What to pre-teach:
winter - the coldest season when it's snowing
pocket - a small piece of clothing in which you can carry things
to hug - to put your arms around sb and hold them tightly, especially to show that you like or love them
eyebrow - the line of hair above the eye
toe - (in human) one of the five small parts that stick out from the foot
Active language:
ear - ucho
eyebrow - brew
toe - palec u nogi
finger - palec u ręki
face - twarz
chin - broda
nose - nose
eye - oko
mouth - usta
neck - szyja
legs - nogi
hand - ręka
arm - ramię
tooth - ząb
teeth - zęby
tongue - język
hair - włosy
foot - stopa
Visual aids:
pictures with Vinney
chart with parts of the body and names
For the first listening:
Enumerate parts of the body which are mentioned in the story.
For the second listening:
Enumerate parts of the body which are mentioned in the story and match them to the picture.
Match remaining words with parts of the body to the picture.
Match names of parts of the body to the chart.
Comprehension tasks:
1. Answer the questions according to picture.
Is that…? YES/NO
ear, eyebrow, toe, finger, face, chin, nose, eye, neck, leg, hand, arm, shoulder
2. Answer the questions according to picture:
Can you see with these?
Can you put food into it?
Can you wash it?
Can you brush it?
Can you cut it?
Can you kiss with these?
Can you listen with these?
Can you use it to smell with?
Can you bite and chew food with these?