English Skills with Readings 5e Chapter 25

25 Irregular Verbs

Introductory Project

You may already have a sense of which common English verbs are regular and which are not. To test yourself, fill in the past tense and past participle of the verbs below. Five are regular verbs and so take -d or -ed in the past tense and past participle. (The item at the top is an example.) Five are irregular verbs and will probably not sound right when you try to add -d or -ed. Write I for irregular in front of these verbs. Also, see if you can write in their irregular verb forms.

Present Past Past Participle

shout ______________ ______________

 1. crawl ______________ ______________

 2. bring ______________ ______________

 3. use ______________ ______________

 4. do ______________ ______________

 5. give ______________ ______________

 6. laugh ______________ ______________

 7. go ______________ ______________

 8. scare ______________ ______________

 9. dress ______________ ______________

10. see ______________ ______________

Answers are on page 728.

A Brief Review of Regular Verbs

Every verb has four principal parts: present, past, past participle, and present participle. These parts can be used to build all the verb tenses (the times shown by a verb).

The past and past participle of a regular verb are formed by adding -d or -ed to the present. The past participle is the form of the verb used with the helping verbs have, has, or had (or some form of be with passive verbs). The present participle is formed by adding -ing to the present. Here are the principal forms of some regular verbs:

Present Past Past Participle Present Participle

crash crashed crashed crashing

shiver shivered shivered shivering

kiss kissed kissed kissing

apologize apologized apologized apologizing

tease teased teased teasing

Most verbs in English are regular.

List of Irregular Verbs

Irregular verbs have irregular forms in the past tense and past participle. For example, the past tense of the irregular verb know is knew; the past participle is known.

Almost everyone has some degree of trouble with irregular verbs. When you are unsure about the form of a verb, you can check the following list of irregular verbs. (The present participle is not shown on this list, because it is formed simply by adding -ing to the base form of the verb.) Or you can check a dictionary, which gives the principal parts of irregular verbs.

Present Past Past Participle

arise arose arisen

awake awoke or awaked awoken or awaked

be (am, are, is) was (were) been

become became become

begin began begun

bend bent bent

bite bit bitten

blow blew blown

break broke broken

bring brought brought

build built built

burst burst burst

buy bought bought

catch caught caught

choose chose chosen

come came come

cost cost cost

cut cut cut

do (does) did done

draw drew drawn

drink drank drunk

drive drove driven

eat ate eaten

fall fell fallen

feed fed fed

feel felt felt

fight fought fought

find found found

fly flew flown

freeze froze frozen

get got got or gotten

give gave given

go (goes) went gone

grow grew grown

Present Past Past Participle

have (has) had had

hear heard heard

hide hid hidden

hold held held

hurt hurt hurt

keep kept kept

know knew known

lay laid laid

lead led led

leave left left

lend lent lent

let let let

lie lay lain

lose lost lost

make made made

meet met met

pay paid paid

ride rode ridden

ring rang rung

run ran run

say said said

see saw seen

sell sold sold

send sent sent

shake shook shaken

shrink shrank shrunk

shut shut shut

sing sang sung

sit sat sat

sleep slept slept

speak spoke spoken

spend spent spent

stand stood stood

steal stole stolen

Present Past Past Participle

stick stuck stuck

sting stung stung

swear swore sworn

swim swam swum

take took taken

teach taught taught

tear tore torn

tell told told

think thought thought

wake woke or waked woken or waked

wear wore worn

win won won

write wrote written

Activity 1

Cross out the incorrect verb form in each of the following sentences. Then write the correct form of the verb in the space provided.

Example ________ The little boy drawed on the marble table with permanent ink.

__________  1. Tomatoes were once thought to be poisonous, and they were growed only as ornamental shrubs.

__________  2. On the last day of swim class, every student swimmed the whole length of the pool.

__________  3. My cats have tore little holes in all my good wool sweaters.

__________  4. The pipes in the bathroom freezed last winter, and they burst when they thawed.

__________  5 Every time my telephone has rang today, there has been bad news on the line.

__________  6. Only seven people have ever knowed the formula for Coca-Cola.

__________  7. Amy blowed up animal-shaped balloons for her son's birthday party.

__________  8. I shaked the bottle of medicine before I took a teaspoonful of it.

__________  9. While waiting for the doctor to arrive, I sitted in a plastic chair for over two hours.

__________ 10. The pile of bones on the plate showed how much chicken the family had ate.

Activity 2

For each of the italicized verbs, fill in the three missing forms in the following order:

a Present tense, which takes an -s ending when the subject is he, she, it, or any one person or thing (see pages 401-402)

b Past tense

c Past participle—the form that goes with the helping verb have, has, or had

Example My uncle likes to give away certain things. He (a) __________ old,

threadbare clothes to the Salvation Army. Last year he (b) __________

me a worthless television set whose picture tube was burned out. He

has (c) __________ away stuff that a junk dealer would reject.

