Darcy, Emma The Honeymoon Contract

The Honeymoon Contract

Emma Darcy

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Chapter 1

MATT King had passed good day, doing rafting in the expresses of the Tully river with its friends.

It was satisfied to follow unmarried and without commitment, to feel frees to be able to amuse itself of the diverse forms possible, risking its own life if it were necessary. To its thirty years, Matt still.

He thought that it could enjoy its indulgente solteiía during other four or five years more, before the idea of to contract marriage received protagonism in its life. In any case, no it was arranged to fold before the plans that her grandmother could have for to marry it immediately. '

That Sunday habíá had the perfect excuse not to attend the lunch that her grandmother had prepared with the purpose of presenting/displaying to its new protegee to the family. Matt knew that single it was posponing inevitable, sooner or later it would have to be with that Nicole Redman, since impossible it would be avoided during the six months that were going to happen in castle of the King, officially contracted to write history relative. Nevertheless, he was determined to abort the married plans of his grandmother. .

The telephone sounded just when it finished of to fall down in the sofa to awhile watch, before raising to lie down. One felt very to taste with same himself and, in spite of its suspicions, it listened pleased the voice of its grandmother to the other side of the telephone.

- Matteo, I am glad of that you follow with life - it said she, giving by seated who did not approve early death of its grandson by the sports of risk.

- I also, nonna. As you see, I am healthy and safe, with all the bones in its site - he with amused tone answered.

- You have much luck - her grandmother sentenced before happening to the true reason for the call -: You are going to be in favor tomorrow of tomorrow in the agency of buses?

"Impossible to get rid of her", Matt thought. work was the work and her grandmother knew the schedules that he had himself tax. Mondays and Fridays always it worked in the agency of buses that it had founded and that directed personally, obtaining pingües benefits of the tourists who crossed the region, although between week even moved the plantation of tropical fruits of the Park Kauri King, that constituted his part in the familiar business.

- Clear - it answered, waiting for the counterattack of its grandmother.

- Perfect. I will send to you to Nicole Redman so that you give a gratuitous bond to him. I want that one feels in complete freedom stops to cross all the tourist routes that can have relation with our history relative.

- it does not have car? - Matt asked defensive, conscious that her grandmother was lost no the time to put it in contact with just the arrival.

- Yes. But the tourist routes in bus him they will provide one general concept on the zone and insurance that finds details interesting in the stories that your guides do.

- you already know that those histories single are truth a averages, nonna. One is to entertain the tourists, from which they do not obtain university title.

- What has of bad in adding a little salt and pepper to the history of the north of Queensland?

Siemprélo we have done, comprises of ours tradition. In addition, Nicole is not familiarized with Port Douglas and I believe that to travel in bus will help it to locate itself.

- Pity that you did not decide to contract anybody that it already knew the zone. Thus it would not have to begin from zero.

- Nicole reunites all the necessary requirements in order to undertake this project, that is what matters - stopped its grandmother.

- Nobody can surpass the cultural baggage of one person born and bred in Queensland - Matt replaced dryly, imagining what type of necessary requirements would consider its grandmother so that a woman obtained to catch it. The smaller doubt of than she tried that did not fit to him it fell rendered on the feet of the such Nicole Redman. Their two older brothers did not have taken the sufficient precautions and they were there, properly married with the women who her grandmother had looked for for them.

It was not that Matt had nothing against they, in fact, Gina and Hannah were wonderful sisters-in-law, but he knew a certain science that her grandmother had introduced them astutely in - the life of its brothers with a very clear intention. It had listened accidentally conversation that her grandmother had maintained with her premium Elizabeth King in wedding of Tony, during which nonsingle it was conceited of his successes like matchmaking, but that, ademas, it suggested soon it would undertake the necessary adjustments stops to facilitate the wedding of the own Matt. And he was sure that that Nicole Redman was the candidate selected for him. Probably, it would not be to as much, would be as innocent as one assumed that it had to be he, but that did not improve things.

- Many people can investigate and expose a series of facts, Matteo - her grandmother with certain accent of reproach said -, but everybody does not have the talent necessary to write with masters one familiar history. I want to work with a professional writer and Nicole it is. This project is important for me, Matteo.

- Sure nonna - Matt granted. To its eighty years, Isabella Valeri King was all a lady with a great character and he it it respected deeply -. If you think that - a gratuitous bond about our network of buses it can help to Nicole in its work, I will be enchanted to provide it to it.

After all, single a minute would take in to make that delivery and, in addition, could satisfy its inevitable curiosity by to know how she was the woman who her grandmother had chosen for him.

- I have thought that also you could offer to him pair of road maps so that it can move with facility when it decides to travel single. Perhaps you could indicate in they-the zones of greater importance stops familiar history and which are the best routes to arrive until there.

Matt realized of which her grandmother finished of to turn a single minute half an hour of interview with the stranger, but it did not find the way to refuse without being crude.

- In agreement. I will indicate in a pair of maps all our plantations from Cabo Tribulation to Innisfail.

- Thanks, Matteo. To what hour you prefer that goes Nicole?

- "To no", it thought Matteo, súbitamenté to defensive.

- We say that to ten and the average one - it granted by aim.

Once finished the telephone conversation, Matteo dedicated moments to marvel itself at the intelligent thing that continued being its grandmother, in spite of the age. Its game was evident, but all the conversation one had stayed within the reasonable limits of purely professional: nor a single commentary on the physical aspect or the qualities natural of that woman. But that form to act, so astute, fitted perfectly with the personality of Isabella. In fact, her grandmother had done to appear like by spell to the singer Gina Terlizzi in the life of its brother Alex, just when this it was on the verge of marrying with a woman who was not of affability of anybody. The certain thing was that he was much more contented when having to Gina like sister-in-law, instead of a Michelle Banks, but for that reason it did not forget that his grandmother had manipulated the events. Soon it was able to tie to Tony, choosing to Hannah Q'Neill as chef of kitchen for his appreciated catamaran Duchess. Nobody it had never put in doubt the qualities of Hannah like cook, but it was evident that it reunited many other aptitudes. The immediate conclusion was that her grandmother had been able to marry to her two older brothers with women chosen by her. And, without a doubt, it was the following one of the list. And Nicple Redman, the candidate. It felt a certain curiosity to know that woman while it ignited the television, but no of the ways a was had to sign with her a married contract, like natural continuation to his contract of work with Isabella. Matteo was not prepared for the life in pair, nor would be it in long time.

Chapter 2

NICOLE stopped.a little while at the top of perron that gave access to the Wharf street to admire the castle of King, surprised of which a so solid building could have constructed in the times of the pioneers. The tropical zone of the north of Queensland was very far from Rome, nevertheless, Frederico Stefano Valeri, the father of Isabella, it had been used his Italian inheritance to construct that magnificent villa in the stop of a hill, from where a wonderful Vista of Port was descried Douglas. The people of the place said that the building was a castle by cause of the covered tower of mosaic that was elevated in one of the corners, but cenador and the source was, without a doubt, of Roman inspiration.

Solid the solid building and the family, thought Nicole, remembering both grandsons greater than had known the day previous. All its attitude indicated that they felt a fort attachment by the tradition relative, fomented obviously by its grandmother, and both radiated one powerful confidence in themselves, that class of strength that allows to surpass greater difficulties of the life. He would be interesting to know if the grandson smaller it also fitted in the same pattern.

The three brothers, Alessandro, Antonio and Matteo, intention had assumed the weight of the familiar inheritance with fmne of to let grow the patrimony that his Frederico great-grandfather had founded on 1906, when he arrived at Australia to initiate a new life. One was a family fascinating, with a glorious past and a very promising future, Nicole decided before starting up in its stroll again towards the agency of buses of Matteo, the KingTours.

Single they were the ten in the morning, but the sun it already warmed up with force and it was strained through the tiny holes of his straw hat. When it received the supply of work of Isabella Valeri King, their knowing had noticed it that it was very easy to pillar an insolation in the tropic, reason why, besides to cover the head, stayed in everything moment under the shade of the trees.

Nicole was one pelirroja of white skin and delicate which it had to protect itself of the solar burns in any place, but with greater reason still in the tropical.

The north of Queensland was completely different from the boisterous Sidney of where it came, the colors shone with greater splendor under the radiating light of the sun, the tropical flowers salpicabán the gardens of exotismo and the people moved with parsimony, without haste. dawn in the ocean was impressive and the heat was suffocating during the greater one part of the day, but in average afternoon, used to fall one violent storm that supposed an authentic lightening, although the temperatures stayed discharges.

The nature prevailed and Nicole felt necessity to live in harmony with her, even got to think that it could to be accustomed very easily to that style of life.

It continued its calm stroll by the city stranger, enjoying the newness and the anonymity. It had been put light yellow dress buttoned ahead and fresh sandals without heel, that hacíanjuego with the decorated straw hat ton a small sunflower. it felt frees for the first time in long time, far from the pressure of students and of its colleagues, far from. commentaries that it had had to support on the book that had written around the biography of its father.

It frees... finally.

It smiled contents, felt as if it was beginning one hueva life although had to dedicate itself to investigate the one of ancestors of the King family during next the six months, with.the aim to write its history. It turned out liberating to submerge in the motto memories family who he was not hers, a family with deep roots and one long tradition, that one had stayed united throughout the years and during generations. A type of family who ell _ had not had.

Ytomq arrived at the end of the Wharf street Owen street, where was the office of KingTours buses. It was interesting that no of the three brothers had been satisfied to the inheritance of the family. All had undertaken own businesses, Alessandro was dedicated to the investments, Tony directed a company of catamarans and Matteo, the minor, it had founded the company of buses. It was evident that the diversification of the businesses constituted a good option from the financial point of view, but Nicole suspected that the true reason that motivated those men was that by its veins still the enterprising blood of the old pioneers ran.

When arriving at the waiting room of the office from Matteo, Nicole felt a slight excitation, would be the smaller grandson so masculine and noble like its older brothers? A young boy dedicated to him a smile of welcome from the counter of the reception.

- Are you it Redman young lady? - Efecti vamente.

- Acompáñeme to the office of the head, please

- it said with a gesture while one went towards the office of Matt -, it is waiting for it - added opening the door stops to announce it, without at least giving time him to take off the hat -: The Redman Young lady.

Everything had been so fast, that Nicole it felt slightly surprised when seeing itself suddenly faced the stranger. It was not looked to Alex, nor like Tony. That man was diabolically good looking, seemed the masterpiece of a escultor pawned on creating the archetype of the attractiveness sexual in a masculine body.. Matt King had the curled, black hair very and brilliant. Their factions very were marked, emphasizing the thick ones and curled black eyelashes on color eyes chocolate that observed it with one alive, deep and soñadora glance. Nicole accused immediately the impact of its attractiveness and it had to be contained to separate his thoughts from desire to caress those characteristics.

It rose of the chair and surrounded the table by work to approach saluted, with a radiating smile.

Nicole contained the breath, impressed by height of that man and by the powerful virilidad that emanated. of its muscular one body. A body that, evidently, corresponded to the one of a customary person to the sport and the physical exercise outdoors. She tried to appease beats of its heart taking off with calm the hat gives straw with a gesture that try-to maintain the distances with Matteo. His-watch- they were and to Nicole it seemed to him that it fixedly studied it with surprise expression or recognition. Nevertheless, it was practically impossible that they were had known in

the past and it rejected the idea, trying to concentrate itself in the intention of its visit.

- I am Nicole Redman. Her grandmother has sent me a to gather a bond of bus and maps of the region.

- Enchanted, I am, Matt King - he said extending the right hand to narrow hers -. Excuse that there is it been observing with as much attention, the color of its hair is not very common.

- It is a pleasure - it was able to articulate Nicole, still shaken by the contact of its hand and ruborizada of shame by " the fulfilled one.

- Nicole Redman - he whispered, savoring words -, I hope that we get to be good friends - added seeding confusion in the mind of Nicole -. Siéntate please - it requested approaching a chair to him. It dropped itself thankfully, shook of such way the knees to him that, if had followed of foot, she would have had to subject somewhere not to crumble.

- Thanks - it said with a lightening sigh. It had to have if the smaller grandson of Isabella Valeri King would be so atractivó as their brothers and would radiate the same masculine air of being able, but before them he had been perfectly able to maintain the composure. What was what it turned to Matteo King a different man? Why one felt so vulnerable before him?

It was a madness, it was twenty-eight years old and it had known a pile of men, but no had altered so much to it as that it was in front of her at those moments. It was possible that there was undergone an insolation without realizing already, in fact one felt slightly been annoying and very heated.

It loosen the purse in the ground and placed sombreró on its lap, taking advantage of those movements to recover spirit. After all, single it had gone to by a bus bond and maps, which meant that after a pair of minutes it could move away of there.

Chapter 3

Permissible error did not fit, thought Matt with bitterness mientrás returned to seat behind its table. What made that woman in Queensland, under the disguise of assistant of its grandmother to write familiar history?

The shining reddish color of its hair him it had called the attention immediately, reviving his memory, remembering distant images of that night in New Orleans, for ten years. That face of delicate characteristics, the white and so perfect skin as if outside porcelain, the sensual curves of their drawn good mouth, all the details returned to his mind as if it had known it the day previous. The same high woman and thin, dressed in a black suit satén and one she thickens hair of color fire, waving to the wind. It had seen how it reunited to the group of tourists in front of a store of objects destined to the vudú rite, the night before Halloween. It had observed it, it had listened to it, it appreciated his qualities like actress to catch the attention of the tourists with its exaggerated one and intense story on the old history of New Orleans, the fact of to have detected its slight Australian accent had added mystery still more to the encounter. No it could deny that, at first, one had felt fascinated by its aspect and by its charming form to speak.

But their friends did not demonstrate a great interest by the guided visit of the city and soon they decided to separate of the group stops to make an interesting excursion by the typical bars of the French zone.

Nevertheless, he remembered his perfectly face, its hair, the extreme pallor of its skin that intensity added to fixed histories on old ghosts..., everything which put upon it pulls the following question: what history would be counted that expert to him mentirosa to its grandmother to find a the job? It would have falsified his academic merits with so living free during six months? It had verified its grandmother the currículum of Nicole Redman before contracting it?

It invaded a fury torrent, that was added to the tension that already had caused the simple encounter with a face of happened. It was evident that her grandmother, so intelligent of ordinary, had lost its habitual lucidity when being dazzled by the natural enchantment of that farsante. Without a doubt, it had been able to marry happily to Alex and Tony, but with he was committing a tremendous mistake. Nicole did not deserve the esteem of its grandmother, nor his. Why it had chosen it? By its red hair? Without doubt, the nacarada skin had added a drop of exotismo to its figure in New Orleans, but... how it was had bold to happen. one season in the tropical? it would burn as soon as it was put under the sun. Nevertheless, it had to admit that that resistance between the color of its hair and its pallor was enormously attractive, therefore it had looked like it in New Orleans and thus it became a to seem at those moments.

It remained sitting in silence with very together knees, the hat on its lap and the low glance, creating atmosphere of modestia that was ridiculous, considering the self-confidence of which it had made Gallic in that occasion of the past. Through its dress yellow, the small chests could be distinguished, but perfectly formed. Their arms were thin. Matt finished reflecting and decided that Nicole Redman was pretending to have an honest and cautious personality that single he knew that he was not real. It felt how a sudden necessity to discover fraud replaced its initial intention to dismiss it after minutes, with a courteous, but distant treatment. One leaned on the endorsement anatomical of its chair and one relaxed, conscious that it took advantage in that subject, since it was impossible that she could recognize it, since its friends and it had been to masks that night, as advance payment to the celebration of Halloween of the following day.

- I suppose that it is your first trip to the distant one north - Matt initiated. .

- a month ago I took a flight to come a to interview to me with Mrs. King - it replaced, raising the Vista with timidity and precaution, which demonstrated that already it was combat-ready with respect to him. Mattse asked why, by the necessity to hide its true one personality?, it would have detected that he suspected her? The curiosity could with him and, instead of tenninar that meeting of immediate form, it continued conversation without fixed course, trying to sonsacar any information to him of interest.

- you will not feel like prisoner of my grandmother, forced to live in the castle during six months? - it asked with mocking tone.

- Absolutely - she answered stunned -. You it displeases the company of your grandmother? For that reason you did not go to the lunch of yesterday?

- it does not displease to me, but not quieró that handles the threads of my life. It had other plans and I did not saw reason some for cancelarIos. You felt like victim by my absence?

- I? Of course that no.

- But you think that it must there have been. - I..., in fact..., your you said... - Nicole stopped, confused.

- Single it tried to know if the perspective of encerrarte during six months in the castle with a lady of eighty years no he would be too exhausting for a customary Young woman to enjoy all the attractiveness of a great city.

- In fact, I believe that greater people are accustomed to to be more interesting than young people - she with a dry smile affirmed -: they have more experiences. I do not believe that it is going to be able aburrirne in company of Mrs. King - it added with relampagueantes eyes.

- Then, you are prepared for enterrarte in the past and olvidarte of the real life during the project?

- For me, history is fascinating, I believe that it allows to understand better the world. I do not believe that the study of the past supposes one loss of time nor an abandonment of the real life - it replaced, raising the chin, affected clearly by the turn that had taken the conversation.

- a very academic point of view - it commented Mattcon almost contemptuous tone -. It is said what history repeats one and another one time, so... what real interest can have? The human nature is always the same one.

She did not answer. During moments, it watched fixedly at the eyes in the middle of a loaded silence of antagonism. Nicole wished to attack and to overcome that man and Matt felt the same by her. But Isabella Valeri interposed among them and both knew that it did not have approved the hostility that reigned at those moments. .

- You are against the project, Matt? - Nicole asked finally, with voice signs and calmed, watching it directly a the eyes.

- Absolutely. I believe that that publication will be of great interest for the future generations of our family - he answered with soltura -. In addition, I am sure that my grandmother genuinely is interested. For her it supposes to leave a trustworthy testimony of the main ones events of its life and the one of its ancestors. Any thing that make her happy, to me also makes me happy.

- Then, you are against which is I it that it occupies to me of the work? - Nicole, ready insisted to know to what extent it must have well-taken care of with that man.

Matt had to recognize that the that woman it had the sufficient value and the intuition like giving just in the morning call.

- It would have been? - it replaced deliberately.

- I do not know it, that single one you know you to it.

An intelligent maneuver, admitted Matt: she the question finished of devolvede.

- How many years you have, Nicole? - it asked steeply. - Twenty-eight.

- You finish leaving a loving relation complicated? - No.

- You are it jeopardize with somebody in these moments? - No.

- you are looking for even?

- No.

- Why no?

- Why yes?

- Because the love is one of the pastimes typical of the people of your age.

Nicole felt how their cheeks are sonrojaban intensely, but their eyes shone of pride when answering:

- She is possible that I nonembroider in the idea that you you have of which it is to be a normal person.

Matt remained without words, apparently. No it was arranged to loosen its secret ammunition until I that had occasion of to verify to what one had dedicated to Nicole in the last years. If it did not lie on its age, single. it was eighteen years old when they agreed in New Orleans, and they could have passed many things since then. A wild youth could to have taken step one more to a more sensible maturity. So and as they were the things, only that was clear it is that Nicole reunited the necessary conditions stops to be the candidate of its grandmother to marry with him: unmarried, without commitment, of age adapted to think very about the marriage like a near possibility and attractive... if to one it liked pelirrojas of nacarada skin.

- it interests east project to Me. Mrs. King me she has informed into which you created this company of buses because it seemed a good one to you business, also has said to me that you work in the production of exotic fruits. I am sure that beams all that for reasons very different from the one to look for feminine company.

It had it catched. If one dared to insinuate that - the professional reasons of a woman could be different, would be seen immediately erased of unbearable machista. In addition, he did not think that there was no difference, simply wanted to know to what extent his grandmother one had made sure that Nicole could become a good pair stops he.

- Well, I hope that you obtain so many satisfactions of your incursions in the past like I of my businesses.

- You have luck of being able to construct a future a to start off of glorious the last one of your family.

There it was, finished discovering its point weak, that was reflected in that empty glance. It interpreted immediately that she it had been made same thus and that its future ' was not nothing clear. It took advantage of opportunities that left-al step to him, without roots that tied it to no place, nor to no person.

- Where she is your family? - it asked stops to make sure.

- I do not have family - she answered, disarmed. - You are orphaned?

- I am an adult person - she answered, squeaking the teeth -, person in charge of my acts. And I have assumed the commitment to write the history of the King family, for which I have signed a contract of six months, but if you have some problem. . .

- It is a project of my grandmother and I do not think I to interfere - he assured to him, although he did not trust that her grandmother went to obtain what he proposed in which to the narration of familiar history one talked about. professional capacity of Nico1e Redman was about to to see. .

- I either do not think to interfere in your businesses, you do not worry - it concluded, rising of: chair with the clear one intention to leave steeply -. I request to you that you give to my bond and my maps to me, so that it can begin to work..

Santo sky, so was interested in that woman who would have made cua1quier thing with so retaining it, but it did not have left more remedy than to take care of its request. It would already have time to arrive until the bottom of its soul during next the six months, it thought swallowing its frustration.

- Here you have it, with this materia1 you it will be easy to arrive at all the points of historical interest.

To Matt it did not like the sensation to see itself overcome by the supposed professionalism of that woman whom, at those moments, it opened its purse to keep the maps, supposedly engrossed in its work.

One approached her by instinct and its unexpected one proximity caused that Nico1e made an abrupt gesture defensive, dropping the hat to the ground.

