goscie zza granicy na lotnisku

To: CO, Colonel Smith

From: xyz

Subject: Difficulties at the airport

Date: 1st February, 2012


The aim of the report is to describe the difficulties at the airport, a group of foreign VIPs faced.


The main problem was airport personnel`s little command of English which made impossible to communicate. Moreover, some luggage was lost due to the fact that it did not have the proper labeling. Apart from this, there was not enough cars to collect the foreign guest from the airport. Furthermore, the hotel was not booked on the grounds that, nobody was appointed for this task. Finally, the interpreter did not came on time.


To sum up, the event shows that the stuff is not well trained to welcome foreign guests so I recommend additional language training. In addition, a person responsible for special guest service should be appointed. All things considered , the control of preparing the personnel ought to be performed.


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