UP B1plus Test 4A

NAME: …………………………………………………………….……. DATE: ……………………

CLASS: …………………………………………………………….……. MARK: ______


(Time: 80 minutes)


A. Fill in the correct word.

• guilty • homesick • look after • common • acquire • minor • self-employed
• red-handed • long • press

1 I love my job even though I work …………………….. hours.

2 You need to …………………….. organizational skills for this line of work.

3 We caught Billy …………………….. . He was trying to steal our CDs.

4 The men were found …………………….. of shoplifting.

5 Paul wants to be …………………….. because he doesn't want to work for anyone.

6 You can avoid an accident by using your …………………….. sense.

7 I think the Smiths are going to …………………….. charges against their neighbours.

8 Parking illegally is a …………………….. offence.

9 Being away from home has made Steve very …………………….. .

10 Could you …………………….. our dog while we're on holiday?

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Β. Underline the correct word.

1 While I was walking to work, someone tried to remove/grab my bag.

2 Things aren't as easy in real/true life as they are in films.

3 You should apologise to Greg because you harmed/hurt his feelings.

4 My brother is an architect by career/profession.

5 A tiger has avoided/escaped from the city zoo.

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C. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1 If only I …………………. (have) my own car.

2 If I …………………. (be) you, I would go to bed early.

3 A new mayor …………………. (elect) last week.

4 If we had left on time, we …………………. (not/be) late for work.

5 My car …………………. (service) two times a year.

6 If you need any help, …………………. (call) Mrs Ruthers.

7 We didn't go to the basketball game yesterday because it …………………. (cancel).

8 Unless you work hard, you …………………. (not/get promoted).

9 I wish I …………………. (not/spend) all my money last night.

10 If I …………………. (see) Lance tonight, I'll give him his CD.

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D. Underline the correct item.

1 He is such/so a nice boy that everybody likes him.

2 The bank robbers were arrested by/with the police.

3 We can neither/either go to the cinema or the theatre.

4 I invited each/every student in my class.

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5 She is studying medicine with a view to/in order to becoming a doctor.

E. Complete the sentences with the correct word derived from the words in bold.

1 Recycling is a very ................................. thing to do. SENSE

2 Dina was ................................. because she passed all her exams. PLEASE

3 Do you think Brian is ................................. for that job? QUALIFY

4 I don't have any clothes ................................ for that occasion. SUIT

5 He is famous for his ................................. and talent. CREATE

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F. Complete the exchanges.

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1 A: Don't forget to lock the front door.

B: .

2 A: ?

B: I'd really like to be a vet.

3 A: I think teaching is a great job.

B: Well, . It's too tiring.

4 A: What are your plans for the future?

B: .

5 A: ?

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B: Forty hours a week.


G. You will hear five people talking about their jobs. Match the person (1-5) to the profession/career (A-F). There is one profession/career that you do not need to use.

1 Diane

2 Phil

3 Laura

4 Bob

5 Henry

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A computer programmer

B stockbroker

C farmer

D social worker

E accountant

F detective

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H. Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

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1 Dolphin trainers work behind a desk. ……….

2 Dolphin trainers need to have a university degree. ……….

3 You must have a diving certificate to become a dolphin trainer. ……….

4 Dolphin trainers need to be very patient. ……….

5 Dolphin trainers spend a lot of the day feeding the animals. ……….

6 Dolphin trainers always work alone. ……….

7 Dolphin trainers can be their own bosses. ……….

8 Dolphin trainers must be good at working with others. ……….

9 Training dolphins isn't always easy. ……….

10 The best part of this job is being with the animals. ……….

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I. You saw this advertisement for a job in the local newspaper. Write a letter applying for the job. (100 - 120 words) Use the plan below to help you. Write:

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• reason for writing

• experience/personality

• age/qualifications

• closing remarks

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© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

TEST 4 A (Module 4)

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1


© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 5

TEST 18 A (Module 18)

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 5

Do you want to do something challenging and not be stuck behind a desk? Have you ever wanted to know what it's like to be a dolphin trainer? If you would love to work with these amazing animals, here are a few things to think about.

First of all, there are certain qualifications that dolphin trainers need. A university degree in a general science, such as biology, is a good place to start. Also, since a lot of time is spent cleaning pools, dolphin trainers need to have a swimming certificate and must be very strong swimmers.

Dolphin trainers have many responsibilities that require a lot of patience. One of the responsibilities is to keep the training fun so that the dolphins stay interested. So, a sense of leadership and determination is important. Trainers also prepare meals and feed the
animals throughout the day. They also have meetings to discuss different training
strategies. This means you have to be good at explaining
things and working as part of a team.

Finally, dolphin trainers need to be hard-working,
reliable and dedicated. It can be a difficult job at times,

but the greatest reward is the special bond you form
with the animals.

a I hope to get a university degree d What do you want to do for a living

b Good thinking e How many hours will you be working

c I don't agree

Dear Mrs Saunders,

I am writing to apply for the position of weekend shift worker at Saunders Supermarket as advertised in the Evening Standard yesterday.

Yours sincerely,


Marks : ____

5×2 10

Marks : ____

10×2 20

(Para 1) - the position you are applying for

- when and where you saw the advertisement

(Paras 2-3) - what you are doing now

- your work experience

- relevant personal qualities

(Para 4) - closing remarks

Marks : ____

5×1 5

Marks : ____

10×1 10


Reliable and hard-working teens (16+) for weekend shift work at a local supermarket.

Must have good organisational skills and be able to work as part of a team.

Apply in writing to Mrs Saunders, Saunders Supermarket, 52 Lance Ave., Boston

Marks : ____

5×2 10

Marks : ____

10×1 10

Marks : ____

5×1 5

Marks : ____

5×2 10

Marks: ____



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