Skills Test 1A

Skills 1A

Lessons 1-10


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Read about Rob and answer the questions.

My name's Rob Carter. I live in Bristol, in the west of England. I'm 14 and I go to Backwell School. It's a good school and I've got a lot of friends there. There's a new sports centre near my school and I play basketball there three times a week. I love playing basketball. It's great.

I've got a sister and a brother. My brother's name is Jason. He's 17. He's got a lot of brilliant computer games. He's cool. My sister Sophie is 15. She's OK but she doesn't like sport. She's only interested in clothes and music.

In our family my dad usually cooks. He's mad about cooking. He makes us lots of healthy food-fruit and vegetables and things like that. He's cooking supper now. We're having a barbecue. Mum isn't helping him. She doesn't like cooking!

1 Answer the questions.

0 Does Rob like his school? Yes, he does._____

1 Is he interested in sport? _______________

2 Do the Carters eat healthy food? _______________


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2 Right (), wrong () or doesn't say (DS)?

0 Rob's brother goes to Backwell School. DS__

1 Rob likes playing football. _____

2 His brother likes playing computer games. _____

3 His sister doesn't like playing basketball. _____

4 His mum is cooking a barbecue. _____


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3 Answer the questions. Write sentences.

0 How old is Rob?

He's 14.____________

1 Where is Bristol?


2 How many sisters has Rob got?


3 Which sport does he like playing?


4 What's Rob's dad cooking this evening?



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4 Read the description of Rob again and write a short description of his cousin Kate. Use this information.

0 13

Kate is 13._________________________________________

1 live / Manchester / north of England


2 go / Sale Comprehensive School


3 play / volleyball / every Saturday


4 love / play / volleyball


5 no sisters / one brother


6 she / interested / motor racing


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Track 2

5 Circle the correct answer, a), b) or c).

1 Where are Sophie and George?

a) In Sophie's bedroom. b) In the kitchen. c) In the garden.

2 What does Sophie want to do?

a) Watch TV. b) Play a computer game. c) Make a cake.

3 What is George doing?

a) He's helping her. b) He's playing a computer game. c) He's talking on his mobile.


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6 Complete the sentences.

1 Sophie's got a good __________

2 The fruit is in the __________

3 They put the sugar and __________ in the blender.

4 Then they put in the __________ and flour.


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7 Read, listen again and write complete answers.

0 What does George do at first? He panics._

1 Where are the eggs? __________

2 How many eggs have they got? __________

3 What fruit have they got? __________

4 How long do they whizz the sugar and butter? __________

5 Does George want a taste? __________


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8 Circle the correct response.

Joe: Excuse me.0 (Whose is it? / Is this you? / Is this yours?)

Amy: 1(No, it isn't mine. / No, it doesn't./ No, it's not me.) Is it yours, Zoe?

Zoe: 2(Yes, I am. / Yes, I do / Yes, it's mine.) Thanks very much.

Joe: 3(I'm all right. / No problem. / I'm fine.)


/ 3

9 Complete the conversation. Put the missing replies in the correct places. There are two extra replies.

No, I don't. / Yes, I'm fine. / This is disgusting! / Cool! I do too. / Sorry. / That's all right. / Thanks very much.

Anna: Hey. Watch out!

Peter: (0) Sorry._____

Anna: (1) __________

Peter: Are you OK?

Anna: (2) __________

Peter: Do you live round here?

Anna: (3) __________ I live in Richmond.

Peter: (4) __________


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10 Complete the dialogue.

Rob: Where do you live?

You: (0) I live in___________________

Rob: Where's that?

You: (1) _________________________

Rob: How big is it?

You: (2) _________________________

Rob: How many shops has it got?

You: (3) _________________________

Rob: What do you like doing in your free time?

You: (4) _________________________

Rob: What do you hate doing?

You: (5) _________________________


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