Both were sent by him the unisonous one, and his heads hit slightly. It separated, allowing who é1lo gathered. When Matt rose, it found it anxious and sonrojada by the contact.

It slightly had the open mouth and its eyes, very opened, they watched it with caution. It felt catched by the eddy of sensations that emanated of her and it separated, momentarily made an impression by a sudden connection of great sexual intensity that did not hope.

It wished besar1a, wished to know all secrets that hid, wished to embrace themselves to her until prohibition to fill of the passion that it same-felt. The necessity to be next to her invaded it next to a torrent of adrenalin, that tightened its muscles and it accelerated the heart rate to him, intensifying an urgent one, necessity to satisfy his... sexuality.

- Thanks - masculló she.

When hearing its voice, Matt returned to the reality: his grandmother had chosen á that woman so that he fell in his arms plaster was something that was not arranged to do. None. It watched it and it could feel how she shook, contagiándo1e again a passion vortex. it had detected she its feelings? A part of himself requested to him wildly that thus outside, but another part wished that that physical necessity disappeared for always, without leaving sign. Their eyes again observed it with thoroughness while she recolocaba in its purse the maps and the bond of transport, with the low glance and the inclined head. Its red hair Lucia I brilliant under the sun that entered by the window and: Matt could not repress desire to entangle those of two in him. But Nicole seemed arranged to leave immediately and, in honor to the truth, the best thing for both was that it let it go away without complicating the things still more. But still it had the hat in its power..., the natural thing would have been to give it to it, nevertheless a perverse instinct forced it to approach to place to him again delicately the hat on the head, even dedicated moments stops to fit with grace the small sunflower that adorned it.

All its body boiled of pleasing next to fragile feminidad of her, covered with a yellow dress that would be very easy to unbutton and she... it was quiet, almost submissive.

- Thanks - it practically repeated with a tone inaudible, while it loosen a sigh.

¡A sigh!, it had obtained that she sighed before its proximity, Matt excited by its small triumph thought.

- You must have well-taken care of with the sun - it said with a smile.

The sonrosadas cheeks of Nicole indicated that their feelings were altered, Matt was congratulated again while it advanced to open the door to him. It crossed the threshold a lightness that single she could respond to desire to see itself far from there, that man, with greater possible rapidity.

Matt smiled after closing the door after she.

It had been able to disturb it. It recognized that it felt a great interest by that woman, nothing similar to end up marrying with it, of course, the marriage was not between her priorities, but... to pass a pair of nights of wild sex with the exotic woman of New Orleans no it would be a bad idea. Why no... if to her it desired to him to enjoy one tropical adventure? Without her grandmother found out, clear.

But if Nicole were going to travel in bus by all the zone, sooner or later would have to visit the plantation of fruits exotic of the Park Kauri King, where it resided. And he seted out to be there in order to receive it and to put its own feelings on approval.

Chapter 4

LIKE he was habitual, Isabella Valeri King I took the tea in the cenador of the castle, to the Iado of the source.

The sound of the running water was relajante. In addition, always a slight marine breeze blew to that hour of the day, that it alleviated the heat in the morning. It liked to seat outside, from where it could enjoy of the landscape, the tenuous changes of light and color, of the rewarding sensation to feel like part of all it, to feel lives, although it did not have left so much time ahead like a the woman who seated to her side. Nicole Redman... so different from Gina and Hannah, as much in its physical aspect as in its nature, although yes it shared with them the human values that Isabella admired more, on all the inner force that allowed them to make difficult decisions and to stay to I they faithful. The book that had written Nicole on its father it revealed his character to a great extent, the character of a girl who was faced one reality lasts, relying on the positive and avoiding the negative, assuming a great responsibility for a person of its age, that knew well what was to lose the dear beings. Just as she herself.

The two last together hours that were past in the library, unearthing memories, photos and letters of the Second War World-wide, they had left his heart loaded of pain. Isabella had lost to his husband and to its only brother in that: unfortunate European fight and, in addition, added I was had the suffering of the thousands of Italian immigrants in Queensland that, unlike the King family, had not adopted the nationality Australian I.

His father had done all the possible one stops to alleviate to its situation of imprisonment, signing an agreement with the government stops to remove them from las' seated prisons and in earth that it had, with the aim of which they planted a tropical forest of exotic fruit trees.

- When the war finishes, Edward and you you can to construct a house in the plantation - his father had said to him in.that occasion.

But Edward had not returned and the Kauri Park King never had been its house. Now era of Matteo and Nicole still was no it visited. It had been three weeks already there and, according to it believed, single had seen Matteo in an occasion. Perhaps the inner beauty that she admired in Nicole not him it was interesting to his grandson. In any case, he had not done any attempt to approach her from that day in which they had been known in agency of buses. Nicole had not either commentd out "any that it allowed to think that it felt some special interest by him.

Isabella knew that, no matter how much ellá it put of his part, nobody could govern in the feelings of the others. chemistry between two people prepared to initiate a sentimental relation. To Matteo it liked to put in the subjects of the others, but it protected his at all costs privacy. And Nicole that air of serenity that probably surrounded it was fruit of a great made personal effort throughout all its life.

Nevertheless, it was not necessary to lose the hope, Isabella thought. Some times the passion complicaba with the pride, and pair preferred to put land of by means. If he were that what a had passed them Nicole and to Matt, still the things could be straightened. However, outside as it was the situation among them, the project of the narration of history relative had to follow ahead. Isabella returned the conversation with Nicole.

- Tomorrow I am going away to help a friend to prepare the wedding of its daughter, I have yielded them the castle for the ceremony.

- It must of being impressive to marry in a frame as this - Nicole with a smile answered -. It must be a experience solemn.

- Of course, the feeling of solid longevity that emanates of this building creates a propitious climate to seal commitment for all the life. Also you will be able to discover esé feeling in Park Kauri King. Tomorrow it can be a good day to make that trip, Nicole.

It was the trip that it had been posponing to the house of Matteo. It felt how one tightened the back and its chin to him it raised, to the time that a warm flesh color extended by its neck and its cheeks.

Of course, it was not the project to take a walk by a park of exotic fruit trees what it had caused that reaction in her. It was the possibility of returning to be with Matteo was governed by the codes secrets of the nature and, by more persistence than one put, were no way of to alter them.

Nevertheless, he was peculiar that, in spite of numerous trips in bus that Nicole had made to date, still it had not saturated in the plantation of Matteo.

Since it was the connected trip that more it was with familiar history, Isabella was wondered why Nicole was leaving it for the end. One was to avoid to Matteo? That would mean that, in the only occasion in which they had been seen, Matteo I had fixed them in order to incomodar to Nicole. There would be victim?

His smaller grandson did not use to be thoughtless, to opposite, had a personality cheers and amused, that was from the affability of most of people. It used to take the things with sportsmanship and soltura, although shared with its brothers the passion by the life. unconcern was what to the difference between Matteo and the rest marked of family. Alessandro..., it was the pillar of the responsibility. Antonio..., fierce competitor, and Matteo. . ., the dancing matador between its two brothers, pretending to take the life as if a pastime one was, but taking care of its businesses with the same effectiveness that its brothers, although expressed it of it forms different.

It was possible that it had passed something between Matteo and Nicole, something of which neither it wished to speak. It even was possible that neither it was prepared to initiate a sentimental relation. To Matteo it liked to put in the subjects of the others, but it protected to everything coast its privacy. And Nicole that air of serenity that surrounded it probably it was fruit of a great made personal effort throughout all its life.

Nevertheless, it was not necessary to lose the hope, Isabella thought. Some times the passion complicaba with the pride, and pair preferred to put land of by means. If he were that what a had passed them Nicole and to Matt, still the things could be straightened. However, outside as it was the situation among them, the project of the narration of history relative had to follow ahead. Isabella returned the conversation with Nicole.

- Tomorrow I am going away to help a friend to prepare the wedding of its daughter, I have yielded them the castle for the ceremony.

- It must of being impressive to marry in a frame as this - Nicole with a smile answered -. It must be a experience solemn.

- Of course, the feeling of solid longevity that emanates of this edificip creates a propitious climate to seal commitment for all the life. Also you will be able to discover esé feeling in Park Kauri King. Tomorrow it can be a good day to make that trip, Nicole.

It was the trip that it had been posponing to the house of Matteo. It felt how one tightened the back and its chin to him it raised, to the time that "a warm flesh color extended by its neck and his cheeks.

Of course, it was not the project to take a walk by a park of exotic fruit trees what it had caused that reaction in her. It was the possibility of returning to be with Matteo.

While, Isabella waited for its answer, trying to decipher its expression.

- Tomorrow... - Nicole fought to find one it excuses, but no was justifiable. That visit was delayed I to maximum and no longer could avoid the inevitable thing -, in agreement. Although it is necessary to reserve perhaps seat in the bus, already is too much late.

- If it is thus, you could lead you yourself until front door and reunirte there with the group of tourists.

It is not very far, to half an hour of trip like much. And I do not believe that char it of the guide it is very important.

The stomach of Nicole was contracted, not him it was left more remedy than to go, single it could trust that Matteo was not there for received.

- Tomorrow it is a good day - she continued the lady King Matteo always is there Thursdays, can ayudarte interpret history of the place.

It was the worse day, it thought Nicole... and already it had it jeopardize to go. It had avoided the subject during three weeks and, although it knew that Matteo was in the office of buses Mondays and Fridays, did not have taken advantage of none those opportunities. The simple possibility of approaching a its territory atelTabao Suponi'a that Matteo could be to the current of his bus reserve and to decide to wait for it in the plantation, outside the day that it was, to take care of it or... to torment it. And she. .. it did not want to return to see it.

- I would not like to distract it of his occupations, Mrs. King - she responded quickly, trying to avoid to feel cornered -. I am sure that the guide...

- Matteo has sufficient time stops atenderte and contarte the most intimate details of the relation of the park with family.

«¡Intimate!."a convulsive tremor it crossed the back of Nicole. Matt King radiated virilidad, even in brief interview which they had celebrated in his office, it had let itself drag by its masculinidad a pair of times, with the shaken body, the glance hypnotized and the mind colapsada by desire to share most recondite of its being with him. Nicole never had experienced a so physical desire, was it shocked in such a way that it had had to do a supreme effort it stops to contain its mental chaos and to return to concentrate itself in its work. Still it had that to decide if went in car or bus: if it were united to the group it could maintain a Matteo to a certain distance, but if it went in car, could leave when it wanted. In any case, it could not allow that that man turned aside it of his labor intention to investigate in the history of the family.

- I will call to the agency of buses stops.to see if it is left some seat free - it said finally,

rising of the chair.

Isabella Valeri King smiled satisfied and it agreed, maintaining incólume the dignity of his position in the chair. Nicole it thought that something in the smile of its host reflected an ancestral power e indómito that could not be folded under any circumstance. And it returned a to feel the same tremor in the column that did. moments. While one went to the telephone, it realized that matriarca of family such had eyes, brown, almost black, that Matteo. From principle, had realized which it did not deal with with a common family, but it did not think that it go to be so extraordinary..., from where it came to be able and valentía that all of them radiated? It was fascinated and intrigued, but the visit of the following day scared it. Matteo... again.

Chapter 5

MATT was next to the balustrade of pavilion of the coffee, observing how the tourists descended from the bus. "It is phase second of the plan of married attack of my grandmother ", thought amused. The call at night previous for warned that Nicole would arrive at the plantation that day had not been necessary. It had checked all the reserves for three weeks and she would have remained there for received, was the day that was. Nevertheless, from the conversation with its grandmother; it had removed conclusion that, in fact, it had seen itself gentily forced a to make that visit,

that it had not been a free election, which it added certain interest to the subject. Matt was conscious of the small tricks that her grandmother used so that the things happened to their way, but... he was conscious of which Nicole had resisted to go to its residence for more than three weeks? To the eyes of Matt, it was obvious that one was a deliberate delay, since the Park Kauri King was one of the elements key in the history of lá family. Any investigator would have appeared there in a matter of days, not of weeks, which returned to put upon the table the following question: I Era Nicole a competent person from the professional point of view? Ole it was taking the hair to his astute grandmother? He was not safe, could have deceived its grandmother in the beginning, but after three weeks. .. it was almost impossible, unless their married plans blinded it.

It was that possible one? He was sure that his grandmother did not wish married with a farsante. It was possible that her grandmother had itself sense captivated by its outer aspect, but... until point was good actress that woman?

¡There it was! With the same straw hat adorned by a small sunflower. Even to that distance, it emphasized clearly between the rest of the tourists. She was the only woman who took a long skirt until the feet, the rest went in short trousers I and with t-shirts of cotton, the classic informal clothes in the tropical. But Nicole wore a blouse of long sleeve, the same green color olive that the skirt. "it is being protected the skin ", thought Matt, admiring to its grief the feminine aspect that the clothes they imprimían in that woman. Pure magnetism, specially with the straw hat. The rest of the tourists wore to caps or fabric hats, that were more easy to keep in the suitcase. Matt felt how its body was tightened. by desire to have it. It had passed many nights in candle, imagining the body naked of I she in the bed, next to him, the pale cremosa, tempting skin, and the thick bush of unfolded red hair on the pillow, provocative and suggestive.

All the elements necessary to give rein loose to a fierce passion that would make them fly united until the highest levels of pleasing. The evident rejection of Nicole to return to be with single him had been able to increase his desire still more, but it had been contained, it did not want that she thought that she had some power on him. In addition, he was Sure that it would return to prohibition, dices the plans of its grandmother. The patience was the best one option and then finished arriving its opportunity: it was there. it would accompany in the visit the park and would see how it developed its work. It could to put it on approval.

Nicole watched upwards, admiring the height of the impressive pines kaúri that fIanqueaban the entrance of the property from for sixty years. They had imposing trunks that rose towards the sky, with branches single in the ' glass. "They are the kings of the tropical forest", said the guide. She remembered enormous secuoyas that she had seen in the forest of Muir, near San Francisco, but those trees were very different, with the crust of the speckled trunk, without knots and, in certain form, more primitive.

Equal of majestic but... its glance it directed. towards the avenue of entrance and it saw directly to Matt going towards her. It remained paralyzed, watching it, feeling how a primitive one attraction loaded its nerves of tension. Its mind tried to concentrate itself in idea that single one was a man who arrived with the intention to do a favor to its grandmother, but was not able to get rid of the impact that its presence it produced to him. Their eyes examined atuendo informal of him, jeans and red t-shirt. Both articles seemed to caress their enormous muscular body, adding sensuality to the encounter. Animal emitted a species of force I to that it was impossible to evade. Nicole was conscious to feel attracted by him, and something within her looked for answer its physical necessities more feminine.

- Good morning - he shouted when still it needed steps to arrive until her. :

Nicole shook and took a great whiff of air with the purpose of calming themselves and being able to give back the greeting to him keeping due composure. One remembered that the intention of its visit was to know tropical forest and the plantation of exotic fruit trees to track history of the family who was I developed in that place.

- Hello -- it answered, with a voice tone strangled, that not even she herself could recognize -. I am thankful to you that have come to salute to me, but, please, I do not want to be a hindrance, insurance that you have a pile of obligations...

He smiled, with the chispeantes eyes before his evident incomodidad.

- I am always arranged to satisfy desires of my grandmother, and it wants that a helps you

to include/understand the history of this place.

- the guide... - the group has left while we spoke. , Nkole realized with anguish that thus it was. As soon as it had seen appear, had been distracted of the group. It watched towards its left and it discovered going ahead by a footpath that crossed the perimeter of the park.

- we were united to them or...? - he asked.

- Yes, please -- she answered, avoiding in measurement of the possible thing to remain solo with him. It began to walk and Matt followed it until putting itself to its height. Nicole was high, higher of the normal thing in a woman, but it removed the head to him. It was glad of which its ample straw hat she established one distances prudent between both.

- It tell me, how goes everything?, what so you are? - the grandson of Isabella in warm tone asked, but obtaining that she he remembered his skeptical words on the interest that could have to spend six months locked up in a castle with a old one.

-¡Perfectly! -- Nicole answered with self-assurance something forced.

- you do not feel worried?

- Why?

- By the amount of data that you have to turn a coherent history.

- It is the great history, from any point of Vista. But I am not overwhelmed, is a wire that allows to order all the dates.

- a wire in nobody Always exists history - it replaced dryly -. Even in yours, I suppose.

- That does not matter.

- Perhaps you are of those people who leave them things happen at random.

- I do not create.

- But when coming until Queensland you have demonstrated interest to change of place, to live a new experience. It is going to you to be hard to spend six months here with this so aggressive climate for the skins delicate.

Matt was bothering it again, going into in the most intimate details of its deprived life, like there was fact in its office for three weeks. why it wished so inténsate to incomodar it?

- I think that this climate is perfect - it affirmed she with a sensation of victory when seeing itself able to refute ' its commentary -. Hatred the cold.

- you do not think that this Ólor is a little opresivo?

- It can arrive at noon at serious - it granted.

- Specially when you are yourself forced to cover all your body to avoid the contact of the sun.

- I have made It all the life, I have the skin delicate. But not mólesta me.

- In any case, now you do not need the hat, we go by the shade. In addition, I prefer verte the face.

She felt a fort impulse to refuse to his request. But it was very able to clear the hat by itself to him, to the equal one that had been put it in the office. Nicole thought that he was better to avoid that possibility to make contact with physical enemy, reason why the head was discovered she herself.

- That is - Matt affirmed -, you are not better now?

She diabolically watched those amused eyes and one felt surprised by the sensation gives that it would be arranged a to clear the rest to him of the clothes. Suddenly, it had the impression that, surely, it felt by her the same attraction that she by him. That thought made him lose the head completely. Very instinctively, it dealed with to gain time being united to the group to listen the guide. It remembered that its work it forced it to pay attention to all the details and to take notes, choosing at the same time emblematic places to take photographies that illustrated present state of the plantation.

Solved to be centered in its work and a to forget Matteo King, opened the purse to remove to a notebook and a ball-point pen, and... . I drop the hat to the ground accidentally. With an agile gesture, Matt it was appropriated him.

- It will be better than it takes I to it - it announced. Nicole sonrojó until the root of the hair, knew that when arrived the moment, he it would not doubt in approaching her again, to put it to it on the head.

- Thanks - it whispered -. In fact I need to have the two free hands to take notes - it added, hanging the camera of the neck. He approached behind and he released the melena to him that had been catched by strap of the camera. Nicole remained paralyzed, with the ruborizado face, while the heart pumped a fast torrent of "- blood by all his body.

- Single I am placing you the hair - it excused he, prolonging during moments that contact nonasked for.

She did not know what to do, never she had myself sense so altered by the physical contact of a man, by the privacy guarded that it involved and by its own desire. '

. it took hold to the notebook,de notes as if outside a salvation table, although was lost completely the concentration in the work, Once lost the control, and hopelessly to return to recover it while it continued to his side, he was decided to simulate interest, imitating to rest of the tourists, taking photos a.diestro.y.siniestro, without none defined intention that demonstrated its professionalism. In addition, it took notes from it forms uncontrolled, notes that, probably, would not have any sense when it returned to read them. Matt observed it with curiosity, but it was not safe of which she would be thinking. In that case the best era of shutting up and of waiting for a that it took the next step. If it were interested in her like woman, already it would let I know. It did not doubt on the attraction that existed between both, but more insurance was that Matt had decided since to establish an intimate relation with her it could involve more problems than satisfactions.

and the latest that it wished was to commit one triviality, of which it could be shamed, with the smaller grandson of its host. Still it had to spend five months in the castle and, during that period, it did not fit it doubts that new occasions would appear to see Matteo, reason why it would be necessary to behave with much caution to maintain the dignity out of danger and the pride. And, nevertheless, desire did not let torment it, all his cúerpo was on the lookout of the possible movements of approach of that man.

For its frustration, Matteo did not say anything special during the rest of the stroll, in fact it maintained attitude courteous e unreliable person who corresponded to a companion of his age. Nicole was made a handful of nerves and it could not study.property as to her it would have liked, it limited desordenadamente to take notes on any thing and to remove photos a matador and wreck when the rest of the group was stopped, which outside less to establish a new conversation with Matt.

- you are taking all those photos by pure to please or you think that they can be important for the investigation? - he asked with a slightly mocking tone.

- Not yet I know how I am going to illustrate history - she confessed -, always it is good for having a pile of photos to be able to choose the best ones when history has written.

- you have written much already? - he insisted with same mocking tone and with an arched eyebrow. - Still I am taking notes.

- I already see it.

The impregnated dry tone of skepticism did it notches in Nicole. Apparently, Matteo doubted its professional capacity stops to make a work serious.

He did not have any right to doubt her, although he had to admit that during that stroll by the plantation he was not demonstrating a great confidence in itself like writer.

- I have old photos in my house that they could interesarte, show the different states from the plantation length of the years.

- Why me you have not said it before?

- Good, it had a certain interest to see how you worked. In addition, same m you could have asked it, that to me is your work. No I have come to walk with single you for llevarte the hat - it commented with sarcasm.

Nicole would have wished that swallowed it earth. One had felt so made an impression by its physical presence, that was forgotten to use to the smaller grandson of Isabella like source of intelligence, as, of course, it comprised of its work.

- I feel It. So it was made an impression by present state of the park that... - one stopped when not finding explanation some and it composed a gesture of excuse -. You must think of me that I am a farsante, no?

- you are It?

