrestrained laughter. Gasping for breath, she got out a few words. "I'm glad you're okay Mick. But really, you're supposed to throw yourself at the guy, not off his porch!"

"My sentiments exactly," Ben said, stepping back into the room.

Micki's face flushed hot with embarrassment, and she threw Carey an evil look before attempting to change the subject.

Ben dropped Carey and Micki off, refusing to leave until he secured a promise that Micki would try dinner again the next weekend. He didn't have to work very hard.

"So, what's the deal between you two?" Carey asked, once inside. "If I'm not miscounting, you've known one another not even two weeks and he looks at you as if he's totally in love and you... we won't even talk about you. What's the deal, Bill?"

"I don't know Carey," Micki sighed. "I just don't know. The man makes me feel so... good. You know, I mean, comfortable, like I've known him forever. Yet so... Oh," she groaned. "I'm losing it."

"I'd say you're losing something," Carey said. "Both of you have all the signs of a very serious case. I get to be maid of honor."

Micki threw a pillow. "You, dear cousin, are nuts! I barely know the guy."

"I know you are, but what am I?" Carey shot back sticking out her tongue. "I'm not the one whose madly in love after two weeks."

Friday arrived at long last. Micki studied herself in the mirror, taking in the clingy lines of the black dressed Carey'd talked her in to buying. Her door popped open, and Carey's head appeared. "Wow, Mick, you look great! I have wonderful taste!" A knock came at the door before Micki could reply.

Carey dashed for it. She exchanged a few greetings with Ben, before stepping back to allow him to enter. She was watching when his eyes settled on Micki.

Micki barely noticed when Carey made herself scarce as her eyes were locked with Ben's transfixed ones. He took the several steps to reach her, and taking both her hands, kissed them. "You are beautiful," he said.

Micki didn't move, just stared back, losing herself in his eyes. Her hands shook uncertainly.

Ben didn't need a verbal reply. Taking her face between his palms as if she were delicate porcelain, he brought his lips softly to hers. The kiss was very sweet and gentle, causing a small sigh to escape her. Her eyes were loathe to open when he pulled away.

Then, as if through some unspoken need, their lips again met. His were firm, demanding, taking her breathe, her mind. When they pulled away this time, both were breathing a bit more heavily.

Clearing his throat, Ben asked Micki if she were ready. She asked where they were going. He said, his place. She asked if there would be any one else there.

"What for?" he asked. "Don't you trust me?"

Micki smiled ruefully. "I don't trust myself."

"Yes," he nodded. "Someone else will be there."

When the Bronco pulled into his garage, Micki shot a nervous look at the door before glancing back at Ben. "I'll have to remember to take Carey's advice."

Taking one of her hands, Ben agreed. "Yes, you will," he squeezed a little. "Feel free to throw oneself when ready."

This time when they went up the steps, Micki noticed that there was a rail on the little porch. But Ben did not kiss her, he merely unlocked the door and gestured her in with an exaggerated bow. "Milady."

Micki giggled at him and entered to find herself in a short hallway. Closing the door behind himself, Ben gestured her to the left along a corridor that led through several rooms and ended in a sunken room containing a bar, fireplace and a large window which opened to the large wooded area behind the house.

"Would you like a drink?" Ben asked from the bar. Making her requested glass of water, he told her he'd return shortly and left the room.

In his absence, she wandered the well-decorated space. Had his late wife decorated it? Atop a shelf she found a statue of a black cat with jeweled blue eyes and a mysterious smile.

Fascinated, she picked it up. It was heavier than she'd expected, and very cool to the touch. Turning it, she was surprised to find gold script across the back. "For the one who swallowed the canary."

"Well, no figuring that one out," she murmured to herself, carefully replacing the object. Turning she was surprised to find Ben watching her. She hoped he hadn't heard what she'd said about his cat.

"You know you really look wonderful in that dress," he said, settling her fears, at least the ones that involved the cat.

"Thank you," she said.

"Would you like to, at long last, meet the mysterious Gennifer?"

"I'd love to," she replied and followed him up a stairway and into a room decorated in a muppets motif, with heavy emphasis on Ms. Piggy. The Hispanic woman that Micki remembered from before made ready to leave as they entered the room. Ben stopped her.

"Angelina," he said. "I'd like you to meet Nichola Dupree."

Angelina looked at him oddly, but nodded in Micki's direction before smiling warmly.

Micki returned the smile, immediately liking the petite woman. "It's very nice to meet you."

Angelina smiled more broadly, then proceeded out of the room.

"And this," Ben placed a hand on the curly head that was now looking on with interest. "Is my little lady, Gennifer Ann Kingsley."

"How are you Gennifer?" Micki asked the child.

"Fine," Gennifer stated simply.

"My name is Nichola Dupree, but sometimes people call me Micki."

The eyes widened with excitement. "Mickey? Like Mickey Mouse?"

Micki was forced to press her lips together to contain her laughter. "Exactly," she said. Just as Gennifer was gearing up for another round of questions, Ben interrupted. "It's bedtime for you, little one. Perhaps you and Micki could talk another time."

"Will you read me a story?" Gennifer asked, already yawning.

"Of course, honey," Ben responded, helping her get the book. Micki remained in a chair by the door as father and daughter read "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie".

"She's beautiful," Micki was saying as they left the room.

"Yes, she is," he agreed, wrapping her arm around his, he led her to the dining room.

"So where exactly did you get the name Micki?" Ben asked over desert.

Micki looked at him and laughed. "Right. Try again."

"Still not ready to tell, huh?" he grinned challengingly at her.

"Nope," she smiled back.

"I'll bet I could convince you," he offered.

"Yes," Micki nodded, refusing to go down that path. "You probably could." Then changing the subject. "Do you mind if I use your phone. I really need to check on Carey."

"Ahh... sure," he got up and gestured her along another hall and into what appeared to be his office. He left her alone to make the call.

As the phone continued to ring, Micki felt worry growing. Carey finally picked up on the sixth sounding a little breathless. "Hello?"

"Hi. Carey? Everything okay?"

"Yeah," Carey responded, sounding vague.

"Carey?" Worry was drifting into suspicion. "What's going on?"

"Micki, just enjoy your date, okay? I'm fine." Click.

Micki stared at the receiver for a moment, before placing the device back into its cradle. Then, as if coming to a decision, she moved purposely out of the office.

"Ben," she found him back in the dining room. "I have to get back home."

"Is something wrong?" he asked.

"Um... I'm not sure," she answered, a trace of a frown marring her expression. "I just really need to check in on Carey."

"Couldn't you get through?" he asked, gathering their coats.

"Well, yeah, but she sounded strange. Something doesn't feel right."

"She's a big girl, now," he tried to tease. "I'm sure she can take care of herself. Or do you make her call you mom, too?"

"Look!" she spun on him. "You don't know what you're talking about, so just drop it, okay?"

"Okay," Ben said after a moment of stunned silence. "I'm ready when you are."

The drive home was silent. Micki wasn't ready to apologize for snapping at him, and she was far too worried about what she'd heard in Carey's voice to wonder if she'd overreacted. Ben, on the other hand, didn't want to set her off. So he dutifully did his part, and drove her home.

When her pulled up to hr house, there was a strange car in the driveway. "Want me to wait?" he asked.

When she looked at him, an apology just seemed to slip out of her on its own volition. "Ben, I'm sorry I snapped at you. I was just worried."

'Yeah, I know." he replied, touching her hand in acknowledgment.

"Come with me, please?" she asked.

They heard the music almost as soon as they were out of the Bronco. On entering, Micki was surprised by the scene before her. Two young men were seated on the sofa watching music videos and drinking bear. Both boys ignored she and Ben as they entered into the smoky atmosphere. Micki left the door open to allow the smoke to dissipate.

Carey was no where in sight.

Ben followed as she crossed the living room to reach the kitchen where a light burned. They rounded the corner to find Carey engaged in an intense but angry conversation with a young man with long wavy brown hair. The sound of Micki's heels on the tile seemed to arrest their attention. "Mind introducing us?" she asked stiffly.

"Micki Frank, Frank Micki, Ben Frank, vice versa," Carey said with a half-heartedly wave of her hand. Frank simply stared at them.

The young man's name clicked in Micki's mind. "Are you from Va.?" she asked him, suspiciously.

"Yeah, what of it?" Frank demanded.

Micki's brows went up. "Why don't you just go back," she spat. "You aren't wanted here."

"I ain't going anywhere till I talk to Care," Frank said dismissively.

Micki gaped in outrage, and was about to let Frank know just what she thought of he and his friends when Ben grabbed her hand, motioning for her to follow him. Finding the livingroom unsatisfactory, he asked if there were someplace they could go.

Micki nodded shortly, and led him to the spare bedroom. She sat on the bed while he leaned against the door, forcing herself to be calm. "Can you believe the nerve of that kid?!" she fumed.

Ben's brows furrowed, then, "Why not let them talk for a bit," he suggested. Ben watched her for a moment. before continuing tentatively. "It must have been pretty important for him to drive this far to see her."

"Yeah, you're probably right," she sighed. "It's just that that *kid* is so arrogant!"

Ben smiled to himself. "Micki, how old are you?"

"Twenty-two," she said in confusion. "Why?"

Shaking his head, Ben laughed. "That young man you call a kid is probably about your age."

"No!" Micki responded, jumping up and heading for the door.

"Micki," Ben stopped her.

"He's too old for her," Micki tried to explain. "She's only 17!"

"How old do you think I am?" Ben asked.

"I don't know," Micki shrugged. "Maybe 26, 27." Then she stopped, suspicious as to where he was going. "I think," she added uncertainly. He didn't look older than that. And Gennifer was four...

"I'll be 34 my next birthday," he said.

