Personal Identification

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1. Read the text and complete the identity card.

His first name is Mark and his surname is Smith. He is twelve years old and his birthday is on 1st July. His address is 32, Kings Rd., London and his phone number is 236 215 632. he is English. He´s from London. His favourite food is hamburger and his favourite drink is Orange juice.



First name: _____________________

Surname: ______________________

Age: __________________________

Date of birth: ___________________

Address: ________________________

Phone number: _______________________________

Nationality: __________________________________

City: _______________________________________

Favourite food : ______________________________

Favourite drink: _______________________________

2. Look at the Identity card and write a text about Ana.



First name: Ana

Surname: Lopes

Age: 12

Date of birth: 12th December

Address: Rua das Palmeiras, nº 30, Lisbon

Phone number: 265 4487 659

Nationality: Portuguese

City: Lisbon

Favourite food : Pizza

Favourite drink: coke





First name: Ana

Surname: Lopes

Age: 12

Date of birth: 12th December

Address: Rua das Palmeiras, nº 30, Lisbon

Phone number: 265 4487 659

Nationality: Portuguese

City: Lisbon

Favourite food : Pizza

Favourite drink: coke

2. Look at the Identity card and write a text about Ana.



First name: _____________________

Surname: ______________________

Age: __________________________

Date of birth: ___________________

Address: ________________________

Phone number: _______________________________

Nationality: __________________________________

City: _______________________________________

Favourite food : ______________________________

Favourite drink: _______________________________

His first name is Mark and his surname is Smith. He is twelve years old and his birthday is on 1st July. His address is 32, Kings Rd., London and his phone number is 236 215 632. he is English. He´s from London. His favourite food is hamburger and his favourite drink is Orange juice.

1. Read the text and complete the identity card.


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