It stopped in dry, did not wait for that answer, assumed that he must it have denied with gentility. It watched it to the eyes and one was with its penetrating glance, expectant.

- No, I am not it - it with sufficient firmness replaced.

- Then, there is some reason that forces a to follow this group of tourists?

- I have come with him..

- and I will take care from which you return to reunirte with it stops the return trip. If we did not obtain it, always I can llevarte until Port Douglas with my car.

The heart of Nicole began to jump before perspective to spend several solo hours with Mattea.

It felt the pressure of its masculine one personality, that did not leave escape him, although was not arranged a to surrender without fighting.

- I am arriving at the pavilion, would like to see it - it said indicating to the group.

- By he with a glance assumption-answered provocative, following the group -. It was constructed like recreational center for Italian prisoners.

- and he was your great-grandfather who designed it - he said Nicole quickly to demonstrate that it had the put mind where supposed that it had to be, in the history of the family.

- Yes. and I am sure that already you have noticed Roman accent of all the construction - it with coldness replaced. .

- the only thing that lacks is a source - it indicated she; He rio.

- There is a pile of sources in a pool rectangular that is behind the building. Nonlack nothing, my great-grandfather did everything conscientiously.

- and you... also it beams everything conscientiously? - she asked letting itself take by an impulse.

- I suppose that it will be the history that judges to me - he with a smile answered -. I believe there that already we can go us to my house, you will find material interesting and you will be able to prove the exotic fruits that we produce and we commercialized - it said tempting -. In addition, we could be under cover during the hours of more heat of the day.

To Nicole it did not have left more remedy than to be united to him. To try to return to pospone the visit to the single house would serve stops to increase the distrusts that Matt sheltered on its professionalism. And it was not possible to explain to him that the problem was not the work; that the problem was he and nervousness that its presence caused to him. She was sure that Matteo knew that it did not want to be with him, but behaved as if his - distraction favorite consisted of inviting women to its house and offering a appetizer to them of fruits exotic. It knew that it was playing with its feelings, but... with what aim? It would have thought... to intimar with her when they were single? The pulse him it exploded in sienes, all his body requested to shouts to make contact with enemy with that man, with that body, but was not nothing clear that to give in to his passions constituted a good option.

The sexual attraction era very hard, but something I within her warned it that Matt King was not playing fair. Plaster it meant that she had to be combat-ready permanent combat-ready, leaving to an I door opened to in the last save with the intact dignity moment.

APESAR of the insidiosa proximity of Matt, a Nicole enchanted the house to him. It took it towards a hall that was very cosy, plenty of color and comfort. The ground era of greenish gray slate.

and its freshness felt under the feet. room was fresh, without a doubt thanks to a conditioned air system. To a side, three green leather sofas formed one Or in volume to an enormous one television set.

A gigantic wood table for eight companions at table located themselves opposite. And, to the bottom, a modern co_ina finished in enormous crystal panel that gave access to the terrace. In the walls they hung photos old of the plantation and the reef of chorale, populated by rarest species of tropical fish. It was evident that Matteo was comfortable in its house. The outer walls of the building were even painted of green color olive to fit with the surroundings, and surrounded by an affluent fence taken care of that showed diverse exotic flowers in all its splendor.

- I will bring the refreshments - Matt said, going towards the kitchen -. It leaves to your things in the table and salt to the terrace. It has incredible views on a stream and the temperature is good. It is a very pleasant site in order to relax with the sound of the water, aside from the views.

Nicole was animated when thinking that it could relax awhile in a fresh and pretty place. At least, Matt had given back to him hat with all courtesy and had moved away during minutes, sufficient like so that she it could recover the breath and the composure. it showed to the railing to observe the ' river that dancer jumped on rocks of the bottom, creating small cascades. The Vista was so pretty, that Nicole it forgot his preoccupations during a moment. The birds revoloteaban, between the foliage of the trees and its trinos added a delicate musical note to surroundings. That terrace was a magical place and she thought about the luck that she had Matt to live in a site like that. It was like being in the paradise.

- you do not move - Matt from back with pIu- said I cha smoothness -. There are two butterflies put on your hair. Déjalas to be until it finds a flower to distract them. It remained very quiet, deluded by so wonderful I visit, without fear nor apprehension. Matt left a tray on a table and it was until the end of the fence to cut a fragant hibisco of crimson color with estambre yellow, that it could see with the tip of eye while he approached it the butterflies. Suddenly, two blue butterflies they flew on her, moving away behind the flower that I took Matteo.

-¡What so shining color has! - it was admired, astonished.

- we called butterflies of Ulises, are many by the environs - Matt murmured -. The reddish brightness of your hair are them attracted. .

- Truely? - it asked surprised and captivated still ' by the pleasure of the experience.

It smiled openly and, for the first time, Nicole felt pleasingly surrounded by the calidez that emanated of that man. During moments, it seemed that both shared a similar vision of nature that surrounded them. But the spell disappeared soon and Nicole returned to feel it troubles.

- Your hair is magnetic, gives an air you of fatal woman.

- I do not see you postrado my feet - she joked.

It rio amused and happened sensually petals of the flower by the cheek of Nicole, enjoying the act while she it remained without speech.

- the life is full of surprises - he said enigmatically -. Déjame that surprises to you with the exotic flavor of these fruits - it added separating of her to indicate the table: there were two places setting, a tray cover of colorful fruits, two platitos and two elegant glasses full of that it seemed to be. .. champán.

- Champán? - a handful asked to Nicole, done of nerves.

- the best complement for the fruit - Matt said with a great authority that discarded any protest on the opportunity to drink alcohol to those hours in the morning -. It is frozen, which is to be thankful.

It hoped to that she occupied one of the chairs and it breathed deep before approaching the table with temblorosas knees. While it took seat, Matt drained the tray and put the hibisco next to glass of champán of her, a very alive memory of which to what extent it could to lose the head by that man. Nicole had the drink and inclined the head stops to take I suck with moderation. It seated her, smiling in front of, with eyes shining of satisfaction and to the delay to observe the reactions of she before the intense flavor of those fruits, although for Nicole those eyes they expressed something more than pure placér to savor foods.

Nicole suspected that Matt had prepared all that theater to seduce it and could not deny that it was on the verge of to succumb.

- I believe that we must begin with which we are accustomed to to call the king and the queen of the tropical fruits said puncturing two pieces of fruit and putting them in the plate of Nicole. The kings duryon and the queen mangostán.

Duryon tasted similar to the one of chirimoya, but more intense. Nicole preferred the most delicate flavor of mangostán, between acid and candy.

- I like plus the queen declared.

- It is possible that the king is necessary to have it proven several times to be able to appreciate it, later... it creates addiction. Now, let us prove zapote, is comoun flan of chocolate.

He watched it ' to savor the new fruit, observing the sensual movements of its mouth and the pleasure that reflected his eyes - You must aclararte paladar after zapote noticed it, taking his glass of champán and giving I suck.

She watched it, captivated by the mixture of flavors and by the masculine beauty of the man who accompanied it, asking itself to what a kiss would know his.

- Test a lung-yen piece, comes from China and he is similar to lichi.

and thus they continued during awhile, proving exotic fruits and drinking champán, although Nicole more was impressed by the erótica part of the experience that by the exotic part. Uha existed certain sexual privacy in sharing that festín of tropical fruits, the mouths of both floods of unusual juice, the minds treating to distinguish different textures, the attention put on the answers of the other, as if one was an adventure. .. Exciting at many levels.

Matt King would be able to satisfy necessities and desires of any woman and she had lived so single during as much time, missing the affection of a near person, who it began to ask themselves if it would have some interest by well-taken care of and to mimar it like she needed. Nonsingle it was that Matt was the man more attractive than it had well-known, in fact what it interested to him more of him was that it seemed one complete person. .. and it was not it. Surely that sensation was related to the fact of coming from a family by solid roots and fortune, that had allowed to have him at will its life. For that reason it was a person who radiated fullness and satisfaction. Nevertheless, she still it was looking for a place that could call own, as much in the physical sense like in the spiritual sense of the word. It wished that that its house outside, its home, wished that Matt requested to him that it shared that with him.

.- You want a little more champán? - it asked solícito. Nicole jumped of the chair when returning to the reality and verifying that already it had drained his glass, without realizing.

- Not - it answered quickly -. She has been one wonderful experience, thanks. Everything has been perfect, the park, the house, river, the fruits, the views... everything.

- and not even you have felt to misfortune in my company - it indicated, smiling, with an expression in the eyes that he indicated that pleasure had been mutual. Nicole felt too timid like, stops to give back enthusiastic the cautious one to him that could Mean so much. At heart it knew that it had to behave in front of with cautelá that man.

-, -Ha be very generous by your part - it said, been thankful.

- it has been a pleasure - contest6él with galantería -.

You would like to see the photos now?

- Yes, please.

- You seem a small girl - Matt commented laughing -. Which makes me think about that you are full of contradictions, Nicole Redman.

- No that I know replaced she, rising to accompany it.

- We say that you are a very tempting mixture

- it said.with mocking tone -, it would enchant to me to investigate in your past, but he is not that for which you have come.

truth? - No.

What another thing could say? One was not a friendly visit. But if it really wished to know something more about her... or it was simply joking? Why it made feel so uncertain when, apparently, there was no problem among them? They crossed the hall and they entered an office equipped with the last technological advances: fax, computer, printer, telephone and fotocopiadora. One of the walls was cover of archivists until average height and, on them, a collection of old photographies decorated the room, showing the diverse states of the plantation. Nicole was fascinated by them immediately.

- You would have to see this first - Matt said, indicating the plane that his great-grandfather had drawn up, before beginning a to construct.

- You have a photocopy? - Nicole asked, admired of the clarity whereupon all the details were appraised.

-, Yes sure I can do one for you - it answered he, going towards one of the photos -. First that stood it was this bamboo of fast growth, to cover the fences that maintained prisoners a the Italians.

It was evident that the great-grandfather of Matt had deal with care to the prisoners, thought Nicole again, marvelling itself before the remarkable personality that must have had Frederico Stefano Valerí. While they happened from a photo to another one, and while Matt was explaining history of each one of them, Nicole was asked if kindness would be inherited, like they inherited the force and valentía. The smaller doubt did not fit of than the man who it was showing the photos to him vibrated of vitality, but...

what had in their heart? He would be full of kindness and tenderness like the one of sú great-grandfather? What passions moved to him to act? He would be able to support other people less lucky than he? The greater one part of people used to limit itself to satisfy his.

more egoistic necessities, thought Nicole. people did not use to take too many annoyances to help the others. Without embargo, reason why knew on the family Valeri King could be deduced that, although great part of their time dedicated it to prosper, never made a coast of the others. They were good people. Suddenly, it let hear the voice of Matt and, when it raised the Vista towards, his eyes, realized which, engrossed in its thoughts, they had not followed the explanation that it had given on last photographies -. I have the original ones filed in case you want to use them.

- I do not want the original ones, are too much perhaps valuable, but you can make copies for me.

- As you want. You I will take them to the castle when they are ready.

- Thanks.

- This subject surpasses to you, no? Admítelo.

, - What? .

- It would be better than you confessed my grandmother as soon as possible.

- I do not know to what you talk about. .

- You want that it forces to admit it to you? - he insisted with coldness while he held it by shoulders to give consistency his he threatens. .

- I believe that very you are mistaken, although not why. Please, suéltame.

It loosen it with a gesture of annoyance e impatience and an accusing glance.

- It can that you have been able to captivate my grandmother with your aspect of good girl, but déjame decirte that to me not me you deceive, your behavior in today has been very little professional.

-¡It has been fault yours! - Nicole was defended. Me you have put nervous. . .

- and why you think that you have put yourself nervous? - he made fun of cruel -. Perhaps I am because what you are.

It retired backwards, confused by sudden violence that emanated of him. Evidently, one had taken place rupture in its relations, just at the moment about which she had thought about the possibility with which it could overwhelm his desire and its necessity of affection.

- What I am? - she asked, with innocence painted in its eyes.

- the same captivating woman that I knew in New Orleans - he commented sardonically.

- New Orleans? - it had there been he when it accompanied a: its father?

- you do not say to me that I am mistaken. Your image was recorded to fire in my brain. Indelibly.

- I do not remember to you.

- It would be impossible. I wore a mask that night.

- What night?

- You must of have spent many nights counting lies on the supposed histories of ghosts in that visit guided of. city. You did it very well.

- Yes, she did well - she answered, raising chin with pride.-. And what? For already ten years of that - it added without to be shamed of to have received a pay to coast of the interest of the tourists.

- Still you dedicate yourself to invent histories, Nicole? - he with the full eyes of cynicism asked -. :

Still you use your qualities like actress in order to engatusar to people? You continue using your fragile and exotic appearance in order to attract the attention of the incautos..., to snatch its money to them in return of lies? .

Nicolé happened of the estupefacción to the rage when seeing how he had interpreted his character. Really, it could not have no data that justified tamañas accusations, that they turned it one vulgar farsante. Although it had embellished slight mind the old legend, the agency that had contracted it single tried that the visit was a little more amused and than the tourists they were satisfied, for that paid to him.

it made my work stammered in self-defense -. The only work - that I could obtain in those times. And it did not lie, single it followed the script that had given to me in the agency. And, of course, it did not rob the money to anybody, the tourists with pleasure paid to do a Vista guided of the city.

- and one assumes that now it reunites s all requirements necessary to write the history of my family, no? - it asked he with skepticism -. But it is that today I have to you been observing and you have not demonstrated to have sufficient sensitivity like making that work.

-¡You are right! - him escupió she -. Work much more to taste when I do not have to anybody to my side, annoying to me all time with a hostile attitude.

- Attitude... hostile? - it ridiculed -. I have to you given a pile of opportunities so that you demonstrated your it was worth. But I am surely which you have not found out anything of which I have to you counted on the photographies of this room.

- it was thinking.

- Without a doubt. jA to know about what you would be thinking!

Perhaps you were thinking just like I, it is to say, on the good that we would pass it together in the bed -- said he with fury.

The skin of Nicole burned and its legs they shook. During seconds that turned out to eter to us, she watched it, feeling how she leaves from his almá it was literally pisoteada. At least not it had mistaken in which to the mutual sexual attraction one talked about, but was evident that to give in to the passion with that man it would not be indicated if it wanted to protect its feelings. With the contracted stomach, Nicole knew already that there would not be an opportunity for them two.

- Please, discúlpame - it said with a dignity chilling -, I must reunite to me with the group.

A fierce pride allowed him to cross stay and to gather its purse and its hat before beginning to shake violently.

- To leave running will not serve to you as anything - Matt said, behind her. Nicole directed last and shady a cautious one to him. It was comfortably supported on the jamb of the door, with an ironic smile in lips -. He is better to accept the situation and to obtain that it works. I could ayudarte.

"- Under the assumption that it satisfies you in the bed?

- I do not negotiate with the sexual favors, Nicole

- I either. and I think that the prejudices not you they are going to take nowhere. Please, it reviews my academic merits with your grandmother before we must return to we see. Although it would prefer not to have to never face me your attacks more.

It did not run, but it left the house the plus quickly possible. It did not follow it, which she was thankful enormously because he was on the verge of putting itself to cry to alive tear. Rage, frustration, disappointment. .. all those feelings struggled in their interior. In addition it hated to itself by to have given fa opportunity to him to deal with it that way.

As of that moment, it would not return a to feel like vulnerable front to his... masculine aggressiveness. Next time k it would send a glance that would leave it petrified in the site.

Chapter 7

THREE hours, att thought M, while - it directed to the lunch that could not avoid. Four, at the most.

It would be to him easy to spend that time next to its family, without committing no mistake with Nicole Redman. It would show courteous interest by his work, the sufficient thing to satisfy the opinion that its grandmother it had on the good ways, and would pass the rest of the time chatting with his brothers.

It did not think to make no judgment of value on the work of Nicole, would leave she herself was put in evidence in front of everybody. It took with himself the photocopies that she had requested to him, would occur them in hand and its relation with her would finish there.

What had happened... ten days since it called farsante? i and it had the impudence to blame it to him of their lack of professionalism! As if it had not seen it taking useless photos, like rest of the tourists. Without subject, intention, simply a photography behind another one. j and had said that it had behaved with hostility! Surely that had not thought about its supposed hostility during the tasting of fruits in the terrace. Pain was one that it had not taken advantage of that opportunity, already that later the possibilities of intimar with her had disappeared. Although, thinking it well, there was I be better not to have established a sexual relation. She was not frank probably either at that level.

Her grandmother could have Nicole to his ill, although would have to understand that their plans of marriage had gone away to the fret. In addition, it was not either completely necessary to publish the history of the family after the six months of contract, could contract otta better qualified person to undo the mess that it was mounted I and to put the things in its site. One was not a disaster on great scale, but of a simple error that all of them could forget easily.

From the point of view of the happiness relative, his grandmother could not throw nothing of less, since that lunch was had organized to celebrate that Tony and Hannah were waiting for their first son.

Hannah wanted to have a pile of children, position that she herself came from a numerous family, and Tony was more than arranged to satisfacedla. It would be a great day for nonna, with the company of both small children of Alex and Gina and the promise of a third biznieto on the part of Tony and Hannah.

All that would help to forget it the plans married that it had drawn up for him during a time.

Matt already had decided that it would marry with who it loved at the moment that seemed more opportune to him.

It parked behind the castle and account occurred of that the Mercedes de Alex already was there, like the helicopter of Tony. He was the last one in arriving, which was a good signal because thus it could avoid a Nicole mixing itself with people, although if her grandmother dared to seat it next to him in the table. .., it could not ignore it completely, it thought while him the teeth squeaked. It hated that they placed it in a situation it jeopardize, it hated it.

It entered by the back door of the kitchen, where he was safe to find to Rosita, the woman who knew all secrets of the family. Nonsingle it had worked in the castle like cook and master of keys for more than twenty years, but who was the main informer of its grandmother, with whom she shared the Italian origin. Rosita was proving a salad to give the approval to the ingredients. Matt dedicated one to him smile.

- It is the salad in its point? - Matt asked with affectionate tone.

- It is the special salad of Hannah, one interesting combination of repollo. paste and nuts, but... to you not you they interest these things - it said raising the Vista -. Verte is a pleasure this way, Mattea.

- For me. also, Rosita - he answered giving him a fast hug -. How goes everything?

- very we are occupied, very occupied. You will find to the family in the room of billiards.

- In the room of billiards? - it asked, surprised.

It was not possible to be imagined to Tony and Alex playing a billiards game.

- There it is where Nicole has exposed the results of her work to date, your grandmother very is satisfied and wanted that all you could I forbid.

- Well, it can be interesting - Matt commented with coldness, asking itself how Nicole would have been able to convince its grandmother of that it had made something interesting.

- That girl works too much - Rosita said wagging the head -. Trasnocha almost every day and many forget. of to take the supper that I prepare to him.

- That is a crime - he joked. - It comes, not you laugh of me, únete to them and see with more frequency visit your grandmother, does more of a month than we do not see you.

- been I have occupied, very occupied - it hummed he while one went into in the house. It was had is left do disturbed by image that Rosita had painted of Nicole, Trasnochaba working? And it needed a so great room to expose its work? How could be justified thus something?

The door was open and the rest of family not even realized her presence. They were concentrated in Ja billiards table, that still had putting its armored deck: A fast one watched allowed to Matt to make sure that Nicole was not there, reason why felt in freedom to salute gladly.

-¡Hello to all! What is that that interests to you as much?

All responded the unisonous one, giving back to him the greeting and requesting to him that one approached to see what had them fascinated. On the cover of the billiards table there was one ordered collection of old photographies that illustrated the history of the family from their arrival a Queensland. They were placed per decades and each one had an annotation underneath typed that explained of whom it treated, in what geographic context and weather had been taken and why. Matt were many had not seen in all its life.

- It is wonderful, nonna - it said with true enthusiasm, being surprised itself.

- Nicole and I have been selecting them during weeks. These are the best ones than we have found in the old ones álbunes and in the boxes of trastero.

Matt interpreted immediately that the work it had been work of his grandmother, and not of Nicole.

- east Sight statistical chart, Matt - Tony said from another table -. All the important dates in the two are written down columns, one corresponds to more significant the historical and geographic facts, like the war, the interference of the Mafia, cyclones, the appearance of sugar industry and of the rest of the plantations... and in the other it can to verify what the family was doing during those moments. It is a study comparative very interesting, it does not seem to you?

The era, could not be denied. Matt had to grant that the summary was impressive, the way to put in order events were most logical, from the point of view of the historical perspective. It was beginning to feel the disagreeable sensation of which it could have judged badly to Nicole Redman. But, if really he were able to make that work, by what had behaved with such lack of professionalism in the Kauri Park King? Suddenly, stock-market remembered that took with copies of the photos of park and of the original plane designed by its great-grandfather.

- I bring more photos here, those that illustrate construction of the park. Nicole requested to me that it did copies to him. Where I can leave them?

- In its table of work. Thanks, Matteo -- her grandmother answered.

Matt became in the direction that its grandmother it indicated and it saw an enormous table of work that had been placed under large window, to the bottom of the room. There there was a laptop, pile of archivists, a tape recorder and battery that Alex was looking around.

- Has Nicole Redman good musical taste?

- Matteo asked ITS brother with soltura while it deposited stock-market on the table.

- it is not music, are recordings of interviews with the oldest members of the Italian community in Queensland. Nonna has to us counted that today has left to do one of them.

- it does not go to we accompanied during the lunch?