This was a surprise she hadn't quite expected. "Really?" she asked softly, her anger completely deflated.

"Am I too old for you?" Ben asked.

Micki refused to meet his eyes.

"Am I?" he asked again, touching her arm.

Confusion marring her face, Micki broke away and moved to sit on the bed again. "You don't seem 33," she said.

"A compliment," he asked, slightly sarcastic. "Look Micki, I'm not some dirty old man. I admit, I did think you were a little older, but that difference in our ages doesn't matter. You're an adult."

"So had you known, you wouldn't have done anything differently?" Micki questioned, watching closely as he formed an answer.

"Well," Ben stalled. Then continued, grudgingly. "Yes, maybe. But I still would have asked you out."

Micki, in obvious disbelief, "Right. And exactly what part would you have changed?" She fixed him with a hard stare.

"Okay, maybe our first kiss," then on thinking, "Maybe -- "

"Keep going!" Micki cut him off. "Maybe you wouldn't have at all?"

"Micki," Ben said, placing his hands up to fend off what he felt sure was coming. "We don't have to fight about this."

"Why?" she demanded. "Am I too young for that, too?"

He took a deep breath at the irritation that was welling up in him. "Micki don't --"

"Don't treat me like a child, Ben!"

"Hey! You're the one who started this age thing! Why are you yelling at me?" Ben demanded, now furious. "*I* don't have a problem with it."

"Liar!" Micki countered, her eyes blazing. "You just stood there and said you did! How can you say you didn't?"

"Taking things slower does not constitute a problem," Ben countered.

"What would you call it then?" Micki asked sweetly. "Hmm?" Feigning an innocent gaze, she rose from the bed and approached seductively.

"Micki, you're playing with fire." Ben ground out as she neared.

Stepping into his personal space, gazing up into his eyes, she continued. "What? Am I in danger of you spanking my....hands?" she taunted.

Almost before she realized that he'd moved, Ben grabbed her and pulled her roughly to himself for a crushing kiss. His grip was like steel and Micki found that she couldn't move. She'd barely gotten out a muttered "NO!"

When Ben pulled away, it was to be met with her wide frightened eyes. "Oh, Micki, I'm sorry, so sorry," he whispered, taking her stunned face gently in his hands. He place soft kiss on her lips, cheeks, eyelids.

Micki drew in a shuddering breath, then rising on tip-toe kissed him full on the lips. Ben didn't resist. His arms went around her, drawing her off of her feet. Her arms went around his shoulders, her fingers clinching in the cloth of his shirt.

Ben dragged his mouth from hers, and put her gently away from himself. Micki felt a pain course through her at the action.

"I'm sorry," Ben apologized. "But you make me crazy when you look at me like that." Groaning deep in his throat, he continued. "Micki, I can't stop how I feel about you any more than I can change my age. Please, let's not allow it to come between us."

Micki simply nodded, again feeling hypnotized. Ben was drawn in. And then their lips were united again.

Ben's hands found their way into her hair, releasing the pins that held the rich waves in place. The mass fell about her shoulders, releasing the sweat aroma of her shampoo. He brushed it aside to kiss her neck. The idea of dying of pleasure crossed Micki's mind.

They were both shocked apart by a yell from Carey and the slamming of the front door.

For a moment neither Micki nor Ben moved. Then Micki flew into action and was out the door and down the hallway toward the living room.

"Carey," she called worriedly, Ben at her heels.

She found the young woman standing alone in the living room starring at the door. "Carey?" Micki asked again, placing a hand on her arm.

Carey turned to look at her, eyes full of unshed tears, then she was going, running toward her room. Micki ran after her.

Ben stood for a moment, and then quietly slipped out of the door, making sure it was locked behind him.

Micki knocked softly at Carey's door "Carey, can I come in?"

"It's not locked," the young woman responded.

Micki was surpassed to find that indeed it wasn't. Carey was sitting on the bed, hugging a stuffed doll to her chest. Micki smiled remember how much Carey had loved that doll when they were growing up, how she'd hugged it to herself just the way she was just then.

"Would you like to talk?" Micki asked.

"It was just a silly argument." Carey started "Frank was upset that I moved down here in the first place. But now, when he could out that he couldn't stay here he got really angry. That's what we were arguing about."

"Hmmm," was all Micki said for a while. Then, "How close are you and Frank?"

Carey thought for a it. Then looked to her cousin, "What do you mean?"

"I mean," Micki said. "How long have you been going out? How'd you meet? What does he do? How old is he? That type of thing."

"Ah," Carey said almost gleefully. "The truth comes out. You've been talking to mom and dad."

"No, Carey, I haven't. I just want to know."

"He's 25, and we've been going out for ten months. He --"

Twenty five!! Micki's mind latched onto the numbers. But remembering her earlier argument with Ben, forced herself to be calm. Which for the moment called for ignoring the fact.

"So, how'd you meet?" she asked instead.

"Whoa!!" Carey exclaimed. "I'm stunned you're not freaked about the age thing. Mom and Dad sure are."

"Trust me, I am," Micki admitted. "But, Ben, found it necessary to enlighten me."

"Really?" Carey's face brightened with interest. Her mind swiftly changed gears. "Tell me about it."

"No, no, no," Micki insisted. "We are talking about you."

"We met at the mall, and he's a musician." Carey said quickly. "Now, let's get back to you."

"To me?" Micki exclaimed, turning to leave the room. "No way, Jose."

"I see the hair's down, now," Carey said slyly. "Should I assume that you are *well* enlightened? What kind of example could that be?"

Sighing, Micki turned back. "Okay, you spy. What do you want to know now?"

"Ooh," Carey giggled. "I love romance - tell me everything!"

"Well," Micki started. "I called your Frank a kid, old lady that I am. Ben saw fit to tell me that he thought Frank was about my age. I said if he was he was too old for you. He asked how old I was. Turns out, I'm younger than he thought and he's older than I thought."

"And was this a problem for him?" Carey frowned.

Micki shrugged. "No, not for him."

"He can't be more than what? 29? That's not too old is it?" Carey said.

"He's 34. Twelve years!!"

"Really?" Carey's brows went up. "Well, so what. Why is it a problem?"

"Oh, I don't know," Micki said, moving agitatedly away from the bed.

"Well, what are you going to do?" Carey asked, very seriously.

Micki just shook her head and shrugged again.

"Well, decide soon before someone gets hurt."

"Yeah," Micki said softly, wondering who she was kidding. It was already too late for her.

-- --

The next day found Micki doing battle with her aged washing machine. After bailing bucket upon bucket of water, she was a sopping mess and still the machine was too heavy for her to pull away from the wall.

Carey had left earlier, before she'd realized the dilemma. The young woman had gone to the mail with new friends. Micki was fairly certain that Carey's help would be out of the question - the girl truly did live to shop.

Determined not to be defeated, she tried once more. Putting all her strength in to a final pull, she thought she felt something give. The next thing she knew, the floor was no longer under her feet and she landed hip first in a growing puddle from an overturned bucket.

"Arrgh!" she cried in frustration. "Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! OUCH!!" She finished furiously as her angry pounding against the machine only left her with a sore hand. Moments later she heard frantic banging against the front door, scaring her nearly out of hr wits.

Scrambling out of the wet mess, wiping wet hands on denim-clad legs, she made for the door. The banging continued, along with Ben's voice yelling her name. Snatching the door open to stop his racket.

"You know a person could conceivably figure you for a nut case, banging like that. My neighbors are already worried about *me*."

"I heard you screaming," Ben tried to explain. "Are you all right?"

"Fine," she led him in. "I just lost a battle with the washing machine."

Ben took a good look at her then a grin broke out over his face. "Poor machine. What did you do to it to make it do that to you?"

Micki shot him a withering look, and continued on toward the kitchen. Hoisting a fire-engine red toolbox in his direction, she challenged him to fix it. He did.

Micki and Ben had spent the three hours fixing the washing machine; and the next three months learning one another's habits.

One Sunday afternoon Micki was at Ben's home to watch movies. Gennifer had predictable chosen 'The Little Mermaid' and 'Beauty and the Beast'. Angelina had joined them for one of the movies, and then had retired to her rooms. Gennifer had fallen asleep soon after.

Micki pressed the button to eject the movie, and placed it into the rewinder. she turned at the sound of Ben descending the steps after carrying his daughter up to bed. "I'd like to talk to you," he called, his eyes were suddenly very serious.

Micki looked up him, surprised by the change. They'd joked most of the evening, had even had a popcorn fight.

"Sure," she said, and walked up the two steps to meet him. He grasped her two hands in his, he pulled her down so that they were both settled on the steps.

"This is our third anniversary, Micki," he began. "I want -- no, need to know if our age difference is a problem still. I've tried not to push you because I want whatever happens between us to be your decision." He allowed a moment for his words to sink in before continuing. "How do you feel about whatever your parents may think? Are you ready to face that? My family is already curious about you."

"No," Micki began slowly, watching his expression carefully. "I'm not ready for what my parents will say." When his eyes dropped, she pressed on hurried. "But, the time we've spent together has shown me that I'm in far too deep to let go."

For a moment Ben just stared at her, then a beautiful smile spread over his lips. Grabbing her, he pulled her into his arms crushing her to him.

"Hey, I break," she laughed softly.

Ben relaxed his grip, but leaned in for an equally crushing kiss. "I've really got it bad for you, woman," he whispered. "I don't know what I would have done if you'd have said no."

"I couldn't say no," Micki said. "Even if I'd wanted to."


A month later, Carey and Micki were having a quick lunch when the phone rang. Micki laughed when Carey dashed off to answer it. Most of the calls seemed to be for her lately. She'd made quite a few new friends and had quite a busy social life. Micki was happy for that, as the subject of Frank hadn't come up in a while. Although, there were moments when she wondered.

