czarno biale i sweter

DROPS Jacket in ”Alpaca” and ”Glitter” with 2-colour pattern in raglan. Size S to XXXL. Long socks in ”Fabel” with the same pattern.

" - The winter's most beautiful fairytale!"

We knitted the jacket in black glitter and black alpaca. The picture doesn't reflect the effect very well, but it gives a really nice shine.

Size: S - M - L - XL - XXL - XXXL
300-350-400-400-450-500 g colour no 8903, black.
50-50-50-50-100-100 g colour no 0100, off-white
2 spools for all sizes colour no 09, black.

DROPS DOUBLE POINTED NEEDLES and CIRCULAR NEEDLE (80 cm) size 3 mm - or size needed to get 24 sts x 32 rows in stocking st = 10 x 10 cm.
DROPS DOUBLE POINTED NEEDLES and CIRCULAR NEEDLE (80 cm) size 2.5 mm - for rib.
DROPS Shell buttons w/hole, no 525: 10 pcs.

Size: 35/37 - 38/40 - 41/43
Foot length: 22 - 24 - 27 cm
Leg length: 42 - 44 - 46 cm
Materials: DROPS FABEL
150 g for all sizes colour no 400, black
50 g for all sizes colour no 100, off-white

DROPS DOUBLE POINTED NEEDLES size 2.5 mm - or size needed to get 26 sts x 34 rows in stocking st = 10 x 10 cm.


See diagram M.1 - diagram is seen from RS and shows 1 pattern repeat.
GARTER ST (back and forth on needle): K all rows.

BODY PIECE: Worked back and forth on circular needle from mid front.
Cast on 314-354-394-434-474-514 sts on circular needle size 2.5 mm with 1 thread black Alpaca + 1 thread Glitter. Work rib as follows (first row = RS): 1 edge st in GARTER ST - see above, * K2 / P3 *, repeat from *-* until 3 sts remain, K2, 1 edge st in GARTER ST. Continue like this until piece measures 2 cm, now dec all P3 to P2 (as seen from RS) = 252-284-316-348-380-412 sts. Continue in rib, K2 / P2, with 1 edge st in garter st each side. When piece measures 12 cm dec all P2 to P1 (as seen from RS) = 190-214-238-262-286-310 sts. Change to circular needle size 3 mm and continue in stocking st. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION!
When piece measures 40-41-42-43-44-45 cm work next row as follows from RS: 41-47-54-59-65-71 sts (= front piece), cast off 12 sts for armhole, 84-96-106-120-132-144 sts (= back piece), cast off 12 sts for armhole, 41-47-54-59-65-71 sts (= front piece) = 166-190-214-238-262-286 sts left on needle.
Put piece aside and knit the sleeves.

SLEEVE: Worked in the round on double pointed needles.
Cast on 80-80-80-88-88-88 sts on double pointed needles size 2.5 mm with 1 thread black Alpaca + 1 thread Glitter. Work rib, K2 / P2. When piece measures 10 cm dec all P2 to P1 = 60-60-60-66-66-66 sts. Insert a marker at beg of round. Change to double pointed needles size 3 mm and continue in stocking st. When piece measures 11-11-11-14-14-14 cm inc 1 st each side of marker mid under sleeve, repeat the inc on every 4.5-3.5-2.5-2.5-2-2 cm a total of 8-11-14-13-15-17 times = 76-82-88-92-96-100 sts. When piece measures 48 cm cast off 12 sts mid under sleeve = 64-70-76-80-84-88 sts left on needle. Put piece aside and knit the other sleeve.

YOKE: Slip sleeves on the same circular needle size 3 mm as body piece where cast off for armhole = 294-330-366-398-430-462 sts. Work 3-5-9-13-15-17 rows stocking st with black Alpaca + Glitter, AT THE SAME TIME on first row dec 5-8-11-10-9-8 sts evenly = 289-322-355-388-421-454 sts. Now continue in M.1 (first row = RS) with 1 edge st in garter st each side, work the last but 1 st on row like first st in M.1, but without the dec, to make the pattern identical on both front pieces. When all dec are complete there are 107-119-131-143-155-167 sts on needle and piece measures approx 58-60-62-64-66-68 cm. Work 1 row with off-white (from WS), AT THE SAME TIME dec 15-19-23-27-31-35 sts evenly = 92-100-108-116-124-132 sts. Now work shortened rows mid back with off-white as follows: Work 56-60-64-68-72-76 sts, turn, work 20 sts, turn, work 30 sts, turn, work 40 sts. Continue like this with 10 more sts before each turn until you have worked shortened rows on a total of 60-80-80-100-120 sts, turn and work return row and work 1 row on all sts. Slip sts on a stitch holder.

