Polish National Anthem

Poland has not perished yet
So long as we still live
That which alien force has seized
We at
sabrepoint shall retrieve

March, march, Dąbrowski

From Italy to Poland

Under thy command

Let us now rejoin the nation

Cross the Vistula and Warta
And Poles we shall be
We've been shown by
Ways to victory

March, march...

Like Czarniecki to Poznań regains
Fighting with the Swede,
To free our fatherland from chains
We shall return by sea

March, march...

Father, in tears
Says to his Basia
Just listen, it seems that our people
Are beating the drums

March, march..

Today is National Day in Poland. We celabrate the 219th anniversary of Constitution 3rd May passing. So everybody has a holiday here and doesn't go to school or work. Lots of people moved from cities to the bosom of nature to relax, the rest organize spring picnics and grill the food.

We also have a religious holiday today. The holiday of Mather of God, the Queen of Poland.


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