Carey settled back to the table, speaking in between bites of her sandwich. "Mom and Dad want me to come up next weekend. They have a car for me."

"Really? What kind?" Micki was pretty used to loaning her own to the girl.

"I don't know," Carey said. "Didn't think to ask. Probably Uncle Bob's old Honda. But the condition is that you drive back with me."

"Okay..." Micki didn't want to commit. But if she knew Carey, she had a plan. "And how would you suggest we do that?"

"We-e-ll, I was thinking you could take me to the bus station, say, tomorrow and I could spend a week with the folks - it is spring break after all. I figure you and Ben could drive up next weekend. And you could... oh, maybe...introduce him to your parents. Then on Sunday afternoon you and he drive out to my parents and pick me up and we could caravan back. Or maybe you guys could rent a car or something. That part's up to you."

Micki eyed her for a few seconds, then conceded. "I guess I'm gonna have to face the music sooner or later. I'll talk to Ben. How's that?"

Carey squealed with delight and threw her arms around Micki's neck. Then, "The bus leaves tomorrow at 7:00." She ducked the cup Micki tossed at her.

Ben was more than happy to travel with Micki to Virginia. His mother would watch Gennifer while he was away.

The next afternoon came far too fast for Micki. By the time she and Carey had reached the bus station, it was time to load. They'd said their good-byes hurriedly through the window. The silence descended almost immediately.

The house seemed unnatural without the young woman's presence. After four months, Micki was accustomed to having someone else around. Turning on the television, she increased the volume hoping to dispel some of the unusual stillness. She nearly came out of her seat when the phone rang. She caught it on the second ring.

Thinking it was Ben, she was surprised at the jumble of words that tumbled out of the receiver.

"Care, don't hang up, listen to me --"

"Wha-? Who is this?" She demanded.

There were several seconds of silence, then, "Put Carey on the phone."

"Excuse me," Micki said with forced politeness. "I asked who is this."

"Look, why don't you just put Carey on the phone?" the voice of a young man demanded.

Having determined that this was Frank, Micki simply hung up the phone. When it rang again a minute later, she picked up immediately and hung up. A minute after that, she repeated the same routine, only this time she left the receiver sitting on the side table.

Settling down in front of the television, she tried to put the incident out of her mind. A suspense thriller series was on, and was beginning to make her a little nervous. Ben had promised to stop by after work, she hoped he'd arrive soon.

A knock at the door, brought her to her feet in relief. Throwing the door open in excitement, Ben's name died on her lips. Frank and his two buddies from her previous encounter stood in the doorway. She tried to slam the door shut, but Frank simply shouldered his way in. His two buddies followed.

"Get out of my house!" Micki yelled at his stunned at his audacity.

Frank ignored her as he tore through her small house yelling Carey's name. His two friends had settled into their previous seats on her sofa.

Micki stormed behind the Frank as he began to enter her bedroom. "Who do you think you are, coming in here like this?" Micki fumed. "I want you out and I want you out now!!" She grabbed one of Frank's arms in an attempt to force him out.

She let out a small scream when he grabbed both her arms and pushed her away from himself. Off balanced, she tumbled to the floor. She lay stunned for half a second before fear overcame her. Scrambling to her feet, she ran for the off-hook phone.

She'd gotten as far as 9-1 when Frank realized what she was up to. He dashed to the kitchen, knocking her away from the phone with his body. Micki was knocked into a counter which caught her in the side. The unexpected pain took her breath and her knees went out from under her.

She leaned dazedly against the cabinets as Frank slammed the receiver back into its cradle. Then he turned his attention to her. "Where is she?" he asked.

Micki's heart pounded in her ears, but she was determined that he wouldn't intimidate her. Struggling to her feet, she stared him down. "None of your business," she managed to sound only slightly breathless.

"Tell me what I want to know, or else..." Frank stepped closer, invading her personal space.

Micki decided that she definitely didn't like him in close proximity. She made an attempt to move around him.

Frank grabbed her upper arms and pushed her back against the wall, none too gently. This time she couldn't hide the pain. She cried out, and hot tears flowed from beneath her lashes.

His grip was so tight she thought she'd lose her circulation. She didn't really care any more about not giving in to intimidation. She just wanted him to leave her alone. She pleaded with him. "Frank, please.... please, let me go. You're hurting..."

"Not --" he was cut off by the intrusion of another voice.

"Your best bet is to listen to the lady."

Frank tensed, then released her arms. Micki's legs forgot to support her and she wilted to the floor. She didn't hear Frank's running footsteps or the closing of the front door or even Ben running back to her. She lay balled on the floor, silently crying.

"Micki," Ben called, reaching for her. She cried harder, fighting his hands away from her.

"Micki," Ben called louder. "It's me...Ben. Let me --" Her arms immediately went limp, no longer fighting him. He pulled her into his arms holding her tightly, gently rocking.

She gradually stopped crying. When she was calmer, he drew back slightly. "Are you all right?"

Looking up into his pale features, she nodded silently.

"Come on," he said, helping her to her feet. She stood weakly, but her first step reminded her forcefully of the contact her ribs had made with the counter. She stumbled against him, grunting in pain.

"Micki," Ben cried alarmed. "What is it?"

"My side," she explained breathlessly as he lowered her to the floor.

Ben lifted her shirt slowly, unsure of what he might find. Waves of anger and guilt washed over him at the angry dark bruises that stretched along her already swelling side. He ran for the phone and dialed the police and an ambulance.

When the police arrived, he gave them as much information as he could, which wasn't much. Micki had been unable to give a statement as she'd gone into shock and was far from coherent.

Ben was left to watch helplessly as she was loaded unto a stretcher and put into the back of an ambulance. After following the vehicle to the hospital, he'd been told that she had a cracked rib and would be better in a week or two. But she would have to remain in the hospital for two days for testing. She was released on Wednesday.

On Friday they rented a van and headed toward Virginia to meet her parents.

"Ben," Micki had called to him from her reclined position on the passenger side of the van. "Can I ask you a favor?"

"Sure, anything," he said, smiling. The smile faded, however, when he heard her request.

"Don't tell my parents about what happened with Frank."

"Okay," he answered reluctantly. "But how do you plan to explain the bandages?"

"I'll just tell them I fell against the counter," she replied after a few seconds of deliberation. "I'll keep it simple."

Ben simply nodded. "Who do your parents think you're bringing?" he asked. They'd crossed into the city limits minutes earlier and they would be reaching her parent's home soon.

"I told them that you are a male friend."

"You flatter me," he replied dryly.

Micki laughed, carefully holding her side. "What are we, then?" she challenged him. "Hmm?"

"Hmmm..." Ben returned. "Tough question. We're friends, but not 'just friends'. More than acquaintances." Then, clearing his throat he murmured. "Less than lovers." Louder, "I know, we're... ah yes, that's it exactly. We're seeing one another."

"Ah," Micki feigned enlightenment. "And what are we doing this for?" she asked.

"Well, so we can get to know one another better." Ben replied.

"And why is this necessary?"

"Oh, because we're attracted to one another. Because we're a match."

"And what makes you say that?"

"Can you tell?" Ben's voice had lost its light-hearted tone.

"Can't help it," Micki said, smiling slightly.

"Yeah," Ben laughed. "I'm falling fast."

"Falling?" Micki couldn't prevent the word from spilling from her lips.

"In love, Micki," Ben answered her softly. "I've fallen in love with you."

That shocked her. All thoughts fled her mind. Forcing her mind into action, she closed her mouth and opened it just in time to tell him where to turn to get to her parents street. She hoped the action covered her confusion.

When they'd pulled into the drive, Ben came around to help her. Her body was stiff from having lain in the same position for so long. She'd chosen not to tell Ben that the doctor had told her not to take any long drives for the next three weeks. Although, she was fairly certain he knew that already.

Groaning softly as Ben pulled her to a sitting position, she whispered quickly to him. "Remind me to take the medication again - soon."

"Yeah," he said, taking her hand. "Ready?" She nodded once, and he led her slowly up the drive. They were half-way when the door slammed open and a slim body launched itself outside.

"Micki!" The long-haired young woman exclaimed as she dashed along the side walk.

Ben saw Micki's look of dismay just before the girl flung herself into her arms. There was nothing he could do as they both went down in a heap.

Micki's parents rushed out of the house as Ben leaned over to help Micki to her feet.

"Just...let...me catch...my breath. Oh!!--" she groaned as Ben hoisted her to her feet by one arm. Tears leaked from her eyes and she threw him a sidelong look of disgust.

Micki's mother immediately began to fuss over her. "Are you all right Mick? Mel, whatever possessed you to run into your sister like that?"

"I just wanted to hug her," Mel returned in her own defense. "How was I supposed to know she'd hit the pavement?"

"I'm fine Mom, really." Micki spoke up in what she hoped was a sincere voice. "It's really good to see all of you," she continued, hugging each family member in turn. She had to bite her lip at her father's bear hug.

She then reached for Ben's hand, not only to introduce him, but for support. She felt as if she were fading fast. "Everyone this is Ben Kingsley. Ben, this is my mom and dad and my sister, Melanie."

"It's really a pleasure to meet all of you," Ben said politely shaking hands all around. Then, tossing a quick glance in Micki's direction, he saw that she wouldn't be able to take much more.

"Mrs. Dupree," he began, turning toward Micki's mother. "I hear you make the most wonderful lemonade."

Lorraine Dupree laughed delightedly. "Oh, I see Micki has been running off at the mouth again. Come on in and have some." She gestured toward the house.

Ben and Micki fell to the back of the line hoping no one noticed how much she was leaning on him. She slipped the bottle of medicine from her purse into his hands. Ben slipped it into his pocket.

