1. List 5 examples of questions that focus on look & say approach:

(teacher can use pictures and written form of words)

-who can find a name of animal?

-who can find a word of color?

-can you find your favorite food?

-can you find a name of bird that cannot fly?

-can you find a name of fruit?

  1. List 5 examples of questions that focus on phonic approach to reading:

- can you find a word beginning with “p” sound?

  1. List 5 features of good instructions:

- simple (simple vocabulary)

- short

- eye contact

- using gestures and demonstrations

- checking understanding (quick, trick questions)

  1. List 5 features teacher can do to help pupils understand listened material:

- revise vocabulary and introduce key vocabulary

  1. List 4 different types of interaction:

-lock step

-pair work (opened, closed, mingling)

-group work

-individual work

  1. List 4 different rhymes:

-Itsy- Bitsy Spider

-Humpty- Dumpty

-Jack and Jill

-Clap your hands

  1. Pair work vs. mingling pairs?

-When it comes to pair work we can talk about 3 different types of it: open pairs, closed pairs and mingling pairs.

-Mingling pairs- are pairs that constantly change.

8. Open vs. closed pairs:

-open pair: there is one pair (in front of the class) that is doing something (e.g. reading text aloud), while the class is listening, watching it.

-closed pair: two persons working together.

  1. List features of caretaker talk:

-lots of repetition

-keeping pupils attention- asking questions etc.

-positive reaction, encouraging, when kid is trying to say something.

-talking what somebody is doing

-nice tone of voice

-improving, exposing

  1. List 6 different speaking activities (not communicate) :

  1. List lesson stages for teaching receptive skills (listening and reading comprehension):


- revision

- introduction of the topic

- arousing schemata

- revising/ pre teaching key vocabulary



- listening for specific information


-activities, games, exercises

  1. List lesson stages for introduction practicing vocabulary or grammar structure:





  1. Display vs. referential questions:

-display questions: questions that check children's knowledge; there is only one answer. / We use it in school.

-referential questions: There's lots of answers. E.g. Do you like the song? / We use it in real life.

Teacher should use them both.

  1. List 6 while reading tasks. Which of them focus on skimming/ scanning?

- read and answer the questions

- true/ false statement

- yes/ no questions

- multiple choice questions

- fill in the gaps

- finish sentences, e.g. She was born in…

  1. List 5 pre- reading activities:

-writing in the air/ on somebody's back, palm

-writing on sand


-creating words/ letters with body

-copying (mechanical writing), the last activity when it comes to teaching how to write.

  1. Features of communicative speaking activity:

In this kind of activities:

-there is an information or an opinion gap.

-children have to exchange the information.

-children must be old enough to cooperate.

-children are working in pairs or in mingling pairs (pairs that constantly change).

  1. Skimming vs. scanning (reading strategies):

  1. List 6 listen and do activities:

19.Controlled vs. free stage (practice vs. production)

20. Steps to present vocabulary:

- Elicitation and providing the spoken form of a word.

- Checking understanding by asking trick questions.

- Giving pupils a chance to practice the spoken form of word.

- Providing the written form of a word. (For older children)

- Checking understanding.

21. What is parallel writing?

It is writing based on a model.

22. List communicate speaking activity:

- completing a questionnaire

- farm (two different pictures of a farm)

23. List advantages of using stories:

- stories are motivating and fun, they can create a desire to continue learning.

- stories exercise the imagination.

- stories are a useful tool in linking fantasy and the imagination with the child's real world.

- listening to stories in class is a shared social experience.

- listening to stories allows teachers to introduce or revise new vocabulary and sentence structures by exposing the children to language.

- listening to stories develops the child's listening and concentrating skills.

- children enjoy listening to stories over and over again. This frequent repetitions helps children to remember every detail. They can learn to anticipate what is about to happen next in the story. Following meaning and predicting language are important skills in language learning.

24. Story telling techniques:

­- create the right atmosphere

- take care about seats- they must be comfortable.

- read slowly

- use pictures and discuss them

- change difficult words into easier (simplify language)

- make comments

- gestures, miming

- use repetitions

- take care about tone, intonation of voice

25. Criteria for story selection:

- vocabulary, structure level

- pronunciation

- subject matter

- visuals

- encourage participation

- motivating

- arouse curiosity

- create positive attitudes

- language

26. Features of authentic stories:

- difficult vocabulary and grammar

- long sentences

- lack of pictures (not many pictures)

- lack of repetitions

27. List advantages of using games with young learners:

- add variety

- children have fun

- they are motivated

- hidden practice of specific language

- give confidence to shy pupils

- pupil- pupil communication is improved

28. List 4 differences between a child and an adult language learners:

- child: concrete thinking, adult: abstract thinking

- child: mechanical memory, adult: logical memory

- child: need for play, adult: concentration

- children do things when they feel they are ready, adults have strong motivation to learn.


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