LEFT FRONT BAND: Pick up approx 180 to 212 sts (divisible by 4) inside 1 edge st along left front piece with 1 thread black Alpaca + 1 thread Glitter. Work rib as follows (first row = WS): 1 edge st in garter st, * P2 / K2 *, repeat from *-* and finish with P2 and 1 edge st in garter st. Continue with K over K and P over P until rib measures 3 cm, cast off loosely.

RIGHT FRONT BAND: Like left front band, but after 1 cm make 9 buttonholes evenly distributed (make buttonholes in P-sections as seen from RS). 1 BUTTONHOLE = P2 tog and make 1 YO - place the bottom buttonhole in the 2nd P-section and the top one approx 6 cm from neckline (the last buttonhole is made on the neck).

NECK: Worked with 1 thread black Alpaca + 1 thread Glitter on circular needle size 2.5 mm as follows: Pick up 8 sts on right front band (inside 1 edge st), work the 92-100-108-116-124-132 sts from stitch holder back on needle and pick up 8 sts on left front band = 108-116-124-132-140-148 sts. P 1 row from WS, AT THE SAME TIME inc 20 sts evenly = 128-136-144-152-160-168 sts. Continue in rib as follows (from RS): 1 edge st in garter st, * K2 / P2 *, repeat from *-* and finish with K2 and 1 edge st in garter st. Continue with K over K and P over P. When neck measures 1 cm make 1 buttonhole in line with the others on front band. When neck measures 3 cm cast off with K over K and P over P.

ASSEMBLY: Sew on buttons.
Sew openings under sleeves.

See diagram M.2 - diagram shows 1 pattern repeat. We knitted the socks without Glitter.
Dec as follows before marker: K2 tog.
Dec as follows after marker: K2 tog into back of loop.
Row 1 (= RS): Work row until 8-9-9 sts remain, K2 tog into back of loop, turn piece.
Row 2 (= WS): Work row until 8-9-9 sts remain, P2 tog, turn piece.
Row 3 (= RS): Work row until 7-8-8 sts remain, K2 tog into back of loop, turn piece.
Row 4 (= WS): Work row until 7-8-8 sts remain, P2 tog, turn piece.
Continue dec like this with 1 less st before each dec until there are 14-14-16 sts on needle.

SOCKS: Worked in the round on double pointed needles.
Cast on 108-108-116 sts on double pointed needles size 2.5 mm with off-white. Work rib, K2 / P2 for 8 cm.
K 1 round, AT THE SAME TIME dec 20 sts evenly = 88-88-96 sts. Continue in M.2.
After M.2 piece measures approx 21 cm.
Insert a marker at beg of round. Continue in black stocking st, AT THE SAME TIME dec 1 st each side of marker - SEE DECREASING TIP, and repeat the dec on every 4-5-5 round a total of 16-14-16 times = 56-60-64 sts. When piece measures 42-44-46 cm keep the first 28-30-32 sts on needle for heel and slip the remaining 28-30-32 sts on a stitch holder (= mid upper foot).
Continue in stocking st back and forth on heel-sts for 5-5.5-6 cm - insert a marker. Now work HEEL DECREASES - see above.
After heel dec pick up 13-14-16 sts each side of heel and slip the 28-30-32 sts from stitch holder back on needle = 68-72-80 sts. Insert a marker each side of the 28-30-32 sts on upper foot. Continue in stocking st in the round, AT THE SAME TIME dec each side as follows: K tog into back of loop the last 2 sts BEFORE first marker on upper foot, and K tog the first 2 sts AFTER the second marker on upper foot. Repeat the dec on every other round a total of 8-8-10 times = 52-56-60 sts. Continue until piece measures 18-19-22 cm from marker on heel (= approx 4-5-5 cm remain). Insert a marker each side with 26-28-30 sts on upper foot and 26-28-30 sts under foot. Continue in stocking st AT THE SAME TIME dec for toes each side of both markers as follows: Before marker: K2 tog. After marker: K2 tog into back of loop.
Repeat the dec on every other round a total of 4-5-5 times and then on every round 7-7-8 times = 8 sts left on needle. Cut the thread, pull it through remaining sts, tighten and fasten.

Explanation to pattern diagram

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stocking st off-white

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stocking st black (+ glitter)

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K2 tog


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DROPS number 116-1

For pattern help, please contact the store where you bought the yarn. Having bought DROPS yarn, you are guaranteed to receive qualified help from a store specializing in the DROPS patterns.
All patterns are carefully reviewed, but we must make reservation for possible mistakes. All patterns are translated from Norwegian and you can always check the original pattern for measurements and calculations.

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