jez ang A1 60

7.1 Testy 2007/2008 z języka angielskiego

Egzamin z języka angielskiego na poziomie A1

EXAMINATION IN ENGLISH NAME................................................

Level:A1(60h) Student's Book Number:……………

Book:Lifelines elementary Department:........................................


  1. Czasowniki w nawiasie podaj w odpowiedniej formie (10p.)

  1. Her uncle_____________(walk) to work when it's sunny.

  2. We ___________(be) in a restaurant yesterday. Let's eat at home today.

  3. She __________(can) play the saxophone.

  4. His parents___________(come) from France.

  5. I_____________(have) many historical books.

  6. Her brother_____________(be) in London in 2001.

  7. There_____________(be) many pictures in their house.

  8. They like_____________(eat) Italian food.

  9. I_________________(always/have) dinner with my family.

  10. Our house_____________(be) next to the church.


II. Uzupełnij pytania w odpowiednim czasie (16p.)

  1. A: How old…………...............................

B: His car is two years old..

  1. A: How often…………………..................

B: I swim every morning.

  1. A: Where……………................................

B: We are here.

  1. A: How many………………....................

B: I have one child.

  1. A: What language.......................................

B:We can speak Italian.

  1. A: How many……………………….........

B: There is only one chair in my room.

  1. A: What………………………..................

B: My mother likes reading books.

  1. A: How much..………………...................

B: It's $ 10.


    1. Wykonaj podane instrukcje po angielsku (10p.)

  1. Jak zapytasz rozmówcę o cenę samochodu?


  1. Powiedz rozmówcy, żeby usiadł.


  1. Zamów w kawiarni szklankę wody.


  1. Jesteś w sklepie. Zapytaj czy są cytryny.


  1. Powiedz, że mieszkasz na trzecim piętrze.



    1. Odpowiedz na każde z pytań w 5 zdaniach (10p.)

  1. What can you do very well?








  1. What do you like doing on Sunday?

…………………………................................................................................................. ……………………………………………..................................................................... ………………………………….....................................................................................

………………………..................................................................................................... ……………………………….........................................................................................




    1. Podaj wyrazy o przeciwnym znaczeniu (10p.)

  1. young.................................

  2. expensive...........................

  3. bad….................................

  4. interesting..........................

  5. thick...................................

  6. fat.......................................

  7. big…..................................

  8. new......................................

  9. fair.....................................

  10. short...................................


    1. Ułóż słowa we właściwej kolejności. Pierwsze słowo jest podkreślone (5p.)

  1. go / shopping / on / I / Saturdays / never


  1. aunt's / Christmas / at / were / last / aunt / We / my


  1. friends / basketball / every / He / with / plays / his / Monday


  1. holidays / Italy / spending / They / in / love / their


  1. good / every / film / I / one / watch / very / month



    1. Popraw błędy. W każdym zdaniu jest jeden błąd (10p.)

  1. She haven't got a car…………………….…..….............................…………….

  2. How many are these postcards?............................................................................

  3. Was you at the theatre yesterday?.........................................................................

  4. She has 20 years old…………………………...………………………………..

  5. We can to play tennis…………………………..................................………….

  6. They eat never vegetables…….………………..........………………………….

  7. She name is Jane...................................................................................................

  8. My mother's mother is my cousin.….…………………………………………..

  9. He is dentist.…………………………….…………................…………………

  10. He not live in London .....................…....………..............………………………


    1. Wpisz poniższe słówka obok odpowiednich definicji (10p.)

October sink milk violin car cinema picture supermarket quarter bed

  1. cats like drinking it…………………………….…………………………….

  2. you go there to watch films…………………….……....................................

  3. you sleep in it…………………………………..............................................

  4. you go there to buy food……………………….…………………………….

  5. a musical instrument……………………….....................................................

  6. you drive it…………………………...............................................................

  7. you have it on a wall…………………………………………………………

  8. fifteen minutes………………………….........................................................

  9. after September…………………………........................................................

10. you wash dirty dishes there ……….................................................................


    1. Uzupełnij zdania jednym wyrazem (9p.)

  1. He lives on the first...................................

  2. The child is 10 years........................

  3. The train is.....................7:30.

  4. There is an armchair..........................a desk and a bookcase.

  5. She has.............................milk in the fridge.

  6. How often.........................he go to the swimming pool?

  7. We like...............................the drums.

  8. I........................sing but I can't dance.

  9. He.............................up at 7 but gets up at 7:20.


X. Read the text and answer the questions: T(true) or F(false) (10p.)

People - the great communicators

We can communicate with other people in many different ways. We can talk and write, and we can send messages with our hands and faces. There is also a phone (including the mobile!), the fax, and e-mail. Television, film, painting, and photography can also communicate ideas.

Animals have ways of exchanging information, too. Bees dance and tell other bees where to find food. Elephants make sounds that humans can't hear. Whales sing songs. Monkeys use their faces to show anger and love. But this is nothing compared to what people can do. We have language - about 6000 languages, in fact. We can write poetry, tell jokes, make promises, explain, persuade, tell the truth, or tell lies. And we have a sense of past and future, not just present.

Communication technologies were very important in the development of all the great ancient societies. Nowadays, radio, film, and television have a huge influence on society. We also have the Internet, which is infinite. We can give and get so much information that it is difficult to know what is important and what isn't.

1.We can send messages with our hands. ………

2. Bees can't communicate with other bees. .……...

3. Monkeys can show anger. ………

4. There are 600 languages. ..……..

5. We have only a sense of past and present. ……....

6. There is some information about whales in the text. ……....

7. Communication technologies have an influence on our present society. ……....

8. Not only people can write poetry. ………

9. People can hear all sounds that elephants make. ……...

10. Painting is the way of communicating ideas. ............


Punktacja: 93-100 bdb 85-92 +db 77-84 db 69-76 +dst 60-68 dst

Klucz A1


  1. walks

  2. were

  3. can

  4. come

  5. have

  6. was

  7. are

  8. eating

  9. always Has

  10. is



  1. old

  2. cheap

  3. good

  4. boring

  5. thin

  6. slim

  7. small

  8. old

  9. dark

  10. long


  1. I neper go shopping on Saturdays.

  2. We were at my aunt's last Christmas.

  3. He plays basketball with his friends every Monday.

  4. They love spending their holidays in Italy.

  5. I watch one very good film every month.


  1. Hasn't got

  2. much

  3. were

  4. is

  5. can play

  6. never eat

  7. her

  8. grandmother

  9. a

  10. doesn't live


  1. milk

  2. cinema

  3. bed

  4. supermarket

  5. violin

  6. car

  7. picture

  8. quarter

  9. October

  10. sink


  1. floor 8.can X

  2. old 9.wakes 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.T 7.T 8.F 9.F 10.T

  3. at

  4. between

  5. some

  6. does

  7. playing



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