"I think you should tell them," he whispered into her ear.

"No!" Micki whispered back.

Ben was about to say more, when Lorraine turned around to speak with them. "Dinner'll be ready soon so Ben you can just go to the family room and talk to Joe. Nick can help me in the kitchen so we can have a little girl to girl."

Micki paused for only the briefest second before saying okay. Lorraine eyed her strangely, but continued on into the house.

"Come on, Benjamin," Joe said. "We can go in here."

Ben nodded that he would. Briefly tightening his grip on Micki's hand before releasing her, Ben followed Joe Dupree into the family room.

Micki, now separated from her medicine stood stiffly leaning against the counter.

"So, my dear," Lorraine began bluntly. "What's this fella to you?"

"We've been trying to figure that out ourselves," Micki said wryly. "We only minutes ago came to the conclusion that we're seeing one another."

"Could this be serious?" Lorraine asked.

"Could be," Micki answered guardedly.

Lorraine gave her a look. "Is thee something bothering you, Honey?"

"What makes you think that Mom?" Micki stalled.

"Well, for starters. You're standing there against that counter like you're hiding something. You've avoided by last questions. And you talking like you're...I don't know...in pain or something."

After a few seconds Micki admitted that she was in pain. "I hit my side a few days ago and when Mel hugged me like that and I fell it sort of starting aching again."

"Oh Goodness!" Lorraine was in action. "Let me see is it bad?" she reached for Micki's shirt. "Do you want to lie down? You know you can lie on the sofa."

"No, Mom. This isn't necessary. I'm okay. I'll just go lie down." My was trying to keep her shirt, down, but her mother seemed intent on getting a look.

"Micki, why won't you let me see?" Lorraine asked, finally.

"Mom!" Micki exclaimed.

"Fine." Lorraine gave up. "Still shy, I guess." Dismissing the matter, she pointed her daughter in the direction of the family room.

"Okay, men, move over," she ordered. "Joe, your daughter is still clumsy. Would you believe it? - fell into her very own counter."

Micki settled into the sofa cushions with profound relief at being off her feet, but also mild embarrassment at misleading her mother. She felt Ben's eyes on her, but refused to look in his direction.

"Are you okay?" he father asked. "It wasn't too bad was it?"

"Uh...no," Micki said, hoping her chalked her grimace up to pain. "Its just that hugging Mel, and falling on the pavement brought back some of the aches. Some aspirin or something will probably take care of it."

"Where is Mel, anyway?" she asked, hoping to get the attention off of herself.

"She's gone to work," Lorraine answered.

"Really?" Micki really was surprised. But she supposed Melanie wasn't the same little girl she'd been 2 years earlier. She was sixteen, now. "Where is she working?"

"Up at Wards, in the automotive department. Wants to go to school to be an auto-mechanic..." Micki was wise enough to allow that statement to lie.

"Speaking of autos," Ben piped up, breaking the brief tension. "I should probably go out to the van and get our things."

"Oh, don't worry about that," Joe said. "Just give me the keys and I'll get 'em. You're a guest here."

"You're sure?" Ben asked. "I really don't mind."

"Sure I'm sure." Joe insisted, reaching a hand for the keys.

Ben stood and reached into his pocket. When he pulled out the keys, a small brown bottled spilled out and fell to the floor. Micki held her breath when Ben and her father both reached for it. She closed her eyes when she saw her father handing it to Ben, an odd expression on his face.

Ben flushed. If the situation weren't so serious, Micki might have laughed. She'd never seen Ben blush. Unfortunately, in the present situation, it only served to make him look guilty.

"Here you are, Sir," Ben handed Joe the keys. Joe took them without a work and headed toward the door.

Lorraine, having witnessed the entire incident, murmured something about aspirin and left the room.

Ben quickly slipped two pills from the bottle and passed them to Micki. She popped them into her mouth with a heavy sigh and slipped the bottle into her purse.

"I can't lie to your parents, Micki," Ben whispered. "I think you are underestimating them. They deserve to know."

"Ben --" she started.

"Micki, I'm a parent, and I'd want to know --" At that moment Lorraine came back into the room, aspirin and juice in her hand.

"Here you are, dear." She handed the items to her daughter. "Ben, would you move that recliner over into the dining room?"

"Sure, Mrs. Dupree," Ben answered, jumping to his feet.

"Oh, call me Lorraine," Micki's mother said with a wave of her hand. Then, "What do people call you? Ben, is it?"

"Actually, I'm called Michael, or Mike."

"That's different," Lorraine said in a confused voice. "I thought Nick introduced you as Benjamin."

Ben laughed. "Yeah. But, Micki's the only person who calls me Ben."

"Ah," Lorraine laughed in understanding. "Did Micki ever tell you how she ended up with the name Micki instead of Nicky?"

"No," Ben looked mischievously at Micki. "She didn't."

"Mom, please..." Micki begged. "Please don't."

"Come on, Love," Ben urged, eyes gleaming. "We shouldn't have any secrets." He reached across the sofa, covering her hand with his. Something in the tone of his voice, utterly derailed her thoughts. Giving her mother just enough time to launch into her story.

"When Micki was six," Lorraine was saying. "She was invited to a costume party. She was dressed up as Minnie Mouse, but no," Lorraine stopped to laugh. "She wanted to be Mickey Mouse. She had that beautiful long hair, and we told her Mickey was a boy Mouse. But she was determined she was gonna be Micki. She got into my sewing, and the next thing we knew, she'd cut off her pigtails so she could be Mickey. So, then she comes into the kitchen, a pony tail in each hand yelling and jumping around, happy because now she can be Mickey Mouse!"

By the time Lorraine finished her story, she and Ben were collapsing with laughter, and Micki's face was buried in her hands.

"Definitely, Gennifer can NOT hear this story," Ben said, laughing.

"Who's Gennifer?" Joe asked, returning on the tail end of the laughter.

"Gennifer's my daughter," Ben explained, easily.

"Really, now? How many children do you have?"

"Just one," Ben answered. "Gennifer's just turned four, a few months ago.

"You married young?" Joe asked.

"Joe!" Lorraine admonished her husband.

"I'm just asking a question, Lo." Joe shot back

"Actually, no." Ben answered the question. "I was married at 26. Gennifer was born a couple years after that. My wife died while she was still a baby."

"I'm sorry to hear about your wife," Joe said, and Lorraine made sympathetic noises. "I wouldn't have figured you to be in your thirties, though." Joe continued, laughing. "I wish I'd looked that young when I was your age."

Ben laughed with him. "Believe me, it's not always a good thing."

Micki's mouth gaped. Where these really her parents. "Dad you don't think Ben's too old for me?" she couldn't resist asking.

Joe looked at her surprised. "There's 7 years between your mother and I - what difference is three more years going to make?"

Ben grinned triumphantly down at her.

"Dinner's ready!" Lorraine announced. "All I need is some nice strong fella to transfer our invalid to the recliner in the dining room."

The meal went comfortably until Joe asked Ben what he did for a living.

"Right now I'm working for NBS banking," Ben answered.

"What sort of work do you do there?" Joe asked.

"I'm currently designing their new high rise."

"I didn't know they were building," Joe said, surprised.

"Well, actually the location and date is under wraps."

"So you're an architect?" Lorraine asked. At Ben's nod, she gestured in the direction of her daughter. "Perhaps you could design a counter Micki couldn't fall into."

"I'd take that challenge," Ben laughed.

"Are you feeling any better sweetheart?" her mother asked. "Maybe you should go to the Doctor - you might have broken something."

"Form the looks of the medicine in Ben's pocket, I'd say she went," Joe spoke up.

Ben gave Micki a look which spoke volumes.

"I have something to tell you guys," Micki began hesitantly. "I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to worry." She paused a moment, gathering her courage.

"Speak child," Joe urged.

"Well, Monday, I had a knock at my door after I took Carey to the station. I thought it was Ben, so I opened it - and I know it was stupid - without checking. It as Frank and he'd come looking to talk to Carey. He pushed his way in. When I tried to call the police, he pushed me away from the phone.

"You know how Aunt Marina's counters were - well, I hit my back on the corner and cracked a couple ribs."

Silence followed her admission. Then both her parents began speaking at the same time. "Did they catch him? What else happened? Did he do anything else to you?"

"He didn't do anything else," Micki assured them both. "I think he wanted to scare me more than anything. The counter thing was an accident."

"What did the Dr. say?"

"He kept me for two days and then we came here."

"Surely, she shouldn't be in a cramped vehicle for so long after that," Joe said, directing his gaze at Ben.

"Well, Sir, I figured if I didn't drive her, she'd try to do it herself. It was all I could do to rent the van so she could at least lie down. "

"You still should have told us," Joe insisted, his disappointment evident.

Ben's eyes dropped to the level of his plate.

"He wanted to," Micki spoke up. "I asked him not to, but he talked me into it anyway."

Ben smiled reassuringly into her eyes.

"Do the police have those boys?" Joe asked.

"Actually, we don't know." Ben answered. "I came in just in time to see....them there, and then they ran off. I haven't talked to the police since that night."

"Surely you can't go back to that house - two young girls - until they're caught."

"Mom, I'm an adult. I'll be fine. It's not as if they broke in. I opened to door for them."

"All the more reason," Lorraine insisted. "Since you opened the door, how do you know that they wouldn't have broken in?"

"Carey has school as soon as break is over and I have work," Micki said, trying to sound reasonable. But the expressions on her parent's faces didn't budge.

Ben spoke up. "My family owns several apartments which are well guarded. You and Carey are more than welcome to stay there."

"Where did she stay when she got out of the hospital?" Lorraine'd asked before Micki could answer.