- Matt asked, prisoner of feelings contradictory, doubting between being glad or becoming sad by its absence. Everything it would be easier if it were not, but if he had prejudged it badly, plaster seemed to indicate the facts, had an excuse to him.

- No. One has gone away to Johnstone, that is to a pair of hours of here. It will return late, that I create at least.

Of course, it is not possible to be denied that it has reunited a very interesting material during this month - Alex with admiration added. - That it is certain, but... he will be able to turn it a coherent narration? - it asked Matt without forgetting its suspicions absolutely.

- _ does not know to it - his brother with one asked to him disquieting glance -. Sure you were not in the lunch that organized nonna in order to present/display it to the family. One of the reasons for which the grandmother chose to Nicole she was because she had read the biography that she had written on his father and Hal?ía been made an impression. - a biography... - Matt repeated, overwhelmed.

- Yes. The title is Olliés Drum. His father was jazz musician. . Jazz... New Orleans...

- you have read It? - it asked Alex; always it had valued much its opinions.

- No. But the editorials do not publish biographies badly written, Matt. In addition to nonna yes has it likes do. .

"Olliés Drum", recorded Matt in the mind.

It would have to look for the book and to read stops it to know better that woman. Sjn embargo, single would be pa more satiempo, already had decided that it would not establish an intimate relation with her. And, in spite of everything, it guides feeling guilty and, for him, justice was something fundamental. Without embargo, she was acu sado to be hostile, to put it nervous... all that was not more than trivialities..

- you are mistaken if you think that Nicole is not enabled to make this Ae work it warned his to her hand, watching it with curiosity. - I have not said that.

- a pile of academic titles Has, in History, in Genealogy, Literature.. .

The titles could be falsified easily with the new technologies, Matt thought.

- Also she has been professor of several subjets - it continued Alex -:, it is very well prepared and nonna is very contented of being able to have her.

If his Alex brother did not doubt her. .. it would have.that to change of opinion and to excuse themselves. The sooner, better. He was safe of which it would have undergone du rante the ten days previous to the knowledge that member of the family doubted its integrity. It was even possible that there was prepared trip aJohnstone to avoid to be with him during the lunch. In addition, the fact to work in Sunday demonstrated its commitment with project.

Matteo felt disarmed, nobody was it defendant never to behave like ogro and, on the other hand, regreted having touched the sexual subject with her, that complicaba the things still more. But it could not to get away of the subject, would have to look for the way to apologize and it would do that day, although had to wait for it during hours in the castle.

Chapter 8

NICOLE threw a glance to the clock while it parked behind the castle. It was the enough afternoon like so that all houses had returned to sus'. It would not have had inconvenient some in to greet the older brothers of Matteo and, specially, to their women. Gina it had a gold heart and Hannah shone of vitality, still more if it were waiting for a son, as Mrs. King suspected. Without a doubt, one would find out all the familiar new features during the supper, but were a pain not to have been able to see the happiness that had to radiate Hannah. Without ' embargo, it was convinced that the presence of Matteo King would have prevented him to enjoy those small details, and if Mrs. King had seated it to her side in it pulls. . ., the simple thought made it shake of feet to head. The situation he would have become unbearable.

It felt lightening when verifying that nor helicopter of rony nor the Mercedes de Alex was there, but she had to control to a light one I am annoying when verifying that still there was a car parked, a convertible Saab, the typical accumulated election of an unmarried one like Matt King. Its body was tightened while it closed with key his modest one Toyota, although could not be sure that that car belonged to Matt, since it had never seen it lead.

It thought if it could raise the stairs until his quarter without nobody saw it, but that would suppose to happen through the library. Perhaps he would be better to strain themselves in the room of billiards and to put themselves to work.

Why it tried to escape of Matteo King? It did not have anything to hide. The one that had been mistaken was he. It had to forget its nerves and to be like the mature and sensible woman who was.

Decided to act with normality, it entered "I chip with the intention to go to the room of billiards to order material that had gathered during the day. That meant that it would have to cross the kitchen and to salute to Rosita. It felt a great lightening when single finding it.

-¡You have returned! - she saluted as if outside chick that returned under the wing of its mother.

- Yes, I have returned. It is embarrassed Hannah, Rosita?

- Of two months - she, triumphant answered. -What wonder!

- and Matteo still is here, speaking with his grandmother. If it desires to you to leave to the cenador and unirte to them, I take refreshments.

- I believe that I go to leave enjoy his mutual company - Nicole was excused quickly -.

I must work awhile to put in order the material of the day while it follows fresh in my memory - added before to disappear, avoiding the typical perorata of the master of keys on which it must do a young woman, aside from working.

Nicole entered the room of billiards and closed with firmness the door behind her, with desire to maintain the Maxima distances with its antagonist, not to return to undergo the effects of its skepticism.

If he had taken the annoyance to verify its academic merits that day, would be swimming in a culpability sea, , although he was too arrogant like accepting that it had committed an error with she.

She was fed up with him, how many nights it was had passed in candle, remembering its last encounter? It was an authentic loss of time and energy. That man did not deserve itself that he dedicated a single thought to him. How he had been able to let itself catch by its masculine enchantment of that way? One had behaved like an authentic idiot, Ignited the computer with more force of qpe it was required. The work was the answer, thought, thus could to get rid of all its preoccupations. Its glance crossed the work table and it encountered over a stock market that it had not left there, and who had form logotipo of the Park Kauri King. It left its briefcase to a side was asked if stock market would contain the copies that the day had requested to Matt that had visited the park.

Their hands shook, incapable to touch nothing that it had touched before. It would have been spying on its table of work? sensation of that one was present grew still more per moments, putting it nervous. It watched stock-market and one was convinced that the material that contained was not dangerous, on the contrary, it had an immense value like visual documentation on how it had constructed the Park Katiri King. It could make a good work with those copies and to demonstrate to Matt King his were worth professional.

Although never one stooped to request pardon to him by its ultrajante attitude, would at least have to recognize that the work had affluent state done when it was published. In the end, it would win. The problem was that that thought did not alleviate its pain. A blow in the door filled it of fear. "That is not he, please", it said in silence while it was opened door.

- Nicole? Its voice. It wished to stay of backs to him, but..; what would win with it? He would not doubt in approaching her stops to offend it again, if he were that what one seted out to him. - I can enter?

The smooth gentleness with which he did that request infuriated still more to Nicole. She was sure that single it pretended good ways, since a man like him, customary to make always its santa will, would not accept "not" by answer. Nevertheless, one felt forced a to occur the return and to watch it. Very instinctively, cuadró the shoulders and stretched value back, arming itself to support to the confrontation Its heart barked aceleradamente.

- What you want? - it asked to him angry. The best one defense was a good attack.

It entered and closed the door. Its expression it showed a severe resolution that Nicole accused with a disagreeable one contraction of the stomach. It tried to concentrate itself in which single he was a man anyone, but its masculine power was evident. Account of which occurred still it felt attracted by him, of which each part of its feminidad responded with urgency to the masculine aggressiveness of that escultural man.

- I want pedirte excuses. The words they floated by the room and they were introduced in his ears, leaving it overwhelmed. It thought that it was dreaming. It watched it, to the delay of which it was explained.

- I feel to have suggested noneras the person that you wanted to pretend. In certain way, I let myself take by the impression that I had of you in New Orleans.

,-¡You let yourself make an impression by a memory of for ten years! Not even it was happened to ask me to you what I did there in that moment. You do not know anything of me, unless it worked as it guides in New Orleans long ago. And, immediately, of cidiste than I was worse than a woman of bad life, that dedicated to me to deceive people, to rob its money to them taking advantage of my sexual attractive assumption...

- I did not say that - Matt answered frunciendo frown before its attack.

- No, but you thought it. And you did not have any right to do it. In addition, you took yourself certain frees DES with me, caressing with a flower and insinuating to me.. .

A heat current crossed its back and it raised by the neck, sonrojando his cheeks to him, while it was reprimanded by to have removed to collation the sexuality, on the reference that he had made a the good that could pass it together in the bed.

- I request excuses to You if something of which I said or I did could bothered to you:- he with calm said, taking a great air whiff.

- To bother to me? - him increpó she, overwhelmed before the tranquillity that it showed -. Doubts that it has bothered to me? You spoke to me clearly of your sexual attraction, you even allowed the luxury to put to me hat the day that we saw ourselves in your office.. .

- I feel It, he was not deliberate, it was a simple one impulse.

- I did not give foot you.

- No, it is truth - it with a glance accepted diabolic -, if we excepted the fact that you are a woman enormously attractive.

- You demonstrated not to feel no respect by me - she answered.

- It comes, Nicole - it reprimanded Matt, arriving at maximum of its capacity of endurance. One approached steps, with the intention of to calm it -. You cannot think that ponerte the hat or acariciarte with a flower constitute a crime of sexual aggression. You did not protest, of hechp I believe that...

- I request to You that you now take note from my rejection same, Matt King - him espetó she, being placed to the other side of the table of billiards, to protect itself of its proximity -. I do not want to return to verte.

-¡In agreement! - he said, completely disarmed -. Pity that you have not known to accept my excuse.

- Why? You have treated to me as if outside one swindler because of an old memory in New Orleans - the sad ones memories of that time were on the verge of making cry it.

- That is certain.

- and... it is possible to be known that you in New did Orleans for ten years?

- To see a little world before dedicating me to businesses.

A youth carefree, thought Nicole. resistance between both could not be greater. It obstructed the emotion when remembering weight of its responsibility during that year. '

- Then, I dedicated yaa the businesses.

My father was dying of cancer and his the last desire was to return to New Orleans. He was musical of jazz and that you take care of it kept many good memories for him. We had very little money, but me I took there and I accepted the only work that then was enabled in order to do.

We had to eat and to pay a rent. When was better something, my father touched ba tería with old well-known, it was a star of the jazz.

- Olliés Drum - Matt murmured.

- you know It? You have heard touch to him sometimes?

- Single I know that you have written his biography.

- the biography.. .- _ repeated Nicol while tears showed to their eyes -. It was a genius to the battery, everybody was in agreement in that. It was a legend.

- It died there? It agreed with the head, trying to avoid the weeping.

- I feel It, Nicole, I feel it truely. , She it agreed again, the voice of him seemed sincere, although no longer it mattered.

-, déjame Please single - it requested with voice tré to him mule.

It doubted for a moment and soon a was prepared to start off.

- Créeme, Nicole, accounts yet my respect

- it said as a goodbye, before leaving the room and to close the door, conscious that she needed ' privacy in order to face so sad memories.

Nicole was dropped in a chair and allowed that the tears ran by their face. Ten years ago it had buried a his father and seemed that he had been yesterday. The solitude sensation was tremendous.

Chapter 9

Once Matteo had left the cenador, Isabella Valeri King went towards the library.

She was sure that Matteo and Nicole they had problems. which indicated that they had connected at personal level, but was a bad signal of how the entreellos things went.

Nicole was put tense whenever it mentioned the name gives Matteo and it had not been necessary that it worked in Sunday, although she had argued who in the days of rest was more easy to speak with the witnesses of the glorious one happened of the King family.

She was sure that the decision of Nicole it had relation with desire to avoid to return to be with its smaller grandson. And, on the part of him, the smaller doubt did not fit of than it had forced an encounter with her, remaining until so late in the castle. It had even given respingo when Rosita had informed to him into which Nicole already had arrived.

Such interest to see had it to be related to the passion, Isabella decided. The question was how to obtain that that passion was oriented in a positive direction. It had the hope of which it was what was what was happening in the room of billiards, would end the resistance of Nicole.

The pride could be very negative in relation between two people, and she suspected that in this case she had much importance. Pain was one that did not know why reason had been created such antagonism between they, but were determined not to interfere, although, of course, she could to arrange the things in such a way that they could return to see if therefore they wished it. She was sure that there was desire in its relations. .

Matteo been had distracted throughout day, probably thinking about the absence of Nicole.

Not even the good news of Tony and Hannah it had maintained it animated during long time. Friendly char it with his brothers had been something forced, and the conversation that had maintained with her, once everybody had left, had been full of silencios.

But it had returned steeply to the life in whichever Rosita h&bía announced the arrival of Nicole.

- I will verify if the Redman young lady has everything what needs the Park Kauri King before marching to me - had said.

Desire to approach her physically had been well clear. Desire and passion, were a good mixture for a good beginning. Isabella maintained the hope until Matteo appeared by the library stops to take leave.

- I go away. nonna. The lunch has been splendid. The news on the new baby very rewarding.

You must be enchanted:

Bad signal, short phrases and tense lips, eyes without brightness and the tension emanating of its body when it inclined stops to kiss it on the cheek.

- Yes, I am in favor contented of Antonio and Hannah. It is right what they wished - said, longing for to also know what was what his Matt grandson requested to him to the life. .

It was evident what had not obtained what it had proposed with Nicole Redman. Its expression era of preoccupation and seemed plenty of bad thoughts. Isabella hurried to retain it the time sufficient as to know what feelings professed by Nicole.

- it was watching my newspaper.

- Hum. .. - nor the smaller interest, single moral and physical loss of heart.

- I suppose that you will have marked in your agenda night of the opening of Gina. .

He suddenly remembered the opening of Gina like singer in the theater Galaxy de Brisbane.

- When it is exactly?

- Within two weeks from the next one Thursday. I have reserved six tickets of airplane to fly late to Brisbane that.

- Six? They are not going to arrive Gina and Alex with anteriority?

- Of course. In fact, Alex wants to take to the children to be all together ones during the last week of tests. No it wants that Gina worries just about them when more concentrated has to be in its work. It supposes a great responsibility to interpret "Maria in West Side Story.

- the suitable voice Has - Matteo said, clearing importance to him -. Then, for whom they are the six tickets? It stops Tony, Hannah, you, I and... - Rosita and Nicole.

A pause took place.

- Nicole is going to go? The young lady had not said " Redman ", took note its grandmother.

- Yes. It desires much to see him Gina sing. And also it wants to see the production of Peter Owen, that so charming man. Wine the last week to make specific details with Gina and.it did a visit to us.

It gave personally to Nicole one invitation for the opening and to her did much illusion to him.

Matteo tightened the jaw.

Peter Owen was a musician with fame of Don Juan. Alex had felt many jealousy of him at the beginning of its relation with Gina, but finally they had finished being good friends. lsabella realized that his smaller grandson was thinking about Peter Owen as if was possible rival.

- Also I have reserved hotel rooms for that night - it continued -. It seems to you or or you prefer to formulate some plan alternative?

It stayed in a so tense silence, that Isabella he was himself forced to break the tension that dominated the atmosphere.

- you cannot perderte the opening of Gina, Matteo. She needs all our support.

- Of course, nonna, Alex would kill to me if no it appeared that day that way.

- Well, which is the problem, then? You seem. .. distracted.

- I feel It - it said with a face -. It seems to me well the plan that you have prepared. I suppose that it will be an opening with red carpet, limousines, journalists and formal dress.

- Dalo by insurance. Peter Owen will be in charge of all it. .

- the ambitious musician... - it commented with expression taciturn -. We will already see. I go away, nonna. It sends a fax to my office when there are fact all the pertinent adjustments and I will behave like a good boy.

Good bye.

Definitively, the face of Matt was not of a happy man. Nevertheless, she already had taken care of which Nicole and he they returned to see itself in the opening of Gina and, in addition, she had dropped the subject of Peter Owen. She would decide on the seats that one in the airplane would occupy each and in the theater, reason why Nicole and Matt would have to pass together some hours, whenever one of both did not appear with an excuse of last hour. Isabella smiled satisfied. There was nothing like the forced company stops to demolish the barriers.

Chapter 10

MATT arrived at the airport of Caims twenty minutes before the exit anticipated for the flight of Brisbane. Single it took one small suitcase that could put with himself in the airplane.

Tony was it in the entrance lobby and it gave his ticket to him, with the reserved seat.

- other already they are in the waiting room, you are prepared for reunirte with them?

- Sure I suppose that I will have to seat me to side of Nicole Redman - Matt of accidental form commented, trying to maintain security in itself.

- No, Nicole traveled this morning to Brisbane by that it wanted to investigate in the hemeroteca.

Matt felt a rage shock. She it excused with the work to avoid to be with him.

It could understand it the first time that was it fact, he had put in doubt its honesty, but later retracta_o was had and it had requested excuses by the offense, so that that second time superab _ the rules of the good education.

- What hopes to find there? - it asked, hardly able to maintain its annoyance under control.

- Good, already you know that to the husband of nonna and his brother traveled in the same boat that would transfer them of Brisbane until in front of World War II in Europe. Neither it returned with life. Nicole thought to look for references that helped it to write on context of that trip.

Of course, it sounded reasonable that she it had decided to use the airplane ticket to solve two subjects different at the same time. He was very amiable on the other hand to save money to nonna, even that was sure that her grandmother had not had inconvenient in paying two passages, with so seating to Nicole to its side. It deduced, therefore, that Nicole had arranged therefore the things to make clear that towards contingency not covered by law of his it excuses and that he did not interest to him.

- Bad luck, Matt, you will have conformarte with our company during the two next hours.

- there is no problem - he answered leaving his. small suitcase on the security tape and crossing the barrier without it sounded no pitido of alarm.

- It is necessary to grant to Nicole what is not letting nor a single stone remove, - That seems -

Matt without committing itself answered, raising Vista to locate to the rest of the fellow travellers,

- That way... - Tony indicated, before dedicating to him a smile -, Can that you are losing your attractiveness, Matt.

That precious woman seems to be interested more in its work, that in establishing a relation with you.

- Probably it is not his type - he answered, shrinking of shoulders.

- and she... it is not your type either?

- We let it be, Tony - Matt said, putting the ' eyes in target -. I already know that you happily are married, but I do not want that nobody is put to look for to me even.

Matteo decidedly was gotten upset, had passed almost all the night in candle, reading the book that Nicole had written on its father, to know it better and to be able to make the peace during the trip.

¡All that effort for anything! It saluted to his grandmother, to Rosita and Hannah, just when the loudspeakers announced the exit of the flight. There was no necessity to establish conversation, which came to him very well because it was not of humor to interchange amiable words. Once inside of the airplane, one seated single next to a window. The empty seat that was a sq side constantly remembered the deliberate absence to him of Nicole.

It supposed that she did not think to give truce him, possibly it would fix the things to seat so in the theater far from him as outside possible. And, without a doubt, it would go in the limousine next to its grandmother and Rosita, while it was united to Hannah, Tony and Alex. There was no problem, it convinced, no longer mattered to him what she could do.

Although it was dedicated to joke with Peter Owen during the celebration, it would maintain the calm. In addition, that would be dishonest by part of her, since it did not have any doubt that, Nicole felt sexually attracted by him, although it denied whichever times wanted. He knew it. It knew that she would have let herself kiss that morning on the terrace when it retired butterflies of ' its hair. For Matt, the fact that it did not have itself section of him meant that it had permission to approach of an intimate way. Or perhaps she thought who a man had to hope to receive verbal permission stops to come near? She thought who he had to ignore the corporal language that him she indicated that he was welcome and wished? Given the desire that existed between both, Matt thought that a horseman had behaved like everything, any other in his place, even that Peter Owen, would have taken advantage of the opportunity to initiate a sexual relation. And what had obtained in return? Lies and exageraciones. It had said that it was the guilty of which she could not concentrate herself in his work!

¡What idiotez!

It was convinced that it had been thinking about sex as much as he, although he had not done any hint that could feed its fantasies during the stroll by the park. To throw to him the fault to him of its lack of professionalism was a nonsense. By what eraCtan big head? Why it did not admit that it was the only person in charge of its own distraction during the visit to the Park Kauri King? Why it pawned on blaming it to him? It was possible that its mind rejected the desire that it felt by him, since it did not feel either too happy for wishing it,a she, but that did not change the things.

Matt boiled throughout of indignation it travels towards Brisbane and still it exploded of rage when they arrived at the hotel. His feelings got worse when it left his things on the enormous bed of his room. It remembered that it had left its clear emotions affluent in front of Nicole to to comment the good that could pass it together in the bed. It was certain that he it had mistaken to the judged one badly and to insinuate that it was deceiving its grandmother, but soon one had apologized to the intention to return to begin one relation, this time based on the mutual confidence. ¡But she not even admitted that its heart was united more to the one of him by the urgent bows of lujuria primitive! Matt took hold the telephone and requested the number of room of Nicole in reception. They were five and the average one, and to seven and quarter they had been left all in meeting in the lobby to go away towards the theater in limousine. That time Nicole was not going to save to it him, decided suddenly.

The normal thing was that it was in his room, the women always took an eternity in preparing itself for a great night. He was sure that Nicole would have finished its activities in the hemeroteca. Nor to speak to put itself in contact with her by telephone, was not going to leave it was pleasant to hang the telephone to him. They had to do itself expensive face. And, in that moment, no longer there was nothing her could reproach to him. Feeling very surely of itself, it left its room to go to the one of Nicole Redman.

Nicole was daJldo the luxury to submerge in a foam bath. It needed the sensual contact the bubbles stops to relax of the tensions of the day. It was completely going to be impossible to avoid to Matt King during - the night. It had to accept it, but she was determined to maintain Maxima distances possible among them.

Nevertheless, it could not obtain that its mind it let revolotear. in volume to that man, specially when it knew that no it would take in finding it it expensive to face. Without a doubt, he would be very elegant with formal dress, all the men were it. In addition, it was worried about the insano feminine instinct that had caused that bought a dress that it really did not need, since it had already taken one for the occasion. But, to first hour of afternoon, it had felt an irresistible impulse to go dressed of bold way so that it remained stupefied, and finally it was had bought a bold black dress in the most expensive store of Brisbane,Matt King was not going to give credit to its eyes!

