I Complete the sentences with the following verbs.

pay pay back spend earn save

afford owe lend borrow withdraw

1 I don't think it's possible to _________ ten thousand zlotys in your first job.

2 I can't _________ a new car. I have to buy a second-hand one.

3 Don't worry. As soon as I get my salary I'll ___________ the money I __________ you.

4 Where is the nearest cash machine? I'd like to ___________ some cash.

5 We can't buy a new TV set this month. I need to __________ bills.

6 I'm afraid the bank won't _________ you anything if you don't show them your proof of earnings.

7 Don't ___________ all your money on CDs and clothes. ___________ some of it on a rainy day.

8 I won't __________ my dad's car. If anything happens, he'll kill me.

II Complete the sentences with the following verbs.

wages salary rent dole pension

taxes fee fare child benefit bills

1 Managers get paid a __________ every month.

2 I work at a building site. I get paid ____________ every week by my company.

3 The government collects money through ___________.

4 They are too poor to send their son to a private school. The ___________ is too high for them.

5 I commute to work every day. The ___________ is 20 zlotys.

6 He was sacked by his company last month. He is now on the ___________.

7 She is a single mother with two kids. She gets a _____________.

8 Electricity ___________ in winter are higher.

9 My granddad retired when he was 65. Now he draws a ___________ but he says he can't make ends meet.

10 My landlady personally collects the ___________ every Friday.

III Complete the sentences with the following verbs.

interest rip-off mortgage statement grant

bargain customs shares red refund

1 ___________ of telecom companies went up sharply last month.

2 I don't like this blouse. I think I'll take it back to the shop and ask for a ___________.

3 50 zlotys for designer jeans. It's a ____________!

4 I paid 5000 zlotys for this piece of worthless junk. It was a __________!

5 __________ must be paid on some goods imported from countries outside the European Union.

6 I'm in the __________. I owe 10000 pounds to Barclaycard.

7 Only students with average grades higher than 4.5 can get a __________.

8 I'm thinking of buying a house to let. I'll take out a _____________.

9 My bank sends me a bank ____________ every two months.

10 Don't take out cash with your credit card or you will end up paying very high __________.

IV Complete the sentences with the following verbs.

quit flow bust attitude charge

make ends meet sacked board rise instalments

1 Last year the company had serious cash ________ problems and nearly went __________.

2 I need at least 3000 zlotys a month to _______________.

3 I couldn't afford to buy a car so I bought it on credit and paid monthly ____________ for five years.

4 The new company strategy was discussed at the ___________ meeting.

5 I like my current job. Last month I got promoted and got a big pay ___________

6 They __________ him because he was always late for work.

7 That's it! I __________! I'm sick and tired of being treated like a slave!

8 That company is looking for employees with a `can-do' _________.

9 Polish banks __________ too much for foreign money transfers.


I 1 earn, 2 afford, 3 pay back, owe, 4 withdraw, 5 pay, 6 lend, 7 spend, save, 8 borrow

II 1 salary, 2 wages, 3 taxes, 4 fee, 5 fare, 6 dole, 7 child benefit, 8 bills, 9 pension 10 rent

III 1 shares, 2 refund, 3 bargain, 4 rip-off, 5 customs 6 red, 7 grant, 8 mortgage, 9 statement, 10 interest

IV 1 flow, bust, 2 make ends meet, 3 instalments, 4 board, 5 rise, 6 sacked, 7 quit, 8 attitude, 9 charge


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