"She stayed at my house."

Your house?" Both parents spoke in unison.

'I assure you Mom and Dad, it was perfectly respectable. The maid lives there, so we were chaperoned. And the house is big enough tat it is possible not to run into each other all day."

"You must be some architect," Joe spoke up.

"Honestly," Ben said. "They belong to the family."

"What exactly does your family do?" Joe had to ask.

"They're into real estate and construction."

Joe sat and thought for a minute. "You wouldn't happen to be one of the Kingston Corp., Kingsley's would you?"

"Well, Yes, actually," Ben said. "My grandfather started the business, and my father's been running it since Granpy died."

"Do you know that your grandfather built this house?" Joe asked, excitedly. "I was reading the journal, your family's business is doing very, very well."

Micki looked stunned from one to the other. "Wait a minute," she murmured, interrupting the flow of the conversation. "What are you saying?"

"Old Ben here is a millionaire!"

"Uh, actually, that would be my father," Ben inserted. His words were lost on Micki, however. Her gaping mouth snapped into a thin angry line before she stiffly excused herself and disappeared out the back door.

-- -- --

Ben stared after her in silence, while both Lorraine and Joe glanced his way. "Excuse me," he murmured and walked out of the door. He found Micki on a small patio deck at the rear of the house. Her arms were wrapped about her shoulders, and she gazed up at the stars.

"Micki," he softly called her name. "What's wrong?" When she didn't reply, he reached out and touched her arm. "Are you okay?"

"Just fine!!" She snapped, turning. Ben blinked at her vehemence.

"You might have told me!" she said.

"Told you what?" Ben asked.

"That you're filthy stinkin' rich!" she said, head thrown back as if she meant to declare it to the universe at large.

"Oh Micki," Ben closed his eyes. "Is this going to be a problem? If it's any consolation, it's my father's company. It won't be mine for a long, long, long time to come I hope."

"Ben, that's not the point. You could have told me," she persisted, again turning her back on him.

Ben sighed. "Micki, listen. I wouldn't expect you to tell me what your father does for a living unless I asked." He reached out and spun her to face him. "Am I going to have to wait 4 more months for you to get over this before I can ask you to marry me?"

Micki's eyes grew wide and her mouth dropped.

Ben's smiled confidently. "You don't have to answer right now, but your deadline is before we leave here Sunday. Now, close your mouth. A bug might fly in."

Micki's eyes filled with tears and she turned her back to him again.

Ben's smile faltered. "Micki?" he called uncertainly.

Ignoring the pain of her ribs, she pushed passed him and ran into the house and up the steps leaving one very stunned Ben standing on the patio.

When Micki ran through the den and up the stairs, Lorraine and Joe shared at look born of years of understanding.

"I'll talk to Ben," Joe said, rising from the table. Lorraine nodded and headed upstairs.

"I'll talk to Mick."

Joe stepped through the door and out onto the patio where he found Ben, sitting, staring up at the night sky. Wordlessly he settled beside the young man, patiently waiting.

"I'm sorry about this, Sir." Ben said softly.

"No reason to be sorry," Joe chuckled. "Unless you keep calling me Sir. Call me Joe."

"Okay, Joe," Ben smiled slightly.

"Nice night out, isn't it?" Joe broke the silence this time.

"Yes it is," Ben answered, then continued. "What am I doing wrong?"

"Well that depends," Joe said. "What did you say to her?"

"Actually, I guess in a round about way, I asked her to marry me." Ben answered, embarrassed.

Joe considered this thoughtfully. "She's a lot like her mother," Joe started. "I take it she didn't know about your family?"

Ben shook his head.

"Well then, right now," Joe continued. "She's trying to get used to that. You have to go slow with her. Take the time to really learn one another."

Ben smiled. "I guess asking her to marry me was exactly the wrong thing to do."

"Just about," Joe agreed, patting him on the back. "Just about."

Meanwhile, Lorraine discreetly knocked on Micki's room door. Without waiting for an answer, she pushed it open. Micki was lying across the bed with a pillow pulled over her head. Lorraine couldn't restrain a smile; this was the same thing she'd done as a child when she was upset.

"Micki?" she called softly into the room. "Micki, honey," she settled onto the bed, resting her hand lightly against her daughter's back. "You'll always be my baby, you know that. No matter how old you grow, or how far away you move. I'm always here to talk if you want."

Micki rolled over and looked up at her mother. "Mom, I know," she responded, sniffing. "Why do men have to be so frustrating?"

Lorraine laughed, and scooted further on the bed. "It's in their nature. Funny thing is that they don't even realize it."

Micki nodded. "Too bad there isn't some pill we can give them to make them act reasonable."

Lorraine laughed with her. Then grew serious, "Want to talk about it?"

Micki looked at her mother for a long moment, then her face crumbled in frustration. "OK, so I don't know what it is, exactly. He just makes me so mad sometimes!"

"What did he do to make you so mad?" Lorraine asked.

"Well," Micki looked sheepish. "He asked me to marry him."

Lorraine's brows raised. "Whoa. Well, honey, he obviously cares for you." She was trying to sound reasonable, even though she thought his question had been a bit sudden. "Is it that you don't feel that way about him?"

"No, it's not that I don't care for him. I do. A lot. But I've only known him a few months. That's just not long enough to establish a good foundation for a marriage."

"Oh, I see," Lorraine was silently cheering her daughter's good sense, but... "You don't know for sure if he's the one yet?"

"No," Micki tried to clarify. "I couldn't think of anyone else I'd want to be with forever. We have lots of fun together, and I think we really...connect. But, I've never met his family and I didn't even know about his father being a millionaire."

Lorraine frowned at that. and nodded to herself. "Yes, there are things that you have to talk about. But when you find the man you want to marry remember compromise. You are not going to have the same personalities, maybe not even the same priorities. Do what's right for you, honey."

"Thanks Mom," Micki said, putting her arms around her mother.

"Want to talk to Ben?" Lorraine asked softly.

"I guess I should," Micki gave a self deprecating laugh. "He probably thinks I've snapped."

Lorraine smiled. "I'll send him up, okay?" Lorraine stood and walked toward the door. Then turning back, "This door stays open," she said firmly. "It's not that I don't trust you. But Mel will be home soon and I don't want to give her any ideas."

A minute later Micki heard Ben's footsteps coming along the hallway. She felt a twinge of nervousness as he approached. She swallowed, hoping it didn't show too much.

Ben stopped in the doorway and looked across at her. She smiled and patted the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry I acted the way I did earlier," she said.

Ben settled beside her, seemingly unsure of where to begin. "Micki," he began hesitantly. "I don't want to rush you into anything. I guess... I just automatically assumed that my feelings were yours."

Micki looked down at her hands. Ben reached out and placed his on top of hers. "Why does it make you uncomfortable when I tell you how I feel about you?"

Micki did not look up. "I don't know."

Ben waited.

"Maybe it's because I'm not sure how I feel about you?" she asked, uncertainty.

Ben touched a hand to her chin, forcing her to meet his eyes. Micki found herself lost in his gaze, helpless; she couldn't pull away. And that frightened her because it left her feeling exposed and vulnerable.

His hand dropped away from her chin. "I already know how you feel about me," he said. "I just have to convince you of it."

"You sound very sure of yourself," Micki taunted him. Taking the conversation in this direction was something she could handle.

"Yes," Ben agreed. "I am."

"And how can you be so sure?" she asked slyly.

"This," he said, slowly leaning in closer as if to kiss her. When he was centimeters away he stopped and looked at her with a mischievous light in his eyes. "Perhaps we shouldn't," he whispered, barely touching her lips.

Micki's half-closed eyes flew open, but she didn't move away. "Shouldn't what?" she asked, innocently.

"Tempt fate," Ben answered at a longing look at her lips.

"I'm not that kind of girl," she whispered back.

"I know," he answered. "I know..." Then the distance between them was gone. The kiss seemed to go on forever. When they pulled away, Ben moved toward the door and sat on the floor, trying to clear his head. What had they been talking about anyway? He couldn't remember, so they began making plans for the next day.

It had been Joe's suggestion that Micki fly back home and remain at Ben's home, while Ben and Carey drove back. At first Micki had objected, but with her parents and Ben arguing against her, she didn't stand a chance.

Carey hadn't been told of the incident with Frank, and the next day Micki's plane was due to leave before Ben and her parents were due to visit Carey's family. Micki had been even less happy about that. But there has simply been no other flights.

Ben and Joe drove Micki to the airport. She'd said her good-byes to her mother and to Melanie at home. And to her father at the gate. She'd been unsure of how to say good-bye to Ben, considering her father was standing right there beside them.

"Don't worry," he said. "I'll see you later on tonight, or when you wake up tomorrow."

She smiled at him, silently thanking him for his understanding. After giving her a quick hug, he watched her walk through the doorway leading to the plane.

He turned when he heard Joe laughing near his shoulder. "You could have given her a real kiss. I know she wanted you to."

Ben simply grinned. This time Joe was wrong. A kiss was exactly the last thing she'd wanted. Perhaps he was learning. Changing the subject, he turned in the direction of the row of rental agencies lining one wall.

"What say we go see if I can give this van back without a fight."

Micki's flight had lasted just over 40 minutes. Since she had no luggage, she'd been able to get a cab and arrive at Ben's home almost exactly one hour after she'd originally left Va.

The house was quiet, and she wondered where Angelina had gotten to. Ben had promised to call and let her know that Micki would be arriving back early. Perhaps she'd found it necessary to go out. Dismissing the strangeness of being alone in Ben's home, she went in search of a phone.

Her first call was to Carey. She let her know that she was okay, despite the fact that she wouldn't be riding back with she and Ben. Carey'd been full of questions. But Micki didn't want to tell her over the phone, but promised that she'd explain everything when she got home.

