UP B1plus Test 2Β

NAME: …………………………………………………………….……. DATE: ……………………

CLASS: …………………………………………………………….……. MARK: ______


(Time: 80 minutes)


A. Fill in the correct word.

• heart • broke • platform • manners • sight • graduated • surfing • subject • dropped • habits

1 Our train is leaving from ……………………... 10.

2 Mary ……………………... from university two years ago.

3 Karen ……………………... down and cried when her dog died.

4 The park was dark and there wasn't a soul in ……………………... .

5 Art is my favourite ……………………... at school. I love it!

6 William had to learn the text by ……………………... before his exam.

7 Larry loves ……………………... the Net after school.

8 It's difficult for children to break bad ……………………... .

9 Most parents would like well-behaved children with good ....................... .

10 My mum and dad ……………………... me off at the airport.

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Β. Circle the odd word out.

1 art - French - geography - library

2 warm - chilly - hot - sunny

3 college - degree - habit - student

4 deck - cabin - seatbelt - cruise

5 happy - relaxed - stressed - peaceful

C. Underline the correct word.

1 Did you check the expiry deadline/date on your passport?

2 Tom's daughter has really learnt to value/ notice manners.

3 Our teacher is very calm. She rarely misses/ loses her temper.

4 Does Stan have the right skills/gifts to be a professor?

5 My stomach hurts because I ate so many sweets. I'll never do that again - I've learnt my class/lesson.

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D. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: past simple, past continuous, past perfect or past perfect continuous.

1 By the time we got to the bus stop, the bus

2 David and Jackie (be)
on holiday to Spain three times.

3 Natalie (drive)
in the city centre when she got a flat tyre.

4 Oliver (look) exhausted
when I saw him last week.

5 Where were you? I
(wait) for you for over an hour!

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E. Put the following sentences into reported speech.

1 “Stop arguing!” she told Alison.

2 “How are you?” Rose asked Daisy.

3 “You should exercise more if you want to get fit.” Wendy told Jo.

4 “Don't talk in the classroom!” the teacher told us.

5 “Can I borrow your pencil?” she asked me.

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F. Underline the correct item.

1 Henry and Jane would/used to live in New York.

2 The Roses used to go/went to the Bahamas last weekend.

3 Did Alex use/used to play with toy trains?

4 Andrew would/used to be an actor.

5 As a child, Samantha use/used to read a lot of books.

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G. Complete the sentences with the correct word derived from the words in bold.

1 You can't find anything because you're so ................................. . ORGANISED

2 The staff at the hotel were so ..................... . I'll never go back there again! FRIENDLY

3 Please pay ................................ while I explain this problem. ATTEND

4 Mat wants to be an ...................................... one day. ACT

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5 These shoes are so .......................... . I can hardly walk in them. COMFORTABLE


H. Complete the exchanges.

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A: Good morning. 1) ………………………… ?

B: Hello, 2) ………………………… Julie Parker, please?

A: I'm afraid he is 3) ………………………… .

B: Could I 4) ………………………… ?

A: Yes, of course. Who is calling?

B: My name is Darren. 5) …………………… ?

A: Yes, of course.

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I. You will hear a man talking to a travel agent. Listen to their telephone conversation and choose the best answer (A, B or C) for questions 1-5.

1 Why has the man called the travel agency?

A to book a hotel

B to book a flight

C to book a tour

2 The man wants to leave on

A Friday evening.

B Friday morning.

C Friday afternoon.

3 Which airport is the man leaving from?

A London Luton

B London Heathrow

C London Gatwick

4 When is his return flight?

A Monday, 6 o'clock

B Sunday, 6 o'clock

C Sunday, 8 o'clock

5 What special request does the man make?

A a special seat

B a vegetarian meal

C extra baggage

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J. Read the text and decide if the sentences are T (true) or F (false).

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1 The headmaster came into the classroom to

A give the students good news.

B give the students bad news.

C shout at the students.

2 How did the students feel about the trip?

A tired B nervous C excited

3 The beaches in Sri Lanka were

A fantastic. B busy. C luxurious.

4 The best part of Sandeep's trip to Singapore was

A going shopping. B a visit to an island.

C going swimming.

5 At the end of the trip the students

A wanted to go home.

B didn't enjoy the trip.

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C didn't want to go home.

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K. Your school magazine is having a short story competition. The story should be about the best or worst day you've ever had at school. Write about your own experiences. (100-120 words) Use the plan and notes to help you.

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© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

TEST 2 Β (Module 2)

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1


© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 4

TEST 18 A (Module 18)

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 5


© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 5

TEST 18 A (Module 18)

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 5

by Sandeep, aged 16

It was a freezing cold December afternoon and we were tired after our lessons. As we were packing our schoolbags to go home, the headmaster rushed into our classroom. “Oh no! Have we done something wrong?” we wondered. It turned out we weren't in trouble, though, as he was here to give us some good news. The headmaster said that we were all going on an end-of-term trip to Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore.

We couldn't believe it when we arrived in Sri Lanka! Despite being tired from the long journey, we unpacked our bags, then headed straight to the beach to relax. I have never seen a beach like it in my life! It had amazing crystal-clear blue water and fine white sand. We stayed in Sri Lanka for another four days and then set off for our next destination - Malaysia. Malaysia was an exciting place and the capital city, Kuala Lumpur, was busy twenty-four hours a day! We stayed in a really luxurious hotel. I loved it there! Our final stop was Singapore. The highlight of our trip was a visit to Sentosa island where we watched an exciting laser show. There were so many wonderful shops in Singapore, I bought all my family and friends souvenirs.

When the time came to return home, not one of us wanted to leave. The trip was better than we could have ever imagined. I can't wait to go on holiday again!

Marks : ____

5×4 20

a may I speak to d leave a message

b How can I help you e out of the office right now

c Can you tell her to call me when she's back

These days nearly all teenagers own a mobile phone. Some people believe that mobile phones are a useful thing for young people to have; however, others think they are not responsible enough to own one.

Marks : ____

5×1 5

Marks : ____

5×1 5

Marks: ____

10×2 20

(Para 1) - introduction (state the topic)

(Para 2) - advantages/pros & reasons/examples (e.g. easy to contact people/ good security/text messaging/quick and easy to use, etc)

(Para 3) - disadvantages/cons & reasons/examples (e.g. can run up big bills they can't pay/possible health risks, etc)

(Para 4) - conclusion & your opinion (e.g. To sum up, I believe that mobile phones ... etc)

Marks : ____

5×1 5

Marks : ____

10×1 10

Marks : ____

5×2 10

Marks : ____

5×2 10

Marks : ____

5×1 5

Marks : ____

5×1 5

Marks : ____

5×1 5

Marks: ____



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