But, what seted out in fact? To give him back or to attract it as much as it felt attracted by him? The best thing would be to leave it with the open mouth and to move away as as much outside possible so that it raged of desire and frustration ". if it is that still it was thinking about that it could enjoy taking it to the bed.

It was a question of simple justice, was said, it had to somehow give back the received insults to him... although it was conscious that it had apologized... too much late. A so delayed excuse it could not console it of the suffering of those days, with his corresponding ones perhaps nights, Nevertheless, the dress did not have to be put new, still was a time to give back it. The revenge was not one of its favorite pastimes, in addition, if it followed that game single would be able to continue thinking about him. It had call somebody to the door? Yes.

Nicole left its foam bath, thinking that it could be Hannah that went to chat awhile before they were had to begin to dress. Hannah very was excited with the opening of Gina, since it had heard sing in other occasions and she was sure that that night it would prevail.

Nicole was dried quickly and it was inserted in Albornoz before leaving running towards the door, that opened of blow. It remained paralyzed before the presence of Matt King, overwhelmed by conscious his hombría and of its nakedness under the Albornoz.

- We speak, in agreement? - he with tone said belligerent, entering without being invited and intimidating to Nicole. It was not prepared for similar incursion, not even she had been able to react closing to him the door in the noses. Very it was occupied putting a discreet distance between both to the time that made sure that the belt of the Albornoz well it was tied and it reunited forces to respond. .

- Of what you want that we speak? He watched his mouth. Nico1e did not take maquillaje and, it undresses under the Albornoz, it felt unusual mind defenseless, incapable to maintain its will signs that masculine one as opposed to passion torrent. The glance of him descended until hoyuelo of the throat. Soon it watched it from top to bottom, - without losing detail.

- Perhaps it is not indeed to speak what let us must do - he with abruptness, his hoarse voice by desire to communicate said with that woman of the possible most primitive form.

Corazó_de Nicole galopó of panic, his stomach was contracted and felt tremulous swelling of desire that they crossed to him thighs until locating itself in the center of its feminidad, - I do not know to what you talk about .:...aceftó to say, with the full mind of fear and desire.

- Clear that you know it - assured he with a slight one it touches mocking in the glance while one approached to take its chin between hands and to slide one of its fingers by its cheek -. You know me exactly what I refer, Nicole Redman. The only question is... you will be able to respond with sincerity?

He was going to kiss it, and she did not move, hypnotized by the firm determination that transmitted their eyes, fascinated by the smooth heat sign that the caress had left in its cheek. It left him Co locara its chin in the suitable angle, and when its mouth covered the one with she, all her body had herself to enjoy the sensations that first one kiss; Gentile kiss was not me, she did not hope that outside, not even it wished that outside. It was an anxious kiss that it tried to start by root as to quier reserve that it could feel, and thus was. Nicole felt an iron desire that imploraba satisfaction, without barriers. It passed an arm behind de"su back and attracted it with fury against its body, the hand that had caressed his cheek was introduced between its hair, and she enjoyed to feel had by that taken from manly vigor.

Suddenly, all its resentment disappeared, and one felt frees to touch it to his taste, to pass the hands by those forts shoulders until caressing the curls that finished in their nape of the neck, and feeling the calidez of its chest tightened against his. Each contact with him was intensely exciting, and the pulse of both grew rythmically in intensity, on a par that its fierce desire.

Nicole occurred cuentá of which Matt was undoing the knot of its Albornoz, with the intention to make it slip by its shoulders, while their eyes said in silence: "still you are on time to stop to me". But it pressed her lips with more force, while all its body vibrated of passion, requesting to shouts a greater privacy, without thinking about the possible ones consequences. While he it DES nudaba, she sent a glance to him that he wanted to say that they had arrived at a point without return, that would be given him with all the passion contained during both last months.

It had made a decision. He did not watch his nakedness, stayed quiet and their eyes followed fixed in those of her, still challenger, while she played with the bellboys of her shirt. Nicole occurred it tells that its pride had suffered during the last weeks, that were delivered an attack supreme to appear in front of her without knowing if it would be rejected, arranged to satisfy its desire, but not to let themselves accuse again of sexual aggression. Its necessity of intimate company acted like a afrodisíaco on her, waking up all the nervous completions of its skin.

Their hands moved to me laborious on the body of him, it was naked and, therefore, it was necessary to undress it to him, that him it would demonstrate that eI1a had decided to surrender finally to that sexual tension that one had taken place between both from the first day. It wished to be glad the eyes with the vision of the naked body of Matt King, it wished to touch it, to absorb his to be able, to give itself completely...

Its shirt already was open and it retired it of his shoulders and she dropped it on the ground while she caressed the smoothness of its magnificent torso, from the curls that were underneath their throat until their belly. The caress deel1a removed it from its inmovilidad and was he himself that undid the trousers and got rid of the rest of their clothes, undressing with a rapidity so, that she not- felt preparadá to admire the capital proportions of its body.

He was a big, big man in all senses, and Nicole shook when thinking how it would be to make the love with him. But already it was too much late to lie down back, in addition, he was not that what it wanted. .

The heart pumped in its ears and a ray of primitive passion crossed its body wildly and when it attracted it by waist, raised it in arms and it threw it on the bed. Matt was rushed under bre el1a with. the exact energy that she needed to feel, everything a dominant male with the eyes There are us of eutoria lujuriosa, satisfied with to have conquered object of his more intense desires.

Although, by!another side, Nicole knew that no it was truth. It was being given By own will; there was no surrender. Him it gave back its glance of lewd and triumphant ardor: they were on a par. There were no winners nor won. Each one looked for the own satisfaction. There were no games preliminaries, did not make lack, single the hug of two given bodies, final revelation of all the contained feelings.

All its nervous excitation was concentrated in hidden center of its feminidad, hoping that it penetrated it. It pushed smoothly to verify that he was going well to be received, and soon he introduced all his viril force inside her. Very instinctively, and responding to one vital necessity, Nicole surrounded its body with the legs and it attracted it against his with urgency. He left and returned to enter with all his force while she one bent reached one first big wave of pleasing. To feel had by him was a magnificent sensation, its own body had been acomo_ado perfectly to rate of him, re guarding exquisite sensations, each new push took a to it higher tops of joy.

In all its life it had never felt something similarity, not even knew that outside possible to enjoy so much. It had lost completely the control on itself. The fusion was so intense that no it was left in his mind site for nothing else. When it believed to have reached his climax, was "year by a sea of delicious sensations that they even took further on.in smooth swelling of pleasure that flooded their body finally in a quiet and eternal éxtasis.

It did not know how it had been able to retain its satisfaction, but when this arrived, was

extraordinarily beautiful, an authentic one liquid heat explosion within her who made it feel an intense love. One was embracing it with all its forces and receiving the same treatment in answer. When it put itself of side, he took it with her, both concentrated in not losing the intimate contact. Nothing mattered, the time did not mean anything..: until it sounded the telephone

Chapter 11

The telephone!

The reality shook it as a ray and got rid automatically of the hug of Matt King. It discovered, overwhelmed, that there was lost completely the notion of the time and watched the clock, were the six and average. Single they were left forty and five minutes to fix themselves, to get dressed and to meet with the rest of the group in the lobby of the hotel.

-¡It watches the hour! ¡We have we put in movement! - it shouted to him to Matt while it rolled by the bed to approach telephone.

-¡In march! - he said.

The fast answer of him helped Nicole a to concentrate itself in how solving the situation. First, it was necessary to take care of call, that probably would be of Mrs. King, the woman who had paid one hotel room that finished being used for something... that it was not in agenda of the day.

A lightening went to hear to Matt getting dressed behind she: it had happened directly to the action. Nicole put the feet on ground, took an ample whiff.of air, it offed-hook the telephone and it answered with tone of reasonable voice. She was Mrs. King, asking what figure had gone. Nicole spoke with satisfaction of its discoveries in the hemeroteca, assured that the room of the hotel was very có fashion and that had not forgotten appointment a the seven and quarter in the lobby. It had not heard to Matt leave, which it put a little nervous at the time of hanging the telephone. He would be dressed and she undresses. To what it hoped? It did not know that there was no possible excuse stops to arrive late at the lobby? The heart beat to him quickly. It would have felt he just like she? Suddenly, one felt very vulnerable, but it did effort to become and to watch it, had necessity to verify the altered thing that it was.

It was standing near the door, with watched he fixes on her, completely dressed and in an aspect totally respectable.

- you do not try librarte of me tonight, Nicole Redman - him espetó with a threatening glance that it suggested would be sorry no to do case to him -. You will be in the lobby of the seven hotel to and quarter.

We will begin that way.

It disappeared before Nicole could say nor word, overwhelmed by the force of its words.

Its mind interpreted immediately what he it had said: that that night tried it to get rid of him.

It would have thought that it had not attended a that lunch nor Had flown with him that late porqué was avoiding it? it had taken it like something personal? If thus it were, it was right, that was exactly what she had done. Peto that meant that there was been thinking about her as much as she in him, and who was not going to forget his recent encounter

immediately. "You will be there to seven and quarter", it had said to him. It was the order of a decided man to retain it with himself. Not it had hastiado of her, which was a luck. for Nicole, because either she she was hastiada of him, thought smiling.

It had to think about the black dress of tafetán.

And. .. yes, yes it would be to seven and quarter in the lobby, but not like a submissive woman, in fact already had taken previously the pertinent measures to leave it when buying esé stupefied dress.

It had to demonstrate to him that it was not a prey safe.

Matt went first in arriving at vestíbuló, eight minutes before the been suitable hour. It hoped to be able to speak with its grandmother before Nicole lowered to make sure that they would be together in limousine and in the theater. It did not matter to him absolutely that her grandmother suspected that there was something among them.

Nicole Redman had demonstrated to be one superb companion of bed, but the marriage followed outside its agenda.

Seven and the ten. Matt breathed with lightening when it saw Rosita, Alex and its grandmother to leave the elevator.

Like always, Alex was impressive. His grandmother wore a blue suit of silk, that resists ba with his delicately she cuts white melena and with his better jewels. Rosita wore a embroider dress of bordeaux color and it radiated satisfaction. All smiled to him. Matt forced one smile that did not feel, conscious that it would have to share the enthusiasm of his family before the imminent opening of Gina. But single it could think about Nicole. it directed directly to its grandmother.

. - How we are going to do it, nonna? You three you go in the first limousine, and other we followed to you in the other? .

- It can that Nicole prefers to come with us - she answered, after hefting the subject.

- it would not be well - he argued -. I believe that Alex must llevaros of the arm to you and to Rosita, and that would leave Nicole in solitaire. It is better than it goes with me in the second limousine.

- Matt is right, nonna - it supported it Moves away -. Peter has mentioned the press and will be piles of photographers.

- Then we will do it as Matt says - it accepted el1a gracefully, with a smile in the eyes.

Matt made all possible so that the its grandmother it did not notice anything rare and for that reason it did not insist on seating.

next to Nicole in the theater. Simply, it would take it stingy of the arm and it would not loosen it at any moment, unless it wished it. That was the problem, that was not safe of Nicole Redman, a to weigh of the privacy that had shared. Lujuria lived behind one door did not guarantee a positive answer in front of the others.

They had not spoken, had not arrived at any agreement that allowed him to feel comfortable.

It was possible that it had satisfied one simple sexual curiosity and did not wish nothing else to have to do with him. It felt how their fists were tightened and tried to relax. He was sure at least that she it would have to spend the next hours with him. Tony and Hannah left one of the elevators.

Hannah was fantastic with its green dress embroidering with spangles, and their long blond melena falling on shoulders. Still the pregnancy did not notice to him.

Matt returned to consult the clock. The seven and thirteen. If Nicole did not appear in two minutes, would raise its room and it would lower to the force. It was not going to leave the one was excused with resfriado nor a anything of the sort. If it thought that it was going to be able to use it in the bed, for soon to give the back him... Matt became infuriated with single thinking it, swearing that him it would put the things affluent clear.

It saw how her grandmother observed it and dealed with to adopt an air carefree, throwing a look to the lobby, maintaining supposedly the calm until the group was complete. A red sparkle and black him it called the attention. It watched upwards. And there, in álto of the stairs, it was she watching it fixedly. Its new mind voló'de towards that night in New Orleans. Red and black. And its shining nacarada skin. Fascinating. Impressive. Requesting to shouts to be observed, to be listened, to be understood.

- Nicole is in entreplanta - Matt heard that her grandmother said -. It must of have mistaken when tightening the button of the elevator.

No, Matt thought, was deliberate, she had decided to make an entrance triunfal.

The glance of Nicole followed caught of the one of Matt while it initiated the reduction. He remembered to have it call "fatal woman" and each step that it took was like a slap in its face. Its black dress was more sexy than had seen in all its life, the decollete in heart form left to see the beginning of its chests and finished in very small sleeves that they emphasized the whiteness of its arms. It did not go shameless, but provocative. . fabric adjusted perfectly to the curves of its body until the height of knees, behind a black gauze tail completed the dress and caressed slightly the steps while it lowered. The brightness of the weave added a drop of glamour to the set.

Matt was directed towards her. Nicole attracted it like a magnet and already it was too much late to stop, to deny the power that it had on him. He was better to behave with absolute normality, vertir themselves in its escort. It waited for the foot of the stairs; prepared to offer its arm to him in whichever it arrived.

Its hair shone like the fire; its lips they were painted of a Crimson color and the eyes had a challenging brightness.

Matt had to fight with the own instincts of a prehistoric man. Her family watched and damn the grace that him she caused that her grandmother thought that he burned in fervor by his prote'ge'e. There was lle gado the moment for behaving with courtesy, and the best thing would be than Nicole not it dared to snub it.

It offered the arm to him while it lowered last step, with the low eyes to avoid that it could watch explosive mixture of passion and frustration that felt. It was necessary to maintain with trol of the situation. It was hated not to have it and it hated that woman to have it to it snatched.

Its tension was alleviated when feeling that she it accepted his arm calmly, without the smaller restlessness symptom. - Thanks - it said with hoarse voice.

- It is a pleasure - it replaced, sending an acute one to him glance, surprised by its tone of doughy voice.

The glance of her fled from him, but Matt had a strange sensation of uncertainty. In her there was not no triumph either nor confidence. Revenge did not protest, in fact the arm that maintained was shaking. It covered its hand with hers, for calmed. Although to her it troubled its proximity to him, Matt did not think to loosen it and to stay as an idiot in front of its family.

- You are precious tonight - it said, determined a to maintain the calm facing the outside, while one approached with her the group relative.

- You are magnificent - she stammered, before to take a great whiff from air to try to tranquilize itself.

It would be had sorry of its sexual encounter?

It was worried so that it went to take itself too many liberties after the happened thing? Its dress was a swanking or simple elegance?

Alex already took to its grandmother and to Rosita towards the door. Tony and Hannah had remained behind, hoping. Matt it animated to leave in front of them, to be able to speak during in private with Nicole moments.

- We must speak - him espetó.

- I thought that already there were this whole to me which you meant to me - she with the red cheeks answered.

What happened? It was blaming it to do that she herself had wished to do?

- By no means - he in joke tone answered -. Single it is possible to be said that now we have a firm base on which to begin a to speak.

- I thought that everything had finished already between we.

- Trivialities. Right now we would be in, bed if it had not sounded the telephone.

It pressed the lips, without giving one answer.

Why one resisted and it made seem everything so difficult? Later ê what it had happened among them, the normal thing was that they spoke. It tried it again.

- Now we do not have time, but after spectacle... .

- There is a celebration and I think to attend - she said she, daring to direct a challenging glance to him -.

With you or without you. Beam which you want. I do not go a dejarte that you organize my life, Matt King.

- I was thinking about certain interests common - it with chirriante tone replaced.

- At sexual level? - What has of bad sex?

- Nothing, but for me is something more.

- You think that I do not know it

- you have not demonstrated it - she said, projecting the head towards ahead with pride.

- How you want that it demonstrates nothing if. you you dedicate to avoid to me as if outside the plague?

- Eras like the plague.

- Good, good, we are progressing. Thanks for to speak me in past that. The satisfaction of our mutual desire has given his fruits.

She raised the chin and Matt was asked how much it would take in leaving his challenging position if it deposited whichever kisses on its neck. It did not have desire to go to see West Side Story that night, not even knowing that it was going to sing Gina. A history with happy end it had desired to him much more.

In front of them, Alex entered already limousine, behind its grandmother and of Rosita. Tony and Hannah were waiting for a that the second limousine or the doors arrived from the hotel they maintained open stops that Nicole and it could happen.

At least, Nicole had not resisted a to accept it like escort. There was no physical rejection.

Perhaps it was missed than it had itself dismissed with sweet words when marching the room, but... given treatment that he.

it had received previously, what could to hope? He was safe of to have tolerated of reasonable way. Then, which was the problem?

- Good, I hope that benefits of the spectacle he with certain irony said.

- What you mean? - she, confused asked by its tone of voice.

- It is a history of love-impossible, that it finishes bad. That is to say, what your you seem to think of our own history.

- Beams conjectures too fast.

- I would like to make more conjectures with you.

- You could try to ask to me how I feel before estimating nothing.

-¡In agreement! After the spectacle...

- I go to the celebration.

- and I also - it replaced, without time stops to add nothing else.

The first limousine already had left, Hannah and Tony were rising second, and Nicole and it did not have more remedy that to follow them. Seconds later, all were comfortably seated. The driver closed the door before seating to the steering wheel.

Matt was before Tony and a almost arrived to hate it to verJo so happy, Maintaining the hand of Hannah. On the contrary, he pelirroja was next to one that it insisted on echarJe buckets above of boiling oil. But that night they would leave the things clear. If Nicole thought that it was going to be able to get rid of him during the celebration, very was mistaken. He she would make feel his presence and it accepts Aunt. There was no supposition erroneous that to do around its sexual attractive mutuum. It had been pure dynamite, and the wick followed ignited.

Chapter 12

THEY HAD a theater box in the theater. Nicole it was seated allied of Matt in the second row, behind Alex, Rosita and Mrs. King, but could at least tell on the company of Hannah the other side.

He was not solo with Matt, which supposed authentic lightening since one did not feel safe of being able to speak with him civilizadamente. It could not let think about which they had done in the bed and that made feel very conscious of its presence, to the Iado of her.

But it thought that there were other things very important in a pair relation, aside from

sex, like for example, the confidence, the love, the respect, the understanding... what passed that yet? The so arrogant era and it had as much confidence in being able to have her when it wanted... that she it preferred to stop it, although it could not avoid to shake when it remembered privacy just shared. . , What could do? "a history of loves impossible, that it finishes bad ", it remembered while it gave to beginning espectácnlo. Soon one was seduced jpor that history of Romeo and Julieta that summoned up life in the scene. The putting in scene was intensely emotional, With a tone of tragedy that went in crescendo.

Whenever Gina sang, it took place reverente silence in all the theater. The stirring power of its voice and empathy with the public turned a Protagonist exce!in "'. E! rest of the distribution was very good, also, but Oina emphasized on all of them I duraote deseao, or, its evident success lIeoó of joy and b;zo Sonrei'r to all the members of the family, even to Matt and Nicole.

The second part of biStoria was alÍu more exciting. With tears in the eyes, Nico1e bus Có its handbag By ground, but Mau offered on to him pañnelo inmacolado, and it accepted it, giving him thanks With a slight inclination of head. It even retained it between its hands that it had to return to used When aroaute of Maria, who finished of to receive a firing, sang during its Uh agony last request so that the world it was a happier place.

"In some place...»

Nicole delTamó tears in torrents and had that to blow one's nose desperately, fighting not to begin to sob. "Taking my hand...»

letter was, so exciting that, UANDO Matt took it from the hand and it gave a squeeze him of affection, she responded to him of identical way.

The drop curtain fell.

In the single theater sighs and weeping were heard. The applause took in arriving, but it went away More and more making sonorous, in successive swelling that grew in intensity. Gina received an unconditional ovación, splashed of several "brave ones". A girl did delivery to him of a branch of roses red and she directly watched Alex, that gave back a kiss to him with the hand. love that that pair was professed left in Nicole a slight sign of envies.

Why they could not... they... to enjoy something similar?

Matt watched with enigmatic expression and she sonrojó.

He understood what meant the word love? Or single it concerned sex to him? Or, worse still, with single her " it wanted sex? Nicole tightened the thighs, in quiet rejection to resemblance possibility. Still one struggled between the feelings that Matt caused to him, when he appeared Peter Owen in the scene, causing another big wave of applause. Nicole. it could not avoid to smile when seeing its expression of triumph.

Peter dedicated gratefulness words to the public, with its habitual tone of cordiality and guasa, that deserved renewed applause and left people still more contents of which already this. ba, if that were possible. "it has not surpassed the complex of Peter Bread", thought Nicole, remembering the good ones short whiles that had happened in their company during the childhood.

- a little while I will salute to Gina, I will not take - it said Alex. .

- Tómate your time, Alessandro. We do not have no haste - her grandmother said, before becoming towards Nioole with a smile accomplice -. A wonderful direction, right?

- Fantastic.

Matt interrogated them with the glance.

...!Nicole knew Peter when it finished of of butar like pianista, accompanying occasionally to some bands of jazz - him her grandmother explained.