An hour later, Angelina still hadn't returned. Micki was beginning to worry. When the knock came at the door, she breathed a sigh of relief. But when she glanced through the window, she saw a strange woman and a strange car on the other side.

"Yes?" she called, opening the door only a crack. The woman was breathtakingly beautiful, an obviously came from a cultured back ground. Despite her perfect appearance, the woman couldn't hide her look of surprise at seeing Micki.

Then, just as quickly as her surprise had appeared, the woman dismissed her and pushed the door fully open. Micki wasn't able to put up must resistance.

"Where's Michael?" The woman asked, gazing around the still house.

It took Micki a moment to realize that Michael and Benjamin were the same person. So after a second's hesitation she answered. "Oh, he's out for a while. Would you like to leave a mess --"

The woman cut her off. "Do you know when he'll be back?" she asked condescendingly.

Micki paused, looking the woman over consideringly. Then deciding that insulting someone who just might be one of Ben's clients was not a good idea, she plaster a smile on her face.

"Excuse my manners. My name is Nichola Dupree, and you are...?"

The woman ignored Micki's proffered hand. "Stephanie Cartright." She spoke as if Micki should have recognized the name.

"Well, Stephanie. I can call you Stephanie?" Remaining polite was a difficult battle, and saccharine sweetness leaked into her words. "I'll be sure to tell him you came by."

Stephanie cleared her throat delicately, and turned her back on Micki. "Angelina!" she called and set off through the house.

"Pardon me," Micki began to worry. She really hoped this wasn't one of Ben's relatives, but on the other hand, she couldn't let a strange woman simply wander through his home. "Are you in some way related to Ben?"

Stephanie stopped and turned to look at her. "Surely you don't mean Michael?" she asked, amusement in her voice.

"As a matter of fact I do," Micki answered. "Are you a relation of *Ben's*?"

"You're not the maid are you?" Stephanie asked, no longer amused.

"No, I am not," Micki stated clearly.

Humph! Stephanie made a sound in her nose. "I'm not a relative."

"Then, I don't think you should be wandering around in his house like this." Micki decided to let the chips fall where they might. She'd had enough of this arrogant woman.

"Do you know who I am?" the woman fumed, almost stomping a foot.

"If memory serves, you said Stephanie Cartright." Micki's tone bordered on outright sarcasm. "So, Stephanie, *Ben* isn't here. I think it would be best if *you* leave. When he returns *maybe* I'll tell him you came by."

Stephanie's face hardened in fury and quick as a flash, gave Micki a sharp slap across the cheek. Micki gasped in surprise. But not to be outdone, she returned like for like and slapped the woman back.

Beneath the elegant exterior, lay the spirit of an alley cat. Growling in fury, the woman attacked. Her purse first came down about Micki's head and shoulders, no doubt it would leave bruises. But then she felt into her, knocking the both of them to the floor.

Stephanie quickly got the upper hand, straddling Micki's mid section, she continued to swing her purse. Micki's ribs cried out in protest, but she refused to be beat up by some slob. If this woman was a client, she'd surely lost the account for Ben by now. She had no idea how he might react to that, but she'd be darned if she were going to get beat up to boot.

Rolling over on the woman, Micki punched her in the eye. She never saw the woman's leg come up. Micki tumbled off of the woman and landed flat on her back, the wind knocked out of her. Moving wasn't exactly an option for the next few minutes.

Stephanie took advantage of the fact that Micki was, for the most part, incapacitated. "Michael Kingsley and I go way back," she said. "He's my fiancé and *you*, whatever you are fired!! He'll have no more need of your services since I'm back home now."

"That's not possible," Micki whispered through gasping breaths.

"Oh?" the woman replied. "Who do you think decorated this place? I did it for us." The woman's expression became more sympathetic. "You were just a distraction until I returned. I allow him that; we have an understanding. Now, I want you to go. Right now."

Micki eyed the woman a moment longer, then painfully tried to sit up. Stephanie reached out a hand to offer her assistance. It took every once of her self control, but she accepted the help.

"You know, you put up one heck of a fight," Stephanie said. "Let me call you a cab."

-- -- --

Micki said nothing, but watched the woman go, dazed. She was numb. Even the awful pain in her side was a dull ache against the shock of what Stephanie had told her. Moving through the house, she gathering the few things she'd brought with her.

She gave the driver her address automatically, and when she got home her mind couldn't extend further than simply getting inside the house, closing the door and slumping against it. Gazing across the room, her eyes settled on the spot where Ben had kissed her and the tears began to fall. Heaving sobs wracked her body as she cried out the pain and frustration.

When there were no more tears, another sort of pain took over. The pain in her ribs was so sharp that she literally felt nauseous. She fumbled around in her purse for her medication, only to find that it wasn't there. Her mind refused to remember where it was. Perhaps Mrs. Henderson, next door would have something. But how could she get there?

Coming up on unsteady feet and only half double over, Micki opened the door. She was surprised at how dark it was outside. When she went towards the steps her head began to swim. Grabbing onto a pole to steady herself, she decided to go back into the house.

When she tried the door, it was locked and the keys were inside. Kicking herself for her stupidity, she turned back out and faced the graying skies. Glancing toward the large hedge that separated her yard from Mrs. Henderson's, she focused her mind on getting to that point.

She steadied herself for a moment, and then headed off in that direction. A few more yards. If she could just make that final few yards.

Ben and Carey arrived back shortly after dark. The temperature had dropped significantly, and the sky held the promise of a storm.

Stephanie Cartright was waiting for them.

"Stephanie?" Ben asked in surprised confusion. "What are you doing here?" Then noticing her black eye. "What happened to you? Where's Micki?"

Stephanie looked at him sweetly. "One of your little friends and I had a disagreement."

Ben and Carey looked at each other. "Where's Micki?" Ben asked again.

"If you're talking about your little tramp, I kicked her out. I told her about us."

Ben jumped into action. He ran up the stairs, two at a time, yelling for Angelina. She insisted that she hadn't seen Micki all day, only Stephanie. Ben then tried to call her. No answer.

To Carey it appeared that at this point Ben positively panicked. "Something's wrong," he murmured.

"Ben?" Carey asked cautiously. "What's going on?"

"Since when did you change your name?!" Stephanie exclaimed, becoming irritated. "Aren't you even glad to see me? Your old friend? The one whom, I might add, just did you a great big favor."

"Shut up, Stephanie!" Ben said with a fury that made Carey jump. "If anything has happened to her I will never forgive you." Grabbing his keys, he ran out the front door. Carey was hot on his heels.

He set new speed records to reach her house. No lights were on inside or out, and the wind was really beginning to pick up. Carey could practically feel Ben's tension in the air. Her own worry combined to form a tight knot of fear in her chest.

The front door was locked. Ben unable to while Carey fumbled with the keys, took them from her hands and unlocked the door himself. There was no movement.

Carey stepped around him to turn on the light and promptly tripped over Micki's purse. The content were scattered all over the entryway; her keys were among them. Carey ran toward the back of the house, searching each bedroom carefully. She returned with reluctant steps to the front of the house, and Ben.

Reading the answer in her face, he bent over Micki's purse and began to carefully replace the items. Carey tried not to notice that his hands shook.

"Any ideas?" he croaked.

"She may have gone next door," Carey said, not very hopefully.

"Okay," Ben nodded, placing Micki's purse on the sofa and following the young woman out of the door.

Carey directed them off the porch and across the yard. When they reached the hedge she spotted Micki's shoes, partially visible near the large bush. She gasped in shock, rushing to her cousin's side. Ben was there right with her.

Quickly, taking inventory, Ben checked her vital signs. She was very cold, and badly bruised, but breathing. "Get an ambulance," he ordered huskily, cradling Micki's unconscious form in his arms.

Carey sat mutely. "Carey! Call 911!!" He yelled, his voice snapping the young woman out of her stupor. As she took off, the rain began to fall in large cold droplets. The sky was completely black. He hugged Micki more closely to him, trying to infuse his own warmth into her body.

The ambulance arrived minutes later. Ben was still holding her. The EMT watched him carefully as he slipped her from his arms, promising him that he was just going to check her out.

"Can you tell us what happened?" Ben was asked.

Ben looked nervously away from the EMT, ran a hand through his damp hair. "N-no," he said. "I can't"

The EMT turned to Carey then. She gave Ben a strange look, but answered, "No."

Ben followed the ambulance to the hospital. Micki was taken directly in the be examined, leaving Carey and Ben in the waiting area. Neither spoke, merely worriedly paced around one another.

After twenty minutes, the silence got the better of Carey, and she turned to Ben as if to speak. Even though she really hadn't known him very long, she trusted him, and so had Micki. There was a reason for his odd behavior, and there was nothing to do but ask. Before she could speak however, a dark-haired woman with a stethoscope wrapped around her neck approached.

"You're here for Nichola Dupree?" she questioned.

Both Carey and Ben moved toward her. She gave them a quick rundown on Micki's injuries, alerting them that she'd been admitted.

"Can I see her?" Ben asked as soon as the doctor finished speaking.

"She seems to have suffered from some kind of shock and shouldn't be upset," the doctor hedged slightly, glancing at her chart. "She's been given a pretty heavy sedative, and might be in and out. I'll only allow one person at a time."

Ben and Carey looked at one another. Carey could almost feel how much Ben wanted to see her. And she was fairly certain Micki would rather see him, too. She was prepared to acquiesce, but the doctor spoke first.

"Ms. Brighton, perhaps you should go first. I'll show you the way."

Carey gave been a small shrug and set off down the hall after the doctor, leaving Ben standing in the waiting room.