 1. I like to freeze Hershey bars. A Hershey bar (a) ___________________ in half

an hour. Once I (b) ___________________ a bottle of Pepsi. I put it in the

freezer to chill and then forgot about it. Later I opened the freezer and

discovered that it had (c) ___________________ and exploded.

 2. Natalie speaks French. She (a) ___________________ German too. Her grand-

mother (b) ___________________ both languages and taught them to her. Since

she was a baby, Natalie has (c) ___________________ them both as well as she speaks English.

 3. An acquaintance of mine is a shoplifter, although he knows it's wrong to steal.

He (a) ___________________ candy bars from supermarkets. Last month he

(b) ___________________ a Sony Walkman and was caught by a detective. He

has (c)___________________ pants and shirts by wearing several layers of clothes out of a store.

 4. I go to parties a lot. Often Camille (a) ___________________ with me.

She (b) _______________ with me just last week. I have (c) _______________ to parties every Friday for the past month.

 5. My brother likes to throw things. Sometimes he (a) ___________________

socks into his bureau drawer. In high school he (b) ___________________

footballs while quarterbacking the team. And he has (c) ___________________ Frisbees in our backyard for as long as I can remember.

 6. I would like to see a UFO. I spend hours looking at the night sky, hoping

to (a) ______________ one. A neighbor of ours claims he (b) _______________

one last month. But he says he has (c) ______________ the Abominable Snowman, too.

 7. I often lie down for a few minutes after a hard day's work. Sometimes my cat

(a) ___________________ down near me. Yesterday was Saturday, so I (b)

___________________ in bed all morning. I probably would have (c)

___________________ in bed all afternoon, but I wanted to get some planting done in my vegetable garden.

 8 I do not understand the assignment. It simply (a) __________________ not make sense to me. I was surprised to learn that Shirley (b) _________________ understand it. In fact, she had already (c) __________________ the assignment.

 9. I often find it hard to begin writing a paper. The assignment that I must do

(a) ___________________ to worry me while I'm watching television, but I seldom turn off the set. Once I waited until the late movie had ended before

I (b) ___________________ to write. If I had (c) ___________________ earlier, I would have gotten a decent night's sleep.

10. Martha likes to eat. She (a)___________________ as continuously as some

people smoke. Once she (b) ___________________ a large pack of cookies in

half an hour. Even if she has (c) ___________________ a heavy meal, she often starts munching snacks right afterward.

Review Test 1

Underline the correct verb in the parentheses.

 1. As I began my speech, my hands (shaked, shook) so badly I nearly dropped my notes.

 2. Chico came into the gym and (began, begun) to practice on the parallel bars.

 3. Over half the class has (taken, took) this course on a pass-fail basis.

 4. Even though my father (teached, taught) me how to play baseball, I never enjoyed any part of the game.

 5. Because I had (lended, lent) him money, I had a natural concern about what he did with it.

 6. The drugstore clerk (gave, gived) him the wrong change.

 7. Lola (brang, brought) a sweatshirt with her, for she knew the mountains got cold at night.

 8. My sister (was, be) at school when a stranger came asking for her at our home.

 9. The mechanic (did, done) an expensive valve job on my engine without getting my permission.

10. The basketball team has (broke, broken) the school record for most losses in one year.

11. Someone (leaved, left) his or her books in the classroom.

12. That jacket was (tore, torn) during the football game.

13. If I hadn't (threw, thrown) away the receipt, I could have gotten my money back.

14. I would have (become, became) very angry if you had not intervened.

15. As the flowerpot (fell, falled) from the windowsill, the little boy yelled, “Bombs away!”

Review Test 2

Write short sentences that use the form requested for the following irregular verbs.

Example Past of grow

 1. Past of know

 2. Past participle of take

 3. Past of give

 4. Past participle of write

 5. Past of bring

 6. Past participle of speak

 7. Past of begin

 8. Past of go

 9. Past participle of see

10. Past of drive


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