- With your father?

- Sometimes - she said, been thankful to have subject of normal conversation -. Its work was sporadic, although I have to recognize that I threw it much of less when left Sidney to become pianista of transatlantic cruises.

- you do not mention it in your book - he commented arching an eyebrow.

Had read he the book? Its mind fought stops to assume that unexpected news and to cause that it fitted with the idea that was had formed of Matt King. Its heart was affected when thinking that so much had been interested by her like reading the biography of its father. The conclusion was very encouraging: that nonsingle man thought about sex. - it did not know that you had read Olliés Drum, Matteo - her grandmother, surprised said. Nicole watched it, processing still its own surprise.

It leaned on the endorsement of his seat and he raised the jaw with arrogance.

- Since you have contracted it so that it writes the history of our family, nonna, seemed interesting to know to me how there was written the hers own one - it answered, suppressing deliberately the existence of some personal interest. .

- and I suppose that you have been satisfied, no?

- Nicole, burning with rage took part to to verify to what extent its necessity to verify that had arrived it was not deceiving its grandmother.

- Of course - it granted -. The book was written very well and it did not lose interest at any moment.

Nicole raged of indignation, thinking that he it would have followed with curiosity the plot to investigate if it had had to sell its body or to lie to survive. That was what it had thought of her at first. _ ., but soon one had apologized in the room of billiards, had that to admit, it had even said that she counted her respect yet. Without embargo, that same afternoon had taken it to the bed almost by surprise, ' and no it had made it feel loved nor valued. Simply, it had been sent of head to sex, knowing that she would not request money to him in return. It hated it, but it had to maintain the appearances.

- Thanks - it said to him, forcing a smile dedicated to Mrs. King -. And returning to the spectacle, I believe that the putting in scene has been excellent, although Peter had not been able to do nothing without the voice of Gina.

- Of course - it corroborated quickly -, from the first day that heard it sing he pawned on mounting a musical comedy stops to demonstrate its talent.

- Because it has obtained it - Hannah intervened, allowing so Nicole could chat with her until Alex returned, which as soon as it took minutes.

- You must have seen the excited thing that they were all behind the scene, the triumph has been total - it said as soon as it arrived. That was the signal so that all began to leave their seats. Nicole had to return to take the arm from Matt to even lower the stairs you see tíbulo. They went behind the others and it wished to intensify the step stops to reach them, but Matt went more and more slowly, frustrating its desire of no to return to remain solo with him, of not returning to remember that there were been together, naked, giving loose rein to its desires.

- What age you had when you knew To put Owen?

- Ten years - she answered, been thankful of which she did not bring to light his recent privacy. .

- Eras a girl, then.

- He is possible that single outside a girl, but To always put fixed them to be awhile with me and to make me feel a taste in its company:

- Not even the small children can to resist to the enchantment of that man commented he with sarcasm.

- the enchantment does not abound and, in those times, it supposed a great aid pára me.

- Without a doubt. I suppose that he would not be nothing amused to be hoping to an alcoholic father in the door of clubs nocturnal, stops devolverIo safe and sound to house.

The disdain tone that he had used it forced to cautious the eyes.

- the pain Deserved that you dedicated yourself to him of that way. Nicole?

- you do not understand it...

- No, 19 I do not understand. He would have haberte been taking care of you, instead of you to him. What type of man puts in front. a battery and a bottle of whiskey to its own daughter? You were single nine years old when it died your mother...

- Era my father -- she, furious answered.

- Yes, and it must have tolerated like so

- it, equally furious responded -. You you imagine to Alex or Tony treating about that way to its children?

You you imagine them drowning its depression in one bottle of alcohol, prevailing to its children of the security that all boy it needs?

_ Is different worlds -- she answered defensive -. All the men are not equal.

- That is truth, but you no longer are a girl, you are a woman, and you would have called the things by its name. Of the biography he deduces that he was a charming man, when night watchman managed to stay, but enchantment is not it everything.

- you are returning to make suppositions on subjects that you do not know - increpó she.

Matt watched it with the shining eyes.

- Well, I know that Peter Owen has married and divorced twice, and I am sure that their women were enchanted with he in the beginning. Tenlo in account during the celebration.

She looked for the suitable words stops explicarIe the difficulties to take a dedicated life enthusiastically to create something... magician.

- It is difficult to coexist with a musician. If no you understand the important thing that it is for them. . .

- As important as so that your necessities they were forgotten by its delivery to the art?

- it responded, arching an eyebrow -. You have lived in that situation during long time; Nicole, was so rewarding?

It reached the conclusion from ' that finally Matt could be jealous of Peter Owen, specially when previously she it had left well clear that it thought to attend the celebration. Matt believed that it looked for one ventures with Peter? The arm that held it took suddenly possessive, as if it indicated that it was not going it to let escape.

They arrived at the lobby and they were united to the rest of f_miIia, that already waited for the arrival of the limousines.

- Now you are free - Matt in low voice continued, so that single she could listen to it -. You can make decisions on which you really wish and to put all your persistence in obtained. When I entered your room, leaves you chose, and you accept to me. What you suppose that it means that... as far as your necessities one talks about?

EIJa did not know it. It had been hours thinking about future of its relation, but everything was too confused, and it was not absolutely in its exact ones.

Before it could find an answer, the second limousine arrived and had to interrupt the conversation. Nicole it composed a neutral expression and it hoped to that they arrived at the hotel, where would be celebrated the celebration. Matt King was right in a thing, eIJa was free to decide on its future. And, since it had died if father, its future - it was in the work. It had made deliberately the decision to follow unmarried? There was something,en she who impelled it not to commit itself with no man? In the beginning s'e it had felt so empty that it could not contribute nothing to no relation.

Later... it had to recognize that later it had dedicated, only and exclusively, to be constructed unfuturo professional. and perhaps it had acquired the habit to live single, although in some occasions it was had found too isolated and it had left with several men. But always it had finished is satiated to play the role of comprehensive and given person. it had proposed to be she included/understood it and supported. But Matt King had demolished all the barriers and it had been able to modify his opinion on men. The men of the King family were different, decided.

They were strong and persuasivos men. Men given to the family. He was that what she needed?

The reason by which was that Matt King it had installed at heart of his soul? I know watched the arm that it had sharp. It would be arranged to maintain it during all the life or was single fleeting whim?

Chapter 13

NICKY! - Matt made hiss the teeth while.Peter Owen sent itself towards them, with the open arms -. ¡You are precious! - it howled with authentic admiration -. Who was going away to imagine that that chiquilla flacucha of red hair was going to bloom to become one authentic beauty? - it flattered it taking it by shoulders and planting a kiss to him in each cheek.

She rio. - and who was going to imagine that Peter Bread was going away to turn the triumphant director of an overproduction musical comedy? - Nicole joked.

Matt thought that the name of Peter Bread him it went as ring to the finger. That man was forty years old and had the aspect of an adolescent.

-¡What estréno! You are proud of me? - it asked primping the hair.

It returned he to laugh.

- Immensely. Tonight you seem Superrnan. - Thus it is as I feel. It could send to me from the attic of a skyscraper and to fly over the city.

- Good, you do not accelerate too much - it warned to him she -. It enjoys the moment.

- You have a gold heart, affection. Now I have that to go to me to greet another people, but I will come to pedirte a dance later.

"Over my corpse", Matt thought. - Cuídala, is a very special woman - Peter said to him to Matt.

- a great night, Peter - Matt a was forced to congratulate it.

He made a pause to indicate with a gesture a its great star protagonist.

- Gina has sung as an angel - it added with sincere fervor before moving away.

Matt felt a little uncomfortable and jealous. He knew that his Alex brother had gotten to become friend of that man, who he had even gotten to support to his hijita, but for that reason he did not let have a reputation of mujeriego hardened.

Matt became towards the woman who accompanies ba, encouraged so that it followed there, with him, instead of having itself lost between crowd that filled the nightclub. On the other hand, she was possible that she no it knew anybody, aside from Peter and of the King family. Its glance followed movements of Peter, wished to return to establish a relation with him? He knew how to make laugh it. Matt had not listened to its laughter until then. It was rare, because it used to share many laughter with the women with whom it left, why was everything so important with this? It was being obsessed with her, and single sex had been a first approach, wanted to know all the secrets of the heart of Nicole. - You like that they call Nicky to you?

- It is a name of the past - she answered shrinking of shoulders -, 1?ero does not displease to me. I believe that my present identity it has constructed on all, experiences of my past, just as yours, I suppose. Your life has articulated in volume to your familiar inheritance, you are not of agreement?

- No. I am as I am.

- a man of the King family. Like Alex and rony, to which you have mentioned like example of good parents for its children. I am sure that you look yourself like them in that.

Matt frunció the frown. Its pride prevented him to accept that it was looked like his brothers, although all were servant in same surroundings. There were common factors and such shared principles that them her grandmother had inculcado.

A waiter arrived with a drink tray and It offered itself to Nicol had a drink from champán and drank a drink as if she needed the aid the alcohol.

Matt had a drink as well, before waiter left. While it sucked a drink, it thought about the familiar inheritance of Nicole.

Her mother was Irish and she fell in love with Ollie Redman when it was of tour by Dublín, married with him and a came Australia. When it died, Nicole did not remain either without maternal family in Sidney and it had paternal family. Ollie Redman had lived in an orphanage from very small and never it had had a father to whom to be able to emulate. "the identity it constructs with the experiences of the past ", had said she.

- Why you accepted this 1rabajo? - it asked.

- For knowing how it was the life of a family different from mine.

The life of a family with deep roots, to that it belonged. He was that what it had taken it to pay attention to him? necessity to make contact with enemy with a member of a united family? Only that it was not married?

If he had not doubted his professionalism, the things would be different. But, in the end, it had accepted it in her bed and it wanted more. Single they had begun to explore itself mutually. Matt observed it at great length, the bush of red hair, the nacarada whiteness of its skin, small buttock that requested to shouts to be caressed. One felt excited. It wished to have that woman time and time again. It passed an indolent finger through the edge of the glass and he she had wished to take it to it of the hands, to force it to confess that she wished it and to leave the celebration to raise his room and. . .

- That that you said on the personal enchantment.. Neither my father nor Peter have had a family who endorsed them. The enchantment is a defense as opposed to the emotional emptiness, is a way to make contact with enemy with people and to make friends.

She made a pause and she watched it with eyes suplicantes.

- You do not have that necessity, Matt. You are so surely of same you because you have a family who supports to you.

It did not think to deny that it had had the luck to be born in a family like hers. But he was perfectly able of to imagine to itself fighting to be created a solo future, a future of which it could be proud.

- It can that you are right - it admitted --. Although, in the end, each one is responsible for the decisions that have taken in their own life.

and she had decided to share Her bed with he, thought. Nicole ruborizó and Matt had the impression that it had read to him thought.

- I believe that the decisions have much to do with the experience of the past - she argued. People make decisions because... - it had to interrupt when seeing the desire that was in its eyes.

- Siente-la necessity to do it, no? - it finished he watching it with intention.

- Yes - she with a sigh admitted.

- and when the necessity is mutual, everything is much more easy - it pressed he -. Why no?

Why not to prove to see what is derived from everything it?

It was quiet and in silence, COn watched caught of hers and the sonrosadas cheeks. Matt supposed that in his interior got rid a fight to accept or to reject its evident proposal. He appeared another waiter with a tray of aperitives. Matt had the empty drink from Nicole and put it in the tray, next to hers.

- They see with me -- it ordered taking it from the ' hand and dragging it towards the door.

It did not offer resistance yél felt encouraged, she did not think to stop. They had to happen in front of its grandmother and of Rosita, but did not worry reason why they could think. When they arrived at corridor, in direction towards the elevators, she threw of its hand.

- Where you take to me? - it sobbed out of breath.

- To where we pruned to be together and single - he answered taking hold it of the waist to have it close more.

- This is not well - she with a shout said drowned.

- Yes, yes it is well.

- I believe that...

- That is the problem, that you think too much

- he answered while the doors were opened of the elevator.

Matt put it inside and pressed the button of the floor where was its room.

- we cannot do it by halves. Or we do it or we do not do it - it said embracing it with its enormous body and putting the fingers in his splendid hair.

It kissed it feeling the infinite smoothness of his lips and it responded giving loose rein to him to their instincts. When. it opened,el elevator, he took hold it below the thighs and it raised it, narrowing it against its chest, where the heart pumped accelerated. They went way of the room when a hand struck its shoulder and she it began to fight by to loosen.

-¡Suéltame, déjame that marches to me! - it shouted Nicole with fury.

one stopped, watching it without including/understanding, but acceding to its request. It separated quickly and marched backwards, in direction of the elevator, watching it with protest expression.

-¡I am not going to allow to you that you return to do it! - To do... what? - he asked, completely. perplex before the course that was taken the situation to have to me when it comes to you in desire.

- Delay a little while. You...

-¡You do not approach!

It stopped, tightening the fists with desperation.

- you have allowed that brings to you up to here, Nicole, you even gave back the kiss to me in the elevator.

- Yes, but I have recovered the sanity and I do not want to follow with you, Matt King.

- Why no?

- Because I do not want that your attractive sexual one condition my life. I do not want to return to repeat the scene of this late.

- we passed It well together, was fantastic - he with vehemence argued.

- But that is everything what you wish of me, no? Pure sexual satisfaction.

- You also enjoyed it.

- Plaster is what you think that we must do.

To satisfy us in the bed mutually?

- To me it seems to me a good idea - he answered tightening the jaw.

- it does not fit with my personality.

- What you mean?

- I mean ". . ., that I prefer that you look for another person for llevártela to the bed. Desire not to have that type of relation with you.

It occurred the return and pushed the button of elevator. Matt had the terrible sensation of having digging do its own tomb in what to his relations ON Nicole one talked about. ¡But it did not understand anything, desire he had been mutual, ' what ' had of málo in continuing enjoying?

- Then, what is what you want?

- Return á the celebration - contest6 she with firm determination, without responding to its question.

It was pending of the arrival of elevator. -¡Nico1e! You cannot marcharte without responding to me.

Please, déjame peacefully _ said she with voice trembly.

Matt realized of which it was on the verge of to cry. What had done to him? Before it could think about how solving situation, the doors of the elevator were opened and it strained itself inside, with the semblante so pale that it seemed that was going to desmayar itself. The doors began to close themselves and Matt ran for sujetar1as.

-¡No, please, déjame that marches to me! - it shouted she with voice drowned, pushing it towards outside with the hands, the face place setting of tears.

- Single I want that you say to me what is what you want. I want to know what is,lo that this) ' not giving you - he with voice requested gorge, choked by the violence of its reaction -. I need an answer.

- What you need... - it could not follow and the body in self-defense was embraced.

Matt saw how it swallowed the tears convulsively and it wished to be able reconfortar1a, but its evident rejection did impossible. Suddenly, she raised the chin in a pride gesture.

- What I need is to feel loved - said with a low and hoarse tone -. I need to that it takes care of of me. My life is empty of love, empty...

É1lo understood, was the pure truth, treated of a woman without family, sentimental fastenings.

Reason why it had read in the biography of his father, Nicole always had played the role of daughter affectionate and ready a to satisfy desires with the others, without receiving nothing in return.

- and sex does not fill that emptiness - it concluded.

Matt felt like culprit, culprit of having itself let blind by desire and culprit ' to have put in doubt its honesty -. Please, you could let to me march already?

What another thing could do? One retired towards back and it left doors them were closed, conscious that nothing could change the opinion that it had formed on him. In addition, it knew that he is not taba prepared for ofrecedle what it wished: love... marriage... family. No it was in its agenda. But it hated so lazy... empty, it made him feel empty also to him.

Chapter 14

ISABELLA Valeri King sighed satisfied and it dedicated to an ample smile to his friend and informer.

-¡What so splendid night. Rosita! They were comfortably seated in armchairs that surrounded a table stretcher in one of the ends of the nightclub. There, too high music not oía and they could chat calmly. In front of them there was a candy plate.

- Everything has come out well - the master corroborated of keys:"'. But I believe that more you are satisfied by the absence with certain people who by the presence of the others - accomplice commented with a wink.

- Matteo has decided to take the initiative - it responded with a smile -. It has accompanied to Nicole during all the night and, reason why I could observe before they left the room, both sight ban a the eyes with passion.

- That relation pue.to obstruct the work of Nicole. When Matteo sets out something, he is very absorbent.

- It would prefer that our familiar history it included a marriage more. We can pospone the date of delivery.

- You are so safe that they fit the one well with the other?

- you did not realize of how they were watched while Nicole lowered the stairs of the hotel?

- It was spectacular. Any man it would have been with the open mouth.

- No. It was more than that. I am safe of it. .

. - We hope that you are right. It is too single, she must have a husband and children who filled their life of happiness.

Isabella agreed totally. And Nicole was the perfect woman for Matteo, had a great inner strength and much love that to offer, next to a deep sense of the fidelity and the family. She was a woman who always would be to the Iado of her husband, in spite of the worse ones disasters.

Its glance took a walk by the room and was locating, here and there, to its other two grandsons and their women.

They were two pairs that radiated love and confidence. Its heart felt flooded of happiness. If Matteo married with Nicole...

¡There she was she!

Isabella was gotten up in its seat, worried by the unexpected appearance.

Nicole was single. Where one had put Matteo? Nicole crossed the track of dance with the glance.

It would be looking for Matteo? It was not there. It seemed tense, her hands tightened with too much force the handbag that she maintained alt1,1ra of the waist. Isabella detected problems. What would have been able to happen so that Nicole was in agitation resemblance been? Where it was Matteo?

. - Rosita... - Isabella said, taking hold it of arm -, the things do not go well. Express. It pretends that you go to the ladies room and, when you happen to the Iado de Nicole, envíamela.

- it is not good for interfering - she protested.

- It sees. Quickly - Isabella was urgent, losing. patience.

Rosita rose and advanced slowly towards Nicole. Isabella composed a radiating smile of welcome, to the delay of which Nicole watched in its direction. Rosita made its part and, Isabella hers, Nicole it could not refuse to accept the invitation of his host, and one went towards she with step inse guro. While, Isabella was wondered how long they had last Nicole and Matteo were _ of the nightclub. Twenty minutes? Average hour? It was evident that some conflict were them separated. Of whom it was it blames? There would be some type of possible adjustment? After that night, it would be difficult to return to force another encounter among them, and if the barriers had returned to rise. ., he was so frustrating.

- Señorá King... - Nicole with tone saluted discouraged.

Isabella struck the armchair that was next to she with the palm of the hand, inviting it to take seat.

- Siéntate a ratito with me while Rosita it returns to do company to me.

It gave the return to the table and she seated without smaller intention to put itself to chat.

- It thought that Matteo had decided to take care of of you tonight - Isabella without roundups commented, showing an educated interest.

Nicole twisted the gesture, visibly affected.

- It was with me awhile - It answered with a tone of neutral voice, watching his around -. I do not know where it can be now.

- sight seemed to Me haberos to leave,la celebration together.

- Yes, but we separated. I went to the dressing table.

-¡Little galante what on the other hand not haberte hoped! I must speak with that boy.

Nicole sonrojó.

- It does not have why to dedicate itself to take care of of me, Mrs. King and, of course, I do not wish that she feels forced it, "Pride", thought Isabella.

- you do not like my smaller grandson?- it asked with gathered frown -. There is victim to you somehow?

Nicole showed agitation signs.

- No, by God, he is not that. He has been very amiable accompanying me until the theater and from return to the hotel.

Perhaps one has retired soon to rest, but I feel very well single.

- it would not have haberte left - it pressed.

- it did not do it. In fact... - it raised the eyes with a plea so that Mrs. King stopped of her interrogation it is it frees to do what wishes. Just as I.

"It frees.. .»

From the point of view of Isabella, young people granted too much importance to the freedom. There it was Matteo, dedicating itself to practice dangerous sports, without the fastening of a family own. And Nicole:.. what meant the freedom for her? Books and more books.

It would have liked to give them whips so that they recovered the sanity, but era-evident that something separated them, and Isabella it felt bothers.

- This I do not like anything. For a long time I suspect that some kind of problem between Matteo exists and you. You returned from Park Kauri, King with anguish expression and you have insisted on avoiding his company since then.. . .

Nicole bit the lips, but it did not answer.

- This situation must of being disagreeable stops you, employed your with the King family - it continued Isabella -. I thought that things would be solved tonight by single himself, but if it has not been thus, I am myself forced a.. .

- No, by.favor, Mrs. King. It has not happened nothing between us. We had a difference of opinions, that already we have solved. , it is not really necessary that you take part. I feel that there is been worried.

- Then, everything goes well now?

- Both we know on what we rely - it answered

she, after doubting during seconds -.

That facilitates everything.

- Had malentendido?

- Yes, but already we have clarified it. Everything goes well.

Really. - Nicole turned aside the glance of Isabella and studied the dance track -. ¡There he is Peter! - it shouted suddenly, before dedicating a suplicante glance to its host -. Please, discúlpeme, Mrs. King. I have promised one to him dances and this it can be a good moment.

From she soon-answered showing one benevolent smile.

- Thanks - Nicole, alleviated answered.

Isabella wagged the head while it saw how

Nicole approached Peter Owen. This it saw it immediately and, after plantade other two kisses in l_s cheeks, removed it to dance.