"Mr. Kingsley and Ms Dupree, they're seeing one another?" the doctor asked conversationally.

Carey nodded with a smile. "Yes. They're pretty inseparable. I'd wanted him to let him see first because of that."

"They've been together a while?"

"No not really. They just kind of hit it off right away, if you know what I mean."

The doctor nodded. "Have you ever known him to hit her?"

Carey was so stunned, she thought she'd misunderstood. She shook her head, "No."

"Ben's the only man she's been seeing since I've lived here. And he'd never... Are you saying she's been ... beat up?"

"Mmmm," the doctor was pensive. "Our records show that almost four months ago she was in for a blow to the head and *he* brought her in."

Carey smiled in relief. "Oh, she just feel down the steps at his house. She's just a little clumsy."

The doctor didn't look convinced. And Carey had to admit the excuse sounded lame to her own ears.

"All right," the doctor flipped a page on her chart. "What of last week, 6 days ago she spent 3 days here in this very hospital for fractured ribs and bruises coincidental with being attached physically. He brought her in then, too."

Carey could hold in a startled gasp, her hand flying to her mouth.

"What is it, Ms. Brighton. If you know anything at all..."

"I don't know anything," Carey said. "I wasn't here. I was at home visiting my family...in Virginia."

"So you were present for the first incident, but not the second?" the doctor pressed. Carey began to feel distinctly uncomfortable.

"Well....no, not exactly," she answered. "I wasn't *there* there. I was at home. That's what she told me. I know Ben wouldn't do anything besides we had both just drove in from Va. together, so he couldn't have."

"Okay, Ms. Brighton. Thanks for your help. You can go on in, now."

Carey thanked her worriedly and went on in. The doctor entered discreetly behind her. Carey tried to ignore her presence and focus on Micki. The dark bruises and scratches on one side of her face brought tears to Carey's eyes. She reached for one of her hands, but there was an IV there, and she was forced to draw back.

Slowly, with obvious effort, Micki opened her eyes. There was no sparkle there, only dull misery.

"Oh Micki," Carey cried. "I'm so sorry."

Micki's eyes filled then, tears spilled over. "Ben," she spoke hoarsely.

"He'll be in a little bit. He's just outside in the waiting room."

Micki shook her head. "...hurts..."

"Do you need some more medicine?" Cared asked her, looking over her shoulder at the doctor.

"Ben," she said again, tears spilling more quickly.

The doctor came over and placed a hand on Micki's shoulder. "Did Ben hurt you?" the doctor asked.

Micki turned frightened eyes on the doctor, and immediately her mouth shut. She looked to Carey in confusion.

Carey patted Micki's arm, and turned to the doctor. "Is there someplace we can go to talk," she asked in a strained voice.

The doctor nodded a silent yes, and directed her down the hall toward her office.

* * *

Ben's head was buried in his hands. He had a nagging worry in the pit of his stomach that something was wrong. He couldn't place it, but something was out of sorts. Brushing his hands through his hair, he gazed down the hall toward the door he'd seen the doctor and Carey disappear into after what had appeared to be a long conversation in the hall. He was surprised to see them leave Micki's room and head further down the hall and around a corner.

He debated with himself a moment that the doctor would tell him when it was okay to go in. His fear and worry won out. He decided he didn't care what the doctor thought, he needed to see Micki, needed to see for himself that she would be all right.

When he pushed into the room, Micki's eyes were closed, and the room was darkened. He entered further, moving cautiously so as not to awaken her. He only wanted to sit and watch over her.

Reaching out, he removed a lock of curly hair from where it fell over a bandage. At his touch, Micki opened her eyes and looked directly into his eyes. She closed hers. "Please go away," she whispered.

"Micki?" Ben was confused. "It's me," he said. "It's Ben..."

Micki shook her head vigorously. "No...I - I want you to just go away." He breathing was becoming raspy. One of the monitors began to beep an alarm.

Ben glanced at the alarm in half irritation, half worry. "Micki what's happened to you? Why won't you talk to me? Is it Stephanie? I can explain that."

Micki shook her head from side to side, crying openly now. Her chest heaved under the weight of her anguish, sending sharp spots of pain through her ribs. The pain caused her breaths to come in painful gasps, continuing the cycle. "You...hurt...me," she managed to rasp out. "Won't....let...you...hurt..."

"Micki...I--" Ben was at a loss, his worry over her physical condition vying with his devastation at her words. "Micki...I-I love you," he said in a dazed voice as he vaguely sensed another presence in the room.

He turned to see Carey standing by the door, a hand over her mouth. A nurse moved quickly by her.

He turned back to Carey. Saw that the doctor had entered as well, and was placing an oxygen mask over Micki's face and ordering something injected into her IV. The mask effectively stifled Micki's frantic words, but her eyes continued to focus on Ben; tormented eyes.

"Mr. Kingsley," the doctor was saying. "Would you please wait outside. There are some things I'd like to discuss with you."

Ben continued to stare at Micki, the doctor's words not completely reaching him. He was shaking his head in confusion. This wasn't right, he needed to tell them.

The doctor turned to Carey. "Could you please get him out of here. He's upsetting her."

Carey snapped out of her own sort of stupor and approached Ben, gently leading him to the waiting room. He allowed her to settle him into the chair, stilled stunned over what had happened.

"Ben," Carey was saying. "You need to tell me what's going on, and I mean now. You see that doctor in there is trying to have you brought up on charges."

That got his attention. "Charges? What for?"

"She seems to think that you've been beating on Micki. And I don't think she's willing to take my word on faith that you're not that you're relationship isn't like that. And that little scene we just witnessed... I can be interpreted a whole lot of ways."

Ben was stunned. "What? Are you sure Carey? Micki wouldn't accuse me of that? I won't believe it."

Micki rolled her eyes. "Look. Whatever. Their records tell a different story. Like, for example: Micki was here for 3 days last week. Why wasn't I told?"

Ben looked down at his hands. "I'm sorry," he said, softly. "I promised Micki I'd let her explain it."

Carey looked at him in disbelief. "You're about to be in big trouble, Ben. I suggest you tell me."

"No," Ben said. "I promised."

"All right. Have it your way. Tell me this though, what's going on between the two of you. I thought things were great judging by the way you talked on the way back here."

"Things *were* great," Ben said. "This morning. Stephanie must have really outdone herself."

"Yeah, my next question. Who is this woman?"

Ben looked at her for a long moment, gathering his thoughts. "Stephanie, my sister and I were good friends growing up. We had some great adventures together. Then, back in high school, Steph and I had...a thing. We ended up at separate colleges...grew apart - lost touch, you know. Well, I met my first wife in college. We kept dating after graduation, she settled around here. I guess Stephanie never realized that we'd both changed. She didn't want it to be over, she thought we could just pick up where we'd left off. She tried a lot of little tricks to break us up, but Ellen usually saw through it. I think she actually enjoyed bating Stephanie to some degree. Scary, I know.

"Eventually, Ellen and I got married. When that happened, Stephanie actually backed off and she and Ellen became friends. When Ellen died... it was...very difficult for me. Gennifer was till a baby. Stephanie was there. She helped a lot back then, helped me find a new house, even decorated it for me. But our relationship didn't change. We were still just friends - I couldn't go back to high school. She didn't feel the same way.

"I owed her a lot, but I knew that she needed to move on. So, I arranged a job for her in Europe, one she wouldn't be able to say no to. I'd hoped that she'd meet someone over there and get on with her own life. She's been gone for nearly six months. Her job couldn't possibly be over. She must have dropped in for a surprise visit. What a surprise," Ben sighed, shaking his head.

"Micki isn't like Ellen was. Micki puts up a tough front, but she takes everything to heart. She won't know how to deal with Stephanie. I'm going to have a talk with Stephanie, tell her to back off."

Carey sat quietly as he finished his story. "Seems you know Micki pretty well."

Ben simply smiled. His smile faded as the doctor approached.

"Mr. Kingsley, if you would join me in my office?" she requested.

"Is it about Micki's condition?" he asked, not moving from his seat.

"Yes, it is." she answered.

"Then please," Ben continued. "I'd much rather discuss it out here."

The doctor's expression turned mildly uncomfortable, but she pressed onward. "All right. Ms. Dupree's fractured rib received additional damage. There is some internal bruising and multiple contusions on her face and some on her arms. She will need someone to look after her for at least a week. No road trips Mr. Kingsley, and please make sure she doesn't get into any more 'fights'.

"Fights?" Ben questioned.

"That's what she told me after we got her calmed down. She said she'd gotten into a fight."

"Did she say who with?" Ben questioned.

The doctor looked at him as if the answer was obvious. "No, she wouldn't say, but I think it would be a wise idea if you'd allow Ms. Brighton to handle her care until she is on her feet again."

Ben's expression hardened.

The doctor continued. "If you can be sure to meet these guidelines, I will recommend that she be released tomorrow.'

Carey spoke up. "We can do that." There was a brief moment of silence when the doctor looked as if she had a few choice things to add, but was restraining herself.

"Will she be moved to another room, or will she be spending the night here?" Ben asked coolly.

"Familiar with our procedure, are we?" the doctor said, suggestively. "Yes, she will be transferred."

"Thank you so much for your concern," Ben said. "It's a credit to you, but in this instance it is misplaced."

The doctor stared hard at him a moment, then stood and left without another word.

Sighing, Ben offered Carey a ride back to his place. Amazingly, he got no questions when he asked if she wouldn't mind staying at his place. Despite the threat of Frank still being around, he didn't want to be there alone if Stephanie were still there. He had a few choice things to say to her, and a witness was probably a good idea. When they arrived to him home, however, she was gone and hadn't left any messages with Angelina.

Ben resigned himself, and headed for bed. It had been one heck of a day, and he'd no doubt need his strength for the next. Of course, he knew that in the tension induced ache of his muscles, but his brain refused to cooperate. He didn't fall asleep until the very small hours of the night.

The next morning, exhausted, he climbed into the car beside Carey and headed for the hospital. Carey joked and teased him in an obvious effort to release some of his tension. It helped a little, but it couldn't alleviate the fears he had over his relationship with Micki. Would she even accept a ride home with him? He'd promised her parents that he'd look out for her and Carey; he couldn't go back on that promise because of problems in their relationship. He just had to talk to her when she was calmer.

When they arrived at the hospital, he pulled up near the front of the building and stopped the car. Carey turned to him in askance. "You want me to bring her out?"

"Yes," he answered hesitantly. It wouldn't do if the good doctor were in and saw him today. And it wouldn't do to give Micki a heads up that he would be the one to take her home. "I'll be waiting at the patient pick-up." He gestured his head toward the area. "I'll pull up when I see you."

"All right," Carey winked at him and walked through the sliding doors. When she reached Micki's room, she found that an orderly was helping her into a wheel chair. She looked awful.

"Need any more paperwork taken care of?" Carey asked her gently.

"No," Micki shook her head. "Everything is done. We can just leave."

"All right," Carey sighed, smiling slightly at the orderly. "Can I drive?"

The orderly gestured her toward the back of the chair and walked alongside. Carey steered out the doors and into the waiting area. A new mother was being loaded into the loading area in front of them, and behind her were two taxis. Carey spotted Ben's car sliding into place behind the mother's car.

Ben quickly hopped out of the car and opened the passenger door. The look Micki sent Carey was furious. Carey looked on helplessly as her cousin's mouth settled into a hard line and she climbed into the car. She didn't meet Ben's gaze, and she averted her eyes from Carey as well. The silence during the drive to Ben's home was deafening.

Quietly, Micki allowed Ben to lead her into one of the downstairs bedrooms and settle her on the bed. She went obediently under the covers, and flinched only slightly when he settled the blanket on her shoulders. Through his ministrations, she never lost her icy demeanor.

Ben sighed, dropping his hands dejectedly to his sides. "Micki. We need to talk."

His words were greeted with silence. And Micki continued to avoid his gaze.

"Micki," Ben settled on the edge of the bed, careful not to hurt her. "Please talk to me," he said, drawing her chin toward himself, hoping to get her to at least look at him. She closed her eyes defiantly.

"You're behaving like a child," he said, struggling to keep the frustration out of his voice. "Won't you at least look at me? Tell me what I've done wrong."

She squeezed her eyes tighter. "No. I can't listen to you any more. I won't. Because if I do I won't be able to do what I know I have to do

"Why?" Ben shot back. "Just tell me that. After all we've been through, after all I've been through, the least you owe me is an explanation."

Micki shook her head, tears creeping from beneath her lashes. "No," she whispered. "Ben, just leave me alone. Please, just leave me alone."

"I can't do that," Ben said very softly, tenderly. "If this is about Stephanie, I'm sorry. She can come on strong sometimes. I wasn't expecting her back in the country for a while yet and--"

Micki drew her hands up and covered her ears. "Leave me alone, please. Can you just do as I ask, just this once? I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to see you, I don't want to hear you!"

The silence weighed heavily in the room as Ben simply sat there stunned. "All right," he managed after several moments. "All right. If that's what you want."

'It is," Micki replied.

Without another word, he walked out of the room and out of the house.

* * *

Carey poked her head around the door frame of Micki's room. "What do you think you're doing, woman?" she asked. "Are you crazy?"

"I have to get out of here," Micki said, struggling to sit up.

"Why?" Carey asked, speaking as if she were talking to the mentally challenged.

"Stephanie." Micki said as if with a single word she could explain everything. At Carey's gesture of askance, she continued between gasps as she tried to get herself out of the dressing gown she'd worn from the hospital.

"She told me everything. She's his fiancé. Turns out I'm just a bit of side action while she's out of the country. Did you know she decorated this place? She even gave him that stupid cat that swallowed the canary!"

"Micki," Carey warned. "You're not making any sense. Did you ask Ben about any of this?"

"Why would she lie?" Micki asked.

"I don't know," Carey said sarcastically. "Why?" Then after watching Micki struggle for several moments, she repeated: "Did you ask him, Mick?"

Micki hesitated slightly. "Not in so many words. But he didn't deny it! Now, are you going to help me, or am I going to have to do this by myself?!"

"Why should I help you do what is maybe the silliest thing you've done in your life? No, I'm not helping. If you have one shred of sense you'll lay back in that bed and get some rest like the Dr. ordered."

Carey left the room in search of Angelina, but the woman was nowhere to be found. She and Micki were alone. Well, if she had anything to do with it, Micki wouldn't be going anywhere.

Thirty minutes later, the door bell rang. Carey answered it, surprised to find Stephanie standing on the opposite side. Glancing anxiously over her shoulder toward Micki's open bedroom door, she told Stephanie that Ben wasn't in.

"I'm here to see Nichola," Stephanie said politely. "May I come in?"

Carey wasn't at all sure that was a good idea. When she'd last checked on Micki, she'd been angrily battling with her overnight bag. Unfortunately, she must have heard the bell because she appeared at the doorway.

Stephanie spotted her, quickly took in her bedraggled appearance and started toward her. "Ben sent me," she spoke hesitantly. "I'm sorry about how I came on yesterday. I didn't know you were injured."

Pausing, she glanced between the two women. "Listen, this is really hard for me to you." she sighed, rubbing a hand over her forehead. Turning back to Micki she opened her mouth to continue, but stopped. Then, "Don't be so sad," she said, reaching for her.

"No!" Micki cried. "I don't want your sympathy." Moving around the taller woman, she headed toward the door as fast as she could, which wasn't very quickly.

"But Nichola, you've got to listen to me. Ben will never forgive me unless -"

"No," Micki shook her head, gazing pleadingly toward her cousin. "Carey please, help me get out of here."

Carey stared thoughtfully at Stephanie, then helped Micki to the car. In her present state of mind, Carey had no doubt that her cousin would have tried to walk home.

When they arrived, and she was in her own bed, Micki seemed calmer. Carey settled in a chair near the bed. "Okay, I've been in the dark long enough. Mind telling me what's been going on around here?"

"Stephanie and I kinda got into a fight," she said, her words slurring slightly. The medication she'd taken was obviously making her drowsy.

"Yeah, I sorta figured that. I mean before. Remember: fractured ribs. Ben wouldn't tell me."

"You mean you don't know yet?" Micki's voice rose a bit in surprise.

"Well, Ben said you made him promise! Imagine that, he's still keeping his promises," Carey couldn't resist the dig. "Now release me from this suspense."

"All right." Micki told the story as clearly and quickly as she could. Half expecting Carey to be devastated by her accusation, she was stunned when Carey pulled her into a gentle hug and asked for her forgiveness.

"I'm sorry I ever brought him into your life, Micki. But you won't have to worry about him anymore. He got some record deal and is gone to LA. I can find out where he is if you want to press charges. He should pay for what he did to you."

"No," Micki said, smiling. "He's gone. Let him go. And there's nothing to forgive. You couldn't have known that he would try to come back here looking for you."

Carey was silent, obviously not ready to relieve herself of a bit of the guilt.

"He never hit you, did he?" Micki asked the question that had been bothering her since her last meeting with the volatile young man.

"No," Carey said. "But I saw the potential, you know. He's so full of anger. That's why I had to get away from him." Then taking a deep breath, she cleared her throat and redirected the conversation.

"Since a certain person, and I'm not naming names, needs to get some rest, I'm going to leave you be." Their eyes met in understanding smiles as Carey gently squeezed her hand. "I'll be in the living room if you need me."

Much later, when the room had darkened, suggesting that it was late evening, Micki woke to the sound of voices speaking softly.

"Carey?" she called out. The voices stopped. Moments later she heard footsteps coming down the hallway. But the figure that filled the doorway was much too tall to be the petite Carey.

The overhead light came on, causing her to blink in the sudden glare. Her vision cleared to reveal the image of Ben Kingsley standing over her bed. Their eyes locked for the briefest moment before she dropped her gaze.

"Nichola Dupree,' Ben said, surprising her by using her given name. "I have something to say to you, and you will not interrupt me until I'm done. First of all, you are the only woman in my life, the only one I want there, and frankly I'm offended by your lack of trust in me. I would never, ever accuse you of the things you thought me guilty of.

"Secondly, about Stephanie: She and I grew up together and have known one another forever. She is overprotective of me, and tends toward jealousy. But, she is like a sister. She told me what she said. I sent her to tell you the truth from her lips, since you seemed to believe everything else she said. But, determined to believe the worse in me, you wouldn't listen to her either. So, you hear it from me.

"Now, I love you more than I can bear, and I am not letting you walk out of your life like this. Not without a fight. Any questions?"

Micki shook her head, stunned speechless.

"Well, I have one," Ben said, starring hard into her eyes.

She nodded, mouth agape, still assimilating all that he'd said.

Ben reached into his jacked pocket and pulled out a small black velvet box. Opening it to reveal the most beautiful diamond Micki had ever seen. "Will you marry me?"

Micki's jaw dropped even further, if that were possible. For long moments, she didn't blink, didn't move. And then suddenly, she was crying. "Oh, Ben. I don't deserve you."

"Just make me happy and say 'yes', and we'll work out the deserving part later."

"Yes?" Micki said, more a question than a statement.

Ben got down on his knees and took her face in his hands. "No, you have to mean it or no deal."

"Yes!" she said emphatically. "Oh Ben, I love you so much," she breathed.

"I know you do," he said moving closer to kiss her. "I know."

The End.


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