Isabella was disheartened by char it that, in the best one of the cases, it revealed that Matteo and Nicole had left the things in a neutral land and, in the worse one, than they were opposite poles. But it was safe that desire had arisen among them. Nicol _ would not be so nervous if not outside thus and Matteo... where it was Matteo? Why it gave him back to the desire that felt by Nicole?

Desperate by the situation, a look threw in order to see if Rosita returned already. Its heart jumped when seeing Matteo in the door, with the so tense face as if somebody had loosen a slap to him, and shining eyes that crossed the dance track until recognizing Nicole and Peter. It tightened the fists, but it did not make intention to approach her..

Rosita appeared behind - he and, when it watched a Isabella, this did an indication to him so that it sent it to saluted. Matteo no it was made request and it took to Rosita by the arm, behaving like a horseman, so and as his grandmother it had taught to him.

- Nonna, I suppose that you are passing it well.

You do not have desire of retirarte already?

- Absolutely. It is not easy to be able to enjoy one night as wonderful as this and, to my age, who it knows how many others nights therefore me depara. the future? It takes a chair and siéntate minutes with me, Matteo.

It would have liked to give them whips so that they recovered the sanity, but it was evident that something separated them, and Isabella it felt bothers.

- This I do not like anything. For a long time I suspect that some kind of problem between Matteo exists and you. You returned from Park Kauri, King with anguish expression and you have insisted on avoiding his company since then... .

Nicole bit the lips, but it did not answer. - This situation must of being disagreeable for you, employed your with King family - it continued Isabella -. I thought that the things would be solved by single himself tonight, but _ i has not been thus, I am forced a. . .

- No, please, Mrs. Kingi has not passed anything between us. We had a difference of opinions, that already we have solved. Of truth, is not necessary that you take part. I feel that been it has worried.

- Then, everything goes well now?

- Both we know on what we rely - she answered, after doubting during seconds -.

That facilitates everything.

- Had malentendido?

- Yes, but already we have clarified it. Everything goes well.

Really. - Nicole turned aside the glance of Isabella and studied the dance track -. ¡There he is Peter! - it shouted suddenly, before dedicating a suplicante glance to its host -; Please, discúlpeme, Mrs. King.I have promised one to him dances and this it can be a good moment.

_ From soon-answered she showing one benevolent smile.

- Thanks - Nicole, alleviated answered.

Isabella wagged the head while it saw how Nicole approached Peter Owen. This it immediately saw it and, after to plant other two kisses to him in mejilIas, removed it to dance.

Isabella was disheartened by char it that, in the best one of the cases, it revealed that Matteo and Nicole had left things in a neutral land and, in the worse one, than were opposite poles. But he is taba safe that desire had arisen among them. Nicol _ would not be so nervous if not outside thus and Matteo... where it was Matteo? Why it gave him back to the desire that felt by Nicole?

Desperate by the situation, a look threw in order to see if Rosita returned already. Its heart jumped when seeing Matteo in the door, with the so tense face as if somebody had loosen a slap to him, and shining eyes that crossed the dance track until recognizing Nicole and Peter. It tightened the fists, but it did not make intention to approach eIla.

Rosita appeared behind "him and, when it watched lsabeIla, this did an indication to him so that it sent it to saluted. Matteo was not made request and took to Rosita by the arm, behaving like cabaIlero, so and as its grandmother had taught to him.

- Nonna, I suppose that you are passing it well.

You do not have desire of retirarte already? _ In absolute. It is not easy to be able to enjoy one night as wonderful as this and, to my age, who knows how many other nights therefore me depara, the future? It takes one chair and siéntate minutes with me, Matteo.

It dropped itself in the chair with air resigned.

It directed, with effort, a smile to Rosita.

- What so tempting candy plate.

- It eats what you want, the cheese pie is very good.

- nonthanks, I am not hungry. But I am glad which you are enjoying the food.

- and you, Matteo... you have enjoyed tonight?

- Isabella took part. .

- the spectacle has been magnificent - it said shrinking of shoulders -. Without a doubt, it is one night that deserves to be celebrated.

- Perhaps you would like to dance a little. If it is thus, nondesire retenerte.

- the dance can hope - he answered with indifference.

- I see Nicole dancing with Peter-insisted his grandmother -. It must of be pleasant her to recover to old a well-known one.

- Without a doubt. When things have shared in the past, the relations are narrowed.

Where it was the problem? He had read Ollie s Drum. Perhaps it thought that its past prevented him to undertake a new life in Queensland?

It did not know that if the love were sufficiently hard, the place did not have importance? Her own mother had crossed average world to live next to its father in a foreign earth. Had Matteo some type of prejudices? .

- I do not believe that the memories of the past do very happy to Nicole. They were hard years for her.

In addition, I have heard it say much often that it likes Port Douglas, is possible that decides to change of life and to settle here definitively.

- With what aim? - Matt in mocking tone answered Must to return to Sidney as soon as finishes the contract.

Here there is nothing retains it.

- and what is what there is in Sidney? - contraatacó Isabella -. It does not have family nor own house. Nicole has thought about dedicating _ to write or, at least, tried. and it is possible to be written anywhere, Matteo. He frunció the frown.

_ the heat would kill it - it whispered -. I believe that, after six months, she will be fed up with this climate.

- Much people love the climate of the tropical.

It thinks about Hannah, that it comes from Sidney.

- Hannh does not have the red hair and the white skin - it replaced he, tense.

- and... what has that to do? - it asked IsabeHa watching it with astonishment.

- Nicole would burn, or undergo one insolation.

Obvious, this prepared does not stop.. .

- You know the family King de Kimberly, no? - it talked back, overwhelmed before resemblance comments not -. The woman of Tommy, Samantha, is pelirroja and has the very delicate skin, but it has been born in the tropical and all the life has lived there.

- She is customary from small. - and you you think that Nicole never would get to be accustomed? You have read the biography of his father, no?

- Yes, thus it is.

- and you have never thought that Nicole is one survivor cream? Given the difficulties that you are nest that to support from girl, can-not to avoid ad to watch its entereza and its capacity to adapt a any circumstance.. .

- In my opinion, Nicole has squandered his the first youth in taking care of a man who did not deserve it - interrupted he with resentment.

- Era its father - it took part, Isabella -. No would have supported you to your own father if she had needed it?

- Yes, it would have fought against the cyclone that finished with its life, but...

- the children do not think about the personal costs when one is the family. Nowadays it is had lost to a great extent feeling of familiar union, that I value over everything. It disappoints to me that you do not think just as I;

- Nonna, really I do not want to continue speaking of Nicole Redman - he with resigned fury said -.

I must return a flight very early tomorrow in the morning, so you fire you excuse to me.

Good night, nonna..., Rosita...

Matt left the nightclub with attitude tense and proud, without returning the glance towards the dance track, trying no to demonstrate no interest by Nicole Redman. But Isabella knew that all its game it consisted of inventing irrelevant excuses to move away his thought of Nicole, not to commit itself seriously in a relation with her. It meant the freedom as much for him?

- very it was gotten upset - Rosita intervened. - I lost the nerves - Isabella with a sigh assumed, returning the face fairy his friend -. But... you have listened to the trivialities that said?

- I believe that it is undergoing much, but does not want to recognize it - Rosita with a very Italian gesture answered -. It has always been thus. When one feels bad, usually it takes it to it to joke.

- Tonight - it has not joked.

- That means that it is undergoing too much.

- Both they suffer - Isabella said with preoccupation -. The question is... they will be able to surpass it? I cannot do nothing, Rosita, single Matteo can fix the things if that is what it really wishes.

Chapter 15

EMBARRASSED! i Gentleman, Gentleman, Gentleman! What could to do?

With temblorosas hands, Nicole gathered rest of the pregnancy test that had confirmed its worse suspicions, and it put in a plastic stock market that would throw in a dustbin moved away of the castle when it left to give a stroll. It could not leave it that way and that Rosita ló saw.

Still overwhelmed by the unexpected surprise, it was sent on the bed, sobbing. It was Sunday, nobody hoped that she that day worked, in fact, would not be no problem if it lowered desa_unar late, although one week ago it felt nauseas with single thinking about the food. And already it knew why. It was the punishment that deserved by to have let take by folly. Although it could not blame to Matt, since it was, at least, so person in charge like him. Rather, as irresponsible as he. ¡What imprudence so stupid! Single one had stopped to think about the possible danger to have maintained sexual relations with Matteo King when that night lay down in Brisbane, after retiring of the celebration, many hours after the boy it had been conceived, a baby!

The truth took in breaking through by his mind, As soon as it could believe it, Was pregnant and would have to begin to think in a new future for her and her son, one remembered the words that Matt in volume to the ' care of the children had pronounced, talking about to responsibility which they had the parents on his security, but... it wished she to have a bow of union with Matt King of by life? With a single man who it thought about sex? With a man who caused turbulent feelings to him whenever one approached her?

It made a pair of days, Matt had done one it visits the castle to take the tea with its grandmother appeared in the cenador from very the good humor.

- I have left a box of fruits in the kitchen - it said to its grandmother before dedicating a smile to Nicole -: I have brought mangostán for you, Nicole, was your favorite fruit, you remember it? .

- Yes, thanks - it had been able to answer she while it did all the possible one not to sonrojar itself remembering that morning.

Luckyly, Matt had dedicated a to chat with its grandmother, being left him time sufficient to be accustomed to his it is present at. Nevertheless, Nicole had not been able to avoid to think that the reference to that tasting of fruits that had shared single it could mean that still it was sexual mind interested in her.

It had maintained the glance low, letter to sound of its voice and to its sweeping presence, but without taking part in conversation. When he asked to him on how trábajo went his, it had to concentrate itself thorough to give sensible answers. It had been charming and no he had formulated no critic in mocking tone, - but its visit of half an hour he had left it empty. Although it was able to maintain the good forms, it did not wish her company. To fight against its attractive sexual one was too exhausting. .

And, of course, given the circumstances, no it thought to place to him in a situation it jeopardize, that single could saldarse-with a gentile supply of anticipated nor not wished marriage, for the simple reason of that it go to become father by accident. None. It would be totally humiliating, since he knew for sure that never. it had thought about the possibility of marrying with her. A marriage without love! What it could have of good? Nothing.

At least, in company of the baby one would feel much less single and lack of affection, although the perspective to work a future as unmarried mother worried to him. It would have to begin to formulate new plans of immediate.

Four hours later, Nicole felt much better. It lowered until the marine stroll and it threw the test of pregnancy in a container of sweepings. It was distracted observing the maneuvers of the boats in the port and it took a walk erratically by the swap-meet of the Anzac park, paying attention mainly to the ropita and the toys for babies. In the end, it bought a gift for the future son of Hannah and Tony, convinced that still he was too much soon to think in the necessities of its own son. He was better to hope to than it had finished to settle in, some place. In Port Douglas, no, of course. He would not be able to live near Matt King, although it appreciated enormously to the rest of family. In fact one was glad of which rony and Hannah went to have lunch to castle that day.

Normally, it enjoyed much its company. Nevertheless, when they were seated to the table, in the cenador, his happiness it made it feel sad. Thus it was as they would have to be the things: a man and one woman that falls in love y'se marries, and later they order a baby because both they wish. Hannah radiated good health and Nicole was asked if it would have felt nauseas in the beginning of their pregnancy, but did not dare to raise it.

- jMatt! The surprise of evident Tonyera. Nicole felt an upset in the stomach, while its glance rose towards the man who left the building with a service of places setting, a plate, glass and a napkin.

- Tony, knew that you would come and I have decided to unite me to the meeting - it announced just arrived -. Rosita has said to me that you were taking the lunch outside and I have come armed to give account of festín.

- a wonderful breeze Blows - Hannah explained -. For that reason we have decided to have lunch outside.

- Good idea - Matt approved -. If you separate poquito, Hannah, I will be able to seat together, to nonna - it requested directing a smile a his aquela -. I suppose that I am welcome.

- Always, Matteo.

- Hello, Nicole - it greeted it with education -.

How you are?

- Well, thanks - it replaced, in spite of the knot that she had in the stomach.

It had seated almost before she, that he meant that would have its face in front of the eyes throughout lunch, the face of the father of its son, the face of a man who did not know nothing on its future paternity.

Luckyly, Tony demanded the attention of their brother and was awhile chatting on the tourist businesses, that they had a vital importance for both. The rainy season was finishing, reason why from then the affluence of tourists it would be multiplied, attracted by the historical sun, places and the reef of chorale. Rosita it took a cart with an enormous source of trout to the furnace ripened with spices and several trays of diverse salads. It put the source of fish in front of Tony so that it made the honors and Nicole navigated when smelling the condimentos. It gave I suck to the juice of fruits to control.

- a very small piece for me, Tony, please - it requested when the turn arrived to him.

- you do not deprive yourself of anything by my unexpected one appearance - Matt said immediately -. I believe that there is fish very well.

- I am not too much hungry - it excused itself, wishing with all its soul that he let watch it. It was so diabolically lady's man, who its heart galopaba, fascinated.

- But if you have not had breakfast this morning... - Mrs. King, surprised by the lack of appetite of Nicole indicated.

- Good, I was in the swap-meet... - it improvised she. - and caíste famous victim of sándwiches of prawns - Matt contributed with sparkle amused in the eyes.

It agreed, incapable to speak. It returned a to try to seduce it with its attentions and their glances.

Luckyly, Hannah rescued it.

- Sight which has brought to me for the baby - it said removing of a stock market a very small muñequito of wood, whose elements were subjects by a rubber?stica, so that if a boy threw of them, they returned automatically to its place -. He is not precious? - Hannah shone of satisfaction and its brother-in-law did not defraud it.

-¡It is a wonder! I am already imagining to baby throwing of the pieces one by one - the tears showed to the eyes of Nicole when thinking about the manitas juguetonas of its own baby. A baby who he would need the affection a father who was not going to have -. jBuena idea, Nicole! - Matt with heat, leaving stunned it approved.

To what it had gone? What tried? It did not have to him left she sufficiently clear it that he is not taba arranged to have one a luck with him? It wished what they had Tony and Hannah, not a simple relation physics in the bed.

One used as each salad with the mind absent, to the delay of which the scent of spices dissipated.

Suddenly, one was before a full plate of that it could not give account, which made it feel worse.

It took the knife and the possesor, being convinced of that-it had to maintain the calm and to act

with total naturalness throughout lunch, without nobody realized torment that was suffering.

- You proved some of ice creams of fruits exotic in the swap-meet of Anzac? - Matt asked, forcing it to maintain of new a conversation with him.

- Not - Nicole answered, dedicating to him a glance brief and frost.

- Then you do not know what you have yourself lost - he continued gladly -. They are very flavorful and refrescantes.

The people who sell me "buy fruits to me. and they are frozen artists making.

Wishing that Matt forgot her, but. conscious that there was to maintain the forms in front of Mrs. King, Nicole raised the Vista of the plate and it smiled to him timidly. '

- I am sure that they are it. There was a tail interminable in front of the position -'dijo, pecking the salad, decided to no to let itself win, Matt calmly chatted with its grandmother, without to have noticed, apparently, the distant attitude of Nicole. It was as if it did not feel tension some, or as if it trusted that this would disappear by himself. single if he it maintained its amiable and prattling will.

But the attitude friendly.of Matt it did not have the effect waited for on Nicole, that one struggled to find the way to frustrate its foreseeable plans to see itself solo with her later of the lunch.

It had not warned of its visit and it was had presented/displayed to lunch time, moment that it used to share with family. It had not left escape him possible, and she was sure that it had done to intention. and the worse thing was that it could not clear it to it of head. His estomago returned to complain and drank another one I suck of, juice, desperate to control the swollen ones of nauseas that felt. The unexpected presence of MattKing, together with the tension created by its matinal discovery, was being to be one hard test. The sound of its voice, cheers and singsong, its confidence in itself, its strength... all it made it feel sad. It supported places setting in the plate, left the napkin allied and it rose of the chair.

- I request to You that you excuse to me, I believe that not me affluent encounter.

- She sees echarte awhile - Mrs. King said with worried expression -. I will go to vér what so you are later.

- Thanks.

- It can have been sándwich of prawns - Hannah took part -. The food that is bought in the street positions no it always is of FIAR.

- It is possible - Nicole whispered weakly.

Perhaps - it is an insolation - Matt said -. You have fever, Nicole?

- Single headache - she answered, wishing that they let it leave already without complicating the things.

- I will accompany to You until your room stops to assure to me that you arrive well - said Matt rising of the chair.

-¡No! - the return shouted Nicole occurring stops to front watch the man of whom it wanted to escape. But it, was standing occupying all its field of view. Something did not go well, the images moved and she one felt still more been annoying, was on the verge of losing the balance... It recovered sense in the arms of Matt, supported against its chest. ' It deposited it carefully on a chair and he forced it to place the head between legs while it happened, protective arm over its shoulders.

- deep Respirá - Matt advised.

It was had in a faint? One felt ashamed of to have atodos the present slopes of her. - I am well - it stammered, trying to get up itself, - you have êsmayado yourself, Nicole. Delay a little - Matt suggested, touching the forehead to him -. It does not have fever, perhaps tenth.

- She would have to call to a doctor - the lady said King with preoccupation.

-¡No! -- 'sollozó Nicole, alarmed by discovery that the doctor could put in knowledge of the King family -, Single I need to throw to me awhile, really.

- I will take It room to its, nonna, and me I will occupy of which it rests - Matteo said, - In agreement - her grandmother answered -. And I I will speak with Rosita, its remedies are miraculous.

- Please... - it guessed right to say Nicoleantes of to see itself again in arms of the man to whom it had rejected in Brisbane.

- I will be opening the doors to you - she was offered Tony, going ahead to them with agility.

To fight against all of them had been useless and Nicole felt too much. Weak it was let take until the interior of castle, hating the provocative proximity of Matt, its force, the sensation of to return to feel embriagada by its masculinidad. One refused to happen. arms in volume to its neck to facilitate the transport, with so of not increasing physical privacy that was forced to have due to the circumstances. Tony she left them in the lobby and Mrs. King went to the kitchen, leave do to single Nicole and Matt.

- Bájame, please, I can walk - suplicó she.

- it is not left much, I can fix them - it announced he with firmness.

It closed the "eyes and took a great one air whiff, which was an error because their senses were flooded of aroma of him.

- Why beams est07, asked. - You need aid.

- I do not want that you take to me in arms.

- you will not be thinking that I even think subirte the room for seducirte when it is obvious that you are bad. In addition, according to I create, sex no longer ' comprises of our lives, I am mistaken?

- I do not think, to change of opinion.

- it did not wait for it.

- Then, why you have come?

- You try to prohibit me that it visits the castle You know to which me.I refer.

- To that you had liked to know that went a to come with ' the sufficient advance like disappearing of my Vista?

It bit the lips, knowing that to accept that complication implied to assume that its presence still caused important effect on élla.

-, you left the things affluent, Nicole Me clear, no I think to transfer borders if I do not feel like guest.

Matt finished raising the stairs, with her a hills, without effort pretend and entered the corridor that lead to rooms of the guests.

- Which is your door?

- Please, bájame now - rogá --. I am well.

- Which is your door? - he insisted.

- I do not want that you enter my room. ¡It is private space that single belongs to me to me! - it screamed challenging.

It stopped. .Its chest expanded when taking an ample air whiff, and returned to sink do how exhaló. Very slowly, with much care, it left of foot on {{l ground, maintaining it until it assured that it could maintain the balance.

- Single it tried to take care of of you, Nico1e, no it thought incomodarte - it said, he with calm -. I feel that you have so bad opinion of mililiter The next time that we see ourselves... it tries - sentirte does not do violence to _ n my presence, in agreement?, there is no reason for it.

- In agreement. Thanks. I can go to me already? - it said with haste to escape of him.

- As you want...lmurmuró Matt, leaving to fall the arms with resignation.

It put in her room like one exhalation, conscious that it followed it with the glance. It felt a great lightening when closing the door. One leaned against her and it left tears ran them by its face, swallowing the sobs that fought to break through.

"Single it tried to take care of of you", remembered. And she needed that somebody took care of it. "I need to that it takes care of of me", she in front of the elevator of the hotel had said to him of, Brisbane. It would have changed of single attitude or it was pure gentility? ¡ And it had said that it did not want that its presence did violence to it! Which was impossible since it knew that she was pregnant. ., of a son his.

Gentleman, Gentleman, Gentleman... What could do?

Chapter 16

IISABELLA Valeri King decided that it was not moment for giving itself to sensiblerías. It was very just a short time stops to react. If it were mistaken, Matteo would say it. Nevertheless, if its suspicions they were confirmed, would be necessary to happen to the action before Nicole returned a Sidney. Once there, it could disappear for ' - always between the multitude of a great city. Isabella knew that Nicole would fulfill its commitment of to write the history of the family, but the investigation had finished and argument of which history could be written anywhere was irrefutable. Nicole Redman left and to Isabella it said the heart to him that it would never return to nOBer that Matteo.

it stopped, if it is that it was right stops to do it.

Yet that mess in the head, Isabella entered in the offices of the agency of buses King Tours with the intention of to celebrate one interviews face to face with its smaller grandson.

-¡Mrs. King! - the boy was astonished of reception.

- He is my grandson in its office? - it asked.

It would have to be, it was Friday in the morning,

- Yes.

- In agreement. It is not necessary that you announce to me.

Matteo raised the Vista of the documents that it was studying.

- Nonna, What you do here?

She did a pause, asking itself if no she would be committing an injustice with Matt. Soon one seated with calm.

- Happens something? - he asked suddenly worried, rising of the chair.

- Single I want to speak with you, Matteo.

- There is some problem? - he with the frown asked gathered. .

- Nicole leaves us. Tomorrow it will undertake a length trip by car until Sidney.

- You mean that there is broken the contract with you?

- No. The history of the family will write. But not in the castle.

- it has given some excuse You?

- It says that the heat is affecting it. and it is truth that has not felt well in the two last weeks.

- you I already said it...

- Trivialities, Matteo - it interrupted Isabella -.

It has spent three months already here, at the worse time of the year, without feeling it becomes ill at no moment.

Until it makes a pair of weeks.

- last Sunday...

. - Exactly. That day was worse.

- and since then?

- No longer it seems the same one.

- Perhaps the heat has been it affecting little to little, nonna.

- No. It does not have logic.

- Then, about what you are thinking? Why you come to speak with me?

- It can that is greater, but I am not blind, Matt has been something between you. She incomoda in your presence and to you no it is to you indifferent.

- you are throwing the fault to me of which there is decided to leave?

- Are you the culprit?

- It I have tried everything so that the things they improved between Nicole and I, but if it is not arranged to behave with naturalness...

Perhaps - it is impossible, Matteo - dijó Isabella with sadness -. Rosita says that she is pregnant.

- What? - he, stupefied asked.

Isabella made another pause, was not safe of that Matteo was the person in charge. Sitting in silence, observing a stayed its grandson.

Matteo shook the head, incredulous. It raised chin suddenly, as if the truth had struck it face in the heat of.

- How knows to it Rosita? Isabella shrank of shoulders.

-:Rosita has been mistaken never in these subjects. It says that the glance of an pregnant woman changes. Hannah said to me that it was in state a month before Antonio notified to us. and nonsingle it is what Rosita says, is necessary to think about the matutinal mareos of Nicole...

- one gets dizzy all the mornings?

- for more than one week.

- Before the last Sunday? - Yes.

Matt struck the table with the closed fists.

-¡She already knew it! - it was gotten infuriated taking a walk with agitation by the office -. Why me it did not say it? It had opportunity of to do it.

Isabella already had left doubts.

- Nicole must of have thought that there was one good reason so that you did not know it, Matteo.

- But... I spoke with her of the important thing that it was for me the paternity.

- Perhaps you would have interesarte by knowing which are their feelings.

-¡He is my son, nonna! - he protested -. It cannot to separate to me from its side.

- If you wish to comprise of the life of your son, more bond than you act with much tact, Matteo, with much tact... Nicole has all the rights on its son - it warned to him -. and if she march tomorrow, your son will leave with her. Now it is not left place for the annoyance. It is the moment to act tenderly, with amiability, understanding.

Isabella rose and it went towards: door.

Matteo did not move of the site. She watched it and she warned that its mind was in conflict and its body in tension, wishing to happen to the action.

Isabella wagged the head..., she already: it could not to make plant louse more. .

- To Nicole it hurts the heart to him, Matteo. Nor heat nor the pregnancy would have taken it to make the decision from we left if no it was thus. You would have to think on it. Make the decision that you take, you will load with her of by life. .

Isabella opened the door and it left it single.

Matteo the future had in its hands and she it wished that it chose the best option.

Chapter 17

NICOLE even doubted in the last moment. It maintained on closed, with direction and seal, next to the mouth of búzón, without daring absolutely to loosen it inside. But it was necessary to do it, was said. It would not be correct to refuse to that Matt King knew that was going to be father. When he it received, letter, she would be far, but when the baby was born, it was arranged to notify it to it. If it wished to make contact with enemy..., his son had right to know its father. That was most important. It could not ignore rights of its son. .Finally, it loosen on, that fell to the fondado one of mailbox.

Nicole ran until the car without returning Vista back. When one seated to the steering wheel felt that a great one had taken off weight of above.

They were almost five and the average one. It had bought a stock market, of caramels to fight nauseas during the trip to Sidney and also it had made storing of several mineral water bottles. Single it had left to spend one more night in the castle... It gave a return by the center of lá city as a goodbye. It would never return, but it was possible that, in. the future, his son traveled to visit his father, if Matt King wished it. New tears went to their eyes and she. it separated them while one went towards the castle, thinking about raising the tower to enjoy its last one sun putting in Port Doug1as.

Rosita was in the kitchen when Nico1e entered in order to put the water bottles in the refrigerator.

- I have prepared special my lasaña to have supper , it announced.

Nicole did not have too much appetite, but it smiled before which it was the last tribute that dedicated that affectionate woman to him.

- I am sure that it is going to you to enchant. In addition, I am going to you to prepare sandwiches for the trip - it added watching it with preoccupation -. There is some other thing that can do by you before you ayas?

- No, thanks, Rosita. I am enchanted of haberte well-known, you are an adorable woman. I am going to raise the tower to admire the last sun putting.

- Good idea, is a magnificent Vista from high of the tower. But they ten well-taken care of with the steps, very are worn away.

Nico1e had the strange impression that Rosita it knew his secret. Or, at least, it suspected it. The sadness was appropriated his heart while it raised the stairs of the tower. It would miss the attentions of Rosita. Like she was orphaned of mother from small, the maternales cares that it had received from her they seemed to him a treasure. , nevertheless nonsingle it would throw that of less, would miss many things more.

It had raised many afternoons that tower when giving by concluded the work day, to paracrelajar itself before during minutes to have supper. The Vista was fantastic: sky, sea and mountains that they changed of color as the sun was hidden.

It gave a return by the terrace finally and it stopped minutes in front of its favorite Vista: the beach. One felt flooded by a great sensation of calm as opposed to the natural beauty and it remembered that the ancestors, the King family also they would have enjoyed seen resemblances. Then, it thought, for the first time, that by the veins of its son also the blood ran of that family of pioneers.

It was possible that it never found a place own, but if Matt King wished it, his son would comprise of a family with deep roots, with the great history to its backs that it was on the verge of beginning to write. It trusted that Matt, if their feelings were certain on paternity, could imbuir in its son the sense of property to a great family.

Matt reached the terrace of the tower and took one great air whiff before arranging to do what there was to do. Nico1e was of backs to supported him on the most distant railing, with the glance putting on the preferred Vista of its grandmother. Its figure, thin discharge and, it trimmed against the orange sky. She was quiet, surrounded in a mantle of solitude that he would have to transfer. .

The west sun created reflections incandescent on its thick bush of hair, but the rest of its body it seemed fragile. The prisoner necessity was almost inaguantable, but it remembered to itself that Nico1e would reject it.

Single the truth could removed from that jam. Its initial rage when finding out the secret that it kept it had dissipated a long time ago. Its pride let have importance before imminent possibility of losing for always to that woman and the son who took inside. If Rosita had guessed right in its suspicions, would have to forget rage and the pride. It would have to confess to Nicole the truth and to convince it. It knew that it had an only opportunity. It could not fail. It returned to tomar' a great air whiff.

- Nicole.. .

The heart of Nicole began to bark with more force. It was its voice. The return, incredulous occurred, since I was it relegated to the past or the distant future. It had not anticipated that it could to appear suddenly, just before its game. And, nevertheless, it was there, directing towards her yet its manly vigor. Nicole sonrojó and tremor crossed the back to him.

- To what you have come? - him espetó, treating about to surpass its surprise.

It slowed down the step, with suplicante gesture and an expression in the eyes that patience requested.

- I feel haberte alarmed. I have come to visit a ' ' m! grandmother and she have said to me that you left tomorrow.

- Yes, indeed. It is not necessary that remain here to write history, already I have collected all the data that it needed - mumbled she.

- you march to You by my fault? - he asked, being placed to so single a meter of her and watching it with intensity.

- How you have been able to think resemblance thing?

- it responded, shaking before his proximity and its glance -. I have already explained your grandmother to him who...

- There are other types of heat, aside from c1imático.

And I am guilty of habedos shared with you.

It returned to take the things to the land of physical privacy and Nicole chose to fix the Vista to the distant sun putting, with the hope of which it did not realize effect that its words they had had mainly his nervous system. The mind was squeezed stops to find an answer evasive, but did not obtain it. What he had said it was completely certain and it had to accept that a stormy passion were them united from the first moment. .

- I have been mistaken with you in many occasions he continued -, and I deeply regret to have distrusted of you and of haberte bothered.

Would like to be able forgotten I everything and to begin of new.

Impossible, she thought, could not be forgotten happened as well as thus. The new life that took in its entrails forced a to stay signs in its position. The excuses did not serve as anything in those perhaps moments, although facilitated their relations in the future, if the father and the son decided to stay in contact.

- I am glad of which shelters feelings no longer negatives with respect to m(-said she, being forced to watch it again -. Let us leave it thus.

- I cannot - it replaced trying to sound convincing -. I do not want that you go away, Nicole.

It wagged the head when feeling the desire that they expressed its eyes while its stomach protested again when harassed seeing itself. A hand took to the belly, in a defensive gesture.

- you do not insist, please, already I have taken one decision.

- But you know as well as I who there are it past very well together...

«¡Sex ", thought Nico1e, backing down.

-¡Delay! I know that there are complicated the things, that I have behaved like an idiot, having treated to hide my true feelings. It did not want... to feel to me catched by a woman. I thought that my grandmother.. .

- What you were going to say on your grandmother?

- Nonna enjoys looking for even for his grandsons.

It looked for Gina for presentárse1a to A1ex and _ a Hannah so that it worked in the company of catamarans of Tony.I know that it wishes that we marry the three, that we have an own family. And I thought that tea had chosen you so that I pricked the hook.

- That is... a madness - she answered, incredulous. - Nolo is.

- and you do not think that I also have something to think on with whom I want to marry?

- Single treatment of exp1icarte said he with the frown gathered that did not want that my grandmother prevailed in her intention to marry to me with a woman chosen by her. And when I remembered that night in New Orleans...

- You were further on and you thought that it was not woman adapted for you under any concept - it accused she with determination.

- Yes - he with fury admitted -. And I took hold a any excuse possible not to change of opinion.

It desperately needed to frustrate plans of nonna, but I can assure to you that it did not have anything to do, with attraction that I felt already by you ten years ago.

- you talk about New Orleans? - it asked she, confused.

- I was united to that single group of tourists stops to be able admirarte to my wide. If it had had time to make contact with enemy with you personally. .., but my visit arrived at its aim and I said that to think in you a fantasy was single.

- In any case, I would not have had time for you - it informed to him.

- In that occasion no, but now, Nico1e? We have all along of the world.

Nico1e shook of pain. It already was too much late to give loose rein to a sexual attraction to even see where it lead. It knew that the pregnancy was the oldest trap of the world. And she it could not ' tell the truth him because he finished saying that he hated to feel catched.

It watched it afflicted and made loose hope before possibility that it offered, based on _ l desire of olvi to give the past and to begin again. A man and a woman, free to begin an extraordinary one he travels, in mutual agreement... but the circumstances did not allow it. .

The silence of Nicole forced Matt to follow speaking.

- When I read the biography of your father, I occurred it counts that the idiot had done, doubting your professional integrity. No it had intention of herirte, I feel it... much, Nicole, really.

The passion that was in its words affected the heart of Nicole, although avoided to watch it to the eyes.

The deceit sensation was amazing, but there was no possible adjustment. It could not confess the truth to him and put it in brete to have to marry with her by simple chivalry. tIabía that to put aim to that encounter.

- I pardon You by the damage that you have done to me - it said with tenuous voice and the fixed Vista in the strips of orange color that they dyed sky -. And I do not want that you follow preocupándote by me.

- That night in Brisbane...

It tightened value muscles, arming itself in order to confront that memory without leaving him she ruined his plans.

- you wished Me, Nicole - he continued with smoothness.

- Yes, it is certain. Neither it had she blames, was something that we did of common agreement - she with the Maxima answered coldness that could.

- You are able to forget it?

He tried to erase the sadness tracks and to make it remember the warm love that had shared.

Nicole closed the eyes, with the firm one determination of not letting itself surround by its enchantment.

- I no, will not be able to forget it jama's"-said he conconvicción -. He was as if we had been born, one for the other, one perfect pair. You were able to make me feel things that ' never had felt before.

Nicole squeaked the teeth. Again sex, a wild and satisfactory sex, recognized, but single sex.

- It was as if together we could arrive at sites to that it would be impossible to make it single, he was something that surpassed the mere pleasure physicist. And for that reason... it was so special that... I wanted to repeat it as soon as possible... without taking the time sufficient to think me...

-¡In agreement! - Nicole shouted -. I either it was prepared to feel what I felt, simply happened - him escupió she, raised by the necessity to finish that conversation -. Thus it is life, you did not want to fall in trap d _ your grandmother and I... I did not want to have an adventure with you.

- I am not thinking either about having one adventure - contraatacó Matt.

- Then, what is what you want? - it screamed she with the fists tightened in wild protest -. What

it is what happens? Why you do not love that me march?

- jPorque I love to you! - it replaced vehemently, leaving it overwhelmed with the force of the feeling that had been hidden to bottom of the turbulent relations that had maintained.

They were watched, subjugated by an authentic one emotion torrent. It spoke first, with the ferocidad of a soldier arranged to present/display battle.

- I need time for explicarte what I feel by you. I know that until I have not done it now, but I will do it.

I promise it!

- Me... masters? - she without being able asked to be believed what finished hearing.

He volume a great air whiff, but his eyes followed fixed in those of her.

- I love to You - it stated -. You are in more deep of my soul, day and night. If you leave your resistance, I go to demostrarte that I am able to take care of of you, who concerns your happiness to me, that I will always serve to you as support that you need it, in the health and the disease. I want to be to your side and to share, my life with you for always. .

She watched it, dumb of astonishment, feeling how all its life finished giving an upset.

- As soon as you know -"se me complained, as if the words arose from an abyss of doubts.

Nicole, I have read parts of your book, one and again - he said, approaching, with smoothness, and taking his face with great tenderness, trying to eliminate the distrusts of her with Caricia-Amo that girl who it had the anger sufficient to separate to his father from the precipice by which it was on the verge of falling. Master to the young person whom he tried that their last days were happiest. Your personality shines throughout all history... it reveals the mysteries of your heart. The heart of a woman who deserves all my love - it added inclining to kiss it before it had time of to react.

It was a cautious, seductive and sensual kiss that it forced, to accept, leaving all its body shook of pleasing, to time that it verified if their words were sincere, before occurring by won.

- I love to You - Matt murmured, smiling, while it introduced his fingers between the hair of Nicole -. Master everything los' that you are, everything what you represent. Master to the proud woman of itself, the strong woman who he knows to make his own decisions.

Yes, Ñicole was proud of itself, nor at least it was shamed of to have forgotten to take precautions not to remain embarrassed. "Perhaps I forgot the precautions because something within me said to me that it was next to the suitable man ", thought. As if he had read his thoughts, their following words melted all the barriers that Nicole one had prevailed to reject that man.

-:I am excited with single mirarte. It is OMO if all my instincts were agreed to say to me:

"Únete.. to her, she is your woman."Whenever you I see I feel something similar, and is a so powerful feeling that I cannot to control it. It does not matter to me. No longer. It is there... and I believe that you feel the same by me, Nicóle - it said with a glance gives warning that did not admit refusals -. You had not allowed that happened what it happened in Brisbane if not outside thus - it pressed it -. You would have thrown to me of the room without contemplations. We did what both we wished to do thus and we had continued if your you did not have offered resistance.

It was truth what he said? If it had itself shown amiable and charming from a principle... she, probably, it would have enamored right away: It was truth that had enjoyed him in Brisbane, but... they could return to repeated? In addition, it was left the question of the pregnancy...

- Everything what I request to you is that you do not leave already - requested he of all heart -. Déjame that demonstrates to you.. .

-¡I am pregnant! - him espetó before to separate the Vista of him, fixing it to, an indefinite point, afraid of his reaction. Single it was left a slight solar brilliance behind mountains, it was doing at night. And on the following day

You I have written a letter - it added shaking, I have commanded to your direction of the agency of buses.

In her it said to you that I remained pregnant that late in Brisbáne - it explained as quickly as possible, with the hope of which he it included/understood the dilemma that similar unexpected created with respect to its relations future -. It would have returned to escribirte when the baby was born, in case you wished comportarte like a father for him. As you said that. . .

Silence... A so tense silence, that she .it thought that it could not hold it. No longer one was which it remained in castle until finishing the contract to see what so was developed relation among them, was which there was a new life in way that it would unite until the end of its lives, although they lived separated.

Chapter 18

So it is certain. You are pregnant.

Their words surprised Nicole had hoped that it remained stupefied, but had not been thus.

- it could not think to me that you went to marcharte without to say nothing to me - he with pain continued -. Without giving me to an opportunity...

- you knew It? - she asked, overwhelmed, watching it to the eyes.

- Rosita suspected it and my grandmother decided that she would be better to inform to me.

-You knew it before raising here and saying to me that you loved to me? - she asked, raised before which that could mean.

- you would have been able of move out... leaving a letter me?

- it did not want that you felt like person in charge...

- Letter! - it roared, interrupting it -; a letter that would leave me impotent, síñ to know how where to be able encontrarte, worried about how the pregnancy was developed, while you took care of all single one, closing the access door to me to you and our son. That was the plan?

- Yes - she with firmness answered -. It did not want that you felt catched and the pregnancy is the oldest trap of the world.

- you did not think to give an opportunity me. You had decided to give the hell to me of not knowing where encontraros. You tried to prohibit me that helped you during the pregnancy and that attended the childbirth of ours hijo' or daughter - it said raising the hands With rage. You would have been able to do a thing thus?

- You speak in possessive tone - she said challenging -. Is the possession which matters to you, not the love: You did not love that me it was because I have something you wish to have you.

- Dejarte to march? Nor crazy! - it said with fury -. I am going to let say neither one more single trivialities to you, Nicole Redman. We go to we married immediately, so quickly that to my grandmother it is not going to give time to him to make the preparations.

- you cannot force to me to marry to me with you - she said separating of him.

- Dame a good reason not to accept to me - it defied, surely of his intentions.

- Nobody must marry because of a son, no it would work - it answered she with vehemence.

- But the marriage by love if it will work. - You said that you did not want sentirte catched. - But now I have been on the awares.

One approached Nicole again and it took a step backwards, but it did not stop.

-No me siento atrapado. Sé lo que quiero, quiero estar junto a mi mujer y a mi hijo. I want to have a house where we pruned to live together to glide and to enjoy our future.

Their words influenced in Nicole like one storm, that takes all the barriers ahead, and after the one ' that later the calm arrives.

- If to me it had not been embarrassed... -insisted.

- you would have remained in the castle the time sufficient like so that I could demostrarte that we belong the one to another one.

- How I can be safe of it?

- Listening to your heart-said he, taking clearly the control from the situation. I am sure that you do not want to happen by all this single one. You wish to be with me. I am the man who is going to take care of of you until the end of the times. ET man whom it loves to you.

-Love. .. - it stammered, leaving hipnótico sound of that word was strained within its soul.

She did not move and he approached more. Nicole vibrated before the masculine presence of that enormous diabolically handsome man, firmly decided to save any obstacle with so obtaining what it seted out. And the truth was that it loved it. From his point of view, he was the king of the men.

It held it by shoulders, firmly decided to win that war.

- that destructive resistance Forgets, Nicole. Prudent Re _ what we felt when we were to together, when we created that baby... yours and mine... to together. We were happy jAdmítelo! The intense passion that projected all its masculinidad opened passage until the last cell of Nicole... The happiness had been real. And, in addition, he was not he promising everything what she needed to have? It admitted it finally. It wished to be the woman of Matt King, to comprise of that extraordinary family, to leave his son grew in those territories full of meaning.

- Give us an opportunity, Nicole, please, give us an opportunity. .


Dear Elizabeth,

I write this letter to you with great joy. Nicole it gave to light a precious boy yesterday, who will take the name of Stephen, like my father, at the request of she herself. Nicole has a great sense of the familiar tradition, which fills to me of joy because I know that she will occupy my place when I have myself gone, so that the family follows united and is happy. For her, the roots relatives are loaded of meaning.

Every day I leaf through the familiar history that she has written to us and she consoles to see the love to me that distilled all their pages, even in the form to place the photographies. I hope that it continues its work according to they are spending the years and that the photography includes that I enclose to you with this letter.

Fíjate in the pride and the love that radiate the eyes of Matteo when it watches at his woman and the boy new born, and fíjate how Nicole corresponds to him such with feelings. Whenever I see it, I cry of emotion. It seems that the union of that pair has been dictated by God, although single He knows the difficult thing that he was that they accepted the one to the other.

But, in the end, everything has left wonder. It already dresses the day of its wedding; the passion that reflected their eyes. I know that they will be faithfuls the one to the other during the rest of its lives. .

I already can rest calm. Alessandro, Antonio and Matteo are married with mujéres strong and charming. And I already have four biznietos, two children and two children. Antonio and Hannah adore to their hijita and, without a doubt, Stephen and she will become company during all the life, to the being of same age.

There is nothing in the world like the family, for me it is the axis around as the world moves: the past, the present and future. I know that you think the same, for that reason enjoy so much to escribirte and to to receive your letters and, by nth time, I want agradecerte all your wise people advice. Every night, when laying down, I think to me about the two branches of the family, yours in Kimberly and mine, here, in Port Douglas, and I am sure that they go a to prosper during generations. I am going away to sleep with a smile in the lips that, without a doubt, you will share when you receive these letters.

With Affection,

IsabellaValeri King


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